5th grade history: englewood elementary school ms. mahoney · ms. mahoney hello everyone! this is...

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5th Grade History: Englewood Elementary School Ms. Mahoney

Hello Everyone! This is the LAST packet of your 5th grade year! My… how time as flown!

This week, May 4 through May 8, I have assigned an optional History review through reading text,

comprehension questions, followed by answers and explanations. Please note that this assignment

may be completed and turned in for an additional 5 points added on to your 4th nine weeks

average. Information on how to turn in for extra credit is found below.

How to begin (Please note all possible options):

• Upon reaching the McMinn County Schools site and clicking 5th grade with Englewood Elementary

School, once you look under the History tab, you will find a file named “Week of May 4.” This lesson

has 2 parts and is designed to last all week, or you may choose to complete in any time-frame that you

deem appropriate or necessary.

• You can print these pages off at home and then write on those.

• If you cannot print at home, you have some options.

o You can label a piece of notebook paper by the name of the assignment at the top of the page.

Then you could write responses on the notebook paper.

o You may pick up hard copy at the school beginning the week of May 4th

If you’re having trouble on the assignment:

• You may email me at the following address. hmahoney@mcminnschools.com

o I can answer specific questions

o We can set up a time for me to call you and discuss the material further

• Currently, my “office hours” are 8:30-12:30. I will reply to emails more quickly during that time and

can call you if an appointment time is needed. If you need an appointment time outside of that time

range, we can do that, too.

Please understand, this work is considered optional and will not be held against you. If you are

interested in the extra credit, you may scan and email to my above email address or drop off your

completed packet at the school during the food pickup hours of 8:30 – 12:30 on Monday-Thursday.

Packets must be received by the end of the week for the extra credit. There are no answer keys

provided due to this being an optional extra credit opportunity. I miss you all so very much, and

my heart is sad that we cannot end our year with all of the fun opportunities we were expecting. I

promise that I will share all of my crazy cat stories with you at a later date ( cause we all know that

my cats are crazy)! However, I know that we will all see one another again soon and I wish you a

summer full of health, happiness, family, and friends!

Your favorite (and only…LOL) 5th grade History Teacher,

Ms. Heather Mahoney

5th Mahoney – History (Part 1-Text)

Week of May 4-8, 2020

World War II – Extra Credit Opportunity Provided upon Completion and Submittal to Englewood

World War II

Though the United States was prosperous during the 1920s, many other countries in the world were

suffering. World War I had ended in 1919, and many countries in Europe found themselves with huge

war debts. This caused a strain, and many countries suffered economic collapse. These countries

developed many ways of dealing with economic problems. Mainly, people believed that a strong

government would be able to help the economy.


Fascism is a political philosophy that gives total power to a dictator,

and often, individual freedoms are denied. Fascist governments usually have a strong

military and try to inspire extreme nationalism (loyalty to a nation) in their

people. Fascism was popular in the 1920s and 1930s in places like Germany and

Italy. Italy's fascist government was formed under Benito Mussolini, who is often

called the father of fascism.

Historians believe the rise of fascist governments was caused by the economic

issues following World War I as well as the fear of the spread of communism. Fears

about communism grew as a result of the Russian Revolution and the establishment

of the Soviet Union following World War I. People believed the fascists could provide

a strong government that would protect against the spread of communism.

Germany's Inter-War Years

During the 1920s, Germany suffered from many economic

problems. The National Socialist German Workers' Party, also known as the Nazi

Party, drew supporters during this time period. The leader of the Nazi Party

was Adolf Hitler. Many German citizens came to believe the Nazis would help the

country by fixing the economic issues. This is because Hitler promised to give people

jobs. By the early 1930s, millions of Germans were unemployed. After Hitler came to

power, he was successful in getting many people jobs. He began large construction

projects of things like roads and bridges.

