adapting to climate change to sustain food...

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Advanced Review

Adapting to climate changeto sustain food securityGina Ziervogel1! and Polly J. Ericksen2

Climate change poses considerable challenges to food security. Adapting foodsystems both to enhance food security for the poor and vulnerable and to preventfuture negative impacts from climate change will require attention to more thanjust agricultural production. This article surveys the multiple components of foodsecurity, particularly those relating to access and utilization, which are threatenedby the complex responses of food systems to the impacts of climate change. Foodsecurity can only be ensured and enhanced with a suite of interventions acrossactivities, ranging from production to distribution and allocation. Although manystudies have demonstrated the importance of policy and institutional interventionsfor ensuring food security after a shock, the climate change impacts and adaptationcommunity have been slow to pick up on these lessons. This article pulls togetherlessons from the literature on the type of institutional interventions that could bestrengthened to enable adaptation in the food system to buffer against climatechange at multiple levels, from the local to the global level. ! 2010 John Wiley & Sons,Ltd. WIREs Clim Change 2010 1 525–540

The links between food security and climate changeare complex, because food security involves food

and its production, trade and nutrition as well ashow people and nations maintain access to foodover time in the face of multiple stresses. Althoughthe likely significant impacts of climate change onfood production have recently received a lot ofattention, the links between climate change andthe other components of food security includingaccess, availability, stability, and utilization havenot yet been well researched.1–3 This is likely toresult in underestimating the impacts of climatechange on food security, for example, through factorssuch as price increases4 and malnutrition.5 It alsoignores a considerable body of research explainingvulnerability to climate change as embedded in social,economic, and political processes.6–8 In a similar vein,response or adaptation to climate change impactsin the food system has focused on adaptive actionsrelated to agriculture, mainly adoption of improvedtechnologies to accommodate the effects of changesin temperature, precipitation patterns, and length of

!Correspondence to: of Environmental and Geographical Science, Univer-sity of Cape Town, Private Bag X3, Rondebosch 7701, South Africa2Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford,United Kingdom

DOI: 10.1002/wcc.56

growing season.2,9,10 Although production impactsare critical, this article argues that the policiesand institutions underpinning adaptation to climatechange across the spectrum of food security issuesneed to be prioritized. A broad range of actions isnecessary for adaptation responses to be stepped upto avoid increasing food insecurity, particularly forthe most vulnerable.

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)of the United Nations (UN) defined food securityat the World Food Summit in 1996 as ‘when allpeople, at all times have physical and economic accessto sufficient, safe and nutritious food to meet theirdietary needs and food preferences for an activeand healthy life’.11 The components of food securityinclude adequate food production, but they alsotouch on larger socioeconomic issues surroundingfood availability, or the ability to effectively translatehunger into an economic demand for food and tohave access to nutritious, safe and culturally preferredfoods. So too, the stability of food systems is importanton both the supply side in terms of production andthe demand side in terms of being able to trade forfood.12 Thirty years of research and interventionsto protect or enhance food security (i.e., since Sen’swritings13) have demonstrated that the right to foodembodied in the FAO food security definition restsin the performance of institutions such as markets,

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government programs, bilateral and internationaltrade agreements, and donor obligations.14,15 Politicalprocesses and power relations among and withincountries are a key determinant of the effectivenessof these institutions.16

The challenge of mitigating and adapting toclimate change, as well as achieving food security,is embedded within a suite of issues related todevelopment pathways and hence choices of decisionmakers at multiple levels. Meeting both the climatechange and food security challenges requires progressin poverty eradication, reduced global inequality,assured resource rights, the promotion of stable liveli-hoods, and gender equity. These challenges need to beaddressed at the same time as decoupling developmentfrom fossil fuel and energy intensive responses—i.e.,moving to low carbon development pathways.17,18

The problems of global disparity and achieving foodsecurity in a highly variable climatic context areconnected and cannot be solved separately. Currently,20% of the population enjoys 85% of the world’swealth, and the poorest 20% live on 1% of globalincome.19 This meager percentage of global incomehas to contribute to the poorest’s access to food, whichis often compromised when resources are lacking (orincome is chronically insecure) and complicated byeconomic and political histories.20 Food insecurity istherefore concentrated more in sub-Saharan Africa,where 30% of the population is undernourished andin South Asia, where 23% is undernourished. It isalso more prevalent at a local level in places with highpoverty or conflicts, such as Haiti and Afghanistan.21

The challenges of achieving food security areclosely intertwined with the challenges of humandevelopment and economic growth that includechronic poverty, poor health, inadequate distributionmechanisms, inadequate and distorted markets, lackof nutritious and culturally preferred foods, andproduction constraints. These challenges are mostpronounced in developing countries and so this articlefocuses on food security in the Global South, payingparticular attention to sub-Saharan Africa (whilerecognizing that this food security very much dependsupon policies and markets in Europe and NorthAmerica). Despite the challenges faced, there arenumerous opportunities to adjust elements of the foodsystem to cope better with current and future climatevariability, although these opportunities often facepolitical, cultural, technical, and institutional barrierswith deep historical roots.

