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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    GEOGRAPHY (IAS OUR DREAM) Compiled by IOD member Swati Chaudhary for January 2012

    What is regolith? The upper unconsolidated and disintegrated rock materials. These are the bases for soil formation. Due to differential erosion on the coast the hard rock remains projected outside while the soft rocks are cut inside. Theseindentations on the coast are known asCliff Cove Haffs Nehrung Cliff The intensive erosion due to a network of streams in the plain adjoining the shiwalik hills, particularly in the Hoshiarpur District, is known as_ Doab Pat Chos Khols Chos. places through which standard meridian pass in india Allahabad. A dwarf scrubcommonly found in the semi-arid parts of west and southern Australia is calledasMaquis Chapparal

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    Baobabs Mallee Mallee Which of the following statements is/ are true? (1) Hamilton is known as "Birmingham of Canada" (2) Eskilstuna is known as "Birmingham ofsweden". Only (1) Only (2) Both (1) & (2) Neither (1) nor (2) 2 The 'Long, narrow and sinous ridges of sands and gravels situated in the middle of ground moraines' are termed as Eskers Drumlins Roche mountonnees Aretes Drumlins Atlas Maps are also known as (a) Cadastral Maps (b) Topographical Maps (c) Thematic Maps (d)Chorographical Maps Chorographical Maps Taiwan (China) and Philippines are separated from each other by which strait? Soya Strait Malacca Strait Luzon Strait Formosa Strait

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    Luzon Strait

    The layer of the water in the oceans that separates the warmer surface layer from the deeper colder layer is called. Epiliminion Hypsotherm Hypotherm Thermocline Thermocline

    The 'Accra - Kumasi - Takordi' triangle, is well-known for which of the following plantation crop? Cocoa Rubber Palm Oil Coffee A. Cocoa

    Which of the following climatic types is said to be "ideal climate for maximum comfort and mental alertness"? (a) British Type climate (b) Laurentian Type climate (c) Mediterranean Type climate (d) Gulf Type climate A. British Type climate

    Which of the following river has cut an extra-ordinary gorge in the Nari-khorasan province in Tibet?

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    Indus Satluj Brahmaputra Shyok B. Satluj

    'Dhands' areAlkaline lakes formed in former dried river courses. Mass of alluvium broken by rivers and streams. Continous ridges of aeolian deposits in bhangarCalcareous formations in bhangar. Alkaline lakes formed in former dried river courses.

    Solfatara' is a term that indicates smoke and gas emitting vent a depression formed at the mouth of a volcanic vent a flat lava dome formed of basaltic lava a volcanic vent emitting sulphur as a dominant constituent. a volcanic vent emitting sulphur as a dominant constituent. The 'knock-and-lochan' topography is associated with which of the following landforms? Fluvial Landforms Arid Landforms Coastal Landforms Glacial Landforms Glacial Landforms

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    What is albedo of the earth? Reflected Amount of radiation is called the ALBEDOof the Earth. What is shatter belt? a region that is persistently splintering and fracturing. Name the country share longest land frontier with india? Bangladesh duncan passage is in? b/w great andman and little andman.. Name the countrieslarger in size than india russia,canda,usa,china,,brazil and australia.. Gujaratis the largest producer of salt in India because (a) It has extensive shallow seas (b) Beside producing salt from saline water it has reserves of rock salt (c)it has extensive dry coast (d) Its coastal water are very saline A. It has extensive shallow seas

    India's largest mica belt lies in the district of (a) Hazaribagh, Gaya and Monghyr (b) Salem and Dharmapuri (c) Balaghat and Chhindwara (d) Udaipur, Ajmer and Alwar A. Hazaribagh, Gaya and Monghyr

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    The only place where tin is found in India is (a) Quilon (b) Hazaribagh (c) Rewa(d) Salem REWA in MP Chhattisgarh is the only tin producing State in India. Tinore is known as cassiterite, which was reported in Dantewara district (Bastar district in formerly Madhya Pradesh) Source - Director of geology and mining Chatisgarh. The main oil refinery in India are situated near seaport because (a) India needs much crude oil which is mostly imported (b) Petrol is available near sea port (c) Most of the crude oil is exported (d) Sea water is required for refining crude oil A. India needs much crude oil which is mostly imported Which Indian state leads in the production of silver ? (a) Karnataka (b) Rajasthan (c) Gujarat (d) Madhya Pradesh A. Karnataka

    why earth exp. highest temp in sub tropics in the north hemisphere rather than at the equator ? a) sub tropical area tend to have less cloud cover than equatorial areas. b) sub tropical areas have longer day hours in the summer than the equatorial. c) sub tropical areas have an enhanced green house effect compared to equatorial areas.

