altered fates: chapter 12


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Post on 05-Dec-2014



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First part of generation four's college.


Page 1: Altered Fates: Chapter 12
Page 2: Altered Fates: Chapter 12

Sims 3 is totally to blame for me not getting back to this when I should have. I did some fast-track playing in Duality A since my fourth generation were still toddlers! Just goes to show how much I’ve neglected Sims 2. >_< And in Duality B all ten of them are in college

now also the heir has been moved into the Greek house. In case you forgot like me, Alema Rar was chosen as the next Sith Lord for Duality B.

College will probably be two chapters again since I have so many to get through this

time. But I did take a few pictures of the Alpha kids before I kicked them out for college…

Page 3: Altered Fates: Chapter 12

Christa: Wait there minions, I shall mature and then exercise my older sister right to torment you all.

Here we go…

Christa: Ah Voice, perfect timing. I’m about to ascend to greater glory.

Don’t roll Romance…don’t roll Romance.

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Nice outfit…*snerk*

Christa: Just adds to my charm.

Go change anyway.

Christa Alpha K/PO Gemini

5/8/9/3/1 LTW: Be Chief of Staff

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Flit: Camera!!

Tinkerbelle: Where?

Pips: *wiggles*

Told you I was fast-track playing…toddlers are boring.

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Christa: Well, I’ve done my sisterly duty. Time to collect my money and blow this joint.

Tinkerbelle: No cake?


Flit: Yay, I match!!

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Lee: Did it just get colder in here?

Oh…not you too Lee. *sniff*

Lee: I was missing Kiki too much Voice, I’m glad I get to see her again.

I suppose…

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Diana: Grampy…no…

Aww, such a heart-wrenching face Di…

Diana: I don’t know what I’m going to do without him now.

You still have your daddy.

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Tina: I didn’t come home with them to see this!!

Kitian: Daddy!! NOOO!!

Pips: Great-grandpa? Where are you going?

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Lee: You’re really creepy you know that?

Grim: So I’ve been told. Time to go Lee Alpha. Kiara is asking about you.

Lee: Aww, Kiki. I’m glad I get to see her again.

Flit: What’s going on?

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Lee: Giving up Downtownie immortality was worth it.

Grim: Glad you think so.

Kitian: Daddy!!

Pips: I don’t know how to feel…

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Tinkerbelle: Great grandpa!! *bawls*


Tinkerbelle: Why?

Many have asked that question kid, many indeed.

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Pips: He won’t haunt me too much will he?

I don’t know…but as soon as you age you’re out of here so you probably won’t have to find out.

Pips: Ghosts are scary.

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Name: Lee Alpha Aged: 81 days

Spouse of: Kiara Alpha Father of: Kitian and Jewel

Grandfather of: Darla, Daven, Diana, Andrew and Aeric Great-Grandfather of: Christa, Tinkerbelle, Flit, and Pips

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Life goes on, for most. Maybe not for random Townie friend of Diana whose stuck in the cabinet…

Diana: Already? Where did the time go?

Time flies when one plays on triple speed…

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Tinkerbelle Alpha FO/FA Scorpio

7/6/10/2/3 LTW: Be The Law

Pips Alpha R/PO

Scorpio 10/9/2/4/7

LTW: Be Pro Party Guest

Flit Alpha K/PO Virgo

10/3/10/2/3 LTW: Be Criminal Mastermind

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Christa: Is this going to become a habit?

Aeric: Excellent, my first kill.

Tinkerbelle: I thought it was a random lightning bolt from the sky?

Flit: That’s what I thought too.

The cow must ALWAYS die. *cracks smiting fingers* HEHE!!

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Aeric: Whatever, I’m claiming the kill.

Christa: Hold on there, spare spawn. I’m mainline and the villain here.

Aeric: You dare to challenge me? I’m your first cousin, as in I was BORN FIRST. So I get to be the only resident evil mastermind got it?

Christa: It’s on spare spawn, oh is it ever on…

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One fast-track play later…five new Greek house members.

Pips: I find music keeps the peace.

And since I changed the family ties, no more icky in-breeding with Aeric and Tinkerbelle *shudders*

Aeric: What was the big deal? I didn’t recognize her as family.

I did.