This article starts by defining food security andthen addresses how it is and can be impacted byclimate change. This sets the context for exploring thetypes of institutional support needed for sustainable

adaptation responses in food systems at multiple scalesby exploring local, national, and international leveloptions.22 The article ends by focusing on some of thechallenges of strengthening institutional support foradaptation to climate change in the food system.

It is also becoming more apparent that the foodsystem is a significant contributor to the problemof climate change and that reductions need to bemade in emissions related to soil use, land clearingfor agriculture, animal feed, and transport of foodamong others.23,24 This is a large area for discussion,particularly as consumers in developing countrieschange their food preferences, but the mitigation issueswill not be addressed in this article. However, we doacknowledge that adaptation options to enhance foodsecurity should not exacerbate climate change.

DEFINING FOOD SYSTEMS AND FOODSECURITYThe complexity of food systems and the link to foodsecurity are perhaps best described by Gregory et al.3

(p. 2139) as follows: ‘Dynamic interactions betweenand within the bio-geophysical and human environ-ments lead to the production, processing, preparationand consumption of food, resulting in food systemsthat underpin food security’. These food system activi-ties contribute to four food security outcomes, namelyavailability, accessibility, stability, and utilization offood. These components are outlined below.

Food availability depends on the production,distribution, and exchange of food.3,12 Included hereis the production of adequate crop, livestock, andfisheries as well as the collection of wild foods andresources for migratory and indigenous communi-ties. While the components of food availability arecontextual, current thinking suggests that domes-tic production, reliable import capacity, presence offood stocks, availability of social protection measures,decent transportation infrastructure and, when neces-sary, access to food aid are the major elements ofsecuring food supply.25

Food accessibility refers to the affordability,allocation mechanisms, and preferences that enablepeople to effectively translate their hunger intodemand that is satisfied. Poverty and vulnerability playa central role in food accessibility, as this componentis centrally concerned with the purchasing power ofhouseholds and individuals and the social dynamicsgoverning access.26 Accompanying growth in urbanareas has been a decline in the emphasis of productionand greater emphasis on the incomes and socialnetworks that are used in accessing food.27 Nationaleconomic security is also a factor, as it is reflected in

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the presence of adequate food market infrastructure.28

The food distribution and the location where foodarrives for purchase also relate to food accessibility.25

Food stability involves the presence of continu-ous food supply and access to food. This recognizesthat certain shocks, especially climatic or conflictrelated, can contribute to transitory food insecurity orexacerbate chronic food insecurity.29 Factors affect-ing food stability include seasonal variation in foodsupply or income that can be impacted by climatevariability, price fluctuations, and political and eco-nomic factors. Health factors, such as HIV and AIDS,also affect the stability of the labor force and thereforefood security outcomes.

Finally, food utilization refers to how a personis able to utilize food and nutrients (depending onage, health, and disease) as well as the quality offood intake.30,31 In countries plagued by poor health,sanitation, and inadequate safety standards, chronicillness may compromise a person’s digestion andundermine nutrient intake. Prevalence of diseases suchas malaria and cholera compound food insecurityvia nutritional impacts,32,33 and chronic diarrhea iswell-known to undermine nutritional status and is amajor contributor to malnutrition in children under5 years of age. For example, HIV and AIDS researchhas shown that HIV positive people require morecalories and protein to sustain them and infectionscan worsen with poor nutrition.34 Food utilizationalso relates to the ‘social value’ of food in terms ofkinship, traditions such as Sunday dinners, Sabbathmeals, or the breaking of fast during Ramadan.25

In addition to recognizing the different outcomesof food security, it is important to recognize that foodsecurity can be viewed at different levels. Table 1illustrates the type of processes that can impact food

security outcomes at the local level, where people taketheir food production and consumption decisions;at the provincial and national level, where manypolicies are set; and at the international level, wheremany commodities are traded, global agreements aredisputed and multinational actors wield influence,highlighting the need to tackle food insecurity atmultiple levels. It is clear that there are linkagesbetween these processes that need to be understood aswell. The examples presented here are not exhaustive,but illustrate the mixture of processes affecting foodsecurity, which can be disaggregated by institutionalor spatial level for closer analysis. Some of theseprocesses might lead to greater food security for somepeople, while the same process might undermine foodsecurity for others.

Although food security is most acutely expe-rienced at the local level, it is a policy concernin almost every country, linked to national eco-nomic goals, social welfare, and poverty alleviation.However, many analysts argue that alleviating foodsecurity requires an ‘anti-hunger’ social contract thatis ultimately a government obligation, embedded inlegislation.36 This is the logic behind the ‘Right toFood’ initiatives, which are spearheaded by a UN spe-cial rapporteur on the right to food, who works underthe auspices of the UN Human Rights Council (

IMPACTS OF CLIMATE CHANGEON FOOD SECURITYIn order to understand the impacts of climate changeon food security it is necessary to understand thelinkages between climate change, food security, andits drivers as shown in Figure 1. The drivers, that

TABLE 1 Examples of the Type of Processes at Different Levels that Can Impact Food Security

Local e.g., household National/Provincial International

Loss of customary rights and change tomodern ‘tenure’ systems

Urbanization Globalization leading to ‘teleconnected’commodity markets

Loss of access to communal resources Changing legislation and tenure systems Trade policy reform (or failure)

Increasing need for cash Population growth Demand for reduced GHG emissions

Monetization of resources andservices/increasing health andeducation costs

Increasing penetration of global markets/reorientation of production away fromlocal circulation and reciprocity

Global disease epidemics

Deagrarianization (diversification out ofagricultural-based livelihoods)

Declining biodiversity and forests andexpansion of agriculture

Environmental change processes(including deteriorating water quality,soil degradation, changes in climatevariability, etc.)

