6 夜纯玩川西最美秘境稻城亚丁...抵达【稻城】游览【长青春科尔寺】,于...

酒店住宿: 2 晚成都 5 星新都假日酒店或同等级 1 晚新都桥 4 星印象雅致酒店或同级 1 晚稻城 4 DT.格兰纳达酒店或同级 1 晚亚丁 4 星日瓦藏源酒店或同级 1 晚康定 4 星康定康巴大酒店或同级 航班: D7320 KUL-CTU 0910-1340 D7327 CTU-KUL 2355-0440+1 团费包含: 机票+机场税,行程注明餐点,住宿,导游司机小费,中国签证,回机场接送,旅游保险(80 岁以下大马公民),20 公斤行李托运 团费不含: 突发性燃油费调整,领队小费,行程外个人花费 出发日期 成人 小孩无床 23/05/20 29/05/20 RM 4588 全包 RM 4488 全包 *此路线无三人间。 【稻城亚丁】是中国目前保存完整、原始的高山生态系统-最后的香格里拉 【新都桥】是令人神往的摄影天堂神奇的光线,一片如诗如画的世外桃源 【康定】是具有悠久灿烂的历史文化,是川藏咽喉、茶马古道重镇、藏汉交汇中心 【长青春科尔寺】是三世达赖-索南嘉措与公元 1580 年开光建成,为康区第一大格鲁派寺庙 红草地】位于四川省甘孜州稻城县,极目远望,9 月至 10 月一片红彤彤的景致映入我的眼帘,红得那么 热烈,那么艳丽,也那么醉人。在或黄或绿的白杨树的衬托下,灿灿生辉,妩媚无比 塔公寺】全名一见如意解脱寺,是藏传佛教萨迦派著名寺庙之一,距今已有一千多年的历史,是康巴 地区藏民族朝拜的圣地之一。 无购物站 无自费 寻觅最后的香格里拉 神秘的圣山、草甸、蓝天、白云、蓝色星球上最后一片净土 8 6 夜纯玩川西最美秘境稻城亚丁

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Page 1: 6 夜纯玩川西最美秘境稻城亚丁...抵达【稻城】游览【长青春科尔寺】,于 1580 年由第三世达赖喇嘛索南嘉措创建,是康区历史最悠久,规模最大的藏传佛教黄教寺庙。入住酒店。


2 晚成都 5 星新都假日酒店或同等级

1 晚新都桥 4 星印象雅致酒店或同级

1 晚稻城 4 星 DT.格兰纳达酒店或同级

1 晚亚丁 4 星日瓦藏源酒店或同级

1 晚康定 4 星康定康巴大酒店或同级


D7320 KUL-CTU 0910-1340

D7327 CTU-KUL 2355-0440+1



回机场接送,旅游保险(80 岁以下大马公民),20 公斤行李托运



出发日期 成人 小孩无床

23/05/20 – 29/05/20 RM 4588 全包 RM 4488 全包





【长青春科尔寺】是三世达赖-索南嘉措与公元 1580 年开光建成,为康区第一大格鲁派寺庙

【红草地】位于四川省甘孜州稻城县,极目远望,9 月至 10 月一片红彤彤的景致映入我的眼帘,红得那么








8 天 6 夜纯玩川西最美秘境稻城亚丁

Page 2: 6 夜纯玩川西最美秘境稻城亚丁...抵达【稻城】游览【长青春科尔寺】,于 1580 年由第三世达赖喇嘛索南嘉措创建,是康区历史最悠久,规模最大的藏传佛教黄教寺庙。入住酒店。

第一天:启程- 成都 ( 机上用餐、晚餐) 集合于指定地点,搭乘客机飞往【成都】,抵达后由导游接待,游览【宽窄巷子】【琴台路】,晚餐后,入住酒店休息。

第二天:成都 – 新都桥 ( 早、午、晚餐)


