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  • 8/8/2019 291010_Thermoelectric Technical Reference


    Thermoelectric Technical Reference Introduction to Thermoelectric Cooling

    This Thermoelectric Technical Reference Guide is a comprehensive technical explanation of

    thermoelectrics and thermoelectric technology.

    Thermoelectric Reference Guide Quick Links

    1.0 Introduction to Thermoelectric Cooling

    2.0 Basic Principles of Thermoelectric Modules & Materials

    3.0 Applications for Thermoelectric Coolers

    4.0 Advantages of Thermoelectric Cooling

    5.0 Heat Sink Considerations

    6.0 Installation of Thermoelectric Modules

    7.0 Power Supply Requirements

    8.0 Thermal System Design Considerations

    9.0 Thermoelectric Module Selection

    10.0 Reliability of Thermoelectric Cooling Modules

    11.0 Mathematical Modeling of thermoelectric Cooling Modules

    12.0 Description & Modeling of Cascade Thermoelectric Modules

    13.0 Power Generation

    - Appendix A: Averaged Module Material Parameters at Various Temperatures

    - Appendix B: Material Properties

    - Appendix C: Glossary of Thermoelectric and Related Terms

    - Appendix D: Temperature Conversion Table

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    1.0 Introduction to Thermoelectric Cooling

    1.1 A thermoelectric (TE) cooler, sometimes called a thermoelectric module or Peltier cooler, is a

    semiconductor-based electronic component that functions as a small heat pump. By applying a low

    voltage DC power source to a TE module, heat will be moved through the module from one side to

    the other. One module face, therefore, will be cooled while the opposite face simultaneously is

    heated. It is important to note that this phenomenon may be reversed whereby a change in the

    polarity (plus and minus) of the applied DC voltage will cause heat to be moved in the opposite

    direction. Consequently, a thermoelectric module may be used for both heating and cooling thereby

    making it highly suitable for precise temperature control applications.

    1.1.1 To provide the new user with a general idea of a thermoelectric cooler's capabilities, it might be

    helpful to offer this example. If a typical single-stage thermoelectric module was placed on a heat

    sink that was maintained at room temperature and the module was then connected to a suitable

    battery or other DC power source, the "cold" side of the module would cool down to approximately -

    40C. At this point, the module would be pumping al most no heat and would have reached its

    maximum rated "DeltaT (DT)." If heat was gradually added to the module's cold side, the cold side

    temperature would increase progressively until it eventually equaled the heat sink temperature. At

    this point the TE cooler would have attained its maximum rated "heat pumping capacity" (Qmax).

    1.2 Both thermoelectric coolers and mechanical refrigerators are governed by the same fundamental

    laws of thermodynamics and both refrigeration systems, although considerably different in form,

    function in accordance with the same principles.

    In a mechanical refrigeration unit, a compressor raises the pressure of a liquid and circulates the

    refrigerant through the system. In the evaporator or "freezer" area the refrigerant boils and, in the

    process of changing to a vapor, the refrigerant absorbs heat causing the freezer to become cold. The

    heat absorbed in the freezer area is moved to the condenser where it is transferred to the

    environment from the condensing refrigerant. In a thermoelectric cooling system, a doped

    semiconductor material essentially takes the place of the liquid refrigerant, the condenser is replaced

    by a finned heat sink, and the compressor is replaced by a DC power source. The application of DC

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    power to the thermoelectric module causes electrons to move through the semiconductor material. At

    the cold end (or "freezer side") of the semiconductor material, heat is absorbed by the electron

    movement, moved through the material, and expelled at the hot end. Since the hot end of the

    material is physically attached to a heat sink, the heat is passed from the material to the heat sink

    and then, in turn, transferred to the environment.

    1.3 The physical principles upon which modern thermoelectric coolers are based actually date back

    to the early 1800's, although commercial TE modules were not available until almost 1960. The first

    important discovery relating to thermoelectricity occurred in 1821 when a German scientist, Thomas

    Seebeck, found that an electric current would flow continuously in a closed circuit made up of two

    dissimilar metals provided that the junctions of the metals were maintained at two different

    temperatures. Seebeck did not actually comprehend the scientific basis for his discovery, however,

    and falsely assumed that flowing heat produced the same effect as flowing electric current. In 1834,

    a French watchmaker and part time physicist, Jean Peltier, while investigating the "Seebeck Effect,"

    found that there was an opposite phenomenon whereby thermal energy could be absorbed at one

    dissimilar metal junction and discharged at the other junction when an electric current flowed within

    the closed circuit. Twenty years later, William Thomson (eventually known as Lord Kelvin) issued a

    comprehensive explanation of the Seebeck and Peltier Effects and described their interrelationship.

    At the time, however, these phenomena were still considered to be mere laboratory curiosities and

    were without practical application.

    In the 1930's Russian scientists began studying some of the earlier thermoelectric work in an effort to

    construct power generators for use at remote locations throughout the country. This Russian interest

    in thermoelectricity eventually caught the attention of the rest of the world and inspired the

    development of practical thermoelectric modules. Today's thermoelectric coolers make use of

    modern semiconductor technology whereby doped semiconductor material takes the place of

    dissimilar metals used in early thermoelectric experiments.

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    1.4 The Seebeck, Peltier, and Thomson Effects, together with several other phenomena, form the

    basis of functional thermoelectric modules. Without going into too much detail, we will examine some

    of these fundamental thermoelectric effects.

    1.4.1 SEEBECK EFFECT: To illustrate the Seebeck Effect let us look at a simple thermocouple

    circuit as shown in Figure (1.1). The thermocouple conductors are two dissimilar metals denoted as

    Material x and Material y.

    In a typical temperature measurement application, thermocouple A is used as a "reference" and is

    maintained at a relatively cool temperature of Tc. Thermocouple B is used to measure the

    temperature of interest (Th) which, in this example, is higher than temperature Tc. With heat applied

    to thermocouple B, a voltage will appear across terminals Tl and T2. This voltage (Vo), known as the

    Seebeck emf, can be expressed as: Vo = axy x (Th - Tc)


    Vo is the output voltage in volts

    axy is the differential Seebeck coefficient between the two materials, x and y, in volts/oK

    Th and Tc are the hot and cold thermocouple temperatures, respectively, inoK

    1.4.2 PELTIER EFFECT: If we modify our thermocouple circuit to obtain the configuration shown in

    Figure (1.2), it will be possible to observe an opposite phenomenon known as the Peltier Effect.

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    If a voltage (Vin) is applied to terminals Tl and T2 an electrical current (I) will flow in the circuit. As a

    result of the current flow, a slight cooling effect (Qc) will occur at thermocouple junction A where heat

    is absorbed and a heating effect (Qh) will occur at junction B where heat is expelled. Note that this

    effect may be reversed whereby

    a change in the direction of electric current flow will reverse the direction of heat flow. The Peltier

    effect can be expressed mathematically as:

    Qc or Qh=pxy x I

    Where: pxy is the differential Peltier coefficient between the two materials, x and y, in volts I is the

    electric current flow in amperes Qc, Qh is the rate of cooling and heating, respectively, in watts

    Joule heating, having a magnitude of I x R (where R is the electrical resistance), also occurs in the

    conductors as a result of current flow. This Joule heating effect acts in opposition to the Peltier effect

    and causes a net reduction of the available cooling.

    1.4.3 THOMSON EFFECT: When an electric current is passed through a conductor having a

    temperature gradient over its length, heat will be either absorbed by or expelled from the conductor.

    Whether heat is absorbed or expelled depends upon the direction of both the electric current and

    temperature gradient. This phenomenon, known as the Thomson Effect, is of interest in respect to

    the principles involved but plays a negligible role in the operation of practical thermoelectric modules.

    For this reason, it is ignored.

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    2.0 Basic Principles of Thermoelectric Modules & Materials

    2.1 THERMOELECTRIC MATERIALS: The thermoelectric semiconductor material most often used

    in today's TE coolers is an alloy of Bismuth Telluride that has been suitably doped to provide

    individual blocks or elements having distinct "N" and "P" characteristics. Thermoelectric materials

    most often are fabricated by either directional crystallization from a melt or pressed powder

    metallurgy. Each manufacturing method has its own particular advantage, but directionally grown

    materials are most common. In addition to Bismuth Telluride (Bi2Te3), there are other thermoelectric

    materials including Lead Telluride (PbTe), Silicon Germanium (SiGe), and Bismuth-Antimony (Bi-Sb)

    alloys that may be used in specific situations. Figure (2.1) illustrates the relative performance or

    Figure-of-Merit of various materials over a range of temperatures. It can be seen from this graph that

    the performance of Bismuth Telluride peaks within a temperature range that is best suited for most

    cooling applications.


