· 2017-12-21 · the washington herald sunday december 9 1906 t i t l...

THE WASHINGTON HERALD SUNDAY DECEMBER 9 1906 T I t l 1- 1i ARKET ffl A RALLY i Poor Bank Statement Has Directly Opposite Effect TJ P SHOWS LITTLE CHANGE Indictment Does Not Weaken the Stock as 3Incli ns Expected Gen eral Business Conditions Continue Excellent Complain that Con sigmees Do Not Unload Curs New York Dec 8 The course of prices In the stock market during the week made the action of the market today In view of developments regarding the finan- cial situation not at all surprising The publication of a weekly bank statement that was the poorest sinco the panic of 1892 showing that although bank loans had been reduced during the week nearly 4000000 the banks had been drained of over 12000000 cash and their surplus stood at a deficit of 6000600 in of producing a break resulted in a rally In market valuations Before the bank statement appeared to day the market had been heavy although dullness rather than weakness was its dominant feature and the advance In prices that occurred was still such as to leave quotations for the principal stocks slightly lower than they closed on the day preceding The acting of the market however was such as to leave its extraordinary strength under the circumstances the one matter of note For this perhaps a variety of reasons occurred The fact that no liquidation followed the publica tion of the bank statement induced the retirement of speculative commitments for tho decline Sterling exchange has fallen to a level that points to a renewal of gold imports- If high financial Interests here think it Is desirable that these shall take place and beyond all this the impression was strong In the financial district to the degree of positive and general belief that within a very short time the Secretary of the Treasury will take action to relieve the money situation in an effective way Manipulation is Shown A lull review of the theories of the stock market under such conditions as were disclosed must also regrettably In- clude this that the condition of the banks was not as It appeared today on Its face and that the low figures of the bank surplus as quoted represented man- ipulation for an ulterior purpose Movements of individual stocks were cco res- erve J tad ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = = especially noteworthy A sharp advance occurred in the Republic Iron and Steel common and preferred stocks based upon rumors of an impending closer affilia- tion of the company with the Tennessee Coal and Iron Company Union Pacific common stock was unfavorably affected althdugh to a comparatively small extent by the indictments found against the company in the Federal courts in Utah In connection with the companys owner ship of coal properties but the stock nevertheless displayed as great resilience- as any other when the market recovered in the latter part of the day On the curb market Xlptesing mines stock broke to a new low record on its present declining movement The inactivity of the stock market in view of many conflicting influences has been its chief feature during the wook General business conditions of course continue very prosperous Railway earn ings are perhaps making a little less fa vorable showing than recently partly be cause they are comparing with huge earn ings last year and partly because the Increased wages of railway employes the higher cost of railway supplies and so forth are making railway operating expenses larger than they have ever been before It Is also true that our railway com- panies on account of the stringency of the money market are devoting a large portion of their earnings outright to im- provements upon their properties and charging the same to operating expenses instead of raising money therefor by bond and stock issue as they ordinarily would Accused of Improvidence Another matter too of which much has been heard of late has been the im- pairment to business caused by the short age of freight cars the country over The railway companies have been charged with improvidence in not ordering in dull seasons cars for their needs when busi- ness once became active but they that they did in fact make this provision and that the real reason of the scarcity of cars is that consignees- In all parts of the land have not pro- vided themselves with proper facilities for the storage of merchandise which the railroads delivered to them so that the railroad companies are compelled to practically turn their terminals and their cars into warehouse plants The demurrage charged for cars kept In this manner has long been only and although lately increased seems very low to ordinary observers consider- ing the present exigencies and just why the railway managers of the country do not roundly increase these demurrage charges and force the people to whom goods are sent to take them out of the cars with reasonable rapidity does not seem I I re- tort nom- inal clear- ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NEW YORK MONEY Xew York Dec S Meaey a sail to4 y was Quoted aeaially at 28 per Mat daring UK week loans hate made at 36 sad at 2 per sent areragiBz about IB on Monday loans were made at and 6 pee cent Tuesday 25 and K Wednesday 32 and 6 Thursday X aad 98 per cent and Friday 3 and 2 Time noaejr during the week wee in urgent de- mand advancing OB Thursday for the shorter periods There tfas Terr little aoscy seoktag- taTesuavBt and borrowers had to bid eagerly fee the limited amply fife per seat befit readily paid for 4ity day 8H per crest rOC xtr caye- 7HS pee eat for ninety days H4af per cent for four and six Hwnthe 6 to 6H poe sent for stx months la the six maturity a little bannoM WM done at the lower rate quoted Mercantile paper was very Htkt A aumbex of highgrade Bases were offered teaUUwely as it wee manifestly impossible to place them at whet the makers considered reasonable hat little basinets was done deraaad as these w s verne frees sot of town Rates largely nomiBal- 6H per cent for sixty to ninety indorsed notes receivable 6 to 8 per cent fee choice four to six raoBths s4agle Barnes aad 7 per cent and shore for outers sterling market was again Tory weak today sand rates deciding to 4SML Rates for caswd business wore as lottews Sixty days ITSSkUaW dmaad iJsroaUKfc cables t3 f and UKt Commercial bflte wre 4J8K47E58 The Sttpfiar of coUm fcBfe was mod GOVERNMENT BONDS New York Dec 8 Ttw foHtmfeg are the ttnrtnc- ooeutfeas lee UaHed States eoreraaeat BM 2s g MM M iojH- 2s ewtjjL KIK 101 r g ttK Kg MB 3 SB H bends jaj- fa we Mtt- is sees 25 Pawn Oaoal reg raaaBw Caaal 2s seep Dbtrtet of Columbia 165s- 1bMlwiBe 4s beeR 25 Rate the eely rates Susie to tiara tIe u u 1 1 IX m 1 lOK 1 ere t l heeds Asked 1 35 35 nJo w r iI Ill 41 seep iii Se < NEW YORK STOCK MAEKET Quotations furaWied by Charles R Gates members New Y rk Stock Exchange Mttasey Build- S Closing SaIc5OpQnHighLowlc81 AmaL Copper 13800 hilt 111H 113 113i 114 Am a pfd 2800 45 45 l i 44 41H- Am loe Sec 100 S3 SS 83 8 83- Am Loo 1400 71 74 73ft 74 745- 4Am S tfpfd 1400 43 48H JSti 48 48 Am Smdt 153 158 152 153U Sugar T88 J34 1341 13U 134H l tt Aaa Tob pfd 100 99 99 93 99 W- Am Woolen 100 39 33 3S 33H 3 i- Anaeeada 15WO 286 237 285 286 286- AtcfciKm 4900101 m MB M4 W- Atdtfe n pfd 300 103 10 1M M 18Mi Malta Ohio 1998 1 1181 118 119 IMfc Brook R T 2600 79 73 79 79 79H Can 1actto 8300 193 1W 182 ltt m Cent Leather 200 36 36 36 36 3GJ4 Coot pfd 260 lOt W2 MS ill Ml cites Ohio 1400 ITH 57 9f 57 5R4- CW Gt W 500 18 18 18 18 IS Chi G W Iii 26 36 2fi 36 2- Ba M 15000 IE IHH 10 iras is- sa 1 a St L 100 92 92 92 99 92 a F I UOOO 57U 57 5f SM 57H Gate So 200 SH 4 3T 3O4- CiAe So 2d 300 58 58 53 5K H C I 10M SSU 2 t SSU 23U S tiers Prod L100 21 21H 21 21 21 D H 3M229 23 23 S3 S H line 1038 45 45K ii 41 4C Con Bletri US HIS 1SR MRi M i Gt North nAl 300 23S 23244 2K 2K 294 let Met 500 35 36 36 36 3f jut Met jrfd 308 76 78 7 i 76 78 K C S pM 400 61 M t U- L S 500 148 146 IStH 14R4 ItC MeL Cost 10100 26 28 36 26 2- SSLS1i SS Mpfd 3B3 1 3 W M8 MB MT- 3L K T 18W 11 41 41 41 4H4- M K T pfd 209 7SH 7 72 7 i 73- Me 1ac 1268 Wfi 91 91 94 Nat Bbcult D8 77 77 77 77 77 Lead 200 7S 75 7S 75 7i CcBt 44 9 134 1K 133 131 194 North l a 5501 OWi 221 8t i 2J i 22- 1oast a m H is m m Pa R K 8508 13 i 13S i 138 13- sFna Steel 389 54 54 M 5 i Gsa 300 9 tHi K 8 9 4 Reading 48 0 118 Hfiti M8 14W Rep 1 S 26200 3S 41H 3S 41 3V S pfd 1300 Ml MB MW MZ ME Island 4100 31 31 3t 3M4 31 Ste69SbemeW toe TSii 7 75 7 i IS So Pacific 4768 S i i 91 So Pat KOMI 13 WJ 12- 8SaHtherBTlly 4K 34 34 34V 34 34 Swth ra Ry pfd 500 94U 94 91 t 91 Taxas PacMte 488 3T 3T 37 37 37 T St L W 203 34 3m 34 3Hi 34 T S L W pfd 500 S3H 53ft OK S Union Pacific 43200 1S6 B6i 18414 13 fe 185 U S Pipe 298 45 4S 44 44 4fVt U S S1CO 43 48 4SK 48 48 IT S Steel pfd 3609 M IMK M4 W 1WU Va Chem r 2M 39 38 31 38 sales yesterday 305418 Aarw- Tetal sates Friday 7SLWO shares i pfd R R 91 Nat 1 W ItT Rep Steel Total tie In j- Am Lee I t X 37 IN- C 1 l See t O 84 pee INlI IN INIS pIt 181 1 IN t IV ½ CURB MARKET QHoUUow are faraMtod f E R CbaWBaB- Oa n aben New York Stock Busang G Poole ChipawB BMaaflor 13M F street ortinreit- Opom Hlgk Low dow British CotaMMa Copper HH JtS mt B- CWe3e Svbmy SH- 4Oa rta d Sir UK Greene Copper SK i S- Mttdteil il irr fK 4 i Nevada CoasaJ Kfi M K UK- Nipbafatg MWnS Kft MR- SUadard OH W United Copper Sttl Utah Copper 3f MISCELLANEOUS BONUS 1ft 22 Mil 14 114 At iI N 75 a 31 95 SPa 11 31 51i 51 t 34 = New York Dee 8 Stock exebaaga heed o in pg Adams Express Is Ms American lee Seearkks ts H American Tobacco 8s 1M- AaMrican Tobacco is A T and S F genenlfe INK A T and S F eontertMe M- AUantfe Coast Lw 91- BaJUwore and Ohio soW 4e Mm Central PacMe SKe 21 F B SM- ICbeMieak awl Ohio fc 1MK Chesapeake and Ohio 4sie MfK C B asS Q Ill 4s M C B sod Q joist 4 fc- C R I and P sue 4c MK C R L sod P aoL 4s IBl- Coioredo cod Sowthera 4a H Delaware awl IInds m lsw IUK lIne consoKdatcd 4s M Ml- Erfe ttenenil Is Brie coowtibte 4s Lackawanna Steel fa Lake Brie seal WeeMra seoaud is m Shore 4s fflfc Lake Shore 3e 96- Mo Kane and Tax 5s MMt New York Control J i 3M- Nortbera Paertc 3s- FoHDgylraiifei 3 s MC- HPemwrtraiiia M IMS sm- ReadV is- Readtae J C 4s St L and S F rofiM s 4s 84 Seaboard Air Lino fa M9 Seaboard Aw Lies 4s K- SotttkHTB PAd eel trust 4 9s Teem Coal Iron and R R gesv 5s Mi T nw asS Pacific irK is Jt7- UiAm Padic 4s MK- D S Steel stakteg feed is K- Wabask te H- AVesti K owe MaHwfactaring Ss Wft Total sales 171600 a aimt J9m jMsMsd r 95300 a week aw aad J1 MOO yow BOSTON STOCKS hy B R OMIWMR Co members New York Sleek ExdMaee 1381 F street northwest G Bowie CMpeMB BaMser Owe DM Asked American Are Chemical W 9t- AmerfcaR PBewaatfc Tube 12 MK American Stifiar t J9f4 American Sugar pfd US K- Amerimn TeL and Tel W 19- Americaa Woolen 3S 35 Can Woulea lid M Mt 181 Dominion Iran and Steel S3 Edison Electric Iltea S35 SM- Ias cb seU raectric 3 9 Massachusetts Jfleeiric pfd 8Hi Wf- eLBtttd Fruit ft M North Butte M IN Atlantic J9 n- Bing Mm 38 31 Coww flange 88 M- Simmon ififj