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    http://localhost/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_2/dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2012.02.047mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]:[email protected]://www.elsevier.com/locate/rserhttp://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/13640321http://localhost/var/www/apps/conversion/tmp/scratch_2/dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2012.02.047
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    J. Keirstead et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 38473866 3849

    pure geographic, i.e. the urban energy system consists only ofthose technologies that lie within a citys administrative bound-aries;

    geographic-plus, i.e.everythingwithin the administrative bound-aries plus easily traceable upstream flows, like electricityconsumption;

    pure consumption,i.e. the energysystem encompasses allenergyactivities of a citys occupants wherever they occur. For example,attributing a resorts energy consumption and emissions to thehome cities of the visiting tourists.

    Forthe purpose of this review, we adopt the geographic-plus def-inition of urban. The pure geographic definition is too restrictive,notably omitting electricity flows arising from outside the city, andthe pure consumption approach is too broad. A geographic-plusdefinition of urban reflects the daily practice of many leading cities[13], capturing the influence of urban form, economic function,and attributes of the energy supply system. It potentially excludeslifecycle and trade-related issues (e.g. the ex-urban embodiedemissions of goods and services).

    Finally we define model after Rosen [14]; that is, a formal-ized representation of a natural system with its own internallyconsistent rules. This formal system can be implemented in manydifferent ways, but in practice and in this review, we primarilymean mathematical models and computer codes.

    These considerations lead to the following working definition ofan urban energy system model: a formal system that represents thecombinedprocessesof acquiringand usingenergy to satisfy theenergy

    service demands of a given urban area.

    2.2. Reviewmethodology

    The above definition casts a wide net and could encompassnumerous sectors, techniques, and application domains. We there-fore conducted a broad survey of the literature in order to identifythe diversity of current practice.

    The review was performed by searching the ISI Web of Knowl-

    edge database1 for theterms(urban OR city) energy model inthe topic or title fields and this resulted in 2019 results. In order toidentify a manageable subset of papers, the results were initiallyfiltered by two criteria: the publication had to be in English (95.2%of the full data set) and be a published journal article or review(72.3% of the full data set). This notably omits conference paperswhich accounted for 26.5% of the full result set, but still leaves atotal of 1377 records. The results were further filtered by exclud-ing subject areas deemed irrelevant to our urban energy systemdefinition, such as biological and health sciences. Studies from thefield of meteorology and atmospheric sciences were also omitted,although as will be shown below, urban climate studies with rel-evance to energy systems did still appear in the review sample(e.g. studies considering how urban heat island effects and ven-

    tilation in built-up areas shape urban energy demand). This left373 studies, representing the subject areas of engineering (50.4%of records), energy and fuels (38.9%), environmental sciences andecology (26.3%), construction and building technology (16.9%), andbusiness and economics (7.00%).2

    While manually categorizing these papers, it was noted that 83studies were not directly relevant to the aims of thisreview despitematching the search terms; these were primarily papers on urbanecology. Furthermorewhen exportingthe individualsearch recordsfrom Webof Knowledge,71 records were found to be missing when

    1 http://www.isiknowledge.com.2 Note that studies canbe multiplyclassified, hence thelisted percentagesdo not

    add upto 100.









    1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010Fig.1. Distributionof publicationdates for219 ISIWeb ofKnowledge papersmatch-ing the topic ortitle (urban OR city) energy model and filtered for relevance.

    compared to the tallies presented in the aggregate analysis above.The reason for this discrepancy is not clear and therefore readersshould treat the above descriptive statistics as indicative resultsonly. This therefore leaves a set of 219 papers for detailed analy-

    sis and Fig. 1 shows the distribution of publication dates for thesepapers. The identified papers primarily represent the past decade(the median publication year is 2008) and confirm that the reviewis effectively an assessment of current practice ratherthan a surveyof past trends [307309].

    The studies were then reviewed and classified as described inthe next section. During this process, it was observed that theidentified sample omitted at least one prominent area of researchrelevant to urban energy systems, namely transport and land usemodelling. Land use-transport models seek to model urban activ-ities and the demand for transport infrastructure. Although theyhave been used fordecades, it is only very recently that researchershave identified the benefits of such models to the wider urbanenergy systems community and we expect that it will take sev-

    eral years before these papers use the appropriate keywords thatwould identify them as a part of the above searchsample. A supple-mentary review on this topic was therefore conducted and Section3.6 describes this body of research in some detail as they havetraditionally been left out of most UES reviews.

    3. Approaches

    To identify the major approaches used in urban energy sys-tems modelling, the papers were scored according to their mainattributes. These features include:

    Temporal and Spatial Scale The values assigned for each of these

    categories depend upon the finest grain of model out-put described in the paper. For example, if a model usedhourly electricity profiles as input in order to make anannual investment decision, the temporal scale would beclassified as annual. However if the hourly profiles wereused for hourly decisions in an operational model, thenthe temporal scale would be hourly. A similar approachwas used for defining a papers spatial scale. Since mod-els often taken multiple inputs, it was felt that definingthe resolution based on a models inputs would be tooinconsistent for a comparative analysis.

    Method We considered both the major and the minor techniquesused in the papers analysis. For example, papers labelledoptimization could also be sub-categorized as using

    mixed-integer linear programming or multi-objective

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    3850 J. Keirstead et al. / Renewable andSustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 38473866

    Table 1

    Medoid characteristics of main paper types described by thereview. Thetransportation modelswere notpart of themain clustering analysis,but their typical features arelisted here for comparison.

    Category Spatial Temporal Method Supply Demand n

    Technology design Technology Monthly Simulation Endogenous None 33Building design Building Annual Simulation None Endogenous 56Urban climate Sub 1 km Hourly Simulation None Endogenous (indirect) 36System design District Static Optimization Endogenous Exogenous 39Policy assessment City Static Empirical Exogenous Exogenous 55

    Transportation Districta

    Dynamic Econometric Endogenous Endogenous a The spatial unitof analysis for transportationmodels is typicallythe transportationanalysiszone (approximately30005000 people) but can be as detailed as the precise

    latitude and longitudecoordinates of a singlepoint.

    formulations. The cluster analysis described below wasonly performed on the primary method.

    Application and Audience We tried to assess the models primaryapplication (e.g. system planning, technology design,operational control) and target audience (e.g. policymakers, engineers). As papers do not always state thisexplicitly, these categorizations are more subjective thanthe other criteria and so a single application variablewas used in the analysis below.

    Supply and Demand We examined how each model represented

    the supply and demand sides of the energy system. Bothattributes were assigned one of the three values: none(not considered), exogenous (specified by the user as amodel input), or endogenous (determined by the modelas an output).

    These data were then encoded to indicate if they were ordinal(spatial and temporal scales) or nominal (all other criteria) dataand a two-step cluster analysis was performed using Rs clusterpackage [15,16]. First, an agglomerative nesting clustering analysiswas performed to identify the number of distinct clusters withinthe data set. Using the daisy algorithm with the Gower distancemetric, the dissimilarity matrix for the data set was calculated and

    this was used as input for the agnes clustering routine; the resultssuggested five distinct groupings.

    Next, partitioning around medoids (pam) clustering was used toidentify the attributes of each cluster. These attributes provide anindicativedescriptionof each model type found withinthe dataset,as shown in Table 1. The rest of this section will examine each ofthese categories in detail.

