following are the words and their antonymsfollowing are the words and their antonyms sr # words...

Post on 04-Feb-2021






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  • Following are the words and their Antonyms

    Sr # Words Antonyms

    1. Relevance: Inappropriateness, Pointlessness, unsuitability

    2. Roar: Murmur, Hush, Mumble

    3. Wrath Patience, Forbearance, Calmness

    4. Luster Dullness, Darkness, Duskiness

    5. Vivacious Lazy, Inactive, Unambitious

    6. Discourse Silence, Discretion, Secrecy

    7. Chronic Inconsistent, Eradicable, Mild

    8. Enmeshed Untangled, Released, Discharged

    9. Sojourn Leave, Depart, Migrate

    10. Aghast Fearless, Bold, Daring

    11. Dwell Escape, Flee, Abandon

    12. Woeful: Happy, Cheerful, Uplifting

    13. Concord Disagreement, Disharmony, Discord

    14. Captivate Repel, Bore, Annoy

    15. Perplexed Clear-headed, Cognizant, Enlightened

    16. Paralyzed Able-bodied, Healthy, Aided

    17. Conjoining Detach, Divide, Disjoin

  • 18. Mock Friendly, Genuine, Open

    19. Colossal Tiny, Miniature, Micro

    20. Diligent Lazy, Indolent, Slack

    21. Pitted Smooth, Flat, Level

    22. Shoveled Filled, Bury, Remain

    23. Slumber Wake, Consciousness, Mindfulness

    24. Rattles Appease, Sooth, Comfort

    25. Viciously Benevolently, Morally, Good-heartedly

    26. Piercing Gentle, Mild, Soft

    27. Muffled Clear, Loud, Strident

    28. Nondescript Distinctive, Extraordinary, Remarkable

    29. Slamming Opening, Unfastening, Unlatching

    30. Deserted Crowded, Populous, Productive

    31. Twirls Straighten, Untwist, Stead

    32. Evasively Directly, Immediately, Primarily

    33. Blandly Harshly, Roughly, Violently

    34. Impromptu Rehearsed, Prepared, Planned

    35. Delirious Depressed, Unexcited, Lucid

    36. Resonant Faint, Thin, Weak

    37. Lunatic Sane, Sensible, Healthy

  • 38. Eluded Encountered, Faced, Confronted

    39. Sordid Respectable, High-minded, Honorable

    40. Gaily Miserably, Unluckily, Reluctantly

    41. Snarls Untangle, Protects, Defends

    42. Oblige Disturb, Burden, Disoblige

    43. Wearily Steadily, Actively, Hardly

    44. Courtesy Discourtesy, Rudeness, Impoliteness

    45. Bewildered Enlighten, Clear, Aware

    46. Vexing Appease, Mollify, Delicate

    47. Sleek Dull, Rough, Lusterless

    48. Dandy Poor, Inferior, Awful

    49. Togged Disrobe, Unclothe, Uncover

    50. Connoisseur Inexpert, Ignoramus, Moron

    51. Profligate Thrifty, Frugal, Moral

    52. Teem Lack, Retreat, Need

    53. Exhorted Discourage, Restrained, Inhibited

    54. Tyrant Democrat, Slave, Employee

    55. Trifling Important, Serious, Considerable

    56. Stout Thin, Slender, Fragile

    57. Havoc Orderliness, Construction, Building

  • 58. Indignation Patience, Forbearance, Calmness

    59. Exasperating Delightful, Pleasing, Soothing

    60. Stranded Afloat, Populated, Found

    61. Protest Approval, Acceptance, Obedience

    62. Curtly Long-widedly, Redundantly, Repetitiously

    63. Stalwart Disloyal, Unfaithful, Unreliable

    64. Abandoned Adopted, Rescued, Reclaimed

    65. Whiff Pervasion, Saturation, Inhale

    66. Eccentric Frequent, Regular, Habitual

    67. Appalled Encourage, Reassure, Comfort

    68. Furore Tranquility, Orderliness, Hush

    69. Perceive Disregard, Overlook, Neglect

    70. Mangled Healed, Unbroken, Repaired

    71. Snapped off: Calmed, Stabilized, Simmered down