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    d) sub tropical areas are nearer to oceanic areas than the equatorial locations.A. sub tropical area tend to have less cloud cover than equatorial areas. Theseare the regions of Dynamically induced high pressure belts of Earth where subsiding air doesn't favour the formation of clouds. Clouds form where there are convectional currents set in. Among the following areas, the widest continental shelf off India is found (a) Around the Gulf of Cambay (b) Off the krishna and Godavari deltas (c) Around the Konkan coast (d) Around the Palk Strait D. Around thePalk Strait In which season is the frequency of tropical cyclones in the Bay ofBengal maximum ? (a) After summer (b) During autumn (c) During winter (d) During monsoon It is during august to november, Bay of Bengal experiences highest no.of cyclones. As long as ITCZ lies over Indian subcontinent, it attracts the cyclones formed in the BoB. The four season recognised by the Indian MeterologicalDepartment are (a) Winter spring summer autumn (b) None of these (c) winter monsoon summer fall (d) Winter monsoon summer post-monsoon D. ) Winter monsoon summer post-monsoon

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    The climate of India is (a) Subtropical monsoon (b) Tropical climate (c) Sub tropical climate (d) Savanna type of climate B. Tropical climate The maximum numberof workers are employed in which industry in India / (a) Sugar (b) Iron and Steel (c) Jute (d) Textiles D. Textiles

    The first modern steel industry was set up in India at (a) Jamshedpur in Bihar (b) Rourkela in orissa (c) Salem in Tamil Nadu (d) Kulti in West Bengal D. Kultiin West Bengal The principal cashew proccesing centre of India is in (a) Quilon(b) Madras (c) Goa (d) Cochin its Quilon also called as Kollam in Kerala The premonsoon mango showers occur predominantly in (a) West Bengal And Assam (b) Gujarat and Maharashtra (c) Deccan Plateau (d) Kerela and Karnataka

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    D. ) Kerela and Karnataka Nepanagar is famous for (a) Textiles industry (b) Noneof these (c) Newsprint industry (d) Steel industry C. Newsprint industry Whichof the following industry started first in India ? (a) Tea (b) Cotton (c) Paper(d) Jute A. Tea Which one of the following factors account largely for the concentration of glass industry in Uttar Pradesh ? (a) Avalability of good quality sand and skilled worker in the art of glass making (b) Rapid urbanisation which create large market from urban consumers (c) Rapid industrialisation which led togreat demand for glass products (d) Availability of good quality sand and chemical like sulphur and soda ash D. Availability of good quality sand and chemical like sulphur and soda ash Aircrafts are built in India at (a) Madras/Bombay (b) Delhi/Dehradun (c) Kanpur/bangalore (d) Calcutta/Cochin C. Kanpur/bangalore

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    The north - western India receives substantial rainfall during winter months because of (a) South - west monsoon (b) North -east monsoon (c) Retreating monsoon(d) Westerly disturbance D. Westerly disturbance Name the states having 2 bio sphere reserves? ASSAM(2), KERALA(2), MP(2),TN(3).

    Biosphere Reserves are: 1. Nilgiri, 2. Nanda Devi3. Nokrek, 4. Manas, 5.Sunderbans, 6.Gulf of Mannar, 7.Great Nicobar, 8.Similipal, 9.Dibru-Saikhowa, 10. DehangDebang, 11. Kanchanjunga, 12. Pachmarhi, 3.Agasthyamalai, 14.Achanakmar-Amarkantak, 15.Kachchh, 16.Cold Desert and17. Seshachalam Statewise distribution: 1. AndhraPradesh- Seshachalam 2. Arunachal Pradesh- Dehang Debang 3. Assam* - Dibru-Saikhowa, Manas 4.Chattisgarh- Achanakmar-Amarkantak(Part) 5. Gujarat - Kachchh 6. Himachal Pradesh- Cold Desert 7. Karnataka- Nilgiri(Part) 8. Kerala*- Nilgiri(Part), Agasthyamalai (Part) 9. Madhya Pradesh*- Pachmarhi, Achanakmar-Amarkantak(part) 10. Meghalaya- Nokrek 11. Orissa- Similipal 12 Sikkim- Kanchanjunga 13. Tamil Nadu*- Nilgiri(Part), Agasthyamalai(Part), Gulf of Mannar 14. Uttarakhand-NandaDeviLove is all we want .LIKE OUR PAGE at https://www.facebook.com/IASOURDREAM

  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    15. West Bengal- Sunderbans 16. A&N Islands- Great Nicobar which planets or satellites in our solar system show Anti green house effect?? TITAN- STAURN Which country has Largest area under forest in South Asia? Bhutan Tallest grass?? Bamboo: Dendrocalamus strictus Family: Graminae(family of grass & herb) which countryhas largest area under forest? Russia largest deposits of coal(country)? India

    greatest newspaper producer?(country) canada.. largest producer of timber? USA Douglas? d tallest trees of d world found in CaliforniaLove is all we want .LIKE OUR PAGE at https://www.facebook.com/IASOURDREAM

  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    why is annual range of temp high in siberian plains ? huge extent of land & no effective rainfall in that region!!!! What is perihelion? Earth's minimum distance frm sun. around 3rd or 4th jan. What is aphelion ? Earths maximum distance frmsun. around 4 july.. fastest train in india Shatabdi ex delhi Bhopal write about shale gas ? Shale is a common rock formation across the world. India has hugeshale deposits across the Gangetic plain, Assam, Gujarat, Rajasthan, and many coastal areas. Gas has long been found in shale across the world, but its extraction has been viewed as uneconomic because of shales low permeability gas does notflow easily through this rock. So, exploration for oil and gas has traditionallyfocused on limestone and sandstone, which have high permeability World's Largest Producer of Uranium? producer-AUS and reserv-Kazak what is Oasis ? An oasis isan isolated area of vegetation in a desert, typically surrounding a spring or similar water source. hottest and coldest place of india coldest place is drass in jammu kashmir hottest place is jaisalmeer in rajasthanLove is all we want .LIKE OUR PAGE at https://www.facebook.com/IASOURDREAM

