9/8/20151 sermons from science -- nov 2014 科学布道 -- 2014 年 11 月 sermons from science is...

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04/19/23 1

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both YouTube

under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 2

Why the Ebola Virus is so Deadly? 为什么埃博拉病毒是如此致命? The recent outbreak of Ebola cases prompted me to

find out why the Ebola virus is so deadly. One Texas man, Mr. Duncan, traveled from Africa back to Texas has now alerted the medical authorities to observe at least 48 people who contacted Mr. Duncan recently. The nurse, Nina Pham, who took care of Duncan is now sick with the symptoms.

The name “Ebola” came from the Ebola River in Congo where the first case of the disease was found in 1976.

Fruit bats are immune to the Ebola virus. Scientists speculate that some fruit bat infected some mammals, such as monkeys, chimpanzees, cows, or pigs.

04/19/23 3

Why the Ebola Virus is so Deadly? 为什么埃博拉病毒是如此致命? The infected animals got sick. Some humans came

into contact with the sick animals, and, perhaps, ate their meat!

These humans got infected and sickened by the virus. Initially, they all happened in Africa. There are five species of the Ebola virus. The current outbreak came from the Zaire virus. The death rates during the past outbreaks are between

20% to 90%. Early detection enhances better survival. In the past, transmission of the virus was due to only one person traveled to a different part of Africa.

04/19/23 4

Why the Ebola Virus is so Deadly? 为什么埃博拉病毒是如此致命? The infected person will develop symptoms anywhere

from 2 days to 21 days. It is believed an infected person is not contagious

until symptoms are developed. It is also believed a recovered patient can infect other

people up to 21 days after recovery! God gave several levels of immunity to His creatures. The first level of immunity is the skin or the shell! When the virus comes inside the body, an army of

defensive and offensive immune cells will attack the invader.

Why the Ebola virus is so deadly? This is indeed the “million-dollar” question.

04/19/23 5

Why the Ebola Virus is so Deadly? 为什么埃博拉病毒是如此致命?

04/19/23 6

Why the Ebola Virus is so Deadly? 为什么埃博拉病毒是如此致命?

04/19/23 7

Why the Ebola Virus is so Deadly? 为什么埃博拉病毒是如此致命?

04/19/23 8

Why the Ebola Virus is so Deadly? 为什么埃博拉病毒是如此致命?

04/19/23 9

Why the Ebola Virus is so Deadly? 为什么埃博拉病毒是如此致命?

04/19/23 10

Why the Ebola Virus is so Deadly? 为什么埃博拉病毒是如此致命?

04/19/23 11

Why the Ebola Virus is so Deadly? 为什么埃博拉病毒是如此致命? We have killer cells such as macrophages in us. We have killer T-cells, helper T-cells, Gamma delta T-

cells, B-lymphocytes, B-antibodies, and active and passive memory cells, and other cells to fight infections and invading bacteria and virus.

But the Ebola virus outsmart them all. The exact details are not yet fully understood. Pray that those researchers will find the answers soon.

The Center for Disease Control advices us do not contact infected people. Practice hygiene whenever possible.

May God have mercy on all those infected people and save their souls.

04/19/23 12

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 13

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 14

Facts versus Interpretations in Science科学的事实与解释 Recently I came into contacts with some former

students. They believe that Big Bang is the way that God created the universe. But, they fail to recognize Big Bang is an interpretation of some facts. These facts can be interpreted in different ways.

There are two well-known facts: 1) There is a low temperature of about 2.7 degree Kelvin which pervades the universe. 2) Most stellar objects show a red shift in their spectrum of light coming to earth.

04/19/23 15

Facts versus Interpretations in Science科学的事实与解释 Fact 1 has been interpreted to be the leftover from the

unprecedented explosion called the Big Bang that formed our current universe.

Fact 2 has been interpreted to be most stellar objects are receding from us, and, hence, the universe is expanding.

The Big Bang is only one of the many possible solution of Einstein’s field equations by making at least two assumptions: the universe has no center and no boundary. Making different assumptions will produce a different model of the origin of the universe.

Humphreys, retired from the Sandia National Laboratories several years ago, has come up with a white hole model for the origin of the universe.

04/19/23 16

Facts versus Interpretations in Science科学的事实与解释

04/19/23 17

Facts versus Interpretations in Science科学的事实与解释

04/19/23 18

Facts versus Interpretations in Science科学的事实与解释 Gentry has found that the Big Bang is not compatible with

some known laws of physics. By decreasing the temperature of 1032 o K to 3 o K, a loss of mass has been calculated to be 30 million times the mass of our present universe!

Gentry states that the Big Bang violates the basic law of conservation of mass and energy.

Fact 2 interpretation also has problems. Red shift is a fact, but expansion is an interpretation. In fact, Gentry shows that expansion of space is not possible. I was able to duplicate his initial calculations. I also expanded his calculations to include many other scenarios. The details are explained in a small book “Digging Five Graves for Naturalism” in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org

04/19/23 19

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 20

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 21

20 Things You Didn’t Know About Galaxies星系的 20 件事你所不知道 The November 2014 issue of Discover has an article

with the above title by Katherine Kornei. Some of the article is quoted below:

“18th century philosopher Immanuel Kant was one of the first to theorize that the Milky Way was not the only galaxy in the universe.

“Astronomers now estimate that there are 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe.

“One of the earliest uses of the English term Milky Way was in Geoffrey Chaucer’s 14th century poem ‘The House of Fame.’

“Galaxies farther from the Milky Way are speeding away faster than those nearby.

04/19/23 22

20 Things You Didn’t Know About Galaxies星系的 20 件事你所不知道 “Some of the galaxies receding from the Milky Way

are ellipsoidal. Galaxies can also be thin and flat with tentacle-like arms.

“Galaxies come in irregular shapes, including many dwarf galaxies, which contain a few hundred to a few thousand stars.