    Figure (2.1) Performance of Thermoelectric Materials at Various Temperatures

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    2.1.1 BISMUTH TELLURIDE MATERIAL: Crystalline Bismuth Telluride material has several

    characteristics that merit discussion. Due to the crystal structure, Bi2Te

    3is highly anisotropic in

    nature. This results in the material's electrical resistivity being approximately four times greater

    parallel to the axis of crystal growth (C-axis) than in the perpendicular orientation. In addition, thermal

    conductivity is about two times greater parallel to the C-axis than in the perpendicular direction. Since

    the anisotropic behavior of resistivity is greater than that of thermal conductivity, the maximum

    performance or Figure-of-Merit occurs in the parallel orientation. Because of this anisotropy,

    thermoelectric elements must be assembled into a cooling module so that the crystal growth axis is

    parallel to the length or height of each element and, therefore, perpendicular to the ceramic


    There is one other interesting characteristic of Bismuth Telluride that also is related to the material's

    crystal structure. Bi2Te3 crystals are made up of hexagonal layers of similar atoms.

    While layers of Bismuth and Tellurium are held together by strong covalent bonds, weak van der

    Waals bonds link the adjoining [Te] layers. As a result, crystalline Bismuth Telluride cleaves readily

    along these [Te][Te] layers, with the behavior being very similar to that of Mica sheets. Fortunately,

    the cleavage planes generally run parallel to the C-axis and the material is quite strong when

    assembled into a thermoelectric cooling module.

    2.1.2 Bismuth Telluride material, when produced by directional crystallization from a melt, typically is

    fabricated in ingot or boule form and then sliced into wafers of various thicknesses. After the wafer's

    surfaces have been properly prepared, the wafer is then diced into blocks that may be assembled

    into thermoelectric cooling modules. The blocks of Bismuth Telluride material, which usually are

    called elements or dice, also may be manufactured by a pressed powder metallurgy process.

    2.2 THERMOELECTRIC COOLING MODULES: A practical thermoelectric cooler consists of two or

    more elements of semiconductor material that are connected electrically in series and thermally in

    parallel. These thermoelectric elements and their electrical interconnects typically are mounted

    between two ceramic substrates. The substrates serve to hold the overall structure together

    mechanically and to insulate the individual elements electrically from one another and from external

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    mounting surfaces. After integrating the various component parts into a module, thermoelectric

    modules ranging in size from approximately 2.5-50 mm (0.1 to 2.0 inches) square and 2.5-5mm (0.1

    to 0.2 inches) in height may be constructed.

    Figure (2.2) Schematic Diagram of a Typical Thermoelectric Cooler

    2.2.1 Both N-type and P-type Bismuth Telluride thermoelectric materials are used in a thermoelectric

    cooler. This arrangement causes heat to move through the cooler in one direction only while the

    electrical current moves back and forth alternately between the top and bottom substrates through

    each N and P element. N-type material is doped so that it will have an excess of electrons (more

    electrons than needed to complete a perfect molecular lattice structure) and P-type material is doped

    so that it will have a deficiency of electrons (fewer electrons than are necessary to complete a perfect

    lattice structure). The extra electrons in the N material and the "holes" resulting from the deficiency of

    electrons in the P material are the carriers which move the heat energy through the thermoelectric

    material. Figure (2.2) shows a typical thermoelectric cooler with heat being moved as a result of an

    applied electrical current (I). Most thermoelectric cooling modules are fabricated with an equal

    number of N-type and P-type elements where one N and P element pair form a thermoelectric

    "couple." The module illustrated in Figure (2.2) has two pairs of N and P elements and is termed a

    "two-couple module".

    Heat flux (heat actively pumped through the thermoelectric module) is proportional to the magnitude

    of the applied DC electric current. By varying the input current from zero to maximum, it is possible to

    adjust and control the heat flow and temperature.

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    3.0 Applications for Thermoelectric Coolers

    3.1 Applications for thermoelectric modules cover a wide spectrum of product areas. These include

    equipment used by military, medical, industrial, consumer, scientific/laboratory, and

    telecommunications organizations. Uses range from simple food and beverage coolers for an

    afternoon picnic to extremely sophisticated temperature control systems in missiles and space


    Unlike a simple heat sink, a thermoelectric cooler permits lowering the temperature of an object

    below ambient as well as stabilizing the temperature of objects which are subject to widely varying

    ambient conditions. A thermoelectric cooler is an active cooling module whereas a heat sink provides

    only passive cooling.

    Thermoelectric coolers generally may be considered for applications that require heat removal

    ranging from milliwatts up to several thousand watts. Most single-stage TE coolers, including both

    high and low current modules, are capable of pumping a maximum of 3 to 6 watts per square

    centimeter (20 to 40 watts per square inch) of module surface area. Multiple modules mounted

    thermally in parallel may be used to increase total heat pump performance. Large thermoelectric

    systems in the kilowatt range have been built in the past for specialized applications such as cooling

    within submarines and railroad cars. Systems of this magnitude are now proving quite valuable in

    applications such as semiconductor manufacturing lines.

    3.2 Typical applications for thermoelectric modules include:


    Black Box Cooling


    CCD (Charged Couple Devices)

    CID (Charge Induced Devices)

    Cold Chambers

    Cold Plates

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    Compact Heat Exchangers

    Constant Temperature Baths


    Dew Point Hygrometers

    Electronics Package Cooling

    Electrophoresis Cell Coolers

    Environmental Analyzers

    Heat Density Measurement

    Ice Point References

    Immersion Coolers

    Integrated Circuit Cooling

    Inertial Guidance Systems

    Infrared Calibration Sources and Black Body References

    Infrared Detectors

    Infrared Seeking Missiles

    Laser Collimators

    Laser Diode Coolers

    Long Lasting Cooling Devices

    Low Noise Amplifiers

    Microprocessor Cooling

    Microtome Stage Coolers

    NEMA Enclosures

    Night Vision Equipment

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    Parametric Amplifiers

    Photomultiplier Tube Housing

    Power Generators (small)

    Precision Device Cooling (Lasers and Microprocessors)

    Refrigerators and on-board refrigeration systems (Aircraft, Automobile, Boat, Hotel, Insulin,

    Portable/Picnic, Pharmaceutical, RV)

    Restaurant Portion Dispenser

    Self-Scanned Arrays Systems

    Semiconductor Wafer Probes

    Stir Coolers

    Thermal Viewers and Weapons Sights

    Thermal Cycling Devices (DNA and Blood Analyzers)

    Thermostat Calibrating Baths

    Tissue Preparation and Storage

    Vidicon Tube Coolers

    Wafer Thermal Characterization

    Water and Beverage Coolers

    Wet Process Temperature Controller

    Wine Cabinets

    4.0 Advantages of Thermoelectric Cooling

    4.1 The use of thermoelectric modules often provides solutions, and in some cases the ONLY

    solution, to many difficult thermal management problems where a low to moderate amount of heat

    must be handled. While no one cooling method is ideal in all respects and the use of thermoelectric

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    modules will not be suitable for every application, TE coolers will often provide substantial

    advantages over alternative technologies. Some of the more significant features of thermoelectric

    modules include:

    No Moving Parts: A TE module works electrically without any moving parts so they are virtually

    maintenance free.

    Small Size and Weight: The overall thermoelectric cooling system is much smaller and lighter than

    a comparable mechanical system. In addition, a variety of standard and special sizes and

    configurations are available to meet strict application requirements.

    Ability to Cool Below Ambient: Unlike a conventional heat sink whose temperature necessarily

    must rise above ambient, a TE cooler attached to that same heat sink has the ability to reduce the

    temperature below the ambient value.

    Ability to Heat and Cool With the Same module: Thermoelectric coolers will either heat or cool

    depending upon the polarity of the applied DC power. This feature eliminates the necessity of

    providing separate heating and cooling functions within a given system.

    Precise Temperature Control: With an appropriate closed-loop temperature control circuit, TE

    coolers can control temperatures to better than +/- 0.1C.

    High Reliability: Thermoelectric modules exhibit very high reliability due to their solid state

    construction. Although reliability is somewhat application dependent, the life of typical TE coolers is

    greater than 200,000 hours.

    Electrically "Quiet" Operation: Unlike a mechanical refrigeration system, TE modules generate

    virtually no electrical noise and can be used in conjunction with sensitive electronic sensors. They

    are also acoustically silent.

