applicant organisation/partner organisation 2 application

Post on 15-Jun-2022






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Applicant organisation/Partner organisation 2

Application 3

Context 3

Participating Organisations 4





Hosting Organisations 4

Hosting Organisation Details : EUROPASS SRL 4

Background 6

Past Participation 8

Project objectives 10

Activities 13

Summary of participant profiles 13

Courses and training 13

Description (Courses and training) 14

Organisational Support (Courses and training) 16

Individual Support (Courses and training) 16

Travel (Courses and training) 17

Course fees (Courses and training) 17

Inclusion Support (Courses and training) 17

Exceptional costs (Courses and training) 18

Quality Standards 19

Follow-up 22

Project Summary 24

Annexes 26

Checklist 27

History 28

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


Project Title Art-therapy and ICT Zone

Project Title in English Art-therapy and ICT Zone

Project Acronym

Project Start Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Project Total Duration (months)

Project End Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

National Agency of the Applicant Organisation

Language used to fill in the form

01-09-2021 12 31-08-2022RO01 - Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale


Applicant organisation/Partner organisation

OID Legal name Country Region City Website


Romania Sud-Est Buzau

E10166501 EUROPASS SRL Italy Toscana Firenze

Is the organisation a public body? No

Is the organisation a non-profit? Yes

Type of Organisation Non-governmental organisation/association

Main sector of activity Providing learning activities, such as summer universities, language courses

Associated persons should not be shown in PDF because of GDPR compliance.

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00



Programme Erasmus+

Action Type KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Call 2021

Round Round 1


Welcome to the application form for a Key Action 1 mobility project in Adult Education

Please verify that your organisation is eligible for the field you have chosen. If you are not certain which field you can apply for, you should contact your National Agency for advice.

Field Adult Education

Project Title Art-therapy and ICT Zone

Project Title in English Art-therapy and ICT Zone

Project Start Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

Project total Duration (Months)

Project End Date (dd/mm/yyyy)

National Agency of the Applicant Organisation

Language used to fill in the form

01-09-2021 12 31-08-2022RO01 - Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale


For the list and contact information of Erasmus+ National Agencies, please consult the following page:

PROTECTION OF PERSONAL DATAPlease read our privacy statement to understand how we process and protect your personal data.

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


Participating Organisations

To complete this section, you will need your organisation’s identification number (OID). Since 2019, the Organisation ID has replaced the Participant Identification Code (PIC) as unique identifier for actions managed by the Erasmus+ National Agencies.

If your organisation has previously participated in Erasmus+ with a PIC number, an OID has been assigned to it automatically. In that case, you must not register your organisation again. Follow this link to find the OID that has been assigned to your PIC:  Organisation Registration System

You can also visit the same page to register a new organisation that never had a PIC or an OID, or to update existing information about your organisation.


Organisation ID Legal name Country



Legal name


Country Romania

Region Sud-Est

City Buzau

Website Hosting Organisations

The hosting partner organisations are organisations who will host the participants in your activities. To edit the details of a hosting organisation use the options button on the right side of the table . You can use an Organisation ID to fill in all the information instantly, or you can provide the needed information manually.

Organisation ID Legal name Country

E10166501 EUROPASS SRL Italy

My organisation plans to work with other supporting organisations that are not going to host our participants, but are going to help with the implementation of activities. Hosting Organisation Details : EUROPASS SRL


Country Italy

Region Toscana

City Firenze


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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


Is the organisation a public body ? No

Is the organisation a non-profit ? No

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00



In this section you should answer the question: "Who are you as an organisation?"

If you are applying on behalf of a larger organisation with multiple departments or sections, it is important that you clearly describe the structure of the entire organisation and explain which parts of the organisation are working in the field covered by this application. The field of the application is stated in the section ‘Context’. It can be adult education, vocational education and training, or school education.

The following information is completed based on the information linked to your organisation identification number (OID):

Is the organisation a public body? No

Is the organisation a non-profit? Yes

Please choose the organisation type that best describes your organisation.

Type of Organisation Non-governmental organisation/association

Please select main sector of activity

Main sector of activity Providing learning activities, such as summer universities, language courses

Does your organisation provide any formal or informal learning programmes relevant for this application? Yes

Please briefly present your organisation.

i. What are your organisation's main activities? What kind of learning programmes is your organisation offering? If your organisation is providing more than one educational programme, please specify which of those programmes belong to the field of this application.

In perioaa 2019-2020, Asociatia a implementat proiectul Erasmus+ “Incluziune sociala prin invatamant dual” 2019-1-RO01-KA104-061997, in calitate de coordonator de consortiu. Prin acest proiect s-au format participanti in domeniul incluziunii sociale prin invatamant dual si participant in domeniul Social media. Ca rezultat al acestui proiect s-a realizat platforma de e-learning “ICT ZONE” destinata profesorilor din toate domeniile educatiei si formarii, parintilor elevilor cu dificultati de invatare, persoanelor cu autism, persoanelor defavorizate din medii sociale diferite. Platforma s-a dezvoltata ca o necessitate a diseminarii si valorizarii rezultatelor proiectului in situatia Covid-19. Formatorii pe platforma sunt participantii la cursul de formare Erasmus+ si la cursurile de formare din proiectele organizatiei, lucratori de tineret (voluntari ai organizatiei), voluntari, profesori si psihologi din scolile speciale.

ii. What profiles and ages of learners do you work with?

Grupul tinta pentru prticiparea la cursurile online dezvoltate pe platforma este format din psihologi, logopezi, profesori educatie speciala, profesori din invatamantul de masa, persoane cu dizabilitati si autism, participanti la formare si invatare pe tot parcursul vietii. Participantii la activitatile implementate de organizatia noastra sunt de diverse varste si profiluri astfel: Grupul tinta direct implicat in activitatile proiectelor Ka104 , Ka204 implementate de organizatia noastra au fost si sunt profesori din invatamantul a doua sansa, invatamant dual, invatamant special, formatori educatia adultilor, psihologi, profesori logopezi. Beneficiarii indirecti au fost si sunt adulti defavorizati, din a doua sansa, persoane cu dizabilitati asociat cu autism, formatori educatia adultilor , profesori, psihologi din scolile speciale, invatamantul a doua sansa . Participantii la implementarea proiectelor din domeniul tineret sunt formatori de tineret, tineri din mediul rural, dezavantajate

iii. How many years of experience does your organisation have implementing these learning programmes?


What is the size of your organisation in terms of number of learners and staff? If your organisation is working in more than one field of education and training, please only include learners and staff in the field of this application.

