faster recovery formula - amazon s3 · step 3: meditation (optional) this is an optional step but...


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The information in this book is based on personal expe-rience, years of research, and my subjective interpreta-tion of available research. It is not medical advice and not meant to replace consulting with a medical doctor.

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Welcome, In this short handbook, I’m going to walk you through 11 overlooked post-workout strategies that speed recovery, reduce stiffness, and help you feel unstoppable. They are divided into 3 phases that you should ideally incorporate for maximum results. The next few pages will outline what these 11 strategies are and on the final page I’ll provide a convenient 1-page synopsis for you.

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Post-Workout Recovery

This first phase deals with everything you should do immediately AFTER a workout. Most people completely neglect this phase and focus solely on stretching upon completing a training a session. I have no problem with stretching but it should really be done on its own, NOT after (or even before) a workout.

HERE’S WHY: when you workout (or even do cardio) you create micro tears in your muscle fibers. Similar to pulling on a fraying rope, would it make sense to further stretch them? Not at all. Doing so will only make matters worse.

Instead, there are 2 mandatory and 2 optional things you should do after your workout.

Step 1: Cool Down

Most importantly, you should spend a few minutes (5–10 minutes is plenty) after your workout to cool down by do-ing some light cardio like walking. This will help bring your heart rate back down to a more relaxed state and low-er circulating levels of stress hormones, like cortisol, that arise after a workout.

Continuing to move your body at a light pace also speeds lactic acid out of the working muscles, which is important for reducing ensuing soreness and stiffness that may occur after an intense workout.

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Step 2: Foam Rolling

I’ll discuss the physiological reason for why foam rolling (and deep tissue work) is necessary in the Phase 2 section. To make things easy, simply replace post-workout stretching with foam rolling.

So, after you’ve completed your cool down, grab a foam roller and roll over any tight areas and muscle kinks. It’s a very effective way to break-up muscle adhesions and tension that build-up during the work-out. Here are a few foam roller exercises that should cover your bases:

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Step 3: Meditation (optional)

This is an optional step but meditating for even just 5 minutes after a workout can have massive benefits. Most notably, meditation can help reduce exercise-induced cortisol levels, which, if left chronically ele-vated, can lead to increased belly fat and increased inflammation in your body.

And there’s no need to make it complicated. Meditation is simply a way of calming your mind and body. The easiest way to meditate is to use basic deep breathing techniques like the one below. Ultimately, the goal is to clear your mind to provide more tranquility, a very important (and far too neglected) compo-nent of recovery.

To get you started, here’s a very basic routine that you can easily tack on to the end of your workouts (after your cool down and foam rolling).

■ Set a timer for 5 minutes

■ Sit upright in a comfortable position, preferably with your legs crossed on the floor.

■ Close your eyes

■ Inhale deeply through your nose, expanding your diaphragm, for a count of 4

■ Hold your breath for another 2 counts

■ Exhale slowly through your mouth for 4 counts

You'll feel more relaxed in no time and your body will thank you.

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Step 4: Cold Therapy (optional)

This optional but if you have access to a shower or even an ice bath, give your body a few minutes of very cold exposure after your workout (after you’ve completed the first 2 or 3 steps). The cold immersion has been shown to help reduce inflammation and delayed onset muscle soreness.

A 2008 study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology looked at the effect of 14 minutes of cold-wa-ter immersion, hot water immersion, and hot-cold contrast showers on delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS). The results showed that both cold water immersion and hot-cold contrast showers were effec-tive at reducing the post-exercise soreness, with both fostering improved recovery of force and dynamic power (measured by improved jump squat performance) and reducing localized swelling.

If you’re using a hot-cold contrast shower then try this:

■ 1 minute warm/hot water

■ 30 seconds very cold water

■ Repeat 3–4 times (ending with cold)

This hot-cold contrast dilates and constricts your blood vessels, which acts as a  “pump” to expel built up soreness-producing lactic acid from with-in the working muscles to be used as fuel by other muscle fibers.

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Stuff To Try Between Workouts

The following 4 strategies are completely optional but using any of them will go a long way to bulletproofing your body against injuries and helping you bounce back faster and stronger for your next workout.

Deep Tissue Work

Whether it’s foam rolling or getting a deep tissue massage, this is one of the best things you can do for your recovery, especially if you spend most of your days sitting.

