advertising history

The History of Advertising

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Post on 25-Nov-2014




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The History of Advertising

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Long Long ago….

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…in 3000 BC, it all started in the city of Babylon

The first form of advertising appeared in the form of clay tablets which bears the

inscription of an ointment dealer, a scribe and a shoemaker...

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…and in Pompeiiwhere a clay tablet of a butcher shop was


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The 3 periods of Advertising

• The Pre Marketing Era

• The Mass Communication Era

• The Research Era

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The Pre - Marketing Era

Days of Barter system

• Ancient: Papyrus - Ad for slaves• Greeks: Town Criers - Arrival of ships

• Romans: Inn signs

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The Pre - Marketing EraDays of Print

• 1438 : Johann Guttenberg invents the movable type

• 1478 : William Caxton printed the first paper

• 1523 : First printed Advertisement• 1622 : 1st printed Newspaper - London

‘The Weekly Newes of London’• 1625 : 1st Ad in an English Newspaper

• 1704 : 1st Ad in an American Newspaper‘Boston Newsletter’

• 1890 : Birth of Magazines

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The Mass Communication Era

From the mid 1700’s advertisers reached mass audiences through the print

media and later with the invention of the Radio

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The Research Era

Last 50 years advertisers have methodically improved the techniques

of identifying and reaching their audiences with specific messages

Great assistance with Electronic Media and now the Internet

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The Evolution of the Agency

• The Space Salesman

• The Space Wholesaler

• The First Rate Directory

• From an Agency to the Creative Inputs

• The Curtis No-Rebating rule

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The Space Salesman

• In 1840, Volney B Palmer contacted publications and sold advertising space

for a commission of 50%, but often settled for less

Palmer was very successful and soon opened up offices in Philadelphia, New

York and Boston

The Space Agent - Agency

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The Space Wholesaler

• In 1850, George Powell bought large blocks of spaces and sold them in the

form of ‘squares’ - one column wide and sold them at a retail price, his own ad


‘An inch of space a month in 100 newspapers for one hundred dollars’

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The First Rate Directory

• In 1869, Powell shocked the advertising fraternity by publishing a directory of

Newspapers and their rates along with the estimation of their circulation

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Agency to Creative Inputs

• Charles Austin Bates, a writer, began writing and selling his service to whoever wanted


• In 1867, ex-Navy man James Walter Thompson sold space and from the

commission he would write copy for the Client.

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Agency to Creative Inputs

• Calkin and Holden did more than write, they brought in copy, art and planning all under one roof paving the way for

an agency to function.

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The Curtis No-Rebating Rule

• In 1891, Curtis Publishing Company, USA announced that it would pay commissions to

Agencies only if they agreed to collect the full price from the Advertisers

Agency Commission ranged from 10-25%

• In 1917, this got fixed to 15% which stands true till date

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Advertising is all about Great Ideas

and behind all of them are some great minds and their reasons and philosophies

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The Advertising Heroesand their ground

breaking work

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Arnold Lasker

Had a talent for spotting talent, responsible for making people see that

creating advertising is a talent and needs passion

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Claude Hopkins

‘If you want people to buy a product, you’d better give them a very good

reason why.’Driven towards Rationality

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James Walter Thompson

Father of one of the largest agencies in the World today (JWT) - sold his

business to his employees Stanley and Helen Greser for US$ 10,000 in 1920

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John Watson

Propounded the theory ...If Consumer attitude X changes to Y due to a

Advertising Stimulus then there will be a difference of Z in Sales Turnover

Stimulus most important

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Gerard Lambert

Was one of the founders to address the issue of creating category need

advertisingAdvertising in 1924 did create a cure but

first it had to create the disease.

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Michael Gallop

Formalized the first ever commercial market research and tracking

consumer behaviour

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Leo Burnett

Deviated from the Watson TheoryIntroduced Image Advertising as

opposed to reason whyThis theory failed initially...

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Rosser Reeves

Proposed that the human mind needs to focus on one single parameter of a product - the

theory of rationalityAs choices grew this theory also had its


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David Ogilvy

~ Tried to balance Reason and Emotion create BrandingPick up insights from people

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William Bernbach

~ Whilst you need to balance emotion and reason,

the advertisement must entertain.

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George Gribbin

Must get people interested in your advertising for the brand

to be successful. This requires ingenuity. Saying it differently yet simply.

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Alyque Padamsee

An Advertiser is a Performer

Liril GirlKama Sutra

Surf - LalithajiCherry Charlie

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What is Advertising ?

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‘Advertising’ originates from the Latin Word ‘ad

vertere’which means ‘to turn the mind towards’

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There are many definitions to ‘Advertising’ including the one in the dictionary, but the all

time favourite is ….

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‘Advertising is the use of media to inform consumers about something and/or to

persuade them to do something in effect. It brings products/brands and

consumers together and then modulates the relationship between them’

- The Economist

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In short...

… Advertising is a key part of Marketing, but far from being (as is often assumed)

the sum total of it.

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The Advertising Agency

Manages products (in the from of Brands) and Consumers