alpha mind - amazon s3mind.pdfmovie and nzt was based on. rx-only, generally prescribed for those...

Alpha Mind The Beginners Guide to Limitless Smart Drugs

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Alpha MindThe Beginners Guide to Limitless Smart Drugs

“The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around”

–Thomas A. Edison

CHAPTER 1:Are “Smart Drugs” For YOU?

Who They’re For…The person who wants MORE out of life.

The person who knows - deep down inside - that they’re capable of achieving the same successes that they see others achieving.

You know there’s more inside you - and you know there is a way to bring it out…let’s do just that!

WHAT IS IT?THIS is the way to tap into - and UNLEASH - that higher output you know exists within YOU.

“Brain-hacking” is the method to “get out of your own way”…to finally find the focus, motivation and critical thinking skills you need to reach the next level in your life.

The LIMITLESS brain power that awaits will take you from your current situation and help close the gap to living life as a BOSS - the one YOU KNOW you’re capable of becoming.

The BASICS…Here’s the broad strokes:

You have chemicals inside your head. LOTS of them.

Most people have some sort of imbalance, deficiency or simply aren’t “OPTIMAL”.

Fixing these deficiencies and OPTIMIZING function allows us to operate at higher levels - much closer to our true potential - leaving “normal” is the DUST!

Many folks have trouble focusing, feeling motivated, completing tasks, thinking critically…

It’s not ALWAYS YOUR fault. It very well could be the chemicals in your head.

Let’s get one thing out of the way right now…these strategies don’t fix lazy, stupid, or simply being worthless. If you have normal or better intelligence, and are motivated to improve, you WILL see results.

A few other considerations beyond your brain chemicals…

YOUR HABITS (do they support your goals?) Do you eat right? Do you sleep enough? Do you spend your free time watching television?

YOU! Again, nothing works unless you do. As Steven Pressfield said, “if you want to paint, put your ass in front of the easel.”

Ready to go to work and make some progress? Let’s do it!

Benefits of “brain-hacking”If you’ve bought this guide or seen the movie Limitless, I don’t need to elaborate any further! But here are a few… think about which of these would mean the MOST to YOU.


Decreased social anxiety


Enhanced memory

Cognition speed

Lateral thing and problem solving

Critical Thinking or problem solving

Chapter 2:

What you need to know before we dive deeper…

Brain chemistry 101: The Braverman Test

Brain Chemistry 1014 MAJOR Neuro Chemicals

GABA - Often used for relaxation, GABA is associated with stress inoculation, a sense of calm and theta waves (the flow state)

Choline - Controls brain speed and the rate at which electrical signals are processed. Connects physical experiences to memories and thoughts.

Serotonin - social bonding chemical, familial love and happiness. Controls sight, rest and cravings

Dopamine - Performance enhancing, reward chemical that says “do more of that”

As you can see, any deficiency or abnormality in these neurochemicals can really throw your productivity and performance off track.

Let’s see how to identify and optimize them…

The Braverman TestThis 20-minute test reveals your dominant or “default” chemical setting. It helps you understand how your brain works and it’ll explain A LOT about YOU!

The second part identifies any deficiencies you might have AT THIS EXACT MOMENT

Deficiencies can change. I suggest taking this test (the second part) every 3-6 months.

Go HERE to take the test (FREE) -

Once we’ve established both your personality and any deficiencies, we can start to plan your supplementation strategy to unleash your untapped potential!

Coaching - the word derives from the original term Stage Coach. This “coach” would pick you up where you were and transport you to where you WANTED TO BE. The Braverman test allows us to see exactly where you are - and now we can plan a course of action to get you where you WANT TO BE! You can experiment with the supplements and strategies that follow on your own. You can also do it with my guidance HERE.

Chapter 3The Players and How To Use Them!

Categories of Smart DrugsNutraceuticals - Over-The-Counter (OTC) supplements, generally safer for long term or daily use.

Pharmacueticals - some OTC, some available by Rx-only. USE MORE CAUTION. Probably not something to take daily or for extended periods of time.

Always start with the lowest dose, assess you own individual tolerance and work from there. The minimal effective dose is what we’re seeking. We want LONG TERM health!


Cellular Energy Boosters (Mitochodria)

Brain Boosters

Choline-based, focus products, caffeine-based, etc…

Mitochondrial BoostersThink of these as “full body nootropics”. They increase cellular energy by helping the cellular energy factory do more work & can actually increase their total number.

CoQ10 has long been popular supplement, but the usable form is PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline quinone) - now you can skip the CoQ10 and go straight to the good stuff…

Unfair Advantage (Bulletproof)

Unfair Advantage (AWESOME NAME!) from Bulletproof - uses BioPQQ to support Mitochondrial function. Mitochondria are the energy producers within our cells. More energy produced per “factory” and more factories producing it, means you really do have an Unfair Advantage!These are single serve “vials” that you can take in the morning or right before any activity where you want a boost (like a rock show!)