道】隧道海拔 2,182 米,建成时是中国最长、海拔最高的公路隧道。二郎山隧道主体工程于 1996 年在东西两端正式开工,

1998 年全线贯通,1999 年试放行通车,2001 年 1 月 11 日全面建成通车。塔公沿路野花尽享盛放,绿茵茵的草地上偶尔有




第三天:新都桥-稻城 ( 早、午、晚餐)


1580 年由第三世达赖喇嘛索南嘉措创建,是康区历史最悠久,规模最大的藏传佛教黄教寺庙。入住酒店。

第四天:稻城 - 亚丁 ( 早、午、晚餐)

早餐後,進入【亞丁風景區】。(含往返环保车、电瓶车)。亚丁自然保护位于距县城约 83km 的日瓦乡境内,方圆约千

余平方公里,不可错过的拍摄景点有【冲古寺】、【珍珠海】、【洛绒牛场】。远观 3 座神山【仙乃日峰】、【央迈勇




第五天:亚丁 - 康定 (早、午、晚餐)


朗吉岭寺】藏语音译,意为“雪山州”,因贡嘎雪山 3 个主峰终年积雪不化而得名。该寺始建于明初,是日瓦县最大的黄教


壮美的【海子山自然保护区】,海子山平均海拔 4500 米,如果天气晴好的话,在此透过一望无际的乱石滩,看到天边的

一排雪山组成的雪哦!途经【剪子山】藏语名字叫“惹玛那扎”,意为羊子山口。山口海拔 4659 米,是 318 国道经康巴地


第六天:康定 – 成都 (早、午、晚餐)



第七天:成都-吉隆坡 (早、午、晚、机上用餐)

早餐后,游览【锦里古街】【太古里】。【太慈寺】位于四川省成都市东风路一段,建于公元 3 世纪至 4 世纪之间,




** 以上行程供参考, 若有当地接社的行程为准本公司将保留更改行程及团费的权利**

Page 3: 6 夜纯玩川西最美秘境稻城亚丁...抵达【稻城】游览【长青春科尔寺】,于 1580 年由第三世达赖喇嘛索南嘉措创建,是康区历史最悠久,规模最大的藏传佛教黄教寺庙。入住酒店。

Accommodation: 2NChengdu5*XinduHoliday Inn Hotel or similar 1NXindu Bridge 4*XinduImpression Elegant Boutique Hotel or similar 1NDaocheng4*DT. GranadoHotelor similar 1NYading4*Zangyuan Hotel or similar 1NKangding4*Kangba Hotel or similat

Flight Detail:

D7320 KUL-CTU 0910-1340

D7327 CTU-KUL 2355-0440+1

Package Include:

Airport Transfer, Hotels as per Itinerary, Meals, Local Guide & Driver

Tipping, Return Air Ticket + Airport Tax, Travel Insurance ( Malaysian

below 80yrs ), China Visa, 20kg Luggage.

Package Exclude:

Tour Leader Tipping, Fuel Surcharge, Bell Boy

Tipping and Personal Expenses.

Departure Date Adult Child No Bed

23/05/20 – 29/05/20 RM 4588 All In RM 4488 All In

*Triple Room are not available*

DaochengYadingIs China’s current preservation of the integrity of the original alpine ecosystem – the last Shangri-La

Xindu Bridge Is the "photographic paradise" magical light, a picturesque paradise

KangdingIs a long and splendid history and culture, the ancient capital of Tea-Horse Road,Tibetan-Chinese intersection


Monastere de LitangFounded in 1580 by the third Dalai Lama, SonamGyatso, the largest Grupa Temple

HongcaodiFrom September to October, a red glittering scene came to my sight. The red was so warm, so beautiful and

so intoxicating. Under the yellow or green poplar, brilliant, charming incomparable