    72. Dainty Unfastidious, Undemanding, Unfussy

    73. Hesitated Willing, Advanced, Resolute

    74. Conflict Agreement, Concord, Accord

    75. Admonished Praised, Applauded, Endorsed

    76. Precarious Harmless, Secure, Nonhazardous

    77. Desisted Continue, Began, Originated

  • 78. Valiantly Cowardly, Timidly, Fearfully

    79. Perverted Ethical, Uncorrupt, Noble

    80. Blotted Exude, Honor, Moisten

    81. Scarcely Often, Abundantly, Easily

    82. Renowned Obscure, Unknown, Unsung

    83. Praised Criticize, Condemn, Rebuked

    84. Bragged Deprecated, Regretted, Mourned

    85. Notorious Anonymous, Unknown, Faceless

    86. Levity Gravity, Seriousness, Soberness

    87. Eternal Transient, Mortal, Temporary

    88. Jeopardy Safety, Security, Protection

    89. Profane Religious, Sacred, Divine

    90. Din Silence, Quite, Hush

    91. Bizarre Ordinary, Normal, Usual

    92. Disparity Similarity, Alikeness, Identicalness

    93. Grim Pleasant, Light, Easy

    94. Obverse Duplicate, Synonym, Copy

    95. Ponderous Interesting, Spectacular, Engaging

    96. Mediocre Excellent, Fabulous, First-class

    97. Vengeance Mercy, Forgiveness, Amnesty

  • 98. Fable Materiality, Non-fiction, Reality

    99. Hostile Friendly, Amiable, Loving

    100. Enroach Respect, Observe, Recognize

    101. Repulsive Attractive, Pleasant, Delightful

    102. Ambiguous Clear, Unambiguous, Vivid

    103. Blunt Sharp, Subtle, Tactful

    104. Exclude Admit, Include, Accept

    105. Exposure Protection, Hide, Secrete

    106. Forbid Permit, Allow, Approve, Let

    107. Relinquish Keep, Retain, Possess

    108. Cosy Uncomfortable, Unrelaxed

    109. Revolution Evolution, Harmony, Stagnation

    110. Amoral Moral, Principled, Ethical

    111. Dearth Abundance, Surfeit, Excess

    112. Lacuna Sufficiency, Complete, Fullness

    113. Advocate Criticize, Reject, Censure

    114. Surprise Aware, Predictable, Informed

    115. Discover Hide, Secrete, Conceal

    116. Proficiency Inefficiency, Incompetence

    117. Benefit Blockage, Disadvantage, Detriment

  • 118. Embracing Excluding, Omitting, Leaving out

    119. Drought Adequacy, Profusion, Surplus

    120. Ancestors Descendent, Successor, Inheritor, Heir

    121. Terrible Soothing, Mild, Delightful,

    122. Fertile Barren, Sterile, Unproductive

    123. Starvation Abundance, Excess, Plenty

    124. Solicitous Inattentive, Unconcerned, unworried

    125. Grab Release, Lose, Free

    126. Precedent Ultimate, Last, Final

    127. Entitle Forbid, Disempowered, Disabled

    128. Retrieve Lose, Mislay, Misplace

    129. Distortion Perfection, Truthfulness, Clarity

    130. Precision Vagueness, Inaccuracy, Imprecision

    131. Extensive Narrow, Limited, Restricted

    132. Hassle Convenience, Assistance, Relax

    133. Explicit Vague, Ambiguous, False

    134. Candid Tactful, Biased, Partial

    135. Epidemic Limited, Restricted, endemic

    136. Eager Uninterested, Aloof, Unenthusiastic

    137. Astonishing Ordinary, Dull, Average

  • 138. Distress Relief, Ease, Blessing

    139. Contemporar


    Old-fashioned, Out of date, Ancient

    140. Grandeur Meanness, Disgrace, Shame

    141. Rejoinder Insult, Attack, Sarcasm

    142. Curtail Prolong, Elongate, Increase

    143. Escape Encounter, Accept, Capture

    144. Motivate Disincentive, Counterincentive, Hindrance

    145. Savior Enemy, Foe, Satan

