786 6755 id: 284572| 13, 2017 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. e · i. joey sweet, student regent (9:45 am) b....

UAA Staff Council Audio: 7866755 | ID: 284572| Agenda Thursday, July 13, 2017 9:30 a.m.11:30 a.m. LIB 302 I. Call to Order II. Introduction of Members [P = Present E = Excused X = Absent C = Call In] 20172018 UAA Staff Council Membership Term: H/S Term: H/S *Ryan Hill (Co‐President) Residence Life 17‐19 CP: 16‐18 S Teresa Kimmel Human Services 17‐19 S *Brenda Levesque (Co‐President) College of Health 17‐19 CP: 17‐19 H Kathy Lardner College of Education 16‐18 H *John Moore (Co‐Vice President) College of Arts & Sciences 17‐19 S Anne Lazenby Disability Support Services 17‐19 H Kelly Carothers Environmental Health & Safety 17‐19 S Zlata Lokteva College of Engineering 16‐18 H Kendra Conroy Business Enterprise Institute 16‐18 S Krystal Offord College of Arts & Sciences 17‐19 H Julie Cotterell (KPC) Admissions & Student Records 16‐18 H Erin Pikey Student Financial Assistance 16‐18 H Weston Davey (PWSC) Accounts Receivable 16‐18 H Romanie Roach CAFE 17‐19 H Kimberly Eames Department of English 17‐19 H Dave Robinson Financial Services 16‐18 H Sandy Gravley (Mat‐Su) Student Services 16‐18 S Charlotte Titus Justice Center 17‐19 S Hillary Haslip Bookstore 17‐19 S Elizabeth Winfree Center for Human Development 16‐18 H Kalynn Irwin (Kodiak) Fiscal Tech, Business Office 17‐19 H *=Committee Member ~=Alternate Committee Member H=Hourly/Non‐Exempt S=Salary/Exempt III. Approval of the Agenda (pg.1‐3) IV. Approval of the Summary (pg. 4‐6) V. President’s Report A. Guest speaker i. Joey Sweet, Student Regent (9:45 am) B. Elections Update C. Chancellor’s Search Update D. Retreat i. August 3, 2017 @ 9:00 am – 4:00 pm in Library 307 E. IT Follow‐up to Staff Council Presentation (pg. 7‐9)

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Page 1: 786 6755 ID: 284572| 13, 2017 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. E · i. Joey Sweet, Student Regent (9:45 am) B. Elections Update C. Chancellor’s Search Update D. Retreat i. August 3, 2017 @




I. CalltoOrder

II. IntroductionofMembers[P=Present E=Excused X=Absent C=CallIn]


Term: H/S Term: H/S



S TeresaKimmelHumanServices

17‐19 S


17‐19CP:17‐19 H

KathyLardnerCollegeofEducation 16‐18 H


17‐19 S AnneLazenbyDisabilitySupportServices

17‐19 H


17‐19 S ZlataLoktevaCollegeofEngineering

16‐18 H

KendraConroyBusinessEnterpriseInstitute 16‐18 S

KrystalOffordCollegeofArts&Sciences 17‐19 H


16‐18 H ErinPikeyStudentFinancialAssistance 16‐18 H


16‐18 H RomanieRoachCAFE

17‐19 H

KimberlyEamesDepartmentofEnglish 17‐19 H

DaveRobinsonFinancialServices 16‐18 H


16‐18 S CharlotteTitusJusticeCenter

17‐19 S


17‐19 S ElizabethWinfreeCenterforHumanDevelopment

16‐18 H

KalynnIrwin(Kodiak)FiscalTech,BusinessOffice 17‐19 H

*=CommitteeMember ~=AlternateCommitteeMember H=Hourly/Non‐Exempt S=Salary/Exempt

III. ApprovaloftheAgenda(pg.1‐3)

IV. ApprovaloftheSummary(pg.4‐6)

V. President’sReport

A. Guestspeakeri. JoeySweet,StudentRegent(9:45am)

B. ElectionsUpdateC. Chancellor’sSearchUpdateD. Retreat

i. August3,2017@9:00am–4:00pminLibrary307E. ITFollow‐uptoStaffCouncilPresentation(pg.7‐9)

Page 2: 786 6755 ID: 284572| 13, 2017 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. E · i. Joey Sweet, Student Regent (9:45 am) B. Elections Update C. Chancellor’s Search Update D. Retreat i. August 3, 2017 @

