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  • 7/29/2019 Afronauts studies


  • 7/29/2019 Afronauts studies


    Dear Reader,

    There is a ceiling on what we can write about within these extracts. In order togain that higher reasoning we highly recommend you search out the writersand organisations below.

    As Savyid Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, Amunubi Rahkaptah (The Nine Ball -Liberation Information), The Ancient Egyptian Order (AEO), TheNuwapian Nation of The Moors, The Honourable Elijah Mohammed,Clarence Jowars Smith (5%), The Holy Tabernacle Ministries, CredoMutwa, Cheikh Anta Diop, The Journey Home Group, Marcus Garvey, DrJoseph Ben-Joachannan, Noble Drew Ali and the other degrees of DrMalachi Z. York.

    We are only giving you the basics Use this literature wisely to createawareness amongst our Nubian race. This is Nubian Race information.

    Stimulate these concepts amongst your Nubian peers, family and friends.Remember that by nature not all Nubians will be able to comprehend much ofwhat we write. Many will never except this information because they do notunderstand the principalities of nature those universal laws. Some Nubianswill openly reject these writings and the writers we mention because itchallenges their view of reality. Once writings are based on reasoning fromproven facts, they actually live within the minds of the reader. The acceptanceof those in tune with this information, those undecided and those whodisapprove will balance out over time. Many will reject this now and it could beup to 5, 10 even 15 years time (after they have forgotten this literature and thedraconian ways are in) before they understand the reasoning. Within timeitself the respect for facts will balance out. This information IS NOT the higherknowledge we can not give you that information on this platform. SEARCHOUT THE WRITERS We give you extracts they give you whole books !

    Nubian overstand that the race card is a key tool being used to bring in themark of the beast in the west. They need to create racial melting pots tofrustrate the white working / middle classes to give up their rights and acceptdraconian laws as a way of controlling immigrants. The western media ishighlighting racial concerns to convince the Caucasian that a New Worldorder reality is beneficial to them. The Caucasian by nature will accept these

    terms because the caste system will still be apart of the New World order. TheNubian of Africa must look inwards not outwards. We must focus on thedevelopment of our regions for ourselves first not to merely gain control ofresources just to give them away to other races in foreign business deals.Those Nubians who study abroad must come back and help to upgrade ourconditions. The Nubian of Africa must actuallystart thinking black as black.Overstand this! Many of us here live according to traditions and culturespassed down to us. However, an evaluation has not been taken as to theorigins of what your basing reasoning on. In other words we dont know theextent of belief over facts that exist within traditions. Most Nubians dont knowthat many parts of monotheistic religions are an evolved version of village /

    tribe customs from Africa (Tama-re) and Sumer. The Nubian must start toapply a scientific rationale follow what can be proven. Science can be used

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    to support our traditions not suppress them. This is not a ghostized scientificrationale, which focuses on destroying nature to support evolution but rather amental rationale aided by the universal laws the principalities of nature. Thiswould naturallyguide a black race into the notion of allegiance to self and kindbecause all existence originates from the blackness of nature where the

    creation of anything natural exists. The true reality is that the black race canonly be called by the names given to you by our ancients simply because weare of original existence. In other words when we take on names and waysgiven to us by other races it regresses our existence and disturbs universalorder within nature itself. The backlash of this will affect the Nubian becausewe are not living by our true nature which by nature would be pro-life becauseoriginal existence could only represent life you can not have death beforelife.

    Regard this information as yours to keep. Use this information any wayyou want as long as it is beneficial to the Nubian race This PDF file is

    FREE. We are keen for Nubians in Africa to be introduced to theseextracts, as we know much of this type of literature is hard to find outthere. PDF Extracts included are 77 & 29. Others will follow once theinformation has been abbreviated. THERE MAY BE GRAMMAR / LITERACYERRORS apologises in advance. THIS IS STATED ON EVERY EXTRACTRELEASED. (1-12 pages). Four Writers contributed to the Vol.10 PDF.

    Warning! Many people may perceive this literature as negative. This isawareness literature. We have stated before that there are good people in allraces. There are people of other races who have helped the African morethan most Nubians on earth have done. Equality should be implemented afterthe truths have been recovered and are acknowledged. This would alter thecriteria of equality the rules as to how equality should be implemented.Equality has to be based on the evaluation of differences not thecustomisation of similarities. This will allow people to prosper in accordance tothe true abilities they have been given within nature.