    3.1. Technology design

    Technology design studies are characterized by a small spa-tial scale, generally considering a single piece of technology. 70%of the 33 studies identified here used simulation techniques to

    perform the analysis, although experimental work was anotherpopular choice(18%). Temporal resolutions ranged from seconds inthe case of vehicle performance studies [17,18], hourly or daily forsolar energy systems [e.g. 1921], through to annual or static anal-yses where the goal was to consider life-cycle performance issues[e.g. 22,23].

    The studies focused on energy supply technologies includ-ing the design and performance of urban wind turbines [2228];solar energy systems including PV, hot water, and cooling[29,30,19,3135,20,21,3639]; other heating or cooling technolo-gies, including fuel cells [4043]; vehicle performance under urbanload cycles [17,18]; and waste-to-energy systems [4448]. In two-thirds of these models, the demand side was not considered atall; in the remaining third, energy demands were specified exoge-

    nously to the model. The models might therefore be characterized

    as calculating supply-side parameters related to technology designor, in some cases, operation.

    3.2. Building design

    The 56 studies within the building design cluster are lesshomogenous. Broadly speaking the studies might be classifiedas dealing with building design and renovation [4952], energydemand estimation in the built environment [5356], urban cli-mate as it directly affects buildings [5760], urban planning andpolicy [6163], and transport [6466]. They represent a range ofspatial scales, from single buildings [6778] to groups of buildingsin a street or district [7981] or the whole city [8289], and thebehaviour of individuals[9092]. Temporalscaleisalsovaried,withthe three most common scales being static [e.g. 87,89,93], annualtime-series [e.g. 52,67,69], or hourly [e.g. 54,73,77].

    What does unite these studies is their emphasis on the demandsideoftheenergysystem.90%ofthestudiesconsideredthedemandside endogenously, thatis simulatingthe demandsfor heat,cooling,power and transportunder different conditions or policyscenarios.In 70% of the studies, supply-side issues were not considered at allandwhentheywere(20%),itwasintheassumptionofcarboninten-sity factors so as to convert energy demands into carbon emissions[e.g. 67].

    Like the technology design studies, these papers rely primarilyon simulation and experimental techniques. However the precisemethods have changed over time, as revealed when consideringonly those papers dealing with building retrofits. For example, oneof the first simulation papers in our sample modelled the optimalhome-owner strategy for renovating a flat using BREDEM 8 [94].BREDEM is a domestic energy model, based upon the physics ofheat flux in buildings, and can be used to estimate the annual con-sumption from monthly estimates of space heating, water heating,cooking, appliancesand lighting [95]. The modelconsideredretrofitmeasures (e.g. insulation, double glazing, ventilation controls andalternative heating systems) in terms of their discounted energysavings to initial investment ratio.

    Simulation models involving the use of fuzzy logic and linguis-

    tic variables were presented shortly thereafter, with the intentof estimating the load-demand profiles (with uncertainty) ofdomestic customers when introducing demand side managementprogrammes [96,97]. Further models built on this premise haveexamined the energy consumption of Osaka, Japan [98] and theimpact of energy conservation programmes [99,63]. City-scaleanalysis was also seen in Bennett [100], who presents a methodfor breaking down energy use in a city such that accurate energyauditing of cities can be completed and potential energy savingsassessed. More recently, urban retrofit simulation models havelargely concentrated on urban-scale processes that may be usedto retrofit agglomerations of dwellings and associated service pro-vision, for various audiences and purposes [101106]. Thishasbeenin parallel with research at both building [107,108] and district

    scale [109111].

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    Other modelling techniques seen within this cluster includethe use of GIS-based tools [62], computational fluid dynamics[72,58,77], and agent-based modelling approaches [112]. Therewere several examples of field studies as well, rather thannumerical simulation, including most notably an assessment ofthermal comfort in English low-income dwellings before and afterretrofitting [90].

    Overall the methodological focus of these studies, like those inthetechnology designcluster, suggests that theyare aimed primar-ilyat engineersand scientists i.e. those developingand improvingthe core technologies and less focus is placed on how these sys-tems might integrate within the wider urban energy system.

    3.3. Urban climate

    The 36 studies of the urban climate cluster are notable fortheir indirectfocuson calculatingenergy demandsfor heating, cool-ing and lighting; that is, these models do not deal with energyservices directly but calculate the temperatures and lighting con-ditions within buildings that will in turn determine energy servicedemands. In many cases, the use of this climatic data for energyservice calculations is not mentioned although others do make anexplicit energy link. Examples of this latter type include studies ofLondons heat island and its impact on energy and health issues[113,114], an assessment of electricity demands for air condition-ing in Tokyos urban heat island [115], and examining the impact ofweather on domestic electricityconsumptionin the Mediterranean[116].

    The studies operated at two main spatial scales. The first grouplooked at the effect of urban climate and heat island effects onbuildings [117126] and the second looked at a larger districtscale [127133], including streetcross-sections [134139] orrastergrid of several hundred metres [140,141]. Temporal resolution washourly in two-thirds of the studies, and daily or monthly in 22%.

    The studies represent a mix of pure research for example,assessing the balance of anthropogenic heat emissions and nat-ural solar radiation in Londons overall heat balance [140] and

    more applied studies, which focus on both methodological issues[133,114] and specific policy issues such as building design andurban planning regulations [e.g. 141,142].

    3.4. System design

    The next major cluster is the system design studies, whicharecharacterizedprimarily by their use of optimization techniques(72% of the 39 studies in the cluster). The typical problem defi-nition in these studies is, for an exogenously specified pattern ofenergy service demands, to determine the combinations of capitalequipment and operating patterns to meet some objective subjectto constraints (e.g. what is the lowest cost system that satisfiesheat and power demands subject to a carbon emissions reduction

    target?).Given that most urban energy systems in place today will still

    be in place in the near to long-term, largely as a consequenceof embedded infrastructural decisions [143], an important subsetof the system design category are those models concerned withdesigning the retrofit of urban energy systems, specifically thosethat model the improvement of existing buildings and/or heatingnetworks within urban areas. Retrofit is defined here as a plannedaction intended to improve upon existing energy infrastructure with

    theprovisionof appropriate technology andmethods. Manfren et al.[144] has previously reviewed studies of this kind, focusing par-ticularly on distributed generation techniques. Indeed most of thestudies identified here do consider combined heat and power anddistrict energysituations, although our cluster includes studiesthat

    consider other planning activities such as urban power networks

    more generally [145147], hydrogen infrastructure [148], wastemanagement [149], and transport systems [150]. Optimization hasalso been used for impact assessment [e.g. the costs of poweroutages, 151154] and policy assessment [155157]. Specific tech-niques include linear programming (LP) [158160], mixed-integerlinear programming (MILP) [161164], and multi-objective opti-mization [165167]. We provide here a brief history of modelsintended for retrofitting existing systems, such that the develop-ment of integrated land-use transport models in Section 3.6 maybe contrasted and compared.

