consensus trial follow-up results

Post on 20-Mar-2017






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CO~SE~SLS trial follow-up results Congesthe heart failure rnortalit)· rna)' be linked to neuroendocrine acthation

Follow-up results of the CONSENS U S trial [Sec JlIl'ha/'ll/iJ 5CJ:!: ~, :!() .lUll 198"] '", suggest that the reduction in mortalit), /b)' enalapril/ correlates with the inhibition of neuroendocrine actil'ation and of the renin-angiotensin s),stem in particular',

Then: was a s igmlicant positive correla tion between mortality and baseline levels of adrenaline . noradrenaline. angiotensinamide. aldosterone and atrial natriuretic factor in patients with severe congestive heart failure who received placebo (n = 126) in addition to co nventional therapy. This correlation was not found in patients who received titrated dosages of enalapril 2.5-40mg (127) . Survival was significantly improved in enalapril recipie nts compared with placebo recipients at follow-up a fter 8 months (48 I'S 32%) and 2 years (30 I'S

21 %). respectively. Mortality was significantly higher in patients with hyponatraemia or high creatinine levels and enalapril therapy significantly improved survi val in these patients. S" ,·dhl.'Tg '" h "' .... th P Kl<'k,hu , J. Sna rlOn S Fill",,, of <' '' '' lapnl and rl CUH)l'"I ITh.' al..' t l \ a tlOl1 IlIl pr()gnos l~ in :".(' \ Cfl' U lTlgl' \tl \C h ~.·an

t'atlun' (toIlO\\-llP \11' Ihe ( - ('~S~_ r'\Sl : , rnal ). \T1ll'n~ - an J\)ur nal of t " nl!()l()g\ (,(. (S\lll p .1: ~t)·45. (lc't IlN()

10 NOI' 1990 I.'VPHARMA~) ISSN 0156-2703/ 90/ IIIO-OOI4/ 0S01.()()/ O 'i · Adi, International Ud

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