Nazi Germany started a series of racist policies that took rights away from

certain citizens. Hitler believed that the Jewish people of the world were an inferior

race and should be destroyed. The hatred of Jewish people is known as anti-

semitism. Hitler's racism and the policies of the Nazi party led to the murder of

approximately six million Jews as well as millions of other minorities. This event is

known as the Holocaust.

Japan's Inter-War Years

Unlike Germany and Italy, Japan did not become a fascist dictatorship in the 20th

century. They instead remained a monarchy that was headed by the

emperor. Growing nationalism resulted in an increase in emperor worship and in

feelings of anger over Japan's treatment following the end of World War I. Many

people in Japan felt the country had not benefited much from winning World War I.

They began to look to more extreme ways to fix the country's problems.

With the start of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the military gained more

influence over the Japanese government. Many people started to believe

that territorial expansion could help the suffering economy. For this reason, Japan

began invading areas of China in the early 1930s.

World War II

World War II was fought from 1939 until 1945 in Europe and the Pacific Ocean. It began in 1939 when

German troops invaded Poland. Germany wanted to control more territory in order to become more

powerful. Important events during World War II include VJ Day, the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor,

and the dropping of the atomic bombs over Japan.

The Holocaust

Beginning in the 1930s, Adolf Hitler and the Nazis tried to get rid of all the Jewish people in

Europe. Hitler was an anti-Semite, which meant that he had an extreme hatred of Jewish

people. Hitler forced Jews to live in concentration camps. At these camps, many people were

worked to death, died of disease, or were killed by the Nazis. Over 6 million Jews died as a

result of the actions of Hitler and the Nazis. This event is known as the Holocaust.

Pearl Harbor

In 1940, Japan entered World War II on the side of Nazi Germany. On December 7, 1941,

Japan attacked the U.S. military base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The Japanese had hoped to

destroy the U.S. Navy with the attack, but failed to do so. The next day, December 8, 1941,

the U.S. entered into World War II by declaring war on Japan.

Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of

Hiroshima. On August 9, the U.S. dropped another bomb on the city of Nagasaki. President

Harry S. Truman decided to use the bombs in order to force Japan to surrender. An invasion of

Japan was scheduled, but could be avoided if the Japanese surrendered. Truman wanted Japan

to surrender because an invasion would have cost the lives of many American soldiers. The

Japanese surrendered a few days after the bombs were dropped.

VJ Day

Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945, marking the end of World War II. This day is known

as VJ Day, or Victory in Japan Day.

World War II

World War II had a big impact on the United States. Women went into the workforce, the first African

Americans became pilots, and the United Nations was created. These are just a few examples of how the

war influenced the United States and the world.


When a good becomes scarce, a country will control how much of the good each person can

get. This idea is known as rationing and is necessary to make the good last as long as possible.

During a war, a country will ration items that are directly needed to fight the war. For

example, the United States rationed things like rubber and gas in World War II because those

things were needed by the military.

Tuskegee Airmen

The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of famous African American pilots who flew many

missions during World War II. They were the first group of African Americans to ever be

pilots in the United States and earned much recognition because of their skills.

Rosie the Riveter

The picture here is a famous image from World War II called "Rosie the

Riveter." The picture was meant to encourage women to enter the workforce while men were

fighting in the war. It is also a symbol of the millions of women who worked in heavy industry

during this time. Women were needed in heavy industry because production in factories

needed to increase. The factories also had to change from production of consumer goods to

production of military goods.

Internment of Japanese Americans

After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, many Americans feared that Japan might launch

another attack on the West Coast of the United States. People also questioned the loyalty of

Japanese Americans to the United States. As a result, the United States government placed

many Japanese Americans into camps until the war was over. The camps were called

internment camps or "War Relocation Camps." Over 120,000 Japanese Americans were

placed in the camps. The Supreme Court case Korematsu v. United States involved the

constitutionality of Japanese internment during World War II. The Court ruled that limiting

the rights of a group of people can be legal in certain situations, like during a war.