    Gustafsson et al. [168] were the first identified to use optimiza-tion techniques to assess the impact of district heating rateson thelife-cycle cost (LCC) of retrofit strategies for multi-familybuildings.A LCC typically consists of conflated capital, installation and opera-tionalcosts. Gustafsson and Karlsson [169] uses objective functionsthat minimized the LCC for a range of retrofit measures, generallywith case studies of multi-family buildings in Sweden [170173],particularly forinsulationinterventions [174], fenestrationretrofits[175] and more recently for domestic hot water and space heat-ing refurbishment of a block of flats [163]. These papers make useof traditional mathematical programming for the most part withmixed integer linear programming (MILP) providing a useful toolfor analysis. Henning [176] cites Gustafssons earlier work [172]in his development of the MODEST energy model. This is a lin-ear programming (LP) tool which may be used by utilities seekingto minimize the investment costs of upgrading community scaleenergy systems. This work was followed by the presentation of a LPmodel using factorial design for sensitivity analyses of investmentdecisions in a district heating system with an associated combinedheat and power (CHP) plant [177].

    System design studiestypically consider either the entire city ora specific sub-district,althoughsimilartechniquescan be applied tobuildings [162,178]. District scale models have been the dominantchoiceofspatialoptimizationsinceatleasttheyear2000[179189]whilstothers have focused on building stock models[190193]. It isreflectiveof therecent advances inboth programming softwareandcomputational hardware that some researchers have increasingly

    pushed from district scales towards urban scale models [194201].The temporal resolution of these models has also changed.

    Within our sample, 51% of the models performed static analyses,although multi-period assessments at hourly, monthly, annual, anddecadal resolutions were also seen. For example, Rolfsman [202]describes a MILP forminimizing thetotal cost of a municipalenergysystem, by eitherinvestingin newplant or retrofitting buildings(orboth), wherein he divides a year into periods of3 h duration.Overalla larger trend can be seen where static programming models in theearly 1990s are increasingly superceded by temporally disaggre-gate models in the late 1990s. This can be seen in the comparisonbetween two static models (exergonomic and LP respectively), asapplied to a district heating network in Italy [203] and to a districtsupply system in Germany [e.g. the decco model 204,205], com-

    pared to the annually optimized design for the addition of solarheating systemsto housing stock in Germany [206] (upgraded froma previous static operational optimization model [207]).

    3.5. Policy assessment

    So far we have seen a range of analyses from detailed studiesof single technologies, to explorations of energy-efficient buildingsand streets, through to the design and operation of district-wideenergy systems. The final clustercontinues this progression, repre-senting studies of the whole city and how its energy performancemight be shaped by policy decisions.

    The 55 studies within this cluster rely less directly on com-putational models than in the other clusters. 55% of the papers

    might be described as empirical studies, examining the success

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    or failure of past experiences. Examples include descriptions ofa citys changing energy and pollution profile [208211], casestudies of what works and what doesnt in urban energy systemsand sustainability [212217], and observations on how key urbanparameters, such as density, affect overall performance [218,219].Regression models are often used in this latter context to under-stand the impacts of,for example, consumer preferences [220,221],price elasticities or other economic effects [222,223], and generalurban evolution [224]. Simulation and optimization are also used,primarily to assess the potential impacts of a policy change.Notable examples include the effect of urban form on energy usefor water systems [225], predicting greenhouse-gas emissions fora Japanese city [226,227], and the impact of transportation systemchanges [228232].

    Policy models are also common in retrofit applications, throughMCDM (multiple criteria decision making) which is generally usedfor assessing decisions in light of multiple objectives [233]. Oneearly study of this type used a static linear goal programmingmodel to minimize pollutant emissions, energy system costs andenergy imports for the planning of future energy systems in Delhi[234]. This is cited by Ramanathan [235] as they consider the effec-tiveness of five electricity generation options available to urbanhouseholds in Madras. Such studies need not be limited to con-sidering the city as a whole and there are several examples ofpolicy-style assessments of building-scale projects. For example,Rosenfeld [236] builds a decision tool for the process of renovat-ing a 25-year-old dining hall in Israel while other building-levelretrofit studiesusingMCDM were also found [49,237,238]. A recentpaper uses MCDM to explore six scenarios in Limerick, Ireland, forretrofit measures that would impact on both domestic heating andelectricity demand [239].

    These analyses are typically performed at coarse temporal res-olutions, with 56% of studies considering a static period of analysisand 29% looking at annual or decadal time spans. A mix of sup-ply and demand-side issues are considered but these variables areoften exogenously specified; that is, in only about 34% of the stud-ies do the models seek to endogenously determine some aspect of

    the systems supply mix or demand structure. Integrated assess-ment models [e.g. 240,241] are notable exceptions, simultaneouslydetermining both supply and demand within an economic mod-elling framework. Bhattacharyya and Timilsina [242] provide auseful review of energy demand models for policy formulation indeveloping countries that touches on many of these points.

    3.6. Transportation and land use

    Upon reviewing these results, we felt that our search touchedonly lightly upon the large body of literature that might be termedurban modelling [243]. Within this field of transportation andland use research, integrated land-use-transport (LUT) models aremost relevant to our review. These are large complex, generally

    econometric, model systems which seek to capture the majordynamics of urban processes such as land use change and trans-portation use. Within this body of research, until recently, energyhad the limited definition of transport energy with hardly anyemphasis on stationary energy demands.

    However, withthe framework of these models being focused onhuman activity and land use patterns (especially with the recentdevelopments in highly disaggregate agent and activity-based LUTmodels, for example ILUTE from Canada [244], CEMUS from Texas[245], SynCity from London [246]) they have great potential toproduce resource demands that are disaggregate from a spatial,temporal and needs perspective (i.e. heating, cooling, lighting,mobility). As described above, one of the key features of urbanenergy models is their treatment of resource demands. These

    are particularly important for the optimization-based integrated

    supply models detailed above, where these demands are typicallyexogenous to the model. The method commonly used to modelenergy demand in such models is to obtain energy consumptiondata, and use regression to devise correlations. A good exampleis seen in work by Brownsword et al. [247]. In contrast integratedLand Use-Transport (LUT) models, in particular the state-of-the-artagent-based microsimulation model systems, hold the potential toproduce detailed energy and resource demands that are not onlyspatially and temporally disaggregate but also sensitive to a widevariety of scenarios, and are endogenous to the model. Moreover,in understanding urban energy consumption, it is important totake into account not only the short term factors such as where,when andhow peopleparticipate in activities, but also the mediumand long-term decisions made by individuals and households withrespect to residential and workplace location, auto-ownership,labourforceparticipation,andsoon.LUTmodelsprovidetheframe-work and means to undertake such a rigorous analysis [248,246].

    Inthefollowingsectionwefirst describe a typical integrated LUTmodel system and discuss the underlying conceptual frameworkof these models. This is followed by a more detailed discussion ofthe state of the art LUT model systems, drawing out their potentialvalue to the urban energy modelling context.

    3.6.1. Background and overview

    Integrated land use-transport models were traditionally devel-oped as a means of estimating travel demand in response toland use changes, and over the years have evolved to be richdescriptors of the activity and travel patterns of all the agents inthe study area including households and individuals, businesses,real-estate developers and others. The land use components ofsuch model systems describe medium to long-term urban pro-cessessuchashousehold(re)location,work(re)location,real-estatedevelopment, business (re)location and automobile ownership,thus providing planners with a tool to forecast future land use lay-outs of urban areas. This is integrated with model components thatpredict the activity and travel patterns generated by the agentswithin the urban landscape; the transport flows created through

    these processes, in turn, feed back to the land use models guidingfurther realestate development,business and householdrelocationin response to the conditions on the transport networks.