M- Cataaet and Heck SIB s- XEW YORK BANK Rename decrease Loses decrease Specie decrease LeeaMeB m decrease I eparite Jtuenie- OtreBtetieo iaemse COTTON MARKET York Dec S Tho settee market epewd a shade higher OR an in caw sod a nsofcraUJr bulliSh ylslWe svppir 8t te e t S R- ne taklBgs were abowt et 00 b l more than few the eorrespoadiBg week last year The risible sop ply of American coUon is shoot 23EMI bal is n1 oIL Lake ii 111 a I Qota H8 fr ell Gat 1 STATE IETS sa 9xaJII B lGtIi 4MG1IMJ Meat 51 1fl 31 a 3lareothseette 13 83142355 New < > > H mst 1 GOO last year Trading was iet to be altogether of an ercuiMsttp character before Ute census report The Jaaaary option worked HP about 5 points OTCT kit nights closing and then slipped off S points oa prefessteml The National Glnaera Assoctatkin was reported to have estimated the amount sinned to December 1 at 9 68000 bales SoHtbera spot mukete genera quiet and imehansed Port receipta estimated at 6IKO bates agatest 26600 last year York Qitetatioae fw Wwd by Dick Bros Co memo of the New York and New Orfesaa Cotton ex M12 11 street northwest Tbene main MWSHl Open ugh Low Close December 986 S6 tOO J T ILlS M11 MLOOftlM- lMareh 23 M2 JUt MLl7aW18 Mar M49 U40 l 4l 4SaJfc36 Jell its M49 MJSalOJ- SIVew Orleans ugh Low Deeffl r mil H13 M MJI 10L36 Spot Markets Rerts Ship Sioek MMs Sales Bought and Noltl Informa tion upon request R T 324 Pa Ave S E PHONE E 276 selling New bore changes lIla lU It Open 1 Jri KS5 lIZ lIIU 1000 U 3553 158 StlftRnAR s9S- 1lNrHc i41- 1t COLOMBIA t GOLD PLACER- t t t f C Q C ttt- I end- s teend pxn Mer i 1541- 3fsy 4175- ewYerk 15Il- emieleis S4 4 t C C S C C C C C STOCK ORLUSON 54 I SS 8 C ¬ Queer Antics of tIle Market Bring Out Comment THINK SHAW SHOULD GIVE AID Traders Believe Railroad Need Cads for Improvement More Than Other Enterprises ns Larger Territory Is Affected anti Prosperity Depends- on the Transportation Facilities Now York Doc 8 I think said a trader I shell leave offtrjin r to do busi- ness In this market and turn alchemist- I may not succeed In turning base metals Into gold but my time in it could hardly be loss profitably employed than in operating In a markot which disregards every condition that makes for movements- In the past or If not disregarding them taking them by contraries New York Central gets an increased dividend and promptly goes down Union Pacific Is In dicted and Its price goes up Call money soars and we get an allround rally It Is too much like trying to win when your opponent has loaded the dice and 1 for one have grown tired of the game If the Secretary of the Treasury hrts no discrimination between speculation and commercial requirement In affording relief to the money market where shall the line be drawn It is a wellknown fact that railroads are compelled to hnlt ex- tensions and Improvement projects be- cause the Wall street money market makes raising of new capital practi- cally impossible The same is true of In- dustrial corporations Is thero any Impor tant difference for Instance between new stock of Atchison providing the road with the means to purchase the ad- ditional equipment necessary to handle adequately the traffic of a large section of the country and putting up the money to build an extension to a department store WALL Ii the buy- Ing STREET OTES ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ or shoe factory And if it is a difference is It not In favor of the railroad enterprise which not alone the railroad but the whole section in which it operates conferring M af- fects as a matter of fact much more benefit on all the people scattered through the roads territory than it CHI po efbly con- fer on the railroad Itself If the greatest good is to be done for the grdatest num- ber are there not grounds to believe that rellevini Wall street is the beet way of accomplishing it As Wall street Is the very heart the American financial system it will have to be considered that what tends to break the heart will hkve the dame effect throughout the entire system Rates weakened decidedly in the early part of the week but rose to 11 per cent near the end But the advance had no effect on the price of the sentiment being buoyed up by the assurance that the beaks in the pool were ready to act if the necessity should arise The object of the pool was to Impose a check upon operators at a meeting to force up money rates by placing M0Mf- iM where the lending of it coald be direct- ed by one mind so as to secure the great- est amount of efficiency No new money was brought into Wall street and there sever was stronger verittcatkm of the truth of the proverb about strength in union than was shown by the effect of announcement of a determination on the part of leading banks to act in unison forcing other lend- ers to accept a reasonable rate What hIts revived interest in the money pool of 182 is the report that there Is a ment on foot to form a pool of bankers representatives of all parts of the country te handle part of the Treasurys surplus Impartially in the interest of the commer- cial and financial community Secretary Shaw it is Skid might place in the hands of pool of that kind such part of the TS000oeo now locked ujj in the Treasury as could be spared anti it would be the duty of the head of the pool to lend for all legitimate pur- poses when or wherever the rates for money was so high as threaten serious disturbance The banks would not be called upon to differentiate between their own money and the Treasurys money for the latter would not be directly in their hands but in the hands of the pool to be used as much against them- selves individually should they endeavor- to exact unreasonable rates for their own funds as against any other lenders Lead- Ing bankers say however that they leave not heard of any movement to form such a pool although in some influential quarters it is said that a scheme of the kind may have been brought forward- as a suggestion Demand sterling declined to 4S234 which started discussion of the possibil- ity of gold imports but the consensus was that If any serious attempt was made to draw gold from London the Bank of England would at once put up Its rate for money and place such a burden on American stocks carried over there which would make a heavy selling movement So serious did the possible consequences seem tothe foreign houses they refused- to believe that Secretary Shaw would not do everything In his power to pre- vent their occurrence before it was too late The general verdict on tho bank state- ment was that it was bad enough to con- vince Washington that the time had come to secure the aid of the Treasury- to withdraw money from the channels of securi- ties IL the moe a S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ While some of the younger element on the stock exchange laughed over the bank statemontscolng that prices had gone up they should go higher on the prospect of a 150 per cent call rate In the coming week the more sober minded were inclined to view tho situation In an other light and to argue that unless there was speedy relief lower prices must In evitably result Traders who argue that there Is little difference between the money conditions of today and those of a year ago seem to forget that time money rates are materially higher npw than they were then At this time a year ago sixtyday money cost 6 per cent and a commission making the equivalent of 7 per cent while for ninety days to six months the rate was only 6 per cent Now three and four months money costs 8 pen cent and upward the rate of Interest being from 1 13 to 1 times higher than It was then This is a serious difference Both In activity and strength Republic Iron and Steel came nearer to being the feature of the market than on any other day since It was admitted to trading on the stock years ago The stock made a new high record at 41 against a previous high record of 406 and closed practically at the top Prog- ress with the scheme to combine the Southern iron concerns was given as the principal reason for the rise although it was also pointed out that after payment of the December dividends on the pre- ferred only 4 per cent of arrears on this Issue will be left unpaid commence- ment of disbursement on toe common is brought within measurable distance Perhaps another reason Is that the In- terests which have mode this stock espe- cially strong felt confident during the day that Secretary Shaw would to the relief of the money situation in the near there- fore exchange seven tHe come A ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ future and were probably trying to dis count the effect of the Treasurys action Since the announcement of tho plan to anticipate interest on government bonds the market has acted in a way to suggest that a lemon is not a bad substitute for a goldon ogg t LOCAL PRODUCE MARKET Prices quoted are wholesale BUTTER Strong demaad along lines and pricw strung Creamery fancy 3 to 32 per pound firsts 30 te 31 seconds 21 te 22 proeess fancy 3 to 24 fair to good 21 store pocked firm 17 to 1- 8CTIEESEMarket steady New York State fac- tory large 13H to 14 do small UK to 15 sum- mer large Iflfc to 13 Western factory new choice 11 do fair to good 10 to U EGOS Reeeipts Increasing and market strong Near by fresh Virginia 31 West Virginia and South- west Virginia 29 to 30 Tennessee 23 to 30 North Carolina 23 ta 28 21 to 23 LIVE POULTRY Chickens receipts llbeml and market steady Turkeys receipts moderate and market firm Chickens large per pound do medium 13 do small H hens 10 roasters 7 ducks 11 geese 9 to 11 turkeys toms 14 hens 11 to 15 teats 18 to 12- DRBSSKI POCLTRYReedpU hoary and mar- ket weak Turkeys liens undrawn per pound 15 to H average undrawn 15 do thin 10 skI toms 15 Chickens spring large 13 do medium 13 to B do useS 14 kens choice 12 roosters 8 cecse 10 to 12 decks 11 capea 16 to 18 small 14 DRESSED MEATSCahes full dressed 850 to 909 heeds off 080 to 959 hocdreseed ealtes 800 to- M being country sugar eared 14 boss small and neat per cwt 889 do medium 750 te 6W do MeaT 841 to 700 GAMEGood stock at top prices Rabbits per dozen 200 to 2M kits per down 75 to LOU quail per thorn 240 to 3W wild turkeys per lb 16 to 17 each 88 to LW woodfioek each 25 to 39 VEGETABLES Irish potatoes market firm Yams awl sweets dulL Potatoes home grown 160 ta 175 per bM potatoes per bushel 49 to 5 Virginia end Maryland jer Mil L50 to L74 potatoes per bM 1M to 2 d yams H to L89 sober New York per Imaei 30 te 88 onIons Ohio per 173 to 2W Maryland anti Virginia 175 to 200 Spanish per box 1S to LEO turnips per box 30 to 5 HuMmnl twuuh 7 to 90 cab bag near bar Maryland U6 to 809 per 100 FRUITS Apples Market sere settee Apples Jonathan per bbl ZM to IN Alexander per d h bM 231 to XM Cane per d h UW 2J to 3S Snow per d b hilt 2tt to 3M Nose Swell per d b bM L73 to 2J5 Ktejr per d b bM 23 ta 103 StiitzeBbenr per d h bM 225 to 3W Spy per d h bM 24 to 3W Holdwifl per d h bM 2JO to X lIes Dark per d h MeL 175 to 22- Urreatag per d h bbL 24 Wit stock per bM- BMMW 100 to LM fancy