“Dwarf galaxies cluster around large galaxies. “Dwarf galaxies frequently lose their stars to their

larger neighbors via gravity. “You can’t see the enormous black hole lurking in the

center of the Milky Way. Most galaxies have a black hole at the center. Its

mass is about 1/1000th the mass of the host galaxy.

04/19/23 23

20 Things You Didn’t Know About Galaxies星系的 20 件事你所不知道 “Two of the closest galaxies to the Milky Way—the

Small Magellanic Cloud and the Large Magellanic Cloud—may not have black holes. Or, their black holes are too small to detect.

“Every galaxy has dust. Produced by stars, the dust causes light to look redder then it really is when observed visually, which can make it difficult to study.

“That dust can travel. Some galaxies drive galactic winds, expelling dust and gas at hundreds of kilometers per second into the intergalactic medium.

“These winds are caused by starlight exerting pressure on the dust and gas.

04/19/23 24

20 Things You Didn’t Know About Galaxies星系的 20 件事你所不知道 “The Milky Way rotates at about 250 km/sec (~560

thousand mph) and completes a full revolution about every 200 million years.

“Galaxies rotate faster than predicted based on the gravity of their stars alone. Astronomers believe the extra gravitational force is coming from dark matter, which does not emit or reflect light.

“Galaxies are mostly empty space. If the stars were shrunk to the size of oranges, they would be separated by 4,800 km (3,000 miles).

“If galaxies were shrunk to the size of apples, neighboring galaxies would only be a few meters apart. Some galaxies may merge.

Thank God for the excellent reporting of Discover.

04/19/23 25

20 Things You Didn’t Know About Galaxies星系的 20 件事你所不知道

04/19/23 26

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 27

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 28

Trial and Error in Cancer Research癌症研究的试错 The November 2014 issue of Discover has an article

with the above title by Jill Neimark. She said, “For 50 years, scientists have ignored widespread cell line contamination, compromising medical research. Why are they so slow to fix it?

“Across different fields of cancer research, up to a third of all cell lines have been identified as imposters.

“There are about 10,000 citations every year on false lines—new publications that refer to or rely on papers based on imposter (human cancer) cell lines.

“HeLa is the most common cell line contaminant, responsible for more than 20% of contaminated cell lines.

04/19/23 29

Trial and Error in Cancer Research癌症研究的试错 “How do you dismantle the false lines of an entire

field? And just how long does it take to clean up one ordinary laboratory? Years.

“But nobody yet knew what the cells actually were, since fingerprinting does not tell a scientist the origin of a cell. Without an original tissue sample to compare the cells to, the provenance of Schweppe and Haugen’s mysterious cells could remain forever uncertain. One can only pore through online databases, comparing their STR bar codes to the thousands that have already been fingerprinted, hoping to find a match.

04/19/23 30

Trial and Error in Cancer Research癌症研究的试错

04/19/23 31

Trial and Error in Cancer Research癌症研究的试错 “The most common response to news that a line is

false is simply to ignore it. Christopher Korch prepared a chart to demonstrate this using the cell line Hep-2, supposedly a cancer of the larynx, which has been shown to be HeLa. Papers using Hep-2 as a larynx cancer are cited more and more often over the years—until suddenly, around 2006, the citation bloom. Koch says this is the case with numerous false lines: As time passes, they are cited and used more, not less.

“Myers tossed out 4,000 vials, and contamination forced 50 lines into retirement.

04/19/23 32

Trial and Error in Cancer Research癌症研究的试错

04/19/23 33

Trial and Error in Cancer Research癌症研究的试错 “Today, MD Anderson urges all its scientists to

fingerprint new cell lines as soon as they arrive in the lab and before publishing any data, and to complete an annual revalidation of all lines in their laboratories. Some universities and centers have their own sequencing facilities; others send cell lines to a contractor for $30 to $80 per sample. The results come back in a few days.

“In 2012, Korch was the lead author on a paper exposing 19 false endometrial and ovarian cell lines.

“Experimental pathologist John Masters of University College London tells of a normal endothelium line that turned out to be bladder cancer, but researchers still refer to it as ‘endothelial-like’ so they can use it in studies.

04/19/23 34

Trial and Error in Cancer Research癌症研究的试错 “How can scientists be so easily fooled by the

behavior of a cell? ‘It’s the same concept as raising identical twins in different environments,’ says Bradford. ‘They will look and behave differently, but their DNA remains the same.’

“Recently, the top four cell line repositories, in America, Germany and Japan, made plans to merge their online databases of cell lines validated through STR fingerprinting, with each fingerprint converted to a searchable genetic ‘bar code.’ The consortium’s online tool (known as OSTRA, for Online STR Analysis) can be accessed online (bit.ly/lqzi5CU).

04/19/23 35

Trial and Error in Cancer Research癌症研究的试错 “In April 2013, Nature published more stringent

requirements, in which every author had to report the source of a study’s cell lines and whether the lines had been verified recently.

“Immunologist Linda Miller, whose 2009 Nature editorial called for a global database of STR-fingerprinted lines, says, ‘Encouraging the community to authenticate, that’s the first step, but not the final step. Ultimately, it must become a requirement. Science, and the flow of money to scientists, depends on the public trust.’”

Thank God for Discover’s excellent reporting.

04/19/23 36

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 37

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 38

How It Works: DNA Fingerprinting 它的工作原理: DNA 指纹图谱 The November 2014 issue of Discover has an

article with the above title by Jill Neimark. She says, “Scientists use fingerprinting to validate their cell lines. They rely on a nearly foolproof form called short tandem repeat (STR).

“1. The STR fingerprinting process begins by extracting DNA from a cell line culture.

“2. Sections of the extracted DNA are copied using a technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR), then treated with fluorescent dyes. The different fluorescence colors—blue, yellow or green—identify different STR regions.

