gb storage infographic rev 031716 4

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  • 8/17/2019 GB Storage Infographic Rev 031716 4


    Machine Data Analytics is helping Storage Vendors reach99.9999% availability.

    99.9999% Availability

    BIG Challenge


    Transforming unstructured machine data is a herculean task forstorage vendors.


    According to top

    storage vendors:

    In storage, rampant data growth coupled with compliance have

    increased complexity to unmanageable levels

    – Forrester



    Monitoring the health and uptime ofstorage infrastructure.

    Incident Management

    “   “


    of companies are focusing their effortson Monitoring – the ability to monitorassets to identify operating issues for

    more proactive maintenance.

    “  “

    – Accenture

    Reducing mean time to resolution (MTTR)

    Preventing future incidents from occurring

    Using analytics for root cause identification

    Identifying the conditions that created the problem tocreate a permanent fix or workaround

    It takes an average of 12 hours to identify and resolve anyescalated issue

    More than two thirds of the time is spent on root causeanalysis: finding, organizing, and making sense of the glut ofdiagnostic log data coming back from the product.

    BIG OpportunityGlassbeam’s unique cloud based machine-data analytics isnow available to storage product manufacturers – so theycan offer them as a value-added, revenue generating

    service to their customers.

    How it works:

    The Glassbeam Platform is able to

    capture terabytes of structured andunstructured operational data fromproduct log files of all deployed devices.This revolutionary system has abreakthrough technology languagecalled SPL™ (Semiotic Parsing Language)which is used to describe and createmeaning and relationships betweenelements in operational data.


    End-to-end coverage: Glassbeam Storage encompasses theentire life cycle of a data artifact: Collection, Ingestion,Transformation, Preparation, Analysis, and Visualization.

    Predictive capabilities:  Apply deep machine learningalgorithms to analyzed data to predict outcomes for key

    variables: Capacity, Performance, Storage, etc.

    Remote Monitoring and Maintenance: Easily monitor andinteract with your connected machines and perform criticalpatches, fixes and upgrades for optimal performance.

    Deployment: Avail of a secure cloud-based platform with a

    lightweight version also available at the edge.

    Speedy root-cause analysis: Reduce MTTR by more than40% by drilling down to the root-cause of any Support issueusing powerful keyword search.

    Auto-ticket creation: Support tickets are automatically

    created (including in based on knownpatterns in log file data.

    BIG BenefitsGlassbeam gives the following benefits to storage

    product manufacturers:

    Enhanced revenue opportunities.

    The service can be private-labeled and priced by the productmanufacturer. It can be sold as a new Healthcheck Service or

    packaged as part of a premium support plan.

    No capital expenditure.

    Since it is easily accessed via standard web browsers, theGlassbeam platform requires no capital investment by product

    suppliers or their customers

    Reduced support SPEND.

    Customers are empowered to take a more active, self-serviceapproach to monitoring product performance. Potential

    problems can be spotted in advance, allowing preventive stepsto be taken before performance is affected.

    Faster problem resolution.Mean time to resolution (MTTR) can be drastically reduced. If a

    problem should occur, all parties working on the matter cansee the same set of data by logging into the Glassbeam portal.

    This streamlines the resolution process by ensuring thateveryone is looking at the same information.

    Stronger customer relationships:By adding Glassbeam capabilities to their support services,

    suppliers demonstrate to customers that they are in thevanguard of modern support techniques leading to:

    Enhanced customer satisfaction

    Elevated product reputation

    GLASSBEAMTechmart Building5201 Great America ParkwaySuite 360Santa Clara, CA 95054

    Ph: 408-740-4600Fax: 408-740-4601Media

    © Copyright 2016 Glassbeam, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Smart StorageHow Analytics on Unstructured Machine

    Data can transform Storage Machines intointelligent Storage Systems

    Glassbeam Analytics

    Glassbeam is trusted by some of the largest

    and most innovative storage companies in theworld to provide them meaningful analytics

    on machine data


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