  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    Potato cultivation in India...nd exports, UP tops the list of producers. what isequinox? day and night r equal length, two times in the year 21 March and 23 Sep. sun's rays are verticle to equator. The Earth is spinning on its rotational axis at a rate ? 1670 km/hr country largest producer of marine fish china in theterm of quantity 2004.. mayanmar in the term of growth Brazilian rain forests? Brazilian rain forests known as Selvas.

    difference between dwarf planet and planet? planet...a rocky, or gaseous, spherical, celestial body..orbits the sun, but does not emit its own light..also considered to be a celestial body that has sufficient mass, it has its own gravity that overcomes unyielding body forces, and is formed into a hydrostatic equilibrium, or round, shape. It is neither a star nor a satellite of another planet. dwarf planet is also a spherical body orbiting the sun; however, to be a dwarf planet, it must be smaller than 3031 miles in diameter, but heavy

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    enough to bear a resemblance to a planet...a dwarf planet is not big enough to have a distinct orbital path, nor does it orbit another object, like a moon.

    Currently, only 5 planets Pluto, Ceres, Makemake, Haumea, and Eris are known asdwarf planets, while there are 9 main planets, which includes the earth. patagonia is a desert in the rain shadow area of the andes, explain ? The Andes preventthe westerly flow of moisture from the south pacific from reaching inland and makes the wind on the lee side arid and hence the desert. Explain the differencebetween shore and coast ? Geographically speaking, the coast is the strip of land bordering the sea or ocean along a continent or an island. The coastline marksthe seaward limit of the landmass, which is permanently exposed to wave action.Waves, currents, tides and winds are the chief agents shaping our coastlines. Some coasts are straight, while others are rugged or contain marshes or coral reefs. The shore is the zone between the lowest and the highest watermarks reachedby storm waves. The position of the shoreline varies with the rise and fall of tides, and fluctuates at different parts of the day and night. There are three distinct parts of the shore 1 Offshore: this part of the shore is nearest to the sea. It is under water even at low tide. There is much sand on the sea bed. 2 Foreshore: this refers to the zone between high tide and low tide. It is under water during high tide. It s the surf zone. 3 Back shore: it is the part of the shore between the high tide and the highest water level, which can only be reached by exceptional storm waves. Its sea bed is strewn with shingle and pebblesLove is all we want .LIKE OUR PAGE at https://www.facebook.com/IASOURDREAM

  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    Tektites are? natural glass rocks difference between tropical rain forest and coniferious forest?? Tropical Rainforest ---location between 23.5 degrees N latitude and 23.5 degrees S latitude. Coniferous Forest --typically found in coastal areas with mild winters and heavy rainfall or in in-land mountainous areas with mild climates. Examples of where these forests are found are Pacific NorthwesternUnited States and Canada, southwestern South America, Southern Japan, New Zealand and small parts of northwestern Europe (Ireland, Scotland, Iceland and Norway). Saint Helena island, located in the South Atlantic Ocean, is the Overseas Territory of which country ? (A) Canada (B) Germany (C) United Kingdom (D) United States of America united kingdom Which Indian state would you be in if you were enjoying sun bath at Devbagh Beach ? (A) Karnataka (B) Tamil Nadu (C) Andhra Pradesh (D) West Bengal A. ) Karnataka

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    10th International Seafood Summit, which will be held September 6-8, 2012 at theKowloon-Shangri-La Hotel in Hong Kong, China

    why kutch area is called rann of kutch ? Rann means salt marsh, an environment in coastal intertidal zone between land and salt water or brackish water, it is dominated by dense stands of halophytic (salt-tolerant) plants. its Arid n Desertlyk area in kutch peninsula there r two rann in kutch 1. Big Desert near pakistan Border and 2. Some arid area between kutch and suredranagar district. KUTCH BIG DESERT ALSO KNOWN AS MAHAMARUSTHALI Kutchh is also largest district of Indiain area. Difference between Salinity and Alkalinity. How it impacts the soil? SALINITY : - relative proportion of salt in a solution ALKALINITY : - pH value above 7.

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    Natural vegetation map of India


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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    sambhar is largest SALTY lake while JAISAMAND is largest fresh water lake..

    temperature of surface water of oceans in northern n southern hemisphere? avg annual temp for ocean n.h.-19 degre c s.h- 16 degre c

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    which major food crop is most likely to be affected by climate change? wheat isa quirky kind of crop ,,,nd it requires ideal conditions...cold climate is veryimp for germination nd vernalisation period of wheat crop..If winter wheat did not receive ideal conditions, it would not produce a crop and would appear only as straw. Write about ACE Satellite? There are at least two ACE satellites in space that produce information that is of value to the amateur radio operator. TheUnited States maintains the The Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) Satellite and the Canadian Government maintains the Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment (ACE) Satellite . NASA's Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) Satellite is being suspended about 1million miles in space to study energetic particles from the solar wind, the interplanetary medium, and other sources.. What is a rift ? place where the Earth's crust and lithosphere are being pulled apart. the divergant plate boundaries at the margin cause the development of rift. highest peak of satpura range??? dhupgarh of mahadeo hills. What is the significance of trenches? most of them lie along the ring of fire and so they r greatly associated with earthquakessince they hav activ volcanic activity .