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Christa: That better not have been a camera flash I saw Voice…

What? Don’t want everyone to see that you can’t dance?

Christa: You know I don’t…it will ruin my image.

Aeric: Your image was already ruined BY ME. The ONLY evil genius here!!

Christa You can’t dance either loser!

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Pips: I’m going to pretend I didn’t hear them fighting.

You’re the heir Pips, your word is law. You can get them to stop.

Pips: If they get too out of control I will. But for now I’m dropping a beat.

You do that.

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My fourth gen heir everyone. The Komei Face actually looks somewhat attractive since I gave him collagen injections in the cheeks and fixed the squinchy ears. Also gave

Tinkerbelle a nose and some cheek implants. Let’s see how long it takes to breed the alien out.

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Oh and Brooke/June* clone here graduated. Off with you spare holder.

Brooke: Fine, I know when I’m not wanted.

Bye-bye now. *waves*

*see Keika’s White Legacy for details on June here*

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Huh, would you look at that? You actually match.

Brooke: It’s not pink enough.

Yeah, but it’s white and stuff.

Brooke: I’m outta here.

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And with that, off we go to Duality B where Alema Rar takes her place as Sith Lord heiress for generation four…

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Alema Rar: What is the big deal with fixing cars? I’m getting all dirty and sweaty. Maybe I could use the Force to do this for me…

Hey. It’s called character building dear.

Alema Rar: Ah hell, it’s you.

Yep. I’m back.

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You’re actually pretty good at that. Only one engine blow up in your face.

Alema Rar: I’m awesome, what did you expect? The Force is with me.

So I’ve noticed.

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Alema Rar: So as the next Sith Lord, I can sacrifice the nice freaks to the Force for greater powers right?

Umm…I kinda want to keep them around and alive…

Alema Rar: I am heiress, and I say they must be sacrificed!! How can I ever expect to overthrow

my father if I’m not powerful enough?

You and Thanos duking it out Force style? Hmm…interesting.

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Alema Rar: I’ll even put their urns on a nice table. Look at them, smiling like idiots up there…it SICKENS me.

But…but…I may have not wanted the alien triplets but they were kind of a happy

accident. And the Jedi might have something to say about you trying to kill off their Force Children.

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Alema Rar: And I have plans… you there old hag, give me a worthy mate for my obvious greatness.

Tamara: You must be related to Tybold…I recognize that attitude.

Alema Rar: I don’t care, give me my man.

Tamara: Well you did pay full price so…

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Alema Rar: Perfect. The Force is strong in this one…

Crap on a stick…it had to be my mysterious Jedi didn’t it?

Valeran: Greetings, I am Valeran Cloudrider; I see you also have the Force within you.

Alema Rar: Mm, cute and powerful. You will do nicely.

Not an NPC, not spouse material. Sorry.

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NOO!! Not the Slow Dance!!

Alema Rar: I like you.

Valeran: And I like you too…

Send him packing and try the Well. NOW!

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Alema Rar: Fine, how about him? I can feel tremendous power in this one.

NO!! Bad simself!! Bad Gabriel!!

Gabriel: Bite me. She’s perfect for me.

The two bolts say other wise, if she weren’t my heiress and you had three bolts maybe…but no.

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Gabriel: Bad news babe, the Voice says no. But call me if you ever want to ride the Force sometime.

Alema Rar: I think I’ll do that. You must be a Force Wielder, I can feel a tremendous power in you.

Gabriel: Yeah, sure if that’s what you want to call it. I prefer the All Powerful, All Knowing, Smite

Button Controlling, Simself God.

Alema Rar: I like it.

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Alema Rar: I’m so awesome, I got two hot and powerful guys lining up to fight over me.

They aren’t NPC’s and therefore you can’t have them. Dark Mistress Kiara’s rules.

Alema Rar: Yeah, yeah, the old bat has a point. I’ll still find your NPC man but then I’ll get with the other two once I have a legitimate heir.

Hopefully the heir will be mean enough to count …

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Next time on Altered Fates:

It was short but I have to make the rounds to the other houses in Duality B and to even up my Duality A kids with their counterparts in Duality B. Alema Rar is already a

Sophomore and the Alpha kids are still Freshies.

Till next time (whenever that will be)