4. 180 and rule of thirds

Post on 28-Jul-2015






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180 Degree Rule &The Rule of Thirds

Page 32

(TEKS 11Di) Demonstrate how to frame and maintain picture composition.

180 Degree Rule

It is important to maintain interest in an interview by having a variety of shots that show different perspectives or angles.

However, it is essential to maintain “consistency of screen direction.”

Definition: 180 Degree Rule

180 degree rule: An imaginary line drawn between two subjects or along a line of motion to maintain continuity of screen direction.

Crossing it from one shot to the next creates an error in continuity.

180 Degree Rule

Rule of Thirds Definition

Rule of thirds: The placing of a key part of the picture or action on one of the intersections of a tic-tac-toe grid.

Rule of Thirds

- When framing a shot, mentally divide the frame into thirds horizontally and vertically.

- Place your elements along the lines, preferably with the center of interest at one of the four points where the lines cross.

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