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  • 8/12/2019 2014 CHS CBLM Reference



    Sector: ICT Sector

    Qualication Title: Computer Hardware Servicing NC II

    Unit of Competency: Install Computer Systems and Networks

    Module Title: Installing Computer Systems and Networks


    Welcome to the module in Installing Computer Systems and Networks . Thismodule con tains training materials and activities for you to complete.

    The unit of competency Install Computer Systems and Networks contains

    knowledge, skills and attitudes required for Computer Hardware Servicing. It is oneof the sp ecialized modules a t National Certicate Level (NC II).

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    You are require to go through a series of learning activities in order to completeeach learning outcome of the module. In each learning outcome are Information

    Sheets and Resources Sheets (Reference Materials for further reading to help you better understand the required activit

    answer the self check at the end of each learning outcome. You may remove a blankanswer sheet at the end of each module (or get one from your facilitator/trainer) to

    write your answers for each self check. I your facilitator for


    You may have some or most of the knowledge and skills included in thislearners gu ide because you have:

    Been working in the same industry for some time. Already completed training in this area.

    If you can demonstrate to your trainer that you are competent in a particularskill, you dont have to do the sa me training again.

    If you feel that you have some skills, talk to your trainer ab out having themformally recognized. If you have a qualication or certicate of competence fromprevious trainings, show them to your trainer. If the skills you acquired are st illcurrent and relevant to the unit of competency, they may become part of the evidence

    you can present for RPL. If you are not sure about the currency of your skidiscuss th is w ith your t rainer.

    A Trainee Record Book (TRB) is given to you to record important dates, jobsundertaken and other workplace events that will assist you in providing furtherdetails to your trainer/assessor. A Record of Achievement/Progress Chart is alsoprovided to your trainer to complete/accomplish once you have completed themodule. This will show your own progress.

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    UNIT OF COMPETENCY: Install Computer Systems and Networks

    MODULE TITLE: Installing Computer Systems and Networks


    This unit covers the outcomes required in installing, assembling and computers and common peripherals.



    After the end of the module you MUST be able to:

    1.Plan and Prepare for Installation2.Install Equipment/Device/System3.Conduct Test


    1. Installation planned and prepared to ensure that saf ety measures, policies a ndprocedures followed, and that work is appropriately sequenced in accordance

    with the industry standards

    2. Technical personnel consulted to ensure that the work coordinated effectively with others involved on the worksite

    3. Computer systems and network devices obtained in accordance with theestablished procedures an d to comply with requirements

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    4. Location where devices an d systems to be installed is determined from jobrequirements

    5. Materials necessary to complete the work obtained in accordance withestablished procedures an d checked against job requirements

    6. Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out the instalobtained in accordance with established procedures a nd checked for correctoperation and safety

    7. Preparatory work checked to ensure that no unnecessary damage has occurredand that work complies with requirements

    8. OH&S policies a nd procedures for installing devices/systems a re followed

    9. Devices / syst ems are installed in accordance with requirements, withoutdamage or distortion to the su rrounding environment or services

    10. Variation to devices / systems installation is cacustomer/client requirements

    11. Devices / syst ems are terminated and connected in accordance withrequirements

    12. Unplanned events or con ditions a re responded to in accordance withestablished procedures

    13. Approval is obtained in accordance with established procedures fromappropriate personnel before any contingencies a re implemented

    14. On-going checks of the quality of the work are undertaken in accordance withestablished procedures

    15. OH&S policies an d procedures are followed

    16. Circuits and systems are checked as being isolated where necessary u singspecied testing procedures

    17. Parts or con nections o f the installation or servi ce th at are rem oved in order t oconduct the test are stored to protect against loss or da mage and in accordance

    with established procedures

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    18. Unplanned events or con ditions a re responded to in accordance withestablished procedures

    19. Approval is obtained in accordance with established procedures fromappropriate personnel before any contingencies a re implemented

    20. Devices / systems and/or installation is tested to determine whether itconforms to requirements

    21. Parts, and/or connections removed for the purpose of testing are returned topre-test conditions in accordance with established procedures

    22. Final inspections a re undertaken to ensure the installed devices / systemsconforms to requirements

    23.Documentation in relation to the test is forwarded to appropriate personneland/or au thority in accordance with requirements

    PREREQUISITES: Basic and Common Competency



    1. OHS Policies and Procedures2. Basic requirements for a p lanned installation.3. Fundamentals of operating systems.4. Computer components and peripherals.5. Tools and equipments.


    1. Installation is planned and prepared to ensure Occupational Health

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    and Safety policies a nd procedures a re followed, the work isappropriately sequenced in accordance with requirements

    2. Appropriate personnel are consulted to ensure the work is coordinatedeffectively with others i nvolved on the work site

    3. Devices/systems are obtained in accordance with establishedprocedures and to comply with requirements

    4. Location in which devices / syst ems are to be installed is determinedfrom job requirements

    5. Materials necessary to complete the work are obtained in accordance with established procedures and checked against job requirements

    6. Tools, equipment and testing devices needed to carry out theinstallation work are ob tained in accordance with establishedprocedures an d checked for correct operation and safety

    7. Preparatory work is checked to ensure no u nnecessary damage has

    occurred and complies with requirements


    The students/trainees must be provided with the

    PC or workstations Instructional Manuals such as: Occupational Health and Safety

    policies and procedure manual, device manual and hardwarediagrams and charts.

    Tools, equipments and test instruments such as: protective eyewear,

    digital multi-meter, crimping tools, pliers, screw drivers. Supplies and materials such as: UTP cables, RJ45 connector,appropriate software ap plications a nd programs.


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    Written examination Practical examination.



    Learning Activities Special Instruction

    1. Read Information Sheet 1.1-1 onOccupational Health & Safety (OHS)Policies a nd Procedures.

    2 . Answer Self-Check 1.1-1 Compare Answers to Answer key 1.1-13. Read Information Sheet 1.1-2on

    basic requirements for a well plannedproject b ased Installation Service.4. Answer Self-Check 1.1-2. Compare Answers to Answer key 1.1-

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    7. Read Information Sheet 1.1-3 onthe fundamentals structures andtypes of Operating System

    8. Answer Self-Check 1.1-3. Compare Answers to Answer key 1.1-39. Guided by Information Sheet 1.1-4,proceed to the tool room and do TaskSheet 1.1-5 on identifying computercomponents and peripherals

    Observe safety in the workplace. Trainee/trainer evaluates

    performance/output usingperformance checklist 1.1-4 andmakes recommendations.

    11. Read Information Sheet 1.1-5 onthe types a nd functions of differenttools an d equipments.

    12. Answer Self-Check 1.1-5 Compare Answers to Answer key 1.1-5




    After reading of this Information Sheet, you should be able t

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    1. Identify the basic precautions an d procedures in planning, preparing, installingand testing of computer hardware and software.

    2.Determine the effects of computers to the people, health risk, and to theenvironment.

    During installation and initial test, careful planning and preparation are to bedone. To avoid personal injury and damages to wiring due to sharp pins onconnectors and printed circuit assemblies, rough chassis edges and corners, and hotcomponents.

    Adhere to warnings and limitations regarding accessibility into adesignated only for au thorized technical personnel.



    Before starting the installation, read carefully the documentation andprocedures on any hardware and software settings that may be required.Failure to do the proper jumper setting may cause damage to your CPU.

