afronauts 12

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  • 7/29/2019 Afronauts 12


  • 7/29/2019 Afronauts 12


    Dear Reader,

    In cyberspace, we see a cycle of knowledge. Black web-sites / forums buildup information then go bust. Then start again. Study this routine. So you have100s of web pages of information which can stimulate the Nubian mind that

    simply disappears. Ask your web-site moderators why would they abandon100s of pages of black literature about all our subjects written by people fromaround the world. For these are your black libraries. These web-sites / forumsusually comeback more watered down. In recent years, the journey of blackconsciousness tends to begin privately within cyberspace, then on to booksthen eventually social movements. The opposing forces to our existence knowthis. They take great interest in the behaviour of the black cyberspace scene.These Afronaut volumes are the collective gathering of Nubun information.Starting as black consciousness in the early volumes, then developing in toNATURE KNOWLEDGE giving the Nubian the foundation to execute RIGHTKNOWLEDGE. The writers we mention are your true guidelines.

    As Savyid Issa Al Haadi Al Mahdi, Amunubi Rahkaptah (The Nine Ball -Liberation Information), The Ancient Egyptian Order (AEO), TheNuwapian Nation of The Moors, The Honourable Elijah Mohammed,Clarence Jowars Smith (5%), The Holy Tabernacle Ministries, CredoMutwa, Cheikh Anta Diop, The Journey Home Group, Haru-Hotep Tar,Marcus Garvey, Dr Joseph Ben-Joachannan, Noble Drew Ali, AfrooOonoo and the other degrees of Dr Malachi Z. York.

    SIMPLY PUT If the original tribes of earth were of Nubun descent then attheir time of existence reasoning was based on nature knowledge andspiritual sciences. The origin of black consciousness began with the evolutionof the straight haired races for an opposing force must exist to allow racialconsciousness to emerge. Prior to this the Nubun tribes executed natureknowledge and our own spiritual sciences. The elite of the ancient Nubuntribes were actually perceived as Gods by other races. Men in ancient historyhave been regarded as Gods, Khrasts or Messias in their chosen era. Thereare different tiers of Gods biblically acknowledged (refer to vol.1). The beliefsystem known as the caste system and all its variations world-wide (racism)has damaged the global positioning of the Nubun race. This belief system isnot supported by scientific evidence and is merely an evolutionary force used

    to offset the blackness of nature and its direct descendants. The laws ofopposites and the cycles of nature stated throughout these extracts representthe raw generalisation of ancient Nubun teachings. In other words we are notgiving you the details just the generalisation. The writers we mention aboveare the fine-tuners SEARCH THEM OUT. The Nubian mind must start torealise that black consciousness is the purest hybrid of human mentalreasoning in nature. A hybrid in the sense that the conscious reasoning basedon nature itself existed prior to any black consciousness known today.However its the descendants of the Ptah Nubun tribes that existed beforethe evolution of other races that executed nature spiritual knowledge and it istheir DNA within our race NOW that stimulates our black consciousness

    TODAY. This is the journey of consciousness from NATURE to PRO-BLACK(as it is known today). Pro-blackness in its original undiluted form is really a

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    PRIME VARIANT of nature knowledge. This is why Pro-blackness in its purestexistence could only equal pro-nature which would initially equal pro-life. Allother races posses variants of nature knowledge but due to evolution, theirscan only be a SECONDARY VARIATION. The black liberal must take in thesewords because TIME has been used as a tool to control our race. Time in the

    sense that they have squeezed our Nubun existence into a six-thousand yearreality. If you were taught that black people on earth were speaking parts ofthe language called cuneiform for at least 40,000 years in the Uganda andSudan region. Then why would you call on a God in a language your ownfamily is older than? As a Nubun descendent you had relatives that existedbefore these western and middle eastern languages and races FACT. Manyof the languages in Africa today are variants of dialects from Sumer andCushite tribes which originally stem from cuneiform (which when writtenbecomes pre-dynastic hieroglyphics). Most Sub-Saharan African dialects arethousands of years older than Sanskrit and Hindi the origin of nearly allEuropean based languages of today. They dont really want the Nubun to

    have a true understanding of cycles in nature and time for it would minimisethe validity of belief systems which are needed to control ERAS. The Readermust try to understand that Black liberalism is a tool being used to assist thewatering down of black consciousness. They must make sure that blackliberalism cuts off NATURE KNOWLEDGE, which leads to RIGHTKNOWLEDGE reasoning based on facts. They do not want you to study thewriters we mention then go and do real research using nature knowledge as aguideline. They know you would arrive at the past thus making it thefuture.