04/19/23 39

How It Works: DNA Fingerprinting 它的工作原理: DNA 指纹图谱

04/19/23 40

How It Works: DNA Fingerprinting 它的工作原理: DNA 指纹图谱

04/19/23 41

How It Works: DNA Fingerprinting 它的工作原理: DNA 指纹图谱

04/19/23 42

How It Works: DNA Fingerprinting 它的工作原理: DNA 指纹图谱 “3. An electrophoresis machine separates

the STR fragments by size and compares them to reference fragments, in the bands at the bottom.

“4. Software determines the number of repeats and uses that to create a unique table of numbers, essentially a ‘bar code.’”

Thank God for the excellent reporting of Discover.

04/19/23 43

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 44

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 45

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-1 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -1 The September/October 2014 issue of Creation

Matters has an article on the above subject by Dr. Russell Humphreys. Because of the length of the article, I divide it into two parts.

Dr. Humphreys says, “’Carbon dating—that shows the Earth is billions of years old!’ droned anti-creationist Barry Lynn, listing his evidence for evolutionism in a nationally televised debate years ago. When I heard that, I had to laugh. C-14 dating cannot show that anything is even one million years old, much less ‘billions’ of years old. The short half-life of C-14 (5730 years) means that after 350,000 years, there would not be one single C-14 atom left in any fossil.

04/19/23 46

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-1 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -1 “But now we have even more reason to laugh. Professional

C-14 dating laboratories are reporting significant amounts of C-14 from even the deepest geologic strata. Because all strata below the Pleistocene (Ice Age) are supposed to be millions of years old, the labs should have found no C-14 in them at all. The fact is that, even after much searching, they have not found any natural source of carbon that clearly does not contain C-14!

“Even using uniformitarian assumptions, these new data imply that all geologic strata are less than 75,000 years old. As I will explain, taking the effect of the Genesis Flood into account shrinks the ages down to 4000 to 5000 years. Now we can turn Barry Lynn’s gaffe around and claim, ‘Carbon dating shows the Earth is only thousands of years old!’

04/19/23 47

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-1 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -1 “The story starts in the Earth’s upper atmosphere.

Fast cosmic-ray protons penetrate the Earth’s magnetic field (which is a partial shield) and slam into atoms of the upper air. That starts a process which turns some nitrogen 14 atoms in the air into carbon 14. C-14 is radioactive, but it is only a tiny fraction of all carbon. The rest is carbon 12 (99%) or carbon 13 (1%), which is not radioactive. C-14 only has 1.18 x 10-10 %. Non-radioactive carbon atoms, the majority of carbon, are major constituents of living and dead creatures, both animals and plants. Some nearly pure forms of carbon are charcoal, graphite (as in pencil ‘leads’). And diamonds.

04/19/23 48

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-1 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -1

04/19/23 49

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-1 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -1 “A newborn C-14 atom quickly joins two oxygen

atoms and becomes a carbon dioxide molecule, CO2. Then plants absorb this contaminated CO2 and convert it into food, thus passing on the C-14 to animals which consume the plants. Eventually, everything in the biosphere becomes contaminated with C-14. The air you breathe, the soil beneath you, the food you eat, even your own body—C-14 contaminates them all. Today about one out of every trillion carbon atoms is radioactive.

04/19/23 50

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-1 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -1 “Those facts are the basis of the C-14 dating method.

Let’s take a tree, for example. Today’s one-per-trillion ratio of C-14 atoms in the tree will stay the same as long as it lives, because the contaminated CO2 it takes in continually replenishes C-14 that has decayed. But when it dies, the number of C-14 atoms in it will start to diminish (by decaying; i.e., turning into nitrogen-14 atoms), because they are no longer being replaced. A thousand years from now, a scientist finds the tree trunk and measures the ratio of C-14 to ordinary carbon in it. He finds that the ratio is less than one out of a trillion. If he knows the ratio at the time the tree was alive, he can then estimate, from the decrease in the ratio, when it died.

04/19/23 51

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-1 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -1 “The initial ratio turns out to be the ‘zinger’ for C-14

dating. When a sample is thought to be too old for the C-14 method to be calibrated (say by historical data), uniformitarians simply assume that the creature started with today’s one-per-trillion ratio. But according to the logical consequences of Genesis chapters 6 through 8, their assumption is drastically wrong. That is because the worldwide flood recorded there buried most of the biosphere (animals, plants, soil) deep underground, where it became fossil carbon (coal, oil, natural gas). The amount of buried fossil carbon is roughly 200 times more than the carbon in today’s biosphere, according to one estimate.

04/19/23 52

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-1 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -1 “That means the pre-Flood biosphere was much richer

in carbon than today’s. The amount of CO2 in the atmosphere was more than 10 times greater than today, according to geological data. The resulting ‘greenhouse’ effect would have warmed up the Earth, particularly at high latitudes. The warmer oceans would make the climate much wetter than is the case today. Plants—liking CO2, water, warmth, and God’s specially designed soil—would grow faster, more abundantly, and have much more land area on which to grow. So the world of Noah before the Flood was lush and verdant, as the fossils attest.

(To be continued in Part 2).

04/19/23 53

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 54

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 55

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-2 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -2 The September/October 2014 issue of Creation Matters has an

article on the above subject by Dr. Russell Humphreys. Because of the length of the article, I divide it into two parts. This is Part 2.

Dr. Humphreys says, “The greater amount of total carbon in the pre-Flood biosphere did not mean a greater amount of C-14. If God did not make much C-14 during Creation, the 1656 years from then to the Flood would, at today’s C-14 production rate, have only allowed about 20% of today’s amount of C-14 to come into existence. But the pre-Flood Earth had a stronger magnetic field, more effectively shielding its atmosphere from cosmic rays. That would make the production rate of C-14 lower than today. Thus, the total amount of C-14 was probably less than the amount in today’s biosphere. Most of the greater amount of carbon must have been non-radioactive carbon, mostly carbon 12.

