a tribute to our beloved father of independence

Upload: eruwaedhiel-arcamenel

Post on 13-Feb-2018




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  • 7/23/2019 A Tribute to Our Beloved Father of Independence


    Title: A Tribute to Our Beloved Father of Independence

    Dear Father,

    How deeply I've mied you

    A each pain! dayTa"e you further

    Out into troubled water,

    But nearer

    To the land where teatime matter,

    #till nearer

    To the door of freedom$

    The promie of Independence%

    Dear Father,

    Our heart are with you

    &ven in faraway ondon

    (e pray fervently,

    &ver o earnetly

    (ith burnin! paion

    And with hope, that

    The Britih will comply

    To our term and condition

    Anticipatin! that

    )*ou are free to !overn your own country)(ill be their reply%

    + Au!ut -./

    (hat a pectacular i!ht, I mut ay0

    To ee variou race to!ether

    1nited a one

    A we !ather in the tadium today%

    2erde"a0 2erde"a0 2erde"a0 2erde"a0

    2erde"a0 2erde"a0 2erde"a0

    I than" you,

    Dear Father

    Becaue of you

    (e are a free nation

    Oh, our Father Tun"u0

    3eranamu, "ami beratu%

    4Becaue of you, we are one%5