    Without an effective cooling fan, the CPU can overheat and cause damage to both CPU and the motherboard.

    Each bank must have the same size and type of memory installed in pairs.

    Before adding and removing any other system components, make sure that youunplug your power supply. Failure to do so may cause damage to yourmotherboard and in the system component.

    Test the computer, insuring that it meets the necessary system requirements before booting up.

    If the computer does not pass any of the power on self-test (POST), thecomputer will receive an irregular power on self-test. An irregular POST is a

    beep code which is different from the standard beep which can either be no beeps at all or a combination of different beeps.


    Some effects of computers relating to the violation of privacy, the impact onthe labor force, health risks, and the impact on the environment.

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    1.Violation of Privacy

    Nearly every l ife even t is st ored in a computer som ewhere--in medical records,credit reports, tax records, etc. It is c rucial that personal and condential records

    be protected properly. In many instances, where these recoeprotected, individuals have found their p rivacy violated and identities stolen.

    2. Impact on Labor Force

    Although computers have improved productivity in many ways and created anentire industry with hundreds of thousands of new jobs, the sk ills of millions of

    workers and managers have been replaced by computers. Thus, it i workers keep their education up-to-date. A

    some companies a re outsourcing jobs to foreign countries instead of keeping theirhomeland labor force em ployed.

    3. Health Risks

    Prolonged or improper computer use can lead to injuries or disorders of thehands, wrists, elbows, eyes, necks, and back. Computer users can protect themselvesfrom these health risks through proper workplace design, good posture while at thecomputer, and appropriately spaced work breaks. Another health risk, calledcomputer addiction, occurs when someone becomes obsessed with using thecomputer. Once recognized, computer ad diction is a treatable disorder.

    4. Public Safety

    Adults, teen, and children around the world are using computers to sharepublicly their ph otos, videos, journals, music, and other person al information. Someof these u nsuspecting, innocent computer users have fallen victim to crimescommitted by dangerous strangers. Protect yourself and your dependents from thesecriminals by being cautious. For example, do not share information that would allowothers t o identify or locate you.

    5. Impact on Environment

    Computer manufacturing processes and computer waste are depleting naturalresources an d polluting the environment. The amount of resources required tomanufacture a p ersonal computer equals that of a mid-sized car. When computersare d iscarded in landlls, they rel ease t oxic m aterials a nd potentially dangerouslevels of lead, mercury, and ame retardants. Strategies t hat can help protect theenvironment include recycling, regulating manufacturing processes, extending thelife of computers, and immediately donating replaced computers

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    SELF-CHECK NO. 1.1-1

    A.IDENTFICATIONDirection: Identify the Precautions and Procedures write TRUE if the

    statement is corr ect and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

    1.Failure to do t he proper jumper setting may cause damage to your CPU.2.After adding and removing any other system components, make sure that you unplug your power supply.

    3.Test the computer, insuring that it meets the necessary systemrequirements before booting up.

    4.With an effective cooling fan, the CPU can overheat and cause damage to both CPU and the motherboard.

    5.After starting the installation, read carefully the documentation andprocedures on any hardware and software settings that may be required.


    Direction: Select your answer on the choices below that will correspond onthe statement. Write the letter of your answer on the space p rovided.

    A.Violation of PrivacyB.Impact on the EnvironmentC.Public SafetyD.Health RiskE.Impact on Labor Force

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    1.Computer manufacturing processes and computer waste are depletingnatural resources an d polluting the environment.

    2.Although computers have improved productivity in many ways andcreated an entire industry with hundreds of thousands of new jobs, theskills of millions of workers and managers have been replaced bycomputers.

    3. It is cru cial that personal and condential records be protected properly.4.Adults, teen, and children around the world are using computers to

    share publicly their photos, videos, journals, music, and other personalinformation.

    5.Prolonged or improper computer use can lead to injuries or di sorders ofthe hands, wrists, elbows, eyes, necks, and back.

    Compare your answers with the Answer Key on the next page. If you

    get 80% and above, then you may proceed to the next activity but if not,

    master the lesson and take the Self-Check again.

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    ANSWER KEY 1.1-1







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    After reading this Information Sheet, you should be able to:

    1.Prepare the required documents or forms before you do a well plannedinstallation

    2.Identify the qualications to be a certied hardware p rofessional so that youcould be allowed and authorized to do a well planned installation

    Are you the person everyone calls when they have a computer problem? Have you considered getting paid for xing

    into a business? According a recent report, sales o f computer ser vices a re expected toexceed $47 billion this yea r in the U.S. alone, with PC repair leading the way. But

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    there are some requirements that you need to know before joining the bandwagon ofComputer Hardware Servicing trade, like document/forms (e.g. Job Orders, RequestForms, and Report Sheets) and qualications for personnel in repairing computers.


    A.Job Order

    A Job order (known as works order outside of the United States because the work is produced in a manufacturing area known as the works ) or job

    order (sometimes job ticket or work ticket , as it often has so me type of ticketattached) is a n order received by an organization from a customer or cl ient, or a norder cr eated internally within the organization. A work order m ay be for products orservices.

    In a m anufacturing environment, a work order is converted from a salesorder to show that work is about to be begin on the manufacture, building orengineering of the products requested by the customer. In a service environment, a

    work order can be equivalent to a servdate and time the service is carr ied out and the nature of work that is done. The typeof personnel (e.g. job position) may also be listed on the WO. A rate (e.g. $/hr,$/week) and also the total amount of hours worked and total value is also shown onthe work order.

    A work order may be a maintenance or repair request from students, faculty orstaff in a university.

    Orders rec eived from outside an organization are often dispatched (reviewedand scheduled) before being executed. Work orders may be for preventivemaintenance

    Contractors may use a si ngle job work order and invoice form that contains thecustomer information, describes t he work performed, lists ch arges for material andlabor, and can be given to the customer as a n invoice.

    A job order is an internal document extensively used by projects-based,manufacturing, building and fabrication businesses. A job order m ay be for productsand/or ser vices. In a manufacturing environment, a job order is used to signal thestart of a manufacturing process and will most probably be linked to a bill ofmaterial. Hence, the job order w ill probably state:

    1.the quantity of the product to be manufactured, built or fabricated2.the amount of raw material to be used, its price and amount

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    3.the types of labor required, rate (per hour or per u nit) and amount

    4.the machine utilization for each machine during the routing process, its rateand amount

    In a service environment, a job order can be the equ ivalent to a work or service

    order where the job order records the location, date and time the servi ce is ca rriedout and the nature of service that was ca rried out. The type of personnel (e.g. jobposition) may also be listed on the job order. A rate (e.g. $/hr, $/week) and also thetotal amount of hours worked and total value is also shown.

    Sample Job Order Form

    Computer Repair Job Order Form

    Teacher Clients Name School Perpetual Help College

    Date January 12, 2011 Computer # 001

    Service Tag# 001 Model Intel Pent I V

    Serial # 4737Z

    Computer Problem: (Brief Description of the Problem)

    ***Blue Screen Error***


    For Technical Department Used Only

    Fax No. (02)922-5566

    Computer Fixed By: Ronaldo Supetran

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    Date Sent Back to School: ________________

    Memory Transcend 1 GHz Processor Pentium Dual-Core 2 G Hz

    Hard Drive Space Hitachi Sata 80 Gig Windows Windows XP Pro

    B.Request Form and Report Sheet

    Computer Hardware Servicing maintenance, which includes planned installation,main objective is to keep and improve production facilities, to keep and improveproduction facilities stab le and efficient at the lowest life cycle cost with the activeparticipation of all members in the company. A Request Form is used to put thisobjective into action. And the Report Sheet and Request Form bring to life this

    maintenances purposes which are: To increase productivity through maximum utilization and improvement of all


    To develop maintenance system to reduce life cycle cost of machinery andequipment through the involvement of everybody in the organization

    To develop the operators capability to be competent in maintenance activthrough education, training and motivation.