Privatization of land and resources Increasing HIV and AIDS prevalence

Source: Adapted from Ref 35.

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Climate change


Extreme weatherevents

Food security drivers Food security

Cycles for consistencyAgricultural managementSocio-economic variables

Demographic changeCultural & political variables

Science & technology



FIGURE 1 | Linkages between climatechange and food security.

can all be impacted by a change in climate variablesin some way, can include the biophysical system, itscycles and its management as well as socio-economic,demographic, cultural and political variables thatcan be directly or indirectly impacted by climate.Changes in climate variables might also impact onscience and technology demands and outcomes thatin turn may impact on food security outcomes. Thesedrivers impact the four components of food security.But there are also feedbacks from the outcomes offood security to the drivers. For example, if there isreduced precipitation and this is not addressed byagricultural management strategies, crop yields willdecline and reduce food availability. This might thenimpact on the price of the crop. This economic drivermight then effect accessibility of food.

To date, the focus on the impacts of climatechange on food security has been on availability andproduction in particular. This is the area where theimpacts of climate change are likely to be felt themost and the soonest. A chapter of the IPCC, devotedto food, fibre, and forest products makes a numberof important points linking climate change and foodproduction2 (p. 8). This has since been updated witha number of other studies10,37 that increase the levelof concern, particularly as the likelihood of globalwarming beyond 2" by the latter part of this century ismuch greater than previously thought.38,39 The spatialheterogeneity of impacts on productivity is important,with concerns that at low latitudes, crop productivityis projected to decrease for even small local temper-ature increases (1–2"C),40 and increases in the fre-quency of droughts and floods are projected to affectlocal production negatively, especially in subsistencesectors at low latitudes. Although increases in CO2can increase crop yields, this response decreases afterthe optimal temperature is exceeded and is less in openair than in chamber experiments, resulting in ques-tions about the long-term benefit of CO2 fertilization,given expected temperature increases and reduced soilmoisture availability.41–43 Regional changes in thedistribution and production of particular fish speciesare expected due to continued warming, with adverseeffects projected for aquaculture and fisheries.44 Cli-mate change impacts on food production will increase

regional disparities and require significant livelihoodshifts.45 These climatic impacts will increase thecurrent stress production systems already faced dueto degradation of key ecosystem services such asnutrient balance, water quality, and biodiversity.46

An important argument of this article, however,is that limited attention has been paid to the impactson the other critical dimensions of food security: foodaccessibility, utilization, and the stability of foodsystems.37 By not exploring the range of primary andsecondary impacts, adaptation and mitigation optionsmight overlook important opportunities for changesin food systems on the one side and unintendedconsequences of food security responses on the otherside. Such a narrow consideration of food securityignores many years of research documenting themulti-faceted nature of food security, in particular itslinks to poverty, inequality, gender, and demographictrends including health.

Accessibility to food can be impacted by extremeevents including droughts and floods.47 If infrastruc-ture is damaged or destroyed, either through heatstress on roads or through increased frequency of floodevents that destroy infrastructure, distribution of foodcould be impacted. These factors could also impactpeople’s access to markets to sell or purchase food.

Access is particularly important in urbanareas experiencing rapid urbanization.27 Some urbansettlements may have access to urban food production,though stress on water resources and land couldreduce yields and price. However, the majority of foodneeds to be transported in from rural areas. Allocationof food to different areas can therefore impact itsavailability and hence accessibility.25 Most frequently,food needs to be purchased in urban areas and oftenin rural areas as well. Food prices are therefore adirect determinant of affordability and hence access.If climate variability impacts on job opportunities,such as reduced seasonal work during droughts, it canalso impact on the ability to purchase food.

Food stability can be affected if food pricesare not constant. The Niger food security crisisof 2005 saw the impact of local level productionfailures from drought exacerbated by high demandfrom Nigeria coupled with long-term poverty.48 The

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change in seasonality attributed to climate changecan lead to certain food products being more scarceat certain times of the year, a phenomenon thatFewsNet, the USAID-funded early warning system,regularly monitors (e.g., West Africa Food SecurityAlert November 25, 2009). These seasonal variationsin food supply, in addition to vulnerabilities toflooding and fire, can overlay to make livelihoodsmore vulnerable at certain times of the year.