    Such integrated land use-transport model systems thus attemptto produce reliable and policy-sensitive travel demands by captur-ing the complex relationships between transport and land use in asystem of descriptive models (for detailed reviews, see the worksof Wegener [249,250] and Hunt [251]). Furthermore, most opera-tionalland usetransport model systemsare loosely integrated withtransport air quality and energy assessment models that translatethe predicted transport flows into pollutant and fuel consumptionestimates [see, for instance, 245,252]. In fact, as Wegener [249]claims, these models are now being called integrated land use-transport and environment (LTE) model systems.

    Fig. 2 presents a conceptual framework that illustrates the kindof interactions that LUT model systems attempt to capture. Trans-port flows, price signals, building occupancies and consumptionstypically form the links between land use and transport systems. Amodel that capturestheseinteractions will be better able topredict:the changes in transport flows (and therefore fuel consumption)resulting from changes in urban layouts; energy consumption inbuildings over space and time to accurately reflect the activitypatterns underlying the occupancies; the direct effects of energypricing on transport flows, as well as the indirect effectsthat resultfrom corresponding changes in urban layouts.

    However it is not until recently that operational LUT modelshave actually attempted to capture a number of these inter-actions in a behaviourally realistic manner. The earliest land

    use-transport models were essentially static models (see, for

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    J. Keirstead et al. / Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 16 (2012) 38473866 3853

    Fig. 2. Conceptual model of land use-transport systems [251].

    example, Lowry [253], LILT, the Leeds Integrated Transport pack-

    age [254], DRAM/EMPAL by Putman [255], IMREL by Anderstig andMattsson [256], MUSSA by Martinez [257]). These static modelsdo not model market processes behaviourally and cannot realis-tically capture urban spatial processes and are therefore not veryresponsive to policyand scenario analyses. From the perspective ofurban energy modelling then, these early models provide no addi-tional benefits over the simpler, aggregate and exogenous demandvectors.

    The next generation of LUT models were the general spatialequilibrium models such as MEPLAN [258] and TRANUS [259],which are typically also spatially aggregate models like the staticmodels but with more closely integrated land-use and transportelements. Although these models capture the interactions betweenland use and transport systems more accurately, they are not

    entirely behaviourallyrealistic as theyoperate at high levels of spa-tial aggregation. Despite these limitations, TRANUS was one of thefirst LUT models that were used to analyse urban energy demand.

    The third generation of LUT models, the agent-based micro-simulation models, combine the strengths of microsimulation andthe disaggregate modelling of behaviour and land use processes(see, for example, DELTA by Simmonds [260], ILUTE by Miller et al.[244] and UrbanSim by Waddell [261], PRISM or the Puget SoundRegional Integrated Synthesis Model by Alberti and Waddell [262]).These are activity-based models with the individual (one person,household, firm, or any other agent in the urban system) as theunit of analysis. Hence, these models are intuitive in their formula-tion and capture the interactions between land-use and transportsystems to the greatest extent possible. The key tool used in these

    models is micro-simulation, which provides a practical methodol-ogy to apply probabilistic models at the level of the individual. Inturn, a key elementin such micro-simulation modelsis the conceptof a synthetic population of decision makers and the developmentof improved methods for the generation of such synthetic popula-tions [for a review, see 263].

    In the last few decades, several LUTmodels have been extendedto include air quality, energy consumption and sustainability indi-cators. For instance, we now have PROPOLIS [264], which is anLUT model with energy and sustainability indicators; CEMUS [245]which is a very detailed model of individual travel behaviourand the energy and environmental implications thereof; ILUMASS[265] which combines land use, transport and the environment;I-PLACE3S or Internet-PLAnning for Community Energy, Economicand Environmental Sustainability [266] which is not a full-fledged

    integrated urban model but rather a GIS-based land-use map-

    ping/scenario building platform. This is just a subset of the modelsavailable and for more detailed reviews of other currently oper-ational urban models, please see Wegener [249,250] and Kazuaki[267].

    Another new urban energy model system being developed by acollaborativeteam led by MIT is iTEAM or Integrated Transport andEnergy Activity-based Model [248]. As the name suggests iTEAMis focused on urban form, transport and energy demands work-ing up from behaviour at the household/individual level and thefirm/organizational level. SynCity, being developed at the EnergyFutures Lab in Imperial College London [246], is one of the veryfew urban energy model systems that integrates full-fledged anddetailed supply and demand model components.

    3.6.2. State-of-the-art LUT models as models of urban energysystems

    From the urban energy modelling perspective, therefore, state-of-the-art integrated land use-transport (LUT) models form abehaviourally realistic means of simulating consumption, andtherefore resource demands. LUT model systems, as describedabove, are typically a suite of interconnected descriptive andnormative models that can jointly predict the urban processesand activities. The embedded models are usually either micro-econometric and based on random utility maximization principles[e.g. CEMDAP, 268], or based on decision heuristics (e.g. Albatrossby Arentzeand Timmermans [269], AMOS by Pendyala et al. [270]).Some models combine heuristic rules with econometric models[e.g. TASHA by 271].

    The state-of-the-art LUT models, regardless of the underlyingmodel types, are implemented as agent-based micro-simulationsystems with the activities of all the agents in the study area beingsimulated. These models are also highly disaggregate with respectto time and space, some of the models operating on a continuous(second-by-second)time scalewith parcel-level3 spatial detail. Theflipside of such descriptivelyrich modelsis thequantity of dataandcomputational time (effort) required to validate them for opera-tional modelling, with some models taking up to 36h to simulate asingle days travel [272]. On the other hand, once operational, such

    3 A land parcelis anareaof land that isuniquelydefinedfor ownershiporland usepurposes. A parcel is therefore a fundamental cadastral unit: a piece of land which

    can be owned, sold, and developed.

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    models can be excellent test beds for a variety of policy scenarios,engineeringand technological solutions.As integratedmodels, theyeffectively capture both direct and indirect effects of the scenariosof interest.

    A key feature of the state-of-the-art LUT models is the underly-ingmodels of individual andgroupbehaviour. These models, unliketypical engineering modelswhich areemployedin thesupply com-ponents of UES model systems, acknowledge the stochasticity ofhuman behaviour and the intrinsic heterogeneity in this behaviourwhichresultsinboththesameindividual,andobservationallyiden-tical individuals, making very different choices.

    The earliest models of agent-level behaviour focussed princi-pally on predicting the choice of specific facets (such as mode orroute or household location) of individual trips and tended to bedeterministic in nature (typically assuming that behaviour wasdriven solely by considerations of cost or travel time minimiza-tion). From the 1970s onwards these approaches were graduallyreplaced by models which, at the conceptual level, consider traveldecisions explicitly as part of the broader context of an individualsprogramme of activity participation [273275] and at a method-ological level, treat decision making as a stochastic (rather thandeterministic) process [276,277].

    The current state-of-the-art is represented by techniques basedon the random utility formalism, which can accommodate a widevariety of decision-making contexts including both individual andgroup decisions, decisions regarding both discrete and continuousoutcomes, static and dynamic decisions, decisions with single ormultiple expressed outcomes, decisions made under uncertaintyand those influenced by qualitative as well as quantitative factors.These methods can alsobe used as a means of integrating data bothfrom real market outcomes (revealed preference data) and datafrom hypothetical market studies (stated preference data).