04/19/23 56

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-2 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -2 “With less C-14 and 200 times more C-12

than today, the pre-Flood C-14/C ratio would have been less than 0.5% of today’s ratio. After the Flood, various factors (more intense cosmic rays than today, rapid re-growth of plants) would cause the ratio to rise rapidly toward today’s ratio during the first millennium after the Flood, and the Ice Age. Peculiarities in C-14 dates for ice-age fossils confirm this rapid rise.

04/19/23 57

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-2 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -2 “Uniformitarians, not acknowledging this drastic

difference in C-14/C ratio, would assume too large an initial amount C-14 in fossils. That, in turn, would make them overestimate the ages. The error gets bigger and bigger as we go back toward the time of the Flood (about 4350 years ago), causing, for example, the ‘40,000 years assigned to Australian aborigine artifacts. But correcting for the change in C-14/C ratio collapses such dates down to roughly 4000 years before the present. Objects formed after the ratio approached today’s value, say about 3000 years ago, would give uniformitarians nearly the correct dates.

04/19/23 58

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-2 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -2 “Ever since Willard F. Libby invented C-14

dating a half-century ago, investigators have been reporting carbon 14 in fossils from deep geologic strata, such as coal, oil, and dinosaur bones. But because their methods were crude (counting C-14 decays), they attributed their results to either (1) contamination from modern carbon, or (2) background radiation. For several decades the literature accumulated many such entries, apparently bothering nobody but a few creationists.

04/19/23 59

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-2 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -2 “However, in the early 1980’s, professionals at

carbon 14-dating laboratories began to be troubled, accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS), came into use. The method counts actual numbers of C-12, C-13, and C-14 atoms, very accurately. The researchers wanted to find a source of carbon containing zero C-14, so they could calibrate the ‘zero’ of their equipment. ‘No problem,’ they thought, ‘any fossil older than a million years should do just fine.’ But no matter how deep in the geologic strata they went, they could not find carbon that did not contain carbon 14!

04/19/23 60

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-2 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -2 “This problem prompted a decades-long effort to

eliminate all possible machine background or contamination, and to find radiocarbon-free carbon. Paul Giem, a creationist M.D., reviewed 51 technical articles addressing the problem, from 1980 to 1999. Nine of them are by creationists, but the other 42 are in secular scientific publications, such as Radiocarbon, Science, Nuclear Geophysics, and Nature. These publications listed 77 occurrences of significant amounts of C-14 from strata (even pre-Cambrian) deep enough to be thought radiocarbon-free. The data ranged from 0.01 to 0.71% of the roughly one-per-trillion ratio in modern carbon (%mc, mc stands for modern carbon). The average is 0.184%mc, which uniformitarians would interpret as an age of about 52,000 years.

04/19/23 61

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-2 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -2

04/19/23 62

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-2 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -2 “As Giem points out, all authors agree that machine

background cannot explain these data. Giem also examines other hypotheses, such as (1) nuclear synthesis of C-14 in situ, (2) contamination in situ, and (3) contamination during sample processing. He finds all of them inadequate, as apparently do most C-14 professionals.

“Contamination is particularly unlikely with the new method because of the carbon 13 measurements. Different organisms process carbon differently so they absorb different amounts of C-13 relative to C-12. For example, the C-13/C of wood is about 2.5% less than the standard, whereas that of fungi is quite different. If enough recent fungi to disturb the C-14/C ratio significantly had invaded fossil wood, it would show up as a disturbance in the C-13/C ratio. It hasn’t. Thus contamination is becoming a forlorn hope for uniformitarians.

04/19/23 63

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-2 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -2 “In 1997, Andrew Snelling, a creationist geologist on

the Radioisotopes and the Age of the Earth (RATE) project, began collecting samples of fossil wood, sending them to professional radiocarbon labs, and publishing the data. The results showed quite different amounts of C-14, even for strata allegedly as old as 220 million years. He thoroughly documented a direct conflict (of a young C-14 date with an ‘old’ potassium-argon dating of the surrounding rock) in a creationist technical journal. Dr. Snelling’s success in this initiative encouraged the rest of us on the RATE project to pursue carbon 14 further.

04/19/23 64

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-2 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -2 “John Baumgardner, a creationist geophysicist on

the RATE committee, has been gathering well-documented samples and sending them to various radiocarbon labs for analysis. The results were very encouraging, including our discovery of C-14 in the (uncontaminatable) interior of diamonds. Dr. Baumgardner, Dr. Snelling and I submitted a technical paper to the 5th International Conference on Creationism. We also reported our final C-14 results in a chapter of a 2005 book available at no charge online. (www.icr.org/i/pdf/technical/Carbon-14-evidence-for-a-Recent-Global-Flood-and-a-Young-Earth.pdf)

04/19/23 65

Carbon-14 Is Now the Creationist’s Friend-2 碳 14 现在是创造论的朋友 -2 “Carbon 14 dating has been an icon of evolutionists, being

the ‘flagship’ of the radioisotope dating fleet. Many creationists who did not understand it well felt it was an embarrassment, something we had to explain away. But now the tables have been turned. By providing strong evidence that even the deepest geologic strata are only thousands of years old, carbon 14 calls into question the basic assumptions behind such ‘long-age’ radioisotope methods as potassium-argon, rubidium-strontium, etc. It supports the RATE project’s main hypothesis, episodes of greatly accelerated nuclear decay rates during Creation and the Genesis flood. It looks like carbon 14 is now becoming a friend for creationists and an embarrassment to evolutionists.”

Thank God for Dr. Humphreys contribution.

04/19/23 66

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 67

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 68

How Rapidly Did Dinosaurs Move?恐龙的举动快速如何 ? The September/October 2014 issue of Creation

Matters has an article on the above subject by Dr. Don DeYoung. He says, “There are at least three ways to explore dinosaur motion. First, one can measure the actual speeds of somewhat similar animals living today. Second, anatomical studies of dinosaur fossils give theoretical limits on their possible speed. Computer modeling of dinosaur movement based on fossils is also helpful. And third, dinosaur footprints preserved in sedimentary strata give a permanent record of their locomotion.