Ta Gong TempleIs one of the famous Buddhist temples in Sakya. It has a history of more than 1,000 years and is one of

the sacred sites for the Tibetan people in the Kham region.。



Looking for the last Shangri-La Mysterious Holy Mountain, meadow, blue sky, white clouds,the last piece of pure land on the blue



Page 4: 6 夜纯玩川西最美秘境稻城亚丁...抵达【稻城】游览【长青春科尔寺】,于 1580 年由第三世达赖喇嘛索南嘉措创建,是康区历史最悠久,规模最大的藏传佛教黄教寺庙。入住酒店。

Day 1: Depart - Chengdu (MOB/D)

Assembled and depart for your flight to Chengdu, take a passenger plane to Chengdu, upon arrival by the tour guide.Sichuan ,KuanzhaiAlley, Qintai Road, check into the hotel.

Day 2: Chengdu - Xinduqiao (B/L/D)

After breakfast, drove to Xindu Bridge, picturesque bridges, water, people, Tibetan Houses, feel rich Tibetan style. Mount

Erlang Tunnel. Tunnel 2,182 meters altitude, it is China's longest, highest elevation road tunnel. Mount Erlang Tunnel main

project was officially started in 1996 at both ends of the east and west, all through 1998, opened in 1999 trial release, January

11, 2001 opened to traffic.visitTa Gong Temple, the most famous temple at Ganze.High status in Tibetan Buddhism, the

magnificent temple architecture, with an ancient and long history. Next proceed to Tagong Grassland, some people think this

is a grass dam, meaning not much, but in the eyes of the photographer, this is a surprising viewfinder.

Day 3: Xinduqiao–Daocheng (B/L/D)

After breakfast, Depart to Daocheng. By visit Gower Temple Mountain, Kazi Mountain, Zhazi Mountain, Rabbit Mountain, Pova

MountainVisit Monastere de Litang. Founded in 1580 by the third Dalai Lama, SonamGyatso, is the oldest and largest

Tibetan Buddhist temple in the Kham region.

Day 4: Daocheng - Yading (B/L/D)

After breakfast, get into the Aden Scenic Area (include shuttle bus).is located at the southeast about 130 km, it is more than

a thousand square kilometers radius of the main part of the three completely separated, but not far, was "goods"-shaped

arrangement of the peaks, known as the three mountain. Because of its geographic environment and the natural climate,

forming a unique landscape and natural landscape, is the best preserved of a natural ecosystem.

Day 5: RiWa– Kangding (B/L/D)

After breakfast, drive to Kangding pass the beautiful breathtaking Hongcaodi and Hundred Acre Wood and visit Tibetan

Houses. VisitLangJiling Temple. Tibetan transliteration, meaning "Snow Mountain State", the temple was built in the early

Ming Dynasty, is the largest yellow temple in Zhiva County. Magnificent temple architecture, beautiful murals, the temple

there is a statue of the Maitreya Buddha is donated by the Dalai Lama, very precious.Haizishan Nature Reserve. Haizishan

an average elevation of 4,500 meters, if the weather is fine, then you can see a row of snow-capped mountains.Through the

Jianzishan. Tibetan name is "JalanMaza", meaning the sheep mountain pass. Yamaguchi 4659 meters above sea level, is the

318 State Road through the Kham region. Arrival at Kangding, return to hotel.

Day 6: Kangding - Chengdu (B/L/D)

After breakfast, depart to Chengdu,enjoy the beauty of Plateau Scenery along the way, Visit Shangli Ancient

Town.LinQiong trail into Yaan important post, the town still retains many of the Ming and Qing Dynasties style stilt

buildings, is the venue for many film and television drama.

Day 7: Chengdu – Sewwt Home (B/L/D/MOB)

After breakfast, visit to Jinli Street, and Taiguli . visit Taici Temple, Visit the Chunxi Road Pedestrian Street, known as

Centennial StreetTransfer for your flight back home.

The schedule only for reference, if there is a local travel agency

Subject to the company will retain the right to change the itinerary and tour fees.