The food price crisis of 2008 illustrated howclimatic shocks in one location combined with othertypes of food system shocks trigger a widespread andprolonged commodity price rise and food instability.Protracted drought in Australia affected global riceand wheat supply combined with stagnant productionin China, the EU, India, and the United States.Subsidies for ethanol in the US spiked prices of maize.Global food reserves were very low.49 National reac-tions to these high prices were often constrained todomestic price controls and export bans, which pro-longed the high prices.50 At household and communitylevels, poor consumers lacked the money to affordstaple foods, leading to protests in a number of placesand a sharp increase in the number of undernour-ished; the subsequent economic crisis did nothing toalleviate the situation. The poorer a household is, thelarger the percentage of its income it spends on food.

The utilization of food can be impacted byclimate changes. As the type of seed cultivars andvarieties that can be grown change to be moreappropriately suited to the climate, so people maychange what they eat. For example, in southern Africamaize is a staple crop. However, sorghum fares betterif there is less rainfall. Yet, many people prefer toeat maize than sorghum and so continue to plantmaize in years of low rainfall despite poor yields.Jones and Thornton51 suggest that maize productionis likely to be reduced overall by 10% by 2055, inLatin America and Africa, equivalent to losses of $2billion per year, having significant implications forfood security. If other produce that is easier to growin a different climate is more widely available and/orcheaper, people may change their food basket or itcould result in people spending a greater percentageof their income on food if prices increase. On topof this, people with certain diseases require improvednutrients to help fight disease, such as in the case ofHIV/AIDS. Changing food security linked to climateand environmental change can therefore impactnutrition security of ill household members.34,52

Wild foods, that many poor households rely on,particularly when there are few other food sources,are expected to change in their distribution. Levin andPershing53 undertook a study in sub-Saharan Africa

of 5000 plants species, of which they predicted that81–97% of the plant species’ suitable habitats willdecrease in size or shift due to climate change and by2085, between 25 and 42% of the species’ habitatsare expected to be lost altogether. The implications ofthese changes are particularly great among communi-ties that use plants as food sources or for plant-basedmedicines. This example also illustrates the impor-tance of maintaining multiple ecosystem services suchas biodiversity, in the face of a changing climate.

Utilization of food, dependent on the typeand quantity of food available, will have signifi-cant consequences for nutrition. The IPCC FourthAssessment Report Chapter on Health concludedthat increased malnutrition was a highly likely andsignificant outcome of climate change for humanhealth.54 Compounding this are the impacts of climatechange on other determinants of health, particularlydisease distribution and the availability of safe, cleanwater for drinking and preparing food. As a recentsurvey of the health consequences of climate changedemonstrates, vector-borne diseases such as malariaare likely to spread to new areas as the world warmsand water-borne diseases like cholera or dengue mayincrease as flood events become more frequent. Bothincreased floods and more frequent droughts increasethe risk of contaminated water, a key factor affectingfood safety.33

In addition to climate change impacts on differ-ent outcomes of food security, women and childrenare likely to be disproportionately impacted byclimate change as they are already vulnerable to foodinsecurity within households. Children are vulnerablebecause of their susceptibility to disease and poornutrition. Women, who play a key role in ensuringhousehold nutrition, may be at a greater risk of under-nutrition often because of intra-household allocationpatterns and social norms.55,56 An emerging areaof research is the gendered nature of vulnerabilityto climate change57; as climate change affects laborand income opportunities, and availability of naturalresources such as land and water, the outcomes formen and women will differ.

RESPONDING TO THE IMPACTSOF CLIMATE CHANGE ON FOODSECURITYThe impacts of climate change on the food systemare emerging at a range of scales and across sectors.Food security will continue to be affected at anincreasing rate in the future. It is therefore necessaryto understand how best the food system can adapt toclimate change.

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It should not be assumed that we can predictthe local impacts of future climates on all aspectsof the food system. Rather, we have scenarios thatclimate scientists have provided that are downscaledto the local level and give an indication of futurechanges from 2046 to 2100.58 Although there isuncertainty associated with these scenarios, there isenough information to understand expected long-term trends, although the information needs to bepresented in a way the users can understand and applyin their evaluation of adaptation options.59 Whendeveloping adaptation strategies to respond either tocurrent climate variability or to long-term change,there should be a focus on ensuring robustnessagainst a wide variety of future climate conditions,with successful adaptations remaining useful despiteuncertainties in the climate projections.60–62

Climate change adaptation is more than a setof projects that help to deal with climate variability,change, and potential impacts. Rather, adaptationto climate change is a process of socio-institutionallearning that recognizes often competing stakeholdergoals and processes and uses information at variouslevels and in many ways. The importance of this hasbeen clearly shown through adaptive managementapproaches researched in the water sector.63,64 Giventhis, it is necessary to explore the conditions forenabling learning and support for processes thatincrease robustness against a range of climate futuresrather than discrete activities. Although this encom-passes many elements, this article focuses on policiesand institutions that might enable processes of adap-tation at the local, national, and international levels.