    4. Challenges

    From the survey of major approaches, it appears that current

    modelling practices only partially address the three key featuresof an urban energy system defined above. First, it was shown thatstudies often focus on specific aspects of energy use, with only thesystem design models looking at the full set of combined pro-cesses within an energy system, although often excluding thetransport components of a city. Secondly, the studies often relyupon exogenous input data, for example, user-supplied electric-ity demands in the case of many system design models. Only asmall number of integrated assessment models for policy consid-ered both supply and demand endogenously. Finally, there doesseem to be a good appreciation of local context in most modelsthough as many papers examined specific cities (particularly in thepolicy assessment cluster).

    Despite the diversity of practice highlighted by the review, a

    number of common challenges can be seen. The first is the com-plexity of the modelling domain. It was observed that a range ofspatial and temporal scales are used but, particularly in older stud-ies, the resolution and fidelity of the models can be limited by dataavailability and computational performance. For example, 44% ofthe 219 studies analysed district or coarser spatial scales and 58%dealt with annual or greater temporal resolutions. The second andrelated issue is data availability and quality. Many of the papersuse modelling techniques that require large amounts of data suchas econometric models of transportation or consumer behaviour,detailed GIS and 3D mapping of cities, and hourlyprofiles of energyconsumption demands. Thirdly, the cluster analysis demonstratedthe lack of model integration within the urban energy systemsmodelling community. The reasons for this are not covered by the

    scope of this paper, but it is clear that models are built by their

    developers for distinct purposes and unique audiences, and lesseffort appears to have been focused on creating larger integratedmodelling systems. Such systems are arguably necessary to addressthe fourth challenge, policy relevance. Specific models may be ableto answer narrowly defined policy questions (e.g. building stan-dards) but urban energy systems can be shaped by both direct andindirect effects of policy interventions, such as land-use planningrestrictionson density which affectboth building energyconsump-tion and transportation options.

    This section will now consider each of these four challenges ingreater detail.

    4.1. Complexity

    Returning to Rosens conceptualization of a model (that of aformal representation of a natural system with internally consis-tent rules), the models studied here are used to help understanda real-world system. The analytical process therefore involvestwo significant stages. First, in the entailment phase, a modelsresults must be internally interpreted. That is, the user mustdetermine how the model has arrived at a result and whetherthis is consistent with the models formulation and implemen-

    tation. If this is acceptable, then the second step is to decodethese model results and interpret them in light of the realsystem.

    Both of these processes are plagued by the complexity of urbanenergy systems. For example, the system design cluster arguablyrepresents some of the most complex models identified by thereview. Optimizationtechniques may attempt to incorporate someof these complexities with a technique like multi-objective opti-mization [278] or sensitivity analysis [177]. Yet all models tread afine line between tractability and model performance. For exam-ple, modern models can take between several days [279] to severalhours [192] and shorter, dependent on the method, scope andcomputing power at play. Related to this, over-simplifying or over-detailing a model may obstruct the true value of the output from

    the models internal relationships.The levels of complexity in models are countered by the fact

    that the core assumptions embedded in a models architecture willdetermine how accurate a model will be. Lesscomplexity generallymeans more assumptions, but if the core assumptions are invalid,then the methodology is of little or no importance [280]. Unfortu-nately, the assumptions included in models are often hidden fromview. The audience and purpose for which a model is built is alsoof importance, yet these are often left unmentioned in papers. Forexample, a model built for aiding the investment decisions of alocal government is likely to be quite different to that of a modelbuilt for the engineer in charge of a community scale CHP plant[e.g. 186,206]. One way to challenge the untested assumptions isthe use of backcasting to ensure the model can forecast the past

    accurately [281].A specific challenge involves integrating the LUT and LTE modelsystems. These are essentially systems of models predicting dif-ferent quantities (type of activity an individual undertakes in aday, time of day of activity participation, choice of technologyin undertaking activity etc) that are linked together. Relevantissues therefore include the validity of the sequentiality in imple-menting the sub-models, the econometric issues associated withmicro-simulation, and quantification of the flow of uncertaintythrough the model system. The current state of the practice is touse the microsimulation model system as a test bed to under-take rigorous sensitivity analyses. However, this is an area thatclearly needs further research as it is a relatively small body ofresearch compared to the proliferation of such complex modelsystems.

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    4.2. Data availability anduncertainty

    All models rely on some form of data and without good qualityinformation, the user faces the perennial problem of garbage-ingarbage-out. There are two major issues: data availability and datauncertainty.

    Acquiring good quality data for urban energy modelling facesat least one intrinsic challenge, namely that cities are open sys-tems and defining the boundaries of the urban energy system canbe difficult. The studies we reviewed primarily use data gatheredfrom administrative or district boundaries and only a few includelifecycle assessments that extend beyond the city boundaries. Thiscreates a challenge for the modeller, who must assess the qualityof the available data source and determine whether or not it is suf-ficient to answer their research question. In developing countriesin particular, acquiring any urban energy statistics can be difficultalthough there were some exceptions within the data set includ-ing the energy consumption of bakeries in Nigeria [282], gasolineconsumption in Mexico [231], and industrial combustion in Brazil[211]. Improving the availability of dataon developedcountry citiesis particularly important because the UN and IEA forecast that, inthe coming decades, urban population and energy service demandwill grow most quickly in these regions.

    There are some technique-specific data availability issues. Forexample, LUT models are essentially descriptive models that needdata in order to be calibrated prior to implementation. As the mod-els get more complex in terms of integrating land use, transportand the environment, operating at the level of the decision-makingagent (e.g. individuals, households, businesses), assessing detailedspatial and temporal scales the corresponding data needs growvery quickly. However this need not be a stumbling block in thedevelopment of such models as researchers have explored andexploited mathematical approaches of pooling data from differentsources [246].

    The second major issue is data uncertainty. Observed data maybe uncertain due to measurement error, the need to use proxy datasources or calculation adjustments (e.g. for downscaling national

    level data to a city scale on a per-capita basis). Ideally such param-eters would be expressed along with their uncertainty but themajority of papers surveyed did not explicitly describe methodsof dealing with the uncertainty of parameters. Deterministic opti-mization models in particular are guilty of this, whereas stochasticalgorithms such as genetic algorithms do provide a probabilisticsolution set. Other relevant optimization techniques include two-stage stochastic programming, parametric programming, fuzzyprogramming, chance constraint programming, robust optimiza-tiontechniques and conditionalvalue-at-risk [283]. More generallythere is a need to describe both the uncertainty of collected inputdata and the way in which this feeds into the modelling methodol-ogy.

    4.3. Model integration

    With the exception of two integrated assessment models[240,241], there appears to have been very few attempts to inte-grate models that span across multiple sectors or disciplines.Depending on the goal of the analysis, this may not be an issue.However if urban energy systems modellers are to tackle thecomplexity of their domain, then model integration is a sensiblestrategy.

    Integration raises both practical and theoretical questions abouthow models might fit together. As a simple example of the poten-tial interactions, consider some of the urban heat island effectpapers identified earlier. In these cases, a building model may beable to determine indoor climate given orientation, solar exposure,

    and so on. A technology model might then determine the best air

    conditioning systemforthebuilding,buttherejectedheatfromthisair conditioner would of course be rejected into the environmentthus changing the buildings thermal performance (particularly ifgroups of buildings are located in proximity).