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


Number of learners 100

Number of teaching staff 12

Number of non-teaching staff 3

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


Past Participation

As Applicant As Partner or Consortium Member

Action Type Number of project applications Number of granted projects Number of project applications Number of granted projects

Adult education staff mobility (KA104) 7 1 5 0Youth mobility (KA105) 11 0 0 0Strategic Partnerships for school education (KA201) 0 0 4 0Strategic Partnerships for adult education (KA204) 1 0 7 1Strategic Partnerships for youth (KA205) 3 0 5 0Strategic Partnerships for adult education (KA226) 0 0 1 0Strategic Partnerships for youth (KA227) 0 0 2 0

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


I understand and agree that the National Agency can use the information it has about my organisation’s previous participation to assess my organisation’s capacity to implement activities under this application, as specified in the call for proposals.

Would you like to make any comments or add any information to the summary of your organisation’s previous participation?

Currently, our organization implements the Erasmus + Ka204"New horizons for the blue world" that is an Erasmus + strategic project that targets people with autism and teachers, psychologists, specialists in this field and also employers who work with people with autism. The main objective of the project is to develop a training program with the help of new technologies (online learning platform and online counseling service), adapted for adults with autism, which respects their pace learning and highlights their skills, in order to promote their social and professional integration. The main objective of the project is to develop a training program with the help of new technologies adapted for adults with autism, which respects their pace learning and highlights their skills, in order to promote their social and professional integration. It takes the form of an innovation project led by a consortium of six European partners. The outputs of the project are: E-learning platform-"I have autism - I can integrate"-is dedicated to people with autism, psychologists, trainers, teachers who want to use a modern eLearning platform in the process of learning and training online. Virtual Assistant-will contribute to providing counseling and guidance services for participants to find and place a suitable job according to the competencies of each beneficiary. Employer’s guide-many employers will have a first contact with autism, with the particularities of people with autism as possible employees. KA104 project "Social inclusion through dual education" which runs from June 1, 2019 - September 30, 2020. The purpose of the project is to promote the offer of learning and qualification opportunities in the workplace through dual education for people from the target group so that they integrate into the field of work. The target group of this project is made up of People in difficulty (13-26 years old) that have finished the eighth grade and have a maximum age of 26 years when they request to participate in this form of qualification at the DUAL EDUCATION job, and,also, parents of students at social risk. From 2014 until now, the Association has been a partner in Erasmus + projects and has sent more than 100 young people in difficulty and 24 volunteers in different training courses in different fields such as European citizenship, drug use, minorities rights, entrepreneurship...

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


Project objectives

What are the most important needs and challenges your organisation is currently facing? How can your organisation be improved to benefit its learners? Please illustrate your answers with concrete examples.

Nevoile organizatiei identificate din analiza Swot, din sedintele de lucru ale organizatiei, din focus grupurile cu membrii si voluntarii organizatiei am desprins cateva nevoi: - formatori/ lucratori de tineret motivați și competenți în domeniul digital; - activitățile non-formale sa aibă un conținut de formare de înaltă calitate, si in ton cu cerintele actuale; - sa dispunem de platforma de e-learning securizata care sa respecte standardele de confidențialitate și de etică in mediul online. Din aceste nevoi s-au creionat tinte strategice de atins in imediata etapa. Astfel: Tinta strategica nr 1 Asigurarea calității activitatilor nonformale în vederea formării de competente si abilitati pentru membrii comunitatii prin -creșterea calității ofertei de cursuri de formare pentru adulti, cu tematica specifica dezvoltarii abilitatilor digitale dar si de exprimare artistica -prin diversificarea metodelor si tehnicilor folosite in activitatile nonformale ; - crearea unor strategii de asigurare a calității și realizarea unor instrumente de constatare a gradului de satisfacție a beneficiarilor; -formarea continua de traineri si lucratori de tineret in vederea dezvoltarii abilitatilor de viata ale ale adultilor din comunitate; Tinta strategica nr 2 Corelarea competențelor formatorilor cu competențele cheie prin transferul experiențelor din proiectele europene și internaționale, în perspectiva învățării pe tot parcursul vieții prin: - dezvoltarea competențelor digitale relevante pentru piața muncii prin creare de instrumente digitale, platforme electronice, tutoriale și softuri educaționale -valorificarea maximă a potențialului de învățare prin dezvoltarea la adultii care invata a competențelor de exprimare creativă prin arta - participarea organizației ca membru activ în rețeaua de formare Erasmus+ prin găzduirea participanților și transmiterea lecțiilor învățate din proiecte implementate către organizații cu mai puțină experiență în domeniu -dezvoltarea strategiei de internaționalizare prin extinderea experiențelor de învățare cu noi parteneri din proiecte Erasmus+ -formarea unei culturi a învățării pe tot parcursul vieții prin creşterea numărului de proiecte locale, naţionale , europene şi internaţionale care vizează educația nonformală și informală -operaționalizarea strategiei de internaționalizare a organizatiei prin dezvoltarea permanentă a competențelor de elaborare și de implementare a proiectelor europene Tinta strategica nr 3 Armonizarea valorilor actuale organizatiei cu noile provocării ale societății contemporane în vederea atingerii performanțelor prin: - pregătirea membrilor si voluntarilor organizatiei din perspectiva adaptabilității la dinamica socială și la provocările din domeniul educației nonformale; -formarea continuă a membrilor formatorilor si voluntarilor organizatiei din perspectiva rolului de mentor/ formator pentru comunitate; -implementarea de activități de formare colaborativă, cu scopul de a dezvolta competențele „cheie” ale adultilor din comunitate; -dezvoltarea competențelor digitale ale membrilor, formatorilor si voluntarilor organizatiei în vederea desfășurării optime a procesului de formare de competente si invatare in sistem online/la distanta prin contribuția la crearea si dezvoltarea de aplicații de e-learning pentru a forma competente si deprinderi de participa la mobilități fizice, virtuale și mixte pentru comunitatea adultilor care invata.

Please define the objectives your organisation wants to achieve by implementing this Key Action 1 mobility project. Your objectives should be concrete, realistic, and should represent a real benefit for your organisation and its learners.

Objective 1

Title What do you want to achieve?

Cresterea gradului de incluziune sociala a persoanelor adulte prin implicarea in ateliere de lucru si cursuri de comunicare si exprimare prin art-terapie.

Explanation How is this objective linked with the needs and challenges you have described in the previous question?

Atingerea acestui obiectiv duce la cresterea competentelor formatorilor din educatia adultilor in domeniul sustinerii si implementarii de cursuri si ateliere de lucru in domeniul art-terapiei. Atingerea acestui obiectiv duce la realizarea tintei strategice nr 1 care are in vedere oferirea de activitati non-formale de calitate si in concordanta cu nevoile adultilor din comunitate. Pandemia Covid-19 a intensificat nevoia oamenilor de comunicare si exprimare prin intermediul artei si in mediul virtual.

Measuring success How are you going to evaluate if the objective has been reached?