In order to suggest policy and institutionalresponses to supporting adaptation, it is important toreflect on lessons from 30 years of food security inter-ventions and analysis that highlight the importanceof access and utilization as well as availability. Manyof these lessons stress the importance of institutionaland policy responses. Key lessons about respondingto food insecurity and managing transitions or inno-vations in cropping systems include:

• Chronic poverty and lack of government fundsundermine coping and adaptive capacity toreduce food insecurity26; one or two good yearsare often not enough for farming households torecover from repeated crop losses or other shocksto their income and assets. Social protectionprograms hold considerable promise but requirenational and international policy support.65,66

• Functioning markets are critical for food securityand agricultural growth; often poverty and foodinsecurity arise because prices for inputs or food

are too high, while prices for local productionare too low. However, it is extremely difficult toget domestic market interventions ‘right’,28 andsometimes such interventions can exacerbatefood insecurity.67

• Farmer attitudes toward managing risks arevaried and context specific68; however, they needsupport (e.g., from extension and credit services)if risks are too big or unknown.69

• Reforming or improving the institutions respon-sible for managing food and agricultural systemsis both critical and extremely challenging. Inaddition to the market, extension, credit, andsocial policy issues, basic food security planning,and relief mechanisms are also important.

a. Food security and vulnerability assessmentsrely upon holistic, integrated frameworks andreliable, up to date monitoring information.70

b. International donors wield considerable influ-ence over food relief operations; however, inrecent years they have faced difficulty meetingannual appeals for food aid to ‘chronically’food-insecure countries and regions ashighlighted in IRIN and WFP bulletins.

Another lesson pertains to the highly contestednature of many of the ‘solutions’ proposed to enhancefood security and upon which adaptation measureswill build. In particular, the move toward liberal-ized commodity markets in many developing countriessince the 1980s is viewed by many as a key step towardenhancing food security,28,71; yet others criticize thisas opening up smallholders in particular to greaterrisk and more food insecurity.7,72 Food aid continuesin spite of 50 years of lessons about its inefficienciesand poor governance.73 Food is a ‘human right’ pro-tected in formal language by the UN; the growing foodsovereignty movement would expand this to trade andchoice over agricultural production.74,75 Thus adapta-tion in food systems is fundamentally a political issue.

Policy and institutional responses to supportingadaptation can be viewed at different levels of gover-nance, from local to international. Although there ismuch in the literature related to various aspects of foodsecurity and related policy, we have focused on thosethat have linked this to climate change, as few authorswriting about food security have specifically thoughtabout how climate change will increase the need forcertain types of interventions, albeit with some modi-fications. A selection of these responses (at each level)is discussed, and gaps in the literature identified.

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TABLE 2 Institutions that Could Support Adaptation to Enhance Food Security Under Climate Change at the Local Level


Food Availability

Production• Improve storage facilities and ability to change annual crop selection in response to El Nino projections76

• Improve access to climate information relevant to farming77,78

• Access to formal credit for farmers77

• Explore potential evaluation and readoption of traditional land management systems where appropriate60

• Secure land rights and tenure77

• Reduce production risk through index-based crop insurance79–81

Distribution• Improve market access for small-scale farmers77

Food Access• Support for transitioning from food production based livelihood to alternative livelihood82

• Ensuring people’s ability to pay for food is necessary when their role in the food system shifts from producing to purchasing food82

Food Utilization• Support for dietary diversity related to changing food consumption patterns84

• Support for health and viability of some rural communities who have suffered from transition from local foods to commercial foods83

• Ensure food options remain relevant to local cultural, psychological, and biomedical needs83

Cross-cutting• Prioritize adaptation responses that are useful regardless of the uncertainties linked to climate change projections60

• Support education, public awareness and environmental advocacy responses that can help people recognize links among social,environmental and economic components of the system60

Local Institutional Support for Adaptationto Food SecurityTable 2 summarizes the literature relating to institu-tions and policies that could support adaptation toenhance food security under climate change at thelocal level. It is clear from this table that althoughresearch is starting to explore the institutions neces-sary for adaptation across the food system, there area number of areas that have not been well explored.

There is growing understanding of opportunitiesfor adaptation related to production and much ofthis is relevant at the local level, often related tosmallholder agriculture within developing countries.Although, Morton85 cautions that it is often hard tomodel the impact of climate change on smallholderproduction because of a lack of standardized dataand the complexity of diverse livelihoods. However,suggestions for the necessary policy and institutionsto support adaptation to climate change range fromhelping to ensure that farmers have access to climateinformation about the season77 to supporting farmerswho might want to change their annual crops inrelation to expected changes in the climate.76 Therehas been growing support for microinsurance tomanage risks, particularly using index-based crop

insurance for smallholder farmers, where the payoutis based on timing and quality of rainfall rather thanon actual yields.79–81 There has also been a call forsecurity of assets including better access to formalcredit for farmers and secure land rights and tenureto encourage agricultural investment.77

Lioubimtseva and Henebry60 focus on aridCentral Asia, providing examples of food productionresponses to climate change that can lead to negativeimpacts on humans and ecosystems. They suggest thatadaptation responses should be prioritized if they areuseful regardless of the uncertainties linked to climatechange projections.60 An example they propose isthat if climate-appropriate fruits and vegetables aregrown, including legumes, while practising conser-vation tillage, food security is likely to be improvedas well as improving soil through nitrogen fixation,decreasing water use, and reducing net carbon fluxto the atmosphere. They suggest that this requireseducation, public awareness, and environmentaladvocacy in order to help people recognize thesepositive links among social, environmental, andeconomic components of the system.