July13,2017 UAAStaffCouncilPage2 907‐786‐6755|PIN:284572|Agenda

VI. NewBusinessA. RecognitionofAppreciationDayCommittee(pg.10‐11)B. StaffandFacultyRegentPositions(pg.12‐13)C. EmeritusApplicationReview:RoxannValentineD. OfficerElections

i. Co‐VicePresident(Hourly/Non‐Exempt)E. StrategicPathwaysPhase2Feedback(pg.14‐17)F. EmployeeMoraleSurvey(pg.18‐22)

i. Timelineii. Questions

G. MotiontoAmendtheBylawsofStaffCouncil(pg.23‐24)

VII. OldBusinessA. Resolutionregardingthedesignationofemployeesasfulltimeat37.5hours

VIII. UAAStaffCouncilCommittees

A. WellnessCommittee(Reporter:)(Representatives:)

B. Communication&MarketingCommittee(Reporter:)(Members:)

C. StaffEmeritusRecruitmentCommittee(Reporter:)


D. StaffRecognitionCommittee(Reporter:)(Members:)

E. EventsCommittee(Reporter:)

(Members:)IX. UAACampusCommittees

A. DiversityActionCouncil


B. UniversityAssembly(Representatives:BrendaLevesque,RyanHill,JohnMoore)

C. FacilitiesSpaceandPlanning


D. CampusSafetyCommittee(Representative:)

E. InstitutionalSelfStudy(Representative:RyanHill)

F. PlanningandBudgetAdvisoryCouncil(PBAC)

(Representative:)X. UAStaffAllianceCommittees

Page 3: 786 6755 ID: 284572| 13, 2017 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. E · i. Joey Sweet, Student Regent (9:45 am) B. Elections Update C. Chancellor’s Search Update D. Retreat i. August 3, 2017 @

July13,2017 UAAStaffCouncilPage3 907‐786‐6755|PIN:284572|Agenda

A. StaffAlliance


B. StaffHealthCareCommittee(Representatives:)

C. JointHealthCareCommittee(Representative:)

D. StaffCompensationCommittee(Representatives:)

E. MoraleCommittee(Representatives:)

XI. OpenForum

XII. Adjourn:

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I. CalltoOrder

II. IntroductionofMembers[P=Present E=Excused X=Absent]


Term: H/S Term: H/S

P *LizWinfree(Co‐President)CenterforHumanDevelopment

16‐18 H P HillaryHaslipBookstore

17 S

E*RyanHill(Co‐President)ResidenceLife 15‐17 S P

TeresaKimmelHumanServices 17 S


15‐17 H E*ErinPikeyStudentFinancialAssistance

16‐18 H


16‐18 S E *KathyLardnerCollegeofEducation

16‐18 H

P*DanielleDixonStudentAdvising,CollegeofHealth 15‐17 H E

*ZlataLoktevaCollegeofEngineering 16‐18 H


15‐17 H X~DougMarkussenRiskManagement

15‐17 S

E *KendraConroyBusinessEnterpriseInstitute

16‐18 S P *JohnMooreCollegeofArts&Sciences

15‐17 S

XJulieCotterell(KPC)Admissions&StudentRecords 16‐18 H P

~DaveRobinsonFinancialServices 16‐18 H


16‐18 H Vacant S

Vacant H Vacant H

Vacant H

*=CommitteeMember ~=AlternateCommitteeMember H=Hourly S=SalaryROMANIEROACH&CHARLOTTETITUSWEREALSOPRESENT

III. ApprovaloftheAgenda(pg.1‐3)**DIDNOTMEETQUORUM**

IV. ApprovaloftheSummary(pg.4‐6)

V. President’sReportA. Guestspeakers


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June1,2017 UAAStaffCouncilPage2 907‐786‐6755|PIN:284572|Summary


WorkingonmigratingtheremainingemailstoGmail. ITFocusGroupswereveryhelpfulandinformative. UpcomingTechnology:

‐ eLearning,ITandSchoolofNursingcollaboratingtoimproveblendedcoursedelivery

‐ Ageofourstandardpolycomunitsarepasttheirendoflife.Currentlyitisa$1M/yearoperation,sootheroptionsarebeingconsidered;

‐ Securitycameraupgrades:addingcamerastoparkinglotsandvariousbuildings.

‐ SecurityUpgrade:abilityforfirewalltosyncwiththecloudandpulldownpasswords,isnowdonelocally.