    146. Triumph Defeat, Failure, Fiasco

    147. Adamant Unsure, Persuadable, Obedient

    148. Axiom Nonsense, Absurdity, Stupidity

    149. Bliss Misery, Suffering, Unhappiness

    150. Cognizant Unaware, Unconscious, Unmindful

    151. Flaccid Firm, Rigid, Hard

    152. Fugitive Permanent, Long-lasting, approachable

    153. Extricate Entangle, Hamper, Embroil

    154. Discreet Reckless, Unwise, Careless

    155. Unctuous Rough, Blunt, Arrogant

    156. Testimony Refutation, Allegation, Opposition

  • 157. Taciturn Chatty, Talkative, Communicative

    158. Pacify Provoke, Enrage, Inflame

    159. Ominous Promising, Auspicious, Encouraging

    160. Spurious Authentic, Genuine, Real

    161. Judicious Ill-advised, Foolish, Indiscreet

    162. Disdain Respect, Admirable, Value

    163. Gruesome Attractive, Pleasing, Delightful

    164. Lament Rejoice, Celebrate, Exultation

    165. Fraught Restful, Tranquil, Pacific

    166. Hanker Refuse, Decline, Spurn

    167. Connive Punish, Condemn, Disallow

    168. Obdurate Tractable, Amenable, Yielding

    169. Heinous Inoffensive, Innocuous, Admirable

    170. Hoot Murmur, Whisper, Mutter

    171. Dexterous Unskillful, Stupid, Clumsy

    172. Lucid Vague, Ambiguous, Confusing

    173. Elated Sad, Miserable, Depress

    174. Stale Fresh, New, Original

    175. Revenge Pardon, Sympathy, Mercy

    176. Dwarf Mammoth, Giant, Gigantic

  • 177. Recondite Patent, Familiar, Superficial

    178. Conversant Unknowledgeable, Unfamiliar, Unacquainted

    179. Accelerate Delay, Decelerate, Slow down

    180. Serene Crazy, Wild, Anxious

    181. Perpetrator Police, Law-abiding citizen, victim

    182. Penurious Generous, Wealthy, Prosperous

    183. Dismantle Build, Assemble, Construct

    184. Sceptical Certain, Optimistic, Convinced

    185. Meticulous Sloppy, Careless, Incautious

    186. Fallacy Verity, Truth, Certainty

    187. Lenient Merciless, Severe, Strict

    188. Abject Exalted, Noble, Worthy

    189. Accost Avoid, Neglect, Scorn

    190. Addendum Lessening, Detriment, Subtraction

    191. Acerbity Sweetness, Mildness, Mellowness

    192. Minuscule Vast, Huge, Majuscule

    193. Mordant Pleasant, Amusing, Good-humored

    194. Epitome Anti-thesis, Full-text, Complete version

    195. Revealed Concealed, Hidden, Covered up

    196. Torture Relieve, Comfort, pleasure

  • 197. Euphony Cacophony, disharmony, Disunity

    198. Apocryphal Genuine, Authentic, True

    199. Perdition Heaven, Nirvana, Bliss

    200. Impoverished Wealthy, Rich, Fertile

  • Following are the words and their synonyms

    Sr # Words Synonyms

    1. Adjust Suit, oblige, accommodate, adopt

    2. Assurance Self-confidence audacity, aplomb

    3. Action Movement, activity , stir

    4. Anger Resentment, fury, chagrin, wrath

    5. Ambition Aspiration, aim, emulation

    6. Ability Renounce, Skill, Talent, Capacity, Competence

    7. Abridge Shorten, Reduce, Condense, Summaries

    8. Arraign Charge, Accuse , censure, Impeach

    9. Assent Consent, allow permit, grant, acquiesce

    10. Arrogant Proud, impudent, assuming, haughty

    11. Abandon Leave, Quite, Jettison, Forsake

    12. Abnormal Uncommon, Unusual, Irregular, anomalous

    13. Aristocracy Nobility, gentry

    14. Adequate Equal, commensurate, proportionate , sufficient

    15. Auspicious Favorable, propitious, fortunate

    16. Attention care, anxiety, heed

    17. Anxiousness Stress, strain, apprehension, Anxiety