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    Ring of fire region means southeast pacific its mostly known as High risk damagezone. These region has active valcanic activity inculding Indonesia, japan, etc. Sediments can be accumulated in these trenches. Lateron these sediments are squeezed, compressed, folded and uplifted as mtns. So trenches are the orogenic sources. What is an oceanic ridge an underwater mountain range formed by plate tectonics. they r activ since they r formed out of magma constanly emerging out ofdem,,nd so they cud termed to b d world's longest mountain ranges over 65,000 km. what is a biotope? An area that is uniform in environmental conditions and inits distribution of animal and plant life. Example is Amzon rainforest ! Jet streams are caused due to?? Jet streams are caused by a combination of a planet's rotation on its axis and atmospheric heating (by solar radiation). Jet streams form near boundaries of adjacent air masses with significant differences in temperature, such as the polar region and the warmer air towards the equator. gravitational force is maximum at ? 1) north pole 2) south pole 3) equator 4) surface its max at poles, but both r given in it. So alternatively. g is max at surfarce of earth n it decreases with height n depth. whats el-nino??

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    it is hot pacific ocean current flowing 180 km west from peru...increases temp by 5* c of that area which affects south west mansoon. The Trans-Siberian Railwaypasses through how many time zones? Moscow - Vladivostok (the original Trans-Siberian) goes through 7 time zones. Moscow time is GMT+3, Vladivostok time is GMT+ 10. Tributaries of krishna river ? 1)hiranyakeshi,hemavati, tungabhadra 2)panchaganga,bhima,tungabhadra 3)malaprabha,ghataprabha,dhoodganga 4)kali,ghataprabha,hiranyakeshi select the options 1)1 only 2)2&3 only 3)2,3&4 4)none of these 2 which is highest peak in Western Ghat ? a. Kalsubai b. Kudremukh c. Anaimudi c.Anaimudi K-index? K-Index in meteorology is a measure of the thunderstorm potential based on vertical temperature lapse rate, moisture content of the lower atmosphere, and the vertical extent of the moist layer. Which one of the following is not a fact regarding South India? (a) Diurnal range of temperature is less here. (b) Annual range of temperature is less here.

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    (c) Temperatures here are high throughout the year. (d) Extreme climatic conditions are found here. (d) Extreme climatic conditions are found here. what are karrens (lapies)?Karren are minor forms of karst due to solution of rock on its surface. The nameKarren is German, or better Austrian, describing a common surface feature in the Austrian and German Alps. Lapies is the same thing, the term originates from the French. In English both terms are used equally and synonymously. Karren are formed when water runs down a rock surface with a slope, dissoluting the rock while it runs. Thus karren can be found on any soluble rock like limestone, dolomite or gypsum. Water always takes the direction of the highest gradient, which iscommonly described by the term steepest slope. When solution of the surface forms a shallow furrow in this direction, water is flowing into the furrow and through it, deepening it more and more. Finally the whole rock surface is drained through karren.

    Explain Larbrador current. The Labrador Current is a cold current in the North Atlantic Ocean which flows from the Arctic Ocean south along the coast of Labrador and passes around Newfoundland, continuing south along the east coast of NovaScotia. It is a continuation of the West Greenland Current and the Baffin IslandCurrent..... Which one of the following phenomenon happens when the sun shinesvertically over the Tropic of Capricorn in the southern hemisphere? (a) High pressure develops over North-western India due to low temperatures. (b) Low pressure develops over North-western India due to high temperatures. (c) No changes intemperature and pressure occur in north-western India. (d) Loo blows in the North-

    western India.

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    A. High pressure develops over North-western India due to low temperatures. Whatis the difference between forest area and forest cover? forest area-area notified by govt as forest, even if it dsnt hv a single tree. forest cover- actual canopy of trees. Sandalwood is an example of: (a) Evergreen forest (c) Deltaic forest (b) Deciduous forest (d) Thorny forest Decidious. What is the proportion of area of India which receives annual rainfall less than 75 cm? One-third which country is largest producer of mica? INDIA what is XBT ? it's application ? Expendable bathythermograph, a device for obtaining a record of temperature as a function of depth from a ship. The time at a place is determined by a)the parallels oflongitude b)the parallels of latitude c)distance from equator d)distance from prime meridian a and d

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    Endemic Species ?An endemic species is an animal or plant species whose habitat is restricted toa particular area or space on the globe.