There has been a limited discussion on how tosupport dissemination and exchange of food, althoughBryan et al.77 suggest that improved market access

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will support small-scale farmers’ adaptation to climatechange in Ethiopia and South Africa.

Utilization of food under climate change isexplored by Loring and Gerlach83 through the nexusof food, culture, and human health in Alaska.They suggest that it is necessary to assess thehealth implications related to a change in diet fromlocally produced food to commercially availablefoods, because of stresses on local food due toglobal environmental change. They suggest that foodoptions should remain relevant to local cultural,psychological, and biomedical needs.83

Barnett’s86 assessment of food security underclimate change for Pacific Islanders suggests thatalthough Islanders have diverse livelihoods that assurea degree of food security, fisheries and food productionin the region are likely to be negatively impacted byclimate change, compromising local food availability,access, and utilization. Ford87 illustrates how theInuit’s food security is vulnerable to climate changeand suggests that long-term monitoring of how thefood system responds to climatic and non-climaticstresses is necessary. This research suggests thatdifferent communities around the world are likely tobe impacted by shifts in the climate in different waysbut it appears that support for local communitiesneeds to focus on changes in diet and health andsupport those shifting from production to purchase inmany cases, while recognizing the range of challengesassociated with this.84

Although livelihood diversification often needsto be supported through national policies, it is clearthat these decisions are taken at the local level. Astrategy on which poor rural households already relyto smooth both income and food consumption inthe face of shocks is off-farm or non-farm livelihooddiversification.65,88–90 This includes seasonal or longerterm migration, petty trade in charcoal or local craftsor small business opportunities all of which providecash to purchase food in the lean seasons or after adrought. With climate change increasing the seasonalvariability and hence volatility of food prices as well asproduction shortfalls, households can be expected todiversify sources of income, as well as adjust some oftheir current livelihood strategies.45 For this, they willneed support from district, state and national bodiesto help with market access, to provide safety nets, andto support educational and training opportunities.

Research is limited in exploring the linksbetween food security, climate change, and urbandwellers. Given that more than half the world’spopulation lives (and eats) in urban areas, this shouldbe a priority. It is likely that this focus would help to

understand how access to food at the local level mightbe better supported under climate change.

National Institutional Supportfor Adaptation to Food SecurityNational governments have various policy instru-ments available to assist populations to be food secure,including distributing food aid, controlling domes-tic prices, implementing safety nets, and promotingactive market participation within country but alsoregionally,65,71,91,92 as summarized in Table 3. Mosteconomic analyses favor market solutions, particu-larly better regional trade and promotion of privatesector participation in food importing. These nec-essarily will require improved transportation infras-tructure. Again the experiences of 2008 illustratedhow many countries reverted to price controls andexport barriers in the face of political pressure.50

Although such interventions are widely viewed asconstraining production incentives, it is unclear whatother options governments have. The role of nationalgovernments in ensuring food security is a hugelycontentious issue.50,67

Although food security is not a ‘rural’ issue, itis often associated with rural development because ofthe role of agriculture. It is important that the inter-connectedness of rural and urban areas is recognizedwhen responding to food security. Many policies havebeen built on ‘presumptions of separateness or ontraditional notions of urban and rural livelihoods’98

(p. 2). This limits the type of integrated response thatis likely to have the most impact, and could indeedincrease tensions between the needs of urban andrural communities. Responses including informationtechnology, better infrastructure, and good educationcan help to strengthen connections between moreurban and rural complements. It is also important torecognize that even with high migration from rural tourban areas, many people remain in rural areas andmay not be involved in agriculture. It is imperativeto support food security for rural populations beyondpromoting agriculture. This could be supported bypolicies that focus on ‘systems’ rather than ‘sectors’.99

Safety nets, such as food or cash-basedtransfers,30 are intended to protect households fromexperiencing food insecurity in situations of pricevolatility, chronic poverty, or repeated productionfailures. They have become popular with donorsand food security analysts as they are less marketdistorting than price controls, and they ideally canbe targeted at the most vulnerable or poorest house-holds. Countries including South Africa, Malawi,Bangladesh, India, and Ethiopia have implemented

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TABLE 3 Institutions and Policies that Could Support Adaptation to Enhance Food Security Under Climate Change at the National Level


Food Availability


• Policies for marine resource management agencies with explicit decision rules that specify the actions to be taken as soon as thereare indications that a regime shift has occurred93

• Improved coverage of extension services60,77

• Support for agronomists to work across sectors of the food industry to develop new research approaches to better link research onfood production to food security issues likely to be policy relevant94

• Support agricultural research that goes beyond plot scale to larger temporal and spatial scales94

Distribution• Prepare for potential shortages of strategic staple grain reserve based on seasonal projections76

Food Access• Access to food aid removes consumption pressure and so enables poor farmers to engage in adaptation77,95

• Policies for reducing price variability and volatility96

• Understand the role of biofuels within countries to ensure they do not negatively impact staple food markets and required nutrients97

• Support for those without skills or capacity needed to migrate, yet can no longer engage in their previous livelihoods because ofenvironmental change60

Food Utilization• Integration of food as a matter of human health with regionally nuanced outcomes83

Cross-cutting• Expand food security policies beyond agronomic perspectives94

government safety net programs, for over a decadein some cases, and are gaining emphasis in relation tothe growing social protection agenda.

