5 tıps for tapping into your intuition - beverley … · 5 tıps for tapping into your + trusting...

Post on 30-Jul-2018






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5 Tıps for Tapping into Your

+ Trusting it Every TımeINTUITION

Beverley Golden


eintuition | ıint(y)ooıi sh n |

noun– The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious

reasoning: we shall allow our intuition to guide us.– A thing that one knows or considers likely from instinctive feeling rather than conscious

reasoning: your insights and intuitions as a native speaker are positively sought.


To some, an elusive, indescribable and sometimes confusing idea.

We hear the advice “follow your intuition” all the time, but what does that mean?

Where does intuition come from? Where does intuition live? In our gut, in our heart? In one, or the other, or both?

Definitely not in our heads.

This is something I learned. The hard way.

Something felt. It happens inside. Not from the outside in, but from the inside out.

Does everyone have it? YES!

It’s a quiet inner voice or guide. An instant knowing.

And it’s there for us to access all the time, if we listen.

“ Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the little voice at the end of the day that says I’ll try again tomorrow.” Mary Anne Radmacher

The incredibly wonderful news is: it’s absolutely possible to practice and develop tuning into your intuition.

Does it take courage to live from a place of intuition? Sometimes. It takes Trust for sure.


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It takes Trust in Ourselves to listen to our Intuition, once we actually recognize and hear it.

One of my signature mantras is:

“ Trust your intuition even when no-one else sees your point of view.”

Sometimes intuition is a very quiet voice inside. So quiet, that often the noise from the outside world drowns it out. Our inner wisdom can be soft and humble and maybe at times you wonder if what you are “hearing” even makes sense. This is why it is important to become quiet and still to really hear our intuition.



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It took me a long time to learn this, with lots of resistance along the way. Having lived in my head many of my younger years, I truly believed the answers were there. Crazy I know now. They were not in my head. Life changed for me, once I really got that my gut was where my answers were.

Now it happens in both my Gut and my Heart. And I listen. And intuition isn’t reserved for personal matters; it can be used very positively everywhere in your life, including business situations too.

“The only real valuable thing is intuition.” Albert Einstein

Let me share a bit about how our brain works, as this is tied to our intuition. This is from research I did to write a piece on the left and right brain:

“What are the differences between the right and left brain? In computer terms, the right brain is like a parallel processor. It is about the present moment. It thinks in pictures, is non-verbal and seeks

similarities using the information that streams in through our senses to determine what an experience looks, smells, tastes, feels and sounds like.

It is, in fact, about the bigger picture, is non-linear, holistic and creative. About how we connect in a universal oneness to everyone and everything in the right here and right now.

The left brain, on the other hand, is like a serial processor. It thinks in language, is interested in the past and future and is concerned with the details it can extract to put things in a linear or sequential form. It seeks difference, is logical and is the critical, analytical part of our being.”

So now that you have a brief intro to our brain and what intuition is, here’s the part you’ve been waiting for...



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A really powerful place to start is recognizing there is an incredible amount of noise out in the world around us and this noise is creating diversions and distractions 24/7. And, it is getting noisier every day.

It’s becoming increasingly important to find our own individual way of becoming quiet, so we can find out what belongs to us, what is ours and what isn’t. This is really important, so I’ll say it again. What is coming from the outside, is often mistaken as coming from within. These outside influences can be convincingly persuasive, so it is important to discover and get clear on what is yours... and what isn’t.

When in doubt ask yourself this question: Who does this belong to? If you feel like a weight has been lifted after you ask this question, it is likely that it isn’t yours after all. This is a great technique I learned from a practice called Access Consciousness.

I’ve also repeatedly read that the more time we spend cultivating stillness, the sharper our intuition will become.

“ The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honours the servant and has forgotten the gift.” Albert Einstein

Here’s my Tips for Tapping Into Your Intuition + Trusting It Every Time.



Meditation is now so popular that people are even talking about teaching it in public schools to create a new generation of peaceful people. And the research shows that this is a possibility to achieve within one generation of school-age children learning to practice meditation!