    To enhance capability for advanced and sophisticated technology that wouldreinforce competitive p ower.

    Sample Request Form

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    UNIT NO. 5-2 Description: Acer Aspire 4736Z Laptop Computer


    ***Corrupted Operating System***Date Reported:

    January 01,2012

    Reported by:

    Ronaldo Supetran

    Activity: Reformat Laptop

    Date Completed: January 03, 2012

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  • 8/12/2019 2014 CHS CBLM Reference


    Sample Report Sheet

    Repair Report Sheet

    Area/Section: Computer Hardware Laboratory

    Facility Type Nature of



    Laptop No

    Operating System


    Viral CorruptionRefer t o th e

    TechnicalDepartment forReformatting ofthe OperatingSystem

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    Reported by: Juan Dela Cruz

    Date: March 15, 2014

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    What Qualications Do You Need to Become a PC Repair Technician?


    Employers prefer applicants who have completed formal electronics training ina vocational school, community college or similar set ting, reports t he Bureau of LaborStatistics. Training programs may last from 6 months to two years. Some employersrequire at least a high school diploma or GED.


    Trainees can take the TESDA NC II Computer Hardware Servicing assessmentto demonstrate their competency for en try-level jobs to employers. The TechnicalEducation and Skills Development Authority or TE SDA offers a variety of certicationprograms. In addition, technicians ca n achieve cert ications even for t rainership.

    Physical and Personal Traits

    PC technicians must be able to squat, bend and reach to access the computerequipment requiring repair. They sh ould be physically able to lift at least 50 poundsof computer components. Employers look for technicians who can stand for longperiods of time and have the ability to perceive a va riety of colors. Employers wanttechnicians who think analytically, are organized and pay attention to detail. Theyshould feel comfortable working under tight deadlines, and companies may expectthem to work overtime or on weekends.

    Knowledge and Skills

    Applicants should know how to use a variety of standard office software, andsome jobs also require knowledge of networking. Companies prefer candidates withprevious PC repair experience, and they may look for can didates with experience

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    repairing specic brands of computers. Technicians need strong oral communicationskills and should be able to explain their ndings to customers using common terms.

    SELF-CHECK NO. 1.1-2

    A.IDENTIFICATIONDirection: the Precautions and Procedures write TRUE if the statement is

    correct and FALSE if the st atement is wrong .

    _________ 1. Anyone can perform a planned installation as long as h e knows it.

    _________ 2. The Department of Education, Culture and Sports facilitates t he

    competency assessment for computer technicians.

    __________3. Computer Technicians are given the TESDA NC II ComputerHardware Servicing by TESDA after successfully taking the


    _________ 4. Computer Technicians need not to have strong oralcommunication skills for they only repair computers.

    __________5. Companies prefer candidates with previous PC repair experience,

    and they may look for can didates with experience repairing specic brands of computers.

    __________6. A job order is an external document by a p roject basedBusiness.

    __________7. A job order can be the equivalent to a w ork or se rvice order where the job order records the location, date and time the

    service is carri ed out and the nature of service that was carri ed

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    Compare your answers with the Answer Key on the next page. If you

    get 80% and above, then you may proceed to the next activity but if not,

    master the lesson and take the Self-Check again.

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    ANSWER KEY 1.1-2



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    After reading this Information Sheet,

    1.Identify fundamentals of operating systems2.Determine the different types of operating systems

    An Operating System ( OS ) is a set o f programs that manage computerhardware resources and provide com mon services for application software . Theoperating system is a vi tal component of the system software in a computer system.

    Application programs require an operating system which are aprograms, but can be combined in simple systems.

    Time-sharing operating systems schedule tasks for efficient use of the systemand may also include accounting for cost allocation of processor time, mass storage,

    printing, and other resources.

    For hardware functions such as input and output and memory allocation , theoperating system acts as an intermediary between application programs and thecomputer hardware, al though the application code is usually executed directly by thehardware and will frequently make a system call to an OS function or be i nterrupted

    by it. Operating systems are found on almost any devifrom cellular phones and video game consoles to supercomputers and web servers .



    A real-time operating system is a multitasking operating system that aims atexecuting real-time applications. Real-time operating systems often use specializedscheduling algorithms so that they can achieve a deterministic nature of behavior.

    The main objective of real-time operating systems is theiresponse to events. They have an event-driven or time-sharing design and oftenaspects of both. An event-driven system switches between tasks based on their

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    priorities or ext ernal events while time-sharing operating systems switch tasks basedon clock interrupts.


    A multi-user operating system allows multiple users to access a computersystem concurrently. Time-sharing system can be classied as multi-user systems asthey enable a multiple user access t o a computer through the sharing of time. Single-user operating systems, as opposed to a multi-user operating system, are u sable by asingle user at a time. Being able to use multiple accounts on a Windows operatingsystem does not make it a multi-user system. Rather, only the network administratoris the real user. But for a Unix-like operating system, it is possible for two users t ologin at a time an d this ca pability of the OS makes it a multi-user operating system.

    Multi-tasking vs. Single-tasking

    When only a single program is allowed to run at a time, the system is groupedunder a single-tasking system. However, when the operating system allows theexecution of multiple tasks a t one time, it is classied as a multi-tasking operatingsystem. Multi-tasking can be of two types: pre-emptive or co- operative. In pre-emptivemultitasking, the operating system slices t he CPU time an d dedicates on e slot to eachof the programs. Unix-like operating systems su ch as Solaris an d Linux support pre-emptive multitasking, as does Amiga OS . Cooperative multitasking is achieved byrelying on each process to give time to the other processes in a dened manner. 16-

    bit versions of Microsoft Windows used cooperative multi-tasking. 32-bit versions, both Windows NT and Win9x, used pre-emptive multi-tasking. Mac OS prior to OS X

    used to support cooperative multitasking.


    A distributed operating system manages a group of independent computersand makes them appear to be a single computer. The development of networkedcomputers that could be linked and communicate with each other gave rise todistributed computing. Distributed computations are carried out on more than onemachine. When computers in a group work in cooperation, they make a distributedsystem.


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    Embedded operating systems are designed to be used in embedded computer

    systems. They are designed to operate on small machines like PDAs with lessautonomy. They are able to operate with a limited number of resources. They are verycompact and extremely efficient by design. Windows CE and Minix 3 are someexamples of embedded operating systems.


    Unix and Unix-like operating systems

    Ken Thompson wrote B, mainly based on BCPL , which he used to write Unix, based on his experience in the MULTICS project. B was replaced by C, and Unix developed

    into a large, complex family of inter-related operating systems which have been inuential inevery modern operating system (see History ).