    What is Jet Stream ? these are narrow , meandering, very long and swift wind streams present on the upper layer of troposphere. these may be thousands of km. long , 140 kms width but 10 -20 km in depth. these are polar front(primary jet stream) , subtropical jet stream , tropical jet stream existing only in North hemisphere, and polar jet. out of these suntropical jet stream persists through out the year .and tropical jet st, is important for the south west monsoon . ..causedby combination f planets rotations on axis and atmosphere heating What is Humbolt Current A cold ocean current of the South Pacific, flowing north along the western coast of South America. Also called Peru Current. also called PERU CURRENT....low -salinity current..flowin in d direction f equator. El Nio literally means ? El-nin-"little boy"christ child La-Nina-"little girl" both r derived from Spanish Write about Dudhsagar waterfall...? Situated at border of KARNATAKA n GOA...highest waterfall in INDIA & among top 100 waterfall f world. Torrential Rains? rain comes like "TORRENT"....simply means vry heavy rain....cause flooding

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    Mango Shower ? Premonsoonal rains in south ,dat helps in early ripening of mangoes is knwn as Mango showers! WHICH COUNTRY IS THE LARGEST PRODUCER OF SUGARCANEIN THE WORLD?? Brazil

    Define estuary ? Estuary is the point where fresh water frm river and salt waterfrm ocean meets nd mixes. estuary is made whn river directly (without making delta) falls in the sea. Narmada n tapi make esturies. How Air Pressure and wind affect on Climate ? Explaine it The difference in air pressure cause wind and when wind blows it takes clouds away particularly black clouds that cause rain etc. HVJ NATURAL GAS PIPELINE??? its hazira vijaipur jadishpur natural gas pipelineowned by Gail India limited. earlire it was called as HBJ Elaborate E A 'd ( Thornthwaite climatic classification) with example for such region in india .. E->Arid (Humidity Province), A'-> Thermal province, d->dry (Sub-types, typical signify rainfall regimes) SO EA'd refers to Marusthali region of RJ ii.e, Great India Desert region.

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  • 7/29/2019 84321239 Geography Iod


    Lighthouse of the mediterranean sea is_____? volcano on strombli island Which one of the following countries shares the longest land frontier with India? (a) Bangladesh (c) Pakistan (b) China (d) Myanmar Bangladesh-------4,096.7 km

    TIME ZONES **There is a general understanding among the countries of the world to select the standard meridian in multiples of 730' of longitude. That is why 8230' E has been selected as the standard meridian of India. Indian Standard Time is ahead of Greenwich Mean Time by 5 hours and 30 minutes. **There are some countries where there are more than one standard meridian due to their vast east-to-westextent. For example, the USA has seven time zones. France has the most time zones with12. On March 28, 2010, Russia eliminated two time zones, going from 11 to9, but still has the most contiguous time zones. Write about strait of hormuz and its importance on economy...? it connects gulf of persia nd gulf of Oman. theonly sea passage to the open ocean for large areas of the petroleum-exporting Persian Gulf. About 14 tankers carrying 15.5 million barrels (2,460,000 m3) of crude oil pass through the strait on an average day, making it one of the world'smost strategically

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    important choke points. This represents 35% of the world's seaborne oil shipments, and 20 percent of oil traded worldwide in 2011.... What are Endogenic Forces?Orginate in the interior of the earth,Causes sudden or slow movements Eg: Earthquke, Building Mountains

    What are Exogenic Forces Originate in the atmosphere or on the surface of the earth,Causes slow movements. Eg: Erosional and Depositional What is Arthur's seat?In Indian context - Authurs Seat is 1470 meters high. The queen of all points, Authurs point got its name after Arthur Mallet as he was the first man to come here and build a house. The arrangement of rocks on the southern side is compared with the world notable stratification of rocks of the Grand Canyon of Colorado inthe USA. The desolate deep valley Savitri on the left side and the not so deepgreen valley on the right side is a captivating sight. The Arthur's seat is theonly point from where one can see clearly the geographical differentiation of Kokan and Deccan. Just below the point is the window point.

    Earth's Radiation Budget**The Earth's Radiation Budget is a concept used for understanding: How much energy the Earth gets from the Sun and How much energy the Earth-system radiates back to outer space as invisible light. *If the Earth and the Earth's atmosphere retains more solar energy than it radiates back to space, the Earth will warm. *If the Earth and the Earth-system radiates more energy to space than it receivesfrom the sun, the Earth will cool.

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    **the Radiation Budget in terms of a see-saw or balance. If the Earth retains more energy from the Sun, the Earth warms and emits more infrared energy. This brings the Earth's Radiation Budget into balance. If the Earth emits more of this energy than it absorbs, the Earth cools. As it cools, the Earth emits less energy. This change also brings the Radiation Budget back into balance. ***Absorbed sunlight raises the Earth's temperature. Emitted radiation or heat lowers the temperature. When absorbed sunlight and emitted heat balance each other, the Earth'stemperature doesn't change - the radiation budget is in balance.

    What are atmospheric windows?