My experience is that there are many varied ways to “meditate.” I admit I have never been overly successful in practicing mediation in the more traditional ways, so I’ve explored my own ways to reach this quiet inner state.

What I do understand is that the idea is to quiet our minds, slow down and connect with our inner voice. Tune out, to tune in.

For me, walking is incredibly meditative. Or gardening. Anything that allows you to slow down and tune out will help you tune in. In a world where things are increasingly speeding up, it is ironically becoming more important for us to slow down!

Walking meditation is all about paying attention to the walking process. One that I’ve tried, is a walking meditation technique to focus on the present moment. You literally say in your mind, or out loud, “right” when you step with your right foot and continue this as you walk from one foot to the next. Right, (left), right, (left) and so on. You’ll find this helps you to be present with each step, experiencing the sensations of the lifting, moving and placing of each foot. This will ultimately, through practice, replace the tendency to have a wandering mind while walking.

Find what resonates and works for you and practice it daily. It is like honing a skill and this kind of daily activity will move you closer to directly accessing and trusting in your intuition. Then it will be there for you whenever you need it, and you’ll know you can trust it.

“ Intuition is seeing with the soul.” Dean Kootz


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Remember to Breathe. It always sounded so simple to me, until I stopped and realized I wasn’t actually breathing much of the time. Of course I was breathing, but it was that shallow breathing that comes when you are stressed or not in touch.

Seems in times of stress, we tend to hold our breath or forget to breathe at all.

Using our breath correctly produces the best results when we breathe in and breathe out in a steady rhythm.

I’ve been using a technique called HeartSpheres, pioneered by Dr. Peter Gruenewald and discussed in his book, The Quiet Heart.

Here’s the book’s basic premise: “The book describes a highly effective approach to personal management of stress and emotions, using heart-based exercises. In this way, it is possible to deal with many forms of stress, anxiety, anger and depression

without drugs or psychotherapy. The benefit of these easily practiced exercises can be felt within days.” And from my experience, it does happen within days.

Of course one can go deeply into the contents of the book; however, I wanted to share the basic practice, which revolves around adopting our natural breathing patterns, focusing on the breathing in and then the breathing out.

As you read, HeartSpheres was developed to tame stress in an increasingly stress-filled world, offering help in developing heart resilience, which builds your long-term adaptive resilience, making you more able to cope with life’s stresses.

Start with a count of one or two on the breath in. Really focus on allowing your breath to bypass your chest area, filling your lungs and belly. This technique is all about finding your own rhythm, not trying to do something that is uncomfortable for you. Once you find your comfortable count breathing in, breathe out to the same count. Let the in breath fill your lungs and belly. And on the out breath, let all the air out of your lungs and belly.


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Build up, if you can, to a count of FIVE in and FIVE out.

This is our natural human breathing pattern, and you’ll find you can’t help but slow down when consciously breathing this way. Also notice whatever comes up for you, as sometimes when we begin to focus on our breathing (I know this all too well), it creates sensations or feelings we may not feel too comfortable with.

Do what is comfortable and if you experience any discomfort, stop and then begin again at another time.

Practicing this form of HeartSpheres breathing, I felt more relaxed, while breathing more deeply, offering a great way to get in touch and connecting me to my inner voice and of course INTUITION, which is where the real power is.

“ Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.” Thich Nhat Hanh


Spend some time engaging in something Creative. A surefire way to get in touch with your intuition is to do something that unleashes your inner creativity. Remember, we are all hard-wired for not only language, but for creativity, too!

I personally found release and inspiration in playing and singing music when I was younger. More recently, I found Arscura - School for Living Art, where I embarked on a healing journey using art to transform critical health issues.

“ Every child is an artist, the problem is staying an artist when you grow up.” Pablo Picasso

Pick anything that interests you, engages you and stimulates right-brain intuitive activity. As we read above, the left brain is like a serial processor working from a place of analysis and information. The right brain is the visual, random-thinking and intuitive brain. Creativity comes from this right-brain place.