    The Unix-like family is a diverse group of operating systems, with several majorsub-categories including System V , BSD , and GNU/Linux . The name " UNIX " is atrademark of the Open Group which licenses it for use with any operating systemthat has been shown to conform to their denitions. "Unix-like" is commonly used torefer to th e large set of operating syst ems which resemble the original Unix.

    Unix-like systems run on a wide variety of computer

    architectures . They are usedheavily for servers in business, as

    well as workstations in academicand engineeringenvironments. Free Unix variants,such as GNU/Linux and BSD , arepopular in these areas.

    Four operating systems are certied by the The Open Group (holder of the Unixtrademark) as Unix. HP's HP-UX and IBM's AIX are both descendants of the originalSystem V Unix and are designed to run only on their respective vendor's hardware. Incontrast, Sun Microsystems's Solaris Operating System can run on multiple types ofhardware, including x86 and Sparc servers, and PCs. Apple's Mac OS X , areplacement for Apple's earlier (non-Unix) Mac OS, is a hybrid kernel -based BSD

    variant derived from NeXTSTEP , Mach , and FreeBSD .

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    Unix interoperability was sought by establishing the POSIX standard. ThePOSIX standard can be applied to any operating system, although it was originallycreated for va rious Unix variants.

    BSD and its descendants

    A subgroup of the Unix family is the Berkeley Software Distribution family, which includes FreeBSD , NetBSD , and OpenBSD , PC-BSD . These operating systems

    are most commonly found on webservers , although they can alsofunction as a personal computer OS.

    The Internet owes much of itsexistence to BSD, as many of theprotocols now commonly used bycomputers to connect, send andreceive data over a network were widelyimplemented and rened in BSD.

    The world wide web was also rstdemonstrated on a number ofcomputers running an OS based onBSD called NextStep .

    BSD has its roots in Unix. In

    1974, University of California, Berkeley installed its rst Unix system. Over time,students and staff in the computer science department there began adding newprograms to make things easier, such as text editors. When Berkely receivednew VAX computers in 1978 with Unix installed, the school's undergraduatesmodied Unix even more in order to take advantage of the computer's hardwarepossibilities. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency of the US Departmentof Defense took interest, and decided to fund the project. Many schools, corporations,and government organizations took notice and started to use Berkeley's version ofUnix instead of the official one distributed by AT&T.

    Steve Jobs , upon leaving Apple Inc. in 1985, formed NeXT Inc. , a company thatmanufactured high-end computers running on a variation of BSD called NeXTSTEPOne of these computers was used by Tim Berners-Lee as th e rst web server to creat ethe World Wide Web.

    Developers like Keith Bostic encouraged the project to replace any non-freecode that originated with Bell Labs. Once this was done, however, AT&T sued.

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    Eventually, after two years of l egal disputes, the BSD project came out ah ead andspawned a number of free derivatives, such as FreeBSD and NetBSD .

    Mac OS X

    Mac OS X is a line of open core graphical operating systems developed,marketed, and sold by Apple Inc. ,the latest of which is pre-loaded on allcurrently shipping Macintoshcomputers. Mac OS X is thesuccessor to the original Mac OS ,

    which had been Apple's primaryoperating system since 1984. Unlike

    its predecessor, Mac OS X is a UNIX operating system built on technology that had been developed at NeXT through the second half of the 1980s and up until Applepurchased the company in early 1997.

    The operating system was rst released in 1999 as Mac OS X Server 1.0 , with adesktop-oriented version ( Mac OS X v10.0 "Cheetah" ) following in March 2001. Sincethen, six more d istinct "client" and "server" editions of Mac OS X have been released,the m ost recent being OS X 10.8 "Mountain Lion" , which was rst made available onFebruary 16, 2012 for developers, and to be released to the public late summer 2012.Releases of Mac OS X are named after big cats .

    The server edition, Mac OS X Server , i s architecturally identical to its desktopcounterpart but usually runs on Apple's line of Macintosh server hardware. Mac OS

    X Server includes work group management and administration software tools thatprovide simplied access to key network services , including a mail transfer agent ,a Samba server , an LDAP server, a domain name server , and others. In Mac OS X

    v10.7 Lion , all server asp ects of Mac OS X Server have been integrated into th e client version.

    Linux and GNU

    Linux (or GNU/Linux) is a Unix-like operating system that was d eveloped

    without any actual Unix code, unlikeBSD and its variants. Linux can be usedon a wide range of devices from

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    supercomputers to wristwatches. The Linux kernel is released under an open sourcelicense, so anyone can read and modify its code. It has been modied to run on alarge variety of electronics. Although estimates suggest that Linux is u sed on 1.82%of all personal computers, it has been widely adopted for use in servers andembedded systems (such as cell phones). Linux has superseded Unix in most places,and is used on the 10 most powerful supercomputers in the world. The Linux kernel

    is used in some popular distributions, such as Red Hat , Debian , Ubuntu , LinuxMint and Google 's Android .

    The GNU project is a mass collaboration of programmers who seek to create acompletely free and open operating system that was similarto Unix but with completely original code. It was st arted in1983 by Richard Stallman , and is responsible for many ofthe parts of most Linux variants. Thousands of pieces ofsoftware for virtually every operating system are licensed

    under the GNU General Public License . Meanwhile, theLinux kernel began as a side project of Linus Torvalds , auniversity student from Finland. In 1991, Torvalds began

    work on it, and posted information about his project on anewsgroup for computer students and programmers. Hereceived a wave of support and volunteers who ended upcreating a full-edged kernel. Programmers from GNU tooknotice, and members of both projects worked to integratethe nished GNU parts with the Linux kernel in order to

    create a f ull-edged operating syst em.

    Microsoft Windows

    Microsoft Windows is a family of proprietary operating systems designed

    by Microsoft Corporation and primarily targeted to Intel architecture based

    computers, with an estimated 88.9 percent total usage share on Web connected

    computers. The newest version is Windows 7 for workstations and Windows Server

    2008 R2 for servers. Windows 7 recently overtook Windows XP as most used OS.

    Microsoft Windows originated in 1985 as an application running on top of MS-

    DOS , which was the standard operating system shipped on most Intel architecture

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    personal computers at the time. In 1995, Windows 95 was released which only used

    MS-DOS as a bootstrap. For backwards

    compatibility, Win9x could run real-mode MS-DOS and 16 bits Windows3.x drivers. Windows Me , released in 2000, was the last version in the Win9x family.Later versions h ave all been based on the Windows NT kernel . Current versions o f

    Windows run on IA-32 and x86-64 microprocessors , although Windows 8 willsupport ARM architecture. In the past, Windows NT supported non-Intelarchitectures.

    Server editions of Windows a re widely used. In recent years, Microsoft hasexpended signicant capital in an effort to promote the use of Windows as a serv eroperating environment. However, Windows' usage on servers is not as widespread a son personal computers, as Windows competes against Linux and BSD for servermarket share.

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    SELF-CHECK NO. 1.1-3

    A.IDENTIFICATIONDirection: Identify the Precau tions and Procedures write TRUE if the statement

    is correct and FALSE if the statement is wrong.

    ________1) An operating system is a se t of programs that manage computer

    hardware resources and provide common services for application


    ________2) Operating system is not a vital component of the system software in

    a computer system. Application programs require an operating

    system which are usually separate programs, but can be combined

    in simple systems.