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    any of the wavelengths at which electromagnetic radiation from space can penetrate the earth's atmosphere. WRITE ABOUT STRAIT OF MALACCA AND ITS IMPORTANCE ON GLOBAL ECONOMY? The Strait of Malacca is a narrow, 805km stretch of water betweenthe Malaysia and the Indonesian island of Sumatra.The strait is the main shipping channel between the Indian Ocean and the Pacific Ocean, linking major Asian economies such as India, China, Japan and South Korea. Over 50,000 vessels pass through the strait per year,carrying about one-quarter of the world's traded goods including oil, Chinese manufactures, and Indonesian coffee. How many countriesborder the Mediterranean Sea? 21 NAME THE CONTINENTS THAT FORM THE MIRROR IMAGEOF EACH OTHER.....? AFRICA & SOUTH AMERICA HOW MANY KILOMETRES ARE REPRESENTEDBY 1 DEGREE OF LATITUDE? 1 degree of latitude is approximately 69 miles (111 kilometers) apart. The range varies (due to the earth's slightly ellipsoid shape) from 68.703 miles (110.567 km) at the equator to 69.407 (111.699 km) at the poles. only volcanic mountain of africa??? Mt kilimanjaro in africa and mt.fujiyama in japan....

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    what are little willies? cyclones in australia are called willy willy while little willies is the name of a band with norah jones. WHAT IS DOOMSDAY PLANE? In the event of nuclear war, a powerful meteor strike or even a zombie apocalypse, the thoroughly protected doomsday plane is ready to keep the president, secretaryof defense, Joint Chiefs of Staff and other key personnel in the air and out ofdanger.

    Nationalisation of Coal mines**India has a long history of commercial coal mining covering nearly 220 years starting from 1774 by M/s Sumner and Heatly of East India Company in the RaniganjCoalfield along the Western bank of river Damodar. ** However, for about a century the growth of Indian coal mining remained sluggish for want of demand but the introduction of steam locomotives in 1853 gave a fillip to it. **The production got a sudden boost from the First World War but went through a slump in the early thirties **Right from its genesis, the commercial coal mining in modern times in India has been dictated by the needs of the domestic consumption. **On account of the growing needs of the steel industry, a thrust had to be given on systematic exploitation of coking coal reserves in Jharia Coalfield. **Adequate capital investment to meet the burgeoning energy needs of the country was not forthcoming from the private coal mine owners. ** Unscientific mining practices adopted by some of them and poor working conditions of labour in some of the private coal mines became matters of concern for the Government. **On account of these reasons, the Central Government took a decision to nationalise the private coal mines

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    . Lunar eclipse occurs on _______? full moon nights. Why earth's core in solid form?? The melting point of materials varies depending on the applied pressure. As pressure increases so to does the melting temperature. The main constituent ofthe inner core is iron and the inner core pressure is approximately 330360 GPawhile the temperature varies from approximately 5000 to 7000 K. The extremely high pressures in the Earth's inner core therefore drive the melting point of theiron up beyond the temperature that occurs and the metals of the inner core cannot melt. Therefore the inner core is solid, even though it is the highest temperature region in the Earth.

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    LONDON London is made up of two ancient cities which are now joined together.. They are: * The City of London, know simply as the City which is the business and financial heart of the United Kingdom. It is also known as the Square Mile (2.59sq km/1 sq mi). It was the original Roman settlement (ancient Londinium), makingit the oldest part of London and already 1,000 years old when the Tower of London was built.. * The City of Westminster, where Parliament and most of the government offices are located. Also Buckingham Palace, the official London residenceof the Queen and the Royal family are located there too.. Together they all make up a region known as Greater London.. * London is the biggest city in Britainand in Europe.. * London occupies over 620 square miles.. * London has a population of 7,172,036 (2001).. * About 12 per cent of Britains overall population livein London.. * London has the highest population density in Britain, with 4,699people per square kilometre.. * London is in the southeast of England.. * Londonis the seat of central government in Britain.. * The tallest building in Londonis the Canary Wharf Tower.. * London was the first city in the world to have anunderground railway, known as the Tube.. * Some of the most important people fromcountries all over the world visit the Queen at Buckingham Palace.. * There areover 100 theatres in London, including 50 in the West End.

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    London theatre accounts for 45% of all UK theatre admissions and over 70% of box-office revenues..

    IsthmusIsthmus is a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land areas. It's sides are covered by water. Usually they obstruct the ocean navigation and canals are constructed to overcome them. Some famous Isthmuses: * The Isthmus of Kra connecting Malay Peninsula with the mainland of Asia. * The Isthmus of Suez between North Africa and Sinai Peninsula. *Isthmus of Panama between North and South America. * Isthmus of Gibraltar

    NEWLY DISCOVERED PLANETS Two more planets orbiting binary stars discovered: Kepler-34 b, Kepler-35 b binary star Kelper-34 b The Kelper-34 b planet has 22 per cent of the mass of Jupiter and 76 per cent of the radius of Jupiter. The planettakes 289 days to complete one orbit around the binary stars.Love is all we want .LIKE OUR PAGE at https://www.facebook.com/IASOURDREAM

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    Kepler 35 b In the case of Kepler 35 b, the transiting planet has 13 per cent ofthe mass of Jupiter and 73 per cent of radius of Jupiter. The planet takes just131 days to complete one orbit around the binary stars.