table frait 191 to 309 Grape fruit 258 to 4tt jr box Jamaica IM per bbL Florida orange SM to ITS boa enaberriw- 2JI to 3J8 box grape per basket 12 to 13 ba eases W to 121 beach Malaga grapes 489 to 798 keg lessees tIN to 4JI HAY AND STKAWTteotliy choke new 18J I to BM No 1 new JaM So 2 MW 1700 atecd- hy UJ9 to KM dover HI to ILlS straw rye bwdk 1118 to UN rye maebtoe Uwsh 8J8 to ORAINWlmU choice 73 fair to iworf Hto 7i- MittMry 8 to rye to K coca siMlM 4 to yellow 1 to ear X88 to XN Data Waiters white N 2 38 to relate SG to storage 12 pIt DY r tM wttt 751 cot lIv per to Ii new iii 811 31 r Western denies sweet bId tie 1155 16 55 bIte 31 ¬ ¬ ¬ ½ NEW YORK PRODUCE York Dee 8STJGARStoa retetw 3 11Jt ctuUlfinml 6tosC S SMC eaota ses 3 99Z reIned stcaiy crusfcts SJ r 49d LOG CfasMsIatoi 498- UUTTBKRsMipto XW a extra 3ta3- LBCnBRacc U 4W wee fair dcaaaHd W st MILL FRRDQ tot tsj e bran ta lINk saeka- J27S mMdU s 2J esty hess B Western red SOf 98- LFf OUKStoady but taacthe enrb s LK t8B pra deere XSs aXiJ wtalor stntsMk- iMaXN winter doses JLVaXJt K Mssac IB sadcs- watesta XT469 su ghla XJfcSJI sNeer 2 a i M4 JIll Nose sonar esi free CORK MKALTrae ejrfat Ills for es pest 183a278 coam s al ta bee LJM8- HAYFtoa fair Jansaoi rsuntiiU 109 toaI- wtoM Lit No I L N 2 LHaUff N 4 3J aU5- STltAWMaitet k hIdes taps 88- HRKFStesMly qsrtK aaalaess fa0Hr J al4J8- yedwt lbl8an88L- POKKTnMte Is slow max WJMM faesfly tt88- TALLOWLtaritod taste ely apoUM at i M- laKDQvfH priat W a4 n J8 dIr 871 reed cnattees U8 South Antrim HJ8 R bed lirasiUaa kens 1U ely stoatfua N so- Hearine neediest city UK Cbkaffo HH PRODUCE IN BALTIMORE lUtttaMfo Md Dec 8PLOURMartat emsK- Vtater 2J81W wtatcr eM r XttaSJ wta- t r Mniekt J3bOM wtatar iwtcnC IMalSB sprteg close X5fal aprtac stiatebt 3JM90 luring pet eat 4 aiM CHy MiUs heat patent 18 CIty lIPS btati made patent 4Ji Milh bigh grads strafat 4tt cboio faaafly us CHy Mills eacta- 3J8aX5 Rye leer Madtasa to theist 3J a3JS Com meal per MO JXMM Utal Q Hwckwbea- trtr m iwmds 138218 Ilk ratio XOOaL- OJVItBATStock in eteraton 188JW bmliels TIle tasataieas was muletcd as a coR qne c Iarket islet asiA steady Soles of sawH beg loU by saas pie aa to HaHty aM enidMem at C8 35 and SK sad of cargoes on seeds to pa to the deraton at 75 for special bin No 2 nd 11 for stock No 2 ret 71 for special bin Meaner No S red 88 for stock steamer No 2 red 88 for sfes l inn rejected H for stock rejected and OH for refected to to thrMWh the dryer Contract opened ttra Jamsary 76K safe The market for W tem doted tea spot Decpsaber 73H January UU- COKNStoc ta demtors S43v861 bnebeis Market los Swtbera nan today wee flraar OR grad- ed Receipts Ikjbt asS desaand good for ire seen of toUt coter The awjer parties of the re today oooststrd of Uw yellow rarkty of cargoes both colon on grade at 4tH No white yellow or mixed and 48 for steamer Sam- ple tots of White on the wharf brought IS Track yellow corn toM at S4 aS6 per bwJrf for car Iota prime domestic delivery Contract opened torn year TIle starlet for Western closed urea spot December SIS year 1- 8OATSTto market was firm Stock in 2SK busheS shipments from etemtors 13001 bUMs sit New oats While No 2 38a4 do No 3 33a39 do No 4 3Sa37 mixed No 2 33H do No 3 3TVW8 No 4 3 ia3S NoUTtw shore tattoos refer to domestic deHmyt RYE Stock in dealers 122973 bushels strip BMrta aferators 14t2 bnsheK No 2 rye per bushel 8Saet No 3 rye Western uptown d rir ry 78 71 No 3 rye nearby uptown delivery 3a 4 No 4 rye Western uptown delivery BSaT No 4 rye nearby uptown dtHvery 6Z 63 bag lots as to naltty and condition 5M6 choice Western up- town leitf rj TeaT- THAYJIarket quiet at unchanged prices No 1 timothy terse hales 3800 do small Mecks 2800- No 2 timothy as to location 185331900 No 3 tbnotby as to tocatioa U5fl 1750 No 1 cterrr mixed 1758al809 No 2 corer mixed lOOalfOQ No 1 dorer 1651700 No 2 dover 1589al60- 0STRAWMarfcet steady RyeStraIght fair to dealer per ton 12J8 No 2 straight MSOa 1200 No 1 tangled blocks 909 1 00 T Fair to choice blocks 889 eomaton 6J9a700 OatsGood to prime 996al LOO common stained c 758a350 MILL FBED5Iarket Sins Per ton Winter bran as to bulk M50a29 0 spring do US RYE PLOURCtMdr nucKwuaav FLOUltJIff Io JIiM at os extra of Southern were Jlgbt It TIM Iou for ail 40 IS3UL skied 75e eye Sty ste wheel todsy sad tits she S dealers quo frost ¬ ¬ > 203lb sacks 2250a2188 do MWb cks 2300a2350 Western middling M9lb sacks 23OOa2J53 City Mills middling in bulk 2389 City Mills bran in bulk 210- 0POTATOESMarket Son White New York prime per basbcl Ma68 do Western Maryland and Pennsylvania prime 50aK do do seconds 30a40 do Eastern Shore Maryteml and Virginia Oa45 yates Virginia per barrel No 1 SlaTS sweets Vir- ginia yellows L25aL7S Anne Arundel yeltows- L25aL5 Yotk Biter lWal76 PRESSED POULTRYMarket firm receipts light Chickens straight young per lb Ilal2 do Mixed young and old 11 do old hens Wall tur- keys fancy fat stuck IBatt do mixed and big gobblers 14al5 do poor to fair 12nl4 ducks choke fat 13ali geese choice fat nearby 13a14 do Western awl Southern 1U12- HUTTER Market firm Creamery fancy per lb 31a33 do choke 27a3t do Rood 2Sa23 do imi- tation 23a86 do prints 31 33 do blocks 28a32 ladle 18a22 nearby roils S a3 storepacked Ohio do West Virginia hall Maryland Vir- ginia and PenasylTsnia dairy prints 19a22 reno vaUd 22a25- KGGS Market steady Maryland Pennsylrania and nearby fda Wss off per dozen 3 i3S West- ern firsts loss off 34438 West Virginia firsts loss off 39a31 Southern loss ofT 23a30 galnoi eggs LIVE POULTRYGeneral market steady Chick hens hoary lb 18al2 do small 10 eM roosters each 2530 yonng good to choice lla 11 DucksPuddle large fcr In lla2 small 11 do mascory and mongrel Wall do drakes each 3 i do white rehire per lb 12 GeeseMary lAnd and Virginia per lb 11 Turkeys Young per pound Pigiens YaiBg per I if 13a20 do old 20 Guinea fowls earls 3M6 Old tnrkeys 14 WASHINGTON CATTLE MARKET Market unchanged with good demand for best grades CATTLE Extra 475 to 500 per cwt butolicrs 400 ordinary 2J5Q to 300 HOGSPer cwt gross 600 to 625 ordinary 500 to 5JO- SlIEEPCllnped 400 medium to 375 com- mon 200 to XO- OLAMRS Per POUnd spring choice 75 to 8 me- dium 7 to Tii CALVESPer pftae 8 to SJ6 medfum 7 to 7 sans 4 te 4f- eCOWBach prime 4900 to 5000 common to 3000 old and dry 860 to 1000 Ball firsts Hal ensold Tier 350 00 t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > LOCAL FINANCIAL GOSSIP While a sleepy atmosphere seemed to hang over the Washington Stock Ex- change yesterday quite a volume of was completed before the president announced the sessions end The ten dency was toward slightly lower prices as the trading Railway shares and bonds were moderately active and Greene Copper sold well on the down grade Washington Railway and Electric 4s sold 5000 at a fraction below tho lowest of Friday Railway common barely got on the record with a quotation lot at 43 The preferred stock sold well from 87 up to S7 Washington Gas recorded sales of 100 shares oh the regular call at fractions below 50 and after call several options- In the stock were fixed up at 59 and 59 Greene Coppor went off lively In 100 share lots selling from 26 down to 5 at which several trades were made In all 1200 shares changed hands Mitchell Mining scored a few trades after call and Mergenthalor wastt drug on the market at a fraction below 2 National Bank of Washington stock stock had a boom up to 800 about the middle of the week making Its highest record Yesterday It sold S points under that figure In a 10ahare lot MARKET Sales regular call i2 oclock ROOD WwhiflxUai Railway and Electric 4 1000 at 85 J19M at 85 fl000 at 8Wi H000 at WaabtegUn Railway aad Electric COBSMOH 59 at 43 Wadtimftm Railway and Eleetoie preferrtd M at 87V4 3S at 87 50 at fc7U S9 at 8Ri at 8 H Washington Gas 25 at 5SS at 58 2S at 5SH- 2S at 55- MergentbaJer 5 at 908 M at 28ST4 It at 388 Greene Copper 103 at 25H MO at 2fi S at S e 100 at 25 109 at 26H 100 at 2S Mi at 25 HO at JHi J at JS MO at 24 308 at 5- Natlooal naRk of WajMafitoB 17 at SW M at 587 M at 3H- VPtmaens I sunuie 29 at 2 i 91 at 231s American Grapbo OOMBMW 2 at 42 American GrapHo prefwrfd M at 81- Wa kie toB Market 100 at 91 After caliWa Miigtoti G wrttskatas 3000 at lU Wa liis gteM Gs X at 50 Ml 25 at 5SK- VO at 88 1M at MK fbsjer Mi at NK beeper 9t 2fat98- WasMn OM Gas 4s INS at MK- MttckWl lIking M at fK WO at KB at BONDS BU AtlMd- Uistssct of OtemBta s IV GAS HONDS Was Gee Os rt M 6s l 11- 2RAILflOAD BONDS Capital Treatise It R 4s Mf IK- Usty Satarbatt R R 5s M- CohMbsa It It M wort 5 M9K Columbia R R MK III- MctropoHUa R R 5s W IK Met R R osrt lnfM Was Ry Met 4s- MSCBLI AXHOUS 1IOKU8 U S Else IJekt Ask a U S lIke I gbt otrt iL fc 1M Potomac Eke Light lit Se- X W Steamboat M C seed 1 TelevswsM Sa sWi W- W k Matfctt Co tat as KB trad- Ing took a decIded tumble on small sales The WASHINGTON STOCK 71000 at 1Ii it 5 buyer tit ML l H 15 tneooelk H JIG IlL Ie iI 1fAL seed 15 30 3 La4SIIONsO IL 155 WosIsks4ee is Osospaeq 755 k ieinaee 55 315 helL t 351 ¬ ¬ > + IURLIC UTILITY STOCKS Capital Tiacttoii i The Wash Ry sad Plea CMS 41 48 The Wash Ry sad Ills St- S sail W SUMBbnat S 9- WasttactoB Os RJi- GoorKctofm Gas 61 Bristol Gaa and BIte Ss 31 C and P Tttevfcat S3- TYl B MACIIIN STOCKS MeisessUMkr Uswtroe 3K 9H- Laaaahm MoMtyp M UK MIXING STOCKS Grimes Copper 88 3Kt- tchefl Mm s Oorafwwr 9K- XATIOXAL BANK QfTOOKS- ANwrtoafi Cftpcul 9- Ctsttnl 4- 3NaUeval Olty 141- j a Mb- UOW a an Cost PtosMH sad MsiihimlM- Tjhwei HI- MasnpaMM 3tt Rims SW 1 V- Washhtatosi TRUST COMPA 1 STOCKS America Seoiritjr sad Tend 97 290 National Safe Ue Mst and fleet m THK Union Trust UaMpny fBfti OK Wash Lose and TrolL 96 2 Unto Trust Wanaats 23J4 SAVINGS BAXK STOCKS House Sexing heck Unkm Savings Itank 300- WaaMotfoH aavtatr Ra W- FIRK IXSURAXCB STOCrlS Arlington 31 CohmMa M Commercial f 6 OOMoran K- Fhcmaaa 2 2 4- ynnAlfc J Genaal 29 MetrapoHtaa- XatlOMl UaiwI- NmaJaii Fotcsaae 26- Rfe8 TITLE IXSURASOB STOCKS Real Bttato M Washington Title 4 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS Soutnera Public Serriee Outs US Graptwahoae common 4fJ 4- 4Uraphopbme preferred 3I- Seearity Storage Co 160 VashtoftoB Market N 1 Fidelity Stores Ceaipaay 1W- Bx dfTkkad tEx rigbts IRICE CHANGES OF TIlE WEEK Total sales m the WaaMagtw Stock BsvhMga let week ended December S PHnrifbod by Grille HaMa4 Co brokers members Washington Stock Ewhmnae D44 F street northwest honda Opm High Low Last 25509 W lH ton Ry 4 S 86 8R4 85S 9 108 WashwgteR Gas 4 let MS M4 5888 Pot Else J it Is M8 104 M8 MS 5800 Cap Treaties 5s M Mf M MT 8008 C P TeL OB 5s K KB H6 W6H- C650 Met K B 6s B M8 MK M8 KX Stocks IK Capital TractiOH lift 1 lift 146 1586 Wash fly common 43 43U 43 43 JIll Wash Uy pid S7 8T 7 Washington Gas S 9r 5S 38 1 ll1K IlL n fi IIl II II SI- T Jet 35 iii T 8 Ii lilt S 11de 4 5 Title 1tI Iii SIt lIMit S- IS Ii 3 335 151 355 95 15 9 Colsiobta > > < > 63 Mergentaaler 388 383 303 38- S530Laaston 14 life 11H liH- 4JW Greeno Copper 2TH 27 25 S 1729 Mitchell Mining 5 5 IH 5Vi 86 Nit Bank of Wash 600 ore 586H 5S6H LIVE STOCK