B. ElectionsUpdateKodiak:KalynnIrwinSalary:CharlotteTitus,JohnMoore,HillaryHaslip,RyanJ.Hill,KellyCarothers,TeresaKimmelHourly:AnneLazenby,KimberlyK.Eames,RomanieRoach,BrendaLevesque,KrystalOfford

C. Chancellor’sSearchMemo(pg.7‐8)

VI. NewBusinessA. RecognitionofAppreciationDayCommittee(pg.9‐10)B. StaffandFacultyRegentPositionsC. OfficerElections

i. Co‐President(Hourly)ii. Co‐VicePresident(Hourly)iii. Co‐VicePresident(Salary)

VII. OldBusiness

A. Resolutionregardingthedesignationofemployeesasfulltimeat37.5hours

VIII. UAAStaffCouncilCommitteesA. WellnessCommittee(Reporter:SandraGravely)


B. CommunicationCommittee(Reporter:BrendaLevesque)(Members:KendraConroy,BrendaLevesque,ErinPikey)

C. MarketingCommittee(Reporter:ZlataLokteva)(Members:ZlataLokteva)

D. StaffEmeritusStatusCommittee(Reporter:RyanHill)

(Representatives:DanielleDixon,RyanHill)I. Updatedcharge

E. StaffRecognitionCommittee(Reporter:ZlataLokteva)

(Members:ZlataLokteva)I. StaffRecognitionAward

F. AdHoc:DefinitionofFullTimeStatus(Reporter:ErinPikey)

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June1,2017 UAAStaffCouncilPage3 907‐786‐6755|PIN:284572|Summary


G. AppreciationDayCommittee(Reporter:KathyLardner)(Members:KathyLardner,LizWinfree,RyanHill,JohnMoore,MatthieuOstrander)

IX. UAACampusCommittees

A. DevelopmentDay:seeAppreciationDay(above)(Representative:vacant)

B. DiversityActionCouncil(pg.11‐22)(Representative:RyanHill)

C. UniversityAssembly(Representatives:LizWinfree,RyanJ.Hill,BrendaLevesque;Alternate:DanielleDixon,JohnMoore)


D. FacilitiesSpaceandPlanning(Representative:ZlataLokteva)

E. CampusSafetyCommittee(Representative:IanBushellAlternate:DougMarkussen)

F. InstitutionalSelfStudy(Representative:RyanHill)

X. UAStaffAllianceCommittees

A. StaffAlliance(Representatives:LizWinfreeandRyanJ.Hill)

B. StaffHealthCareCommittee


C. JointHealthCareCommittee(Representative:LizWinfree)

D. StaffCompensationCommittee(Representatives:JohnMooreandKathyLardner.Alternate:________________)

E. MoraleCommittee(Representatives:DaveRobinson)

F. Email,Calendar,andCollaborationStrategyFocusGroup

(WestonDavey)XI. OpenForum

XII. Adjourn:

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7/10/2017 UA Mail - Re: Follow-up to Staff Council Presentation

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=c690b53e3e&jsver=veUcgTCiZi4.en.&view=pt&search=inbox&th=15d2e007bf132a3a&siml=15d2e007bf132… 1/3

Brenda Levesque <[email protected]>

Re: Follow-up to Staff Council Presentation 1 message

Brandon Wood <[email protected]> Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 11:35 AMTo: Brenda Levesque <[email protected]>Cc: Adam Paulick <[email protected]>

Hi Brenda,

Normally it would be the supervisor or department admin who would make the request to IT for updates to the directory.

Active Directory is the back-end technology we use for storing user accounts, passwords, etc. The updated onlinedirectory will be tied directly to Active Directory, so that new employees will automatically be added, and employees whohave left will be automatically removed. The only updates that will need to happen at that point will be things like changesin job title or office location.

Since this system will be tied to your Active Directory login, we will also be offering self-service updates, so once this is inplace, you won't need to submit requests to IT anymore, the employee will be able to update it themselves.

Let me know if there's anything else I can help clarify.