Responsabil cu evaluarea atingerii acestui obiectiv este coordonatorul proiectului. Evaluarea se va face in baza planului

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


de monitorizare elaborat pentru intreg proiectul. Indicatorii calitativi si cantitativi pentru atingerea acesti obiectiv: Cel putin 20 de formatori educatia adultilor participanti la activitatile de diseminare care aplica tehnicile si metodele pentru incluziune sociala prin arta Cel putin 300 adulti/an participanti la activitatile de terapie prin arta Realizarea de ateliere de lucru de art-terapie in toate proiectele Erasmus+ ale organizatiei Feedback formatori/adulti cu privire la noile metode, accesibilitate si atractivitate de terapie prin arta; Instrumente de masurare: chestionare de satisfactie, numarare directa, Cand se masoara: la doua luni dupa lansarea activitatilor de art-terapie pe platforma de e-learning a organizatiei, la finalul proiectului

Objective 2

Title What do you want to achieve?

Sporirea procentului de persoane adulte cu competente digitale formate prin accederea la cursuri de formare intr-un mediu online.

Explanation How is this objective linked with the needs and challenges you have described in the previous question?

Acest obiectiv preconizam a fi atins prin dezvoltarea competentelor digitale ale formatorilor organizatiei in vederea dezvoltarii de platforme de e-learning cu aplicatii pentru invatare mixta, sincron si asincron, online si offline. Acest obiectiv duce la atingerea tintei strategice nr 3 prin care organizatia isi propune sa ofere adultilor din comunitate formare de competente necesare , intr-un mediu adaptat de digitalizare si asigurarea unui ecosistem sigur in navigarea pe Internet.

Measuring success How are you going to evaluate if the objective has been reached?

Responsabil cu evaluarea atingerii acestui obiectiv este coordonatorul proiectului. Evaluarea se va face in baza planului de monitorizare elaborat pentru intreg proiectul. Indicatorii calitativi si cantitativi pentru atingerea acesti obiectiv: Cel putin 30 de formatori educatia adultilor participanti la activitatile de diseminare care formeaza competente digitale in randul adultilor; Cel putin 500 adulti participanti la activitatile de formare de competente digitale pe perioada de derulare a proiectului; Formarea de competente digitale pentru participantii la proiectele Erasmus+ implementate de organizatia noastra; Feedback formatori/adulti cu privire la noile metode, accesibilitate si atractivitate de digitalizare; Instrumente de masurare: chestionare de satisfactie, numarare directa, Cand se masoara: la doua luni dupa lansarea activitatilor de digitalizare pe platforma de e-learning a organizatiei, la finalul proiectului;

Objective 3

Title What do you want to achieve?

Imbunatatirea capacitatii organizatiei de a implementa activitati cu adultii in vederea formarii abilitatilor de viata pentru incluziune sociala si integrare.

Explanation How is this objective linked with the needs and challenges you have described in the previous question?

Acest obiectiv atinge tintele strategice ale organizatiei dar si atingerea prioritatii nationale si europene privind includerea socială a persoanelor cu oportunităţi reduse, inclusiv a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi şi a migranţilor, precum şi a persoanelor care locuiesc în zone rurale sau izolate, a persoanelor care se confruntă cu dificultăţi socio-economice sau cu orice altă potenţială cauză a discriminării;

Measuring success How are you going to evaluate if the objective has been reached?

Evaluare: Indicatori calitativi si cantitativi: - Numarul de participanti la activitatile de formare ale organizatiei; -numarul de participanti in activitatile de implementare a proiectelor Erasmus ale organizatiei - numarul de proiecte Erasmus+ implementate de organizatie in parteneriat cu organizatii din Europa; -numarul de parteneriete de nivel local, regional si national implementate de organizatie care vizeaza incluziunea sociala a adultilor prin art-terapie si formare de competente digitale.

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


What topics are you going to work on in your project?

New learning and teaching methods and approaches Digital content, technologies and practices Work-based learning

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00



Please choose the types of activities you would like to implement in your project and complete the details for the activities you have chosen, please open each type of activities from the table below by clicking on their name.

In this table and in the specific summary tables below you can see the overview of the information you have provided.

Activity type Number of participants Average duration (in days) Number of accompanying persons Average duration for accompanying persons (in days) Total Grant

Courses and training 4 9 0 0 13 2404 0 13240.0

Activity type

Organisational support

Individual support for participants

Standard Travel

Green travel

Course fees

Linguistic support

Preparatory visits

Exceptional costs

Inclusion support for participants

Inclusion support for organisations Total

Courses and training 400 8 320 1 640 4 2 880 0 0 0 13


400 8 320 1 640 4 2 880 0 0 0 13 240

Summary of participant profiles

Activity type Number of participants Blended mobility activities Green travel Non-teaching staff

Courses and training 4 4 4 0

Courses and training

In this part you should create a list of participants and groups of participants that you plan to involve in this type of activities. These details will serve to assess your proposal and to calculate the needed budget.

The proposed planning should give a realistic representation of what you intend to implement. Of course, all plans must evolve. During implementation you will be allowed to change details such as destinations, the number of participants and duration of activities, as long as you continue working towards the same objectives.

The purpose of this section is to calculate the budget needed to implement your planned activities. You can use the button below to read the detailed funding rules and better understand the calculations below. The section introduces an important new concept: ‘Mobility flow’. A mobility flow is a participant or a group of participants going to the same destination for the same duration of time and with same arrangements. If some participants going to the same destination need to have different arrangements (for example, different travel distance or mode of travel, different duration, Blended mobility activities, etc.) then you should split that mobility flow into two or more separate ones to be able to specify the differences. It is allowed to have more than one flow going to the same destination.

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


The information that you provide in this table will be automatically copied in the budget details. You can come back to this table at any point in case you want to change the data or separate a mobility flow into two.

Mobility flow ID Hosting organisation Destination

countryNumber of participants

Duration (in days)

Number of accompanying persons

Duration for accompanying persons (in days)

Blended mobility activities

Green travel

Non-teaching staff

CRS-01 EUROPASS SRL (E10166501) Italy 4 9 0 0 0

Description (Courses and training)

Please provide some basic information about your plans for this type of activities

If you plan to organise more than one activity of this type, your answers should cover all of the planned activities.

Please briefly describe the content of the activities you plan to organise.