    18. Adhesion Adherence, cohesion, coherence

    19. Announce Proclaim, declare, report, heard

    20. Agreement Consent, acquiescence, acceptance, assent,

    21. Beautiful Handsome, good-looking, pretty, shapely,

    22. Benefit Gain, service, superiority, Advantage

    23. Boldness Courage, gallantry, bravery , fortitude,

    24. Bloodthirsty Savage, implacable, cruel

  • 25. Brutality Vigour, virulence, force, violence

    26. Capacity Capability, faculty, talent, skill, ability,

    27. Celebrated Famous, noted, distinguished,

    28. Calamity disaster, misery, Adversity

    29. Catastrophe Disaster, calamity , misfortune, misery

    30. Concede Admit, grant, accept, Acknowledge

    31. Corrupt Vile, vicious, depraved

    32. Velour Bravery, courage, fortitude

    33. Courtesy Politeness, civility

    34. Custom Habit, procedure, tradition usage

    35. Cunning Wily, crafty, artful, guileful

    36. Contention Contest, fight, quarrel, conduct

    37. Concentrated Fixed, condensed, centered

    38. Contention Strife, conflict, encounter

    39. Conformity Compliance, uniformity, concurrence, agreement

    40. Costly Expensive, dear, luxurious

    41. Caution Warning, watchfulness, circumspection

    42. Content Peace, serenely, calmness, satisfaction

    43. Coherent Lucid, consistent, connected

    44. Convenient Spacious, commodious, roomy

    45. Choice Selection, election, preference

    46. Complain Grumble, find, growl

    47. Complete Finish, terminate, conclude

    48. Confuse Puzzle, perplex

    49. Customary Conventional, fashionable

    50. Covering Hiding, secrecy, concealment

  • 51. Complete Total, whole, full, entire

    52. Complex Complicated, entangled, indicate

    53. Conscious Aware, sensible

    54. Character Conduct, nature, temper, spirit

    55. Clever Able, sharp, smart, adroit, cunning

    56. Charming Beautiful, exquisite, lovely

    57. Danger Hazard, peril

    58. Decrease Lower, deduction,loss

    59. Debatable Questionable, doubtful

    60. Decision Determination, resolution, judgment

    61. Declaration Announcement, assertion, statement

    62. Desire Wish, want, need, fancy, ambition

    63. Decent Respectful, proper, fair, reasonable

    64. Dislike Aversion, hatred

    65. Doubtful Insolent, rebellious, defiant

    66. Delicious Savory, tasty

    67. Depart Part, exit, leave

    68. Disease Sickness, illness, bug

    69. Defence Protection, justification , resistance

    70. Deficient Wanting, lacking, defective. incomplete

    71. Delicious Delightful, pleasing

    72. Daring Courageous, bold, fearless, brave

    73. Demolish Devastate, raze, efface, destroy

    74. Diplomatic Tactful, judicious, politic

    75. Disagreement Dissension, dissonance, discard

    76. Distinct Clear, definite, audible, separate

  • 77. Dull Stupid, slow,

    78. Doubt Suspicion, perplexity, uncertainly

    79. Deceive Cheat, swindle, hoodwink, dupe, delude,

    80. Dirty Dusty, slovenly, murky, secrecy

    81. Exact Precise, definite, defined, distinct

    82. Element Constituent, component, ingredient, factor

    83. Entry Entrance, access, influx

    84. Evidence Proof, testimony, indication

    85. Explicit Definite, clear, express

    86. Esteem Value, honour, pride, favour, approved

    87. Ease Rest, comfort, relaxation

    88. Strive, Attempt, try, endeavor

    89. Elegant Graceful, polished, refined