04/19/23 69

How Rapidly Did Dinosaurs Move?恐龙的举动快速如何 ? “Dinosaur stride is defined as the distance between

two prints made by the same foot. Pace is the distance between successive footprints of two rear or front feet. Scientists have constructed dinosaur speed formulas based on the stride measurements combined with size estimates for the animal (Farlow, 1981). Fossil footprints cannot reveal whether the creature was moving at maximum speed; however, some of the calculated values of speed are surprisingly high… No fossil footprints found to date show the large elephant-like sauropod dinosaurs moving rapidly. Instead, their typical speeds are estimated to have been similar to our own walking speed, 2-3 feet per second.

04/19/23 70

How Rapidly Did Dinosaurs Move?恐龙的举动快速如何 ? “Estimated top speeds of various creatures, including several

dinosaurs and humans, in order of increasing value: “Stegosaurus 2-17 m/s 4-38 mph “Apatosaurus 3-12 m/s 27-75 mph “Brachiosaurus 5-12 m/s 11-27 mph “Tyrannosaurus 6-20 m/s 14-43 mph “Triceratops 7-12.5 m/s 16-28 mph “Swimming penguin 7 m/s 17 mph “Human 10-12 m/s 25 mph “Kangaroo 14 m/s 31 mph “Killer whale 15 m/s 35 mph “Deinonychus 12-25 m/s 26-55 mph Dromiceiomimus 14-31 m/s 32-68 mph “Ostrich 14-18 m/s 36 mph “Greyhound; horse 20 m/s 45 mph “Lion 22 m/s 48-50 mph “Pronghorn antelope 24 m/s 55 mph Cheetah 30 m/s 70 mph

04/19/23 71

How Rapidly Did Dinosaurs Move?恐龙的举动快速如何 ?

04/19/23 72

How Rapidly Did Dinosaurs Move?恐龙的举动快速如何 ?

04/19/23 73

How Rapidly Did Dinosaurs Move?恐龙的举动快速如何 ?

04/19/23 74

How Rapidly Did Dinosaurs Move?恐龙的举动快速如何 ?

04/19/23 75

How Rapidly Did Dinosaurs Move?恐龙的举动快速如何 ? “It appears that the Tyrannosaurus was

especially careful in its movements. Its small forearms would have provided little protection in a sudden fall. Severe head injury could have easily resulted if the creature tripped while running. The T. rex may have moved slowly, choosing its steps with caution. The same hazard applies today, to giraffes for example, which will likely break bones in a fall. Sensing this, giraffes display a slow, graceful movement.”

Thank God for Dr. DeYoung’s contribution.

04/19/23 76

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 77

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 78

Adaptation by Galapagos Finches加拉帕戈斯雀的适应 The September/October 2014 issue of Creation

Matters has an article on the above subject by Dr. Jean K. Lightner. She moderates a column on “Matters of Fact” in the magazine.

Q: Have the finches on the Galapagos adapted by natural selection?

A: “While natural selection may have played some role, numerous other factors have been essential in allowing the finches to survive and adapt on these Ecuadorian islands.

04/19/23 79

Adaptation by Galapagos Finches加拉帕戈斯雀的适应 “The finches on the Galapagos Islands have

been studied extensively. The best known and most comprehensive study was conducted by Peter and Rosemary Grant over a period of 40 years (Grant and Grant, 2014). They chose to study these birds because they had variation in several traits including overall size, beak size, and beak shape. Natural selection can only take place if there is variation that already exists in the population, so these birds seemed like good candidates.

04/19/23 80

Adaptation by Galapagos Finches加拉帕戈斯雀的适应 “Beak dimensions were found to be highly heritable

and correlated with diet. Birds with larger beaks were able to crack and consume the larger and harder seeds. Those with smaller beaks fed on the smaller and softer seeds. Natural selection was documented in years when environmental conditions were unusually harsh. For example, after a severe drought in 1977, when the small and soft seeds were depleted fairly early in the dry season, only 15% of the adult medium ground finches survived. The average beak size in the population increased from the population; many were found dead with empty crops, indicating that they had starved.

04/19/23 81

Adaptation by Galapagos Finches加拉帕戈斯雀的适应 “Prior to another severe drought, there were very wet

conditions which greatly increased the abundance of small and soft seeds. This time when the drought hit, it was the larger and harder seeds that became depleted first. The average beak size shifted in the opposite direction. In both instances, what was termed natural selection could probably be better described as catastrophic elimination. Important variety, which was useful long-term for the finches to exploit the various food sources, was eliminated. So how did the finches recover variability so that multiple episodes of natural selection in opposite directions didn’t wipe them out entirely?

04/19/23 82

Adaptation by Galapagos Finches加拉帕戈斯雀的适应 “One means by which lost variability was

restored was through hybridization with similar species of finches that also inhabited the island. It was common for a few of the medium ground finches to mate with the small ground finch. When appropriate food was available, the hybrids tended to do very well. Thus they were able to restore some of the valuable variation that was lost due to natural selection.

04/19/23 83

Adaptation by Galapagos Finches加拉帕戈斯雀的适应 “This brings out an important point related to diversification

within kinds. As members of the finch kind spread out after the Flood, they diversified to fill a variety of different niches (Lightner, 2010). Sometimes, as on the island of Daphne Major, populations exist which are identified as different species. They may be closely related and have some overlap in diet, but generally they remain distinct populations. They usually do not interbreed because of differences in appearance and/or song. However, under some circumstances these birds may be able to interbreed, which in the case of those on Daphne Island, helped them overcome an environmental setback. Thus, species can diverge, or sometimes even merge as creatures reproduce and fill the earth (Gen 1:21-22).

