aiesec ucl-soas annual report 2012-13

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AIESEC UCL-SOAS Annual Report 2012-13


  • Annual Report2012/13



    AIESEC UCL-SOASAnnual Report 2012/13Published by AIESEC UCL-SOAS in Sept 2013All rights reserved


    What is AIESEC?

    Programmes We Oer

    How Can I Get Involved?

    What Makes AIESEC UCL-SOAS Special

    A Word From the President

    The Numbers

    Companies: Global Internship Programme

    Companies: Sponsorship and External Events

    Students: Go Global Exchange Programme

    Students: Become An AIESEC Member

    Vision and Mission For 2014

    Junior Chamber International (JCI)

    The Team

    Closing Thoughts

















    e live in the most complex, interdependent and interconnected era in human history a reality we know as the hyper-connected world. This reality presents a new leadership context, shaped by adaptive challenges as well as transformational opportunities. These changing parameters require new type of Leadership (Davos 2013).

    In this context, what is the role of a youth organisation? What is the world the youth of today wants to "ght for? How can an organisation utilise the Power of Youth?

    AIESEC tells the story of youth. Our international platform enables young people to explore and develop their leadership potential, and to make a positive impact on society.

    Globally, AIESEC creates over 21,000 youth stories through our exchange programmes, providing an Inner and Outer Journey our model of developing leadership.

    This year, AIESEC UK has set the ambition to double the output of the organisation to Develop Responsible, Global Leaders, and become the Key contributor to the Global Plenary.

    I am proud to say that we have achieved that and more. I have been inspired for the past year by our dedicated members, who worked relentlessly for a bigger cause, a very humble cause.

    Furthermore, I am more than proud to be able to recognise AIESEC in UCL-SOAS for having shown leadership by example.AIESEC UCL-SOAS has been a Key contributor to the National Plenary in the past year. They have truly managed to make an impact on their student body and corporate society.

    Having delivered 40 exchange experiences the previous year, AIESEC UCL-SOAS in 2012/13 has had an outstanding growth by

    delivering 90 exchange experiences. AIESEC UCL-SOAS has created 90 stories of youths, 90 stories of developing responsible global leaders.

    Heres to the year ahead, where we will get closer to the world the youth wants to "ght for. Get on board the story of youth while there is still time!

    Leo SzivoPresident of AIESEC UK 13/14

    Best regards,

    Leaders imagine a world that they would like to be a part of, a world worth fighting for.

    Seth Godin

    Globally, AIESEC creates

    over 21,000 youth stories.



  • Global Community Development (Go Global) Programme

    For Companies & Graduates For Students


    AIESEC UCL-SOAS brings talent from around the world to work for partner companies in the UK. Graduates from the UK are sent abroad to work for partner companies in foreign countries.

    AIESEC UCL-SOAS gives students an opportunity to volunteer for 6 weeks in a foreign country of their choice.





    Global Internship Programme (GIP) in the UK

    IT skills?

    Foreign market analysis?

    Engineering skills?

    Multilingual skills?


    AIESEC is a non-pro!t student-run organisation that promotes international exchange and youth leadership development. We develop future leaders with a global understanding by sending students abroad for exchange, and bringing graduates from abroad to the UK for internships.

    AIESEC currently operates inover 110 countries. This gives our partners the chance to engage with students of highest potential from31 of the worlds top 50 universities.

    There are many dierent committees of AIESEC, and AIESEC UCL-SOAS is one of the many branches within the UK. We are a joint society, consisting of University College London (UCL) and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS).


  • WHAT MAKES AIESEC UCL-SOAS SPECIALThe highest performing local committee in the United Kingdom strives to deliver a greater impact, year by year.

    The years in university are often described as the best three years of ones life. Faced with the unprecedented freedom, university students have unparalleled opportunities to see the world from a whole new perspective. Other than ones academic pursuit in university, few societies provide the social and international perspective relevant for graduates in the 21stcentury. AIESEC, being the largest youth-run organisation in the world, provides students with this unique experience.

    As the only joint Local Committee consisting of University College London (UCL) and School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) in the UK, we have been at the edge of innovation and challenging ourselves since our establishment.

    Our Global Community Development (Go Global) Programme and our Global Internship Programme are the core parts of AIESEC around the world. Last year (12/13), we sent over 90 students overseas on the Go Global programme,

    which is the highest number of students sent overseas in AIESEC UK history. This record is no small feat for a single Local Committee.

    In the past year, we have also organised external events such as the AIESEC Global Village and the London Youth Conference. Among all the committees in the UK, only AIESEC UCL-SOAS organises these open events. We also have a very close partnership with JCI (Junior Chamber International), providing us with mentorship and support, and increasing our impact on youth development.