Mitogen (Axon Labs)Mitogen - from new company in the game Axon Labs (partnership between the CILTEP creator Abelard Lindsay, the Natural Stacks folks and Jesse Lawler from Smart Drug Smarts), Mitogen also utilizes BioPQQ to boost mitochondrial function. Mitogen, unlike UA, also includes sulbutiamine, Vitamin C, Vitamin B5, R-Lipoic Acid (“the antioxidant recycler”), and Idebenone. Since my first dose, this has QUICKLY became a favorite and a staple in my daily regimen.

How To Use Mitochondrial Boosters

These can be taken daily, sort of like a fish oil. The first dose, you may feel an “awakening” after 10-15 minutes. Beyond the first dose, you won’t really “feel anything” like you would drinking a cup of coffee. What you will notice is a decrease in overall performance if you STOP using it. That’s a crucial sign that it WAS in fact helping you!

For daily use, take in the morning with your normal morning routine.

You can also take these right before extreme or intense performance is required. Before a big meeting, during an extraordinarily rough mid-week afternoon, or before a workout or big physical performance. Many athletes and rock-stars are experiencing great benefit taking these products before showtime.

Brain BoostersAlpha Brain


Choline Force

Addie Up

Smart Caffeine

Dopamine Brain Food

Alpha Brain (Onnit)Choline-based and can be used daily.

All-natural ingredients and backed by University studies.

Designed to optimize focus, overall brain health and performance.

Can be used before sleep to promote lucid dreaming.

CILTEP (Natural Stacks)CILTEP is flat out AWESOME for focus!

Only 5 ingredients, clearly labeled and amounts listed.

Actually open-source and created by coders on longecity forums over a period of a few years.

Potentiates long-term memory while dramatically increasing focus for tasks.

Addie UpThis is not one I have much experience with. But it is popular, so I’ve included it.

You can see the label to the right. Personally, the “branding” and comparison to a prescription drug makes me skeptical - as do the ingredients.

I don’t trust “proprietary blends” since you never know how much of any single ingredient there is.

Choline Force (Bulletproof)The Bulletproof choline-based formula, like Alpha Brain, increases focus, memory and promotes clarity of thought.

This and Alpha Brain are 2 sides of the same coin…I suggest trying both and choosing the one you like best.

I’ve had success with both, so I actually alternate bottles.

Dopamine Brain Food (Natural Stacks)

Amino acids, vitamins, and minerals that serve as vital pre-cursors to Dopamine creation in the body.

Promotes energy, assertiveness and confidence.

Increases motivation and creativity.

Increase athletic ability and balance!

Smart Caffeine100mg Caffeine + L-Theanine produces a relaxed, but alert state.

Ideal for mental clarity without the jitters, slumps, distractions or anxiety that “stronger” supplements can produce.

Can be used for work or working out. Also safer for use later in the day without compromising sleep.

HOW TO USE “Brain Boosters”Most can be taken daily. Maybe 5-6 days a week.

Use 1 product per day.

You CAN combine the Natural Stacks products (CILTEP + Dopamine brain food, for example)

You can also combine some level 2 (pharmaceuticals) with brain boosters. For example, CILTEP + Piracetam.

Later, we’ll discuss which products are best for what types of days…






PiracetamOriginally developed in the 1970’s this is known as the “original smart drug”.

Used by millions around the world (but still a bit of a “grey-area” supplement, because it’s synthetic.

Has been shown reduce fatigue, increase mental performance and mood/motivation.

Best taken early in the day so it doesn’t disrupt sleep.

400mg is the lowest suggested dose. 800 is about the average and some have gone as high as 1200-1600mg.

Can be stacked with coffee, mitochondrial boosters, or even things like CILTEP or choline-based boosters.

In fact, piracetam can deplete choline, leading to massive headaches. Choline should be taken WITH piracetam to avoid this side effect. You can use plain choline, take a choline booster like Alpha Brain, or use a stack that already has choline like Nexus (coming later)

Aniracetam & OxiracetamShorter 1/2 life

Great for shorter or 1/2-day bursts of focus & productivity

Great for afternoon dosing to reap benefits without compromising sleep at night!

Some report better mood elevating effects than piracetam.

NEXUS (Axon Labs)Amazing new Aniracetam product from Axon Labs.

Complete stack in one pill, comes with Choline needed to prevent headaches or brain fog

Pairs well with a mitochondrial booster like Mitogen or even Unfair Advantage.

GABAWave (Bulletproof)600mg Phenibut in a single serve “vial”.

Increases focus and promotes GABA (as you might have guessed)

I’ve used it personally to recover from extreme GABA deficiency but no longer use it regularly now that I’m at baseline.

