how important is cotton by emma rice

Post on 02-Dec-2014






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The Cream of the Crop Competition invites students in NSW secondary and tertiary education institutions to create a PowerPoint or a video which can be published on the web and win $500. The competition ask the students to promote the importance of agriculture to their peers, to encourage a better understanding of agriculture as well as promote agricultural careers and rural life.


How important is cotton

How much of the cotton industry do we not realise in our everyday lives .

Hurlstone Agricultural High School Archibull 2011

Just how much Cotton is in our lives?

Cotton is one of the most important fibres

in our lives. We use it to make jeans, cups, shirts,

tires and money!

Hurlstone Agricultral High School Archibull 2011


Cotton is a natural fibre which grows on a plant called a - you guessed it cotton plant.

For every kilogram of cotton between 7000L and 20,000L of water are needed. And this is before

it is harvested .

Hurlstone Agricultral High School Archibull 2011

Sustainable cotton

So now you know these few facts about how much water cotton needs and we all know about the world water crisis your probably wondering if you can really have sustainable cotton. But you can.

Hurlstone Agricultral High School Archibull 2011

What if we don’t have sustainable cotton

Cotton is what is known as a necessity so we have to have a reliable source of cotton not only so the farmers have a source of income but also because if we don’t keep up with the cotton demand;

Hurlstone Agricultral High School Archibull 2011

Cotton oil production

will decrease while the

requirements will increase.

Hurlstone Agricultral High School Archibull


There will be a decrease in cotton lint or fibre

The farmers will try to increase cotton quality and will lose income.

What is the difference Use the information below to answer the question in bold then check out your clothes

at home and see what you are really wearing.

Cotton is a very soft gentle fibre, it can easily be used for hypo-allergenic materials such as

carpets, shirts and linen.

This is in comparison to wearing polyester which comes in the form of plastic balls about the

same size as bean bag filling.

Which would you prefer to wear – plastic or cotton ?

Hurlstone Agricultral High School Archibull 2011

Factors affecting cotton yield

Global warming – cotton is a plant that thrives in a warm environment but it has to be continually a similar temperature. The ideal temperature is between 18⁰ C and 28⁰C with plenty sunshine and regular water.

The Green house effect - as the green house effect continues to grow, our world is getting warmer and the warmer the world, the less cotton can grow.

Hurlstone Agricultral High School Archibull 2011

Is it just the cotton industry being affected by the lack of knowledge ?

No – the cotton industry isn’t affected as much as some other industries when it comes to lack of knowledge on the consumer’s behalf. Most of us wouldn’t have a clue where our fruit, meat, vegetables or clothes come from. But some people have some idea that there is a difference between cotton, nylon and polyester. The following poem shows us where the lack of knowledge is going to lead Australian agriculture.

Hurlstone Agricultral High School Archibull 2011


THIS! ! !

Author; Unknown.

When the shearing sheds are silent and the stock camps fallen quiet

When the gidgee coals no longer glow across the outback night

And when the bush is forced to hang a sign, ‘.gone broke and won’t

be back’

And spirits fear to find a way beyond the beaten track

When harvesters stand derelict upon the wind swept plains

and brave hearts pin their hope no more on chance of loving rains

When a hundred outback settlements are ghost towns overnight

When we’ve lost the drive and heart once more to see us right

When ‘pioneer’ means stereo and digger some backhoe

And the outback is behind the house. there’s no where else to go

And ‘ANZAC’ is a biscuit brand and probably foreign owned

And education really means brainwashed and neatly cloned

When you have to bake a loaf of bread to make a decent crust

And our heritage once enshrined in gold is crumbling to dust

And old folk pay their camping fees on land for which they fought

And fishing is a great escape: this is until your caught

When you see our kids with Yankee caps and resentment in their eyes

And the soaring crime and hopeless hearts is no longer a surprise

When the name of RM Williams is yuppie clothing brand

Not a product of our heritage that grew up off the land

When offering a hand makes people think you’ll amputate

And two dogs meeting in the street is what you call a ‘mate’

When ‘political correctness’ has replaced all common sense

When your forced to see their way, there’s not sitting on the fence

Yes one day might find your self an outcast in this land

Perhaps your heart will tell you then, ‘. I should have made a stand’

Just go and ask the farmers that should remove all doubt

Then join the swelling ranks who say don’t sell Australia out.


Hopefully you have learnt a little from our slide because we certainty have learnt from building our cow and all the other little bits and blogs involved in making this presentation.

Hurlstone Agricultral High School Archibull 2011

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