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    Extract 77

    The Changing Existences of a Universe

    When studying our universe one should realise that the expansion ofthe universe follows the same routine as the DNA strand within humans.Since we are products within this abode of blackness (this universe)then it makes sense. We state hear that the extraction (evolution) andretraction (revolution) of our universe is occurring while the collectiveuniverses continue to expand in the spiral formation. The extraction andretraction occur on the spiral formation of the journey of universes andare never equal in size. The 18 million years suggested for our universalchange be it evolution or revolution is one of four equalling 72 millionyears (18 X 4 = 72). Within each cycle, existence must change but withinthe whole 72 million years, existence should return to a state similar to

    the beginning of the cycle because all cycles are circles. Theblackness of space is the forever-existing presence throughout allcycles. It is the darkness which generates light (suns) similar to yourblack mental consciousness that through electric pulses generatesimages within the mind. The mind is darkness. 72 million years is thetime our scientists have suggested this galaxy completes a circlerotation. This is why when we suggested that all existences that goaway must come back (Vol.7 Universal Matters) it is based on theprincipalities of nature universal laws. We must also add that underthe principalities of nature within universal structure there must be acentral sun within this galaxy or universe and that all solar systems

    rotate around this sun within this galaxy. When a sun is created there isan intensity of gases and matter compressed then released as a sun. Itis like snow which is gathered then compressed by the human hand into a solid. The collective state of gases the blackness is compressedby dark matter to create True Stars known as suns. A universe shiftingfrom extraction to retraction or through the compression of matterwithin retraction intensifies gas potency to create suns. This intensitycan also put pressure on a sun which intensifies then releases gases(heat gas particles sun flares).

    A dimensional shift (extraction or retraction) can create suns or implodesuns leaving a dimensional hole where light leaks in to anotherdimension. This is why black holes must take back the light. This is likea balloon where pressure has been given to the balloon from the outsidewhich then bursts a hole which leaks out the gas inside. This light orother particles which get sucked in by black holes can trigger offevolution or revolutionary action in that other dimension (frequency ofexistence another universe). There are different frequencies ofexistence outside the human eye. A simple explanation would be that ifyou existed in the same frequency of infra red then you would see anactual laser bean from the remote control to the Television. However, in

    that same frequency the person holding the remote control may beinvisible because their body is vibrating outside that frequency which

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    allows you to see them. Within the human visual spectrum, aconcentration of dark matter seen within this atmosphere on earthwould be a black light. The Nubian must understand that the universe isconscious blackness which has existences within it moving forever atdifferent speeds at different frequencies simply creating the colour

    black in the sky which you see at night. The African Nubun is thehighest form of these conscious existences in this solar systemchannelled in to existence in our physical realm via the Sun, which is jetblack on its surface. This is just like a projector in the sense thateverything you see on the screen was brought out through light fromthe projector but the projector needs darkness for this light to be seen.A projector also needs someone (or an older Nubian race) to managewhat is seen from the projector. The Nubian must start to rememberagain that the principalities of nature are universal. We also suggestedthat a universe is the second biggest existence this is because theuniverse is growing. This means additional space must exist for the

    universe to grow into it and this space must be bigger than the universe reason that out.

    Using universal laws the Nubian should reason that if any planet existedwith conditions suitable for human existence then the composition ofthe sun(s) within that solar system must be similar to that of our ownsun. If so then that planet by nature could give birth to woolly haired /bald pigmy black Ptahite. If the Nubian was first born on our planetearth then we would be the first born on any planet with similarconditions. If you have never heard this concept before then you shouldrealise the concealing agenda within Ufology. When you think about ahuman type of extra-terrestrial they make sure to plant in your mind aCaucasian when obviously the Nubun stock would be first to develop onany earth type planet if they claim that planet has the samecomposition as our own earth and our sun. They dont want the Nubianto realise that our blackness is a universal existence. New beings Nu-bians from the ground by nature would approach nature with ascientific rationale because while developing you would have to learnnature within you and around you for the first time with no socialisation.No belief could have existed and if other ancient Nubian races alreadyexisted then what we saw would simply be recorded and expressed as it