MARKETS Note York Dee 8 CATTLE Receipt 300 Mad nothIng doing in lire cattle nominally steady dressed beef quiet CALYBSRrcelpta 210 head market weak Prime Teak at 909 barnyard caIro tmniuaU Dnatc1- calres easier yeate 8 to 12 per lb country dressed T to 12- SHKEP AM LAStKSRecrfpts WJ hood Aeep unchanged choice lambs firm nedtem grades weak Sheep 400e5M no prime here lambs 700a95 no chokv offered culls 550 Canada lambs 77- HOUSReceipts 3OO head light Mss about steady others week Whole range quoted at 6 tea 70X Chicago 111 Dot SCATTLBRccelpts 1600 head estimated for Monday 99000 market steady unchAnged HOGSReceipts 18000 hoed estimated for Mon- day 40009 market Ifl to 16 coMa lower Lfat5- J3aO32 rcu fas 58 a600 mixed 600a669 hoary 6056 J9 pigs 530aU5- SHBBPRecelpts 2000 head esttmat d Men day 23000 market steady and unchanged Lnckntrannrt Firemen Get Increase Scranton Pa Dec 8 Tho firemen of the Lackawanna road having been In formed that the company will allow them a wage Increase of 10 per cent a tenhour day and better wage conditions a settlement has been effected to continue for another year The Lackawanna has thus gotten rid of all its wage troubles Liner Aground In Delaware Hay Philadelphia Dec 8 The Red Star liner Menomlneo outward bound for Antwerp via London with eleven passengers on board is aground In the upper Delaware Bay a short distance this side of New castle The vessol lies In an easy posi- tion in about twentythree of water sold City dressed for feet ¬ ¬ FINANCIAL NIGHT BANK NOW 710 14TH STREET P Hours 930 A M to 12 oCiock Midnight t WASHINGTON EXCHANGE e t 1 OPEN i i- I u to I 4s S S 5 S S C 6 s4o 4oI4o4s4o44s 4i j We BANK- S 4 S rt I C C 0 U 5 > + + + GRAIN MARKETS Quotations furnished by Charles G Gates Co members Chicago Board of Trade Building Chicago WIIBAT Open Utah Low Close Daosmber 74 H 74H 744 May 79 79JA 79J4 79- Deteraber May Dosembw- Mar PORK January LARD 43M 43H- 44U 44 i j76 MS5 1340 K76 January RIDS Mar Jawary 85 8J8 888 877 8W 875 860 872 843 8JK 83S 8 3 845 868 8JO 859 New York Dec 8WHEATSteadr but vriet- No 1 Northern DetoUr ti series Jake loci rail 6fcc ever May f o b No 1 Northern MaJtoba 8K f o b No 2 Northern Manitoba Slit f ft No 2 red f b erer Deeceaber No 2 hard f o b May prices No 1 atearotti 88 f O to No 2 Macaroni 77 Exporters took 2 loads CORNStroitR No 2 denIse Si No 2 new 5W f o b No 2 yellow f o b Ne 2 fe k next week Sfc late December 0 f o b No 2 f o k January seed Febnury 58H No 2 f k Scot March 59K N 2 wMte 54K f o k Exporters took 3 toads OATSStWHK demand Blewter pilate Ne 2 whINe 3W43f i No 3 white 38 N 2 untied m Iriesa for fMteros fellow Yosts WIIBAT lUsh L v tiNier dose Dco bor 81 81H Mar 8346 8SH 8fH 3I eSU- jNty 84 84 84H m 84U CORN Deaomber 5Stt SKI Ja HO T 58- 5faj 51 BM tAskod EVERY INCH A MAN Edmund Booth of Grand Rapid to Address Y 31 C A Today Edmund W Booth general manager- of Grand Rapids t Evening Press Is announced as the peaker before the meeting for men at the gymnasium of the Young Mens Christian Association this afternoon The usual lobby con cert at 3 oclock by the Fam- ily Orchestra will last a half hour Study dubs assemble following the gymnasium meeting and discuss various phases of the main question of the meeting Mr Booth will speak on Every Inch a Man Following this lecture the usual club meetings will be held They include groups taught by Commissioner Macfar land Dr Morris Miller anti Charles H Treat Every man In Washington Is welcome to attend these meetings- At the Northeast Temple Mr Syng man Rhee a native Korean will speak OR The Hermit People and Customs A full attendance is expected Under the auspices of the Y C A meeting will be held tonight at 730 in the Grace Methodist Episcopal Church The speakers wilt be Harry W Arnold director of religious work of the Y 3d C A and Miles M Shared chairman of the religious work committee of the Y M C A This afternoon at 330 Chaplain Brown of Fort Myer will speak to the boys In the Boys Building of the Y M C A Chaplain Brown was with President Roosevelt during the Spanish war and will have an interesting talk for the boys SELL PANAMA STEAMSHIPS New Orleans Objects to York Getting All Isthmian Traffic Congress will be asked to abolish the governmentowned steamship line now operated by the Panama Railroad and Steamship Company under charge of the Isthmian Canal Commission Represent atlve Broussard of Louisiana will father the bill It is the opinion of Mr Brous sard shared by others that the gov- ernment has no right to engage in the operation of a public service corporation in competition with private enterprises The government has embroiled itself in a wholly unnecessary condition Mr Broussard yesterday It Is five ships exclusively out of New York to Colon Three were acquired when the Panama Railroad and Steam ship Company was bought Two were purchased outright later It is ray firm conviction that a mistake has been made It is not the province of the government to engage in the operation of such pub- lic utilities and in this particular In stance the entire country aside from New York City and the Atlantic sea- board suffers by reason of this fact In Louisiana all assert with perfect fair- ness that New Orleans is entitled If this service Is to be maintained to a portion of these ships New Orleans is 591 miles nearer to Colon than is New York WANTS PARK ON AtfALQSTAff Georgetown Man Says Inland Will Make Ideal Outing Place In a letter to the Commissioners yes terday calling their attention to the pro posed park for the residents of George k COlt 4 wf 4 OATS 3t 3C 3Pi 3t Gi k c 58 e belt fair Open If the I1nn worth KingdomIts 3L operat- Ing MenseS 336 3114 Mae a 135 a New solid > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ town Hndley Doyle advocates the selection of Annlostan Island The sec tion on the Maryland and District side from Easbys Point to the Three Sisters he says is becoming uninhabitable be- cause of commercialism and the boat clubs that In years past haye made Washington famous as an aquatic center will bo forced to vacate and seek shelter inside of Potomac Park unless something is done to remedy the matter Analostan Island as a public park he states is one of the logical deductions and the best one that can be advanced as it will not only afford a reserve for but it will also give young people a swimming beach the oarsmen- a home and will in every respect fill the need the West End has felt for years Crittciiton Mission Contributions In response to the first appeal of the season the Florence Crittenton Mission has received at 218 Third street north- west tho following generous contribu- tions which are gratefully acknowl- edged by Mr Thomas E Robertson treasurer Mrs Theodore Roosevelt tt Mrs John Ray 30 Mies Grace Litchfieki J5 Smeot CotTer Me- Caliey 5 Bedell Manufacturing Company 5 Mrs M B NoraeHt S task Jl Mrs Kate Waller Barrett 5 Byron S Athens 1 Dr E M Cal htudet 5 Miss Frances Young 10 Louis Steer seen P Mrs Frank G Carpenter 5 Dulin Martin 2 etch 1 Dr F J Carpenter 1 25c Dr C V Scott neT John G Amos 5 Mrs A Lisaer 3 Mrs Mary L McMillan 3 Miss C Schneider J2 Mrs J Wlntlirop Spencer 5 Mrs Cora Berliner S3 Mrs XL A Odell 3 Dr W A Croffiit 10 Mrs James Page 1 Mrs W E Chandler S Mr Sam J Prescott 1 Mr E C Graham 2 Mrs M G Cepdand 1 Miss Anna Flngan 5 Mr Atenzo O Bliss 3 Mr Theodore W Xoyes 5 Mr William Feldhaus 1 government mallbag repair shop throuGh Mr C G Greene 53 thou rmds k cub john 2 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < FINANCIAL I J COOPERATIVE BUILDING ASSOCIATION ISSUE OF STOCK OPEN FOR S UBBCKI P TI O 3 AND FIRST PAYMENT SHARDS 5150 PER MONTH InfonnaUes will be ohecrfaHy feniisbed opof at the fflee EQUITABLE BUILDING M08 5 ST N W John lay B ew Pnatdeat Ellis Spear Vice President W eau M VIse ProsiCeat Frank I UeicMe SeereSary John Joy Edict y ASK Secretary DIRECTORS Fredk B PIle See A Rates Gee W P Mr A M LtMMft Jab Baraard Goo U Hacfcs P B ThesIs 1 X On e- Jno B Laer Washington Loan 6 Trust Co OFFICE COlt STH AND F 3T8- PAIDUP CAPITAL RttMW Loans ia any aaaooat mxtc oa zppr r d real or coUatcral at rtosoanblo iBtocet paid spoo deporiu oa moMMy bat aaeos aibyet to check lids omtpaoy aeta as cx CBtor aAntoMra tor trustee nt trcMnnr nxMnr and ia all other Stteeiary capacities Boms for reset a d trcpmt- raaits for safe al Kora a of missIle P ee Brtate DopottBMat t yctfutA to aacona yew islets Genial attention gimi to aH JOHN JOY EDSON Piwktent JOHN A SWOPK Vke ProWcDt ELLIS SPEAR S OM Vise Piwid ct ANDREW PARKBR Tmtnrrr HARRY G ilBEM A MMC Tmwunr llOYD TAYLOR A MMIC Titwrer THOMAS BRADLBX- MlKTVJv Ctfitvt itftinvti Capital ttG088ta Sorntaa SUR8M i Issued Drafts issued direct on principal cities of the world Money transmitted by cable Exchange bought and sold Investments and collections made Stocks and bonds bought and sold National Bank Pa Ave opposite U S Treasury Chapman S Co Members N Y Stock Exchange 80 Broadway New York WASHINGTON OFFICE 1301 F Street NW- G B CHIPMAN Manager Member Washington Stock Exchange Charles G Gates Co Trinity BaMnz Ill BROADWAY NEW YORK Members of all Exchanges OEtet HorfAit m York RaHwijr Exchange Bu9 n Adantic New Jersey French Lick Washington Office Munsey Bldg TELEPHONES Main 37303791 3732 Direct PtiTitc Wire Ssrvks Is the name of an Interesting booklet on that Important subject which we will be glad to mall you upon request Wills drawn and filed without charge when this Company is named EXECU TOR or TRUSTEE Consultation with the officers of lbs Company Is invited The Loan EQUITABLE 52d Gee I SURPLUS LtND 1 deposit the Rt Pilate QSlcr LETTERS OF RI Branch TIt New Roo Buildin Chi ChIca Iediau l Regarding Wills J ap- plication 1Ps r- estate rate Real Otheer jOSh 1 = Trust Company JOHN JOY EDSON President aOHEY TO LOW AT LOWEST RATES OF IKTEREST Real Estate in District of Columbia No delay closing loans McLERAN 1003 F t nw PREPARED FOR SHOPLIFTERS Police Will Arrange to Give Protec- tion to All tIre Careless Isow that the Christmas crowds of shopgoing people have returned again the police and detective authorities are preparing to look after the unscrupu- lous ones who go under the names of shoplifters and pickpockets The usual precautions will be taken this year and the public will have all the protection that can be given them Besides the regular of police in plain clothes there will also bo a large force of private detectives who are hired by the proprietors of the depart ment stores It is pointed out how ever that the police can be of little assistance to those who persist in leav- ing pocketbooks and bundles on coun ters and on returning in an hour or so expect to find them Gnmmerc Completes Ills MIssion Samuel Gummere the American Min- ister to Morocco has reported his re turn to Tangiers from Fez in a tele- gram dated Thursday and received by ihe State eprtmnU Mr Gummera wont to Fez to see the Sultan on various matters of Importance Mr Gummere has made no report as to the accomplish- ments of his journey On in ELL k I but I fore ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ >

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Page 1: · 2017-12-21 · THE WASHINGTON HERALD SUNDAY DECEMBER 9 1906 T I t l 1-1i ARKET ffl A RALLY i Poor Bank Statement Has Directly Opposite Effect TJ P …








Poor Bank Statement HasDirectly Opposite Effect


Indictment Does Not Weaken theStock as 3Incli ns Expected General Business Conditions ContinueExcellent Complain that Consigmees Do Not Unload Curs

New York Dec 8 The course of pricesIn the stock market during the weekmade the action of the market today Inview of developments regarding the finan-cial situation not at all surprising Thepublication of a weekly bank statementthat was the poorest sinco the panic of1892 showing that although bank loanshad been reduced during the week nearly4000000 the banks had been drained of

over 12000000 cash and their surplusstood at a deficit of 6000600 inof producing a break resulted in a

rally In market valuationsBefore the bank statement appeared to

day the market had been heavy althoughdullness rather than weakness was itsdominant feature and the advance Inprices that occurred was still such as toleave quotations for the principal stocksslightly lower than they closed on the daypreceding

The acting of the market howeverwas such as to leave its extraordinarystrength under the circumstances theone matter of note For this perhaps avariety of reasons occurred The factthat no liquidation followed the publication of the bank statement induced theretirement of speculative commitmentsfor tho decline

Sterling exchange has fallen to a levelthat points to a renewal of gold imports-If high financial Interests here think it Isdesirable that these shall take place andbeyond all this the impression was strongIn the financial district to the degree ofpositive and general belief that within avery short time the Secretary of theTreasury will take action to relieve themoney situation in an effective way

Manipulation is ShownA lull review of the theories of the

stock market under such conditions aswere disclosed must also regrettably In-

clude this that the condition of thebanks was not as It appeared today onIts face and that the low figures of thebank surplus as quoted represented man-

ipulation for an ulterior purposeMovements of individual stocks were












= =

especially noteworthy A sharp advanceoccurred in the Republic Iron and Steelcommon and preferred stocks based uponrumors of an impending closer affilia-

tion of the company with the TennesseeCoal and Iron Company Union Pacificcommon stock was unfavorably affectedalthdugh to a comparatively small extentby the indictments found against thecompany in the Federal courts in UtahIn connection with the companys ownership of coal properties but the stocknevertheless displayed as great resilience-as any other when the market recoveredin the latter part of the day

On the curb market Xlptesing minesstock broke to a new low record on itspresent declining movement

The inactivity of the stock market inview of many conflicting influences hasbeen its chief feature during the wookGeneral business conditions of coursecontinue very prosperous Railway earnings are perhaps making a little less favorable showing than recently partly because they are comparing with huge earnings last year and partly because theIncreased wages of railway employesthe higher cost of railway supplies andso forth are making railway operatingexpenses larger than they have ever beenbefore

It Is also true that our railway com-panies on account of the stringency ofthe money market are devoting a largeportion of their earnings outright to im-

provements upon their properties andcharging the same to operating expensesinstead of raising money therefor bybond and stock issue as they ordinarilywould

Accused of ImprovidenceAnother matter too of which much

has been heard of late has been the im-

pairment to business caused by the shortage of freight cars the country overThe railway companies have been chargedwith improvidence in not ordering in dullseasons cars for their needs when busi-ness once became active but they

that they did in fact make thisprovision and that the real reason ofthe scarcity of cars is that consignees-In all parts of the land have not pro-

vided themselves with proper facilitiesfor the storage of merchandise whichthe railroads delivered to them so thatthe railroad companies are compelled topractically turn their terminals and theircars into warehouse plants

The demurrage charged for cars keptIn this manner has long been only

and although lately increased seemsvery low to ordinary observers consider-ing the present exigencies and just whythe railway managers of the country donot roundly increase these demurragecharges and force the people to whomgoods are sent to take them out of thecars with reasonable rapidity does notseem





















Xew York Dec S Meaey a sail to4 y wasQuoted aeaially at 28 per Mat daring UK weekloans hate made at 36 sad at 2 per sentareragiBz about IB on Monday loans were made at

and 6 pee cent Tuesday 25 and K Wednesday32 and 6 Thursday X aad 98 per cent and Friday3 and 2

Time noaejr during the week wee in urgent de-

mand advancing OB Thursday for the shorterperiods There tfas Terr little aoscy seoktag-taTesuavBt and borrowers had to bid eagerly feethe limited amply fife per seat befit readily paidfor 4ity day 8H per crest rOC xtr caye-

7HS pee eat for ninety days H4af per cent forfour and six Hwnthe 6 to 6H poe sent for stxmonths la the six maturity a littlebannoM WM done at the lower rate quoted

Mercantile paper was very Htkt A aumbex ofhighgrade Bases were offered teaUUwely as itwee manifestly impossible to place them at whetthe makers considered reasonable hat littlebasinets was done deraaad as these w sverne frees sot of town Rates largely nomiBal-

6H per cent for sixty to ninetyindorsed notes receivable 6 to 8 per cent feechoice four to six raoBths s4agle Barnes aad 7 percent and shore for outers

sterling market was again Tory weak todaysand rates deciding to 4SML

Rates for caswd business wore as lottewsSixty days ITSSkUaW dmaad iJsroaUKfc

cables t3 f and UKtCommercial bflte wre 4J8K47E58 The Sttpfiar

of coUm fcBfe was mod


New York Dec 8 Ttw foHtmfeg are the ttnrtnc-ooeutfeas lee UaHed States eoreraaeat

BM2s g MM M iojH-2s ewtjjL KIK 101

r g ttK Kg MB

3 SB H bends jaj-

fa we Mtt-

is sees 25

Pawn Oaoal regraaaBw Caaal 2s seepDbtrtet of Columbia 165s-1bMlwiBe 4s




the eely


to tiara



u 1 1 IXm



ere t



13535 nJo w

r iI Ill41 seep iii




Quotations furaWied by Charles R Gatesmembers New Y rk Stock Exchange Mttasey Build-


SaIc5OpQnHighLowlc81AmaL Copper 13800 hilt 111H 113 113i 114

Am a pfd 2800 45 45 l i 44 41H-Am loe Sec 100 S3 SS 83 8 83-

Am Loo 1400 71 74 73ft 74 745-4Am S tfpfd 1400 43 48H JSti 48 48

Am Smdt 153 158 152 153USugar T88 J34 1341 13U 134H l tt

Aaa Tob pfd 100 99 99 93 99 W-

Am Woolen 100 39 33 3S 33H 3 i-

Anaeeada 15WO 286 237 285 286 286-

AtcfciKm 4900101 m MB M4 W-

Atdtfe n pfd 300 103 10 1M M 18Mi

Malta Ohio 1998 1 1181 118 119 IMfcBrook R T 2600 79 73 79 79 79HCan 1actto 8300 193 1W 182 ltt mCent Leather 200 36 36 36 36 3GJ4

Coot pfd 260 lOt W2 MS ill Mlcites Ohio 1400 ITH 57 9f 57 5R4-CW Gt W 500 18 18 18 18 IS

Chi G W Iii 26 36 2fi 36 2-Ba M 15000 IE IHH 10 iras is-sa 1 a St L 100 92 92 92 99 92

a F I UOOO 57U 57 5f SM 57H

Gate So 200 SH 4 3T 3O4-

CiAe So 2d 300 58 58 53 5K

H C I 10M SSU 2 t SSU 23U Stiers Prod L100 21 21H 21 21 21

D H 3M229 23 23 S3 S Hline 1038 45 45K i i 41 4C

Con Bletri US HIS 1SR MRi M iGt North nAl 300 23S 23244 2K 2K 294

let Met 500 35 36 36 36 3fjut Met jrfd 308 76 78 7 i 76 78

K C S pM 400 61 M t U-

L S 500 148 146 IStH 14R4 ItC

MeL Cost 10100 26 28 36 26 2-SSLS1i SS Mpfd 3B3 1 3 W M8 MB MT-

3L K T 18W 11 41 41 41 4H4-

M K T pfd 209 7SH 7 72 7 i 73-

Me 1ac 1268 Wfi 91 91 94

Nat Bbcult D8 77 77 77 77 77Lead 200 7S 75 7S 75 7i

CcBt 44 9 134 1K 133 131 194

North l a 5501 OWi 221 8t i 2J i 22-

1oast a m H is m mPa R K 8508 13 i 13S i 138 13-

sFna Steel 389 54 54 M 5 iGsa 300 9 tHi K 8 9 4

Reading 48 0 118 Hfiti M8 14WRep 1 S 26200 3S 41H 3S 41 3V

S pfd 1300 Ml MB MW MZ ME

Island 4100 31 31 3t 3M4 31

Ste69SbemeW toe TSii 7 75 7 i ISSo Pacific 4768 S i i 91

So Pat KOMI 13 WJ 12-8SaHtherBTlly 4K 34 34 34V 34 34

Swth ra Ry pfd 500 94U 94 91 t 91

Taxas PacMte 488 3T 3T 37 37 37

T St L W 203 34 3m 34 3Hi 34

T S L W pfd 500 S3H 53ft OK SUnion Pacific 43200 1S6 B6i 18414 13 fe 185

U S Pipe 298 45 4S 44 44 4fVt

U S S1CO 43 48 4SK 48 48

IT S Steel pfd 3609 M IMK M4 W 1WUVa Chem r 2M 39 38 31 38

sales yesterday 305418 Aarw-Tetal sates Friday 7SLWO shares

















X 37IN-

C 1 l






1 IN




QHoUUow are faraMtod f E R CbaWBaB-Oa n aben New York Stock Busang G PooleChipawB BMaaflor 13M F street ortinreit-

Opom Hlgk Low dowBritish CotaMMa Copper HH JtS mt B-

CWe3e Svbmy SH-4Oa rta d Sir UKGreene Copper SK i S-

Mttdteil il irr fK 4 iNevada CoasaJ Kfi M K UK-Nipbafatg MWnS Kft MR-

SUadard OH WUnited Copper SttlUtah Copper 3f




14 114At

iI N75 a 31

95 SPa11 3151i 51




New York Dee 8 Stock exebaaga heed o in pgAdams Express Is Ms

American lee Seearkks ts HAmerican Tobacco 8s 1M-

AaMrican Tobacco isA T and S F genenlfe INKA T and S F eontertMe M-

AUantfe Coast Lw 91-

BaJUwore and Ohio soW 4e MmCentral PacMe SKe 21 F B SM-ICbeMieak awl Ohio fc 1MKChesapeake and Ohio 4sie MfKC B asS Q Ill 4s MC B sod Q joist 4 fc-C R I and P sue 4c MKC R L sod P aoL 4s IBl-Coioredo cod Sowthera 4a HDelaware awl IInds m lsw IUKlIne consoKdatcd 4s M Ml-Erfe ttenenil IsBrie coowtibte 4sLackawanna Steel faLake Brie seal WeeMra seoaud is m