    The mainland African must seriously understand this you will not seeconscious rap music from the west on African TV screens. We question thementality of the African media machine to allow these videos on to ourscreens. Do they actually believe that sex / gangster rap videos from the USare going to stimulate positive change in urban Africa? You see, if westernreasoning is regarded as GOOD by default then the African mind can beguided in any direction by those who authorise western ethics. Urban Africashould know that there are millions of conscious Nubians in the US andEurope who oppose the current form of Rap and R&B music given to theworld as NORMAL by the MTV / BET / pay per view machine. We are verykeen to have people from the continent of Africa be introduced to this

    information. Many people may be offended by the information you are aboutto read we are sorry but if you truly respect nature and science, you willunderstand. There are processes in nature itself that are allowed to be statedsince they naturally emerged.

    This PDF is a questions and answers edition. Other extracts may followonce the information has been abbreviated and centralised. There maybe grammar and literacy errors we apologise in advance. No Endnotesor Index included. (1- 12 pages). Four writers put this volume together.We openly give permission for theses extracts to be freely downloadedtobe put on any black conscious websites or forums whose intention is to

    improve the mental and physical conditions of our Nubian / African race.

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    Ques: If the laws of opposites and universal cycles are facts then whyarent people fully embracing these laws ?

    Ans: Corrupted philosophical ethics given to the world via Greek and Romanphilosophies which go further back to teachings and reasoning from the Indus

    valley (via the Phoenician) and Bali (Indonesia) are supplanted in themainstream understanding of western ethics. We state here that these arecorrupted philosophies because it was the pre-dynastic Tama-reans who livedout characteristics within nature to allow philosophy to even exist. Throughtime and age (evolution) the Egyptian concepts got diluted by the GreeksHellenistic reasoning. The laws for opposites within nature BY NATURE havepositioned the Nubun tribes and their Nubian descendants in a position whichshould destroy the white supremacy of today going back to the caste system.This would also reveal the truths behind religion for everything would havebeen taught and accepted in a sequence of order. The same way you shouldrespect your fathers wishes, and grand father like wise. Other races through

    reasoning would have to accept purpose in original existence. To acceptpurpose in existence means you would have to accept the Nubun notion ofGod, Customs and traditions as the original intentions of nature. However, thisis not equality, as you know it because this means that the potency of theforces of nature would be most aligned with Nubun descendants. This isproven through your 9-ether hair scientifically acknowledged as the healthiestand Nubun blood scientifically proven and acknowledged to be the strongestof all races. Drop the notion of black supremacy, as these are scientificallyresearched facts. Ask yourself this - why didnt all races sprout out at thesame time in all different climates across the globe? It is because nature hasa universal order in creation or change. With evolutionary reasoning bydefault, the European man allowed the world to acknowledge Africa as thebirthplace of mankind. This is because the hidden notion given from religion isthat dark = death and light = life. Therefore, the dark-skinned African man(representing death) progressed to become the light-skinned European man(representing life). The problems in our African continent are holding theircaste system together. The west show a downtrodden Africa to giveCaucasians a GOD Complex and to preserve the idea of black = bad andwhite = good within the consciousness of the masses globally. However BYNATURE the creative forces of all existence must first exist in the collection ofgases and matter which will FOREVER personify the colour BLACK prior to

    creating SUNS. NATURE IS A BLACK THING. The variation between thebeginning and the end are your opposites birth and death. Within thatjourney reproduction commences thus creating a cycle / circle.

