electronic and web media

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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Electronic media are media that use

electronics or electromechanical energy (electricity) to deliver the




•  The earliest form of electronic media was the telegraph in 1795. The telephone came in 1849, followed by the radio in 1897 and the Internet in 1963.

•  The main types of electronic media are: §  Radio §  TV §  Telephone §  Online/Internet Advertising

•  Radio provides sounds and television provides sound, visuals and motion which can be very attractive to viewers. The inception of smart phones is e new addition to the electronic media which in addition to sound and visuals provides a text option as well. There are more and more channels for electronic media that come out as our technology grows and expands.


•  The advantages of electronic media are: –  Can combine various media in a single message

–  Communication is quick and interactive

–  Coverage is fast and wide

–  Various range of cost options available

–  Global reach

•  The disadvantages of electronic media are: –  Volume of information available can be overwhelming

–  Undelivered data due to technical errors

–  Responses may be short-lived


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•  The radio is the oldest form of electronic media. There are thousands of radio stations across the world and advertisements are frequent features on most of these. It is the first form of spoken advertisement.

•  Radio advertising is a cost effective medium and changes to the advertisements can be made more easily then TV however it lacks the visual impact.

•  Radio can be accessed in the car, at work, at play…people can take it with them wherever they go!

•  It is the uncluttered medium of advertising. Not surrounded by other advertisements or columns of text or news. It appeals to emotions and sells with intimacy. The advertisement can be on the radio stations that match with the interest of the audience.


•  “Sea FM’s ‘Car Full of Stars’ was the text-book sales promotion – we delivered for the client and the Sea FM listener” Andrew Very, Content Director – Sea FM/Gold FM.

•  Gold Coast Mazda •  Station: 90.9 Sea FM, Gold Coast •  Campaign Type: Direct Response •  Promotion Timeframe: 1 month •  Target Market: 18 – 24 yrs, 25 – 39 yrs

•  http://www.radioitsalovething.com.au/Case-Studies/Automotive/Gold-Coast-Mazda.aspx


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•  Television is very effective in generating feelings and illustrating actions and behaviors, and not so strong in communicating specific facts.

•  Television provides with the highest volume of electronic media advertising. There are hundreds of advertisements shown on each channel per day and some slots are sold for millions to the advertisers as they large impact in short time.

•  Television is the most popular medium for companies to advertise but it is expensive to produce and place TV ads.


•  The first TV commercial — the first legal one, at any rate — aired in the U.S. on July 1, 1941. It was a shaky, 10-second spot for Bulova, a watch and jewelry company that had been founded in New York 66 years before.

•  "[The commercial] wasn't filmed at all, as far as I know," a spokesperson for Bulova told Mashable in an e-mail. "It was just the graphic and the live voice-over.”

• Watch it...http://mashable.com/2013/08/01/first-tv-commercial-bulova-video/#8IPPTrLRVGq5


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•  Telephone advertising or telemarketing is traditionally a method of direct marketing in which a salesperson asks prospective customers to buy products or services, either over the phone. It can be viewed both as a marketing medium and a response mechanism.

•  The rise of smart phones, apps and mobile internet access has made the phone a key medium to seek customers' attention however however, are often seen as an unwelcome interruption therefore prospective customers are difficult to convert into buyers.

•  While it is a very flexible and cost-effective medium of electronic advertising, it could be an intrusive medium and requires highly trained operators who are very familiar with the product or service they are selling and sensitive to user needs and moods.


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•  Online advertising is advertising that uses the Internet and other forms of digital media to help a business promote and sell goods and services.

•  It reaches wide range of potential customers by connecting with them over the web. Whether a business is big or small, online advertising can be extremely beneficial for business.

•  Online advertising is the immediate publishing of information that is not limited by geographic or time constraints. It works 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Compared to print advertising or TV commercials, online banners are still relatively inexpensive.

•  On the other hand, consumers have greater control over the content they see, affecting the timing, placement, and visibility of online advertisements.


•  Online advertising types include: –  Email: was the first form of online advertising.

–  Display Ads: is the use of web banners placed on third-party websites to advertise or drive users to the product website. It captures users browser history to determine the demographics, location and interest in order to display appropriate advertisements to the users.

–  Websites: collection of web pages, images, videos or other digital

assets that is hosted on one or several Web server(s), usually accessible via the Internet. It holds all the information about the product or service. Some websites are categorized as e-commerce websites which sell the products online.


•  Online advertising types include: –  Social network advertising: is a new form of online advertising found on

social network websites such as Facebook, Linkedin etc. They are mostly in the form of display ads.

–  Search engine marketing: is a form of marketing that is promoted by

increasing visibility or ranking on a search engine result. There are also paid search engine advertisements. Advertisers pay each time users click on their advertisement and are directed to their website.

–  Mobile advertising: is the newest addition to online advertising. It is

usually done through text messages or as applications. Although the size of the advertisement is small on the mobile interface, it has a huge potential to deliver personalized and effective messages.


•  SweetGeorgia is an artisan yarn company that makes exquisite hand-dyed yarns and fibres in stunningly saturated colours. SweetGeorgia offers webinars, workshops, and guides to knitting and crafting with yarn. Based in Vancouver, British Columbia.

•  Read their case-study here… •  http://forgeandsmith.com/our-case-studies/sweetgeorgia/


Continue to work with the same product or service selected from mashable.com in Assessment Task 1 and create THREE ELECTRONIC advertisements.

1.  Radio Script

2.  TV Commercial

3.  Website - Homepage


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