alice workshop, aug 21, 20081 recent experiences in grid- enabling legacy software codes dana petcu...

Alice Workshop, Aug 2 1, 2008 1 Recent experiences in Grid-enabling legacy software codes Dana Petcu [email protected] Prof. & Dir. of Computer Science Dep., West Univ. of Timisoara, Res. & Dir. of research Institute e-Austria Timisoara, Romania,

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Page 1: Alice Workshop, Aug 21, 20081 Recent experiences in Grid- enabling legacy software codes Dana Petcu petcu Prof

Alice Workshop, Aug 21, 2008


Recent experiences in Grid-enabling legacy software codes

Dana Petcu

[email protected]://

Prof. & Dir. of Computer Science Dep., West Univ. of Timisoara, www.uvt.roRes. & Dir. of research Institute e-Austria Timisoara, Romania,

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Alice Workshop, Aug 21, 2008



Context Romanian sites & Grid initiatives UVT & IeAT Grid-related activities Grid – where to?

Cases studies of Grid-enabling existing codes For Computational Grids (CFDs, DLs etc) For Service Grids (EOs, CASs etc)


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Alice Workshop, Aug 21, 2008


RO sites in EGEE-II / Feb 08

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RO sites in EGEE-III / 20 Aug 08

Locations (SEE-Grid monitoring):

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UVT in SEE-Grid-Sci / 20 Aug 08

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Current infrastructureUVT-CS Department’s cluster IeAT’s cluster

(28 CPUs, gLite 3) (30 CPUs, GT 4)

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Recent history – UVT & IeAT team 2002

UVT’s cluster of 8 IBM PCs with Myrinet connection (2Gps) included in ASC facilities (NSF’s Astrophysics Simulation Collaboration)

2003 Test platform between UVT and RISC-Austria

2004 First prototypes of Grid-enabled codes (CFD + CAS) in

CompGrid project 2005

Started national collaborations MedioGrid (imag.proces.) GridMOSI (optimization)

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Recent history – UVT & IeAT team 2006:

Involved in FP6 SCIEnce – SymGrid (symb. Comp)

Involved in national SINRED prj. Digital lib. & Grids Started Grid training and dissemination activities (ISPDC06 symp., GridCAD ws, GridTDT training, PhD programme)

2007: Participation at FP6 EGEE-II and SEE-Grid-II Accepted in RoGrid consortium Participation at national prj. PEGAF (workflow &Grid services)

2008: Participation at FP7 EGEE-3 and SEE-Grid-Sci Leading the ESA’s project: GiSHEO

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Application prototypes in the last year gLite oriented applications

DEMO/G – Distributed Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization on Grid

GOC – portal for gLite jobs

GT4 oriented applications SymGrid-Services – Web and Grid services for

symbolic computations components of MedioGrid platform – Web and

Grid services for satellite image processing

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Back to the international context (1)

European Commission programs: FP6 funds:

Infrastructure (e.g. EGEE-II) IST – Grid Unit F2

FP7 funds: E-Infrastructure (e.g. EGEE-3) ICT – Service Oriented

Architectures (Grid Unit -> Service-Oriented Archs. Unit)

The business pressure companies promoting Web

services & SOA E.g. Aug’08 GridToday newsletter -> On-demand Entreprise Daily news EU projects promoting SOA in

FP7-ICT coming from enterprise-driven consortiums like NESSI

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Back to the international context (2) NSF’s Cyberinfrastructure Vision – March 07

Grid infrastructure = world-wide Cyber-utility populated by self-* cooperating services which interact as in a complex gigantic software ecosystem

European NGG3 expert group – Jan 2006 Grid services + Knowledge technologies = SOKU

Services are knowledge-assisted + Architecture comprises services + Utility: immediately useable service

Different Grids: Computational Grids Service Grids Instrument Grids …

New-related buzzwords: cloud computing, on demand computing (ODC) Service oriented computing (SOC) Service oriented infrastructures (SOI) Software as a Service (SaaS) …

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Legacy codes & Grids

Legacy system = a mission-critical software system developed sometime in the past that has been around and has changed for a long time without undergoing systematic remedial actions

Modernization techniques are applicable to legacy systems:1. Redevelopment, from scratch, using a new hardware platform and modern

architectures tools and database; 2. Migration that moves the system to a new platform, while retaining the

original system data and functionalities3. Wrapping, which surrounds existing data, programs, applications and

interfaces with new interfaces

Grid-related solutions Migration towards Grids in order to increase their ability to solve bigger

problems by (“gridification” for Computational Grids) Wrapping as Grid services is a cost-effective and quality solution for evolving

them in order to meet new requirements (“wrapping” for Service Grids)

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Gridification for Computational Grids1. Identify parallelism degree

2. Manage the issue related to the resources heterogeneity

3. Deal with intra-cluster and inter-cluster communications

4. Create interfaces for easy-to-use

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Example for 1. Parallelism degree Embarrassing gridification in analogy with

embarassing parallelism – no communication Digital libraries [in our case for SINRED project, developments on

