21 god’s plan for saving the world - 25.12.2013

God’s plan for saving the world God has big plans. His plans are far reaching beyond saving you. And a few others like you… By JanEgil Gulbrandsen - 2014 Updated March 2015

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God’s plan for saving the worldGod has big plans. His plans are far reaching

beyond saving you. And a few others like you…By JanEgil Gulbrandsen - 2014

Updated March 2015

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Not only does He save people.

He has a plan to keep them saved.

Any thing less would

be meaningless.

Un-God like.

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God is driven by his huuuuge love for every person born on earth

John 3:16

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How did he do it?He let Jesus die for all the sins of the world“He that was without sin became sin so we that were sinners could become the righteousness of God.”The great exchange took place…

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And mans contribution?

Believe in Jesus. Believe in what he did.

Believe that he paid for all your sins.

All the sins of a lifetime. Past – present - future.

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Salvation by Grace.Salvation by Faith.

The sin-issue is dealt with once and for all. There is therefor no

condemnation for those who are in Jesus Christ. Good Friday works.

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But wait. There is more.

The resurrection power of Easter morning gives you new life.

You will be “born again”.

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Forever forgiven.And now born again.

It is now He that lives in you.

You have to be willing to be “dead”.

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This is a mystery.

Christ is in you. And you are in Him.

In Fact: You are one with Christ.


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God is able to keep you.

He is the loving father that now is in perfect union with you.

Do you think the creator of the universe will ever let you go?

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Understand this: The sin issue has been dealt with.

You can not sin your way out of fellowship with God. God has no longer anger against your sin. Remember, he put all his anger on Jesus -that one time – almost 2000 years ago -Once and for all!

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So now as a believer I’m free to sin as much as a please?

Let me answer with another question:

If and when you really understand what Jesus did for you: Will you still go out and “role in the

mud”? If so: Heave you really entered into

a love relationship with Jesus?

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We might all be able to commit a sin.

But sinful behavior can not separate us from relationship with Him.

But we are no longer sinners – but Saints.

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Made Saints forever.As a gift of God.

You might “trip” and commit a sin. But you will newer again become a sinner. Understand this: The verb: to sin can

not make you the noun: a sinner.

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So who belongs to the body of Christ?

All the believers in Jesus in the whole world.

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But how do we deal with “sin in the camp”?

By including them in the fellowship –after all they are our brothers and

sisters – and loving them into wholeness!

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Love is the key to change.

When people understand this, the power of The Holy Spirit that is in you

can do its work to change you…

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God – by His Spirit, will change us.

We are already Holy Saints.

The sinful behavior we can trust God to take care of.

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But sinful behavior can and will harm us.

Alcohol and drugs, sex outside of marriage and unloving behaviour towards your fellow

man, can and will give you mental and physical scars that can eventually lead to


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This we need to inform our brothers and sisters about.

Since we love them we must inform them of the dangers in life.

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The power of God that raised Jesus from the grave, is strong enough to

lead every believer out of in.

It is safe to leave it to God himself.

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Our job is to share the good news to the world.

Which is: Your sins are forgiven.Believe in Jesus.Be born again.

Enter into a permanent fellowship with God.

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Eternity has already started for us…

No kidding. You shall never die. But one day you will move out of your earth

suit and receive your heavenly body.

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We are already in perfect fellowship with God.

We are also in perfect fellowship with each other. Except for the fact that we

still live on a fallen and sinful earth, all is perfect…

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You might say: Heaven is now…

Except for the fact that we are not physically there yet…

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“Thank you Father for Jesus – who made a way for me to be one with

you.I love you. And more importantly, I know

you love me.

And you will never let me go. And if I stumble you will always lift me up. Always.

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Life is Good!

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“Father – I know you are in the saving business. And that you like to

see all men return to you.

And by your Spirit living in each one of us, you will change us and keep us.

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You are a loving and good God.

I will not be surprised if heaven will be packed with people you loved and

died for. After all you are God!”