    where is 'death valley' located? eastern california highest point at 13000 feetnad lowest is below 250 feet of sea level. source of limestone and a salty river. which of the following cities in the world is known for the highest avg. No. Of thunderstorms in a year?? A) kampala B) sydney C) khartoum D) asuncion Khartoum 'ojos del salado' significance??? highest volcanic peak Ojos del Salado, a massive stratovolcano, is the highest active volcano on earth. It last erupted 700A.D., plus or minus 300 years. Its most recent activity was a gas and ash emission in 1993. Fumaroles, openings that emit gases and steam, and lava flows (of anuncertain age) also indicate recent minor volcanic activity. A strong smell of sulphur sometimes engulfs the summit from nearby fumaroles. The summit of Ojos del Salado has two peaks which are roughly the same elevation. The west summit inChile measures 21

    inches (54Love is all we want .LIKE OUR PAGE at https://www.facebook.com/IASOURDREAM

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    centimeters) higher than the east summit in Argentina. Most climbers ignore theslight difference in elevation and climb one or the other, although some, to make sure that theyve reached the true summit, climb both peaks. The east summit ismore difficult to reach, requiring a short technical climb that is usually climbed with a rope for protection. Both are rotten and loose. Ojos del Salado risesabove the Atacama Desert, the driest place in the world. Some parts of the Atacama have never recorded any rain, and evidence indicates that the desert receivedno measurable precipitation from 1570 to 1971. Ojos del Salado is extremely dryfor a high mountain, especially compared to those farther north in the PeruvianAndes. The mountain has no glaciers and any snow that falls in the winter meltsoff completely in summer. Ojos del Salado is the second highest mountain in theWestern Hemisphere and the Southern Hemisphere. It is located 370 miles (600 kilometers) north of 22,841 feet (6,962 meters) Aconcagua, the highest mountain inthe Western Hemisphere. Ojos del Salado, with 12,200 feet (3,688 meters) of prominence, is an ultraprominence peak (one with more than 5,000 feet of prominence) and the 43rd most prominent mountain in the world. Nevado Ojos del Salado, with an elevation of 22,615 feet, is the second highest mountain in South America and the highest mountain in Chile. The mountain straddles the border between Chile and Argentina.

    which is warm current?? A) Benguela B) East Greenland C) Canary D) Leeuwin

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    leeuwin. it flows southwards near the western coast of Australia. HEIGHEST HIMALAYAN PEAK IN INDIA?? Kanchanjunga. K2 is part of the Karakoram Range, and is located on the border between Baltistan, in Gilgit-Baltistan of Pakistan-administered Kashmir. which type of precipitation is independent of the latitude?? A) Orographic B) Convective C) Convergent D) Frontal orographic Difference between catchment area, river basin, drainage basin, watershed A river drains the water collected from a specific area, which is called its catchment area. An area drained bya river and its tributariesis called a drainage basin. The boundary line separating one drainage basin from the other is known as the watershed. The catchments oflarge rivers are called river basins while those of small rivulets and rills are often referred to as watersheds. There is, however, a slight difference between ariver basin and a watershed. Watersheds are small in area while the basins cover larger areas. rainage basin - pertains to area drained by a river + its tributaries Catchment area - Area drained by a single river (not its tributaries) River Basin - catchments of large rivers Watershed - Catchments of small rivulets. Also acts as a divide between two drainage basins.

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    each river n each of its tributaries has its respective catchment area bt d setof these catchment areas together is called a drainage basin ridge to ridge approach River basin: ridge to valley approach. where is sugar loaf mountains r located?? Reo de janeiro who is referred as 'glacier man of India'?? Chewang Norphel..... Bihu is regional dance form of A. B. C. D. Andhrapradesh Assam Kerala Karnataka

    Assam . set of three different cultural festivals of Assam and celebrated by theAssamese diaspora around the world. BOSTON TEA PARTY The Boston Tea Party was adirect action by colonists in Boston, a town in the British colony of Massachusetts, against the British government and the monopolistic East India Company that controlled all the tea imported into the colonies. On December 16, 1773, afterofficials in Boston refused to return three shiploads of taxed tea to Britain,a group of colonists boarded the ships and destroyed the tea by throwing it intoBoston Harbor. The incident remains an iconic event of American history, and other political protests often refer to it. The Tea Party was the culmination of aLove is all we want .LIKE OUR PAGE at https://www.facebook.com/IASOURDREAM

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    resistance movement throughout British America against the Tea Act, which had been passed by the British Parliament in 1773. Colonists objected to the Tea Act for a variety of reasons, especially because they believed that it violated theirright to be taxed only by their own elected representatives. Protesters had successfully prevented the unloading of taxed tea in three other colonies, but in Boston, embattled Royal Governor Thomas Hutchinson refused to allow the tea to bereturned to Britain. He apparently did not expect that the protestors would choose to destroy the tea rather than concede the authority of a legislature in which they were not directly represented. LARGEST PRODUCER OF THE BAUXITE IN THE WORLD??? australia: in the northern portion just beside the gulf of carpentria, there is a town known as Wiepa hav largest open carst mine of bauxite in the world..... what is ecology and it s principle? the term ecology was given by huxley .ecology refers to the study of relation between biotic and abiotic in a environment setting and also the relation within the biotic component.ecosystem is subset of ecology within the superset. principle of ecology 1.the energy flow in ecosystem is unidirectional within the trophic level . 2.flow of matter takes placein cyclic pathway. 3. flow of energy follow the principle of thermodynamic it means energy is never destroyed nor being created. 4.black model approach is usedto study ecosystem in which only output and input is taken in consideration in terms of energy and matter. 5.ecosystem has spatial and temporary dimension. withspatial it means that ecosytem occupy area or space and with temporay it meansthat eosystem is not permanent for eg. pond created due to flood in agriculturefield act as ecosytem but it may dry if not replenished next year. 6.ecosytem isopen system where interaction takes place between ecoystem and surrounding envi

    ronment through matter and energy flow.