Brandon Wood Lead Web/Applications Engineer Information Technology Services University of Alaska Anchorage 907-786-4633

On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 11:11 AM, Brenda Levesque <[email protected]> wrote: Thanks Adam! I do realize only IT can actually update the directory but it is the employee or supervisor who makes the request, right? When new employees are hired, is it the supervisor or staff support person for that area who makes a request to IT toadd employees to the directory? Or does IT receive a report from HR of all new employees? As you mentioned above, with the new update, we will no longer need to request an employee be deleted - it will bedone automatically with the Active Directory. What is the Active Directory and how is it different from the onlinedirectory? And just so I'm clear on this, currently we provide requests for:

1. adding new employees 2. updates to current employees 3. removing employees who are no longer at UAA

Once the new update is in place, we will still need to submit requests for 1 and 2 above but not for 3? Please let me know at your earliest convenience so I may share with council members. Thank you! Brenda LevesqueUniversity of Alaska Anchorage - College of Health Programs Coordinator & PSB Building ManagerPhysical Therapist Assistant, Occupa�onal Therapy, & Diete�cs & Nutri�on Programs

Page 8: 786 6755 ID: 284572| 13, 2017 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. E · i. Joey Sweet, Student Regent (9:45 am) B. Elections Update C. Chancellor’s Search Update D. Retreat i. August 3, 2017 @

7/10/2017 UA Mail - Re: Follow-up to Staff Council Presentation

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=c690b53e3e&jsver=veUcgTCiZi4.en.&view=pt&search=inbox&th=15d2e007bf132a3a&siml=15d2e007bf132… 2/3

3211 Providence Drive, PSB 146Anchorage, AK 99508M: 907-786-6782 | D: 907-786-0304 On Mon, Jul 10, 2017 at 10:57 AM, Adam Paulick <[email protected]> wrote:

Brenda – thanks for the email. Following is an update from Brandon Wood, Lead of our Web and Applica�onsteam:

1. Currently, only IT can update the directory. We're working on a number of updates, including a self-service option,that should be ready in the next couple of months. For the time being, directory update requests can be made usingthis form on our website: https://www.uaa.alaska.edu/about/administrative-services/departments/information-technology-services/forms-requests/online-directory-update.cshtml. This also includes requests for deleting usersfrom the directory. If an employee leaves, the department needs to let us know to remove them. With the newupdate, the online directory will be tied to Active Directory, so we will automatically know when someone leaves theUniversity, and they'll no longer show up in the online directory.

2. The ability to print the directory is part of these next batch of changes, so that will also be available within the nextcouple of months (we're likely talking about a September time frame). Communications describing the changes willgo out to all of UAA at that time.

Please let me know if you have any addi�onal ques�ons.



From: Brenda Levesque [mailto:[email protected]] Sent: Friday, July 7, 2017 4:08 PM To: Adam Paulick <[email protected]> Subject: Follow-up to Staff Council Presenta�on

Hi Adam -

Staff Council will be meeting next Thursday morning and I would like to provide them with a follow-up and/or status ofour UAA Online Directory. There were two items we addressed:

1. Communication needed to all UAA employees that once they are in the system they need to update theirinformation should they change departments, phone, position, etc.

Page 9: 786 6755 ID: 284572| 13, 2017 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. E · i. Joey Sweet, Student Regent (9:45 am) B. Elections Update C. Chancellor’s Search Update D. Retreat i. August 3, 2017 @

7/10/2017 UA Mail - Re: Follow-up to Staff Council Presentation

https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ui=2&ik=c690b53e3e&jsver=veUcgTCiZi4.en.&view=pt&search=inbox&th=15d2e007bf132a3a&siml=15d2e007bf132… 3/3

I was hoping to have clarification on who inputs new employees into the system. Does IT do that? Also, how willthose who leave the University be removed from the Directory?

2. When might we be able to PRINT a UAA Directory?

I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you, Adam!

Brenda LevesqueUniversity of Alaska Anchorage - College of HealthPrograms Coordinator & PSB Building ManagerPhysical Therapist Assistant, Occupa�onal Therapy, & Diete�cs & Nutri�on Programs3211 Providence Drive, PSB 146Anchorage, AK 99508M: 907-786-6782 | D: 907-786-0304

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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6C5F6169-EADF-4781-AA5A-834D269228B7 

MOTION 2017-04 Staff Council Resolution Regarding Recognition of Appreciation Day

Planning Committee

RESOLUTION: The Staff Council of the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) approves the following resolution to offer gratitude and recognition to the organizers of the 2017 Appreciation Day that occurred on May 11, 2017 serving over 300 staff and faculty members.


