2012-02 istrategy sydney, au community development and management

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The nature of communities and how to create and manage a long-lived brand community of value.


  • 1.Explosions in Social MediaBuilding and Managing Brand CommunitiesiStrategy2012Gillian Muessig, President & Co-founder, SEOmozFebruary, 2012

2. Worlds most popular providerof search marketing software 3. http://www.google.com/imgres?q=story&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1013&bih=637&tbm=isch&tbnid=42vc_CzgE7IBxM:&imgrefurl=http://ajitah.com/blog/%3Fp%3D585&docid=JtZGt3OVTbNfRM&imgurl=http://ajitah.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/Tell-Me-A-Story.jpg&w=1428&h=1419&ei=ArGcTrveLqaB4gSsusjjCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=88&vpy=160&dur=69&hovh=224&hovw=225&tx=108&ty=128&sig=103195842722407947764&page=1&tbnh=114&tbnw=115&start=0&ndsp=17&ved=1t:429,r:0,s:0 4. http://www.ragemonthly.com/ 5. http://www.projectsigma.co.uk/Guidelines/Summary/Principles.asp 6. http://doggies.com/blog/2008/06/07/10-commandments/ 7. http://funnyoldchicks.typepad.com/funny-old-chicks-blog/2010/06/life-in-the-aark.html 8. Speeds the Messagehttp://www.google.com/imgres?q=speeding+train&hl=en&gbv=2&biw=1013&bih=637&tbm=isch&tbnid=n9EnjHipZ1amoM:&imgrefurl=http://superspeedtrain.com/tag/speeding/&docid=MwBff-dP8195bM&imgurl=http://superspeedtrain.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/high-speed-rail-update1.jpg&w=400&h=267&ei=WLGcTsS5Ceek4ATJ-oynCQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=483&vpy=324&dur=1396&hovh=183&hovw=275&tx=225&ty=104&sig=103195842722407947764&page=1&tbnh=125&tbnw=194&start=0&ndsp=12&ved=1t:429,r:6,s:0 9. Spreads it Widerhttp://www.123rf.com/photo_5545967_orbits-of-binary-information-speeding-around-the-world-globe.html 10. http://blog.stevesponder.com/?tag=activelistening 11. Select PlatformsUsers: 50mm 750mm 200mm 120mm10mmUsers: 14mmMillions 14mm6.5mm Select Platforms 12. Target MarketsTarget markets 13. Likes Are the New Links http://www.dotcult.com/likes-and-pluses-are-the-new-links 14. Depth + breadth of engagement = ROI 15. Target markets 16. The Nature of Communities 17. Cosmic ClusterLook for patterns in clusters 18. Single Cell ClusterSee the patterns? 19. Aspen Tree Cluster Many tree tops; single root structure 20. Coral ClusterEndangered community 21. Fish Cluster School of fish 22. Bird Cluster Flock of herons 23. Human ClusterHuman communities 24. Human Cluster 25. Clusters Communities Interest Groups 26. Interest Group Girl Scouts 27. Brand Community (group)Harley Davidson 28. Gaming Community (group)World of Warcraft Second Life - others 29. Industry Community American Medical Association 30. Event Community iStrategy Sydney 2012 31. Tech Corporate Community SEOmoz Community 32. Political CommunityThird Reich 33. Social Community Platforms 34. Anthropology of Communities Shared Values Shared Goals Shared ExperienceIts not aboutshared interests or skill sets 35. Live Trumps Online The nature of communities 36. Human Communication Learning Happens Early The nature of communities 37. Shared Values 38. Shared Goals 39. Shared Experience 40. The Story of Moz 41. STEADFAST 42. STEADFAST 43. GENEROSITY 44. http://en.fotolia.com/id/10119250 45. http://www.nitro-digital.co.uk/blog/2011/03/09/internet-revolution-in-publishing/ EXCEPTIONAL 46. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hubble_Space_Telescope AUTHENTICITY 47. http://www.motherboard.tv/2010/3/10/silicon-silliness-the-bubble-burst-10-years-ago-today--2 48. http://alburywebdesign.com/ TENACITY 49. http://www.articlesbase.com/elderly-care-articles/social-media-provides-needed-sunshine-for-seniors-and-shut-ins-4790859.htmlTENACITY 50. PERSERVERANCE 51. RESULTS 52. GENEROSITY 53. http://gloriarand.wordpress.com/category/blogging-2/TENACITY & AUTHENTICITY 54. http://gloriarand.wordpress.com/category/blogging-2/TENACITY & AUTHENTICITY 55. http://gloriarand.wordpress.com/category/blogging-2/TENACITY & AUTHENTICITY 56. http://gloriarand.wordpress.com/category/blogging-2/TENACITY & AUTHENTICITY 57. http://searchenginewatch.com/article/2054740/Schedule-optimization-for-SES-New-YorkGENEROSITY BREEDS GENEROSITY 58. MysteryGuests Stroke of Genius AHA! 59. RESULTS 60. 2006TRANSPARENCY & COURAGE 61. 2007RESULTS 62. 2010TRANSPARENCY IS STICKY 63. SOCIAL CLOUT INCREASES 64. SHARE AND YOU WILL GET MORE 65. I Told You That Story,So I Could Tell You This Story 66. Our only marketing expense? Flights + hotels for conferences/eventsMore at http://www.seomoz.org/blog/the-history-of-seomoz 67. How Did You Do That? 68. News/Media/PR SEO EmailBlogs + Blogging Research/White PapersInfographicsComment Marketing Social Networks Online Video INBOUND MARKETING! Forums(AKA free traffic sources)WebinarsSocial BookmarkingWord of Mouth Direct/Referring LinksPodcastingType-In TrafficQ+A Sites http://www.seomoz.org/blog/the-rich-get-richer-true-in-seo-social-all-organic-marketing 69. It all starts withContent Marketing 70. A Blog We Update Every Day 71. Viral Targeted Contenthttp://www.seomoz.org/article/search-ranking-factors 72. Viral Targeted Contenthttp://guides.seomoz.org/beginners-guide-to-search-engine-optimization 73. http://guides.seomoz.org/beginners-guide-to-search-engine-optimization 74. Another Examplehttp://www.seomoz.org/seo-industry-survey 75. Good Graphics + Illustrations 76. A Weekly Video Series http://www.seomoz.org/blog/category/33 77. Build it and theyll come?Nope. Build it, then market it. 78. Comments & Conversations 79. Social NetworksData and charts of our Facebook and Twitter account performance via http://export.ly 80. Social News / Bookmarking http://news.ycombinator.com, http://delicious.com, http://stumbleupon.com and http://reddit.com have historically performed best for us, but you should test results 81. Q=A Sites / Forums 82. Conferences & Events Days at the Office 7% Days in Transit 43% 32% Days Speaking at Conferences Other Days Out of Office 19% Distribution of Gillians Workdays 2011 83. Slideshare.net Live=few; Download=1000s 84. SEO 85. Domain Authority Revealed 86. Email MarketingWe use/love http://www.mailchimp.com (who now has a cool free option for early stage folks) 87. Advanced Tactical Assaults 88. Design Like an Award Winner Check out http://google.com/search?q=css+gallery for tons of great galleries and inspiration 89. Involve a Sharing-Incented CommunityThe brilliant strategy by http://www.urbanspoon.com made them one of the biggest players inthe local restaurant business and got them acquired by IAC 90. Be the Center of Conversation 91. Not Interesting 92. Better, But Still Not Great 93. YOUmoz 94. YOUmoz 95. Leverage Fun 96. Leverage Fun 97. Leverage Fun 98. Be Iconic 99. http://www.seomoz.org/linkscape_comic.htmlExceptional Work 100. Transparency 2011 101. Transparency Has A Price 2011 102. Authenticity 103. Authenticity 104. Pirate Ships 105. Generosity 106. Fun 107. Thats Brand Loyaltyhttp://rebeccashowerman.com/2011/05/17/thats-brand-loyalty-the-making-of-the-mozbot-tattoo/ 108. EmpathyVisceral and Time Consuming 109. Exceptional Workhttp://rebeccashowerman.com/2011/05/17/thats-brand-loyalty-the-making-of-the-mozbot-tattoo/ 110. Know Your StoryTransparencyAuthenticityGenerosityFunEmpathyExceptional WorkGet the Word Out 111. Q+AiStrategy2012 60 days to play w/Mozzers (and kick off your own community) Twitter: @SEOmom Blog: www.seomoz.org/blog Email: gillian@seomoz.org

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