eighth annual symposium of the new mexico chapter of the american vacuum society

Post on 15-Jun-2016






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Thin Solid Films - Elsevier Sequoia S.A., Lausanne - Printed in Switzerland 139

Forthcoming Events

Eighth Annual Symposium of the New Mexico Chapter of the American Vacuum Society

The Eigth Symposium of the New Mexico Chapter of the American Vacuum Society will be held at the Hilton Inn, Albuquerque, N.M., March 23 and 24, 1972. There will be a number of invited papers on the theory and application of radio frequency mass filters.

Invited speakers include W. Brubaker, Analog Technology Corporation; B. Evans, Electronic Associates, Inc.; N. R. Whetten, General Electric; G. Bunyard, UTHE Technology International; M. Story, Finnegan Corporation and W. L. Fite, Extranuclear Laboratories, Inc.

Papers on this subject or other topics related to vacuum science are solicited. Abstracts of 200 words or less should be sent to W. M. Olson, Program Chairman, CMB-5, Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Los Alamos, N.M. 87544, by February 1, 1972. These abstracts should be suitable for photo-offset repro- duction, having been typed with a new ribbon and a left hand margin of one and one-half inches.

This Symposium will be proceeded by the Physical Electronics Conference on March 20-22, at the same site. There will be an extensive equipment exhibit overlapping both meetings, and a course on vacuum technology will be offered.

JoumCes de Tecbnologie 1972

La SociCti: FranCaise des Ingtnieurs et Techniciens du Vide organise en mai-juin 1972 des Journkes consacrCes $ la

Technologie du vide

et g l’&volution des matCriels et Cquipements de pompage dans le domaine de l’ultra-vide.

Certains des thtmes proposCs aux JournCes de Technologie de 1969 restent encore valables. De nouveaux sujets, tels l’analyse des gaz rCsiduels ou le pompage cryogknique apparaissent comme des techniques nouvelles en plein dCvelop- pement.

Dans cet esprit, les th&mes suivants sont proposCs aux participants:

I Vide propre - Pompes primaires stches.

Thin Solid Films, 9 (1972) 139-140

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