6 best guerrilla marketing tactics you'll be remembered for

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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Best Guerrilla Marketing Tactics

You’ll Be Remembered For


The sales funnel is evolving.

Instead of being “sold to,” modern customers only engage with marketing that’s either genuinely

helpful or entertaining.

Brands now have to earn

the customer’s interest.

Guerrilla marketing

Creative, low-budget, attention-grabbing techniques to surprise and delight

potential customers.

Successfully pulling off a guerrilla marketing campaign requires a careful balance.

Let’s look at some inspiring examples…


WOW+ +


The Obama Presidential Campaign

Shepard Fairey, famous street artist, was commissioned to create a unique depiction of the future president with the caption “Hope.”

Public Art, Graffiti, and Urban Art

Green Works

A 140-foot mural was made in a San Francisco by cleaning an image out of the accumulated

grime, promoting eco-friendly cleaning products.

1. Public Art, Graffiti, and Urban Art

The Green Painter, New Living

2. Unique Storefront Displays

A unique wall-to-window image promoted the grand opening of a new furniture line in New Living.

The Premiere Project, Alamo Drafthouse

2. Unique Storefront Displays

Alamo Drafthouse promoted the Premiere Project by commissioning artist Mike Johnston to create a massive mural of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Ikea’s Banksy-Inspired Stencils

3. Stickers Out in the Wild

Go further afield with easily-removed stickers or stencils.

Ikea paid street artists to add graffiti to their own street ads.

3. Stickers Out in the Wild

Procter & Gamble’s Crosswalk Stickers

By cleaning one crosswalk stripe to gleaming white and placing a sticker of Mr. Clean, a powerful message was conveyed without any words.

3. Stickers Out in the Wild

Folger’s Steamy Manhole

Placing an image of the top of a cup of coffee turned this steaming manhole cover into a mouth-watering ad.

3. Stickers Out in the Wild

Guinness’s Pool Cues

Making pool cue tips look like little glasses of Guinness was an ingenious way to advertise to the ideal target demographic.

3. Stickers Out in the Wild

Pixar’s Mouse Holes

Pixar created flyers that looked like mouse holes in doors until an inquisitive child picked it up and saw the hidden mouse from their new animated movie, Ratatouille.

4. Performance-Based Guerrilla Marketing

Performances are real attention-grabbers.

The most popular is the infamous flash mob.




Comedian Charlie Todd organized the famous Grand Central Freeze.

T-Mobile organized a heavily choreographed flash mob at Liverpool Street station.

Molo Nation delighted the public with their Jedi Battle Prank to draw attention to their local fitness business.


5. Sabotage!

= Using the momentum of a competing brand’s campaign to draw attention to your own.

Marc Benioff, CEO of Salesforce, rented all of the taxis from the closest airport to the annual conference of competitor Siebel Systems, and pitched the riders on


An ad campaign poached savvy customers from Uber after complaints rose around the behemoth's surge pricing.

5. Sabotage!


5. Sabotage!

New Castle

Brewing giant New Castle made fun of Stella Artois with hilarious billboard placements.

Successful sabotage campaigns use humor to redirect the customer’s attention to the saboteur's product while making them smile.

6. Web Campaigns

The Blair Witch Project

The student filmmakers generated massive buzz by listing the actors as “Missing, Presumed Dead” on their IMDB pages, making fake websites about the legend of

Blair Witch, and much more to make the movie seem like real found-footage.

The movie grossed an incredible $250 million worldwide.

6. Web Campaigns

The Dollar Shave Club

Founder Michael Dubin used his improv background to appeal to men tired of over-fancy name brand razor blades while making them laugh. The video had massive viral success.

7 Guerrilla Marketing Rules to Live By

Apply these rules to the 6 tactics we’ve covered and take your place in the marketing wall of fame.

Catch them off-guard (delight them).

Avoid unplanned associations (by being too vague).

Creativity is key (try not to copy-cat something famous).

Don’t annoy your audience (no water-bombs!).

Double-check that your displays are temporary.

Stay on brand (or many people won’t make the connection).

Share the entire process (even pre-production).








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