    There are countless variants of cycles in the form of solids, liquids and gasesco-existing within the three-dimensional plane. Absolute equality within racesexists within a cycle far bigger than the individual life-span. In other words theNubian of today [2007] is living through the ending of the Caucasian drivenera of rulership on earth. A commercial example of cycles can be seen ineconomic discussions about the economy of China becoming the new globalmarket leader over the US. This will bring in a new economic era.

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    By the laws of nature which personifies the variations of existencewithin cycles; BY NATURE the Nubian race is destined to return to theiroriginal position and existence on earth. However only those who areintelligent BY NATURE will overstand the journey back to originalexistence or better said ORIGINAL REASONING. A commitment to your

    race is a commitment to NATURE because you are respecting theoriginal intentions of nature itself be it you a NUBUN descendent.

    Technology which we call the creative altering of hybrid elements can be apart of this journey if it is used for revolutionary purposes. Good technology isessential in development but the universal evaluation of technology will haveto take place before that specific technology is used. Nearly all technology arecompound layers of concepts which all started in Ta-Ma-RE via the Egyptians/ Khemet. Original existence could only be pro-life in reasoning. Within naturetechnology disguises the fact that evolution is a form of decay. For the coreforms of technological advancements i.e transport and energy all result in a

    form of damage to the eco-system and eventually human life. There areconsequences in altering any element within nature for the original intentionsof nature are not being respected. The same way the original Nubun tribes /races on earth are not being respected. Reason this out.

    The laws of opposites and universal order within nature by Universal rightswithin many facets would position our race higher than others on earth due toour original existence. The father figure race symbolised by the woolly hair /Afro as ALL OTHER RACES prior to racial mixing bare STRAIGHT HAIR. Itwould be and is an unconditional right. Unconditional respect would have tobe bestowed to the NUBUN races. Belief systems block these universalrights. This is not equality as you know it. Now because of cycles in nature ourrace is going through a death cycle (moon cycle) in the form of evolution. Inother words for cycles to exist there must be change, now if the Nubun race isat the top end of racial order then this change can only be downward resultingin our conditions in recent centuries. The rise of other races especially theCaucasian race could be considered the practice ofabsolute equalitywithinnature. Anything up must come down and visa versa. Belief will NEVER carrystronger potency for change than FACTS. It is belief in the form of religion andthose isms that will prevent the Nubian from reasoning out the realcharacteristics of nature. It is not to say in absolute terms that they are

    completely negative. It is to say that right reasoning is not present within theNubian mind when information from these two arenas are captured and usedin everyday life by the Nubian. The laws of opposites and nature laws areuniversal and for that reason they will not allow mainstream teachings to takeon this reasoning because evolution does not represent order but rather dis-order and the Caucasian race is the highest representatives of evolution onearth. Therefore, they have taught all races to follow opinions, psychology,belief systems and desires over facts and pro-life reasoning. Desire is themental driver behind capitalism in the form of profit - it goes back to the moon.

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    Ques: Simplify light and darkness as opposing forces ?

    Ans: Darkness as the collection of gases after the emergence of dark matterand energy (post sub-atomic) then gave birth to light as one of the initialopposing forces within absolute nature. With light came time within space and

    matter because no time can exist in darkness because there is no frameworkwithin the human concept of darkness to record time. Therefore light set upthe basis of time to allow change in existence to exist in the form of revolution(+) or evolution (-). With all gas particles in the form of circles this induced thereasoning of existences within space, time and matter to fulfil the notion of thecircle / cycle. With the initial POSITIVE light giver known as Suns that are alljet black on their surface overstand that this symbolises the reasoning thatbehind any light is the creative thought of darkness. Meditation, dreams andprayers induce creative thought all executed in darkness overstand thisparallel. The human body repairs itself to the best of its abilities when theretina nerves system are off (Medically induced sleeping or natural sleeping).

    Darkness is forever senior to light in existence. Light can only exist indarkness. This is timeless information and will remain true forever. Thismeans that this remains as truth right NOW and was true 2,000 years ago and6,000 years ago. Both darkness and light are a part of the same thing different reflections of absolute nature.