Durata proiectului este de un an. Va consta în trei etape: 1.) Participarea la formare internațională pentru 4 particip. în ianuarie si februarie 2022. 2.) implementarea de noi cunoștințe și tehnici de lucru în organizație. 3.) instruirea internă a formatorilor și voluntarilor în cadrul Organizației. *Flux.1.Teaching with Moodle: Master the Basics for Effective Online Teaching. ian. 2022 Barcelona. Moodle este cea mai renumită aplicație software (Learning Management Systems, LMS) folosită pentru administrarea și livrarea predării online sau pentru susținerea predării față în față cu o platformă de învățare online. Cursul va oferi participanților toate cunoștințele și abilitățile de bază necesare pentru a utiliza Moodle pentru a-și crea și administra cursurile și lecțiile. Are o abordare foarte practică, iar participanții vor dobândi o cunoaștere de lucru a principalelor caracteristici ale Moodle, utilizând platforma cu propriul computer direct pe tot parcursul cursului. *Flux 2. Participarea a doi formatori la cursul "Art as Therapy: Self-Expression and Special Needs in Art Education" Februarie 2022 Barcelona Cursul își propune să prezinte puterea terapeutică a artelor vizuale prin prima mână experimentarea diferitelor tehnici de artă precum pictura, 3D, colaj, mixt mass-media, fotografie. În plus, profesorii vor fi implicați în jocuri de grup și de rol activități legate de rolul important al artei în cazul studenților cu special are nevoie. Participanții vor fi implicați într-un proces de învățare activ, concentrându-se pe personal experiență și auto-exprimare, combinând elemente cognitive și emoționale cu asigura păstrarea pe termen lung a noilor cunoștințe. Teme abordate: Ziua 1 Introducerea cursului și organizarea echipei Introducere în curs, școală și activitățile săptămânale externe. Activități de spargere de gheață folosind drama pentru încredere și construirea ansamblului. Identificarea nevoilor și obiectivelor pentru fiecare participant și populațiile relevante. Fundamentele în art terapie: istorie și valori de bază. Prezentări de diapozitive, studii de caz și activități practice individuale: „Abordarea mea către artă”. Ziua 2Artă și bunăstare. Artă și sănătate. Cum arta ne poate spori emoționalul și bunăstare spirituală. Dovezi legate de corp ale puterii terapeutice a artei. Practic individual și de grup activități: desen intuitiv. Ziua 3 Artă și dezvoltare personală. Arta și creșterea personală. Autocunoaștere și autoreglare, abilități de gestionare a timpului și spațiului. Activități practice individuale și de grup: pictură intuitivă. Ziua 4 Arta prin perspectivă. Arta ca perspectivă: auto-exprimare, empatie și acceptarea celuilalt. Activități practice individuale: fotografie și 3D. Ziua 5 Artă și terapie. Arto terapia în educație: studenți cu nevoi speciale. Prezentare diapozitive și focus grup. Ziua 6 Evaluarea cursului: adunarea competențelor dobândite, feedback și discuții; Acordarea certificatului de participare la curs

Please define the expected results of the planned activities.

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


i. What benefits are the planned activities going to bring to the involved participants? What are they going to learn?

1.Partp. vor învăța cum să gestioneze platforma Moodle într-un interval scurt de timp cu MoodleCloud, cum să navigheze în interfața Moodle, cum să gestioneze lista user-ilor înscriși la un curs și cum să creeze module și diferite tipuri de activități. Mai mult, Moodle sprijină puternic învățarea colaborativă și, vor invata cum se poate folosi pentru a crea activități de grup online pentru cursurile organizatiei. 2.Participanții vor putea folosi puterea terapeutică puternică a artei pentru a promova bunăstarea, empatia, precum și dezvoltarea personală și profesională; Ei vor învăța cum terapia prin artă poate promova creșterea mentală și emoțională prin crearea de artă în educația cu nevoi speciale și în general; Ei vor înțelege cum să folosească arta ca instrument de promovare a integrării în rândul cursantilor și să servească drept mijloc special de comunicare; Vor ști să experimenteze tehnici de artă pentru a găsi rolul relevant al artei (de comunicare, exprimarea sinelui, incluziune

ii. To which project objectives will the planned activities contribute?

Objective 1 : Cresterea gradului de incluziune sociala a persoanelor adulte prin implicarea in ateliere de lucru si cursuri de comunicare si exprimare prin art-terapie. , Objective 2 : Sporirea procentului de persoane adulte cu competente digitale formate prin accederea la cursuri de formare intr-un mediu online. , Objective 3 : Imbunatatirea capacitatii organizatiei de a implementa activitati cu adultii in vederea formarii abilitatilor de viata pentru incluziune sociala si integrare.

iii. How are the planned activities going contribute to these project objectives?

2 formatori vor participa la fluxul 1. După întoarcerea acasă, vor pregăti un Manual de utilizare MOODLE cu sprijinul formatorilor de la cursul Teaching with Moodle: Master the Basics for Effective Online Teaching. In acest fel ei vor putea gestiona caracteristicile și funcțiile de bază ale Moodle și vor putea gestiona cursurile pe platf. organizatiei. Vor dobândi multe idei și capacități pentru a simplifica procesul de învățare al userilor și pentru a face predarea online mai plăcută și mai semnificativă atat pentru formatori, organizatie cat si pentru formabili.Acest manual este baza activitatilor de valorizare. Participantii la cursul "Art as Therapy: Self-Expression and Special Needs in Art Education" vor proiecta cursuri si ateliere de lucru pentru useri pe care le vor dezvolta pe platforma e-learning a organizatiei. ei vor fi sprijiniti de participantii la cursul 1. Dupa aceasta activitate urmeaza validarea si sustinerea cursurilor online si ofline cu cel putin 200 de useri

iv. How will you evaluate if the expected benefits for participants and other results have been achieved?

indicatori: 4 participanti vor fi formati in Europa; Un manual Moodle va fi creat pe organizatie care va fi folosit de catre formatori pentru dezvoltarea platformei de e-learning a organizatiei 10 cursuri de art-terapie vor fi dezvoltate pe platforma organizatiei, 4 ateliere de lucru cu membrii si voluntarii org vor fi sustinute de participanti O prima evaluare va fi facuta de catre furnizorul de curs asupra participantilor. Autoevaluare realizata de participantul la cursurile de formare prin masurarea standardelor proprii Fiecare participant va realiza un jurnal al activitatilor cursului care va fi prezentat atat staff-ului organizatiei cat si participantilor (voluntari si membri ai organizatiei) la atelierele de lucru fata in fata Raport catre organizatie si vor completa chestionarul catre UE Chestionare de satisfactie pentru userii participanti la cursurile si workshopuri privind calitatea aplicatiilor si cursurilor realizate de participanti pe platforma e-learning a organizati

How you are going to select the participants for planned activities?

i. Please describe the selection process and the criteria you plan to use.

Selectia va fi online si are la baza urmatoarelor criterii generale: Formator educatia adultilor/cadru didactic/psiholog/ care sa fie dispus: *sa lucreze atat online cat si offline cu grupul tinta vizat de organizatie (adulti cu probleme de integrare sociala, seniori, migrant, adulti cu dizabilitati, grup tinta proiecte Erasmus+). *sa integreze rezultatele activităților de mobilitate în organizație prin: *realizarea unui curs pentru profesori/formatori pe platforma e-learning a organizatiei; *sa sustina ateliere si cursuri online pentru cel putin 200 de useri; *sa sustina workshop fata in fata cu membri si voluntari ai organizatie; *sa semneze contractul financiar cu organizatia. *sa incheie un MOBILITY AGREEMENT FOR ADULT

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


EDUCATION STAFF Criterii particulare: -formator educatia adultilor, professor de arte, invatatori, educatori educatie speciala -cunostinte de operare pe calculator pt cursul Moodle -cunostinte de limba engleza nivel B1 sau disponibilitate de pregatire,

ii. Why did you choose this method of selecting participants?