    was seen. Who would you be lying to if you were the only race inexistence at that time who were involved in these events. Also reasonthat elder Nubian races known as the Neteru or Annunaqi from earlieruniversal cycles recorded in our Tama-rean and Sumerian scriptureswould have existed and added to the development of the Nubian humanstrand of today. This is the same way you the woolly haired Nubiantoday exist and have lived through the development of all other races onearth up until right now. As the first race we saw the Asian, Caucasianand Mongoloid evolve in their evolutionary cycle and recorded theirtribal development in scriptures. For more information on this subjectmatter, please read literature by the AEO. You should also know now

    that the very word NUBIAN stems from the word NUBUN that incuneiform actually means BEFORE LIGHT (research this). Cuneiform is

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    the father of nearly all languages on earth. In this ourancient languageNUBUN means before light thus blackness. It refers to the Nubianliving on earth before Light = White = Right reasoning because lighterraces did not exist on earth and if GOD was perceived to be light (liketoday). Then the NUBUN existence was before their religions. When we

    say before religion this does not refer to an understanding that a creatordoes not exist NO! Ancient Nubun races perceived as angels / spirits (byreligion) became our creators (from Homo-Erectus to Sapien) andbecause we are their descendants we become gods (Psalms 82:6).However, the original creative forces go even further back to theblackness of nature. One name for the representatives of this ancientblackness is PTAH / TAR known as the ORIGINAL CREATOR by the pre-dynastic Egyptian / Tama-rean for there are different creators that camelater. This is one reason why the Hebrew word for God is Elohimmeaning THESE BEINGS A PLURAL. The scientific identity of thisblackness can be regarded at this level of literature as dark matter, dark

    energy and ether. From a basic scientific reasoning, you can seeFOREVER that all gases in space make the colour black. Therefore, thisblackness is the collective unification of all existences in its earliestform gases. The same way all colours originate from black. Light ismerely a part of this. Religion created fear of blackness to make suredescendants of the original Nubian tribes would reject their own NUBUNexistence (before light existence). This mentally preserves the existenceof lighter races especially the Caucasian as a governing force in theworld today simply put the caste system. A good question for allNubian to think about would be whether the Nubian would be followingmiddle-eastern Islam or European Christianity if the races and regionsgoverning the doctrines where more deprived than Tama-re (Africa). Thecaste system means you only look to lighter races for guidance whothrough the ancient Greeks and Romans took your scientific rationalefrom Tama-re. They then extracted science and philosophy out of it andgave us back monotheistic religions be it a Caucasian and watereddown Hindu version of our Nubian spiritual concepts. There areuniversal concepts in The Torah, New Testament and Koran that arebeneficial to all but there are also issues in the bias teaching of religionthat have helped create an environment detrimental to the Nubianprogress on earth. If subject matter in schools where not separated and

    you where taught history, the origins of religion, which were then cross-referenced with science and genetics the average Nubian (even as achild) would be able to work out the basics of our original existence.

    We hope that by now the Nubian reader would have began to at leastreason that the main ismsstem from alternative religions and practices.The key ingredient in all of this is belief. Many people who delve in to theismsshould start to realise they live in a similar reality to religion itsjust that most dont know the origins of the opinion they believe is theirown. You have people saying I am a socialist, I am a passionate-conservative, I am a democrat, and Im a liberal yet in their own personal

    lives many will play out all these ideals in different situations. These aresimply belief systems within capitalism. The same way you have

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    Christianity with various sects and Islam with various sects. The morebelief out there the easier society is to control. Many tend to say themore fear out there the easier society is to control but fear is a type ofbelief anyway.