Shore 4s fflfcLake Shore 3e 96-

Mo Kane and Tax 5s MMtNew York Control J i 3M-Nortbera Paertc 3s-

FoHDgylraiifei 3 s MC-HPemwrtraiiia M IMS sm-ReadV is-

Readtae J C 4s

St L and S F rofiM s 4s 84Seaboard Air Lino fa M9Seaboard Aw Lies 4s K-SotttkHTB PAd eel trust 4 9sTeem Coal Iron and R R gesv 5s MiT nw asS Pacific irK is Jt7-UiAm Padic 4s MK-D S Steel stakteg feed is K-

Wabask te H-

AVesti K owe MaHwfactaring Ss WftTotal sales 171600 a aimt J9m jMsMsd r

95300 a week aw aad J1 MOO yow


hy B R OMIWMR Comembers New York Sleek ExdMaee 1381 F streetnorthwest G Bowie CMpeMB BaMser

OweDM Asked

American Are Chemical W 9t-AmerfcaR PBewaatfc Tube 12 MKAmerican Stifiar t J9f4American Sugar pfd US K-Amerimn TeL and Tel W 19-

Americaa Woolen 3S 35

Can Woulea lid M Mt 181Dominion Iran and Steel S3Edison Electric Iltea S35 SM-

Ias cb seU raectric 3 9Massachusetts Jfleeiric pfd 8Hi Wf-

eLBtttd Fruit ft MNorth Butte M INAtlantic J9 n-Bing Mm 38 31

Coww flange 88 M-

Simmon ififj M-

Cataaet and Heck SIB s-


Rename decreaseLoses decreaseSpecie decreaseLeeaMeB m decreaseI eparite Jtuenie-OtreBtetieo iaemse


York Dec S Tho settee market epewd ashade higher OR an in caw sod ansofcraUJr bulliSh ylslWe svppir 8t te e t S R-

ne taklBgs were abowt et 00 b l more than few

the eorrespoadiBg week last year The risible sopply of American coUon is shoot 23EMI bal







Qota H8 frell

Gat 1









3lareothseette 13






H mst 1 GOO last year Trading was ietto be altogether of an ercuiMsttp character

before Ute census report The Jaaaary optionworked HP about 5 points OTCT kit nights closingand then slipped off S points oa prefesstemlThe National Glnaera Assoctatkin was reported tohave estimated the amount sinned to December 1 at9 68000 bales SoHtbera spot mukete generaquiet and imehansed Port receipta estimated at6IKO bates agatest 26600 last year

YorkQitetatioae fw Wwd by Dick Bros Co memo

of the New York and New Orfesaa Cotton exM12 11 street northwest Tbene main

MWSHlOpen ugh Low Close

December 986 S6 tOOJ T ILlS M11 MLOOftlM-lMareh 23 M2 JUt MLl7aW18Mar M49 U40 l 4l 4SaJfc36Jell its M49 MJSalOJ-

SIVew Orleansugh Low

Deeffl r milH13 M MJI 10L36

Spot MarketsRerts Ship Sioek MMs Sales

Bought and Noltl Information upon request

R T324 Pa Ave S E







Open 1

Jri KS5 lIZ lIIU1000 U 3553 158

StlftRnAR s9S-1lNrHc



C Q C ttt-I


s teend


Mer i 1541-3fsy

4175-ewYerk 15Il-


S4 4 t C C S C C C C C



54 I S S 8 C


Queer Antics of tIle MarketBring Out Comment


Traders Believe Railroad Need Cads

for Improvement More Than OtherEnterprises ns Larger Territory IsAffected anti Prosperity Depends-on the Transportation Facilities

Now York Doc 8 I think said atrader I shell leave offtrjin r to do busi-

ness In this market and turn alchemist-I may not succeed In turning base metalsInto gold but my time in it could hardlybe loss profitably employed than inoperating In a markot which disregardsevery condition that makes for movements-In the past or If not disregarding themtaking them by contraries New YorkCentral gets an increased dividend andpromptly goes down Union Pacific Is In

dicted and Its price goes up Call moneysoars and we get an allround rally ItIs too much like trying to win when youropponent has loaded the dice and 1 forone have grown tired of the game

If the Secretary of the Treasury hrtsno discrimination between speculationand commercial requirement In affordingrelief to the money market where shallthe line be drawn It is a wellknown factthat railroads are compelled to hnlt ex-

tensions and Improvement projects be-

cause the Wall street money marketmakes raising of new capital practi-cally impossible The same is true of In-

dustrial corporations Is thero any Important difference for Instance between

new stock of Atchison providing theroad with the means to purchase the ad-

ditional equipment necessary to handleadequately the traffic of a large section ofthe country and putting up the money tobuild an extension to a department store













or shoe factoryAnd if it is a difference is It not In

favor of the railroad enterprise whichnot alone the railroad but the whole

section in which it operates conferring




as a matter of fact much more benefiton all the people scattered through theroads territory than it CHI po efbly con-

fer on the railroad Itself If the greatestgood is to be done for the grdatest num-ber are there not grounds to believe thatrellevini Wall street is the beet way ofaccomplishing it

As Wall street Is the very heart theAmerican financial system it will have tobe considered that what tends to breakthe heart will hkve the dame effectthroughout the entire system

Rates weakened decidedly in theearly part of the week but rose to 11 percent near the end But the advancehad no effect on the price of the

sentiment being buoyed up by theassurance that the beaks in the pool wereready to act if the necessity should ariseThe object of the pool was to Impose acheck upon operators at a meeting toforce up money rates by placing M0Mf-

iM where the lending of it coald be direct-ed by one mind so as to secure the great-est amount of efficiency

No new money was brought into Wallstreet and there sever was strongerverittcatkm of the truth of the proverbabout strength in union than was shownby the effect of announcement of adetermination on the part of leadingbanks to act in unison forcing other lend-ers to accept a reasonable rate WhathIts revived interest in the money pool of182 is the report that there Is ament on foot to form a pool of bankersrepresentatives of all parts of the countryte handle part of the Treasurys surplusImpartially in the interest of the commer-cial and financial community

Secretary Shaw it is Skid might placein the hands of pool of that kindsuch part of the TS000oeo now locked ujjin the Treasury as could be spared antiit would be the duty of the head ofthe pool to lend for all legitimate pur-poses when or wherever the rates formoney was so high as threaten seriousdisturbance The banks would not becalled upon to differentiate between theirown money and the Treasurys moneyfor the latter would not be directly intheir hands but in the hands of thepool to be used as much against them-selves individually should they endeavor-to exact unreasonable rates for their ownfunds as against any other lenders Lead-Ing bankers say however that they leavenot heard of any movement to formsuch a pool although in some influentialquarters it is said that a scheme of thekind may have been brought forward-as a suggestion

Demand sterling declined to 4S234which started discussion of the possibil-ity of gold imports but the consensuswas that If any serious attempt was madeto draw gold from London the Bank ofEngland would at once put up Its ratefor money and place such a burden onAmerican stocks carried over there whichwould make a heavy selling movementSo serious did the possible consequencesseem tothe foreign houses they refused-to believe that Secretary Shaw wouldnot do everything In his power to pre-vent their occurrence before it was toolate

The general verdict on tho bank state-ment was that it was bad enough to con-

vince Washington that the time hadcome to secure the aid of the Treasury-to withdraw money from the channels




















While some of the younger element onthe stock exchange laughed over thebank statemontscolng that prices hadgone up they should go higher on theprospect of a 150 per cent call rate In thecoming week the more sober mindedwere inclined to view tho situation In another light and to argue that unless therewas speedy relief lower prices must Inevitably result

Traders who argue that there Is littledifference between the money conditionsof today and those of a year ago seemto forget that time money rates arematerially higher npw than they werethen At this time a year ago sixtydaymoney cost 6 per cent and a commissionmaking the equivalent of 7 per centwhile for ninety days to six months therate was only 6 per cent Now three andfour months money costs 8 pen cent andupward the rate of Interest being

from 1 13 to 1 times higher than Itwas then This is a serious difference

Both In activity and strength RepublicIron and Steel came nearer to being thefeature of the market than on any otherday since It was admitted to trading onthe stock years ago Thestock made a new high record at 41

against a previous high record of 406and closed practically at the top Prog-ress with the scheme to combine theSouthern iron concerns was given as theprincipal reason for the rise although itwas also pointed out that after paymentof the December dividends on the pre-ferred only 4 per cent of arrears on thisIssue will be left unpaid commence-ment of disbursement on toe common isbrought within measurable distance

Perhaps another reason Is that the In-terests which have mode this stock espe-cially strong felt confident during the daythat Secretary Shaw would to therelief of the money situation in the near


exchange seven










future and were probably trying to discount the effect of the Treasurys action

Since the announcement of tho plan toanticipate interest on government bondsthe market has acted in a way to suggestthat a lemon is not a bad substitute for agoldon ogg


Prices quoted are wholesaleBUTTER Strong demaad along lines and

pricw strung Creamery fancy 3 to 32 per poundfirsts 30 te 31 seconds 21 te 22 proeess

fancy 3 to 24 fair to good 21 store pocked firm17 to 1-

8CTIEESEMarket steady New York State fac-tory large 13H to 14 do small UK to 15 sum-

mer large Iflfc to 13 Western factory new choice11 do fair to good 10 to U

EGOS Reeeipts Increasing and market strongNear by fresh Virginia 31 West Virginia and South-west Virginia 29 to 30 Tennessee 23 to 30 NorthCarolina 23 ta 28 21 to 23

LIVE POULTRY Chickens receipts llbeml andmarket steady Turkeys receipts moderate andmarket firm Chickens large per pound domedium 13 do small H hens 10 roasters 7

ducks 11 geese 9 to 11 turkeys toms 14 hens11 to 15 teats 18 to 12-

DRBSSKI POCLTRYReedpU hoary and mar-

ket weak Turkeys liens undrawn per pound 15 toH average undrawn 15 do thin 10 skI toms 15

Chickens spring large 13 do medium 13 to Bdo useS 14 kens choice 12 roosters 8 cecse10 to 12 decks 11 capea 16 to 18 small 14

DRESSED MEATSCahes full dressed 850 to909 heeds off 080 to 959 hocdreseed ealtes 800 to-

M being country sugar eared 14 boss smalland neat per cwt 889 do medium 750 te 6Wdo MeaT 841 to 700

GAMEGood stock at top prices Rabbits perdozen 200 to 2M kits per down 75 to LOU quailper thorn 240 to 3W wild turkeys per lb 16 to17 each 88 to LW woodfioek each 25

to 39

VEGETABLES Irish potatoes market firmYams awl sweets dulL Potatoes home grown 160ta 175 per bM potatoes per bushel 49 to 5

Virginia end Maryland jer Mil L50 to L74

potatoes per bM 1M to 2 d yams H toL89 sober New York per Imaei 30 te 88 onIonsOhio per 173 to 2W Maryland anti Virginia175 to 200 Spanish per box 1S to LEO turnipsper box 30 to 5 HuMmnl twuuh 7 to 90 cabbag near bar Maryland U6 to 809 per 100

FRUITS Apples Market sere settee ApplesJonathan per bbl ZM to IN Alexander per d hbM 231 to XM Cane per d h UW 2J to 3SSnow per d b hilt 2tt to 3M Nose Swell perd b bM L73 to 2J5 Ktejr per d b bM 23 ta103 StiitzeBbenr per d h bM 225 to 3W Spy perd h bM 24 to 3W Holdwifl per d h bM 2JOto X lIes Dark per d h MeL 175 to 22-