The more ambitious programs in India andEthiopia are trying to build household and communityassets. However these programs are expensive tomaintain and difficult to design such that they targetthe right households and have long-term impacts onpoverty and vulnerability reduction.100,101 In termsof the challenges that climate change will exacerbate,current social protection programs are not designedto manage increased seasonal shocks.102

An important consideration in supporting adap-tation in developing country contexts is the duality ofthe food sector that includes both strong formal com-ponents and many informal components includingsmall manufacturing enterprises, small traders, andservice providers as well as legal and illegal activitiesrelated to food.103 The informal components are char-acterized by very low capital investment and stronginter-linkages between production and consumption,as the informal food trade can be both producer andconsumer of food products and services. Innovation isoften more social than technical. Because of the rela-tions it often maintains with the rural sector, urbaninformal food trade can provide raw materials atlower cost. The social networks can also provide low

cost or ‘free’ labor in the form of apprentice help orfamily members who are fed but receive no or littlepay. Many of these characteristics show the adaptivenature of how a large section of the population hasresponded to the challenges they experience with theformal sector. It is important to explore the possibilityof dovetailing the informal food sector with the formalfood sector to satisfy a differing demand and customerbase that tends to meet the needs of households andmicro-enterprises with varying and limited purchasingpower. Policies and institutions are needed to protectand support the informal sector as a key componentof adaptive capacity.

Providing the opportunity for different nationalstakeholders with different aims to build an integratedvision and response aimed at ensuring food securityin the face of climate change is critical. Platformsor communal learning spaces enable communicationbetween climate scientists, adaptation experts, andthose impacted by climate change.104 The impor-tance of multi-stakeholder platforms lies in goingbeyond a focus on activities that need to changeand toward social and institutional processes thatreduce vulnerability.105 This requires more thantechnical projects that are ‘delivered’ at the localscale, and which tend to be based on a ‘predict andprovide’ approach to adaptation, to processes that

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support institutional change and learning and reducevulnerability to a wide range of difficult to predictclimate change impacts.

International Institutional Supportfor Adaptation to Food SecurityManaging the consequences of climate change for foodsecurity at the international level of governance andpolicy is perhaps the most challenging part, althoughresearch on this is limited (see Table 4). Both nationaland household level food security are strongly influ-enced by international trade and markets, donor aidagreements, and global grain stocks. Post 2008, wehave seen unprecedented attention to internationalaction and efforts at coordination, beginning with theformation of high-level task force led by FAO in thesummer of 2008 and culminating in the World FoodSummit in 2009. Not surprisingly, the first and mostoften repeated policy recommendation is for increasedinvestment in agriculture, from research to technolog-ical development.30,49 In addition, the inability of theWorld Food Programme to meet all its food aid needsin 2008, largely due to the high prices of staple grains,has called attention to the need for regulation toprevent price spikes, in particular those due to specula-tion, and to prevent global grain reserves from declin-ing to the low levels of 2007. IFPRI has spearheadeda proposal to make the World Food Programme a reg-ulatory body in charge of both physical grain reservesand a virtual reserve that would prevent speculationfrom driving up international prices.106,107 They arguethat such measures are needed to convince nationalgovernments to retain their trust in international mar-kets, rather than revert to domestic price controlsand self-sufficient policies.108 Disappointingly, there

has been little action on resolving the Doha Roundof negotiations for the WTO or revising EU and USsubsidies and targets for biofuel production.

International cooperation is critical to many ofthe options for supporting adaptation. This includesimproved international action beyond increasedinvestment in agricultural research and extensionservices in order to deliver on the promise oftechnological advances. Improved monitoring ofhuman health impacts of environmental change andfood security requires better research coordinationamong the health and agriculture communities.109

Monitoring marine ecosystems and recognizing theirimportance for food security involves increasedattention to fishing livelihoods and internationalagreements to protect fish stocks.110 Improvingsystems of cooperation for conservation of geneticresources is a governance challenge recognized bymany UN and CGIAR organizations, but also a highlycontested area. Again, research at this level is limited.

CHALLENGES FOR ADAPTINGTO CLIMATE CHANGEEach of the levels of potential adaptation optionsdescribed above comes with a relevant set of very realpolicy and institutional constraints, as illustrated inthe discussion. However, it is important to considerthe connections among these levels of decision makingand policy implementation. The challenges of adapt-ing food systems to ensure food security in the faceof climate change must be addressed with an eye tointegrating responses across these levels. Often inter-national and national level policies will support localchange. For example, water stress may be amplified

TABLE 4 Institutions and Policies that Could Support Adaptation to Enhance Food Security Under Climate Change at the Local Level


Food Availability

• Support for research and monitoring of marine ecosystems93

• International cooperation on conservation and use of crop genetic diversity111

• Accelerate investment in innovations for rain-fed agriculture likely to have a high probability of economic success and adoption112

