3. t-systems airport user days & conference | june, 5-6 ... · june, 5-6 2019 every seven days...

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PostgreSQL as database alternative

Simone Zorr – Michael Unger

3. T-Systems Airport User Days & Conference | June, 5-6 2019

Nunc vi ver ra imperd!

Michael Unger

Project Manager

Am Gut Wolf 9a, 52070 Aachen

+49 (241) 919-7135 (fon)

+49 (0160) 90533809 (mobile)


Simone Zorr

Project Manager

Holzhauser Straße 4-8, 13509 Berlin

+49 30 8353 84972 (fon)

+49 151 15195791 (mobile)


Oracle Database Licensing Insights and Tips


With this presentation we will take a look at general Oracle database licensing

and how the Oracle database tracks feature usage.

This can be helpful in preparing for a LMS audit or for taking inventory before renewing an Oracle contract.

As most people close to Oracle know, licensing and product discovery can be complex.

We would like share some practical experiences with a LMS audit.

Oracle Database Licensing Insights and Tips

June, 5-6 2019

June, 5-6 2019

Oracle Contracts - overview


[1] https://oracle-base.com/articles/misc/tracking-database-feature-usage

[2] http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E11882_01/license.112/e47877/options.htm#DBLIC142

June, 5-6 2019

Oracle Licensing BasicsLicensing is not just a price…..


[1] Software Investment Guide http://certificacaobd.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/sig-070616.pdf

June, 5-6 2019

Oracle’s technology products are primarily licensed using two metrics: Named User Plus or Processor.

Named User Plus

• Based on users and non-human operated devices accessing the Database

• Used in environments where users can be counted


• Based on the number of processors cores (EE) or sockets (SE, SE1 and SE2) in the server where the Database is installed and/or running. Standard Edition can only be licensed on servers, that have a maximum capacity of sockets, (e.g. SE with 4, SE1&2 with 2 sockets ).

• Used in environments where users are uncountable

Oracle Licensing Basic

June, 5-6 2019

Database Licensing in a Virtual Environment

Installing an Oracle instance on a single virtual machine in a VM environment requires licensing all physical processor-cores on the host supporting it.

following websites allow a deeper dive into this topic



Oracle Database Licensing Insights and Tips

June, 5-6 2019

Audit – experiences and procedure recommendation


June, 5-6 2019

Every seven days (default behavior) the view dba_feature_usage_statistics updates with what features have been used in the database. You can manually kickoff a refresh by running the procedure below

A description of dba_feature_usage_statistics can be shown by

Oracle support document 1317265.1 provides the scripts necessary to query this table.

This document is a must read for any DBA involved in Oracle licensing.

Oracle DB usage


SQL> DESC dba_feature_usage_statistics

June, 5-6 2019

1. Inform all related parties including your purchase department

2. Stopp all new orders in preperation to have negotiation backlogs

3. Run an internal check and in case of any doubts plan to setup your DB from scratch before you give any access norsending script outputs to Oracle or their partners

4. Get in contact with a Licensing or Audit consultant

5. Inform your application partners

6. Be prepared! Setup a licence management and run a internal compliance check once a year to avoid running in longterm usage of advanced features you are not paying for.

Oracle DB Audit request – and now?

If you have received an audit report from Oracle and are shocked at the findings, feel like you are being bullied by Oracle over non-contractual licensing claims, or are ready to explore migrating to another platform altogether, we would be happy to discuss your options.

Q&A – Oracle Licensing

Are there Open Source Alternatives?


June, 5-6 2019

Open Source Databases

June, 5-6 2019

DB Engines Ranking

source: https://db-engines.com/en/ranking

June, 5-6 2019

DB Engines Ranking - continued

AODB‘s database requirements


Requirements vary depending on the application.

What are the specific requirements for an AODB?• Reliable and stable• Maintainable • High available• Open

T-Systems‘ FARMS requirements• Compatible with Oracle• PL/SQL support• Enterprise level commercial support

AODB‘s database requirements

June, 5-6 2019


What is it ?


June, 5-6 2019



PostgreSQL: The World's Most Advanced Open Source Relational DatabasePostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance. There is a wealth of information to be found describing how to install and use PostgreSQL through the official documentation. The PostgreSQL community provides many helpful places to become familiar with the technology….

June, 5-6 2019

EDB Enterprise database

https://www.enterprisedb.com/The Most Complete Open Source Database Platform

With EDB T-Systems continues itssingle source strategy.

Airports can choose between Oracle and EDB Postgres.

Single source strategy provides stability.

Users don‘t notice the difference.

Nunc vi ver ra imperd!

June, 5-6 2019

Transparent to the user

Some Facts


June, 5-6 2019


EDB Postgres Enterprise annual subscription : € 1,794 / vcore.

Includes all enterprise features and 24/7 support.

Virtual licensing supported.

June, 5-6 2019

Enterprise Features: Failover Manager

June, 5-6 2019

Many Open Source Tools

Example:SQL Workbench

June, 5-6 2019

Ask the Techies

„Easy to learn – similar to Oracle“

„Dumps to textfiles are easy“

„Tons of resources in the net“ „I prefer psql over sqlplus“

„EDB support is responsive – we got a patch release fixing a bugdiscovered by T-Systems within 6 weeks“

„Postgres is stricter with data types – we had to clean up ourlazy Oracle type casts“

„open for other open source toolse. g. Grafana plugin“

„Oracle and EDB differ in SQL for DDL statements“

June, 5-6 2019







Thank you!


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