Urreatag per d h bbL 24 Wit stock per bM-

BMMW 100 to LM fancy table frait 191 to 309Grape fruit 258 to 4tt jr box Jamaica IM perbbL Florida orange SM to ITS boa enaberriw-2JI to 3J8 box grape per basket 12 to 13 baeases W to 121 beach Malaga grapes 489 to 798keg lessees tIN to 4JI

HAY AND STKAWTteotliy choke new 18J I

to BM No 1 new JaM So 2 MW 1700 atecd-hy UJ9 to KM dover HI to ILlS straw rye

bwdk 1118 to UN rye maebtoe Uwsh 8J8 to

ORAINWlmU choice 73 fair to iworf Hto 7i-

MittMry 8 to rye to K coca siMlM4 to yellow 1 to ear X88 to XN

Data Waiters white N 2 38 to relate SG to



pIt DY


tM wttt 751 cot lIv per to

Ii newiii 811







tie 1155 16









York Dee 8STJGARStoa retetw3 11Jt ctuUlfinml 6tosC S SMC eaota ses3 99Z reIned stcaiy crusfcts SJ r 49d LOG

CfasMsIatoi 498-

UUTTBKRsMipto XW a extra3ta3-

LBCnBRacc U 4W wee fair dcaaaHd W st

MILL FRRDQ tot tsj e bran ta lINk saeka-

J27S mMdU s 2J esty hess B Western redSOf 98-

LFf OUKStoady but taacthe enrb sLK t8B pra deere XSs aXiJ wtalor stntsMk-iMaXN winter doses JLVaXJt K Mssac IB sadcs-

watesta XT469 su ghla XJfcSJI sNeer 2 a




esi free

CORK MKALTrae ejrfat Ills for espest 183a278 coam s al ta bee LJM8-

HAYFtoa fair Jansaoi rsuntiiU 109 toaI-

wtoM Lit No I L N 2 LHaUff N 4

3J aU5-STltAWMaitet k hIdes taps 88-

HRKFStesMly qsrtK aaalaess fa0Hr J al4J8-yedwt lbl8an88L-

POKKTnMte Is slow max WJMM faesflytt88-

TALLOWLtaritod taste ely apoUM at i M-

laKDQvfH priat W a4 n J8 dIr 871

reed cnattees U8 South Antrim HJ8 Rbed lirasiUaa kens 1U ely stoatfua N so-

Hearine neediest city UK Cbkaffo HH


lUtttaMfo Md Dec 8PLOURMartat emsK-

Vtater 2J81W wtatcr eM r XttaSJ wta-

t r Mniekt J3bOM wtatar iwtcnC IMalSB sprtegclose X5fal aprtac stiatebt 3JM90 luring peteat 4 aiM CHy MiUs heat patent 18 CIty lIPSbtati made patent 4Ji Milh bigh gradsstrafat 4tt cboio faaafly us CHy Mills eacta-

3J8aX5 Rye leer Madtasa to theist 3J a3JSCom meal per MO JXMM Utal Q Hwckwbea-

trtr m iwmds 138218 Ilk ratio XOOaL-OJVItBATStock in eteraton 188JW bmliels TIle

tasataieas was muletcd as a coR qne c Iarketislet asiA steady Soles of sawH beg loU by saaspie aa to HaHty aM enidMem at C8 35 and SK

sad of cargoes on seeds to pa to the deraton at75 for special bin No 2 nd 11 for stock No 2 ret71 for special bin Meaner No S red 88 for stocksteamer No 2 red 88 for sfes l inn rejected Hfor stock rejected and OH for refected to to thrMWhthe dryer Contract opened ttra Jamsary 76K

safe The market for W tem doted tea spotDecpsaber 73H January UU-

COKNStoc ta demtors S43v861 bnebeisMarket los Swtbera nan today wee flraar OR grad-

ed Receipts Ikjbt asS desaand good for ireseen of toUt coter The awjer parties of the re

today oooststrd of Uw yellow rarktyof cargoes both colon on grade at 4tH Nowhite yellow or mixed and 48 for steamer Sam-

ple tots of White on the wharf brought IS Trackyellow corn toM at S4 aS6 per bwJrf for car Iotaprime domestic delivery Contract opened tornyear TIle starlet for Western closed urea

spot December SIS year 1-

8OATSTto market was firm Stock in2SK busheS shipments from etemtors 13001 bUMs

sit New oats While No 2 38a4 do No 3

33a39 do No 4 3Sa37 mixed No 2 33H doNo 3 3TVW8 No 4 3 ia3S NoUTtw shoretattoos refer to domestic deHmyt

RYE Stock in dealers 122973 bushels stripBMrta aferators 14t2 bnsheK No 2 rye perbushel 8Saet No 3 rye Western uptown d rir ry78 71 No 3 rye nearby uptown delivery 3a 4

No 4 rye Western uptown delivery BSaT No 4 ryenearby uptown dtHvery 6Z 63 bag lots as to

naltty and condition 5M6 choice Western up-

town leitf rj TeaT-

THAYJIarket quiet at unchanged prices No 1

timothy terse hales 3800 do small Mecks 2800-

No 2 timothy as to location 185331900 No 3tbnotby as to tocatioa U5fl 1750 No 1 cterrrmixed 1758al809 No 2 corer mixed lOOalfOQNo 1 dorer 1651700 No 2 dover 1589al60-

0STRAWMarfcet steady RyeStraIght fair todealer per ton 12J8 No 2 straight MSOa 1200 No1 tangled blocks 909 1 00 T Fair to choiceblocks 889 eomaton 6J9a700 OatsGood to

prime 996al LOO common stained c 758a350MILL FBED5Iarket Sins Per ton Winter

bran as to bulk M50a29 0 spring do


nucKwuaav FLOUltJIff Io JIiM atos


of Southern were Jlgbt






40 IS3ULskied




ste wheel todsy sad

tits sheS







203lb sacks 2250a2188 do MWb cks 2300a2350Western middling M9lb sacks 23OOa2J53 CityMills middling in bulk 2389 City Mills bran inbulk 210-

0POTATOESMarket Son White New Yorkprime per basbcl Ma68 do Western Maryland andPennsylvania prime 50aK do do seconds 30a40

do Eastern Shore Maryteml and Virginia Oa45

yates Virginia per barrel No 1 SlaTS sweets Vir-ginia yellows L25aL7S Anne Arundel yeltows-

L25aL5 Yotk Biter lWal76PRESSED POULTRYMarket firm receipts

light Chickens straight young per lb Ilal2 doMixed young and old 11 do old hens Wall tur-keys fancy fat stuck IBatt do mixed and biggobblers 14al5 do poor to fair 12nl4 duckschoke fat 13ali geese choice fat nearby 13a14

do Western awl Southern 1U12-

HUTTER Market firm Creamery fancy per lb31a33 do choke 27a3t do Rood 2Sa23 do imi-

tation 23a86 do prints 31 33 do blocks 28a32

ladle 18a22 nearby roils S a3 storepacked Ohiodo West Virginia hall Maryland Vir-

ginia and PenasylTsnia dairy prints 19a22 renovaUd 22a25-

KGGS Market steady Maryland Pennsylraniaand nearby fda Wss off per dozen 3 i3S West-ern firsts loss off 34438 West Virginia firsts lossoff 39a31 Southern loss ofT 23a30 galnoieggs

LIVE POULTRYGeneral market steady Chickhens hoary lb 18al2 do small 10

eM roosters each 2530 yonng good to choice lla11 DucksPuddle large fcr In lla2 small 11

do mascory and mongrel Wall do drakes each3 i do white rehire per lb 12 GeeseMarylAnd and Virginia per lb 11 Turkeys Young perpound Pigiens YaiBg per I if 13a20 doold 20 Guinea fowls earls 3M6 Old tnrkeys 14


Market unchanged with good demand for bestgrades

CATTLE Extra 475 to 500 per cwt butolicrs400 ordinary 2J5Q to 300

HOGSPer cwt gross 600 to 625 ordinary 500to 5JO-

SlIEEPCllnped 400 medium to 375 com-mon 200 to XO-

OLAMRS Per POUnd spring choice 75 to 8 me-

dium 7 to TiiCALVESPer pftae 8 to SJ6 medfum 7

to 7 sans 4 te 4f-eCOWBach prime 4900 to 5000 common

to 3000 old and dry 860 to 1000



ensold Tier










While a sleepy atmosphere seemed tohang over the Washington Stock Ex-

change yesterday quite a volume ofwas completed before the president

announced the sessions end The tendency was toward slightly lower pricesas the trading Railway sharesand bonds were moderately active andGreene Copper sold well on the downgrade

Washington Railway and Electric 4ssold 5000 at a fraction below tho lowestof Friday Railway common barely goton the record with a quotation lot at 43

The preferred stock sold well from 87

up to S7

Washington Gas recorded sales of 100

shares oh the regular call at fractionsbelow 50 and after call several options-

In the stock were fixed up at 59 and 59

Greene Coppor went off lively In 100

share lots selling from 26 down to 5

at which several trades were made Inall 1200 shares changed hands

Mitchell Mining scored a few tradesafter call and Mergenthalor wastt drugon the market at a fraction below 2

National Bank of Washington stock

stock had a boom up to 800 about themiddle of the week making Its highestrecord Yesterday It sold S points underthat figure In a 10ahare lot


Sales regular call i2 oclock ROOD

WwhiflxUai Railway and Electric 4 1000 at85 J19M at 85 fl000 at 8Wi H000

atWaabtegUn Railway aad Electric COBSMOH 59 at 43

Wadtimftm Railway and Eleetoie preferrtd M at87V4 3S at 87 50 at fc7U S9 at 8Ri at 8 H

Washington Gas 25 at 5SS at 58 2S at 5SH-

2S at 55-

MergentbaJer 5 at 908 M at 28ST4 It at 388

Greene Copper 103 at 25H MO at 2fi S at S e

100 at 25 109 at 26H 100 at 2S Mi at 25 HO atJHi J at JS MO at 24 308 at 5-

Natlooal naRk of WajMafitoB 17 at SW M at587 M at 3H-

VPtmaens I sunuie 29 at 2 i 91 at 231s

American Grapbo OOMBMW 2 at 42American GrapHo prefwrfd M at 81-

Wa kie toB Market 100 at 91After caliWa Miigtoti G wrttskatas 3000 at

lUWa liis gteM Gs X at 50 Ml 25 at 5SK-

VO at 88 1M at MK fbsjer Mi at NK beeper 9t2fat98-

WasMn OM Gas 4s INS at MK-MttckWl lIking M at fK WO at KB at


Uistssct of OtemBta s IVGAS HONDS

Was Gee Os rt M 6s l 11-

2RAILflOAD BONDSCapital Treatise It R 4s Mf IK-

Usty Satarbatt R R 5s M-CohMbsa It It M wort 5 M9K

Columbia R R MK III-

MctropoHUa R R 5s W IKMet R R osrt lnfMWas Ry Met 4s-

MSCBLI AXHOUS 1IOKU8U S Else IJekt Ask aU S lIke I gbt otrt iL fc 1M

Potomac Eke Light lit Se-

X W Steamboat MC seed 1 TelevswsM Sa sWi W-W k Matfctt Co tat as KB


took a decIded tumble on small sales The


71000 at1Ii





H 15

tneooelk HJIG


Ie iI







WosIsks4ee is Osospaeq 755

k ieinaee









IURLIC UTILITY STOCKSCapital Tiacttoii iThe Wash Ry sad Plea CMS 41 48

The Wash Ry sad Ills St-

S sail W SUMBbnat S 9-

WasttactoB Os RJi-GoorKctofm Gas 61

Bristol Gaa and BIte Ss 31

C and P Tttevfcat S3-

TYl B MACIIIN STOCKSMeisessUMkr Uswtroe 3K 9H-

Laaaahm MoMtyp M UK

MIXING STOCKSGrimes Copper 88 3Kt-

tchefl Mm s Oorafwwr 9K-


ANwrtoafiCftpcul 9-

Ctsttnl 4-

3NaUeval Olty 141-

j a Mb-UOW a an

CostPtosMH sad MsiihimlM-Tjhwei HI-

MasnpaMM 3ttRims SW




America Seoiritjr sad Tend 97 290

National Safe Ue Mst and fleet m THKUnion Trust UaMpny fBfti OKWash Lose and TrolL 96 2Unto Trust Wanaats 23J4