    Science is commonly defined as a branch of knowledge or study dealing witha body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation ofgeneral laws. So the first people to apply scientific reasoning could only beNubun tribes from Ta (Africa). Understanding right from wrong in accordanceto your nature is a natural exercise. Millions of years ago the ancient Nubun

    tribes reasoned that when a being fell ill through plenty of rest and sleep theirhealth usually improved. This notion presented some of the initial reasoning ofdarkness as a creative presence rejuvenating the body. This is still truetoday. The human body when ill has to cut off light (sleep, meditation orprayer) to allow brain matter to focus its resources on its internal self. This isnature. For 9 months in darkness light is cut off from the presence of the babyin the womb to allow brain matter to focus on the development of the babiesvital organs. This is nature. Babies have a black substance discharge at birthcalled Meconium. The appearance of Meconium is a sign that the baby'sbowels are unobstructed and functioning properly. This is nature. For theblackness of nature in the form of carbo-hydrates (carbon & hydrogen) isessential in creation. As a race the Nubian of today must take in thisreasoning and hold back the light. In racial terms the light becomes white-light-right reasoning which is often taken on by all races as a default right. Weassure you that the journey of right thinking could only start from originalexistence - this is universal order. The Nubian must try to reason out therelationship between light and time. From the perspective of darkness lightbecomes one of the initial forms of evolution. In addition, from the perspectiveof light, darkness becomes a form of revolution as the origin of light isdarkness. THERE IS ALWAYS A TYPE OF BEGINNING / CHANGE WITHINSPECIFIC SPACE IN TIME AND MATTER. This means within a specific area

    within space, time and matter a change of some kind will eventually happenand that change will be the beginning of something. Philosophical arguments

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    give rise to the question of seniority between the egg and the chicken. Theanswer is simply the egg, which came from the growth cycle of nature. Awomen of today can not give birth specifically to an algae which will eventuallygrow in to a human over millions of years. There is always a beginning prior tothe first rotation of a cycle. In fact the chicken and the egg scenario is a

    regurgitation of ancient Egyptian teachings concerning the egg (life) beingborn from primeval waters chaos. The early Caucasian took this reasoningand cut off the beginning. This cuts off natures role in creation and allows godconcepts to emerge.

    Ques: How do you express spirituality?

    Ans: Surely reasoningis one way of expressing spirituality. A REAL religiousperson should read their chosen scriptures and gain laws andcommandments from it. They should then live by those notions. Therefore,

    the world will perceive your spirituality from your actions, which are based onyour interpretation of scriptures. This interpretation is from your directunderstanding of scriptures or an interpretation channelled through apreacher, imaan, rabbi etc. Now through these extracts we are trying to getthe Nubian to understand that the liberalistic reasoning in the west is really thehidden spirituality of Greek and Roman Aryan, Canaanite, Hittite practicesand traditions which followed gods such as Belos (Zeus), Bel, Baal (sex) whoare Caucasian interpretations of Hindu deities. Off shoots of this spiritualityhave become the reasoning of what you are calling Liberalism (as liberalis(Latin) (sexual urges)), capitalism (bu-sin-ness / Moon (Moon-ey) and theother isms of today. Money and sex are desire-based reasoning. We will adddeath to this list as well for recreational practices which manifest fromliberalism usually will result in physical / mental damage to the human body drug-taking, alcohol, intoxicants, loose sex etc. The journey to the death ofyourself evolution. Reasoning is an expression of spirituality for once youexcept a certain way of life you will live by it. You will find that most so-calledatheists and liberals who dont believe in a creator or religion are merelyfollowing the alternative pagan practices of the Canaanites, Greeks andRomans THEY JUST DONT KNOW IT. These alternative practices are notin public scriptures they are hidden within western society as special days inthe year, recreational practices, words and phrases, societal habits and

    customs usually commercially acknowledged. This is why research isnecessary to find the origins of customs and once the intelligent Nubian findsthese origins they should realise that the liberal lifestyle taken on in the westgoes back to alternative Aryan god worship.

