5 step formula pdf

Post on 24-Oct-2015






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Copyright © 2013 by Adam Carter

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Right now, most business owners are experiencing major problems in their businesses. It is widely known that 4 out of 5 businesses are destined to fail. What is not as known is the exact reasons for this failure. It's not because of overhead or staffing problems or anything of that nature. 2 reasons. one is poor marketing and two is lack of cash.

Here's the thing. Firstly, new customers and clients are hard to come by. Secondly, more and more people are starting a business because employment is at an all time high, which is making competition even worse - according to Startup Britain, 445,634 businesses have started this year already. These 2 factors make business owners want to drive price down which decreases cash-flow.

If you're like most business owners, you've recently noticed a decrease in new customer intakes and purchases. This is because trusted marketing sources have stopped working. Or were bad to begin with. Not only that but you may have relied on Google for traffic to your business as well as social media because that's what everyone say's you should do. Oh and it's quote quote Free.

Here's another thing, A recent survey showed that 90% of new customers stated that all websites "looked the same" and played little or no part in their decision to choose that particular vendor.

This means that if you think that having an all star website is what you need, guess what, it has little or no contribution to overall profits. And if your spending hundreds or even thousands of pounds on traditional advertising then you're shooting yourself in the foot.

But despite these setbacks across the business industry, some business owners are earning more profits than ever - while spending less time at their place of business. I know this because many of my private clients vary rarely visit their office and their income has increased year on year.

No matter where your business is located, and no matter what condition it's in, you can attract high paying clients in hordes…..using the little known techniques I'll be showing you in this document.

Imagine what your business would look like if you had five new customers or clients per day…..and another staff member doing the actual work.

That's exactly what happened to Scott Tomkins when he generated £5,216.73 in business from only 6 customers with a spend of less than £200.

But Mr Tomkins isn't the only one doing this. Did you know that there is a free tool you can use to find out exactly how many people are searching for what you sell. And it's not Google!

There is a "sweet spot" of potential clients who are the perfect fit for your business, who are more likely to seek out and spend money on your product or service more than anyone else.

What would your business look like if you were to get in front of LOTS of these people?

Well here is my 5 step formula for creating a cashflow surge in 30 days and how to start getting in front of your most ideal customers immediately.

1. Identify A Core Target Market

Your core target market must meet each of the following criteria:

• Easy to Reach i.e via Facebook, Magazines, Trade Journals, Direct Mail, Google

• Have Spending Power i.e Employed, Business Owners, NOT Students• A Good Number of Them i.e More Than 1,000

You can’t monetarily afford to market to everyone. That’s a surefire way to go broke. If your target market exceeds this criteria then you have won at least 50% of the battle.

2. Drive Traffic

These are the primary ways to drive traffic to your core target market:

• PPC (Pay Per Click) - Google, Facebook, Linked In, Bing, Yahoo• Banner Ads - buysellads.com, Related Websites• Email Marketing - Mailchimp, iContact• Direct Mail - Send a lead generation mail piece to targeted list of cold

prospects• Trade Journal - Quarter, Half and Full Page Lead Generation Ad

You want to make sure that with each traffic method that you test first and foremost. You want to create a lead generation offer and not attempt to sell your service or product using the advert. Your offer should consist of an attention grabbing headline, content that supports your headline and a clear compelling call to action.

3. Capture Leads

Following on from the last point, you want to be sure to capture the leads from the adverts you placed so as to not waste any money. Here are different ways to do so with different software providers to help:

• Squeeze Page - Lead Pages, Optimisepress, Unbounce• Optin Form - Aweber, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, iContact• Exit/Entry Popup - Pippity, Popup Domination, Optin Skin • Incoming Phone Calls - Pen and Pad Next To Phone

Your lead capture method must be consistent with the advert that got the prospect to your page. The best way to do this is to offer your prospects a FREE reason for leaving their details.

4. Present Offer

Next you want to present your offer in a structured and non obtrusive manner. Here is a time tested formula for doing so:

• A stands for Attention - ignite Attention in your prospect• I stands for Interest - make your promise of Interest • D stands for Desire - create a sense of Desire in your offer• A stands for Act - give them a compelling reason to Act Now!

Another time tested formula you can rely on is:

• P stands for Problem - identify a problem they have• A stands for Agitate - agitate the problem they have (with caution)• S stands for Solve - solve the problem they have using your solution

With either of these formulas you want to make sure that you are genuine in your approach and that you don’t come off salesy. People don’t like being sold to so if you can position your offer as assistance where they identify your solution as essential, then you will close more sales than you can imagine.

5. Follow Up

Here you simply want to nurture your unconverted prospects and present some benefits of your core product/service.

• Autoresponders - series of emails sent if no purchase is made• Broadcast emails - special offers for immediate purchase• Direct Mail - sent to those who didn't respond to initial mailshot with

same lead gen offer

The emails should be sent by your service provider that you used to capture the leads earlier i.e Aweber, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, iContact. The key here is to build a relationship and not hound your prospects or they will simply unsubscribe so you can never contact them again

That is my 5 step formula for creating cash flow surges within 30 days. But before we finish,let me ask you this…….

What do you think your business would look like if you actually did all this stuff?

Do you want to find out?

I will work with you personally one-on-one in your business to create a cash flow surge and double or maybe even triple your revenue for the next 12 months -for FREE.

You Pay Nothing Out Of Pocket Ever

Here's why.

The first thing I will do is personally help you create a strategic plan to bring in money.

There's no charge for this and it only takes about 45-90 minutes for us to do together.

You can find out all the details by clicking here and schedule your FREE call

Hope to speak to you soon,

Adam Carter

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