biz quiz prelims

Post on 21-Jan-2015






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Online Elimination Round

1. Identify the artist

2. What logo is this?

3. Identify this Indian captain.

4. Who is the jumper in the centre jumping with a group called the Golden Knights in College Station Texas.

5. Name the actress.

6. Who is this football coach and what club?

7. Name this gentleman from this picture of his younger days (hint-he shares his full name with a contemporary subcontinent cricketer).

8. What is the name given to what the lady is wearing

9. Name this skyscraper. Two word answer.

10. What is common to the two photographs

11. Which country’s national airline is this?

12. Who is he?

13. This gentleman used to be associated with a familiar Indian brand but now has his own venture which has the same name as a flower. Name him and the new venture

14. What currency is this? This country used to use the YEN previously. (HINT: make sure the compass points to the correct country)

15. Very familiar logo. Whose?

16. Who owns this brand?

17. This is the postal address for who or what in the city of Palo Alto?

18. An absolute classic. What is the brand being advertised?

19. What is the connect between these two gentlemen?

20. What is this snazzy gadget?

21. What is the connection?

22. Ad for what?

23. Who is the golfer?

24. This is an ad for what?

25. What is common to the 3 gentlemen?

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