    Operation in any Orientation: TEs can be used in any orientation and in zero gravity environments.

    Thus they are popular in many aerospace applications.

    Convenient Power Supply: TE modules operate directly from a DC power source. Modules having

    a wide range of input voltages and currents are available. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) may be

    used in many applications

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    Spot Cooling: With a TE cooler it is possible to cool one specific component or area only, thereby

    often making it unnecessary to cool an entire package or enclosure.

    Ability to Generate Electrical Power: When used "in reverse" by applying a temperature differential

    across the faces of a TE cooler, it is possible to generate a small amount of DC power.

    Environmentally Friendly: Conventional refrigeration systems can not be fabricated without using

    chlorofluorocarbons or other chemicals that may be harmful to the environment. Thermoelectric

    devices do not use or generate gases of any kind.

    5.0 Heat Sink Considerations

    5.1 Rather than being a heat absorber that consumes heat by magic, a thermoelectric cooler is a

    heat pump which moves heat from one location to another. When electric power is applied to a TE

    module, one face becomes cold while the other is heated. In accordance with the laws of

    thermodynamics, heat from the (warmer) area being cooled will pass from the cold face to the hot

    face. To complete the thermal system, the hot face of the TE cooler must be attached to a suitable

    heat sink that is capable of dissipating both the heat pumped by the module and Joule heat created

    as a result of supplying electrical power to the module.

    A heat sink is an integral part of a thermoelectric cooling system and its importance to total system

    performance must be emphasized. Since all operational characteristics of TE devices are related to

    heat sink temperature, heat sink selection and design should be considered carefully.

    A perfect heat sink would be capable of absorbing an unlimited quantity of heat without exhibiting any

    increase in temperature. Since this is not possible in practice, the designer must select a heat sink

    that will have an acceptable temperature rise while handling the total heat flow from the TE device(s).

    The definition of an acceptable increase in heat sink temperature necessarily is dependent upon the

    specific application, but because a TE module's heat pumping capability decreases

    with increasing temperature differential, it is highly desirable to minimize this value. A heat sink

    temperature rise of 5 to 15C above ambient (or coo ling fluid) is typical for many thermoelectric


    Several types of heat sinks are available including natural convection, forced convection, and liquid-

    cooled. Natural convection heat sinks may prove satisfactory for very low power applications

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    especially when using small TE devices operating at 2 amperes or less. For the majority of

    applications, however, natural convection heat sinks will be unable to remove the required amount of

    heat from the system, and forced convection or liquid-cooled heat sinks will be needed.

    Heat sink performance usually is specified in terms of thermal resistance (Q):


    Ts - Ta




    Qs = Thermal Resistance in Degrees C per Watt

    Ts = Heat Sink Temperature in Degrees C

    Ta =Ambient or Coolant Temperature in Degrees C

    Q = Heat Input to Heat Sink in Watts

    5.2 Each thermoelectric cooling application will have a unique heat sink requirement and frequently

    there will be various mechanical constraints that may complicate the overall design. Because each

    case is different, it is virtually impossible to suggest one heat sink configuration suitable for most

    situations. We have several off the shelf heat sinks and liquid heat exchangers appropriate for many

    applications but encourage you to contact our engineering department.

    Note that when combining thermoelectric cooling modules and heat sinks into a total thermal system,

    it normally is NOT necessary to take into account heat loss or temperature rise at the module to heat

    sink junctions. Module performance data presented herein already includes such losses based on

    the use of thermal grease at both hot and cold interfaces. When using commercially available heat

    sinks for thermoelectric cooler applications, it is important to be aware that some off-the-shelf units

    do not have adequate surface flatness. A flatness of 1mm/m (0.001 in/in) or better is recommended

    for satisfactory thermal performance and it may be necessary to perform an additional lapping,

    flycutting, or grinding operation to meet this flatness specification.

    5.2.1 NATURAL CONVECTION HEAT SINKS: Natural convection heat sinks normally are useful

    only for low power applications where very little heat is involved. Although it is difficult to generalize,

    most natural convection heat sinks have a thermal resistance (Qs) greater than 0.5C/watt and often

    exceeding 10C/watt. A natural convection heat sink should be positioned so that (a) the long

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    dimension of the fins is in the direction of normal air flow, vertical operation improves natural

    convection and (b) there are no significant physical obstructions to impede air flow. It also is

    important to consider that other heat generating components located near the heat sink may increase

    the ambient air temperature, thereby affecting overall performance.

    5.2.2 FORCED CONVECTION HEAT SINKS: Probably the most common heat-sinking

    method used with thermoelectric coolers is forced convection. When compared to natural convection

    heat sinks, substantially better performance can be realized. The thermal resistance of quality forced

    convection systems typically falls within a range of 0.02 to 0.5C/watt. Many standard heat sink

    extrusions are available that, when coupled with a suitable fan, may be used to form the basis of a

    complete cooling

    assembly. Cooling air may be supplied from a fan or blower and may either be passed totally through

    the length of the heat sink or may be directed at the center of the fins and pass out both open ends.

    This second air flow pattern, illustrated in Figure (5.l), generally provides the best performance since

    the air blown into the face of the heat sink creates greater turbulence resulting in improved heat

    transfer. For optimum performance, the housing of an axial fan should be mounted a distance of 8-

    20mm (0.31-0.75") from the fins. Other configurations may be considered depending on the


    Figure (5.1) Forced Convection Heat Sink System Showing Preferred Air Flow

    The thermal resistance of heat sink extrusions often is specified at an air flow rate stated in terms of

    velocity whereas the output of most fans is given in terms of volume. The conversion from volume to

    velocity is:

    Velocity = Volume / Cross-sectional Area of Air Passage

    or: Linear Feet per Minute = Cubic Feet per Minute / Area in Square Feet

    or: Linear Meters per Minute = Cubic Meters per Minute / Area in Square Meters

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    5.2.3 LIQUID COOLED HEAT SINKS: Liquid cooled heat sinks provide the highest thermal

    performance per unit volume and, when optimally designed, can exhibit a very low thermal

    resistance. Although there are many exceptions, the thermal resistance of liquid cooled heat sinks

    typically falls between 0.01 and 0.1C/watt.

    Simple liquid heat sinks can be constructed by soldering copper tubing onto a flat copper plate or by

    drilling holes in a metal block through which water may pass. With greater complexity (and greater

    thermal performance), an elaborate serpentine water channel may be milled in a copper or aluminum

    block that later is sealed-off with a cover plate. We offer several liquid-type heat sinks that may be

    used advantageously in thermoelectric systems. With other commercial heat sinks, always check the

    surface flatness prior to installation. While liquid cooling may be considered undesirable and/or

    unsatisfactory for many applications, it may be the only viable approach in specific situations.

    6.0 Installation of Thermoelectric Modules

    This section of the technical reference guide explaines the techniques that can used to install or

    mount a thermoelectric module or peltier cooler including:


    Bonding with Epoxy


    Mounting Pads and other Material

    6.1 Important Installation Considerations

    Techniques used to install thermoelectric modules in a cooling system are extremely important.

    Failure to observe certain basic principles may result in unsatisfactory performance or reliability.

    Some of the factors to be considered in system design and module installation include the following:

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    Thermoelectric modules have high mechanical strength in the compression mode but shear

    strength is relatively low. As a result, a TE cooler should not be designed into a system where it

    serves as a significant supporting member of the mechanical structure.

    All interfaces between system components must be flat, parallel, and clean to minimize

    thermal resistance. High conductivity thermal interface material is often used to ensure good

    contact between surfaces.

    The "hot" and "cold" sides of standard thermoelectric modules may be identified by the

    position of the wire leads. Wires are attached to the hot side of the module, which is the module

    face that is in contact with the heat sink. For modules having insulated wire leads, when the red

    and black leads are connected to the respective positive and negative terminals of a DC power

    supply, heat will be pumped from the module's cold side, through the module, and into the heat

    sink. Note that for TE modules having bare wire leads, the positive connection is on the right

    side and the negative connection is on the left when the leads are facing toward the viewer and

    the substrate with the leads attached presented on the bottom.

    When cooling below ambient, the object being cooled should be insulated as much as

    possible to minimize heat loss to the ambient air. To reduce convective losses, fans should not

    be positioned so that air is blowing directly at the cooled object. Conductive losses also may be

    minimized by limiting direct contact between the cooled object and external structural members.

