how to attract high-quality passive candidates with linkedin and employment branding

Post on 18-Oct-2014



Recruiting & HR



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This presentation shows how your company can attract the best applicants to your open positions. It is through the eyes of a job seeker who is not currently looking for a job, but would be open to the right opportunity. 60% of today's workforce is just like him! This slideshow contains examples of both good and bad Employment Branding, so you can implement the same successful strategies more easily. Many of the images in the slideshow are linked to their real versions. On the other side, it also shows job seekers the types of things they should look into when evaluating potential employers. ********** If you'd like to learn more, check out our webinar, Drab to Fab: How to Create a Smokin' Hot Employment Brand at the link below.


DRAB TO FAB:How High-Quality Passive

Candidates View Your Company Using LinkedIn

Job seekers use LinkedIn more now than ever before. This story shows how a company with an optimized LinkedIn

approach can win the interest of the best professionals who aren’t currently looking for a new job.

Passive candidates are often the best fits for available jobs...

This is Paul.

He’s fairly happy with his job right now, but if the right opportunity came up, he’d consider taking it.

He has a solid LinkedIn profile and uses the site every once in a while to stay in touch with people in his network.

You’re looking for the best candidates for your open positions when you see Paul’s profile. He has the skills

necessary to thrive at your company. It’s time to reach out to him.

You craft a message to Paul, adding value with a link he may appreciate.

It will hopefully start a discussion with him, not necessarily get him to apply right away.

Paul opens the InMail message you sent him and clicks the link because you mentioned why you were contacting him,

but you didn’t go overboard.

(A short, authentic message with one link is a lot more likely to work than something longer that begs for an


Paul bounces around through a few posts about your company on CAREEREALISM because they’re helpful for him in his field, not because they say,


Paul likes the article you shared with him, so he decides to follow your company on LinkedIn.

Now that you’re in Paul’s newsfeed, your status updates show up for him. Sometime in the future, he sees a post he’

s interested in, and clicks to read it.

(He might also be responsive if you follow up with him, asking if he liked the content you sent to him before.)

Within the article, you wisely linked to your company’s LinkedIn Careers Page. Since Paul likes the content, he decides to give that page a look.

(He might have skipped ahead to the job posting page if you had shared that with him.)

Paul has become more and more interested in your company with each interaction he’s had, because the content actually provides value, and it shows what sets your company apart from the competition.

Paul observes the profiles of some employees, and notices there are a few people like him.

After all that he’s seen about your company and your employees on LinkedIn, Paul is ready to apply if there’s a job he could picture himself in.

Because you already know his skill set and his work history, he will probably apply. You wouldn’t have contacted him otherwise.

Paul just submitted his application successfully. Because you sought him out in the first place, you can fast-track him to the top of the application pool. It’s time to schedule an interview!

If your company’s LinkedIn Company Page looked as lackluster as this one, Paul never would have given your company a second


By seeking Paul out, you introduced him to the fact that other companies might want him. That’s a pretty good feeling for him. As a result, you can scoop him up before someone else does!

Paul is another one of the many job seekers that will interact with your brand through your LinkedIn Company & Careers Pages.

With the right approach, you can compel him to join your team and reach another career milestone!

Would you like to get people like Paul interested in working for your company? It can reduce your hiring costs (especially if you’re currently using a recruiter), and it doubles as great PR! Check out what CAREEREALISM has to offer for Employment Branding Services or sign up for our free webinar & email tips, which come with a special offer....

Thanks for hearing Paul’s story! Got questions about Employment Branding? Email

us at

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