04/19/23 84

Adaptation by Galapagos Finches加拉帕戈斯雀的适应 “Beak design points to an awesome Creator. It has

been determined that the timing and intensity of expression of certain genes influence beak size and shape (reviewed in Lightner, 2012a; 2012b). Beak formation is a complex process with many critical steps that must be accomplished to form a suitable beak. The fact that the design is robust enough to allow for modification of the beak—enabling the finches to adapt to a variety of environments—should inspire even more awe for the Creator.

04/19/23 85

Adaptation by Galapagos Finches加拉帕戈斯雀的适应

04/19/23 86

Adaptation by Galapagos Finches加拉帕戈斯雀的适应 “Evolutionists have postulated that random

mutation and natural selection are the primary mechanisms by which populations adapt to different environmental conditions. In light of what was actually observed in the finches, it would seem that natural selection is a force which threatens otherwise well-adapted populations. Although the basis for differences in the size and shape of beaks has generally been assumed to be heritable mutations, specific alleles underlying these traits have yet to be clearly identified.

04/19/23 87

Adaptation by Galapagos Finches加拉帕戈斯雀的适应 “What have been identified are some heritable

epigenetic modifications that are associated with genes in one pathway that is important in beak development (Skinner et al., 2014). Species-specific patterns in DNA methylation were observed in different finch species in genes related to the bone morphogenic protein pathway. Surprisingly, the pattern of epigenetic changes fit better with the inferred ancestry of the finches than did the measure of genetic change (copy number variation) that the researchers used.

04/19/23 88

Adaptation by Galapagos Finches加拉帕戈斯雀的适应 “This is quite a shocking shift from the standard

evolutionary thinking about adaptation. Epigenetic modifications have been shown to result from environmental influences. It had been thought that these could not be transmitted to the next generation, but now there is an increasing number of examples where such epigenetic modifications have been shown to be stable for many generations. So, rather than the environment’s ‘selecting’ from the variation that exists, it would seem that the environment can provide cues to which the birds epigenetically respond.

04/19/23 89

Adaptation by Galapagos Finches加拉帕戈斯雀的适应 “There is a lot we don’t know about adaptation.

Scientific research indicates that adaptation is far more complex than we had previously thought. There could be significantly more interaction between the environment and the genome than we have yet identified. What is clear is that the accumulating evidence points all the more clearly to a Creator who provides for His creatures, even in this fallen world (Matthew 6:25-26).”

Thank God for Dr. Lightner’s contribution.

04/19/23 90

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 91

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 92

The Testimony of “Orgel’s Gap,” Part 1第 1 部分 “ 哦桥缺口”的见证 The September/October 2014 issue of Creation Matters

has an article on the above subject by scientist Timothy R. Stout. He moderates a column on “Without Excuse” in the magazine. He says, “Leslie Orgel, a giant in the abiogenesis field, wrote journal articles in chemistry for over 50 years before passing away in 2007. His unique understanding of chemical evolution was that of one who had lived it from its beginnings. He was head of the Chemical Evolution Laboratory at Scripps Institute in San Diego, California, one of the world’s premier abiogenesis laboratories. For many years he shared an office with Francis Crick with whom he developed the RNA world hypothesis. At the time of his death, Orgel was not impressed with the current state of chemical evolution.

04/19/23 93

The Testimony of “Orgel’s Gap,” Part 1第 1 部分 “ 哦桥缺口”的见证 “The final paragraph of Orgel’s final journal article is significant.

Basically, he acknowledges the validity and seriousness of a certain problem potentially fatal to a natural, mindless origin of life. This does not mean that he was giving up the theory; to the contrary, he remained a true believer to his death. He merely points out problems serious enough to make a natural origin impossible if they are not resolved. He says in a somewhat cryptic statement, ‘The prebiotic syntheses that have been investigated experimentally almost always lead a complex mixtures. Proposed polymer replication schemes are unlikely to succeed except with reasonably pure input polymers. No solution to the origin-of-life problem will be possible until the gap between the two kinds of chemistry is closed… However, solutions offered by metabolist scenarios that are dependent upon “if pigs could fly hypothetical chemistry” are unlikely to help.’

04/19/23 94

The Testimony of “Orgel’s Gap,” Part 1第 1 部分 “ 哦桥缺口”的见证 “The ‘prebiotic syntheses’ he is talking about include

the initial, first-stage, prebiotic processes needed to convert raw, natural chemicals into amino acids or nucleic acids. Miller’s experiment would be such a prebiotic synthesis, as would variations on it using different energy sources and different raw chemicals. The ‘complex mixtures’ are the broad variety of products naturally resulting from these processes. Typically, these mixtures contain more contaminants than products useful for life. For instance, Miller’s experiment produced four times as many contaminants as amino acids (Stout, 2014). Amino acids could never assemble into protein in a mixture such as was made by Miller.

04/19/23 95

The Testimony of “Orgel’s Gap,” Part 1第 1 部分 “ 哦桥缺口”的见证 “ ‘Prebiotic syntheses’ also include the outputs

of the next stage, where the amino acids or nucleotides produced in the first stage assemble into reasonably pure, useful polymers. Again, cross-linking and compounds formed with impurities prevent this step from successfully taking place. Natural processes are capable of forming products not suitable for life as well as suitable. Those not suitable characteristically form in larger numbers than do those suitable.

04/19/23 96

The Testimony of “Orgel’s Gap,” Part 1第 1 部分 “ 哦桥缺口”的见证 “ ‘Proposed polymer replication schemes’

would be the processes at work in a proposed subsequent stage of abiogenesis, where polymers become capable of replication. ‘Reasonably put input polymers’ are required for this. Realistically, it is implausible that the complex output of Miller’s and similar early stage processes could provide input products of required purity for this stage to be successful.

04/19/23 97

The Testimony of “Orgel’s Gap,” Part 1第 1 部分 “ 哦桥缺口”的见证 “Orgel’s next comment, about ‘No solution to

the problem…” is particularly significant. First, he acknowledges that abiogenists have a problem in trying to propose a realistic scenario describing how a materialistic origin of life could have taken place. If nature truly favors the appearance of life, as claimed by many, the field should be characterized by successes instead of the problems so readily apparent.