    Throughout extracts 76 (Vol.6) and Universal Matters (Vol.7) we havetried to create awareness about universal processes because theseprincipalities influence existences on earth within cycles. For evolutionto occur on earth there must be universal changes in the atmosphere, inthe potency of sunlight and gas particles which influence liquids andsolids that in turn dictate the present and future of life on earth. Racescan only evolve (evolution) via the natural regression of genes, thescientific manipulation of genes and the biological system or thealtering of the atmosphere / eco-system. If this planet within this solarsystem within this galaxy is rotating along a 72 million year cycle thenjust like our own planet there must be seasons of change. Within a

    certain season 18 million year cycle evolution will take a certaindirection. The Nubun lineage exists outside this current 18 million yearcycle with bones found in Ethiopia (27m), bones in Mali (28m) and bonesin the Congo (20m +). All other races are from this current cycle bearingstraight hair in line with their season (18m years) within the 72 million-year cycle. The Nubian is simply from a much earlier universal season.

    A sun at different intervals would release different gases or particles based onthe universal season the sun is entering within a galaxy. In a winter seasonsun rays (Ra), sun flares or other gas particles from the sun would enterplanetary atmospheres and trigger off evolution. Within a universal summerseason, sun rays (Re), sun flares or other gas particles would enter planetaryatmospheres and trigger off original creation or revolutionary change. Originalcreation is black similar to the origin of all existence. The Nubun genes,black/brown woolly hair, black skin, as well as oil, coal, carbon, in essence theburning of matter represent original existence within their facet because thesun is forever burning.

    In old age humans generate white hair. This is a cycle of nature. Withinthe evolution of human beings, the Caucasian race represents the whitehair stage (recessive genes) of this 18 million year evolution cycle. They

    will need you to perceive this information as racism when really itreflects the latter stages of a universal season in human evolution. Overthe next several thousand years humans could either decay further intoappearances similar to extra-terrestrial humanoid or maintain the humandesign by taking heed to PRO-LIFE reasoning respecting nature. Infact, any being bearing white skin by nature possess recessive genesanywhere in the universe. This is because the surface of all Suns beforedecay or a winter universal season is black. Life is always the firstseason. Recently the western news have revealed that a rocket has beensent to the sun to gather new information about it. They are really tryingto find out ways of preventing sun flares from hitting earth as these

    bursts give of heat particles detrimental to humans especially those withrecessive genes. They stated in the news that satellites could be

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    knocked out by these flares which really suggests that the flares couldreach earths atmosphere raising temperatures. There is muchinformation online about sun flares research this. The least evolutionoccurs with the Nubun because melanin is a stabiliser and because theSun forever burns this forever means, that melanin is revitalised to

    stabilise our genes. The less melanin and right knowledge inline withnature the higher the degree of evolution resulting in different hair andeye colours because more melanin is needed to stabilise the genes. Ourmelanin correlates with dark matter, which is another type of stabiliser,which holds this universe together both are black in origin and arerelated. Now with a higher cleaner potency of melanin within thehuman body especially neuro-melanin coated around the brain, otherparts of the brain usually not activated by mankind of today can beactivated more easily. The ancient Nubian tribes living via nature in hotclimates with a cleaner eco-system and diet lived in the best conditionsto utilise this higher brain activity.

    When new cycles begin the prosperity of that cycle must first gatherstrength to allow the being of that region in space, matter and time theability to fulfil their position. This is why certain animals that evolveexist in certain regions of the world. Their genetic composition is mostsuitable for that region. This is why absolute equality is a real equality different existences which over a period (an era / a season / a cycle)reach their full potential never within the same space, matter and time ofeach other. However a higher discussion would be that if the blacknessof nature dark matter and energy, 9 ether and space is forever presentthroughout all eras then potentially those of original black existencecould exist at the top end of universal order forever. All other forcesknowing this would forever have to regress the black existence in anattempt to enhance their position within nature.

    Many concepts from this extract were taken from The NINE BALL SERIESand BIBLE INTERPRETATIONS AND EXPLANATIONS written by AmunubiRahkaptah (1967 1972). This timeless information can be found incyberspace by the keen Nubian researcher. Much of the writers we mentionhave information online search them out upgrade your knowledge thenwisely spread the word.

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    Extract 29

    A Racebetween Life & Death

    One of the key issues that a Nubian must reason is that negative forces mustexist in all facets of existence be it in solid, liquid and gas. Even within thistrinity they must exist within all sub-divisions this includes humans. Now thereis a duality in existence for a negative force perceived by some may not be forothers but universally amongst humans any existence that contributes to theend of your physical, biological and cultural existence is a form of negativeforce (in any facet). Throughout these extracts you have read about thevarious ways this occurs. In essence, these negative forces represent subtlefacets of evolution, which will climax in death - extinction.