    To simplify all this Liberalism is watered down Baal / Bel / Belos spiritualityin disguise - Lib-ber-rul (Let-bel-rule). Its a disguised religious reasoningwhose scripture is submerged within the ethics of western society. It is sodisguised that tens of millions of people believe it first emerged in the 1960sas a change in western ethics.

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    Lets elaborate on this subject In essence one of key subject mattersthroughout these Afronaut extracts from vol.5 upwards is this hiddenspirituality as reasoning which goes back to Belos. This Belos is anothername for Zeus. It is stated many times by many writers the fact that the imageof Belos (Zeus) has a remarkable resemblance to the God of the Michael

    Angelo Sistine chapel in Rome and many depictions of the white Jesus. (Seediagrams).

    Zeus Je-sus(He-Zeus)

    REMEMBER JAH or JEHOVAH (JEH) and ZEUS put together makesJESUS. Also remember the actual letter J did not exist before 14 th century.THESE ARE FACTS RESEARCH THIS. This means the transfer of the

    letter J to certain words can not be natural colloquial development and to a fixthis letter J with God (Jehovah) or the messiah (Jesus) should tell you thereare other agendas taking place within religious institutions. They haverejected original words and meaning written and spoken by those originalbiblical writers. Ask yourself why have they introduced the letter J over 1000years after the events written in the bible to describe the father and the son?

    Another hint found in language is the Spanish term for Jesus which is He-Zeus. Thats HE-ZEUS. You think this is a co-incidence. (see diagram). Soyou have Zeus (Belos), Bel, Baal all gods taken on by the original Caucasianraces whose image has been overlapped in to monotheistic doctrines to

    subtly promote the original spirituality of the Caucasian race. This spiritualitypersonifies as the reasoning behind lib-bel-rule-ism which is now even alteringmainstream Christian reasoning. It is focused around sexual urges (liberalis(Latin)). Most people of all races simply dont know these issues.

    Many of the dysfunctional issues within the black Nubun race of today stemfrom this issue because many Nubians are really taking on practices andreasoning not indigenous to our true nature. We now find much information incyberspace about the black Jesus but bearing FACTS should tell you that themessiah could have never have been called J-esus.

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    When dealing with right knowledge you are dealing with a spirituality that istimeless facts pro-life. The most intelligent reasoning must be to takeactions which preserve ones life and universal existence (Pro-Life). Rightknowledge is a fluid reasoning held secure by the laws of nature. You willalways need facts to induce progress within the three dimensional plane. The

    notion of reasoning based on facts is an ancient spirituality that existedbefore all religions.

    Religion is based on belief yet all truths must exist before belief. FACTS =TRUTH. Nature is the provider of facts and science is one method ofobtaining facts from nature. Right knowledge can never be dated within timelike religion because natural facts are timeless. There will never be a timewhen right knowledge will become out-of-date because facts induce changeand conscious and conscience decision-making within space, time andmatter. To live by facts is a timeless notion that out dates all belief systems.THE NUBIANS TRUE CULTURE REASONING. Evolution of some kind must

    occur before belief can even exist.

    The implementation of factual reasoning in society would be the following: Ifnew information is obtained which improves your original existence mentally,culturally and physically then you should upgrade your actions and adapt tothe improved notions. This is change but aligned with life not death therefore it is a revolutionary rationale. The laws of nature are timeless foreverNOW. Within these laws the individuals intelligence allows them to move inpositive of negative directions in accordance to their being and race. It is atthe disadvantage of all lighter races if the Nubian acknowledges and lives bythe laws of nature because nature has positioned the lightest as therepresentatives of evolution. An example is language if you know the originalman is African then the original indigenous language of earth came from Ta(Africa). Therefore an understanding of universal order should tell you thatworld-wide education institutions should be teaching children that alllanguages stem from TA-MA-RE (Ta) Africa be it cuneiform. In Africa theyshould even be teaching this language. The original vocal tones are Nubun.Yet mainstream western institutions end the history of language at either Latinof further back to Hindi or Sanskrit the straight haired lineage. In fact, this isa subtle confession that the Nubun is from a much earlier racial lineage thathas over lapped and mixed in to the straight haired racial existence.