HERE’S WHY: when your body has chronic tightness, tension, or an area with a history of injury or overuse, adhesions usually form in the muscles, tendons, and ligaments. These adhesions can block circulation and cause pain, inflammation, and limited mobility. This is known as the cumulative injury cycle (or cumulative trauma disorder).

It means that a repetitive effort such as sitting or lifting a weight causes certain muscles to tighten. But here’s the dilemma: A tight muscle tends to weaken, and a weak muscle tends to tighten. This creates a vicious cycle.

As a result of weak and tight tissues, internal forces arise. Friction, pressure, or tension can be present at the same time, which then reduces blood flow to the area.

With less circulation, less oxygen comes to the tissue, causing fibrosis and adhesions to occur in the affected tissues. Eventually, a tear or injury occurs, and this restarts the adhesion process. That’s why lifting the groceries out of the car didn’t tweak your back. It was likely the years of sitting that created weak and tense tissues that were just waiting to snap.

Stretching does nothing to alleviate this. However, deep-tissue work does. It is simply the act of physi-cally breaking down these adhesions, usually by applying direct deep pressure or friction to the muscles and fascia. As these adhesions are broken down by deep-tissue work, blood flow and lymph flow to the affected area are enhanced.

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Mobility Work

Being mobile is the opposite of being stagnant and stiff. Thus, it can be as simple as getting up every 20 minutes to give your body a quick break from sitting. The key is to think about ways in which you can

“open” your body and keep it limber in a world filled with far too much sitting.

It should also take the form of walking, taking the stairs, and/or performing any number of dynamic exer-cises like the ones below whereby the goal is to use fluid movements—not static stretching—to improve range of motion and prevent stiffness.




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Earlier, I said that static stretching is not advised before or after your workouts. However, stretching on its own (after you’ve warmed up) or through activities like yoga can be incredibly beneficial for reducing stiffness and improving your flexibility and overall sense of wellbeing. I personally do hot yoga at least once per week and the more of it I do, the better and more limber I feel. I also have my own modified version of yoga that I do at home each morning.

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Deep Sleep

This is something you’re hopefully already doing. However, there’s a big difference between length of sleep and quality of sleep. Since your body releases growth hormone and heals and repairs itself during DEEP sleep (not REM), it’s important that you allow your body to get into “slow wave” deep sleep more readily. Otherwise, you’ll have trouble recovering from your workouts, upset your body’s delicate circa-dian rhythms, and feel more tired.

Research shows that 7–9 hours of sleep per night is the sweet spot for adults. Here are few ideas to help you improve the quality of your sleep:

■ Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. Consistency is very important for your body’s “internal clock”. And research shows that hitting the sack before 10:30pm will allow your body to spend more time in deep sleep than if you went to bed after midnight (even if total sleep time remains equal). Whenever you decided to sleep, do your best to go to bed and wake up at the same time 7 days a week.

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■ Sleep in a cold, dark tomb. Your bedroom should be pitch black with no lights (even alarm clocks lights) that can disrupt your brain’s production of the “sleep hormone” melatonin. You also want your room to be relatively cool. Typically, a temperature between 60°F and 67°F makes for the best sleep. Your bedroom should also be free of any noise.

→ Cover electrical displays (such as alarm clocks and phone lights).

→ Use heavy curtains or shades to block light from windows.

→ Try a sleep mask to cover your eyes.

→ Use a flashlight to go to the bathroom at night. That will keep the light to a minimum so it will be easier to go back to sleep.

■ Turn off lights and electronics an hour before bed. Melatonin is a hormone controlled by light exposure that helps regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Because its production is controlled by light exposure, your brain should secrete more in the evening when it’s dark, to make you sleepy, and less during the day when it’s light and you want to stay awake and alert.

Thus, for best sleep, avoid “screen sucking” at least an hour before bed. Thus, turn off the TV, iPad, smart phone, etc … since they emit high levels of blue light that block melatonin release in your brain, making good deep sleep near impossible.

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In addition to Phases 1 and 2, you may want to consider adding the following 3 supplements into your diet to further reduce inflammation and speed recovery after and between workouts. But remember, these should be in addition to an already healthy anti-inflammatory diet.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an anti-inflammatory antioxidant important for many aspects of your health. It also increas-es cell wall elasticity and joint mobility and is an integral component of your collagen and skin. As with any nutrient, your best bet is to get vitamin C through food, especially since most supplements provide it in a fractionized, synthetic form known as ascorbic acid.