Ask yourself: what creative activities do I enjoy doing? Maybe you love dancing, drumming, art, music, singing, painting. Anything that frees you up from constantly living in the left-brain state is worth doing. Whatever you passionately enjoy is the perfect and direct way to your Heart and Soul… AND your Intuition.


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Take a moment and ask yourself this: What creative things did I love to do when I was a child that I’m not doing now as an adult? Once you have an answer, considering doing it again. Now.

Don’t waste any more time. What are you waiting for? Take action and revitalize your childhood passions and you’ll find by doing this, you are another step closer to your inner wisdom and intuition.

Any kind of Play is a great liberator. If you’ve watched young children, you know about play. They use their imaginations and interact with one another and the world around them from a place of pure abandon and wonder. Imagination, inspiration and intuition are all higher octaves of our spiritual beingness.

As we get older, this joyful, childlike innocence is often suppressed and for some of us, gets buried deep down inside. Often it is merely a matter of resurrecting the things that we loved to do when we were children. To allow ourselves to play again.




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The following exercise is a fun and easy to use technique I discovered, compliments of David Stevens, professional intuitive and founder of Yoga of the Mind. It’s not necessarily a childlike activity; however, it’s a playful way to engage and practice tuning in to your intuition.

Stevens recommends practicing what he named “Blind Readings.”

Here’s how they work:

1. Sit down at a writing table with three blank index cards.

2. Think about a decision you are currently grappling with and write three solutions for it, one on each card.

3. Turn the cards blank-side-up, shuffle them and place them face-down on a table.

4. Run your hands over the cards and notice the feeling of each card.

5. Assign a percentage to each card based on how powerfully you’re drawn to it.

6. Turn the cards over and take note of the answer with the highest percentage.

Sound simple?

Here’s an example he shared. When Stevens and his wife needed help to decide whether to cancel a big trip they had planned, they turned to a blind reading.

The vacation was to begin right around the time a work-related project of his wife’s was to be completed. But the project started late, and it looked like the project would reach a critical point during their vacation.

Rather than canceling the vacation, the couple did a blind reading. They labeled the first card “Shorten the trip,” the second card “Do the trip as planned,” and the third card “Cancel the trip.”



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They each did a separate blind reading; both felt the strongest pull toward the card labeled “Do the trip as planned.” They chose to keep their plans and as it turned out, the critical aspects of the project were completed a couple of days before the trip. Stevens and his wife enjoyed their vacation without distraction.

It’s a fun exercise to practice honing your intuition and reminded me of a skill I have devel-oped called “dowsing,” where I literally use any necklace on a chain to check things I want to make a decision about. By practicing, I’ve gotten good at getting a “yes” or “no” answer, which is what it is meant to help with.

Now that you have some easy-to use ways to practice honing your intuition, you’re ready to dive in.

Have fun and see what you discover about not only yourself, but the world around you… simply by learning to listen to and “hear” your intuition! Remember, there are multitudes of ways to get more in touch with your inner wisdom and these are simply an introduction to all the wonderful things that await you. Be courageous and explore!

12 © 2014 beverley golden | beverleygolden.com


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1. Slow Down and remember to check in within yourself to see what is yours.

2. Find your personal way of Meditating to quiet your mind and your soul.

3. Breathe. That’s it—remember to tune in to your breath and use it to slow down.

4. Unleash your inner Creativity. Do something you already love, or be daring and dive into something new.

5. Play. With an animal or a baby is a great place to begin. They embody innocence and intuition, as they aren’t “thinking” about life the way human adults do. Find something that returns you to a place of wonder and childlike innocence, where you see the world anew, as if through the eyes of a babe.

Above all, have fun! Learning about something new can sometimes be scary and daunting, but when it comes to your personal intuition, I know you will be happy once you are finally listening to your personal inner voice, living a life guided by your intuition.

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