Am ales forma ONLINE ca o masura de adaptare la situatia actuala, dar si pentru a utiliza un proces de selectie modern, conform cu nevoile grupului tinta. Nu in ultimul rand ne-am gandit si la economia de hartie consumata intr-un proces de selectie clasic, pentru copiile xerox ale documentelor solicitate. 1. Organizatia are nevoie pentru transformarea activitatilor in activitati digitalizate, menite sa faca fata noilor cerinte in domeniul educatiei si formarii; 2.Organizația are nevoie să integreze rezultatele activităților din mobilitate în munca pe platforma de e-learning, in formarea de competente in domeniul cursului pentru membri si voluntari din organizatie; 3. In contractul financiar sunt stipulate modalitatile de plata a grantului, obligativitatea completarii chestionarului UE, alte cerinte si conditii din partea organizatiri 4. MOBILITY AGREEMENT FOR ADULT EDUCATION STAFF pune la dispozitia participantului toate informatiile referitoare la mobilitatile proiectului. Organisational Support (Courses and training)

Organisational support covers various costs directly linked to the implementation of mobility activities that are not covered by other cost categories.

This includes preparation (pedagogical, intercultural and other), mentoring, monitoring and support of participants during mobility, services, tools and equipment needed for virtual components in blended activities, recognition of learning outcomes, sharing results and making the European Union funding visible to the public.

Please keep in mind that organisational support covers costs incurred by both sending and hosting organisations (except in the case of staff mobility for courses and training). The grant should be shared beween the two organisations according to the tasks they have and expenses they may incur.

Mobility flow ID Hosting organisation Destination

countryNumber of participants

Number of accompanying persons

Organisational support base rate

Organisational support grant

CRS-01 EUROPASS SRL (E10166501) Italy 4 0 100 400

Individual Support (Courses and training)

Individual support covers costs of subsistence for participants and accompanying persons during the activity.

Indidivdual support can also cover subsistance costs for travel time before and after the activity. For more details, please refer to the Programme Guide.

Individual support base rate for accompanying

Individual support grant for accompanying

Mobility flow ID

Hosting organisation

Destination country

Number of participants

Duration (in days)

Number of accompanying persons

Duration for accompanying persons (in days)

Travel days

Individual support base rate for participants

Individual support grant for participants

Total individual support grant

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


persons persons

CRS-01EUROPASS SRL (E10166501)

Italy 4 9 0 0 4 160 0 8 320 0 8 320

Travel (Courses and training)

Travel grant covers the return travel costs of participants and accompanying persons from their place of origin to the venue of the activity.

Mobility flow ID Hosting organisation Destination

countryNumber of participants

Number of accompanying persons

Green travel

Travel Distance

Exceptional costs for expensive travel

Travel unit cost

Travel grant

CRS-01 EUROPASS SRL (E10166501) Italy 4 0 2000 - 2999

km 410 1 640

Course fees (Courses and training)

Course fees cover enrolment fees for courses and training.

Mobility flow ID Hosting organisation Destination country Number of participants Duration (in days) Course fees unit costs Course fees grant

CRS-01 EUROPASS SRL (E10166501) Italy 4 9 80 2 880 Inclusion Support (Courses and training)

Inclusion support covers various costs related to the organisation of mobility activities for participants with fewer opportunities.

Support is provided in two forms: inclusion support for organisations and inclusion support for participants. Inclusion support for organisation is a fixed sum per participant intended to cover administrative nad other minor costs. Inclusion support for participants covers 100% of any actual cost linked to the participants with fewer opportunitis and their accompanying persons. For example, this can include hiring assistants or translators, as well as costs related to travel and subsistence if the stnadard grants for these categories are not sufficient to cover the costs. In the latter case, the full amount of travel and subsistance costs should be requested through Inclusion Support.

Mobility flow ID Hosting organisation Destination

countryNumber of participants

Number of participants for inclusion support

Inclusion support for organisations

Inclusion support for participants

Description and justification of expenses

CRS-01 EUROPASS SRL (E10166501) Italy 4 0 0 0

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


Exceptional costs (Courses and training)

Exceptional costs may be claimed for a financial guarantee, if required.

Please keep in mind that accepted exceptional costs can be covered at a maximum of 80% of the paid amount.

Mobility flow ID Hosting organisation Destination

countryNumber of participants in the mobility flow

Number of participants supported with this cost item

Description and justification of expenses

Eligible costs

Requested grant

CRS-01 EUROPASS SRL (E10166501) Italy 4 0 0 0

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


Quality Standards

Organisations implementing mobility activities must adhere to a common set of Erasmus quality standards. The standards exist to ensure good mobility experience and learning outcomes for all participants, and to make sure that all organisations receiving the Programme’s funding are contributing to its objectives. In a mobility consortium, Erasmus quality standards apply to activities implemented by all beneficiary organisations: the coordinator and the consortium members.

The Erasmus quality standards are part of the Erasmus+ call for Key Action 1 projects. They are also presented below so you can read and easily access them again while writing your application. Where needed, appropriate application of Erasmus quality standards in the national context will be further interpreted by the relevant National Agency.

Please carefully read the Erasmus quality standards presented below and confirm your agreement.

I. Basic principles

Inclusion and diversity: the beneficiary organisations must respect the principles of inclusion and diversity in all aspects of their activities. The beneficiary organisations must ensure fair and equal conditions for all participants.

Whenever possible, the beneficiary organisations should actively engage and involve participants with fewer opportunities in their activities. The beneficiary organisations should make maximum use of the tools and funding provided by the Programme for this purpose.

Environmental sustainability and responsibility: the beneficiary organisations must promote environmentally sustainable and responsible behaviour among their participants. The beneficiary organisations should make maximum use of the funding provided by the Programme to support sustainable means of travel.

Digital education – including virtual cooperation, virtual mobility and blended mobility: the beneficiary organisations should use digital tools and learning methods to complement their physical mobility activities, and to improve the cooperation with partner organisations. The beneficiary organisations should make maximum use of the digital tools, online platforms, and other opportunities provided by the Programme for this purpose.

Active participation in the network of Erasmus organisations: one of the objectives of the Programme is to support the development of the European Education Area. Beneficiary organisations should seek to become active members of the Erasmus network, for example by hosting participants from other countries, or by taking part in exchanges of good practices and other contact activities organised by the National Agencies or other organisations. Experienced organisations should share their knowledge with other organisations that have less experience in the Programme by providing advice, mentorship or other support. Where relevant, beneficiary organisations should encourage their participants to take part in alumni activities and networks.

II. Good management of mobility activities

Core tasks - keeping ownership of the activities: the beneficiary organisations must keep ownership of core implementation tasks and may not outsource these tasks to other organisations.

