5 financial planning tips for children

5 Financial Planning Tips for Children's Education Every parent would want to give the best for their children, including education. Maximizing the interests and talents of the child through the best education is a parent's dream. Therefore, the cost of children's education is one of the things that should not neglect to prepare. Moreover, the estimated cost of education rises by 20 % each year which much greater than the change in inflation and salary increases.  Image Source : stjohns.edu With this increase, the best way to prepare children's education funds is investment. The following five tips below may help you more:  Prepare early Investments take time to develop. The cost of education is usually a long- term targets that take more than 5 years to be achieved. Therefore, the sooner you start setting aside money and save it as investment, the better it will be.  Plan your child's education 

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5 Financial Planning Tips for Children's Education

Every parent would want to give the best for their children, including education. Maximizing the interests and talents of the child through the best education is a parent's dream. Therefore, the cost of children's education is one of the things that should not neglect to prepare. Moreover, the estimated cost of education rises by 20 % each year which much greater than the change in inflation and salary increases.

Image Source : stjohns.edu

With this increase, the best way to prepare children's education funds is investment. The following five tips below may help you more:

Prepare early

Investments take time to develop. The cost of education is usually a long- term targets that take more than 5 years to be achieved. Therefore, the sooner you start setting aside money and save it as investment, the better it will be.

Plan your child's education

Plan your child's education, such as the type of school you want (public school, private, or overseas), the type of education according to the interests and talents of your child (school of art, or medicine, etc.). After that, use the internet to browse the information of the estimated cost of your childs education in the future.

Calculate the amount of investment you need to do

After getting the target cost of education, you can calculate the amount of investment you need to do to achieve those targets. Total investment is also influenced by the type of investment you are doing, for example education savings, mutual funds, etc.

Get a Life Insurance

You also have to think of the worst possible. What would happen if you or your spouse as a family breadwinner could no longer finance the family, such as illness or death? Prepare for your child's protection, so when the worst happens, your child can still live decently and get the best education.

Do not Doubt to Ask

Knowledge of financial planning you can get from books, the internet, financial news, or ask family or friends who were/are investing. If necessary, you can also consult a financial planner to create a plan to fund the best education for your child.

After having a good plan for the preparation of educational funds, you'll need next is the discipline to execute the plan. Reevaluate your plan within a certain period, for example, once a year, adjust to the economic conditions, the condition of your finances, etc. Do all in order to give the best for your child!


Studying abroad can be a very fulfilling and stimulating experience. While you may be bursting out with excitement to seep in as much as you can from studying abroad, it also offers you bright career prospects. The food, lifestyle, culture, history, weather, travel, language and people are no doubt a greater portion of what you are looking out for, yet you should also build international experience during your stay to make yourself appealing for future job prospects. When you move out to another country in a completely different part of the world to pursue a semester, a summer program, or your entire degree, you are embarking on a journey to grow both professionally and personally.The World Is Shrinking All thanks to globalization fuelled by advancements in communication systems, modern technology and competition, employers are looking for employees that have international experience. With increasing concerns for a diverse workforce, companies demand employees who know how to interact with people from different backgrounds and cultures. When you study abroad, you get a chance to develop transnational competence. This is a combination of cross-cultural communication skills, independence, flexibility and deeper understanding of various cultures.Interpersonal Skills Taken To a New Level When you live in an environment that is completely different than what you experienced back home, you learn to interact with people who have different cultural contexts as compared to you. Your study abroad experience makes you more appealing to employers as they consider such cross-cultural and interpersonal communication as a very important asset when working with a multicultural team. This shows that you are not only open to new learning experiences, but also able to adapt readily in such environments.Wade In New Waters When you move out of your home country to another for the purpose of study, you can make amazing discoveries. You might fuel a new passion that might alter your career path, or you might plan on working in another country after you are down with your degree. Thus, you can not only plan to study future degree but also explore your career options as a result of studying in a new country with impressive learning experiences. Moreover, you can learn a new language by immersing yourself in the culture. Employers see this as a striking personality trait when you learn to adapt yourself to another culture that is completely new to you. While abroad, do not focus solely on your studies, but also make the most out of it.Impress Others in an Interview Challenges are aplenty when you move out of your comfort zone to study abroad. Real life situations test you and help you better assess your strengths and weaknesses. When applying for a job, your resume would better stand out among others. Make sure you make the most out of your study aboard trip; enhance cross-cultural skills, gain professional experience while studying, make valuable global contacts, organize an event, volunteer in your field or visit professionals in your areas of expertise.After you have taken the bold step to study abroad, it's time to decide where you want to acquire life changing memorable experiences. Israel study abroad programs are amazing because they let you acquire rich experiences that will boost your career prospects in the future. When you study abroad, you are actually globalizing yourself, broadening your experience, and taking on challenges that otherwise you would not have enjoyed in your home country. Israel study abroad programs not only give you an international experience, but also the know how to leverage those experiences in your future workplace.

http://wiratrick.blogspot.com/2012/07/contoh-artikel-bahasa-inggris_17.htmlThe Montessori Approach to EducationBy Levi M Rose

Developed by Italian educator and doctor Maria Montessori, the Montessori model of education is based on respect for a child's natural psychological development. It's estimated that there are more than 20,000 Montessori schools worldwide, with students ranging from infant age to eighteen years of age. A Montessori education emphasizes a child's social development as much as his or her academic development, and it aims to help a child build independence and practical skills within a supportive framework which respects each student's individual growth rates. Students are looked at as whole individuals: the physical and the emotional are as important as their cognitive development.Montessori schools for infants and toddlers have the primary focus of providing opportunities for children to develop motor skills, independence, and a love of learning. Teachers engage students with materials that are size and age-appropriate. The Montessori approach at this age also aims to develop toileting skills. Parents often participate with their youngsters in "parent-tot" classes at which the parent can help guide their child through a variety of age-appropriate activities.

As children grow into the preschool and kindergarten years (ages two and a half to six), the Montessori model engages them in activities which help them develop independence in a variety of practical pursuits. Mixed age classrooms allow children to help and learn from one another. Teachers provide manipulatives such as spoons and cups which help students develop confidence and practical skills. Students move freely and are often given the choice to engage in the activity which interests them most, allowing them to build a sense of freedom and personal empowerment. A focus on the development of the senses is also evident in a Montessori preschool classroom, as is engagement in art, music and language activities. Students' differences are respected and celebrated.

As students approach the elementary and middle school years (ages six to twelve), the Montessori curriculum is integrated to emphasize connections across all subject areas. Language, history, science, math, and the arts are all studied in hands-on, interconnected, project-oriented ways. Students learn through hands-on experiences and are actively engaged in investigation and research; they are not vessels to be "filled" with information. Students direct their own explorations, further emphasizing the development of their independence. Students also take learning outside of the classroom (sometimes referred to "going out" in Montessori) to engage in real-world investigations which build on what they learn in the classroom environment. The result is a confident, independent learner who is ready to succeed in high school and beyond.

Research on the Montessori model has shown that graduates of Montessori schools are prepared well for later life in an academic sense as well as socially and emotionally. Graduates score well on standardized tests and often receive above average rankings on criteria such as attentive listening, showing responsibility, and critical thinking. They are able to adapt to new situations and show a love and enthusiasm for learning.http://guru-wira.blogspot.com/2012/12/kumpulan-artikel-bahasa-inggris-tentang.html