    90. Extreme Intense, excessive

    91. Extraordinary Unusual , remarkable, astonishing

    92. Execute Complete , fulfill, effect, Accomplish

    93. Esteem Respect, honour, Admire

    94. Enmity Hatred, discord, hostility, dislike

    95. Encourage Cheer, hearten, rouse, animate, foster

    96. Entertain divert, regale, please, enliven, Amuse

    97. Employment Trade, affair, calling, business , concern,

    98. Endure Prolong, last, proceed, continue,

    99. Endowed Gifted, vested

    100. Equality Party, equivalence, balance

    101. Exultation Triumph, victory, elation.

    102. Famous Well-known, celebrated, famed

  • 103. Famous Eminent, distinguished

    104. Fade Wither, droop languish, pine, decline

    105. Fidelity Allegiance, loyalty, devotion

    106. Faithfulness Fidelity, loyalty, accuracy

    107. Fabulous Marvelous , imaginary, incredible, great

    108. Fault Error, blunder, mistake , inaccuracy

    109. False Untrue, deceptive, fake bogus

    110. Fear Dread, alarm, scare, light, horror

    111. Friend Comrade, associate, companion

    112. Fault Defect, flaw, error, failing

    113. Fame Renown, reputation, glory, greatness

    114. Foresight Prudence, provision, forethought

    115. Fortitude Courage, endurance, heroism, resolution

    116. Feeling Sentiment, sensitivity, emotion

    117. Friendly Amicable, amiable, congenial

    118. Genuine Actual, real , sincere

    119. Generous Open minded, bountiful, liberal

    120. Generous Kind, liberal, charitable

    121. Generosity Goodness, liberality, bounty

    122. Gratitude Thankfulness, gratefulness

    123. Glorify Ennoble, elevate, exalt, dignify

    124. Guard Keep, preserve

    125. Gentle Kind, tender, mild

    126. Grand Magnificent, great, lofty, superb

    127. Grant Concede, allow, admit

    128. Genial Cordial, warm hearty

  • 129. Genius Skill, intellect, talent

    130. Gorgeous Showy, magnificent, splendid

    131. Generous Ungrudging, headed, open, bountiful

    132. Honour Respect, self, respect esteem

    133. Huge Big, cast, bulky, enormous

    134. Health Fitness, well being

    135. Hasty Brazen, reckless, rash

    136. Hopeful Sanguine, optimistic, expectant, buoyant

    137. Handy Skillful, dexterous, useful, convenient

    138. Holy Divine, pure, sacred, saintly

    139. Honesty Uprightness, sincerity, integrity

    140. Haste Hustle, bustle, rush, Hurry

    141. Hate Scorn, detest, abhor, loathe

    142. Hide Cover, conceal, mask, disguise

    143. Hinder Hamper, clog, letter, shackle,

    144. Hidden Concealed, secret

    145. Height Elevation, attitude

    146. Hesitation Doubt, reluctance, wavering

    147. Harmony Consistency, concord agreement, unison

    148. Heedful Careful, prudent mindful

    149. Intricate Abstruse, complicated, involved, complex

    150. Idle Lazy, unoccupied, vain

    151. Ignorant Illiterate, unaware, uneducated

    152. Illusive Misleading, deceptive

    153. Imperative Urgent, authoritative, pressing, essential

    154. Imposture Deception, fraud

  • 155. Impudent Insolent, arrogant, abject, impertinent

    156. Ironic Sharp, sarcastic, satirical, assured

    157. Inevitable Unavoidable, assured, inescapable

    158. Incident Event, accident, happening

    159. Impetuous Thoughtless, mindless, presumption

    160. Incentive Spur, inducement

    161. Inference Conclusion, deduction

    162. Influence induce, instigate, actuate, impel