    A more significant example where model integration seems tobe missing is between urban land use and transportation mod-els and energy system models as mentioned in Section 3.6. Therehas been work on linking transport models and impact assessmentmodels (e.g. for local air quality [284]), and by simulating land usechanges and the way in which individuals use urban facilities, itshould be possible to get a better understanding of energy ser-vicedemandsintimeandspace [246]. Essentially, the developmentof urban energy system models with detailed LUT-based demandcomponents involves the integration of two different modellingparadigms:descriptivemodels of humanbehaviour combined withnormative models of urban supply systems. This is an inherentlychallenging task, which questions the concept of an equilibriumstate.

    4.4. Policy relevance

    The three challenges of complexity, data availability and uncer-tainty, and model integration must all be interpreted in light of amodels purpose. A tool that is used to design a solar hot waterheating system, for example, may find it easier to acquire suffi-cient data for the generation of useful results than a more complexsystem design model. However from a policy perspective, i.e. fordecision-makers looking to improve the performance of the overallurban energy system, many of themodels identified by this reviewwere applied to a relatively narrow set of policy problems eval-uating transport pricing policies, estimating the impacts of newlow-energy technologies, examining the environmental impacts ofdemographic evolution, evaluating the social equity of a specificpolicy, and so on. This is limiting as the narrow perspective oftenfails to account for indirect effects of policies on the urban sys-tem. It also fails to account for the conflicting effects of different

    policies. For instance, congestion charging intended to reduce traf-fic congestion and emissions in the city centre could lead to landuse changes with businesses relocating outside the charging zone,which in turn leads to an increase in travel distances and thereforemore emissions. As urban systems face tighter integration throughdevelopments such as electric mobility, it becomes increasinglyimportant to account for the combined effects of policies (trans-port and energy policies in the case of electric mobility). Indeed inthe face of the complex problems faced by urban areas and in lightof the tightly integrated sub-systems in urban areas, probably themost difficult challenge faced by UES models is to produce reliablepolicy-sensitive and meaningful answers.

    An important issue perhaps is to define the analysis goal moreclearly.Inotherwords,thepapersstudiedheredidnotalwaysmake

    it clearwhat anidealurbanenergy systemmightlooklike (althoughcommon themes like lower greenhouse gas emissions were appar-ent) and, more problematically, did not discuss the links betweeninnovations in the energy system and other areas of urban policy.For example, when Edison sold electricity as a better alternative tokerosene to the Wall Street firms of Lower Manhattan, he did so onthe basis of itslowersystematic cost andnot itsluminous efficiency[285]. Similarly, most retrofit projects are not designed with theimprovement of energy systems as their primary aim. Rather thisis usually a by-product of property development (i.e. regeneration)or forced replacement of an obsolescent or broken component.

    The challenge for urban energy system modellers, then, is tocreate tools that explicitly capture some of the linkages betweenenergy systems and other aspects of urban policy. At the very least,

    modellers should be aware of these connections so that modelling

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    results can be presented in a policy-relevant fashion with caveatsacknowledged.

    5. Opportunities

    Creating an integrated policy-responsive urban energy systemsmodel, that captures parameter uncertainty and performs in anacceptable manner, is a daunting challenge. However there are a

    number of opportunities that offer promise. Many of the followingtechniques arewellestablished in other disciplines buthave yetnotbeen widelyused in urban energysystems modelling. We thereforewish to highlight three themes as fertile ground for experimenta-tion and disciplinary learning.

    5.1. Sensitivity analysis and cloud computing

    As shown above, urban energy system models are often com-plex, consisting of large numbers of input parameters whose truevalues may be uncertain and that interact in non-linear ways.Returning to Rosens 1991 definition of a model, this createsdifficultyin boththe entailment andthe decoding processes. Entail-ment refers to the self-consistencyof the formalized model system.For a complex model, the difficulty is that drawing inferences froma models output can be obstructed by the multiple interactionswithin the model. That is, it may not be possible to intuitivelyattribute a given change in the models output to a change in themodels input. Similarly, once an inference is made from the formalsystem,decoding its meaning back to the natural system is compli-cated by questions of whether the model sufficiently captured thesalient aspects of that system. In this section, we will concern our-selvesprimarily withthe entailment/inference process, i.e.how canwe fully understand the internal behaviour of complex integratedurban energy system models? How can we reassure ourselves thatthe conclusions drawn from such models are robust under a rangeof assumptions and scenarios?

    5.1.1. Methodological issues: uncertainty and sensitivity analysis

    From a methodological perspective, one of the most basic waysof studying complex models is uncertainty analysis, that of quan-tifying uncertainty in a models output [286]. To perform thisassessment, each of the models input parameters is described asbeing drawn from a statistical distribution in order to capture theuncertainty in the parameters true value. Vectors of input param-eters are then drawn from these distributions and a number ofindependent model runs performed, using values from the ran-domly drawn vectors of input variables. The variability of modelsoutput variables can then be summarized with descriptive statis-tics, graphical plots, and so on.

    In contrast, sensitivity analysis can be defined as the study ofhow uncertainty in the output of a model (numerical or otherwise)can be apportioned to different sources of uncertainty in the model

    input [286, p. 1]. This is a more powerful technique as it allowsthe modeller to determine which of the input variables has thegreatest affect on the models output, both on its own and throughinteractions with other variables. There are a number of differentsensitivity analysis approaches, or settings, depending on the ana-lysts goal: factor prioritization, to determine which input whenfixed to its true value leads the greatest reduction in output vari-ability; factorfixing,to determine which inputsmake no significantcontribution to the variance of the output regardless of their value;variance cutting, to adjust model output below a given variabilitythreshold, e.g. for risk analysis applications; and factor mapping,to study which model inputs lead to certain model outputs [286].These methods rely on variance-based calculations, and conse-quentlydepend on multiple model runs with different input values

    (as in uncertainty analysis). The number of model runs will depend

    on the analysis technique being used and the number of inputparameters in the modelbut it can range from tens to thousands ofmodel runs. These two techniques have been applied in a range ofdisciplines. Hall et al. [287], for example, demonstrate sensitivityanalysis techniques for hydraulic engineering models (both simpleand more complex models), concluding that these variance-basedmethods are helpful for capturing the non-linear and interactioneffects within complex models. de Rocquigny et al. [288] provide anumber of examples from oil exploration, radioactive waste safetymanagement, financial models, geotechnics, component fatigue,and many other areas. From our review of models, three of the219 studies explicitlymentioned uncertainty or sensitivity analysisand all were from the systems design cluster. Two of these casesconsidered optimization under uncertainty that is formulating onoptimization problem to consider the uncertainty endogenously;Lin and Huang [289] did so with interval-parameter programmingand Huang et al. [290] used stochastic dynamic programming.These formulations can be computationally very intensive, limitingthe size of problems that can be practically handled. An alternativeapproach is that of Lozano et al. [291], who performed a more tra-ditional one-at-a-time sensitivity analysis (i.e. varying the value ofone parameter while holding others constant) to assess the impactof finance assumptions and natural gas prices in a MILP model of anenergy supply system. However none of the three papers used thevariance-based sensitivity methods described above, which enablethe description of interaction effectsand attribution of output vari-ability.