The core tasks include financial management of the programme funds, contact with the National Agency, reporting on implemented activities, as well as all decisions that directly affect the content, quality and results of the implemented activities (such as the choice of activity type, duration, and the hosting organisation, definition and evaluation of learning outcomes, etc.)

Supporting organisations, transparency and responsibility: in practical aspects of project implementation, the beneficiary organisations may receive advice, assistance or services from other organisations, as long as the beneficiary organisations keep control of the content, quality and results of the implemented activities, as described under ‘core tasks’.

If beneficiary organisations use programme funds to pay other organisations for specific implementation tasks, then the obligations of such organisations must be formally defined to ensure compliance with the Erasmus quality standards and protection of the Union funds. The following elements must be included in the formal agreement

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


between the beneficiary and the service provider: tasks to be carried out, quality control mechanisms, consequences in case of poor or failed delivery, and flexibility mechanisms in case of cancellation or rescheduling of agreed services that guarantee fair and balanced sharing of risk in case of unforeseen events. Documentation defining these obligations must be available for review by the National Agency.

Organisations that assist the beneficiary with specific implementation tasks (on paid or voluntary basis) will be considered supporting organisations and must be registered in the official reporting tools. The involvement of supporting organisations must bring clear benefits for organisational development of the beneficiary organisation and for the quality of mobility activities.

In all cases, the beneficiary organisation will stay responsible for the results and quality of implemented activities, regardless of the involvement of other organisations.

Contributions paid by participants: as a form of co-funding, the beneficiary organisation may ask participants in mobility activities for contributions to pay for goods and services necessary for the implementation of those activities. The size of the participants’ contributions must remain proportional to the grant awarded for the implementation of the activity, must be clearly justified, collected on a non-profit basis, and may not create unfair barriers to participation (especially concerning participants with fewer opportunities). Additional fees or other participant contributions cannot be collected by supporting organisations or other service providers chosen by the beneficiary organisation.

Integrating results of mobility activities in the organisation: beneficiary organisations must integrate the results of the implemented mobility activities (e.g. knowledge gained by staff in professional development) in their regular work, in order to benefit the organisation as a whole, its staff, and learners.

Developing capacity: beneficiary organisations should use the programme funds (and organisational support in particular) in a way that gradually increases their capacity to work internationally on a sustainable, long-term basis. In a mobility consortium, all organisations should benefit in this way.

Regular updates: beneficiary organisations must regularly encode the information about planned and completed mobility activities in the tools provided for this purpose by the European Commission.

Gathering and using participants’ feedback: beneficiary organisations must ensure that participants complete the standard report about their activities, as provided by the European Commission. The beneficiary organisations should make use of the feedback provided by the participants to improve their future activities.

III. Providing quality and support to the participants

Practical arrangements: the beneficiary organisations must ensure the quality of practical and logistic arrangements (travel, accommodation, visa applications, social security, etc.). If these tasks are delegated to the participant or a service provider, the beneficiary organisation will remain ultimately responsible for verifying their provision and quality.

Health, safety and respect of applicable regulation: all activities must be organised with a high standard of safety and protection for involved participants and must respect all applicable regulation (for example regarding parental consent, minimum age of participants, etc.). The beneficiary organisations must ensure that their participants have appropriate insurance coverage, as defined by the general rules of the Programme and the applicable regulation.

Selection of participants: participants must be selected through a transparent, fair and inclusive selection procedure.

Preparation: participants must receive appropriate preparation in terms of practical, professional and cultural aspects of their stay in the host country. The preparation should be organised in collaboration with the hosting organisation (and the hosting families, where relevant).

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


Monitoring and mentoring: where relevant based on the format of the activity, the sending and hosting organisations must identify a mentor or a similar key person who will be following the participant during their stay at the hosting organisation and who will help them achieve the desired learning outcomes. Particular attention should be given to the introduction and integration of the participants at the hosting organisation, and to the monitoring of the learning process.

Support during the activity: participants must be able to request and receive support from their hosting and sending organisations at any time during their mobility. Contact persons in both organisations, means of contact, and protocols in case of exceptional circumstances must be defined before the mobility takes place. All participants must be informed about these arrangements.

Linguistic support: the beneficiary organisation must ensure appropriate language training, adapted to the personal and occupational needs of the participants. Where appropriate, the beneficiary organisation should make maximum use of the specific tools and funding provided by the Programme for this purpose.

Definition of learning outcomes: the expected learning outcomes of the mobility period must be agreed for each participant or group of participants. The learning outcomes must be agreed between the sending and hosting organisations, as well as the participant (in case of individual activities). The form of the agreement will depend on the type of the activity.

Evaluation of learning outcomes: learning outcomes and other benefits for the participants should be systematically evaluated. Results of the evaluation should be analysed and used to improve future activities.

Recognition of learning outcomes: formal, informal and non-formal learning outcomes and other results achieved by the participants in mobility activities must be appropriately recognised at their sending organisation. Available European and national instruments should be used for recognition whenever possible.

IV. Sharing results and knowledge about the programme

Sharing results within the organisation: beneficiary organisations should make their participation in the Programme widely known within the organisation and create opportunities for participants to share their mobility experience with their peers. In case of mobility consortia, the sharing should take place in the whole consortium.

Sharing results with other organisations and the public: beneficiary organisations should share the results of their activities with other organisations and the public.

Publicly acknowledging European Union funding: beneficiary organisations should make their participation in the Programme known in their community and in the wider public. Beneficiary organisation also must inform all participants about the source of their grant.

Subscribing to Erasmus Quality Standards

To apply for a Key Action 1 mobility project, your organisation must subscribe to the quality standards described above and accept to be evaluated based on those standards. Please read the following statements carefully and confirm your agreement:

I have read and understood the above quality standards

I understand and agree that these quality standards will be used as part of the criteria for evaluation of my project at final report stage

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00



What will you do to integrate the results of implemented mobility activities in your organisation’s regular work?