04/19/23 98

The Testimony of “Orgel’s Gap,” Part 1第 1 部分 “ 哦桥缺口”的见证 “Beyond this, Orgel significantly acknowledges that

abiogenesis is impossible unless the gap is closed between the complex output of early processes, starting with a process such as that represented by Miller’s experiment, and the ‘reasonably pure input polymers’ required to form replicating polymers. This is a major statement. One of the most qualified abiogenists in history has this acknowledged that abiogenesis, as it currently stands in the light of experimental evidence, is not possible. In the article he mentions a few things people are attempting in order to purify the stage 1 products. However, these have been tried for many decades without success.

04/19/23 99

The Testimony of “Orgel’s Gap,” Part 1第 1 部分 “ 哦桥缺口”的见证 “This statement doesn’t say much for 60 years of effort. Miller’s

experiment, performed over 60 years ago, was the first experiment to produce amino acids starting with raw, non-biological chemicals. Yet, the problems revealed by Miller’s experiment still prove fatal to abiogenesis.

“Let’s consider how Miller’s experiment works. It uses methane, ammonia, water, and hydrogen in a spark chamber. A spark acts like a ‘bomb’ and randomly rips apart any molecule it contacts. The fragments produced will have a random assortment of electrical charge, plus or minus. Fragments of opposite charges will join to each other, making random new compounds. Uncharged covalent and hydrogen bonds will also randomly form as appropriate, joining uncharged fragments. As this process is repeated, any newly formed molecules contacting a spark can be ripped apart again.

04/19/23 100

The Testimony of “Orgel’s Gap,” Part 1第 1 部分 “ 哦桥缺口”的见证

04/19/23 101

The Testimony of “Orgel’s Gap,” Part 1第 1 部分 “ 哦桥缺口”的见证 “All pre-life first-stage processes are equivalent.

Changing the energy source from a spark, to a high-energy, ultra-violet light photon, or even to a hot water source, does not change the underlying process—random ripping apart followed by random recombination. Changing the raw source chemicals does not change the process. Changing the operating temperature or the acidity of the solution does not change the process. The kinds of chemical reactions available under pre-life conditions will always produce a complex mix of products, with too many contaminants for successful abiogenesis.

04/19/23 102

The Testimony of “Orgel’s Gap,” Part 1第 1 部分 “ 哦桥缺口”的见证 “From this perspective, it is easy to

understand why Miller’s experiment produced the products it did. There is no principle to constrain the wild mix of products naturally produced to become the precise subset needed for successful abiogenesis. There is no scientific basis to expect ‘Orgel’s gap’ to be closed. Nature does not favor a natural, spontaneous appearance of life, but works against it. Abiogenesis is impossible.

04/19/23 103

The Testimony of “Orgel’s Gap,” Part 1第 1 部分 “ 哦桥缺口”的见证 “Truly, God has designed the creation to

reveal the necessity of an intelligent, powerful Creator. The evidence is so clear that a person is without excuse for not receiving it.”

Thank God for scientist Timothy Stout’s contribution.

04/19/23 104

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 105

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 106

Skeletons in the Closet 在衣柜里的骷髅 The September/October 2014 issue of Creation

Matters has an article on the above subject by Dr. Jonathan C. O’Quinn. He moderates a column on “All by Design” in the magazine. He says, “Nature is full of examples of plants and animals that possess abilities, even cleverness, which defy any attempt to explain their existence apart from the act of a purposeful Creator.

“There are many species of wasps that hunt arthropods such as spiders, paralyzing them by stinging them before placing them as a food source into nesting cavities where the wasps lay eggs. A newly discovered species of spider-hunting wasp has been discovered in China that does all this and more.

04/19/23 107

Skeletons in the Closet 在衣柜里的骷髅 “Not only does it build nesting cavities for its

eggs and their stores of food, but it protects its eggs in an amazing, intelligent way. Named the bone-house wasp, it hunts a local species of very aggressive, stinging ant. After the nesting cavities are constructed, the wasp builds a final, outer vestibular cavity and packs it with the dead bodies of these freshly harvested ants.

04/19/23 108

Skeletons in the Closet 在衣柜里的骷髅 “Other animals that might be tempted to

break open the nesting cavities to eat the paralyzed spiders are discouraged from doing so by the smell of the ants. It turns out that this species of stinging ant aggressively defends its colonies, and the smell of the ants in the wasp’s nest is a strong warning to stay clear of these wasp nests.

04/19/23 109

Skeletons in the Closet 在衣柜里的骷髅

04/19/23 110

Skeletons in the Closet 在衣柜里的骷髅 “From where did such wisdom come? Who

taught the wasp this strategy? How could the newly developed wasps automatically possess such knowledge, since they have no contact with their parents to learn from them? The answer, friends, is the Lord God Almighty.”

Thank God for Dr. O’Quinn’s contribution.

04/19/23 111

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 112

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 113

A Beach-Storming Behemoth that Leaves No Trace 沙滩攻坚巨兽不会留下任何踪迹 The Popular Science November 2014 has an

article on the above subject by Jeremy Hsu. He says, “When U.S. Marines landed at Inchon during the Korean War, they had to abandon their amphibious vehicles and cross tidal mud flats on foot. Today, the Navy uses the more versatile Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC) to move troops and supplies from ship to shore. But these hovercraft can’t carry much cargo or crawl over obstacles. So the logistics of water-to-land transfers continue to bedevil planners and put lives at risk.