    The Nubian reader must realise that negative forces within evolutionary cycles

    need the living to contribute to death. Death needs the living to speed updeath. This is because only the living can instigate pre-mature death. Theforces of death exist primarily in evolution. Scientists know that the humanbody potentially being self-sufficient should work much longer than 120 yearsnaturally. Scientists have been trying to find cures for death itself for decades.Evolution holds the secrets behind death. Within the human visual spectrum,the only existence that will be present foreveris the colour black every otherexistence in the human visual reality will eventually evolve or revolve back into black (space). This includes the Sun and the black hole after the Sun THIS IS FACT. THE NOTION OF BLACK REPRESENTING DEATH ISUNIVERSALLY WRONG BECAUSE BLACK IS THE ONLY EXISTENCE

    THAT WILL BE PRESENT FOREVER WITHIN THE THREE-DIMENSIONALPLANE. The Nubian must seriously try to understand this and shake off thenotion of this as racism. There are good and bad people in all races socialisation is only one facet that influences human behaviour - genetics isanother. Death is a cycle in nature but pre-mature death (killing of oneself orrace) satisfies anti-nature forces. The intentional and unintentional goal of allnegative forces must be to bring forth some type of death or end tosomething. Within the Nubian existence, PRO-LIFE is a force that can slowthis down and the highest peak of this rationale is the preservation of youroriginal existence. Negative forces will focus FULL attention on disruptingTama-re because we represent the roots of existence. Our older lineageshave been targeted Ethiopia, Niger, Central & South Africa and right nowSudan who all bare the ancient Nubian genes and have been targetedthrough civil wars, forced famine, aids, racial cleansing etc. To get anyinformation to Africans from Africa we have to channel subject mattersthrough the west in to cyberspace to come back to our brothers and sistersover here. All this becomes one of the conflicts of nature the preservation oflife (+) Vs (-) the preservation of death evolution is the proxy of death. Forthe very word DEVIL backwards spells LIVED to have lived means you arenow dead - its the will of the dead that all races must reject and this deathreasoning contributes to humans partaking in actions that speed up the death

    of our ties with natureand our own existence.

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    Reason This Out Many people say that Mother Nature is dying the forestryis decreasing, deserts are growing, the eco-system is now out of whack these are all true and are happening right now. However nature is not actuallydying - nature can never die it is mankinds relationship with nature that isbeing detached. In other words, nature is leaving the conditions that support

    the commercial understanding of evolution. The destruction of naturalresources to satisfy industry. Why is this occurring? It is because theCaucasian race disrespects the blackness of nature. They alter CARBONwithin nature to satisfy industrial desires. Carbon is a part of the ancientblackness of nature. Elder tribes in all races from the Tama-rean to theAmerican Indians understood the balance of nature. The European Caucasiandue to bearing the highest exposure to evolution can not sit inline with thepreservation of nature naturally.

    A sold-ier has SOLD a part of their conscience to fulfil the will of the dead toinstigate death usually for MOON-ney. This is because the system now owns

    you you must fulfil the wills of a system which will be based around deathsince you are a soldier. This is not absolute as PRO-LIFE means you havethe right to defend yourself as opposing forces wish to take away your life, butthere must be a balance as to whether your actions are actually preservingyour life or fulfilling the wills of bu-SIN-ness. An alternative media politicalanalyst in the west stated that soldiers have the most power in the world butthey just dont know it. They could bring down governments in a day notthrough war but through peace. They could simply refuse to bare armsleaving any political power without a safety net. Thats why its so important toinstall patriarchy through money in them as a control mechanism.

    Using universal laws you should now reason that before you havedarkness perceived as bad there would be darkness perceived as good.This is because life must exist before death. Therefore if everythingcame from darkness (+) or (-) then life (+) was first. This blackness /darkness allows elements to exist (life). Without the darkness nothingwould exist because everything came from that state.

