architecting social experiences - uxcampdc 2011

Post on 27-Jan-2015






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This presentation was given at UXCampDC 2011 and discussed the impact of social elements on applications. It poses questions and best practices on incorporating social user experiences.


Architecting Social Experiences:Principles, Patterns and Best Practices for Social Applications

UXCampDC 2011

Who the heck is this dude?

**Actor Fisher Stevens and Professional Snowboarder Steve Fisher beat me.

My Personal Site:

Based in Northern Virginia

15+ Years in Product Management, Marketing and User Experience

Previous Products/Projects:Network Solutions, Appsolve, VISA, Sybase, Slipstream Air, Federated Power

Steven Fisher (#3 out of 546 Steven Fisher’s on the Web**)

This Presentation:

Currently, at SapientNitro doing Information Architecture and Experience Design

Community, Living Web, Live Web,Read-Write Web, Two-Way WebHuman, Humane, Humanized.

Social NetworkSocial GraphSocial MediaSocial Object.

What does social really mean?

Source: Erin Malone, Design in Social Interfaces

“Social User Experience (Social UX) is the quality of collective experience a person has when interacting with others an open, shareable and dynamic environment.”

So What is Social UX?

Social UX Best Practices: The Building Blocks of Social Experiences.


A Great User Experience Begins with a Solid Foundation.

There are four cornerstones to social experiences:

Community Commerce

Collaboration Conversation

Social UX

Social Networks form around Social Objectives.

A Social Objective is the reason two people communicate with each other.

Not all users are alike.

People are different and there is no blueprint.

In fact, they come in all shapes & sizes.


And stock photography doesn’t capture diversity….

Remember, your audience is diverse, aging and always changing.

They are looking to you to tell them what is right and lead them down the path. They will do the rest.

Because not everyone can be a rocket scientist.

But A Great User Experience Is a Shepherd.

But then again, users are not sheep.

Use the right tools for the right job.

Having the right tools increases engagement by users.

Never be afraid to make improvements and innovate.

You might be surprised at what users react to and like.

But make sure everything has a proper function. Design Patterns are critical at this point.

Design Patterns: The Building Blocks of Social Experiences.

WHATWhat does the user want?

ExamplesAn archetypal example of the solution

USE WHENWhen to use it

HOWHow to meet the user’s needs

WHYWhy is this a good solution?

Parts of a Design Pattern:

Source: Erin Malone, Design in Social Interfaces

Patterns are optimal solutions to common problems in a context.

Design patterns also save you time so you don’t head in the wrong direction.

Welcoming PeopleRegistrationSign inWelcome areaInvitationsPrivate BetaRe-engagementAuthorize

Discussion: So what patterns are you using in your designs? There are 96 of them. Here are a few…

Source: Erin Malone, Designing Social Interfaces

People IdentityAttributionUser CardsAvatarsProfilesTestimonialsPersonal DashboardProfile Badges

Social ConnectionAvailabilityMoodBuddy ListStatuscastingMicrobloggingUser GalleryUpdates Optin

Game PlanLevelsAchievementsPointsLeaderboard

3rd Party ToolsTagging (Delicious)Broadcasting (Blogs)Sharing (AddThis)Feedback (Reviews & Ratings)Conversations (FB & Twitter)Location (Foursquare, FB Places)Editing (Wikis)


1.) Start with a solid foundation and framework2.) Know your audience3.) Consider which patterns make sense4.) Combine tools and patterns to create the right mix for your social application5.) Stay open and iterate often

Five Things to Take with You when You Leave:


Sites and Tools

• Designing Social Interfaces – Erin Malone

• Designing the Social Web – Josh Porter

• 10 Steps to Personas

• 10 Commandments of User Experience

Social Applications are about….


Don’t Just Create a Product.

Create an Experience.

Coca-Cola Multi-Media Vending Machine. Created by Sapient.Source:

Test Your Product in the Wild…

It Provides Powerful Insight to Achieve Your Goals.

Hire Product “Presidents” not Product “Managers”.

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