    ________3) Time-sharing operating systems sch edule time for efficient

    use of the system and may also include accounting for cost

    allocation of processor t ime, mass st orage, printing, and other


    ________4) For software functions su ch as input and output and

    memory allocation, the operating system acts as a n intermediary

    between application programs and the computer hardware.

    ________5) Operating systems are f ound on almost any device that contains a

    computerfrom cellular phones and video game consoles to

    supercomputers and web servers

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    Compare your answers with the Answer Key on the next page. If you

    get 80% and above, then you may proceed to the next activity but if not,

    master the lesson and take the Self-Check again

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    ANSWER KEY 1.1-3



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    After reading this Information Sheet,

    1.Classify of the hardware and software components of a computer with itscorresponding functions.

    2.Determine the various computer components and peripherals

    A computer system is a special subsystem of an organization's overall

    information system. It is a n integrated assembly of devices, centered on at least on eprocessing mechanism utilizing digital electronics, which are used to input, process,store, and output data and information.

    Putting together a complete computer system, however, is more involved than just connecting computer devices. In an effective and efficient systm, components

    are selected and organized with an understanding of the inherent tradeoffs betweenoverall system performance and cost, control, and complexity.

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    Basic Hardware Components of Computer System

    Today, almost everyone in our information society has a basic understanding of what a computer is and what it can do. A contemporary computer system consists

    a central processing unit, primary storage, secondary storage, input devices, outputdevices, and communications devices that work together with software to performcalculations, organize data, and communicate with other computers.

    A computer is an electronic machine, operating under the control ofinstructions stored in its own memory, that can be programmed to accept data(input ), process it into useful information ( output ), and store it away in a secondarystorage device ( store ) for safekeeping or later reuse. The processing of input intooutput is directed by the software but performed by the hardware. Figure belowshows some common computer hardware components.

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    Common computer hardware components

    Computer system hardware components include devices that perform the functionsof input, processing, data storage; output and communication. The devicesresponsible for t hese ve areas a re as f ollows:


    you toenterdata or

    commands in a form that the computer can use; they send the data orcommands to the processing unit. Commonly-used input devices includekeyboard, mouse, microphone, scanner, digital camera, and PC camera.

    Output devices . Output devices show people the processed data--information--in understandable and useful form. Four commonly used output devices are

    a printer, a monitor, speakers, and a portable media player. Input/outputdevices are playing an increasingly signicant role in our lives. The numberand variety of input/output devices are exp anding.

    Processing devices. Processing devices are the computer electronic circuitryhoused in the system unit. The circuitry in the system unit is part of a circuit

    board called the motherboard . Two major components on t he motherboard arethe processor and memory. The processor, formally known as the central

    processing unit (CPU) , has electronic circuitry that m anipulates input da ta

    into the information people want. Computer instructions are actually areexecuted in the central processing unit. Memory is a series of electronicelements that temporarily holds data and program instructions while they are

    being processed by the CPU. Both the processor and memory consist of chips. A chip is an electronic device that contains many microscopic pathways

    designed to carry el ectrical current.

    Storage devices. Storage usually means secondary storage that can storedata and programs outside the computer itself. Storage devices hold data,

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    information, and programs permanently. These devices supplement memory(also called primary storage ) that can hold data and programs only temporarily.Common storage devices include a hard disk, USB ash drives, CDs, DVDs,and memory cards. A drive is a device that reads from and writes onto astorage medium. A storage medium is the physical material on which data,information, and program are stored. Some portable devices, such as digitalcameras, use memory cards as t he storage media.

    Communications devices. Communications devices provide connections between the computer and communications networks, and enable computer

    users to communicate and to exchange data, information, and programs withother computers. Communications devices transmit these items overtransmission media such as cables, telephone lines, satellites, and cellularradio. A widely used communications device is a m odem.

    In summary, we communicate with computers through input/output devices.

    Input devices translate our data and communications into a form that the computercan understand. The computer then processes these data, and an output devicetranslates them back into a form we can understand. The central processing unitmanipulates data and controls the other parts of the computer system. Memory(primary storage) temporarily stores data and program instructions duringprocessing, while secondary storage feeds data and instructions into the centralprocessor and stores d ata for future use.

    The System Unit

    The Motherboard

    The system unit is a box-like case that houses the processor, memory and otherelectronic components of the computer that are used to process data. All othercomputer system devices, such as the monitor, keyboard, and mouse, are linkedeither d irectly or i ndirectly into the system unit.

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    Figure below shows some of the components inside the system unit on a typicalPC, including the processor, memory, expansion cards, drive bays, power supply,ports an d connectors. The processor is t he device t hat execu tes p rogram instructions.

    The memory device is a package that holds temporarily data and programinstructions during processing. An expansion card is a circuit board that addsdevices or ca pabilities to the computer. Finally, devices outside the system unit, suchas a keyboard, mouse, monitor, printer, or microphone, are at tached by a cable to a

    port or connector on the system unit.

    To conserve on space, all-in-one computer houses the system unit in the samephysical case as the monitor. On notebook computers, the keyboard and pointingdevice often occupy the area on the top of the system unit. The display attaches to

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    the system unit by a hinge. The system unit on a handheld computer usuallyconsumes the entire device. On these devices, the display is part of the system unittoo.

    When the cover of a system unit is removed, the motherboard , a lso calledsystem board , can be seen inside the housing. The motherboard, a single circuit

    board, provides the path through which the processor communicates with memorycomponents, other components, and peripheral devices. In a typical personalcomputer, the components attached to the motherboard include processor, memorychips, support el ectronic circuitry, and expansion boards. It is the processor t hat isthe most important component of the motherboard.

    Many electronic components attach to the motherboard

    A computer chip is a small piece of semi conducting material, usually silicon,on which one or more integrated circuits are etched. The various chips havestandard-sized pin connectors that allow them to be attached to the motherboardand, there, to a common electrical path, called bus , that enables data ow betweenthe various system components.

    An integrated circuit (IC) contains many microscopic pathways capable ofcarrying electrical current. Each integrated circuit can contain millions of elementssuch as resi stors, capacitors, and transistors . Transistors act as electronic switchesthat may or m ay not allow current to pass through. If current passes through, theswitch is on, representing the 1 bit. If current does not pass through, the switch is

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    off, representing a 0 bit. Thus, combinations of transistors can stand forcombinations of bits, which represent numbers, letters, and other characters. Themotherboard in the system unit contains many different types of chips. Aminiaturized central processing unit can be etched on a chip, then the term computeron a chip .

    A central processing unit on a chip is called a microprocessor . On a personalcomputer, the central processing unit (CPU) usually is con tained on a single chip. Onthe larger computers su ch as mainframes and supercomputer, the various functionsperformed by CPU are spread across many separate chips. Today's popular Pentiummicroprocessor contains more than one hundred million transistors.

    Ultimately, the type of processor and the amount of RAM placed on themotherboard dene the computers speed and capacity. The processor is generally notmade by the manufacturers of PCs. It is made by companies that specialized in thedevelopment and manufacture of microprocessors. A number of companies make

    microprocessors, including Intel, IBM,Motorola, Advanced Micro Devices(AMD), and Cyrix. Most chips are no

    bigger than one-half-inch square.Manufacturers package chips so thechips can be attached to a circuit boardsuch as a motherboard, memorymodule, or adapter card.

    A variety of chip packages exist.