    When cooling below the dew point, moisture or frost will tend to form on exposed cooled

    surfaces. To prevent moisture from entering a TE module and severely reducing its thermal

    performance, an effective moisture seal should be installed. This seal should be formed

    between the heat sink and cooled object in the area surrounding the TE module(s). Flexible

    foam insulating tape or sheet material and/or silicone rubber RTV are relatively easy to install

    and make an effective moisture seal. Several methods for mounting thermoelectric modules are

    available and the specific product application often dictates the method to be used. Possible

    mounting techniques are outlined in the following paragraphs.

    6.1.1 HEIGHT TOLERANCE: Most thermoelectric cooling modules are available with two height

    tolerance values, +/-0.3mm (+/-0.010") and +/-0.03mm (0.001"). When only one module is used in a

    thermoelectric subassembly, a +/-0.3mm tolerance module generally is preferable since it provides a

    slight cost advantage over a comparable tight-tolerance module. For applications where more than

    one module is to be mounted between the heat sink and cooled object, however, it is necessary to

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    closely match the thickness of all modules in the group to ensure good heat transfer. For this reason,

    +/-0.03mm (+/-0.001") tolerance modules should be used in all multiple-module configurations.

    6.2 Clamping

    The most common mounting method involves clamping the thermoelectric module(s) between a heat

    sink and flat surface of the article to be cooled. This approach, as illustrated in Figure (6.1), usually is

    recommended for most applications and may be applied as follows:

    a) Machine or grind flat the mounting surfaces between which the TE module(s) will be located. To

    achieve optimum thermal performance mounting surfaces should be flat to within 1mm/m (0.001


    b) If several TE modules are mounted between a given pair of mounting surfaces, all modules within

    the group must be matched in height/thickness so that the overall thickness variation does not

    exceed 0.06mm (0.002"). Module P/N with a "B" ending should be specified.

    c) Mounting screws should be arranged in a

    symmetrical pattern relative to the

    module(s) so as to provide uniform pressure

    on the module(s) when the assembly is

    clamped together. To minimize heat loss

    through the mounting screws, it is desirable

    to use the smallest size screw that is

    practical for the mechanical system. For

    most applications, M3 or M3.5 (4-40 or 6-

    32) stainless steel screws will prove

    satisfactory. Alternately, nonmetallic

    fasteners can be used, e.g., nylon. Smaller

    screws may be used in conjunction with

    very small mechanical assemblies. Belleville

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    spring washers or split lock-washers should

    be used under the head of each screw to

    maintain even pressure during the normal

    thermal expansion or contraction of system


    d) Clean the module(s) and mounting surfaces to ensure that all burrs, dirt, etc., have been removed.

    e) Coat the "hot" side of the module(s) with a thin layer (typically 0.02mm / 0.001" or less thickness)

    of thermally conductive grease and place the module, hot side down, on the heat sink in the desiredlocation. Gently push down on the module and apply a back and forth turning motion to squeeze out

    excess thermal grease. Continue the combined downward pressure and turning motion until a slight

    resistance is detected. Ferrotec America recommends and stocks American Oil and Supply (AOS)

    type 400 product code 52032.

    f) Coat the "cold" side of the module(s) with thermal grease as specified in step (e) above. Position

    and place the object to be cooled in contact with the cold side of the module(s). Squeeze out the

    excess thermal grease as previously described.

    g) Bolt the heat sink and cooled object together using the stainless steel screws and spring washers.

    It is important to apply uniform pressure across the mounting surfaces so that good parallelism is

    maintained. If significantly uneven pressure is applied, thermal performance may be reduced, or

    worse, the TE module(s) may be damaged. To ensure that pressure is applied uniformly, first tighten

    all mounting screws finger tight starting with the center screw (if any). Using a torque screwdriver,

    gradually tighten each screw by moving from screw to screw in a crosswise pattern and increasetorque in small increments. Continue the tightening procedure until the proper torque value is

    reached. Typical mounting pressure ranges from 25 - 100 psi depending on the application. If a

    torque screwdriver is not available, the correct torque value may be approximated by using the

    following procedure:

    In a crosswise pattern, tighten the screws until they are "snug" but not actually tight. In the same

    crosswise pattern, tighten each screw approximately one quarter turn until the spring action of the

    washer can be felt.

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    h) A small additional amount of thermal grease normally is squeezed out soon after the assembly is

    first clamped together. In order to insure that the proper screw torque is maintained, wait a minimum

    of one hour and recheck the torque by repeating step (g) above.

    i) CAUTION: Over-tightening of the clamping screws may result in bending or bowing of either the

    heat sink or cold object surface especially if these components are constructed of relatively thin

    material. Such bowing will, at best, reduce thermal performance and in severe cases may cause

    physical damage to system components. Bowing may be minimized by positioning the clamping

    screws close to the thermoelectric module(s) and by using moderately thick materials. However, if

    hot and/or cold surfaces are constructed of aluminum which is less than 6mm (0.25") thick or copper

    which is less than 3.3mm (0.13") thick, it may be necessary to apply screw torque of a lower value

    than specified in step (g) above.

    Figure (6.1)

    TE Module Installation Using the Clamping MethodThe proper bolt torque for TE module assemblies

    can be determined by the following relationship:

    T=((Sa x A)/N) x K x d


    T= torque on each bolt

    Sa= cycling 25-50 psi, static 50-75 psi.

    A= total surface area of module(s)

    N= number of bolts used in assembly

    K= torque coefficient (use K=0.2 for steel, K=0.15 for nylon)

    d= nominal bolt diameter

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    For steel fasteners, we typically recommend either:

    6-32 d=.138 in (.350 cm)

    4-40 d=.112 in (.284 cm)

    The following recommended torque is calculated for nine 9500/065/018 modules held by four 4-40

    steel fasteners:

    T=((75 lbs/in.2

    x (.44" x .48") x 9)/4)x 0.2 x .112 in. = 0.8 in-lbs.


    A second module mounting method that is useful for certain applications involves bonding the

    module(s) to one or both mounting surfaces using a special high thermal-conductivity epoxy

    adhesive. Since the coefficients of expansion of the module's ceramics, heat sink and cooled object

    vary, we do not recommend bonding with epoxy for larger modules. Please consult your applications

    engineer for guidance. Note: Unless suitable procedures are used to prevent outgassing, epoxy

    bonding is not recommended if the TE cooling system is to be used in a vacuum. For module

    mounting with epoxy:

    a) Machine or grind flat the mounting surfaces between which the TE module(s) will be located.

    Although surface flatness is less critical when using epoxy, it is always desirable for mounting

    surfaces to be as flat as possible.

    b) Clean and degrease the module(s) and mounting surfaces to insure that all burrs, oil, dirt, etc.,

    have been removed. Follow the epoxy manufacturer's recommendations regarding proper surface


    c) Coat the hot side of the module with a thin layer of the thermally conductive epoxy and place the

    module, hot side down, on the heat sink in the desired location. Gently push down on the module and

    apply a back and forth turning motion to squeeze out excess epoxy. Continue the combined

    downward pressure and turning motion until a slight resistance is detected.

    d) Weight or clamp the module in position until the epoxy has properly cured. Consult the epoxy

    manufacturer's data sheet for specific curing information. If an oven cure is specified, be sure that the

    maximum operating temperature of the TE module is not exceeded during the heating procedure.

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    Note that most TE cooling modules manufactured by Ferrotec have maximum operating

    temperatures of 200C for the 95-Series.


    Thermoelectric modules that have metallized external faces may be soldered into an assembly

    provided that reasonable care is taken to prevent module overheating. Soldering to a rigid structural

    member of an assembly should be performed on one side of the module only (normally the hot side)

    in order to avoid excessive mechanical stress on the module. Note that with a module's hot side

    soldered to a rigid body, however, a component or small electronic circuit may be soldered to the

    module's cold side provided that the component or circuit is not rigidly coupled to the external

    structure. Good temperature control must be maintained within the soldering system in order to

    prevent damage to the TE module due to overheating. Our thermoelectric modules are rated for

    continuous operation at relatively high temperatures (150 or 200C) so they are suitable in most

    applications where soldering is desirable. Naturally these relative temperatures should not be

    exceeded in the process. Since the coefficients of expansion of the module ceramics, heat sink and

    cooled object vary, we do not recommend soldering modules larger than 15 x 15 millimeters.