• Set up an internationally governed set of physical and virtual food reserves to support food affordability106,107

Food Utilization• Understand linkages between increased vector control measures and direct and indirect impact on food system and human health109

Cross-cutting• Focus on meeting development goals that also reduce vulnerability to climate change as well as increase capability to address


• Support scenario development to explore the wider issues that underpin food security and the environmental consequences ofdifferent adaptation options96

• Explore and support improved governance of food systems96

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by climate change in some places. The increased useof rainwater harvesting could make a small impacton livelihoods of those living in areas without goodaccess to piped water, by impacting on people’s healthand increasing the ability to grow vegetables and tohave water available for household activities includingcooking and cleaning. National policies subsidizingrainwater tanks would encourage households directlyand could reduce demand on water sources used bymultiple users, thereby supporting adaptation.

Improved short- and long-term climate infor-mation can give greater choice on how to manageclimate-related risks. Improvements in early warn-ing systems can help reduce the impacts of extremeevents if people are able to prepare. For example,information about oncoming drought might provideagricultural responses where crop types are changedor livestock sold as well as food storage responses.On a longer timescale, climate change scenarios canbe used to assess the timing and level of adaptationneeded. For example, scenarios could inform a waterdepartment’s plan for future water supply. Unfortu-nately users often battle to access and interpret climatechange information, and downscaled scenarios havebeen limited in their distribution.59 It is also chal-lenging to integrate climate change scenarios on thetimescale of 2045 to 2046, when assessing responsesthat need to be implemented this year.

As seen in the aftermath of 2008 and the limitedoutcomes of the World Food Summit in November2009, it is immensely difficult to get internationalresponses coordinated, whether it is food aid orpolicy reform. The mistrust between countries whichconstrains the reform of the WTO and the completionof the Doha Round of trade talks is another issue withdeep historical roots and power issues.114 Withoutthe resolution of this, it will be very hard to persuadedeveloping countries to trust their food security toglobal markets, rather than relying on increasedself-sufficiency. This is complicated by the rise ofmultinational actors who have tremendous controlover food supply chains, from inputs to outputs. Thelack of public–private partnerships has limited theintegrated response to supporting food security, inspite of the fact that the private sector has such adominant role in distribution and retail of food. Theprivate sector has engaged with climate change wherethere are business opportunities. There are multipleoptions for partnering on food security relatedopportunities, including working with designersfor better packaging that reduces greenhouse gasemissions or marketing local products most suited tothe local climate. Other sources of information suchas improved technologies and seeds similarly need to

be made publicly available, but in a context of institu-tional and policy support, with sufficient attention todisempowered voices regarding their own sovereignty.

CONCLUSIONProjections of a world that is at a minimum 2"

warmer than current global average temperatureswill increase regional disparities in food production,enhancing existing inequities in food availability.This, coupled with poor access to food in manydeveloping countries, is a pressing concern, especiallyas climate change impacts are likely to furtherconstrain access. Current international trade regimesand regional and national markets are insufficient indealing with these inequities and challenges. Thereis therefore a need to focus on how to address theseemerging challenges. Many adaptation options existbut often it is the lack of institutional flexibility andsupport that reduces the possibility for these beingimplemented. One important area that is emergingis the need for policy, regulatory and other types ofinstitutional reform to support sustainable responsesto enable appropriate adaptation responses to beimplemented. Because most of the debate on foodsecurity and climate change has focused solely onagricultural production, insufficient attention hasbeen given to policy and institutional reform.

The widespread commodity price increasesof 2008 were a wake-up call to the internationalcommunity about future risks that will increasinglybe faced due to climate and other global changesbecause of connections world wide between disparateshocks such as drought in one part of the world,biofuel subsidies in another part, protectionistresponses by national governments combined withchronic national and local issues of poverty and poorproduction, that combined to produce world-widefood price increases. Among the debates are questionsaround ways in which policy makers can make senseof the complex war on hunger when climate changeemerges as a new front. This needs to be sensitivelyhandled as the nature of solutions to food insecurityis contested, and declining agricultural productivitycomplicates policy making.

It is a challenge for policy makers to integratefuture climate predictions into their policymakingnow, particularly when they are already faced withimminent and certain threats to food security in thepresent. Challenges include how to integrate responsesto poverty and hunger with international calls foractions to improve climate change adaptation in devel-oping country communities, while assessing whichpopulations are most at risk and where they are. At the

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same time, there may be responses to climate change,in terms of both mitigation and adaptation, whichmay actually compound food security problems. It isimportant, therefore, that climate change adaptationpolicies support integration across scales and sectorsas well as exploring new avenues of cooperation and

strengthening institutional capacity to analyze andmonitor all climate change impacts. Fundamentallyadapting food systems to climate change will requiremuch better governance from local to internationallevels, to ensure that adaptation does not result inincreased vulnerability and food insecurity.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTMonika Zurek is recognized for her contribution to an unpublished document exploring linkages between foodsecurity and climate change that this paper draws on.


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540 ! 2010 John Wi ley & Sons, L td. Volume 1, Ju ly /August 2010

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