    One type, called a dual inline package(DIP) , consists of two parallel rows ofpints that attach the chip package to thecircuit board. A pin grid array (PGA)

    package holds a larger number of pins because the pins are mounted on the

    surface of the package. A ip chip-PGA(FC-PGA) package is a higher-performance PGA packaging that places the chip onthe opposite side of the pins. Another high performance packaging technique does

    not use pins. A single edge contact (SEC) cartridge connects to the motherboardon one of its ed ges.

    The Central Processing Unit

    Some common chip packages

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    The central processing unit (CPU) , also called processor , interprets andcarries out the basic instructions that operate a computer. The CPU signicantlyimpacts overall computing power and manages most of a computer's operations. Onlarger computers, such as mainframes and supercomputers, the various functionsperformed by the processor extend over many separate chips and often multiplecircuit boards. On a personal computer, all functions of the processor u sually are ona single ch ip.

    Most processor chip manufacturers now offer multi-core processors. A multi-core processor is a si ngle-chip with two or more separate processors. Two common multi-

    core processors used today are dual-core and quad-core. A dual-core processor is achip that contains tow separate processors. Similarly, a quad-core p rocessor is a chip

    with four-separate processors. Each processor on ula slower clock speed than a single-core processor, bu t multi-core ships typicallyincrease o verall performance.


    While performing a processing operation, a processor needs a place totemporarily store instructions to be executed and the data to be used with thoseinstructions. The CPU cannot process data on an input device or disk directly; thedata must rst be available in memory. A computer's memory in the system unit,located physically close to the CPU (to decrease access time), provides t he CPU with a

    working storage area for program instructions, known as primary storage or internal storage . Memory usually consists of one ormore chips on the m otherboard or som e other circuit board in the computer.

    The major feature of memory is that it rapidly provides the instructions anddata to the CPU. Memory stores three basic categories of items: (1) the operatingsystem and other system software that control or maintain the computer and itsdevices; (2) application programs that carry our a specic task such as wordprocessing; and (3) the data being processed by the application programs andresulting information.

    This role of memory to store both data and programs is known as the stored program concept .

    Memory and storage sizes

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    Programs and data are placed in memory before processing, betweenprocessing steps, and after processing has ended, prior to being returned tosecondary storage or released as output. Recall that a character is stored in thecomputer as a grou p of 0s an d 1s, called a byte. Thus, a byte is the basic storage u nitin memory. Like the CPU, memory components contain thousands of circuitsimprinted on a silicon chip. Each circuit is ei ther con ducting electrical current (on) ornot (off). By representing data as a com bination of on or off circuit states, the d ata isstored in memory. When application program instructions and data are transferredinto memory from storage devices, each of bytes is placed in a precise location inmemory, called an address . This address is simply a unique number identifying thelocation of the byte in memory. To access data or instructions in memory, thecomputer references the addresses t hat contain bytes of data. The size of memory ismeasured by the number of bytes available for use (Figure 4-17). A kilobyte ofmemory is equ al to exactly 1,024 bytes. To make storage d enitions ea sier to identify,computer users often round a kilobyte down to 1,000 bytes. A megabyte (MB) isequal to approximately 1 million bytes. A gigabyte (GB) equals approximately 1

    billion bytes. A terabyte

    The system unit contains two types of memory: volatile and nonvolatile. Thecontents of volatile memory are lost when the computer power is turned off. Innonvolatile memory, the combination of circuit states is xed, and therefore thecontents of nonvolatile memory are not lost when power is removed from thecomputer. RAM is the most common type of volatile memory. Examples of nonvolatilememory include ROM, ash memory and CMOS. The following sub-sections discussthese types of memory.


    Random Access Memory (RAM) is the m emory chips that are m ounted directlyon the motherboard or mounted on peripheral cards that plug into the motherboard.

    The RAM chips consist of millions of switches

    current. When the com puter is powered on, certain operating system les are l oadedfrom a storage device such as a hard disk into RAM. These les remain in RAM aslong as the computer is running. As additional programs and data are requested,they are read from storage into RAM. The processor act s upon the data while it is inRAM. During the running time, the contents of RAM may change as the program isexecuted.

    RAM comes in many different varieties. Three basic types of RAM are dynamicRAM, static RAM, and magnetoresistive RAM. Dynamic RAM (DRAM) must be

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    refreshed (or recharged) constantly by the CPU or it loses its contents. Many variations of DRAM chips exist, most of which are fas

    type of DRAM is Synchronous DRAM (SDRAM) , which is much faster than DRAM because it is synchronized to the system clock. Double Data Rate ( DDR ) SDRAM

    chips are eve faster than SDRAM chips because they transfer data twice for eachclock cycle, instead of just on ce, and DDR2 and DDR3 are even faster than DDR.

    Dual channel SDRAM is faster than single channel SDRAM because it delivers twicethe amount of data to the processor. Rambus DRAM (RDRAM) is yet another type ofDRAM that is much faster than SDRAM because it uses pipelining techniques. Mostpersonal computers today use some form of SDRAM chips or RDRAM chips.

    Static RAM (SRAM) is faster and more reliable than any form of DRAM. Theterm static refers to the fact t hat it does not have to be re-energized as often asDRAM. SRAM is much more expensive than DRAM, thus it is usually used for specialpurpose, such as used in cache.

    A newer type of RAM, called magnetoresistive RAM ( MRAM ), stores d ata usingmagnetic charges instead of electrical charges. Manufacturers claim that MRAM hasgreater storage capacity, consumes lesspower, and has faster access times thanelectronic RAM. Also, MRAM retains itscontents after power is removed from thecomputer, which could prevent loss of datafor users. As the cost of MRAM declines,experts predict MRAM could replace both

    DRAM and SRAM.RAM chips usually are packaged on

    a small circuit board, called memorymodule , which is inserted into themotherboard (Figure 4-19). Three types ofmemory modules are SIMMs, DIMMs, andRIMMs. A single inline memory module(SIMM) has pins on opposite sides of thecircuit board that connect together t o forma single set of contacts. With a dualinline memory module (DIMM) , the pins on opposite sides of the circuit board do notconnect and thus form two sets of contacts. SIMMs and DIMMs typically holdSDRAM chips. A Rambus inline memory module (RIMM) houses RDRAM chips.

    The amount of RAM a computer requires often depends on the types ofapplications you plan to use on the computer. A computer only can manipulate datathat is in memory. A computer needs a certain amount of memory to store programs,

    A memory module being inserted in amotherboard.

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    data, and information. The more RAM a computer has, the faster the computer willrespond.

    A software package usually indicates the minimum amount of RAM it requires.If you want the application to perform optimally, typically you need more than theminimum specications on the software package. The necessary amount of RAM

    varies according to the type of work are using. The amount of RAM on your computer determines how many programsand how much data a computer can handle at one time and thus affects overallperformance. Generally, home users running Windows Vista and using basicapplication software such as word processing should have at least 1GB of RAM. Most

    business users who work with accounting, nancial, or spreadsheet programs, andprograms requiring multimedia capabilities should have 1 to 4 GB of RAM. Userscreating professional Web sites or using graphics-intensive applications will want4GB or more of RAM. The amount of RAM in computers purchased today ranges from1GB to 64GB. In an advertisement, manufacturers specify the maximum amount of

    RAM a computer can hold, for example, 1GB expandable to 2GB.ROM

    Read-only memory (ROM) refers to memory chips storing permanent data andinstructions. That is, the items stored in ROM chips cannot be modied--hence, thename read-only. ROM is usually nonvolatile. In ROM, the combination of circuitstates is xed, and therefore its contents are n ot lost if the power is removed. Thedata, instructions, or information stored on ROM chips often are recorded when thechip is manufactured. ROM chips that contain permanently written data,

    instructions, or information are called rmware . Firmware can be read and used, but cannot be changed by user. For example, ROM contains the programs that di

    the computer to load the operating system and other les when the computer isturned on. In addition to computers, many devices contain ROM chips. For example,ROM chips in printers con tain data for fonts.