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    wht do u kw abt Zulu time?? zulu tym is k\a universal coordinated tym..it is a succesor of greenwich mean tym in near by close succession range it is based on International Atomic Time (TAI) with leap seconds added at irregular intervals tocompensate for the Earth's slowing rotation An email sent from someone in the Ztime zone will have the time zone listed as "+0000" in the headers of the email. Based on the variations in its geological structure and formations, India canbe divided into three geological divisions. These geological regions broadly follow the physical features: (i) The Penisular Block (ii) The Himalayas and otherPeninsular Mountains (iii) Indo-Ganga-Brahmaputra Plain. explain abt each. (I)THE PENINSULAR BLOCK: The northern boundary of the Peninsular Block may be taken as an irregular line running from Kachchh along the western flank of the AravaliRange near Delhi and then roughly parallel to the Yamuna and the Ganga as far asthe Rajmahal Hills and the Ganga delta. Apart from these, the Karbi Anglong andthe Meghalaya Plateau in the northeast and Rajasthan in the west are also extensions of this block . The north eastern parts are separated by the Malda fault in West Bengal from the Chotanagpur plateau. In Rajasthan, the desert and other desertlike features overlay this block. The Peninsula is formed essentially by a great complex of very ancientLove is all we want .LIKE OUR PAGE at https://www.facebook.com/IASOURDREAM

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    gneisses and granites, which constitutes a major part of it.

    (II)THE HIMALAYAS AND OTHER PENINSULAR MOUNTAINS: The Himalayas along with otherPeninsular mountains are young, weak and flexible in their geological structureunlike the rigid and stable Peninsular Block. Consequently, they are still subjected to the interplay of exogenic and endogenic forces, resulting in the development of faults, folds and thrust plains. These mountains are tectonic in origin, dissected by fast-flowing rivers which are in their youthful stage. Various landforms like gorges, Vshaped valleys, rapids, waterfalls, etc. are indicative ofthis stage. (III)INDO-GANGA-BRAHMAPUTRA PLAIN: comprises the plains formed by the river Indus, the Ganga and the Brahmaputra. Originally, it was a geo-synclinal depression which attained its maximum development during the third phase of the Himalayan mountain formation approximately about 64 million years ago. Since then, it has been gradually filled by the sediments brought by the Himalayan andPeninsular rivers. Average depth of alluvial deposits in these plains ranges from 1,000-2,000 m. what is paleomagnetism?? It is d study of record of d Earth's magnetic field in rocks. This record provides information on d past behaviour ofEarth's magnetic field and the past location of tectonic plates.

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    differentiate between a gulf and a strait? A strait or straits is a narrow, typically navigable channel of water that connects two larger land masses.../// while gulf is the large bay that is arm of ocean or sea mostly surronded by land....////

    Karewas are the thick deposits of glacial clay and other materials embedded withmoraines.

    what is 'environmental determinism' ? the doctrine that individual human actions, beliefs, and values are controlled or determined by the ambient environment....as the doctrine normally is, societies, cultures, and civilizations are also held to be the product of their environments. in the early stage of their interaction with their natural environment humans were greatly influenced by itthey adapted to the dictates of nature.this is so because the level of technology was verylow and the stage of human social development was also primitive.this type of interaction between primitive human society and strong forces of nature was termedas environmental determinism

    what is coral bleaching ?it refers to decolorisation or whitening of coral system ,loss of color pigment,decrease in density of color pigment of coral system. it was first discovered byalfred mayor in 1919 however wilkinson in 1998 highlighted the issue and catogorised it in 4 categories1.extremely effected -when destruction is more than 75%such system is found in pacific ocean. 2.severely effected -when destruction is

    between 52 -75 eg -red sea. 3.moderately effected 25 to 50 lakshadweep ,andamannicobar island 4.not effected below 25 causes of coral bleaching 1.epoozitics -the killing of algae by pathogen,disease such as coral

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    plague,white band ,black band. 2.increase in pH value may bring destruction of coral reef,presently pH value is around 7.6 to 7.8 . 3.global warming is one important reason of coral bleaching as coral can not tolerate high temperature. 4.turbidity currents and sedimentation-turbidity current originate near river mouthand along river coast ,with erosion ,they act as driller and sedimentation prevent sunrays hence causes hindrance in process of photosynthesis. 5.xeno biotic -coral bleachng by chemical pollution. 6. el lino which refers to warming of eastern pacific due to global warming shifted to central pacific . 7.other factor like mining in continental shelf,oil spilling. conclusion1997 year was proclaimed as year of coral reef to create awareness around the world about the devasting situation of coral system in central pacific.accelerated coral bleaching is product of human activities.UNCCR (united nation convention on coral reef) was constituted to protect and conserve the most valuable and fragile marine ecosystem butstill efforts are required.

    Wish u a happy n colourful holiiii


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