how to get thought that mileage increase

Post on 10-Apr-2017






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How to get thought that mileage increase?

For most of the latter part of last year while I was travelling I maintained 80-90kms a week. I

found that my body got used to this and I can now do that without thinking. Since being back

in Australia with a renewed focus, my coach Sean Williams and myself have been increase

this, with the aim for a 15min 5km and 32min 10km. For the past 6 weeks the average has been

110kms per week. I can’t say it was easy making the mileage increase. These are some of the

things I have had to think about and focus on.

Soft surfaces – I have found to reduce muscle soreness I run about 50% of my weekly kms on

dirt, gravel or grass. Keeping in your mind the hardest surface is concrete; I avoid it at almost

all costs.

Shoes – Have multiple pairs to rotate them. Two trainers one for AM the other for PM runs, a

light weight pair for speed and then a race pair or two. This helps extend the life of my shoes

and lets them recovery between runs. We all know how hard it is to resist buying a great new

running shoe. A mileage increase is a perfect excuse.

Rest – This has been my biggest challenge. What I have had to do is start sleeping twice a day.

I usually sleep 7-8 hours at night then after AM training have breakfast and a shower then

straight back to bed for a 2-3 hours while its cool.

Recovery – After runs I have employed taking a recovery drink with electrolytes, magnesium,

protein and sugars. This has left my legs feeling lighter and energized ready for the next

session. Combine this with eating asap after a session and keeping hydrated will make the

mileage increase that bit easier.

Eating – What I find works best for me is a big lunch of rice or pasta. Although its sometimes

a little difficult on the PM sessions though they are usually only recovery runs. This allows

enough time for the body to process the energy ready to the next AM session which is usually a

harder session and allows me to sleep well, not on a so full stomach.

Easy/ Recovery Runs – These are ok to be slow; I have slowed these down by 30′s a km.

Averaging 5mins a km. These are to get the legs ready for the next hard session, keep it easy.

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