    Programmable read-only memory (PROM) is a blank ROM chip on which youcan permanently place data and programs. Once the data and instructions areprogrammed into PROM chip, the chip functions like a regular ROM and cannot be

    erased or changed. A variation of the PROM chip, called electrically erasable programmable read-only memory (EEPROM) chip, allows a programmer to erasethe microcode with an electric signal. EEPROM chips are where the CPU's data andinstructions change, but only infrequently, such as an industrial robot used in anautomobile manufacturer.

    Flash Memory

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    Another type of nonvolatile memory is called ash memory . Flash memory isa chip that keeps its memory when the power is shut off. Similar to a E EPROM chip,ash memory can be erased electronically and reprogrammed. Most computers useash memory to hold their startup instructions because it allows t he computer easilyto update its contents. For example, when the computer changes from standard timeto day-light savings time, the contents of a ash memory chip (and the real-timeclock chip) change to reect the new time.

    Flash memory chips also store data and programs on many mobile computers anddevices, such as smart telephones, digital cameras, pagers, PDAs, automotivedevices, portable media players, digital voice recorders, and printers. When you enternames and addresses in a smart phone or PDA, a ash memory chip stores the data.Some portable media players such as MP3 players store music on ashmemory chips; others store music on tiny hard disks or ash memory cards. Thelogic capabilities of these devices can be upgraded by simply downloading newsoftware from the Internet or a vendor-supplied disk to ash memory.


    Some RAM chips, ash memory chips, and other types of memory chips usecomplementary metal-oxide semiconductor (CMOS) technology because it provideshigh speeds and consumes little power. CMOS technology uses battery power toretain information even when the power to the computer is off. Battery-backed CMOSmemory chips, for example, can keep the calendar, date, and time current even whenthe computer is off. The ash memory chips that store a computer's startupinformation often use CMOS technology.

    Expansion Slots and Adapter Cards

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    An expansion slot is asocket on the motherboard thatcan hold an adapter card. Anadapter card , also calledexpansion card, is a circuit

    board that enhances functionsof a component of the systemunit and/or providesconnections to peripherals. A

    peripheral is a device thatconnects to the system unit andis controlled by th e processor inthe computer. Examples ofperipherals a re modems, disk drives, printers, scanners, and keyboards. The adaptercards contain the electronic circuitry for many supplemental capabilities, such asmore memory, higher-quality sound devices, a modem, extra ports, or graphics

    capabilities. Figure shows an expansion card b eing plugged into an expansion slot ona personal computer motherboard.

    Figure below lists currentlyused types of adaptercards. Sometimes, allfunctionality is built in theadapter card. With others,a cable connects theadapter card to a device,such as a digital videocamera, outside thesystem unit.

    Some motherboardsinclude all necessarycapabilities and do notrequire adapter cards.Other motherboards may

    require adapter cards to provide capabilities su ch as sou nd and video. A sound cardis used to enhance the sound-generating capabilities of a personal computer bymaking two basic functions possible. First it enables sounds to be captured andstored on disk. Second, it enables sounds to be played through external speakers.

    The sound card can add realism to computer games with stereo music and soundeffects.

    It also allows us to speak commands and enter words to our PCs via speechrecognition. The typical sound card will have recept acles for a microphone, a headset,

    An adapter card being inserted in an expansion slot

    Currently used adapter cards and their functions

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    an audio output, and a joystick. A video card , also called video adapter orgraphics card , converts computer ou tput into a video signal that is sen t through acable to the monitor, which displays an image on the screen.

    In the past, installing a card was not easy and required you to set switches a ndother elements on the motherboard. Today, many computers support Plug and Play ,

    which refers to the computer's capability atand other peripherals as you install them. Having Plug and Play support means thata user can plug in a new component turn on the computer, and then use or play thecomponent without having to congure the system manually.

    There are four widely used types of removable ash memory devices: ashmemory cards, USB ash drives, PC cards, and ExpressCard modules. Unlikeadapter cards that require you to open the system unit and install the card on themotherboard, you can change a removable ash memory device without having toopen the syst em unit or restart the computer. This feature, called hot plugging , allows

    you to insert and remove the removable ash memory and other devices while the computer is running.

    Flash memory cards and USB ash drive

    A ash memory card is a r emovable ash memory device, which you inset andremove from a slot in a computer, mobile device, or card reader/writer. Many mobileand consumer devices, such as smart phones, digital cameras, portable mediaplayers, and PDAs use these memory cards. Some printers and computers have built-in card readers/writers or slots that read ash memory cards. In addition, you canpurchase an external card reader/writer that attaches to any computer. Flashmemory cards a re ava ilable in a variety of shapes, sizes an d capacities.

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    A USB ash drive is a ash memory storage device that plugs in a USB porton a computer or port able device. A special type of USB ash drive, called a U3smart drive , includes preinstalled software accessed through a Window-typeinterface.

    Many computers have a PC Card slot or an Express Card slot, which is aspecial type of expansion slot that holds a PC Card or an Express Card module,respectively. A PC Card is a thin, credit card-sized removable ash memory devicethat primarily is used today to enable notebook computers to access the Internet

    wirelessly. Express Card modules are the next generati ExpressCard module , which can be used as a r emovable ash m emory device, adds memory,communications, multimedia, andsecurity capabilities to computers. BothPC Cards and Express Card modulesconform to standards developed by thePersonal Computer Memory CardInternational Association. Thesestandards help to ensure theinterchangeability of PC Cards andExpress Card modules among personalcomputers.

    Other Components


    As previously explained, a computer processes and stores data as a series ofelectronic bits. These bitsare transferred internally

    within the circuitry of thecomputer along electricalchannels. Each channel,called a bus , allows the

    various devices inside andattached to the system

    unit to communicate witheach other. Just as

    vehicles travel on ahighway to move from onedestination to another,

    bits travel on a bus.

    Buses are used totransfer bits from input

    A PC Card slides in a PC Card slot

    Just as vehicles travel on ay

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    Two basic

    types of buses

    arefound ina

    computer: a system bus and an expansion bus. A system bus is part of themotherboard and connects the CPU to main memory. An expansion bus allows theCPU to communicate with peripheral devices. Data transmitted to the CPU travelsfrom the expansion bus and the system bus. When computer professionals use theterm bus by itself, they usually are re ferring to the system bus. Since the types ofexpansion buses on a motherboard determine the types of expansion cards you canadd, you should understand the expansion buses commonly found in today'spersonal computers:

    An old and slowest expansion bus is the ISA (Industry Standard Architecture) bus . A mouse, modem card, sound card, and low-speed network

    card are exam ples of devices t hat connect to the ISA bus d irectly or through anISA bus expansion slot.