WHEREAS, Development Day has been a long-standing tradition at UAA, requiring hundreds of volunteer hours and months to organize, and

WHEREAS, Staff Council was asked to organize an event in place of Development Day with an extremely shortened time line, limited budget, and few volunteers, and

WHEREAS, Kathy Lardner originally agreed to coordinate food trucks for the event then later became a main organizer, and

WHEREAS, John Moore originally agreed to coordinate coffee for the event then later became a main organizer, and

WHEREAS, Matthiue Ostrander provided invaluable technological and logistical support to Appreciation Day despite not being a member of the Council, and

WHEREAS, the planning committee volunteered an overwhelming amount of time and energy to organizing an event larger than anyone originally anticipated, and

WHEREAS, Staff Council was able to support a University-wide event that has an important history at the institution because of the individuals named in this resolution;

THEREFORE, be it resolved Staff Council formally recognizes the efforts of Kathy Lardner, John Moore, and Matthiue Ostrander for the outstanding effort they volunteered to make Appreciation Day 2017 a success.

This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage.

Respectfully Submitted,

Ryan J. Hill Staff Council Co-President

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DocuSign Envelope ID: 6C5F6169-EADF-4781-AA5A-834D269228B7 


May 16, 2017


May 17, 2017



Staff Council voted on: (Date)

Yes:_ No: Abstain:_ Absent:

Brenda Levesque, Staff Council Co-President Date

Ryan J. Hill, Staff Council Co-President Date

Pat Shier, Interim Vice Chancellor for Administrative Services

Tom Case, Chancellor

Page 12: 786 6755 ID: 284572| 13, 2017 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. E · i. Joey Sweet, Student Regent (9:45 am) B. Elections Update C. Chancellor’s Search Update D. Retreat i. August 3, 2017 @

1 ‘Faculty Members on Boards of Trustees: The 2012 Cornell Higher Education Research Institute Survey of Faculty Trustees’ by Ronald G Ehrenberg, Richard Patterson, Andrew Key

MOTION 2017-03 Staff Council Resolution Regarding Staff and Faculty Regent Positions

RESOLUTION: The Staff Council of the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) approves the following resolution to support the creation of a staff and a faculty position on the University of Alaska Board of Regents. RATIONALE:

WHEREAS, State of Alaska Statute AS 14.40.120, in combination with AS 14.40.130 codifies the composition of the University of Alaska Board of Regents to include a student Regent, but currently does not include any faculty or staff Regents, and

WHEREAS, many states and institutions of higher education across the United States include staff and faculty members as Regents or Trustees, and WHEREAS, Staff Alliance unanimously approved a resolution in support of the creation of faculty and staff positions on the Board of Regents in April of 2016, and WHEREAS, a 2012 study1 by the Cornell Higher Education Research Institute concluded that having university employees as Regents or Trustees improved employee relations at those institutions, and WHEREAS, staff and faculty have a unique and vital experience working at institutions of higher education in Alaska that would be invaluable to the decisions being made by the Board of Regents, WHEREAS, staff and faculty governance groups play an integral role in the administration of the University of Alaska but have been excluded from the ability to vote on matters that come before the Board of Regents and directly impact the work they are doing, and WHEREAS, staff and faculty participation on the Board of Regents would help to demystify the operations and procedures of the Board, and increase trust in the work the Board is doing; THEREFORE, be it resolved Staff Council supports the legislation necessary to amend the State of Alaska Statute to designate at least one staff member and one faculty member voting seat on the University of Alaska Board of Regents. This resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage.

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1 ‘Faculty Members on Boards of Trustees: The 2012 Cornell Higher Education Research Institute Survey of Faculty Trustees’ by Ronald G Ehrenberg, Richard Patterson, Andrew Key

Respectfully Submitted, Ryan J. Hill Staff Council Co-President --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Staff Council voted on: _____________________

(Date) Yes:___________ No:___________ Abstain:____________ Absent:___________ ____________________________________________________ ______________ Brenda Levesque, Staff Council Co-President Date ____________________________________________________ ______________ Ryan J. Hill, Staff Council Co-President Date

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Staff Alliance input is summarized as: ● U Unclear regarding some significant details or implications. Would require

substantial and/or particular revisions/clarifications to attain staff support. ● P Potential for success. Some responses indicated enthusiasm for pursuing these

options for change. ● D Dubious. Very clear potential for negative and problematic results. Of all

individual and group feedback discussions, there was no clear support for this option.