    HOW CAN I GET INVOLVED?My company wants to get involved

    Programmes for students

    Programmes for graduates

    We are actively looking for companies to become our partners, in terms of internship opportunities, !nancial support, and mentorship. For more details, please see p.6 & 7.

    Cultural Envoy for Exchange Development (CEED)

    Global Community Development Programme (GCDP) - see p.8

    Team Member Programme - see p.9

    Global Internship Programme (GIP) - see p.6

    Team Member Programme - see p.9


  • t is quite dicult to summarise my AIESEC experience because my journey in AIESEC literally transformed my views and perspectives in life.

    It is a platform for you to learn and fail, a place to discover new potentials where our education

    system these days seems to neglect. More importantly, it encourages youth to work towards a greater goal to achieve the betterment of the society. My time in university is not enriched by the grades that I achieved, but rather, it was made

    meaningful by the people whom I share a common aim with, and also through

    an incredibly international platform where ideas and

    words meet no boundaries.

    Recently, I had the opportunity to volunteer in Estonia for 6 weeks. It was an amazing experience that allowed me to immerse and understand a dierent culture. More importantly, my work was

    able to impact positively on the local community.

    To summarise, I believe everyones AIESEC experience is de"ned by what they want out of it. It can be either intense and challenging, or it can simply be something to "ll up your CV. Once you "nd the connection between the AIESEC values and your beliefs, it will be an incredible journey that shapes who you are today.

    My journey in

    AIESEC literally transformed my views.

    Benjamin ChuahPresident of AIESEC UCL-SOAS 12/13

    Best regards,




    THE NUMBERSAIESEC UCL-SOAS sent 90 students on exchange this year to around 15 countries, including, but not limited to the countries below. We brought 2 graduates to work in London in 2012/13.

    Note: Graphics are for illustration purposes only, they do not re%ect absolute numbers.

    Go Global Exchange Programme Global Internship Programme

  • AIESEC UCL-SOAS received 516 applications for our Go Global Exchange Programme. 132 people accepted their oer, and 90 people embarked on their life-exchanging journey.

    We received the highest number of applications out of all the committees in the UK, and also sent the highest number of students abroad.

    Income 12/13









    Applications WentPaid

    Internship Fees Exchange Fees Other Income Intern ExpenditureStudent Exchange Expenditure

    Membership Development Conferences Expenditure

    Other Expenditure

    From Brazil

    From the USA

    Go Global Exchange Programme Global Internship ProgrammeChina




    Egypt Estonia

  • Our Global Internship Programme is simple and customised.

    AIESEC can provide your company with high-calibre human resources solutions through our access to talent from over 113 countries with a wide range of quali"cations and skills to "t into your business. In addition, our talent have well-established global networks, proven leadership experience and foreign market insight.

    Our programme is hassle-free and customised. We select 3 - 5 best candidates based on your requests for you to interview. AIESEC is supported by the OISCinTier 5 Visa applications,truly ensuring your access to talent anywhere in the world.

    AIESEC interns bring an international spirit and culture to the work environment, thereby enriching corporate diversity, and

    sharing unique insights into world markets.

    Using our global network, we are able to recruit candidates $uent in speci!c languages and with skills that may be dicult to source for within the UK.

    AIESEC is a global non-pro!t organisation. We oer cost ecient sourcing and recruitment with an incomparable global reach, making us very competitive compared to conventional employment agencies.


    Ricardo Costa, BrazilWithout a doubt, I had one of

    the most amazing experiences in my entire life through the Global Internship Programme (GIP) with AIESEC.

    After being selected for the internship, I went to Norway where I spent the next two months undergoing training. Afterwards, I travelled to London where I worked for 16 months for Venatrack Ltd, an IT company that develops computer systems for the Premier League.

    Living in London and interacting with all of the other AIESEC trainees made me grow a lot, both personally and professionally. In fact, I developed so much that as my internship was nearing its end, I received a permanent job oer at Venatrack Ltd!

    I know that I will take the cultural and technical knowledge I learnt from here, and I will treasure the friendships forged throughout my AIESEC experience! My utmost thanks to AIESEC for this opportunity! !

    Developing Leadership

    Through Global Internships




    AIESECs GIP provides

    companies with talent that cannot be

    easily sourced within the UK.

    My experience here in London through the AIESEC programmehas been phenomenal!

    - Helen Park, USA, working in Mangahigh in London

  • External events is the reason that makes AIESEC UCL-SOAS stand out from the other LCs.

    This is the third year that we have organised our Global Village event. We showcased over 20 dierent national cultures through 30 dierent societies in UCL, allowing participants to experience a rich global diversity within the proximity of the campus. The food, performances and displays attracted over 700 participants, which was a record number of turnout for this event. Momentum is building and we are optimistic that next year we will see greater numbers!