RoGrid infrastructure based on gLite] Multimedia conversions for large collections of

documents (e.g. PDF -> audio) – considerable requirements in what concerns response time & storage

Applying OCR techniques on large collections of documents in order to create indexes (keywords, references etc), extract images etc

Used available free convertors

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Example for 2. Manage heterogeneity Stage 1 – 2003 parallel version of STHAMAS 3D

commercial CFD simulator for crystal growing

three-dimensional finite-volume code

based on a block-structured finite-volume Navier-Stokes solver Stage 2 – 2004 (CompGrid project)

adapt the parallel code to use heterogeneous computing resources improved efficiency through avoiding load balancing problems

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Example for 3. Intra/Inter-cluster comm.DEMO/G (in GridMOSI project)Distributed Evolutionary Multiobjective

Optimization on Grid= implementation of evolutionary algorithms

for multiobjective optimization (EMOA) based on a layered structure First layer: sequential EMOA executed on

one processor Second layer: parallel EMOA based on a

colony of inter-communicating populations

Third layer: multiple colonies which evolves separately

Used for multiobjective multidisciplinary optimization (case study: airfoil design) Evaluation of objective functions is based

on numerical simulations; coupling between EMOA and other codes

e.g. CFD

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Example for 4. Create interfaces easy-to-use

GOC Grid Operations Center for gLite 3 Modular Approach

Authentication Application

interface Demo/G,


Grid Engine

Application Interface / DEMO/G

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Wrapping codes for Service Grids Non-interactive legacy systems1. Example 1: Service for CFD


Interactive legacy systems*1. Example 2: Service for image

processing2. Example 3: Services for

symbolic computations3. Example 4: Service for an

expert tool

*systems where any transaction is completed by means of a dialogue between the user and the system

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Example 1: service for CFD simulation Legacy code: GERRIS

open source free software library for the solution of the PDEs describing fluid flow

Inputs: a file describing the simulation

parameters; the number of processes used by

Gerris; the name(s) of the resulting file(s)

to be transferred to the client side.

Similar experiences with other codes E.g. for optimization DEME - library

for sequential, parallel & distributed metaheuristic algorithms


# The classical lid-driven cavity test case.

1 0 GfsSimulation GfsBox GfsGEdge {} {

Time { end = 300 } Refine 6

SourceDiffusion {} U 1e-3

SourceDiffusion {} V 1e-3

EventStop { istep = 10 } U 1e-4 DU

OutputScalarNorm { istep = 10 } du { v = DU }

OutputPPM { start = end } { v = Velocity }

{ convert -colors 256 ppm:- velocity.eps } }

GfsBox {

top = Boundary { BcDirichlet U 1 BcDirichlet V 0 }

bottom = Boundary { BcDirichlet U 0 BcDirichlet V 0 }

right = Boundary { BcDirichlet U 0 BcDirichlet V 0 }

left = Boundary { BcDirichlet U 0 BcDirichlet V 0 } }


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Example 1: service for CFD simulationThe service exposes: Simple client interface:

setType(type) Set the execution type: use gerris2D, sequential (type=1) or in parallel (type=2), or gerris3D, sequential (type=3) or in parallel (type=4); by default type=1

exec(simFileName) Launch the simulation described in the simFile

getExample(type) Get an example of simulation file

getHelp() Get a user manual for problem description

getStatus() Get the status (Active, Done or Error) of the simulation; by default the status is Done

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Example 2: Service for image processing A Grid service for remote image processing based on GIMP

GIMP accept command lines! despite its classical interactive mode

A distributed DB of images is available to a virtual organization (VO) as a shared facility.

A user apply a sequence of image processing standard procedures to extract a particular information from specific images

Usage in MedioGrid platform

Follows: ESA project GiSHEO! Combining ESA’s G-POD with MedioGrid platform services for educational purposes

The service exposes:

createServInstance <FactoryRef> <EPRFile>

startGIMPServer <EPRFile>


clientGIMPAction <EPRFile>


clientGetFile <EPRFile>

<FileName> <Destination>

Simple client interface

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Example 3: Services for Symbolic Computations Computer Algebra Systems

(CAS) are wrapped Create an instance for each

client Gradually interpret

commands Examples CAS: GAP, Kant,

MuPad, Maple, Yacas, Singular, Pari, CoCoA, Macaulay etc

Allows interoperability between CASs

Only one part of SymGrid- (EU SCIEnce project) – another part: access Grid/Web/gLite services within CAS

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Example 4: an expert tool for ODEs EpODE (1997) @ UVT EpODE (2008) @PEGAF prj.

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The process of Grid-enabling legacy codes depends at least the followings: Grid type (e.g. Computational/Service etc) Code type (e.g. Interactive/Non-interactive, GUI oriented/or

not etc) Despite there are several existing tools for Grid-

enabling codes, those are useful for particular conditions, not for the general case

An automatized process for Grid-enabling any legacy code is far for being possible at this moment