Should be dosed every other day - or even LESS frequently.

Phenibut is one to be careful with. Do your own research on this ingredient and experiment carefully.

Provigil/ModafinilProvigil/Modafinil - the closest thing to the LIMITLESS drug in existence. Likely what the movie and NZT was based on. Rx-only, generally prescribed for those working nights or other shift work that disrupts circadian rhythms. Exact mechanism of action still unknown - likely the dopamine pathway as it fuels action and “doing”. Can also be purchased online from overseas distributors.

Usually comes in scored 200mg tabs. Most people break them in 1/2 and have success with only 100mg.

Definitely take first thing in the morning and avoid dosing later in the day if you wish to get any sleep!

This is another - USE WITH CAUTION - supplement as the long term effects are not yet known. Consult your physician first.

CHAPTER 4:Suggested Uses, Best Practices & Combining or


Task Dependent “Brain-Hacking”

Matching your “smart drugs” to the tasks on your agenda for any given day

Some days require lateral thinking, creativity and problem solving - these days are GREAT for Choline-based products.

Some days require laser focus on mundane tasks (writing, coding - actually DOING the things that need doing!) - CILTEP!!

Some days are “get shit done” days where you have to be everywhere, all the time, and ON POINT…Right now you might think this is everyday, but trust me - it’s about 1X per week - and this is where the heavy hitters like the racetams or even prodigal come to the rescue.


DIET IS A HUGE FACTOR - Most people eat for pleasure rather than performance. Here’ the problem with that - every item we consume sends a signal to our cells & genes…eat the wrong thing at the wrong time and you get brain fog, lose focus, or initiate fat storage and set of a cascade of energy and mood swings. The food we eat goes WAY beyond calories, fat loss, muscle gain, and cognitive function. If you struggle here, or just want to maximize your productivity, the next step is 1-on-1 coaching. CLICK HERE to sign up

A Note on FuelingThe brain LOVES to run on fats - especially short and medium chain triglycerides.

The number of carbon molecules in a fatty acid’s “backbone” dictate the designation of short, medium or long.

We’ll skip the science lesson, but know that 8-10/12 carbons are medium chain triglycerides. Anything above or below is designed long or short chain. See caprice & caprylic acids to the right (8 & 10 carbon chains)

Long chain fats are digested through the lymphatic system, while short and medium go to the small intestine are are preferentially burned by the brain and body as instant fuel!

Grass-fed butter, ghee, MCT or XCT oils and Brain Octane are ideal fuels for optimal cognitive performance


My Stacks:*The disclaimer again…these are MY stacks that work for

me. These are just suggestions - seek medical approval before starting any diet or exercise program.*

When I mention Bulletproof Coffee each day, I’m not eating anything else until about 1-2pm. I put 30g grass-fed ghee and 1 TBSP brain octane in my coffee.

My “Default/Daily” Stacks 1

CREATIVE DAY (taken in AM 20-30 minutes before Bulletproof Coffee)

Mitogen x 2

Alpha Brain x 2 (second choice = Choline Force x 4)

Green Tea Extract, Vitamin D, Vitamin B Complex, Fo Ti (Ho Shu Woo) x 2, Zinc


Brain-storming, pre-writing, ideation


Team meetings

Critical thinking, management tasks, problem solving

My “Default/Daily” Stacks 2

FOCUSED DAY (taken in AM 20-30 minutes before Bulletproof Coffee)

Mitogen x 2


Green Tea Extract, Vitamin D, Vitamin B Complex, Fo Ti (Ho Shu Woo) x 2, Zinc


Product creation, article writing, emails- EDITING or FINAL versions.

Media editing, processing

Coding, website creation

DATA or menial-task duties. (“Implementation days”)

My “Default/Daily” Stacks 3

GET SHIT DONE DAY (taken in AM 20-30 minutes before Bulletproof Coffee)

Mitogen x 2

100mg Provigil/Modafanil

Green Tea Extract, Vitamin D, Vitamin B Complex, Fo Ti (Ho Shu Woo) x 2, Zinc


TV, radio or public speaking event

High volume or output, LOTS to do days (12-18 hour days)


Team meetings

Critical thinking, management tasks, problem solving

Expect to feel like other people are in slow motion.

Expect to have a “down day” the day after.

BONUS: DISCOUNTS!You may have noticed I favor Natural Stacks

and Bulletproof products.

This is true - and because I like their products and support their missions, I am a Bulletproof Ambassador,

wholesaler (we carry the coffee at my gym), and I host the Optimal Performance Podcast for Natural Stacks.

Because of my relationships with these companies, I can also pass along some great discounts to YOU.



Works on every purchase, no matter how big or small

Mitogen + Nexus from Axon Labs. CLICK HERE

Natural Stacks: CLICK HERE