    With the theme of Rede"ning Success, the AIESEC-JCI London Youth Conference provided a platform for 100 youths to share their dreams, and to empower themselves to achieve their goals. Speakers including hedge fund consultant Muzaar Khan shared their

    stories with the audience, empowering them to rede!ne success and achieve their dreams. This conference was met with very positive feedback and we will continue to host this in the years to come, with the aim of making this the biggest and most anticipated event for youths in London every year.

    This year, we liaised with HostelsClub, STA, TargetJobs and CIMA for "nancial and logistics support for our events and programmes for the year. We are extremely grateful for the assistance that our valued liaising partners have extended. In the coming year, we look forward to increasing our number of partners, and we have faith that with your support we can deliver a bigger impact on our members and our local community.


    TEDx SquareMileAn independent TED talk event organised by JCI and supported by AIESEC UCL-SOAS members


    Global Village London Youth Conference

    Workshop co-organised with Thoughworks (tentative)

    Timeline of events for 2013/14


    We need your support to truly


    Above: The Nyanga Panpipes Society shows o their musical skills at the Global Village 12/13

    Left: Group photo at the London Youth Conference 12/13

  • AIESEC UCL-SOAS is the first committee in AIESEC UK history to have broken the milestone of raising 100 exchange participants.

    In 2012-13, we have facilitated 132 people to go on exchange within the span of 9 months, with 90 people who actually embarked on their life-changing journey. With these "gures in mind, it is worth noting that AIESEC UCL-SOAS is the "rst committee in AIESEC UK history to have broken the milestone of raising 100 exchange experiences.

    We are proud to state that we have oered our EPs with the highest quality service possible, working around the clock to ensure that their queries and needs are being met. For this reason our EPs have found their matching process quick, ecient and sustainable.

    Moreover, we continue to oer support to our EPs whilst they are in a foreign country, acting as a communication link between them and their hosting AIESEC chapters.

    Should you be reading this now and are spurred on by the desire to join us on exchange next year, then this is the right time to do it. Our team will ensure you the highest quality exchange possible to countries as geographically, culturally and economically diverse such as Tunisia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Russia, Colombia, China, Brazil and Kenya, on a range of projects from education and healthcare to environmental protection. With this in mind, the best summer experience imaginable remains within your grasp, at the edge of your very own "ngertips.

    Truly Experience Life

    Through Exchange

    James Rafiki Connery I have been astonished by Colombia. The people I have met, the places I have been, all the wonderful experiences I have had have all made a massive impact on me. I don't think I have grown so close to one place in such a short amount of time as I have done so with Ibague and the people there. I wasn't embarrassed in the least when I cried my last words to my host family, when I had to break the news to the 3 year old girl that I couldn't attend her birthday party because I 'wouldn't be here any more'.

    Thanks to AIESEC for shaping my life here and for opening your hand and heart to such an underdeveloped young man. What I have learnt here will be unbeatable for a long time to come and I can't wait to continue my language learning, food learning, love learning all around the world in the same way that I learnt here.





    Widen your horizons with

    AIESECs Go Global Programme.



    Jailbreaking for charityDavid (left) and his teammates Aravin (centre) and Lydia (right) travelled 589 km from London to Cologne without using a single pound!

    The team received donations from audience online and donors they met on the way, raising a total of 317.50 which was entirely donated to Shelter from the Storm to provide accommodation and food for the homeless.

    Things You Can Do As An AIESEC Member Make an impact on youth leadership development Meet like-minded friends from all around the world Learn about dierent cultures from locals from dierent countries Go to weekly skill sessions and build your leadership skills Attend national conferences to meet people from the 17 local

    committees in AIESEC UK Realise your dream events by working together with your team! Listen to amazing speakers such as TEDx speaker Marcus Orlovsky

    speak - for free! Build up your organisational skills and teamwork Opportunities to participate in business networking events that are

    not normally open to students Challenge yourself and learn through failure Hitchhike as far away from London as possible to raise funds for

    charity in our Jailbreak Challenge! Participate in fun socials and make even more friends!

    RecruitmentAssessment centre to screen for members



    Induction Conference5-day conference to develop leadership and meet fellow AIESEC-ers in the UK

    OrientationFreshers Fair and information sessions for interested students


    Christmas BallHalloween Boat Party

    MeetingsWeekly meetings throughout the year to learn and bond with each other


    Timeline of events for 2013/14


    AIESEC focuses on the

    development of our own members


    Leadership Development Seminar

    Jailbreak Challenge 2014


    National Strategic Conference

  • For peace and ful"lment of humankinds potential has been what AIESEC envisioned for the world as AIESEC UK celebrates its 60th Anniversary this year. It is indubitably a bold statement for a group of ordinary young adults still inuniversity.