The United Nations

The United Nations (UN) was formed in 1945 as a response to World War II. The countries of

the world believed that international problems needed to be solved without going to war. The

United States led the way in the creation of the UN, and members committed themselves to

settling problems between countries in a peaceful way.

World War II

World War II was fought between two groups, the Allied Powers and the Axis Powers. The United States

belonged to the Allied Powers. During the war, the United States used several forms of propaganda to

encourage its citizens to help in the war effort. The United States also encouraged its citizens to grow

Victory Gardens in order to combat food shortages.

During World War II, the warring countries were divided into two groups, the Allies and the

Axis. The major countries making up the Axis were Germany, Japan, and Italy. These

countries had totalitarian governments. The main countries making up the Allied Powers were

the the United States, Great Britain and the Soviet Union. The United States and Great Britain

had democratic forms of government. The Soviet Union, although it was an Allied country,

had a totalitarian government. The Allies eventually defeated the Axis forces, which ended

World War II.


Propaganda can be defined as information used to promote a particular idea or point of view. It is very

often exaggerated or misleading, but it can be used to encourage people to help their country. Posters

like the one shown here were used during World War II to persuade women to support the war effort by

taking jobs in factories. Other posters promoted the sale of war bonds or the benefits of rationing. The

Axis and the Allied nations both used a great deal of propaganda during the war.

Victory Gardens

The photograph shows a citizen working in his Victory Garden in New York during World

War II. Many Americans planted these gardens to provide themselves with vegetables that

were often scarce. The gardens also gave people who were not fighting in the war a way to

take part in the war effort.

5th Mahoney – History (Part 2)

Week of May 4-8, 2020

World War II – Assignment may be completed and submitted for Extra Credit

Copyright © 2020 Edmentum - All rights reserved

1. Wars often cause a country to ration goods. This means the country controls how much a

person can get of a certain item. The United States started to ration rubber and gasoline when it

entered World War II. Which of the following best explains why the U.S. needed to ration these


A. Rubber and gas had become scarce and were needed for the war.

B. The U.S. had all the rubber and gas and wanted to keep it.

C. Rubber and gas were rationed so the government could save money.

D. Americans were greedy with how they used rubber and gas.

2. What form of government did Japan have in the 1930s?

A. a theocracy

B. a monarchy

C. a republic

D. a democracy

3. Which of the following is the best definition of propaganda?

A. an illustration that is made to make an argument about society

B. a method of communication to promote an idea or philosophy

C. a change to a law or contract that has been established

D. a judgment of a court that enforces a law on a country

4. The Tuskegee Airmen were a group of American pilots who flew many missions during

World War II. They were good pilots who earned a great deal of recognition, but were also

unique in the military because they were

A. African Americans.

B. women.

C. Native Americans.

D. Japanese Americans.


What argument is being made by this piece of propaganda from World War II?

A. Women must do whatever they can to support the war effort.

B. Women should be drafted in the army to support the war effort.

C. Women should not leave their families to support the war effort.

D. Women are not strong enough to support the war effort.

6. What was one of the main reasons the Nazi Party was able to take over the German


A. a need for new colonies

B. a fear of communism

C. a need for natural resources

D. a fear of nationalism

7. What is totalitarianism?

A. It is a government system in which the citizens control most aspects of the government.

B. It is a government system that is based on the rule and decisions of a monarch.

C. It is a government system that is based on religious rules and laws.

D. It is a government system in which most aspects of life are controlled by the government.

8. One reason for Adolf Hitler's rise to power was his appeal to German

A. nationalism.

B. individualism.

C. communism.

D. liberalism.

9. VJ Day was an important event in World War II. It was the day that

A. Germany invaded Poland.

B. Japan surrendered to the U.S.

C. Allied armies landed in France.

D. the German army surrendered.

10. From 1939 to 1945, Hitler and the Nazis tried to get rid of all Jewish people. They forced

Jews to live in concentration camps and killed about 6 million people. This event in history is

called the

A. Holocaust.

B. internment.

C. liberation.

D. nationalism.

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