Rezultatele activităților de mobilitate vor fi implementate în abordarea și metodele noastre de invatare non formala și în procesele de management ale organizatiei Intergare Europeana. După fiecare curs, participanții vor fi invitați să își integreze învățăturile în domeniile lor specifice și să produca schimbările asteptate in organizație. *Participantii la cursul Art terapy vor proiect cel putin 10 ateliere de lucru/cursuri pentru platforma e-learning a organizatiei. Pana la finalul proiectului aceste cursuri vor fi testate si validate de minim 200 useri. Ei vo fi ajutati de participantii la cursul despre Moodle. Acestia vor realiza un manual de utilizare Moodle conform nevoilor organizatiei, care va fi utilizat de toti formatorii si voluntarii nostri. Participantii la cursuri vor fi ajutati de trainerii de la furnizorii de cursuri pentru realizarea acestor rezultate. *Realizarea unui set de tutoriale video cu indicatii si instructiuni de realizarea a atelierelor si cursurilor de art-terapie pentru a facilita accesul la aceste cursuri si a persoanelor cu dizabilitati, cu dificultati de citire. Tutorialele vor fi realizate de catre participantii la cursuri ajutati de participantii la cursul Moodle; *Activitati in proiecte erasmus+KA204 ce presupun atat actv de art-terapie cat si implementare de actv. pe o platforma colaborativa; *Cursuri pe plaforma ( atat cele de la formare pentru alti formatori) cat si cursuri pentru learners. *La background-ul organizatiei vor fi trecute competentele si expertiza de la curs in asa fel incat eventualii parteneri de proiecte sa creeze responsabilitati si activitati in viitoarele proiecte pentru aceste competente si expertise ale organizatiei noastre *Vom organiza un curs Art-therapie si Moodle la nivel CCD Buzau pentru cel putin 20 de formatori . Suportul de curs si documentatia vor fi realizate de catre participantii la curs. In acest fel cursul va fi preluat la nivelul comunitatii si folosit de catre formatori educatia adultilor, profesori din toate domeniile, formatori de la alte organizatii din comunitate. *Rezultatele cursului vor fi diseminate la nivelul Centrelor de educatie pentru adulti, CSEI Buzau, HC Buzau, SC Buzau care au ca forma de educatie " a doua sansa". * Pe platforma EPALE se va face o diseminare a cursurilor si vor fi create link-uri catre platforma de e-learning a organizatiei in asa fel incat sa existe posibilitatea accederii la cursurile si atelierele de pe platforma (traduse si in limba engleza) si de catre utilizatorii EPALE. *Prezentari ale organizatiei la evenimente de networking, la intalniri cu participanti din alte proiecte Erasmus+; *Un curs de formare cu membrii si voluntarii organizatiei in domeniul art-terapiei si Moodle; *Cinci ateliere de lucru cu profesori si invatatori din comunitate in vederea diseminarii rezultatelor proiectului; * Organizarea unui simpozion pe tematica proiecutlui, cu concursul unor parteneri locali, regionali, nationali si international

What will your organisation do to share the results of its activities and knowledge about the Programme?

i. To share results within your organisation

Grupuri țintă pentru diseminare in organizatie sunt: propria noastră echipă, rețeaua noastră locală și online de părțile interesate și - cel mai important - cursanții noștri. Activitățile și cunoștințele noastre despre Erasmus+ vor fi diseminate intern prin intermediul raportului nostru de rezultat al cursanților și al atelierului de lucru al echipei. Metodologia pentru această diseminare internă va fi difuzată printr-o postare pe site (comunicată prin buletinul nostru informativ) privind schimbul intern de învățare. Rezultatele acestui proiect vor fi integrate în cursurile noastre și, printr-un efect de cascadă, vor fi diseminate către cel putin 10 000 de cursanți. Participând la proiecte Erasmus +, dorim să ne sporim capacitatea de a oferi înaltă calitate propriilor nostri cursanti, folosind tehnici moderne și valorificate si cultivarea standardelor de înaltă calitate și promovarea celor mai bune practici utilizate in munca cu grupurile noastre tinta.

ii. To share results with other organisations and the public

Rezultatele acestui proiect vor fi împărtășite cu cel putin 50 de organizații interesate. Aceasta include alte organizații nonprofit și / sau de învățare pentru adulți, organizatii partenere din vechile si actualele proiecte Erasmus+. O conferință internationala vom organiza în care împărtășim și schimbăm cunoștințe cu partenerii noștri. Aproximativ 300 de participanți, inclusiv o gamă largă de experți și formatori în educația adulților vor fi prezenti. Vom comunica proiectul rețelei EPALE , inclusiv cursantilor nostri pe care i-am format prin cursurile noastre până în prezent și altor părți interesate. Un buletin informativ va fi lansat pe rețelele sociale. Avem planuri ambițioase de a dezvolta în continuare această rețea, iar proiectele Erasmus + vor oferi o nouă oportunitate de a ne conecta cu persoane si organizatii interesate, in online, inclusiv la nivelul UE.

iii. To publicly acknowledge European Union funding

Vom promova rezultatele tangibile si intangibile ale proiectului "Art-therapy and ICT Zone" si finantarii din programul Erasmus+ pe: Website Integrare, Rețele sociale: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter. Vom afișa un banner al proiectului în biroul nostru lângă celălalt. Vom folosi, de asemenea, platforme europene precum EPALE, School Education Gateway și platforma de diseminare a rezultatelor Erasmus + pentru a împărtăși rezultatele noastre cu scopul

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


de a-i inspira pe alții să urmărească aceeași dezvoltare a personalului pe care o avem și să ne conectăm cu alții care sunt pe căi similare. În orice moment, logo-urile, confirmările și disclaimers Erasmus + corecte vor fi utilizate în comunicările publice și în documentele de proiect. Coordonatorul proiectului va fi responsabil pentru asigurarea vizibilitatii programului Erasmus+. Pe toate materialele scrise (site, articole), precum si pe toate printabilele (Roll-up, afise) vor avea mentionat “finantat de programul E+ al UE”

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


Project SummaryPlease provide short answers to the following questions to summarise the information you have provided in the rest of the application form.Please use full sentences and clear language. In case your project is accepted, the summary you provided will be made public by the European Commission and the National Agencies.

i. Background: Why did you apply for this project?

Nevoile organizatiei identificate din analiza Swot, din sedintele de lucru ale organizatiei, din focus grupurile cu membrii si voluntarii organizatiei sunt: - formatori/ lucratori de tineret motivați și competenți în domeniul digital; - activitățile non-formale sa aibă un conținut de formare de înaltă calitate, si in ton cu cerintele actuale; - sa dispunem de platforma de e-learning securizata care sa respecte standardele de confidențialitate și de etică in mediul online. Din aceste nevoi s-au creionat tinte strategice de atins in imediata etapa. Asigurarea calității activitatilor nonformale în vederea formării de competente si abilitati pentru membrii comunitatii; Corelarea competențelor formatorilor cu competențele cheie prin transferul experiențelor din proiectele europene și internaționale, în perspectiva învățării pe tot parcursul vieții; Armonizarea valorilor actuale ale organizatiei cu noile provocării ale societății contemporane în vederea atingerii performanțelor impuse;

Please provide a translation in English.

