7 ways online training can fill in performance gaps


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Post on 13-Apr-2017




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Do you want to improve workplace productivity? Do your employees

have the skills they need to tackle tasks and increase profits? In this article, I’ll

explore 7 ways that online training can help you fill performance gaps in your


7 Ways Online Training Can Fill In Performance Gaps

How Online Training Can Fill In Performance Gaps

Performance gaps are the thorn in your company’s side. They hinder

workplace productivity, put a wrench in task mastery, and hinder employee

development. Thankfully, there are ways to get over the gaps so that your

staff can achieve their true potential. In fact, effective online training can give

your employees the tools and knowledge they need to build the bridge.

7 Ways Online Training Can Fill In Performance Gaps

7 Ways Online Training Can Fill In Performance Gaps

1. Identify Areas For Improvement

Before you can create online training activities that fill the gaps, you must

identify where those gaps reside. Fortunately, online training assessments and

LMS metrics can help you focus your efforts.

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1. Identify Areas For Improvement

For example, most of your employees struggle with the task simulation that

you provide at the beginning of the online training course. This tells you that

they need help mastering the steps and the skills that the task requires. LMS

reports and online learner data sheds light on the specific performance issues

that your employees face on a regular basis. In addition, you have the ability

to incorporate self-assessments into your online training course. Employees

can take tests periodically to monitor their own progress and create a

personalized online training plan.

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2. Provide Real World Experience

Real world experience is a precious commodity. In the past, the only way to

gain valuable experience was on-the-job practice. Unfortunately, this typically

involved a steep learning curve and costly mistakes. Mistakes that negatively

impact the organization’s profits and customer satisfaction ratings. Online

training gives employees the ability to apply their knowledge in real world

situations. They can participate in online training simulations, serious games

and branching scenarios that mimic workplace environments.

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2. Provide Real World Experience

As a result, every member of your staff is able to perfect their approach and

put their skills into action. These interactive online training activities allow

them to focus on personal performance gaps, as well as gauge their strengths

and weaknesses. If necessary, they can seek out additional online training

resources to expand their understanding.

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3. Target Individual Skill Gaps

One of the most notable advantages of online training is personalization.

Employees are able to pick-and-choose online training materials that suit

their needs and target specific gaps. For example, customer service associates

can access active listening and communication simulations to improve those

skill sets. Online training also has the power to improve task proficiency.

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3. Target Individual Skill Gaps

Interactive online tutorials, walkthroughs, and video demos are just some of

the online training techniques at your disposal. Your organization can even

use infographics and other visual illustrations to simplify complex processes.

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4. Make Online Training Easily Accessible

Employees must be able to access the online resources they require and get

on with the rest of their work day. In most cases, they don’t have time to sit

through long online presentations or wait until the instructor is available.

They may even want to train outside of office hours.

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4. Make Online Training Easily Accessible

Online training affords them this opportunity. They’re able to access the LMS

on their mobile devices anytime, anywhere. Some Learning Management

Systems also feature downloadable HTML5 content. As such, they can build

their skills and fill the gaps when Wi-Fi isn’t an option.

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5. Offer “Just-In-Time” Online Training Support

An employee is in the middle of a task and realizes that they don’t have the

information they need to complete the process. In traditional training

settings, they would have to wait until the next session or turn to their

managers for help. Thankfully, online training gives them immediate access to

the knowledge they need. Microlearning resources serve as “just-in-time”

online training support tools for your entire staff.

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5. Offer “Just-In-Time” Online Training Support

Microlearning is usually defined as brief online training activities or modules

that center on specific tasks or topics. For example, a 3-minute task tutorial

that highlights every step of the process. To fill performance gaps, offer

employees a microlearning online library that features relevant categories.

For instance, one section covers customer service tasks while another

concentrates on compliance related issues.

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6. Facilitate Immediate Feedback

Feedback is a crucial part of online training. Particularly timely feedback that

focuses on strengths and weaknesses. Online training facilitates immediate

feedback, as you can integrate it into your online training course.

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6. Facilitate Immediate Feedback

For example, the Learning Management System gives employees a detailed

overview of their performance and recommends additional online resources.

The key is personalizing the feedback so that employees know what to work

on and how to address the problem. For instance, the resources they can use

to bridge the gap and improve their proficiency. You can even take it a step

further by automating your online training course. In this case, the online

training course automatically delivers relevant materials based on an

employee’s performance gaps.

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7. Provide Social Learning Opportunities

Remote employees don’t have the ability to chat with their colleagues around

the water cooler or work one-on-one with the instructor. However, online

training moves all of these vital social learning activities into the virtual realm.

Online forums, social media groups, and corporate eLearning blogs allow

them to communicate and collaborate with their peers. They can also use

video conferencing and webinars to interact with online instructors or


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7. Provide Social Learning Opportunities

Online training gives you the opportunity to offer individualized employee

development on a global scale. Best of all, employees can benefit from the

experience and expertise of their peers, no matter where they’re based.

Social learning prevents feelings of isolation and makes employees feel like

they’re part of a larger community. They know that they can rely on their

extensive support network to address future performance gaps and online

training issues.

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Online training is an investment. It requires time, company resources,

and careful planning. However, it offers your organization the power to bridge

performance gaps, build essential skills, and make your employees more

productive. Which is why so many businesses, big and small, have moved their

training online.

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