    5.1.2. Practical considerations: cloud computing

    This suggests that urban energy system models do not usebest practice methods in uncertainty and sensitivity analysis. Ifthe complexity of these models is to be better understood, thenmodel developers should experiment with these techniques to seehow their models perform under a range of uncertainty. But asdescribed above, these methods may require thousands of MonteCarlosimulationsand,forcomplexmodels,thiscanbeprohibitivelytime-consuming. How then can these analyses be performed in a

    timely manner?One of the most promising opportunities is cloud comput-

    ing, which can be broadly defined as the delivery of softwareservices over the Internet and the behind-the-scenes hardwareand software systems that provide them [292]. The idea of soft-ware as a service, or computing as a utility like water or energy,is not new and can be traced back to 1969 and the early daysof the internet [293]. Indeed before the rise of personal comput-ing, which provided small-scale desktop hardware and softwaresystems, computing infrastructure largely consisted of centralizedmainframes accessed via time-sharingarrangements and terminals[294]. However the recent construction of large-scale data centreshave enabled three new features of cloud computing: the ability torequisition almost unlimited computing resources on demand, the

    ability to avoid up-front cost commitments, and the ability to payfor the use of computing resources at short notice and as necessary.These features have enabled decreases in the cost of electricity,network bandwidth, software and hardware by a factor of 57,meaning that cloud computing is now a practical and financiallyattractive option for many commercial entities and researchers[292].

    In the context of sensitivity and uncertainty analysis, one of themain advantages is cost associativity. These techniques requirehundreds or thousands of model runs, each of which can be runindependently before being combined for the final analysis. Withcloud computing, a user who purchases 1000 computer-hourscan simply perform 1000 one-hour simulations simultaneouslyrather than waiting over a month for a single computer to perform

    the same task. Another benefit is that computationally expensive

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    calculations, such as integer programming for system design mod-els, can be performed on the cloud freeing up desktop computingresources for other tasks [292]. For academic researchers, thesefeatures may sound similar to other high-performance comput-ing paradigms, such as cluster and grid computing (see [293] for adetailed comparison of these approaches). Cloud computing offersseveral further advantages, particularly in easing the administra-tive overhead of such systems, and initiatives like the NimbusProject4 have demonstrated how cloud computing can be appliedin a range of academic disciplines such as high-energy physics,computer science, bioinformatics, and economics [295].

    Looking forward, Armbrust et al. [292] identify 10 obstacles andopportunities for the adoption of cloudcomputing including: avail-ability of service, datalock-in, data confidentialityand auditability,data transfer bottlenecks, performance unpredictability, scalablestorage, debugging large-scale distributed systems, configurationfor efficient scaling, reputation fate sharing, and software licensing.These represent a mix of technical and administrative obstacles,but in the context of urban energy system modelling, some of thelisted items are of less concern. For example, at present urbanenergy system models are primarily used for offline analyses; thatis, they are run infrequently to provide guidance to engineers, sci-entists, and policy makers, but they are less frequently used tomakeminute-to-minuteoperationaldecisions.Thismeansthatser-vice availability, rapid scaling, and unpredictability of performancemay be acceptable disadvantages, particularly if higher standardsincur cost premiums. On the other hand, building and runninglarge-scale models that use specialist codes (e.g. commercial opti-mization solvers) may encounter problems with debugging andsoftware licensing.

    Cloud computing therefore offers a promising, but not trouble-free,option forthe analysisof complex urbanenergy systemmodelsusing Monte Carlo and sensitivity analysis techniques. These toolsprovide strong theoretical and practical platforms for assessingparameter uncertainty and interaction effects and urban energyresearchers should begin to experiment with these technologies.Ultimately as these tools become more mature, urban energy sys-

    tem models could be made available as cloud applications (i.e.shifting from the infrastructureas a service model to softwareasa service), potentially providing access to engineers, policy mak-ers, and other practitioners in the field.

    5.2. Data collection and integration

    A common challenge described in Section 4 is that of data avail-ability (both quantity and quality). This is particularly true in themore complex system design and LUT models above, where datahungry models require vast datasets for initial calibration. Urbandata is often recorded at different times by different people, andmay need tobe adapted from othersources(for example,scaling-uphousehold survey data or scaling-down national energy statistics).Furthermore there is a particular lack of data in developing coun-tries cities. These issues suggest that there could be benefits fromimproving data collection standards and data sharing amongstresearchers. Three specific opportunities discussed here are thedefinition of a standard vocabulary for urban energy systems, thedevelopment of a shared ontology for the domain of urban energymodels, and a common repository for historical urban data.

    Firstly, a standard set of terms for urban energy would beuseful as a transparent basis of comparison between modellingmethods and case studies. Agreed definitions amongst researchersare used in other fields, for example the glossary used by the



    Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change for their assessmentreport on mitigation strategies [296]. In the urban energy context,thekeyissuesarelikelytobethedefinitionofurbanandenergysys-tems boundaries which could be of benefit for comparative studiesof modelling methodologies. The definition of urban energy sys-tems that we have proposed above provides a starting point forsuch a discussion, as it highlights therange of issues that should beconsidered.

    Secondly,a set of standardized definitionsof urban energymod-els could be formalized into a shared and structured ontology, forexample through the open-source software Protg.5 An ontologyis defined as a formal explicit specification of a shared concep-tualization [297], and ontologies are widely used in informationscience to describe the relations between defined objects within aparticular domain, andthe propertiesof these objects. Forinstance,the SynCity project at Imperial College employs an ontology todescribe the objects, processes and relationships inherent in thecombined processes of cities. As such, electricity is defined as aninstance of the resource class, which has assigned properties, suchas the cost of importand unit of measure. Theprocess classes, alongwith their instances (e.g. an electric heater), are then related to theelectricity resource by the use of electricity units [246].

    There are many potential benefits of setting up an internationalontology for urban energy models, including increased dialogue,transparency and standardized bases for comparative research.However the large investments in both time and money thatresearchers expend in creating their work environments area largebarrier to adoption of new techniques. It will also be necessaryto involve senior researchers in the field, as their tacit experiencewill be invaluable in assigning the relevant relationships betweenobjects [298]. A number of examples of previous projects have beenattempted, including the Digital Government Research CentersEnergy Data Collection system, where an ontology was created tostandardize data types and enable sharing of U.S. federal and statelevel monthly energy statistics. This ontology described the rela-tions between, for example, product type (e.g. unleaded gasoline),property measured (e.g. price, volume), area of the measure (e.g.

    USA,California)andtheunitofmeasure[299]. Morerecentresearchhas compared ontologies built for different methods of agent basedmodelling of urban energy systems, and found them to be comple-mentary [300]. Moreover, a recent survey of 50 energy modellersdetermined that the majority of modellers build their own toolsand models, but only half use some form of shared ontology [301].

    Finally in parallel with the suggestions above,there is a place forthe constructionof a centralizedrepository for cities energyrelateddata. This would be useful in organizing existing data sources andproviding a natural home fornew data emerging from the so-calleddata deluge of pervasive sensors, mobile phones, and so on [302].Storage of energyrelated datais already employed by many organi-zations, yet is largely on a national scale [303305] although somecountries provide much more detailed data at a neighbourhood

    level [306]. The consolidation of thisdata,alongwith the identifica-tion of key indicators, could be helpful in providing robust analysesof urban energysystems. This would be particularly usefulfor data-scarce developing world cities. An excellent example of how thiscan be done in an interactive open manner is Enipedia, a semanticwiki that enables users to access a wide range of energy systemdata and easily manipulate for their own research purposes.6

    The goal of these activities should therefore be to make datacollection, organization and sharing easier so that researchers canfocus on analysis.