    Soldering should not be considered in any thermal cycling application. For module mounting with

    solder, the following steps should be observed:

    a) Machine or grind flat the mounting surface on which the module(s) will be located. Although

    surface flatness is not highly critical with the soldering method, it is always desirable for mounting

    surfaces to be as flat as possible. Obviously, the heat sink surface must be a solderable material

    such as copper or copper plated material.

    b) Clean and degrease the heat sink surface and remove any heavy oxidation. Make sure that there

    are no burrs, chips, or other foreign material in the module mounting area.

    c) Pre tin the heat sink surface in the module mounting area with the appropriate solder. The

    selected solder must have a melting point that is less than or equal to the rated maximum operating

    temperature of the TE device being installed. When tinning the heat sink with solder, the heat sink's

    temperature should be just high enough so that the solder will melt but in no case should the

    temperature be raised more than the maximum value specified for the TE device.

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    d) Apply soldering flux to the TE module's hot side and place the module on the pre tinned area of

    the heat sink. Allow the module to "float" in the solder pool and apply a back and forth turning motion

    on the module to facilitate solder tinning of the module surface. A tendency for the module to drag on

    the solder surface rather than to float is an indication that there is an insufficient amount of solder. In

    this event, remove the module and add more solder to the heat sink.

    e) After several seconds the module surface should be tinned satisfactorily. Clamp or weight the

    module in the desired position, remove the heat sink from the heat source, and allow the assembly to

    cool. When sufficiently cooled, degrease the assembly to remove flux residue.

    6.5 Mounting Pads And Other Material

    There are a wide variety of products available designed to replace thermally conductive grease as an

    interface material. Perhaps the most common are silicon-based mounting pads. Originally for use in

    mounting semiconductor devices, these pads often exhibit excessive thermal resistance in

    thermoelectric applications. Since the pads allow for rapid production and eliminate cleanup time,

    they are popular in less demanding applications. Leading manufacturers in this area include The

    Bergquist Company and the Chomerics Division of Parker Hannifin Corporation.

    7.0 Power Supply Requirements

    7.1 Thermoelectric coolers operate directly from DC power suitable power sources can range from

    batteries to simple unregulated "brute force" DC power supplies to extremely sophisticated closed-

    loop temperature control systems. A thermoelectric cooling module is a low-impedance

    semiconductor device that presents a resistive load to its power source. Due to the nature of the

    Bismuth Telluride material, modules exhibit a positive resistance temperature coefficient of

    approximately 0.5 percent per degree C based on average module temperature. For many noncritical

    applications, a lightly filtered conventional battery charger may provide adequate power for a TE

    cooler provided that the AC ripple is not excessive. Simple temperature control may be obtained

    through the use of a standard thermostat or by means of a variable-output DC power supply used to

    adjust the input power level to the TE device. In applications where the thermal load is reasonably

    constant, a manually adjustable DC power supply often will provide temperature control on the order

    of +/- 1C over a period of several hours or more. Where precise temperature control is required, a

    closed-loop (feedback) system generally is used whereby the input current level or duty cycle of the

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    thermoelectric device is automatically controlled. With such a system, temperature control to +/-

    0.1C may be readily achieved and much tighter cont rol is not unusual.

    7.2 Power supply ripple filtering normally is of less importance for thermoelectric devices than for

    typical electronic applications. However we recommend limiting power supply ripple to a maximum of

    10 percent with a preferred value being < 5%.

    7.2.1 Multistage cooling and low-level signal detection are two applications which may require lower

    values of power supply ripple. In the case of multistage thermoelectric devices, achieving a large

    temperature differential is the typical goal, and a ripple component of less than two percent may be

    necessary to maximize module performance. In situations where very low level signals must be

    detected and/or measured, even though the TE module itself is electrically quiet, the presence of an

    AC ripple signal within the module and wire leads may be unsatisfactory. The acceptable level of

    power supply ripple for such applications will have to be determined on a case-by-case basis.

    7.3 Figure (7.1) illustrates a simple power supply capable of driving a 71-couple, 6-ampere module.

    This circuit features a bridge rectifier configuration and capacitive-input filter. With suitable

    component changes, a full-wave-center-tap rectifier could be used and/or a filter choke added ahead

    of the capacitor. A switching power supply, having a size and weight advantage over a comparable

    linear unit, also is appropriate for powering thermoelectric devices.

    Figure (7.1)

    Simple Power Supply to Drive a 71-Couple, 6-Ampere TE Module

    7.4 A typical analog closed-loop temperature controller is illustrated in Figure (7.2). This system is

    capable of closely controlling and maintaining the temperature of an object and will automatically

    correct for temperature variations by means of the feedback loop. Many variations of this system are

    possible including adaptation to digital and/or computer control.

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    Figure (7.2)

    Block Diagram of a Typical Closed-Loop Temperature Controller

    8.0 Thermal System Design Considerations

    8.1 The first step in the design of a thermoelectric cooling system involves making an analysis of the

    system's overall thermal characteristics. This analysis, which may be quite simple for some

    applications or highly complex in other cases, must never be neglected if a satisfactory and efficient

    design is to be realized. Some of the more important factors to be considered are discussed in the

    following paragraphs. Although we have made certain simplifications that may horrify the pure

    thermodynamicist, the results obtained have been found to satisfy all but those few applications that

    approach state-of-the-art limits.

    Please note that design information contained in this manual is presented for the purpose of assisting

    those engineers and scientists who wish either to estimate cooling requirements or to actually

    develop their own cooling systems. For the many individuals who prefer not to become involved in

    the details of the thermoelectric design process, however, we encourage you to contact us for

    assistance. Ferrotec America is committed to providing strong customer technical support and our

    engineering staff is available to assist in complex thermoelectric-related design activities.

    8.2 ACTIVE HEAT LOAD: The active heat load is the actual heat generated by the component,

    "black box" or system to be cooled. For most applications, the active load will be equal to the

    electrical power input to the article being cooled (Watts = Volts x Amps) but in other situations the

    load may be more difficult to determine. Since the total electrical input power generally represents

    the worst case active heat load, we recommend that you use this value for design purposes.

    8.3 PASSIVE HEAT LOAD: The passive heat load (sometimes called heat leak or parasitic heat

    load) is that heat energy which is lost or gained by the article being cooled due to conduction,

    convection, and/or radiation. Passive heat losses may occur through any heat-conductive path

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    including air, insulation, and electrical wiring. In applications where there is no active heat generation,

    the passive heat leak will represent the entire heat load on the thermoelectric cooler.

    Determination of the total heat leak within a cooling system is a relatively complicated issue but a

    reasonable estimate of these losses often can be made by means of some basic heat transfer

    calculations. If there is any uncertainty about heat losses in a given design, we highly recommend

    that you contact our engineering staff for assistance and suggestions.

    8.4 HEAT TRANSFER EQUATIONS: Several fundamental heat transfer equations are presented to

    assist the engineer in evaluating some of the thermal aspects of a design or system.

    8.4.1 HEAT CONDUCTION THROUGH A SOLID MATERIAL: The relationship that describes the

    transfer of heat through a solid material was suggested by J.B. Fourier in the early 1800's. Thermal

    conduction is dependent upon the geometry and thermal conductivity of a given material plus the

    existing temperature gradient through the material. Although thermal conductivity varies with

    temperature, the actual variation is quite small and can be neglected for our purposes.

    Mathematically, heat transfer by conduction may be expressed as:

    Q= (K)(DT)(A) / x

    Symbol DefinitionEnglish

    UnitsMetric Units

    Q Heat Conducted Through the Material BTU/hour Watts

    K Thermal conductivity of the materialBTU/hour-




    A Cross-sectional area of the material square feetsquare


    x Thickness of length of the materials feet meters

    DTTemperature difference between cold and hot sides of

    the materialDegrees F Degrees C


    leak to or from an uninsulated metal surface can constitute a significant heat load in a thermal

    system. Isaac Newton proposed the relationship describing the transfer of heat when a cooled (or

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    heated) surface is exposed directly to the ambient air. To account for the degree of thermal coupling

    between the surface and surrounding air, a numerical value (h), called the Heat Transfer Coefficient,

    must be incorporated into the equation. Heat lost or gained in this manner may be expressed

    mathematically as: Q=(h)(A)(DT)

    Symbol DefinitionEnglish

    UnitsMetric Units

    QHeat transferred to or from

    ambientBTU/hour Watts


    Heat transfer coefficient.

