fast, flat and free: how the internet has changed your business

Post on 19-Oct-2014






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Do you know the Internet has changed your business, but you don’t know how? And – more importantly – perhaps you don’t know what to do about it.Unfortunately, most businesses don’t know the rules have changed. They think Internet marketing is about branding, hype, advertising, mass markets, needs, traffic, transactions, copywriting and better products and services.It’s not. It’s about personality, value, reputation, niches, wants, communities, connections, buying frames and better experiences.If you’re a business owner, you must change your business to stay ahead.My new book "Fast, Flat and Free" shows you what has changed, and helps you create a practical strategy to take advantage of the incredible opportunities.


Fast, Flat and Free

How the Internet Has

Changed Your Business

You know the Internet has

changed your business

You know the Internet has

changed your business

You might not know how

and you might not know

what to do about it

You know the Internet has

changed your business

You might not know how

and you might not know

what to do about it

Maybe it hasn’t touched

you yet ... but it will ...

soon ...

You know the Internet has

changed your business

You might not know how

and you might not know

what to do about it

Maybe it hasn’t touched

you yet ... but it will ...

soon ...

You know it’s only

a matter of time

Your customers and clients can get access to your products and

services instantly, from somebody else and somewhere

else, and for little or no cost.

Here’s the problem …




The World Has Changed ... Have YOU?

Our life is fast – “soon” is too slow, and “tomorrow” is way too late

The world is flat – we can get what we want from anywhere and anyone

We want it all free – and somebody somewhere, can give it at that price

Become an authority

Build a community

Sell with respect

The Road Ahead




show your face

serve a niche

make connections

lead with value

give what they want

set buying frames

invest in reputation

build your tribe

deliver experiences

Do This

Show Your Face, Not Just Your Brand

Internet users connect with people, not businesses. Be the face of your brand. Your customers want to learn about you as a person, so they can make a real connection.

1. Claim your on-line identity2. Design a positioning statement3. Put it all together in a video

Do This

Lead With Value, Not With Hype

Big companies with deep pockets can still succeed by throwing money into advertising campaigns, but most business owners can't. Lead your marketing with value instead.

1. Be an expert2. Publish high-quality articles3. Leverage with a blog, newsletter,

podcast, slide shows, video, etc.

Do This

Invest in Reputation, Not Just Advertising

Many people will hear about you on-line before they ever visit your Web site. Establish, build and nurture your on-line reputation in a number of places – not just on your Web site.

1. Extend your reach with social media2. Learn from peers and colleagues3. Monitor your reputation on-line

Do This

Serve a Niche, Not The Mass Market

Most businesses cast their marketing net too wide, scared that they will miss opportunities and lose market share. Take the opposite approach: Find a niche, and serve that niche.

1. Identify a niche2. Make sure it’s profitable3. Adjust your marketing

Do This

Give Them What They Want, Not What You've Got

Most businesses sell what they've got, even if it's not what the customer wants. This can sometimes work, but it's hardly the basis for a strong on-going relationship.

1. Conduct on-line surveys2. Know the right questions to ask3. Interpret and use the results

Do This

Build Your Tribe, Don't Chase The Crowd

Build and nurture your "tribe" – the network of people in your business. These are not just your customers and clients – they are other people who influence your business success.

1. Insource, outsource and crowdsource2. Collaborate with peers3. Affiliate with influencers4. Engage more with customers5. Sell to advertisers

Do This

Make Connections, Not Just Transactions

The Internet has changed the entire buying process. Buyers are ready to buy when they perceive a need. Sellers are ready to sell when they spot a prospect. Now, the buy cycle often starts long before the seller is even aware there is a cycle.

1. Get permission2. Write a high-quality newsletter

Do This

Set Buying Frames, Not Just Features and Benefits

You don't know somebody's frame of mind when they are visiting your Web site. If they're in the wrong frame of mind, they just won't buy.

1. Create a path for site visitors2. Write a compelling home page3. Be more persuasive on your Web site4. Use a sales letter template

Do This

Deliver Experiences, Not Just Products and Services

It's no longer good enough to sell just products or services. In simple terms, products can be outsourced to China and services can be outsourced to India. What can't be outsourced are experiences.

1. Improve the product experience2. Improve the buying experience3. Fix your shopping cart

About Gihan Perera

I’m an Internet coach for thought

leaders, experts and business


I’ve been using the Internet since 1987;

and since 1997, I’ve been helping business

owners do better e-marketing and e-


Did the Internet change your world

while you were looking the other way?

Fast, Flat and Free will

show you what has

changed, and how you

can take advantage of it in

your business.

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