    5 http://protege.stanford.edu/.6


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    5.3. Model integration via activity-basedmodelling

    Activity-based models of land use and transport processespresent a significant new opportunity for the development ofbottom-up activity-based models of resource and energy demand.As described in Section 3.6.2, the current state-of-the-art in inte-grated land use-transport models can predict travel and activitypatterns of all the agents in the study area at high levels of spa-tial and temporal resolution, in a behaviourally realistic and policysensitive manner. The extension of such demand models to allresources (e.g. heating, electricity, transport fuel and others) andtheir integration with integrated urban supply networks is there-fore one of the most promising emerging opportunities in the fieldof urban energy systems modelling.

    An integrated bottom-up and disaggregate model of urbandemand and supply vectors would have several attractive quali-ties, such as the ability to predict resource demands at high spatialand temporal resolutions, to the extent of being able to producebuilding-by-building resource needs by the second; the ability topredict resource demands along different dimensions while at thesame time retaining the dependencies and links between theseresource demands; sensitivity to a variety of policy scenarios andthe ability to capture both the direct and the indirect effectsof poli-cies on resource demands. Activity-based integrated urban energysystem models could therefore form an effective test-bed for newscenarios and technological solutions.

    5.3.1. Strengths of integrated activity-based urban energy system


    The strengths of such a model are attributable primarily to twofactors. First, the activity-based paradigm ensures a behaviouralapproach to predicting resource demands that acknowledges theirderived nature. In other words, resource demands arise as a resultof individuals performing activities and the models consequentlyproduce reliable and policy-sensitive forecasts that retain the linksbetween different demand vectors. Second, the agent-based disag-

    gregate approach provides high resolution detail, which serves asan effective input to integrated supply models.Theseattributesofactivity-basedmodelsareowedtothesignifi-

    cant developments in micro-econometric and simulation methods.An agent-based micro-simulation model of urban energy systemssupports notonly the simulation of the infrastructure networks butalso the behaviour, activities and consequent resource demands ofevery entity in the study area by the second. Moreover, economet-ric advances in behavioural modelling that have occurred over thelast few decades have enabled the development of disaggregatebehavioural models that predict highly heterogeneous behavioursof individuals such as loyalty, variety-seeking,learning, spatial cog-nition, socially constrained preferences and norms, and so on.

    5.3.2. Challenges in developing integrated activity-based urbanenergy systemmodels

    The primary challenges in developing an integrated activity-based model of urban energy systems are the computationalrequirements and data needs. The development and calibration ofsuch extensive integrated model systems depends on the avail-ability of a variety of different kinds of data, which is typicallynot available from a single source. Also the implementation ofthese model systems accordingly requires extensive data handlingcapabilities as well as computational efficiency. However, in anincreasingly digital world, we have many new potential sources ofdata such as GSM and GPS traces from mobile phones that mitigatethe challenge posed by the data requirements, just as the develop-ment of parallel computing technologies and cloud storage serve

    to mitigate the computational challenge.

    While these are challenges that the urban and transport plan-ning community have faced for a long time, a new challenge posedby the integration of urban demand and supply models is theinteresting new interface that is created between the descriptivedemand models and the normative supply models. Such an inter-face has been traditionally dealt with through equilibrium-seekingfeedback processes, though some behavioural economists arguethat most complex systems (such as urban energy systems) arenever in equilibrium. The development of integrated and activity-based urban energy model systems therefore open up interestingquestions as well as opportunities.

    Technically, the development of these models will be aided bysome of the opportunities identified above. In particular, computa-tionaladvances(e.g. parallelization,more efficient microsimulationmodels, and more powerful computers), as well as the increasedusage of cloud computing and ontologies as described above, willbe vital if the capabilities of these models are to be expandedwhile maintaining their usability. Model development efforts arelikely to focus on improved behavioural models, as descriptions ofthe decision-making behaviour of individual agents (e.g. travellers,developers, employers) underpin these tools. Developments in thetechnologies available for modelling these agent-level behavioursserve as a strong driving and enabling force in the development ofbehaviourally realistic and policy-sensitive resource demand pre-diction models.

    5.3.3. Value of integrated activity-based UESmodels

    Ultimately, however, the value of developing such integratedmodels lies in the application. What are the needs fulfilled bymodels of urban energy systems? These systems are typicallydeveloped: (a) to analyse the impacts of various demographic sce-narios (such as aging and migration patterns); (b) to test andevaluate different policy measures and baskets of policies (suchas fuel taxation or fiscal incentives for energy efficient consumerproducts such as hybrid electric vehicles); (c) to test technolog-ical and systems level solutions (such as CHP, centralized versus

    decentralized energy supply networks, renewable energy sourcesand associated energy storage) and (d) to identify opportuni-ties for energy efficiency (such as through retrofitting and moreclosely integrated supply networks). Integrated urban energy sys-tem model systems can thus potentially support policy-makers,city planners, entrepreneurs as well as businesses such as energyand resource suppliers, and technology manufacturers.

    6. Conclusions

    As is evident from the large and diverse body of literature high-lighted here, urban energy consumption is of growing interest andmodels of urban energy systems are a key tool in assessing bet-

    ter designs, new policies, and related technologies. Over the lastfew decades there has been a deluge of models with a variety offormulations and applications, and a wide temporal and spatialscale. However, there is no resource out there that helps under-stand and make sense of this vast body of literature, no piece ofwork that brings to light the full scope of the activity in this area.That is the gap we attempt to fill with this paper, by providing acomprehensive review of the literature in urban energy systemsmodelling.

    We first presented a definition of urban energy systems, as thecombined processes of acquiring and using energy to satisfy theenergy service demands of a given urban area. This set thecontextand scope for a review of 219 papers, covering five distinct areas ofpractice. On reviewing these papers it was noted that integrated

    land use-transport (LUT) modelling, although highly relevant to

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    urban energy systems, was missing from the search results and soa supplementary review of this area was conducted.

    The field of urban energy systems modelling clearly faces anumber of challenges, including technical obstacles related to thecomplexity of the models and data uncertainty, and audience-oriented issues concerning model integration and policy relevance.To some extent, we believe these can be alleviated by opportuni-ties in methods and technology including new data sources such asGPS/GSM signal traces, sensitivity analysis and cloud computing,and activity-based modelling. Although these are technical innova-tions,we believe they will also improve thepolicyrelevanceof workin this area by capturing more policy levers, explicitly addressingquestions of uncertainty, and by defining standards for consistentand comparable data.

    Overall then, the future of urban energy systems modellingappears to be the use of activity and agent-based modellingmethods in conjunction with improved data standards andcomputational advances to estimate spatially and temporally dis-aggregated resource demands within an integrated model of urbanenergy supply. Such a model would capture the complexity inher-ent in urban areas today and would enable the analysis of basketsof policies and solutions that cut across traditionally independentbut increasingly inter-related sectors such as transport, electric-ity, heating and even other urban resource services such as watersupply.

    Urban energy system modelling unarguably has a great dealof potential and faces numerous other challenges not explicitlyaddressed here, such as the challenges of modelling developingeconomies. However this paper has tried to collate a diverse bodyof practice into a recognizable field, one to which researchers andpractitioners can contribute and develop further.


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