The needs of the organization identified from the Swot analysis, from the working sessions of the organization, from the focus groups with the members and volunteers of the organization are: - trainers / youth workers motivated and competent in the digital field; - non-formal activities to have a high quality training content, and in tune with current requirements; - to have a secure e-learning platform that respects the standards of confidentiality and ethics in the online environment. From these needs, strategic targets were reached to be achieved in the immediate stage. Ensuring the quality of non-formal activities in order to train skills and abilities for community members; Correlation of trainers' competencies with key competencies by transferring experiences from European and international projects, with a view to lifelong learning; Harmonizing the current values of the organization with the new challenges of contemporary society in order to achieve the required performance;

ii. Objectives: What do you want to achieve by implementing the project

1.Cresterea gradului de incluziune sociala a persoanelor adulte prin implicarea in ateliere de lucru si cursuri de comunicare si exprimare prin art-terapie. 2.Sporirea procentului de persoane adulte cu competente digitale formate prin accederea la cursuri de formare intr-un mediu online. 3.Imbunatatirea capacitatii organizatiei de a implementa activitati cu adultii in vederea formarii abilitatilor de viata pentru incluziune sociala si integrare. Aceste obiective ating tintele strategice ale organizatiei dar si atingerea prioritatii nationale si europene privind includerea socială a persoanelor cu oportunităţi reduse, cu dizabilităţi şi a migranţilor, a persoanelor care locuiesc în zone rurale sau izolate; Prin proiect vizam dezvoltarea competentelor digitale ale formatorilor organizatiei in vederea dezvoltarii de platforme de e-learning cu aplicatii pentru invatare mixta, sincron si asincron, online si offline.

Please provide a translation in English.

1. Increasing the degree of social inclusion of adults by getting involved in workshops and communication and expression courses through art therapy. 2. Increasing the percentage of adults with digital skills trained by accessing training courses in an online environment. 3. Improving the capacity of the organization to implement activities with adults in order to form life skills for social inclusion and integration. These objectives reach the strategic goals of the organization but also the achievement of the national and European priority regarding the social inclusion of the people with reduced opportunities, with disabilities and of the migrants, of the people living in rural or isolated areas; The project aims to develop the digital skills of the organization's trainers in order to develop e-learning platforms with applications for mixed learning, synchronous and asynchronous, online and offline.

iii. Implementation: What activities are you going to implement?

Durata proiectului este de un an. Va consta în trei etape: 1.) Participarea la formare internațională pentru 4 particip. în ianuarie si februarie 2022, Barcelona. 2.) implementarea de noi cunoștințe și tehnici de lucru în organizație. 3.) instruirea internă a formatorilor și voluntarilor în cadrul Organizației. *Teaching with Moodle: Master the Basics for Effective Online Teaching. Cursul va oferi participanților toate cunoștințele și abilitățile de bază necesare pentru a utiliza Moodle pentru a-și crea și administra cursurile și lecțiile. *Participarea a doi formatori la cursul "Art as Therapy: Self-Expression and

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


Special Needs in Art Education".Cursul își propune să prezinte puterea terapeutică a artelor vizuale prin prima mână experimentarea diferitelor tehnici de artă precum pictura, 3D, colaj, mixt mass-media, fotografie. În plus, profesorii vor fi implicați în jocuri de grup și de rol activități legate de rolul important al artei în cazul studenților cu special are nevoie.

Please provide a translation in English.

The duration of the project is one year. It will consist of three stages: 1.) Participation in international training for 4 participants. in January and February 2022 Barcelona 2.) implementation of new knowledge and work techniques in the organization. 3.) internal training of trainers and volunteers within the Organization. * Teaching with Moodle: Master the Basics for Effective Online Teaching. The course will provide participants with all the basic knowledge and skills needed to use Moodle to create and manage their courses and lessons. * Participation of two trainers in the course "Art as Therapy: Self-Expression and Special Needs in Art Education". The course aims to present the therapeutic power of visual arts by first hand experimenting with different art techniques such as painting, 3D, collage, mixed mass -media, photography. In addition, teachers will be involved in group and role play activities related to the important role of art in the case of students with special needs

iv. Results: What results do you expect your project to have?

1.Partp. vor învăța cum să gestioneze platforma Moodle într-un interval scurt de timp cu MoodleCloud, cum să navigheze în interfața Moodle, cum să gestioneze lista user-ilor înscriși la un curs și cum să creeze module și diferite tipuri de activități. Mai mult, Moodle sprijină puternic învățarea colaborativă și, vor invata cum se poate folosi pentru a crea activități de grup online pentru cursurile organizatiei. 2.Participanții vor putea folosi puterea terapeutică puternică a artei pentru a promova bunăstarea, empatia, precum și dezvoltarea personală și profesională; Ei vor învăța cum terapia prin artă poate promova creșterea mentală și emoțională prin crearea de artă în educația cu nevoi speciale și în general; Ei vor înțelege cum să folosească arta ca instrument de promovare a integrării în rândul cursantilor și să servească drept mijloc special de comunicare; Vor ști să experimenteze tehnici de artă pentru a găsi rolul relevant al artei (de comunicare, exprimarea sinelui, incluziune

Please provide a translation in English.

1.Participants will learn how to manage the Moodle platform in a short time with MoodleCloud, how to navigate the Moodle interface, how to manage the list of users enrolled in a course and how to create modules and different types of activities. Moreover, Moodle strongly supports collaborative learning and will learn how to use it to create online group activities for the organization's courses. 2. Participants will be able to use the strong therapeutic power of art to promote well-being, empathy, and personal and professional development; They will learn how art therapy can promote mental and emotional growth by creating art in special needs education and in general; They will understand how to use art as a tool to promote integration among learners and to serve as a special means of communication; They will know how to experiment with art techniques to find the relevant role of art (communication, self-expression, social inclusion);

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00



The maximum size of a file is 15 MB and the maximum total size is 100 MB.The maximum number of all attachments is 10.

Declaration on Honour

Please download the Declaration on Honour, print it, have it signed by the legal representative, and attach it here.

File Name File Size (kB)

DOH -declaration-on-honour SEMNATA.pdf 171Total Size (kB) 171

Other Documents

Please attach any other relevant documents. Please use clear file names.If you have any additional questions, please contact your National Agency. You can find their contact details here

File Name File Size (kB)

OTH -Art-therapy and ICT Zone_Work_plan.xlsx 11Total Size (kB) 11

Total Size (kB) 183

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00



Before submitting your application form to the National Agency, please make sure that:

It fulfills the eligibility criteria listed in the Programme Guide.

All relevant fields in the application form have been completed.

You have chosen the correct National Agency of the country in which your organisation is established. Currently selected NA is: RO01 - Agentia Nationala pentru Programe Comunitare in Domeniul Educatiei si Formarii Profesionale

The documents proving the legal status of the applicant must be uploaded in the Organisation Registration System, here: Organisation Registration System (for more details, see the Programme Guide - "Information for applicants").

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00



Version Submission time (Brussels time) Submitted by

Submission ID

Submission status

1 15/05/2021 08:36:27 Posirca Gina 1171128 Published

2 18/05/2021 08:21:21 Posirca Gina 1188449 Published

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Call 2021 Round 1 KA1KA122-ADU - Short-term projects for mobility of leaners and staff in adult education

Form ID KA122-ADU-0CF8876F Deadline (Brussels Time) 18 May 2021 12:00:00


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