04/19/23 114

A Beach-Storming Behemoth that Leaves No Trace 沙滩攻坚巨兽不会留下任何踪迹 “Since 2008, the Office of Naval Research (ONR) has

been working with ship-design company Navatek to develop an entirely new kind of beach stormer called the Ultra Heavy-Life Amphibious Connector (UHAC). The vehicle is unique for two reasons. First, it’s massive. UHAC should be able to haul three U.S. Abrams main battle tanks at a time, compared to just one on an LCAC. Second, it’s light. Air-filled foam treads give the fully loaded vehicle a ground pressure of just a few pounds per square inch—lighter than an adult human’s foot step. ‘In places where a person would sink into the mud, UHAC would walk right over,’ says Frank Leban, deputy UHAC program manager at ONR.

04/19/23 115

A Beach-Storming Behemoth that Leaves No Trace 沙滩攻坚巨兽不会留下任何踪迹

04/19/23 116

A Beach-Storming Behemoth that Leaves No Trace 沙滩攻坚巨兽不会留下任何踪迹 “The beast of a vehicle should be able to power

up steep slopes, climb over 12-foot seawalls, and traverse just about any terrain: mud, sand, and even ice. The ONR most recently tested a half-size prototype in July, but it has yet to announce a release date for the full-size vehicle. Once it arrives, the amphibious craft could support military or disaster relief operations on almost any coastline in the world.”

Thank God for the excellent reporting of Popular Science.

04/19/23 117

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 118

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 119

Superlice, Coming to a Scalp near You 超级虱子,来到你的头皮 The Popular Science November 2014 has an article

on the above subject by Jessie Geoffray. She says, “As if lice weren’t bad enough, a growing number are now resistant to over-the-counter (OTC) treatment. Scary, yes, but not surprising since doctors have relied on a single compound to kill the bugs for decades, says John Clark, a University of Massachusetts Amherst toxicologist.

“OTC treatments kill lice with neurotoxins called pyrethrins (or the synthetic permethrin). When repeatedly exposed to the drug, bugs evolve a genetic mutation that desensitizes their nervous systems to its effects.

04/19/23 120

Superlice, Coming to a Scalp near You 超级虱子,来到你的头皮 “Populations of lice develop additional defenses until

they become completely immune, as is now the case in Argentina and Israel. In March, Clark reported that 99.6% of head lice in the U.S. already have the genetic mutation and are en route to achieving superlice status.

“A few single-treatment prescription medications exist. Removing lice with heat treatment or those annoyingly tiny combs also works. You just need the patience of a saint (or a school nurse). ‘I’d recommend a professional,’ Clark says.”

Thank God for the excellent reporting of Popular Science.

04/19/23 121

Superlice, Coming to a Scalp near You 超级虱子,来到你的头皮

04/19/23 122

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 123

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 124

Could Copper Lead to an ALS Cure? 请问铜导致 ALS 的治疗? The Popular Science November 2014 has an

article on the above subject by Breanna Draxler. ALS is a strange disease. The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, kills off the motor neurons that control voluntary muscles. Next comes paralysis, and then prematured death will follow. Breanna says, “After decades of frustratingly little progress, scientists recently showed that the motor-neuron breakdown accompanying ALS may be linked to a genetic mutation in a protein called copper-zinc-super-oxide dismutase (SOD1).

04/19/23 125

Could Copper Lead to an ALS Cure? 请问铜导致 ALS 的治疗? “While looking at stem cells with the mutation, Zhang

found an imbalance that caused the neurofilaments to tangle, which is a cause of ALS. A paper he published in April demonstrates that the damage is reversible once the mutation is corrected.

“In June, Beckman published a study suggesting that the SOD1 mutation may be associated with a cellular copper deficiency. When Beckman gave mice with the mutation an oral copper compound, it improved their ability to move and extended their lives by 12%, offering a promising avenue for therapeutics research.”

Thank God for the excellent reporting of Popular Science.

04/19/23 126

Could Copper Lead to an ALS Cure? 请问铜导致 ALS 的治疗?

04/19/23 127

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

04/19/23 128

Sermons From Science -- Nov 2014科学布道 -- 2014 年 11月Sermons from Science is now published in both

YouTube under the name “Pastor Chui” and also in PowerPoint slides and corresponding videos in the website http://ChristCenterGospel.org.

The contents of this presentation were taken from different sources and in the Internet.

May God have all the glory.

Pastor Chui



04/19/23 129

Friend for Life 一生的好朋友 The Popular Science November 2014 has an

article on the above subject by Adam Piore. He says, “Robots can already vacuum your house and drive your car. Soon, they will be your companion.

“Pepper, Japan’s first affordable social robot, goes on sale in February. It can read emotions and will be a platform for new apps.

“Affetto, modeled after a toddler, can make facial expressions designed to stimulate the brain activity that occurs when a parent observes its own child.

04/19/23 130

Friend for Life 一生的好朋友

04/19/23 131

Friend for Life 一生的好朋友 “Androids Geminoid F and Telenoid R1 are

both designed to convey the human presence of a person operating them from afar.

“Roboticist and artist Hiroshi Ishiguro builds androids to closely resemble human beings-including himself.

“Of course, it’s better to have a friend. But if not, robots can be an alternative easily. We can create harmony between the two, robot and human.

04/19/23 132

Friend for Life 一生的好朋友

04/19/23 133

Friend for Life 一生的好朋友

04/19/23 134

Friend for Life 一生的好朋友 “Paro, a therapeutic baby seal robot, interacts with

patients in hospitals and homes for the elderly throughout Japan, Europe, and the U.S.

“Fostering a relationship between man and machine may require far less sophistication than what even Pepper has to offer.

“People seem to actually experience gratitude to their roomba. They think it works hard and it should take a break. They clean for it.

“The concept of a human-robot society, just beginning to take root elsewhere, already thrives in homes for the elderly across Japan.”

Thank God for the excellent reporting of Popular Science.

04/19/23 135

Friend for Life 一生的好朋友

04/19/23 136

Friend for Life 一生的好朋友

04/19/23 137

Friend for Life 一生的好朋友

04/19/23 138

Gloria Deo 愿荣耀归上帝

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