SAVINGS BAXK STOCKSHouse Sexing heckUnkm Savings Itank 300-

WaaMotfoH aavtatr Ra W-


CohmMa M

Commercial f 6

OOMoran K-

Fhcmaaa 2 2 4-

ynnAlfc J

Genaal 29MetrapoHtaa-XatlOMl UaiwI-NmaJaiiFotcsaae 26-


Real Bttato M

Washington Title 4


Soutnera Public Serriee Outs USGraptwahoae common 4fJ 4-4Uraphopbme preferred 3I-

Seearity Storage Co 160

VashtoftoB Market N 1

Fidelity Stores Ceaipaay 1W-

Bx dfTkkad tEx rigbts


Total sales m the WaaMagtw Stock BsvhMga letweek ended December S

PHnrifbod by Grille HaMa4 Co brokersmembers Washington Stock Ewhmnae D44 F streetnorthwest

honda Opm High Low Last25509 W lH ton Ry 4 S 86 8R4 85S9 108 WashwgteR Gas 4 let MS M4

5888 Pot Else J it Is M8 104 M8 MS

5800 Cap Treaties 5s M Mf M MT

8008 C P TeL OB 5s K KB H6 W6H-

C650 Met K B 6s B M8 M K M8 KX

StocksIK Capital TractiOH lift 1 lift 146

1586 Wash fly common 43 43U 43 43

JIll Wash Uy pid S7 8T 7Washington Gas S 9r 5S 38

1 ll1K

IlL n







T 8Ii lilt


11de 4 5

Title 1tI










95 15







63 Mergentaaler 388 383 303 38-

S530Laaston 14 life 11H liH-4JW Greeno Copper 2TH 27 25 S1729 Mitchell Mining 5 5 IH 5Vi

86 Nit Bank of Wash 600 ore 586H 5S6H


Note York Dee 8 CATTLE Receipt 300 MadnothIng doing in lire cattle nominally steadydressed beef quiet

CALYBSRrcelpta 210 head market weak PrimeTeak at 909 barnyard caIro tmniuaU Dnatc1-calres easier yeate 8 to 12 per lbcountry dressed T to 12-

SHKEP AM LAStKSRecrfpts WJ hood Aeepunchanged choice lambs firm nedtem grades weakSheep 400e5M no prime here lambs 700a95 nochokv offered culls 550 Canada lambs 77-

HOUSReceipts 3OO head light Mss aboutsteady others week Whole range quoted at 6 tea70X

Chicago 111 Dot SCATTLBRccelpts 1600head estimated for Monday 99000 market steadyunchAnged

HOGSReceipts 18000 hoed estimated for Mon-day 40009 market Ifl to 16 coMa lower Lfat5-J3aO32 rcu fas 58 a600 mixed 600a669 hoary6056 J9 pigs 530aU5-

SHBBPRecelpts 2000 head esttmat d Menday 23000 market steady and unchanged

Lnckntrannrt Firemen Get IncreaseScranton Pa Dec 8 Tho firemen of

the Lackawanna road having been Informed that the company will allowthem a wage Increase of 10 per cent atenhour day and better wage conditionsa settlement has been effected to continuefor another year The Lackawanna hasthus gotten rid of all its wage troubles

Liner Aground In Delaware HayPhiladelphia Dec 8 The Red Star liner

Menomlneo outward bound for Antwerpvia London with eleven passengers onboard is aground In the upper DelawareBay a short distance this side of Newcastle The vessol lies In an easy posi-tion in about twentythree of water

soldCity dressed








Hours 930 A M to 12 oCiock Midnight t





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Quotations furnished by Charles G Gates Co

members Chicago Board of Trade Building

ChicagoWIIBAT Open Utah Low Close

Daosmber 74 H 74H 744

May 79 79JA 79J4 79-





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ever May f o b No 1 Northern MaJtoba 8K

f o b No 2 Northern Manitoba Slit f ftNo 2 red f b erer Deeceaber No 2 hardf o b May prices No 1 atearotti 88 f O to

No 2 Macaroni 77 Exporters took 2 loadsCORNStroitR No 2 denIse Si No 2 new

5W f o b No 2 yellow f o b Ne 2 f ek next week Sfc late December 0 f o bNo 2 f o k January seed Febnury 58H No 2

f k Scot March 59K N 2 wMte 54K

f o k Exporters took 3 toadsOATSStWHK demand Blewter pilate Ne

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Edmund Booth of Grand Rapid toAddress Y 31 C A Today

Edmund W Booth general manager-of Grand Rapids t Evening Press Is

announced as the peaker before themeeting for men at the gymnasium ofthe Young Mens Christian Associationthis afternoon The usual lobby concert at 3 oclock by the Fam-ily Orchestra will last a half hour Studydubs assemble following the gymnasiummeeting and discuss various phases ofthe main question of the meeting MrBooth will speak on Every Inch a ManFollowing this lecture the usual clubmeetings will be held They includegroups taught by Commissioner Macfarland Dr Morris Miller anti Charles HTreat Every man In Washington Iswelcome to attend these meetings-

At the Northeast Temple Mr Syngman Rhee a native Korean will speakOR The Hermit People andCustoms A full attendance is expected

Under the auspices of the Y C Ameeting will be held tonight at 730

in the Grace Methodist Episcopal ChurchThe speakers wilt be Harry W Arnolddirector of religious work of the Y 3d CA and Miles M Shared chairman of thereligious work committee of the Y MC A

This afternoon at 330 Chaplain Brownof Fort Myer will speak to the boys Inthe Boys Building of the Y M C AChaplain Brown was with PresidentRoosevelt during the Spanish war andwill have an interesting talk for theboys


New Orleans Objects to YorkGetting All Isthmian Traffic

Congress will be asked to abolish thegovernmentowned steamship line nowoperated by the Panama Railroad andSteamship Company under charge of theIsthmian Canal Commission Representatlve Broussard of Louisiana will fatherthe bill It is the opinion of Mr Broussard shared by others that the gov-

ernment has no right to engage in theoperation of a public service corporationin competition with private enterprises

The government has embroiled itselfin a wholly unnecessary conditionMr Broussard yesterday It Is

five ships exclusively out of NewYork to Colon Three were acquiredwhen the Panama Railroad and Steamship Company was bought Two werepurchased outright later It is ray firmconviction that a mistake has been madeIt is not the province of the governmentto engage in the operation of such pub-lic utilities and in this particular Instance the entire country aside fromNew York City and the Atlantic sea-board suffers by reason of this factIn Louisiana all assert with perfect fair-ness that New Orleans is entitled If thisservice Is to be maintained to a portionof these ships New Orleans is 591 milesnearer to Colon than is New York


Georgetown Man Says Inland WillMake Ideal Outing Place

In a letter to the Commissioners yesterday calling their attention to the proposed park for the residents of George


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336 3114


















town Hndley Doyle advocates theselection of Annlostan Island The section on the Maryland and District sidefrom Easbys Point to the Three Sistershe says is becoming uninhabitable be-

cause of commercialism and the boatclubs that In years past haye madeWashington famous as an aquatic centerwill bo forced to vacate and seek shelterinside of Potomac Park unless somethingis done to remedy the matter

Analostan Island as a public park hestates is one of the logical deductionsand the best one that can be advancedas it will not only afford a reserve for

but it will also give youngpeople a swimming beach the oarsmen-a home and will in every respect fill theneed the West End has felt for years

Crittciiton Mission ContributionsIn response to the first appeal of the

season the Florence Crittenton Missionhas received at 218 Third street north-west tho following generous contribu-tions which are gratefully acknowl-edged by Mr Thomas E Robertsontreasurer

Mrs Theodore Roosevelt tt Mrs John Ray 30

Mies Grace Litchfieki J5 Smeot CotTer Me-Caliey 5 Bedell Manufacturing Company 5 MrsM B NoraeHt S task Jl Mrs Kate WallerBarrett 5 Byron S Athens 1 Dr E M Calhtudet 5 Miss Frances Young 10 Louis Steer

seen P Mrs Frank G Carpenter 5 DulinMartin 2 etch 1 Dr F J Carpenter 1

25c Dr C V Scott neT John G Amos 5

Mrs A Lisaer 3 Mrs Mary L McMillan 3

Miss C Schneider J2 Mrs J Wlntlirop Spencer5 Mrs Cora Berliner S3 Mrs XL A Odell 3

Dr W A Croffiit 10 Mrs James Page 1 MrsW E Chandler S Mr Sam J Prescott 1 MrE C Graham 2 Mrs M G Cepdand 1 MissAnna Flngan 5 Mr Atenzo O Bliss 3 MrTheodore W Xoyes 5 Mr William Feldhaus 1government mallbag repair shop throuGh Mr CG Greene 53

thou rmds

















InfonnaUes will be ohecrfaHy feniisbed opofat the fflee


John lay B ew PnatdeatEllis Spear Vice President

W eau M VIse ProsiCeatFrank I UeicMe SeereSaryJohn Joy Edict y ASK Secretary


Fredk B PIle See A RatesGee W P Mr A M LtMMftJab Baraard Goo U HacfcsP B ThesIs 1 X On e-

Jno B Laer

WashingtonLoan 6 Trust Co



Loans ia any aaaooat mxtc oa zppr r d realor coUatcral at rtosoanblo

iBtocet paid spoo deporiu oa moMMy bataaeos aibyet to check

lids omtpaoy aeta as cx CBtor aAntoMrator trustee nt trcMnnr nxMnr andia all other Stteeiary capacities

Boms for reset a d trcpmt-raaits for safe al Kora a of missIleP ee

Brtate DopottBMat t yctfutA to aaconayew islets Genial


MlKTVJv Ctfitvt itftinvti

Capital ttG088ta Sorntaa SUR8M


IssuedDrafts issued direct on principal cities

of the worldMoney transmitted by cableExchange bought and soldInvestments and collections madeStocks and bonds bought and sold


Pa Ave opposite U S Treasury

Chapman S CoMembers N Y Stock Exchange

80 Broadway New York


1301 F Street NW-G B CHIPMAN


Member Washington Stock Exchange

Charles G Gates CoTrinity BaMnz


Members of all Exchanges

OEtetHorfAit m York

RaHwijr Exchange Bu9 nAdantic New Jersey

French Lick

Washington Office Munsey BldgTELEPHONES Main 37303791 3732

Direct PtiTitc Wire Ssrvks

Is the name of an Interesting booklet onthat Important subject which we will beglad to mall you upon request

Wills drawn and filed without chargewhen this Company is named EXECUTOR or TRUSTEE

Consultation with the officers of lbsCompany Is invited

The Loan







the Rt

Pilate QSlcr




TIt NewRoo Buildin Chi




Regarding Wills





estate rate





Trust CompanyJOHN JOY EDSON President


Real Estate in District of Columbia No delayclosing loans

McLERAN 1003 F t nw


Police Will Arrange to Give Protec-tion to All tIre Careless

Isow that the Christmas crowds ofshopgoing people have returned againthe police and detective authorities arepreparing to look after the unscrupu-lous ones who go under the names ofshoplifters and pickpockets The usualprecautions will be taken this year andthe public will have all the protectionthat can be given them

Besides the regular of police inplain clothes there will also bo a largeforce of private detectives who arehired by the proprietors of the department stores It is pointed out however that the police can be of littleassistance to those who persist in leav-ing pocketbooks and bundles on counters and on returning in an hour orso expect to find them

Gnmmerc Completes Ills MIssionSamuel Gummere the American Min-

ister to Morocco has reported his return to Tangiers from Fez in a tele-gram dated Thursday and receivedby ihe State eprtmnU Mr Gummerawont to Fez to see the Sultan on variousmatters of Importance Mr Gummere hasmade no report as to the accomplish-ments of his journey