    For still air use a value of:

    For turbulent air use a

    value of:



    4 to 5

    15 to 20



    23 to 28

    85 to 113

    AArea of the exposed

    surfacesquare feet




    Temperature difference

    between the exposed

    surface and ambient

    Degrees F Degrees C


    or from an insulated container combines an element of thermal conduction through the insulating

    material with an element of convection loss at the external insulation surfaces. Heat lost from (or

    gained by) an insulated enclosure may be expressed mathematically as:

    Q = (A)(DT)

    x + 1

    K h

    Symbol DefinitionEnglish

    UnitsMetric Units

    QHeat conducted through

    the enclosureBTU/hour watts

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    KThermal conductivity of the






    AExternal surface area of

    the enclosuresquare feet



    x Thickness of the insulation feet meters


    Temperature difference

    between the inside and

    outside of the enclosure

    Degrees F Degrees C


    Heat transfer coefficient

    For still air use a value of:

    For turbulent air use a

    value of:



    4 to 5

    15 to 20




    23 to 28

    85 to 113


    time required to thermoelectrically cool or heat a given object is a moderately complicated matter.

    For good accuracy, it would be necessary to make a detailed analysis of the entire thermal system

    including all component parts and interfaces. By using the simplified method presented here,

    however, it is possible to make a reasonable estimate of a system's thermal transient response.

    (m)(Cp)(DT)t =


    Symbol DefinitionEnglish




    tTime period for

    temperature changeHours Seconds

    m Weight of material pounds Grams

    CpSpecific heat of the





    DT Temperature change of the Degrees F Degrees C

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    QHeat transferred to or from


    BTU/hour cal/second

    Note (1): 1 Watt = 0.239 calories/second

    Note (2):Thermoelectric modules pump heat at a rate that is proportional to the temperature

    difference (DT) across the module. In order to approximate actual module performance, the average

    heat removal rate should be used when determining the transient behavior of a thermal system. The

    average heat removal rate is:

    Q = 0.5 (Qc at DTmin + Qc at DTmax)

    Where: Qc at DTmin is the amount of heat a thermoelectric module is pumping at the initial object

    temperature when DC power is first applied to the module. The DT is zero at this time and the heat

    pumping rate is at the highest point.

    Qc at DTmax is the amount of heat a thermoelectric module is pumping when the object has cooled to

    the desired temperature. The DT is higher at this time and the heat pumping rate is lower.

    8.4.5 HEAT TRANSFER FROM A BODY BY RADIATION: Most thermoelectric cooling applications

    involve relatively moderate temperatures and small surface areas where radiation heat losses usually

    are negligible. Probably the only situation where thermal radiation may be of concern is that of a

    multistage cooler operating at a very low temperature and close to its lower limit. For such

    applications, it sometimes is possible to attach a small radiation shield to one of the lower module

    stages. By fabricating this shield so that it surrounds the upper stage and cooled object, thermal

    radiation losses may be reduced substantially.

    As an indication of the magnitude of heat leak due to thermal radiation, consider the following. A

    perfect black-body having a surface area of 1.0 cm2

    and operating at -100C (173K) will receive

    approximately 43 milliwatts of heat from its 30C ( 303K) surroundings. Be aware that the accurate

    determination of radiation loss is a highly complicated issue and a suitable heat transfer textbook

    should be consulted for detailed information. A very simplified estimation of such losses may be

    made, however, by using the equation given below.

    QR=(s)(A) (e) (Th4


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    Symbol DefinitionEnglish

    UnitsMetric Units

    QR Radiation heat loss BTU/hour watts




    1.714 x 10-9




    5.67 x 10-8




    AArea of the exposed

    surfacesquare feet



    eEmissivity of exposed

    surfaces-- --

    Th Absolute temperature of

    warmer surfaceDegrees R Degrees K

    TcAbsolute temperature of

    colder surfaceDegrees R Degrees K

    8.4.6 R-VALUE OF INSULATION: The R-value of an insulating material is a measure of the

    insulation's overall effectiveness or resistance to heat flow. R-value is not a scientific term, per se,

    but the expression is used extensively within the building construction industry in the United States.

    The relationship between R-value, insulation thickness, and thermal conductivity may be expressed

    by the equation:

    xR =



    x = Thickness of the insulation in inches

    k = Thermal conductivity of the insulation in BTU/hr-ft-F

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    Note: Insulation R-value normally is based on insulation thickness in inches. Since thermal

    conductivity values in Appendix B are expressed in feet, the k value in the equation's denominator

    has been multiplied by 12.

    8.5 THERMAL INSULATION CONSIDERATIONS: In order to maximize thermal performance and

    minimize condensation, all cooled objects should be properly insulated. Insulation type and thickness

    often is governed by the application and it may not be possible to achieve the optimum insulation

    arrangement in all cases. Every effort should be made, however, to prevent ambient air from blowing

    directly on the cooled object and/or thermoelectric device.

    Figures (8.1) and (8.2) illustrate the relationship between the heat leak from an insulated surface and

    the insulation thickness. It can be seen that even a small amount of insulation will provide a

    significant reduction in heat loss but, beyond a certain point, greater thicknesses give little benefit.

    The two heat leak graphs show heat loss in watts per square unit of surface area for a one degree

    temperature difference (DT) through the insulation. Total heat leak (Qtot) in watts for other surface

    areas (SA) or DT's may be calculated by the expression:

    Qtot = Qleak x SA x DT

    Figure (8.1)

    Heat Leak from an Insulated Surface in Metric Units

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    Figure (8.2)

    Heat Leak from an Insulated Surface in English Units

    9.0 Thermoelectric Module Selection

    9.1 Selection of the proper TE Cooler for a specific application requires an evaluation of the total

    system in which the cooler will be used. For most applications it should be possible to use one of the

    standard module configurations while in certain cases a special design may be needed to meet

    stringent electrical, mechanical, or other requirements. Although we encourage the use of a standard

    device whenever possible, Ferrotec America specializes in the development and manufacture of

    custom TE modules and we will be pleased to quote on unique devices that will exactly meet your


    The overall cooling system is dynamic in nature and system performance is a function of several

    interrelated parameters. As a result, it usually is necessary to make a series of iterative calculations

    to "zero-in" on the correct operating parameters. If there is any uncertainty about which TE device

    would be most suitable for a particular application, we highly recommend that you contact our

    engineering staff for assistance.

    Before starting the actual TE module selection process, the designer should be prepared to answer

    the following questions:

    1. At what temperature must the cooled object be maintained?

    2. How much heat must be removed from the cooled object?

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    3. Is thermal response time important? If yes, how quickly must the cooled object change

    temperature after DC power has been applied?

    4. What is the expected ambient temperature? Will the ambient temperature change

    significantly during system operation?

    5. What is the extraneous heat input (heat leak) to the object as a result of conduction,

    convection, and/or radiation?

    6. How much space is available for the module and heat sink?

    7. What power is available?

    8. Does the temperature of the cooled object have to be controlled? If yes, to what precision?

    9. What is the expected approximate temperature of the heat sink during operation? Is it

    possible that the heat sink temperature will change significantly due to ambient fluctuations,


    Each application obviously will have its own set of requirements that likely will vary in level of

    importance. Based upon any critical requirements that can not be altered, the designer's job will be to

    select compatible components and operating parameters that ultimately will form an efficient and

    reliable cooling system. A design example is presented in section 9.5 to illustrate the concepts

    involved in the typical engineering process.

    9.2 USE OF TE MODULE PERFORMANCE GRAPHS: Before beginning any thermoelectric design

    activity it is necessary to have an understanding of basic module performance characteristics.

    Performance data is presented graphically and is referenced to a specific heat sink base

    temperature. Most performance graphs are standardized at a heat sink temperature (Th) of +50C

    and the resultant data is usable over a range of approximately 40C to 60C with only a slight error.

    Upon request, we can supply module performance graphs referenced to any temperature within a

    range of -80C to +200C.

    9.3 To demonstrate the use of these performance curves let us present a simple example. Suppose

    we have a small electronic "black box" that is dissipating 15 watts of heat. For the electronic unit to

    function properly its temperature may not exceed 20C. The room ambient temperature often rises

    well above the 20C level thereby dictating the use of a thermoelectric cooler to reduce the unit's

    temperature. For the purpose of this example we will neglect the heat sink (we cannot do this in

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    practice) other than to state that its temperature can be maintained at 50C under worst-case

    conditions. We will investigate the use of a 71-couple, 6-ampere module to provide the required


    9.3.1 GRAPH: Qc vs. I This graph, shown in Figure (9.1), relates a module's heat pumping capacity

    (Qc) and temperature difference (DT) as a function of input current (I). In this example, established

    operating parameters for the TE module include Th = 50C, Tc = 20C, and Qc = 15 watts. The

    required DT = Th-Tc = 30C.