So, if you are supplementing with vitamin C—or any other vitamin or mineral, for that matter—do your best to choose a whole foods—based supplement, one in which the vitamins and minerals come from actual food that your body knows how to assimilate most efficiently.

A 2001 study in the International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metab-olism found that just 200 milligrams of vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) daily for 14 days had beneficial effects on muscle soreness and muscle function after a grueling 90-minute shuttle run test. Another study using the same exercise protocol found no beneficial effect of vitamin C sup-plementation on recovery when it was started immediately after the workout. It seems as though consistent vitamin C intake is key to its recovery powers.

For instance, a  2003 study in the European Journal of Applied Physiology looked at ultra-marathon runners to see whether sup-plementing with 1,500 milligrams versus 500 milligrams of vitamin C for 7 days before a 90K race would be of any benefit in fighting the subsequent stress and inflammatory response in the body. The findings revealed that post-race cortisol, adrenaline, and inflammatory markers were significantly lower in the group that had the daily intake of 1,500 milligrams of vitamin C for just those 7 days before the race.

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If I could recommend just one spice to add to your diet, it would have to be curcumin. The research on this miracle spice is absolutely astounding and it’s arguably the most powerful anti-inflammatory nutrient on this planet.

Curcumin is found in turmeric and curry powder, for the most part. Obviously, those are two spices that most North Americans don’t eat in regular amounts. Thus, supplementing with curcumin is likely your best approach. I routinely take 500 to 1,000 milligrams per day.

A lot of good research shows that curcumin reduces inflammation and exercise-induced soreness. Here are 2 examples …

Downhill running is a surefire way to cause muscle damage. It’s the ultimate stress on your body. A study in mice subjected the little guys to torturous amounts of damaging downhill running. It found that cur-cumin feedings ahead of time offset these deleterious effects on running performance. Curcumin also blunted the increase in inflammatory cytokines after the run that was otherwise seen in the mice who were not fed curcumin.

A 2013 study in the International Journal of Sports Medicine among humans found that curcumin supple-mentation attenuates exercise-induced oxidative stress by increasing blood antioxidant capacity, which essentially protected the cells in body from all that stress.

Fish Oil

Fish oil is one of the best sources of the omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) so important for the health of our brain, joints, cell membranes, heart, and more. The main reason they’re so beneficial is because fish oils mostly contain the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahex-aenoic acid (DHA), precursors of certain eicosanoids (fast-acting signaling molecules) known to reduce inflammation in the body.

For optimal health, you need between 2 and 9 grams of omega-3s per day, spread throughout the day, depending on your current health. The more banged up and inflamed you are, the more you’ll need. Within that recommendation, 1 to 3 grams per day should be in the form of EPA and DHA. For most people, that requirement might be tough to meet via food alone, and that’s why fish and/or algae oil supplementation can be important.

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Here's What to Do Next:You’ve read this report, and …

You now know what to do after and between your workouts to speed recovery, get rid of nagging stiffness, and feel unstoppable, and …

You probably know that it would be helpful to have some guidance and more pre-cise instruction on how to put each of these recovery components into practice …

That’s why, just as many of my other readers have, I know you’ll really enjoy my Supple Superhuman program.

It’s the ultimate “tool kit” to help you bounce back faster and more fully from your workouts, reduce stiffness and risk of injuries, and make you feel awesome again.

No matter your age or fitness level, this kit contains numerous tools that your body is silently begging for. It will increase your flexibility, reduce workout sore-ness and stiffness, calm your body, reduce your risk of injury, and make you feel great again!

And because you’ve just finished reading this report, I’d like to offer you the Sup-ple Superhuman program at a significant discount to get you on the right path to feeling great during and after your workouts.

But … this special discount is only available for a limited time so hopefully it’s still available by the time you visit the page by clicking on the link below …


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PHASE 1: Post-Workout Recovery





PHASE 2: Stuff To Try Between Workouts





PHASE 3: Supplements




NOTE: Feel free to print this page and keep it handy for a quick reminder how to best recovery after your workouts.

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