    This is UNIVERSAL REASONINGand our ancestors in Tama-re had no fearof light or darkness because their reality was based on facts - scientificrationale. Our ancients would grind herbs and plantation in to black liquid

    formulas and use certain combinations for healing and rejuvenation purposes.This is early science. The early Caucasian with no understanding of herbalmedicine perceived this rationale as negative and till this very day they maketablets white to help preserve white as good in your mind. The whole Nubianrace must break this colour spell to be universally aligned back with nature.Monotheistic religions have so many comparisons between light (good) anddarkness / black (bad) that it was inevitable that the Nubian being darkskinned would submit to the caste system taking on an image of a messiahwhich even the actual Bible itself (Revelation 1:14-16 King James) does notacknowledge. The way todays society is based on white-good and black-bad black market (illegal), black day (bad day), White (Pure) etc was almost

    the complete opposite in ancient times those NUBUN eras (before lighttimes). The Nubian / black people of today must actually start to know

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    themselves. Since nature is black in creation and the mind / mental is one ofnatures vessels, creation forces can help you but to connect the dots you

    have to be in tune with nature. Scientific facts are the early stages of a realblack consciousness that can create real changes in real life. NEVERFORGET FACTS = TRUTH. It all starts in the darkness of the mind. Belief

    gives room for negative forces to run rampant it slows down judgementallowing that force to potentially continue guiding the individual or race in anydirection. The judgement is YOU realising that this is wrong then improvingyour status. Belief based on half-truths is what the Nubian is facing right nowglobally. Now if you have a reality based on a semi-lie be it white (pure)and black (impure / corrupt) then some type of judgement will occur via natureto correct the wrongdoing. No scientist can disapprove that the universe is acollective existence of elements, which personify blackness (space) and thatany solid in existence anywhere will finallybe sealed in darkness be it a sun,planet or moon. Blackness is the origin of ALL existences our black historystarts here.

    The Nubian should now logically reason why many black organisations saythe Nubian is one tier of god. This is because all existence originates from theblackness of space, time and matter and the Nubian has the highest geneticcomposition of this blackness on earth (Psalms 82:6) the bible does notreject this notion. Religion takes away the Nubians comprehension of TIMEitself thus leaving our race in a limbo state. In other words the Nubian isliving in the time-zone of other races be it 6,000 10,000 years. In fact this isthe Caucasian time-zone so the Nubian must reason that Religion is based ontheir time (existence). The Caucasian race as stated many times in theseextracts is no more than 10,000 years old while your existence is millions ofyears. This is why God is perceived as the light evolution the extraction oflight from darkness. The Caucasian race using religion has actually shrunkentime itself in line with their own existence. Please reason this out. Our Nubianancestors called themselves NUBUN before light in cuneiform (beforemonotheistic religion). This description of ourselves as the original beingswould not sit well with the Caucasian tribes - Greeks, Romans and Arabs. Itbecomes much harder for other races to subsist on an older NUBUN race thatknows light is secondary to darkness. Therefore, to change your concept oftime in line with their existence is essential in taking control. In addition, theywould have to make sure you do not apply science to religious reasoning

    because venturing in to these areas will lead you back to your dark-skinnedNubun ancestors. They are the realitywaiting for you at the end of the tunnelof facts not light but blackness however this blackness is in the mind its their genes which are your genes.

    The Nubun ancients inter twined science and spirituality together in fact manyof the scientific words and definitions used today stem from the Neteru Godsof Tama-re and their Nubun tribes your ancestors - FACT (Refer to AEO).They do not want the Nubian of today venturing in to this level of reasoningbecause REAL THINGS CAN HAPPEN SINCE YOU ARE BLACK ANDNATURE IS BLACK IN ORIGIN. They need you to perceive black as bad to

    prevent the Nubian from controlling the love for yourself. We state here thenotion of controlling your love for self and kind because the light (Caucasian

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    reasoning) will prevent you from fully embracing your blackness since theytold you black is negative the caste system. Loving and respecting the PRO-LIFE (+) of your black existence will inline you back with nature because allexistence originates from darkness dark matter, energy and ether (9-Ether).The Nubian is then aligning themselves with universal creation forces. The

    very word NUBUN tells you that our ancestors knew about the blackness ofnature since they named themselves and us after this notion to make surefuture Nubian generations could trace their journey back to ORIGINALEXISTENCE.