    They will be reluctant to teach the laws of nature and universal order for thebeginning is where nature is most creative and that ALL TYPES of naturalevolution represent decay in nature with no exceptions. The cycles / circlesof nature which existence travels on will eventually turn evolution in torevolution over time. Revolution is the journey back to life if evolution is theproven journey to death symbolised by your very own human existence from birth (+) evolution death (-). To improve your life you must live byfacts dieting is a prime example. To go back to life you must obtain the bestquality of life which can only be gained by living based on facts. FACTS =TRUTH = REALITY. Back to life back to reality. In the English language, both

    be-lie-f and be-lie-ve have a lie supplanted within the word. This is nocoincidence.

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    If you have no access to information be it intellectual books, TV, cyberspace,newspapers etc. Then how would you be able to differentiate the validity orquality of information. Therefore, you could only rely on primary evidence inthe form of physical existence. Now you have thousands of villages and townregions throughout Africa who are given the physical existence of the

    European as agreeable in the form of Jesus, angels, the red cross,humanitarian aid helpers etc. Meanwhile the causes of suffering within Africaare represented by the black solider, black policeman, black politician, blackbandits and robbers. Even the Nubian man who takes a stand to help theirown people will either be aided by the Caucasian reasoning via a physical ormental presence. This is why we the Afronauts stress to the Nubian readerthat African society plays out the caste system thus submerging the Nubian into a coma-reasoning which will submit to the evolutionary nature of theCaucasian race.

    A simple way of dismantling the caste reasoning is to have more

    western Nubian humanitarian aid helpers and entertainers involved inAfrican development. However, they must be bearing traits of originalexistence (woolly hair) when amongst their Nubun relatives in Africa.For the African will then see their image in the form of a saviour. Usuallythe African see an EX-1980s new romantics (Roman-antics) music artistas the saviour. These singers and actors follow the ideals that go backto the Zeus (Belos), Bel, Baal and the Kabala / Cabalah. Any help indeveloping our continent is a good thing but the intelligent Nubian mustmake sure that the indigenous Nubun does not submit to the new-agereasoning that they will bring for they are very keen to dismantle ancientAfrican power and our Nature Neteru spirituality which has becomedormant because the Nubun masses still follow monotheistic religionsgoverned by races millions of years younger than us.

    All this is why many Africans today in 2007 are not able to fully comprehendwhy Nubians living within the west tend to complain about racism and whythey perceive injustice from the behaviour of the Caucasian throughouthistory. The indigenous African must learn to put trust in real history as ateacher our history not his-story. This is referring to Global black history.For venturing into this arena of study will lead to the conclusion that, theCaucasian race has caused much suffering to darker races over periods of

    thousands of years. As a child, we all learn that you should not play with fireor you will get burned. The fire in question here is light-white-right reasoningwhich will soften the Nubian to allow the exploitation of our race and thedismantling of our original existence. Many of our ancestors did not listen tothis type of knowledge resulting in the global climate our race is facing today.

    Many Africans simply do not accept black writings. In other words thewriters we mention at the beginning of volumes are perceived questionable bythe indigenous African reasoning because; [1] They have no access to thematerials which would allow them to research their original existence /heritage. This is because the west have made sure that much of the Nubian

    ancient data [tablets, ancient scriptures] are spread throughout the westernworld in museums making it almost impossible to correlate data. Many

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    writings by Cheikh Anta Diop will remind you of the conspiracy to hold backprimary evidence supporting our ancient heritage. [2] The African educationsystem is based on western ethics therefore; the importance of the Nubunexistence is not submerged in to the mind of the African child. Once theNubun child is groomed in western ethics they become detached from the

    nature reasoning and then submit to evolution in the form of white-light-right they WEST WATCH all their lives. There is a correlation between white-light-right and the Moon (Moon-ey) in the more developed regions of Africa. For thequest for money in the minds of many Africans is really just to imitate thelifestyles of the Caucasian race over your own culture. Many parts of thiswestern lifestyle are based on value systems which go back to Greek /Roman / Aryan practises. THIS MUST BE MADE CLEAR. [3] Religion whichportrays black as bad and white as good will always be detrimental to theNubian existence on earth. It is a psychological form of the caste system. Thiseven includes moon cycle religious practices within what is called todaytraditional Africa customs. Many of these where really brought to Africa by the

    Phoenicians and earlier by the Hindus via the Cushites. Their descendantsare many of the east African warrior tribes. Scientific reasoning and spiritualresearch will be needed to evaluate which customs are really beneficial to ourexistence and with are not.