    Over the past 60 years, AIESEC UK and UCL-SOAS have sent more students abroad than ever. Last year alone, AIESEC UK sent over 800 students on a life-changing experience that was not only life changing for them, but also the communities where they were based." Needless to say, we have achieved goals that exceed the wildest dreams of many people.

    In the coming year, UCL-SOAS will continue our tradition and soar to greater heights. Our vision for next year is "Dream big. Act bigger". Actions speak

    louder than words. While words motivate and dreams drive us, actions allow us to deliver the promises we make.

    We have already established a Local Advisory Board, which consists of a group of extremely

    passionate AIESEC alumni and experienced JCI (Junior Chamber International) board members. The newly formed board will provide our Local Committee with

    unrivalled expertise in human resource and exchange management.

    Developing responsible global leaders has always been the motto of AIESEC around the world. Through our uniqueexchangeand team experiences, we hope to help more youths to realise their potential, and to take the initiative to undertake the challenges that the world faces.

    VISION AND MISSION FOR 2014Continuous work for the peace and fulfilment of humankinds potential.

    Dream Big.Act Bigger.


    Develop Responsible

    Global Leaders

  • JCI and AIESEC share very similar missions and visions. As proud partners of AIESEC, JCI London and AIESEC UCL-SOAS have enjoyed a particularly exciting collaboration in recent years.

    Two standout collaborations have been the highly successful 2012 "TEDxSquareMile - The Future of Work". AIESEC had key roles in the meticulous planning and execution of the day. We look forward to the next TEDxSquareMile in 2013, with AIESEC as part of the core organising team for the event again.

    The second standout event was the London Youth Conference, which featured an amazing collection of diverse speakers, sharing advice and personal stories to inspire young people. On this occasion AIESEC led and JCI supported by providing an industry relevant Q&A and as advisors for the organising committee.

    The AIESEC UCL-SOAS and JCI London partnership is not limited to organising projects. We attend each other's events and JCI sits on the AIESEC advisory board.

    JCI and AIESEC have ocial partnerships at global, national and local levels. As we share our successes and support each other through our challenges, we mutually bene!t as organisations. In 2013/14 our ambitions are higher than ever before. Our joint eorts and ability are witnessed in the reviews of those attending our events and in our teams.

    We believe that actively actualising dreams far exceeds even the best of passive ideas. Between September 2013 and December 2015 JCI and AIESEC will seek to continue the legacy of creating great moments that we can carry in our hearts for the rest of our lives.

    JUNIOR CHAMBER INTERNATIONAL (JCI)JCI London & AIESEC UCL-SOAS have been collaborating closely in recent years to extend our impact on the community.

    AIESEC-JCI London Youth Conference

    Dexter DashVice President of JCI London 12/13



    Chuanyu GaoPresident

    Danwen ChauVP Finance

    Jo StefaniVP OGX

    Angel LokVP TM

    Arka RainaVP ICX

    Tammy LaiVP ER

    Shushan NalbandyanOGX Manager

    Jihoon HongICX Manager

    Dayle Burnett QuarryTM Manager

    Kelvin WoonTM Manager

    Romana KhanER Manager


  • hope that you have enjoyed reading this annual report, and that you have gained insights into the workings of our youth organisation. Despite our relative youth, we are committed to undertaking the challenge of making a positive impact on our community. As we start the new year, we hope that more youths will develop into responsible global leaders, who will promote peace through cultural understanding.

    As the incoming leadership team of AIESEC UCL-SOAS 13/14, we would like to express our sincerest gratitude for the outgoing leadership team. The legacy that

    they have built will be passed on to the incoming team.

    However, your special connection with AIESEC UCL-SOASdoes notstop here. We look forward to hearing from you soon and we hope AIESEC UCL-SOAS will make a lasting impression on you and your organisation.

    With the vision of "Dream big. Act bigger" this year, we hope to be the agents of change in London and the UK and you can be a part of this. See you soon!

    Best regards,

    Chuanyu GaoPresident of AIESEC UCL-SOAS 13/14


    Incoming Exchange Seek internship

    opportunities for foreign students with companies

    Attend & organise business networking events

    Meetings with potential partner companies

    Looking after interns from abroad

    Outgoing Exchange Seek exchange

    opportunities for UK students with other AIESEC committees

    Interview exchange programme applicants

    Maintain good relationships with other AIESEC committees and exchange participants

    External Relations Seek sponsorships

    and partnerships Organise open

    events to increase publicity

    Attend JCI events

    Maintain good relationships with partners and other AIESEC committees

    Talent Management Development sessions

    for members Attend national

    conferences Charity events Socials

    AIESEC UCL-SOAS In a Nutshell


    We hope to be

    the agents of change in London.


  • AIESEC UCL-SOAS25 Gordon StreetLondon, United KingdomWC1H [email protected]