8 pivotal foreign aid moments in post-gadhafi libya

8 pivotal foreign aid moments in post-Gadhafi Libya

Post on 18-Oct-2014



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Since the downfall of Moammar Gadhafi‘s 42-year rule in October 2011, engagement by the global development community has increased, though it has been bumpy. Here are 8 pivotal foreign aid moments in post-Gadhafi Libya.


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8 pivotal foreign aid moments in post-Gadhafi Libya

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This week, Libyans head to the polls to elect members of the constituent assembly, the body that will write the

country’s constitution. The exercise is supported by the United Nations.

Since the downfall of Moammar Gadhafi‘s 42-year rule in October 2011, engagement by the global development

community has increased, though it has been bumpy.

Here are 8 pivotal foreign aid moments in post-Gadhafi Libya.

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December 2011

The United Nations Security Council agrees to unfreeze assets of fallen Libyan strongman Moammar Gadhafi in two

banks to fund post-conflict reconstruction in Libya.

The move follows an appeal by the transition government to release more of the frozen assets — worth $150 billion

in total — “to manage the country,” assuring U.N. members there’s no disunity within the new Libyan leadership.

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January 2012

Finland pledges funds (€1.6M) to help those affected by the conflict in Libya.

Other donors do the same: The United Kingdom commits a month later £1M aid toward demining efforts and a

program to promote participation of women and youth in the political process, a move to ensure a strong civil

society in Libya, according to U.K. Foreign Secretary William Hague. Others contribute funds to a regional effort

supporting democratic transition in Arab Spring countries.

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May 2012

In a report, the European Union sets as a goal the full participation of the Libya in the European Neighborhood

Policy —a financing instrument dedicated to countries south and east of the EU — by the end of 2013.

During the 2011 Libyan political crisis, the EU provided €156M in humanitarian support.

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July 2012

Libya holds elections for General National Congress, a body that appoints the country’s prime minister and Cabinet.

The government is currently led by Abdurrahim El-Keib.

In the wake of the polls, development partners, according to those on the ground, are focusing on building local

capacity, a departure from the postwar approach in Afghanistan and Iraq.

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August 2012

The International Committee of the Red Cross suspends work in Misrata and Benghazi following an attack on its

residence in the former. The security incident is the fifth suffered by ICRC offices in both cities since May.

“[T]here has apparently been a flare-up of misunderstandings and mistrust. ‘Foreign organizations’ are being eyed

with a certain degree of suspicion. We know that some in the country don't see the difference between the ICRC

and what they perceive to be ‘Western agencies’; they may be suspicious about us,” says Ishfaq Muhamad Khan,

ICRC's incoming head of delegation in Libya, when asked why the aid group has become a target of attacks.

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September 2012

U.S. mourns the loss of civilian officials — including U.S. Ambassador to Libya John Christopher Stevens and

Foreign Service Information Management Officer Sean Smith — at its consulate in Benghazi.

A report by a special team created in the wake of the incident recommends better protection of foreign personnel,

relying beyond security provided by host governments especially in high-risk, high-threat countries. It also urges

Congress to “do its part” by providing the State Department with the resources it requires to address security

threats in all its diplomatic outposts.

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October 2012

Seven Iranian aid workers regain freedom and are back home in Tehran.

The Iranian Red Crescent Society employees were abducted the day after they arrived in Benghazi three months


Iranian Red Crescent Society Secretary-General Zaher Rostami vows that the group will continue its humanitarian

work despite security threats.

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April 2013

The World Bank says it “is closely engaged with the new authorities in Libya to support the country's transition to a

stable and prosperous future using the energy of its young people and its natural endowments to the benefit of its


The statement follows a visit by World Bank Middle East and North Africa Vice President Inger Andersen (pictured)

to Libya, her first to the Middle East and North African country. She suggests areas where the World Bank could

help rebuild the country.

Before the revolution, the World Bank had limited engagement with Libya.

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