    There are many other issues out there and in totality they cloud thejudgement of the Nubian reader from taking in the rationale of theextracts which can be proven directly from nature itself right now Thelaws of opposites and universal cycles in nature. These are realcharacteristics in nature itself and the REAL question is weather theNubian reader is intelligent enough to acknowledge these routines innature and use these FACTS to aid their reasoning in everyday life.


    The truth remains as original existence however, the way it is interpretedchanges within a cycle. The best interpretation of the truth could only be givenby those closer to the event of which gave that truth. When we say that alltruth must exist before belief we are illustrating yet another cycle in nature.

    1 2 3 4


    The Nubian reader must try to understand this because the personal mindinfluenced by desires and socialisation with any specific issue can start at anyof these four positions. In fact a truth can exist in all four positions but thepotency to stimulate change is regressed at the evolution stage and is at itslowest point at the be-lie-f stage which can be a half-truth or a complete lie.Even if the information received is a complete lie the truth still exists withinabsolute nature as an opposing force. This is the same way we stress that allexistence within the three dimensional plane came from darkness darkmatter & energy governed by conscious sub-atomic existences. This is true

    right now as you read this. In the daytime you dont see the darkness of spacebut you know its still there.

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    The truth does not change it is merely views of the truth that does withinexistence. The truth must equal a fact. Therefore, the truth remains as originalexistence. Now within the understanding of positive and negative, Facts =Truth and in comparison to belief must exist as a positive. Meanwhile at the

    same time belief must lean to the negative if the fact is known. A belief canalso be a 100% lie. Therefore, a lie is a variant of a belief. In conclusion thismeans that Truth = Facts which represents (+) and ALL BE-LIE-F SYSTEMSrepresent (-) within the laws of opposites. A lie is the far extreme of a belief.The lie needs be-lie-vers for it to be successful. With this understandingbelief is a philosophical form of evolution - the journey away from thetruth (original existence).The same way the history of the NUBUN / TAR /PYGMY races was a reality which became mythology via westernisedEgyptology which broke off into what is known as belief systems today.Evolutionary forces within nature assist belief systems. These evolutionaryforces are in the form of solid, liquid and gas states. Dont get spooked out by

    this statement for you have wine & SPIRITS, and GIN (JINN - an Islamic termfor a bad spirit). These stimulate an alternative reasoning in a person and areusually harmful to their own body and environment. Bad music is anotherform. They all trigger off a type of chemical imbalance, which stimulatesalternative reasoning in the person - intoxicated personal uncontrolled beliefsystems. As a chemical formula they manipulate RNA coding which altersyour behaviour. Even if you are intoxicated your brain still has to controlthought and vital organs but with a dampened RNA the quality of thought isregressed. MOST COMMERCIAL liquids (soft-drinks, alcohol, tea & coffee)have chemical formulas which have side-effects that dampen RNA signals toyour DNA. Remember all chemicals (liquids) heated up become gases.

    Most people in the world today when given facts will reject facts forbelief because belief allows personal interpretations to exist within thehuman mind. These interpretations are usually influenced by desires good or bad in accordance to your TRUE PERSONAL NATURE.

    What we are trying to do here is show the reader where the truth sits withinexistence and how even within mental reasoning there exists cycles andopposing forces. To overstand the routines of nature mentally and physicallyis to bare witness to the physical reality of space, matter and time as a

    collective. Once the physical is OVERSTOOD then the spiritual journeybegins. You will not be able to understand the physical without anunderstanding of science and nature knowledge.