    The PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) bus is a high-speed expansion bus that connects higher speed devices. Types of cards inserted into a CI

    expansion slot include video cards, sound cards, SCSI cards, and high-speednetwork cards. The PCI bus transfers data about four times faster than the ISA

    bus. Most current personal computers have a PCI bus.

    The PCI Express (PCIe) bus is an expansion bus that expands on and doublesthe speed of the original PCI bus. Nearly all video cards today use the PCI

    Buses al low the various devices inside and attached to the system unit tocommunicate with each other

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    Express bus, as well as many hard disks and network cards. Experts predictthe PCI Express b us even tually will replace the PCI bus com pletely.

    The Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) is actually a bus designed by Intel toimprove the speed with which 3-D graphics and video are transmitted. Whenan AGP video card is inserted in an AGP bus slot, the AGP bus provides afaster, dedicated interface between the video card and memory. Newerprocessors support AGP technology.

    The Universal Serial Bus (USB) and FireWire bus are buses that eliminatethe need to install expansion cards into expansion slots. In a computerequipped with a USB, USB devices are connected to each other outside thesystem unit and then a single cable attaches to the USB port. The USB portthen connects to USB, which connects to the PCI bus on t he motherboard. TheUSB hot plug feature allows peripheral devices to be connected to or removedfrom the USB port while the PC is running. The FireWire bus works in a similar

    fashion. With these buses, expansion slots are available for devices notcompatible with USB or FireWire.

    The expansion bus for a PC Card is the PC Card bus . With a PC Card insertedinto a PC Card slot, data travels on the PC Card bus to the PCI bus.

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    A system unit has many ports

    Ports and Connectors

    A port is the point at which a peripheral attaches to or communicates with asystem unit so that the peripheral can send data to or receive information from thecomputer. An peripheral device, such as a keyboard, monitor, printer, mouse, digitalcamera, and microphone, often attaches by a cable to a port on the system unit. Mostof the time, ports are located on the back of the system unit, but they also can beplaced on the front .

    A connector joins a cable to a port. A connector at one end of a cable attachesto a port on the system unit, and a connector at the other end of the cable attachesto a port on the peripheral. Most connectors are avai lable in one of two genders: maleand female. Male connectors have one or m ore exposed pins. Female connectors have

    matching holes to accept the pints on a male connector. Manufacturers often identifythe cab les by their connector types to assist you with purchasing a cable to connect acomputer to a peripheral. Figure show the different types of connectors you may ndon a system unit. Notice that some are color-coded to help you match the connectorto the correct port. Some system units include these connectors when you buy thecomputer. You add other connectors by inserting adapter cards on the motherboard.Certain adapter cards have ports that allow you to attach a peripheral to the adaptercard.

    The motherboard is designed with several port options, including at least one

    serial port and parallel port each, several USB ports, and a FireWire port.

    A serial port is a type of interface that connects a device to th e syst em unit bytransmitting data one bit at a time. It usually used to connect devices that donot required fast data transmission rates, such as a mouse or keybo ard. TheCOM port (short for communications port) on the system unit is one type ofserial port. Some modems, which connect the system unit to a telephone line,use a serial port because the telephone line expects the data in a serial form.Serial ports conform to either the RS-232 or RS-422 standard with 9-pin or 25-pin. One of the 9 or 25 lines carries the serial signal to the peripheral device,and another line carries the signal from the device. The other lines carrycontrol signals.

    Parallel ports allow the parallel transmission of data; that is, several bits aretransmitted simultaneously. Figure also sh ows how 8-bit bytes t ravel in parallelover 8 separate lines. Extra lines carry control signals. Parallel ports use thesame 25-pin RS-232C connector or t he 36-pin Centronics connector. Theseports provide the interface for su ch devices as high-speed printers, externalmagnetic tape or di sk backup units, and other computers. Two newer types ofparallel ports, the EPP (Enhanced Parallel Port) and the ECP (Extended

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    Capabilities Port), use the same connectors as the Centronics port, but aremore than 10 times faster.

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    FireWire ports , alsocalled IEEE 1394

    port , are similar tothe USB port and canconnect multiple typesof devices that require

    faster datatransmission speedssuch as digital videocameras, digital VCRscolor printer,scanners, digitalcameras, and DVDdrives to a singleconnector. Up to 63 devices can be connected together using a FireWire port.

    The latest FireWire version, called FireWire 8 00 , is much more advanced than

    its predecessor, FireWire 400. The FireWire also supports Plug and Play. Manycomputer professionals believe that ports such as USB and FireWire someday

    will replace serial and parallel ports completely. Having standard ports andconnectors, such as USB and FireWire, greatly simplify the process o f attachingdevices to a computer. In general, FireWire has replaced parallel and SCSIports, and USB ports have replaced mouse, keyboard, serial, audio, andparallel ports. Some newer computers do not have a serial or p arallel port.Users plug the device in a USB or FireWire port. Figure 4-32 shows how USBand FireWire are replacing other po rts completely.

    There are ve special-purpose ports available: MIDI, eSATA, SCSI, IrDA, andBluetooth. These ports are not included in typical computers. For a com puter to havethese ports, you often must customize the computer purchase order. MIDI (MusicalInstrument Digital Interface) ports connect the system unit to a musicalinstrument, such as an electronic keyboard. The electronic music industry hasadopted MIDI as a standard to dene how devices, such as sound cards andsynthesizers, represent sounds electronically. A synthesizer , which can be aperipheral or a chip, creates sound from digital instructions. A system unit with aMIDI port has the capability of recording sounds that have been created by asynthesizer and the processing the sounds to create new sounds. Nearly every soundcard supports the MIDI standard, so you can play and manipulate on one computersounds t hat or iginally were created on another computer.

    An eSATA (external Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) port , allows you to connect an external SATA hard disk to a computer. SATA hard disks are

    popular because of their fast data transmission speeds. eSATA connections provideup to six times faster da ta transmission speeds than external hard disks a ttached toa computer's USB or FireWire port.

    USB and FireWire ports a re replacing traditional ports

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    SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) ports are special high-speedparallel port an d provide a parallel interface that en ables faster data transmissionthan serial and parallel ports. Also up to 15 SCSI peripheral devices can be daisy-chained to a single SCSI port; that is, they are con nected along a single cable. Therst SCSI device connects to the computer, the second SCSI device connects to therst SCSI device, and so on. SAS (serial-attached SCSI) is a newer type of SCSI thattransmits at much faster speeds than parallel SCSI.

    Power Supply, Cooling Technology

    Many personal computers plug in standard wall outlets, which supply analternating current (AC) of 115 to 120 volts. This type of power is unsuitable for u se

    with a computer, which requires a direct power supply is the component of the system unit that converts the wall outlet AC

    power into DC power. Different motherboards and computers require different wattages on the power supply. If a power supply

    the computer will not function properly.

    Built into the power supply is a fan that keeps the power supply cool. Manynewer computers have additional fans near certain components in the system unitsuch as the processor, hard disk, and ports. Processor ch ips generate quite a bit ofheat, which could cause the chip to burn up. Although the computers main fangenerates a irow, many of todays processors require additional cooling. A heat sink is

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    a small ceramic or metal component with ns on its surface that absorbs anddisperses heat produced by electrical components such as a processor. Because aheat sink consumes extra space, smaller device called a heat pipe cools p rocessors i nnotebook computers.

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    TASK SHEET. 1.1-4

    Title: Identify