Area Option

Summary Opinion

Selected Comments

Arts and Humanities

Common Course Numbering

Common Public Accessible Degree Portal

DegreeWorks - Upgrade to Include Course Equivalency

Course Sharing Across Universities

Disciplinary Coordinating Teams

Strengthen and Expand Support for High-Impact Teaching Practices

Social and Natural Sciences

Common Course Numbering

Common Catalog

Course Sharing

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Common Curriculum Committees

Faculty and Student Intrastate Mobility

Share High Impact Practices

Expand and Enhance the Advising Process

Mine Training

One UA Lead Institution for Mine Training at UAF

One UA Lead Institution for Mine Training at UAS

UA System Does Not Offer Mine Training

Enhance Existing Structure


Fully Decentralize Finance

Consolidate Finance at One (Lead) Campus

Consolidate Finance at Statewide

Strategic Finance at UA: Automate, Outsource, Streamline and Implement Shared

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Risk Management

Process Improvement Across the University System in Risk Management

Consolidation at Statewide

Single Functional Experts to Support Whole System

Centralized Strategic Issues, Decentralize Operations

Land Management

Status Quo

Decentralized Authority for Educational Properties

Outsource Property Management and Non-Revenue Services for Investment Properties

Separate Statewide Land Management from the University

Fully Centralize Statewide Land Management

Fully Decentralization of Statewide Land Management

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Liquidate Investment Property


Consolidation at the Statewide Level or at One University

Increased Contracting of Facilities Services

Reinstate Chief Facilities Officer/Associate Vice President of Facilities and Enhance Inter-University Collaboration

Page 18: 786 6755 ID: 284572| 13, 2017 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. E · i. Joey Sweet, Student Regent (9:45 am) B. Elections Update C. Chancellor’s Search Update D. Retreat i. August 3, 2017 @

The UAA Staff Council needs your help. Please take a few minutes to answer this short survey that asks you about how you feel as a staff member at UAA. Results from this survey will be used to help inform discussion between Staff Alliance and the Board of Regents in their upcoming meeting. They have requested feedback from the staff on their morale.

Your responses are anonymous. The survey is entirely optional. You can choose not to answer any or all questions.

If you have any questions about this survey, you can contact Liz Winfree, Staff Council Co-President, at 264-6243 or at [email protected].

1. How long have you been a staff member at UAA?

Less than one year

1-5 years

6-10 years

11-15 years

15 – 20 years

More than 20 years

2. How long have you been in your current position at UAA? Less than one year 1-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years

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15 – 20 years More than 20 years

3. In the past two years, how has your morale as a UAA staff member changed?

It has improved a great deal

It has improved somewhat

It has not changed one way or another

It has declined somewhat

It has declined a great deal

4. Over the course of your employment at UAA, how do you compare morale now to morale in the past?

Morale is the highest I have seen it

Morale is slightly higher than I have seen it

Morale has not changed

Morale is slightly lower than I have seen it

Morale is the lowest I have seen it

5. What are the major factors that have led to a decline in your morale?

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6. What do you think could be done to improve morale among UAA staff?

7. I feel positive about the security of my job as a UAA staff member.

Strongly agree

Somewhat agree

Neither agree nor disagree

Somewhat disagree

Strongly disagree

8. I am actively looking for employment outside UAA.



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If yes, what are the three top reasons you are actively seeking employment outside UAA?

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Powered by Qualtrics



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ARTICLEVIII:RESOLUTIONSSection1. AnyvotingmemberoftheCouncilmaysubmitaresolutionfortheCouncil


Section2. ResolutionsshallbeusedtoformallyexpresstheCouncil’sconsensusor

opiniononmatterspertinenttothefunctionofthebody.Section3. Resolutionsmustbeapprovedbyasimplemajorityofmember’spresentin


Page 24: 786 6755 ID: 284572| 13, 2017 9:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m. E · i. Joey Sweet, Student Regent (9:45 am) B. Elections Update C. Chancellor’s Search Update D. Retreat i. August 3, 2017 @

PROPOSEDMOTIONFORAPPROVALBYTHESTAFFCOUNCILTheStaffCouncilatUAAapprovesthemotiontoamendtheStaffCouncilBylaws.Thismotionshallbeeffectiveimmediatelyuponpassage.‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐‐StaffCouncilvotedon:_________ (Date) Yes: No: Abstain: Absent: __________________________________________________ ________________________RyanJ.Hill,StaffCouncilCo‐President Date __________________________________________________ ________________________BrendaLevesque,StaffCouncilCo‐President Date