    It is necessary first to determine whether a single 71-couple, 6-ampere module is capable of

    providing sufficient heat removal to meet application requirements. We locate the DT=30 line and findthat the maximum Qc value occurs at point A and with an input current of 6 amperes. By extending a

    line from point A to the left y-axis, we can see that the module is capable of pumping approximately

    18 watts while maintaining a Tc of 20C. Since this Qc is slightly higher than necessary, we follow the

    DT=30 line downward until we reach a position (point B) that corresponds to a Qc of 15 watts. Point

    B is the operating point that satisfies our thermal requirements. By extending a line downward from

    point B to the x-axis, we find that the proper input current is 4.0 amperes.

    Figure (9.1)

    Heat Pumping Capacity Related to Temperature Differential as a Function of Input Current for a 71-

    Couple, 6-Ampere Module

    9.3.2 GRAPH: Vin vs. I This graph, shown in Figure (9.2), relates a module's input voltage (Vin) and

    temperature difference (DT) as a function of input current (I). In this example, parameters for the TE

    module include Th = 50C, DT = 30C, and I = 4.0 am peres. We locate the DT=30 line and, at the 4.0

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    ampere intersection, mark point C. By extending a line from point C to the left y-axis, we can see that

    the required module input voltage (Vin) is approximately 6.7 volts.

    Figure (9.2)

    Input Voltage Related to Temperature Differential as a

    Function of Input Current for a 7I-Couple, 6-Ampere Module

    9.3.3 GRAPH:COP vs. I This graph, shown in Figure (9.3), relates a module's coefficient of

    performance (COP) and temperature differential (DT) as a function of input current (I). In this

    example, parameters for the TE module include Th = 50C, DT = 30C, and I = 4.0 amperes.

    We locate the DT=30 line and, at the 4.0 ampere intersection, mark point D. By extending a line from

    point D to the left y-axis, we can see that the module's coefficient of performance is approximately


    Figure (9.3)

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    Coefficient of Performance Related to Temperature Differential as a

    Function of Input Current for a 71-Couple, 6-Ampere Module

    Note that COP is a measure of a module's efficiency and it is always desirable to maximize COP

    whenever possible. COP may be calculated by:

    9.4 An additional graph of Vin vs. Th, of the type shown in Figure (9.4), relates a module's input

    voltage (Vin) and input current (I) as a function of module hot side temperature (Th). Due to the

    Seebeck effect, input voltage at a given value of I and Th is lowest when DT=O and highest when DT

    is at its maximum point. Consequently, the graph of Vin vs. Th usually is presented for a DT=30

    condition in order to provide the average value of Vin.

    Figure (9.4)

    Input Voltage Related to Input Current as a Function of

    Hot Side Temperature for a 71-Couple, 6-Ampere Module

    9.5 DESIGN EXAMPLE: To illustrate the typical design process let us present an example of a TE

    cooler application involving the temperature stabilization of a laser diode. The diode, along with

    related electronics, is to be mounted in a DIP Kovar housing and must be maintained at a

    temperature of 25C. With the housing mounted on th e system circuit board, tests show that the

    housing has a thermal resistance of 6C/watt. The l aser electronics dissipate a total of 0.5 watts and

    the design maximum ambient temperature is 35C.

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    It is necessary to select a TE cooling module that not only will have sufficient cooling capacity to

    maintain the proper temperature, but also will meet the dimensional requirements imposed by the

    housing. An 18-couple, 1.2 ampere TE cooler is chosen initially because it does have compatible

    dimensions and also appears to have appropriate performance characteristics. Performance graphs

    for this module will be used to derive relevant parameters for making mathematical calculations. To

    begin the design process we must first evaluate the heat sink and make an estimate of the worst-

    case module hot side temperature (Th). For the TE cooler chosen, the maximum input power (Pin)

    can be determined from Figure (9.5) at point A.

    Max. Module Input Power (Pin) = 1.2 amps x 2.4 volts = 2.9 watts

    Max. Heat Input to the Housing = 2.9 watts + 0.5 watts = 3.4 watts

    Housing Temperature Rise = 3.4 watts x 6C/watt = 20.4C

    Max. Housing Temperature (T,) = 35C ambient + 20. 4C rise = 55.4C Since the hot side

    temperature (Th) of 55.4C is reasonably close to t he available Tin = 50C performance graphs,

    these graphs may be used to determine thermal performance with very little error.

    Figure (9.5)

    Vin vs. I Graph for an 18-Couple, I.2 Ampere Module

    Now that we have established the worst-case Th value it is possible to assess module performance.

    Module Temperature Differential (DT) = Th - Tc = 55.4 - 25 = 30C

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    Figure (9.6)

    Qc vs. I Graph for an 18-Couple, 1.2 Ampere Module

    From Figure (9.6) it can be seen that the maximum heat pumping rate (Qc) for DT=30 occurs at point

    B and is approximately 0.9 watts. Since a Qc of only 0.5 watts is needed, we can follow the DT=30

    line down until it intersects the 0.5 watt line marked as point C. By extending a line downward from

    point C to the x-axis, we can see that an input current (I) of approximately 0.55 amperes will provide

    the required cooling performance. Referring back to the Vin vs. I graph in Figure (9.5), a current of

    0.55 amperes, marked as point D, requires a voltage (Vin) of about 1.2 volts. We now have to repeat

    our analysis because the required input power is considerably lower than the value used for our initial

    calculation. The new power and temperature values will be:

    Max. Module Input Power (Pin) = 0.55 amps x 1.2 volts = 0.66 watts

    Max. Heat Input to the Housing = 0.66 watts + 0.50 watts = 1.16 watts

    Housing Temperature Rise = 1.16 watts x 6C/watt = 7C

    Max. Housing Temperature (Th) = 35C ambient + 7C rise = 42C

    Module Temperature Differential (DT) = Th-Tc = 42C -25C = 17C

    It can be seen that because we now have another new value for Th it will be necessary to continue

    repeating the steps outlined above until a stable condition is obtained. Note that calculations usually

    are repeated until the difference in the Th values from successive calculations is quite small (often

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    less that 0.1C for good accuracy). There is no rea son to present the repetitive calculations here but

    we can conclude that the selected 18-couple TE module will function very well in this application.

    This analysis clearly shows the importance of the heat sink in any thermoelectric cooling application.

    9.6 USE OF MULTIPLE MODULES: Relatively large thermoelectric cooling applications may require

    the use of several individual modules in order to obtain the required rate of heat removal. For such

    applications, TE modules normally are mounted thermally in parallel and connected electrically in

    series. An electrical series-parallel connection arrangement may also be used advantageously in

    certain instances. Because heat sink performance becomes increasingly important as power levels

    rise, be sure that the selected heat sink is adequate for the application.

    10.0 Reliability of Thermoelectric Cooling Modules

    10.1 INTRODUCTION: Thermoelectric cooling modules are considered to be highly reliable

    components due to their solid-state construction. For most applications they will provide long,

    trouble-free service. There have been many instances where TE modules have been used

    continuously for twenty or more years and the life of a module often exceeds the life of the

    associated equipment. The specific reliability of thermoelectric devices tends to be difficult to define,

    however, because failure rates are highly dependent upon the particular application. For applications

    involving relatively steady-state cooling where DC power is being applied to the module on more-or-

    less continuous and uniform basis, thermoelectric module reliability is extremely high. Mean Time

    Between Failures (MTBFs) in excess of 200,000 hours are not uncommon in such cases and this

    MTBF value generally is considered to be an industry standard. On the other hand, applications

    involving thermal cycling show significantly worse MTBFs especially when TE modules are cycled up

    to a high temperature.

    The publishing of thermoelectric module reliability data entails some risk because there are

    numerous application parameters and conditions that will affect the end result. Although reliability

    data is valid for the conditions under which a test was conducted, it is not necessarily applicable to

    other configurations. Module assembly and mounting methods, power supply and temperature

    control systems and techniques, and temperature profiles, together with a host of external factors,

    can combine to produce failure rates ranging from extremely low to very high. In an effort to provide

    users with certain basic information about thermoelectric module life and to aid engineers in

    designing systems for optimum reliability, we instituted several test programs to acquire the

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    necessary reliability data. Test results to date are presented for several situations that may be useful

    to end-users having similar or related applications. This data will be shared on a case-by-case basis

    depending on application and availability.