    163. Intent Object, intention, aim, purpose

    164. Irritate Exasperate, inflame, Incense

    165. Illness Disorder, malady, sickness, indisposition

    166. Insolence Rudeness, impertinence, arrogance

    167. Intellect Mind, understanding, reason

    168. Immature Silly, puerile, childish, unreasonable

    169. illegal Disorderly, unruly, lawless, unlawful

    170. Joy Merriment, bliss, mirth, happiness

    171. Juvenile Childish, youthful

    172. Just Fair, right, equitable

    173. Laugh Giggle, grin, smirk, smile

    174. Lofty Soaring, elevated, high, towering

    175. Lower Let-down, degrade downgrade

    176. Legendary Fabulous, mythical, fabled

    177. Lovable Good tempered, engaging, amicable, Amiable

    178. Latent Implied, dormant, hidden, implicit

    179. Lawful Permissible, allowable, legitimate, legal

    180. Manners Conduct, behaviour

  • 181. Madness Fury, lunacy, insanity

    182. Management Control, superintendence, conduct

    183. Outcome Result, effect, consequence, importance, moment,

    184. Ordinary Inferior, average, Mediocre , commonplace

    185. Outcome Effect, Result, fruit, product

    186. Strength Power, authority ,Ability,

    187. Save Uphold, preserve, safeguard, maintain

    188. Publish Declare, proclaim, announce

    189. Precise Bias, Aversion, partiality, detriment

    190. Punch Hit, thrash, knock, Beat ,

    191. proud Overbearing, Arrogant

    192. Polite Courteous, affable

    193. Prevent Hinder, debar, prohibit ,

    194. Profitable Advantageous, beneficial , salutary

    195. Prominent Important, striking, significant

    196. Peaceful Unruffled, quiet, calm

    197. Pressure Obligation, Compulsion, force

    198. Pain Distress, hurt, suffering, misery

    199. Percept Rule , injunction, direction, instruction

    200. Quest Objective, goal, pursuit, seeking

    201. Quantity Number, Amount,

    202. Queer Ludicrous, curious, quaint,

    203. Rude ill mannered, insolent , sharp , sudden

    204. Radiant Beaming, shining, brilliant

    205. Reasonable Logical, consistent

    206. Reside Exist, abide, live , lodge

  • 207. Rational Logical, Sane, reasonable

    208. Rival Adversary, opponent, foe, enemy

    209. Revenge Retaliation, retribution, reprisal.

    210. Sharp Intelligent, cutting, curt, clever.

    211. Sparkle Brighten, gleam, shine , scintillate

    212. Smooth Sleek, even, glossy, polished.

    213. Sovereign Absolute, regal, supreme.

    214. Spring Source, origin, fountain.

    215. Stable Constant, unchanging, firm.

    216. Superb Magnificent, splendid, grand

    217. Sentence Decision, judgment, opinion

    218. Shy Bashful, diffident, modest

    219. Solitary Lonesome, alone, forlorn, lonely

    220. Steep Sheer, sharp, abrupt, precipitous.

    221. Security Indemnity, surety, guarantee.

    222. Stern Severe, strict, hard, stiff.

    223. Shelter Protect, guard ,defend, safeguard

    224. Strength Force, energy, stamina, might.

    225. Secret Covert, hidden.

    226. Shelter Defend, ward, protect, shield

    227. Significant Indicative, suggestive, expressive.

    228. Superhuman Miraculous, supernatural , preternatural.

    229. Surplus Balance, excess, superabundance.

    230. Suspicion Jealousy, mistrust, surmise.

    231. Indication Symptom, sign, token.

    232. Structure Build, frame, construction.

  • 233. Sensation Consciousness, feeling.