    General requirements for the proper installation of thermoelectric modules may be found in Section 6

    of this technical manual. It is important that modules are installed in accordance with these general

    requirements in order to minimize the possibility of premature module failure due to faulty assembly

    techniques. Some installation related factors that can affect module reliability include:

    a) Thermoelectric modules exhibit relatively high mechanical strength in a compression mode but

    shear strength is comparatively low. A TE cooler should not be designed into a system where it

    serves as a major supporting member of the mechanical structure. Furthermore, in applications

    where severe shock and vibration will be present, a thermoelectric cooling module should be

    compression-mounted, i.e., installed by the clamping method. When properly mounted,

    thermoelectric coolers have successfully met the shock and vibration requirements of aerospace,

    military, and similar environments.

    b) Although the maximum recommended compression loading for thermoelectric modules is 15

    kilograms per square centimeter (200 pounds per square inch) of module surface area, tests have

    shown that well over 75 kilograms per square centimeter (1000 pounds per square inch)

    compression normally can be applied to most of our modules without causing failure. It is important

    to ensure that when modules are installed using the clamping method, sufficient pressure is

    maintained so that a module is not "loose" whereby it may easily be moved by applying a small

    sideways or lateral force. Loose modules may be a particular problem when several modules are

    grouped together in the same cooling assembly. In this situation, the lack of adequate clamping

    pressure may result in both reduced cooling performance and early module failure. When multiple

    modules are mounted in an array, modules with a close height tolerance of +/- .03mm (.001") are

    recommended. In all cases, clamping pressure must be applied uniformly and mating surfaces must

    be flat (see section 6 for Installation Guidelines).

    c) A large unsupported mass should not be directly bonded to a module's cold surface to prevent the

    possible fracture of module components when subjected to significant mechanical shock. Where a

    large mass is involved, thermoelectric modules should be clamped between the heat sink and either

    the mass itself or an intermediate "cold plate" on which the mass is mounted. In this arrangement,

    the clamping screws will effectively increase shear strength of the overall mechanical system.

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    d) Moisture should not be allowed to enter the inside of a thermoelectric module in order to prevent

    both a reduction in cooling performance and the possible corrosion of module materials through

    electro-chemical action or electrolysis. When cooling below the dew point, a moisture seal should be

    provided either on the module itself or between the heat sink and cooled object in the area

    surrounding the TE module. An electronic-grade silicone rubber RTV may be used to directly seal a

    thermoelectric module. Flexible closed-cell foam insulating tape or sheet material, possibly combined

    with RTV to fill small gaps, may be used for a seal between the cold object and the heat sink.

    e) When an application will involve large temperature changes or thermal cycling, thermoelectric

    modules should not be installed using solder or epoxy whereby an object is rigidly bonded to the

    module. Unless the thermal coefficients of expansion of all system components are similar, rigid

    bonding combined with temperature cycling often will result in early module failure due to the induced

    thermal stresses. Rigid bonding to the module's hot side generally is less of a problem because the

    hot side temperature tends to be relatively constant during operation. When significant temperature

    variation or temperature cycling is involved, we strongly recommend that modules be mounted by

    clamping (compression) using a flexible mounting material such as thermal grease or foils of graphite

    or indium. In addition, rigid mounting to both sides of modules is not recommended for devices larger

    than about 15mm (5/8") square.

    Temperature control methods also have an impact on thermoelectric module reliability. Linear or

    proportional control should always be chosen over ON/OFF techniques when prolong life of the

    module is required.


    Thermoelectric module failures typically may be classified into two groups: catastrophic failures and

    degradation failures. Degradation failures tend to be long-term in nature and usually are caused by

    changes in semiconductor material parameters or increases in electrical contact resistance. High

    temperature exposure may lead to material parameter changes and, therefore, reduced

    thermoelectric performance. A test was conducted to study this effect. Ferrotec's 95-Series TE

    modules were subjected to long-term, continuous exposure to an elevated temperature of 150C in a

    normal air atmosphere. During the test period, relevant module parameters were regularly measured

    and recorded. One parameter that is a good indicator of overall module performance is the maximumtemperature differential (DTmax). This parameter was tracked over a 42-month period with the

    average value being shown the graph of Figure (10.1). It can be seen that a small (2.5%) decline in

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    DTmax, with a decreasing rate of change, occurred in the first 12 months of high temperature

    exposure. In the remaining 30 months, however, the additional reduction in DTmax was only about

    1.3% as semiconductor material characteristics stabilized.

    Figure (10.1)


    The continuous thermal cycling of thermoelectric modules over a wide temperature range effectively

    constitutes a module "torture test," especially when the modules are raised to a relatively high

    temperature at one end of the cycle. Except for a few unusual applications, module failure rates are

    higher for this mode of operation than for any other operating condition. The basis for most thermal

    cycling failures is the unavoidable mismatch of thermal expansion coefficients of the various module

    components and materials. Such failures tend to be catastrophic in nature but some degradation

    normally may be observed prior to failure.

    It is necessary, at this point, to define thermal cycling. Many thermoelectric applications involve the

    periodic raising and lowering of the control temperature, sometimes over a fairly wide temperature

    range. Although there often is not a well defined line between a cycling and noncycling application,

    thermal cycling usually is considered to be an operation where the temperature is regularly, and

    more or less continuously, raised and lowered over a long period of operation. A cycling application

    tends to suggest automatic or machine control of the temperature excursion as opposed to manual

    control. If the temperature of an apparatus is temperature-cycled up and down a few times each day,

    this generally is not considered to be a temperature-cycling application for the purpose of this

    discussion. If you are uncertain about the status of your particular application, please do not hesitate

    to contact us for assistance.

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    At least four factors relate to failure rate in thermal cycling including (1) the total number of cycles, (2)

    the total temperature excursion over the cycle, (3) the upper temperature limit of the cycle, and (4)

    the rate of temperature change. Highest reliability and module life is seen when the number of cycles

    is small, the temperature excursion or range is narrow, the upper temperature limit is relatively low

    and the rate of temperature change is minimalized. (Conversely, a large number of cycles over a

    wide temperature range with a rapid rate of change and a high temperature value on the up cycle

    results in significantly lower module life.) It is important to note that absolute module life is dependent

    upon the total number of cycles rather that the total time required to accrue those cycles.

    Consequently, when discussing thermal cycling, MTBF is best stated in terms of number of cycles

    instead of hours; we will take the liberty of using MTBF in this manner in the following discussion.

    The type of module used in thermal cycling applications also is important in respect to failure rate.

    Modules rated at higher maximum operating temperatures provide substantially better life than do

    lower rated devices. This is true even though the upper temperature of the cycle is well below the

    maximum rated module temperature. In one application involving a two-stage thermoelectric

    assembly that was being cycled between -55C and +1 25C, a 150C rated module provided a

    MTBF of 8100 cycles while a module rated at 200C e xhibited a MTBF of 17,500 cycles. Modules

    rated at even lower maximum operating temperatures should only be used for relatively low

    temperature cycling applications. In general, we recommend the SuperTEC series modules (rated for

    200C) be used for thermal cycling applications exc eeding 90C.

    It should be mentioned that two other factors also may affect thermal cycling MTBFs. Physically

    smaller modules having fewer couples appear to provide improved life as do modules having larger

    elements or "dice." Sufficient data is available to suggest that modules having a size of 30mm (1.17")

    square or less exhibit better reliability in thermal cycling applications than do physically larger

    modules. Thermally induced mechanical stresses are greater in larger modules and such modules

    generally have a greater number of couples resulting in many more individual solder connections

    which may become fatigued by thermal stress.

    In order to better define module failure rates under high temperature thermal cycling conditions, a

    test was conducted involving the continuous cycling of SuperTEC Series modules between +30C

    and +100C. Modules were mounted on a forced convec tion heat sink and covered with an insulated

    aluminum plate. Polarity of the applied DC power was alternately reversed to provide active heatingand cooling and the cover-plate temperature was measured to determine cycling limits. The total time

    period of the cycle was 5 minutes (2.5 minutes from 30C to 100C and 2.5 minutes from 100C to

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    30C) resulting in 288 cycles per day or 2016 cycle s per week. Module parameters were measured

    weekly and a failure was indicated by a sharp rise in electrical resistance.

    Modules showed a slow and predictable rise in electrical resistance until reaching a point where a

    rapid resistance increase occurred indicating failure. All modules achieved a minimum of 25,000

    cycles without failure, see Figure (10.2), and the test was continued until 50% of the modules failed.

    MTBF of the module group was calculated to be 68,000 cycles. Once again it is important to note

    that mounting methods, and overall assembly details are important factors when the application

    involves thermal cycling. Some applications have been tested between 5C and 95C exhibiting

    MTBF's over 100,000 cycles.

    Figure (10.2) Before leaving the subject of thermal cycling it might be worthwhile to mention a

    practical use for this process. Because of the resulting mechanical stresses within a thermoelectric

    module, thermal cycling has been shown to be an effective "burn-in" technique. By subjecting

    thermoelectric device