    234. Thrive Succeed, flourish, prosper.

    235. Total Whole, entire, sum.

    236. Thrift Economy, frugality, husbandry, parsimony.

    237. Temperance Moderation, discipline, abstinence.

    238. Tired Fatigued, weary, exhausted, knocked- up , jaded.

    239. Tolerate Endure, suffer, bear , undergo, abide, put up

    240. Tolerate Bear, endure, permit.

    241. Teach Inform, educate, instruct.

    242. Tell Recount, describe, say.

    243. Talent Power, ability, gift.

    244. Terse Compact, brief, neat succinct.

    245. Threat Foreboding, menace, intimation.

    246. Trick Stratagem, trickery, subterfuge, rues.

    247. Tyrannical Overbearing, domineering, despotic.

    248. Unite Join, combine, assemble, consolidate

    249. Usual Ordinary, customary, regular.

    250. Usage Custom, fashion, practice.

    251. Uphold Support, maintain, sustain.

    252. Unmindful Heedless, apathetic, indifferent, careless

    253. Unity Amity, harmony, concord.

    254. Vindicate Clear, justify, exonerate.

    255. Vague Undefined, indefinite.

    256. Valid Cogent, strong, weighty.

    257. Vanquish Overcome, conquer, defeat.

    258. Vast Boundless, measureless, unbounded

  • 259. Verdict Judgment, sentence, decision.

    260. Vigorous Industrious, hustling, Active

    261. Vanity Pride, conceit, self-importance.

    262. Vision Perception, sight.

    263. Victory Conquest, success, triumph.

    264. Wedding Union, marriage, matrimony

    265. Weak Infirm, languid, sickly, feeble.

    266. Wild Untamed, unwise, foolish, savage.

    267. Wise Sagacious, discreet, sensible, politic.

    268. Wisdom Learning, knowledge.

    269. World Universe, humanity, earth.

    270. Wonder Astonishment, amazement.

    271. Wicked Perverse, sinful, evil, villainous.

    272. Yield Admonition, caveat, caution.

    273. Zenith Submit, surrender, eagerness, elevation.


    Preposition Time Example Place Example


    Year In 1974 Country In Korea

    Month In March State In California

    Season In the Spring City In Lahore

    Time of the

    day(not with


    In the Afternoon

    Preposition Time Examples Place Example


    Day On Sunday Surfaces On the table

    Date On April 16 Streets On the 12th




    On Friday Modes of


    On the Bus

    Preposition Time Example Place Example



    At Ten O’ Clock


    At 1600





    At night Location At BZU

    Preposition Time Example Place Example



    By 9 O’ Clock

    Next to

    By a lake

    By an airport By the river

    Day By Tomorrow Communication method

    By phone By fax

  • Prepositions Time Example

    SINCE From a certain period of time Since 1974, since the accident


    Up to a certain point in time Until the end

    How long something is going to last

    Until the sunrise

    UP(to) From an earlier point to a later point

    Up(to) now

    Prepositions Example Prepositions Example


    Under arrest OUT

    Out of fashion

    Under treatment Out of duty

    Under discussion Out of place

    Under stress Out of breath


    With regret WITHOUT

    Without a break

    With respect Without success

    With compliment of Without warning

    Preposition Time Example


    Day For four days

    Months/years For five months For a year

    Prepositions Time Example

    AGO A certain time in the past 2 years ago


    More than Over 16 years of age

    Getting to the other side Walk over the bridge

    Covered by something Put a jacket over your shirt

    THROUGH Something with limits on top, bottom and the sides

    Drive through the tunnel

    Prepositions Time Example

    OFF Leaving a public


    Get off the train

    OF What does it belong to

    Page of the book

    What does it show

    The picture of a place

    INTO Enter a room/building

    Into kitchen/house

    Prepositions Time Example

    ALONG Tracing length without

    emphasis on the end

    Along the hallway, along the


    AGAINST Leaning on Against the door

    Opposite to or facing

    Against the wall

    AMONG In crowd, in the

    company(more than 2 friends)

    Among masses, Among friends

  • Prepositions Examples Prepositions Examples


    Within limits ABOUT

    About to leave

    Within site About classes

    Within grasp About 30 dollars

    Within reach About laptops

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