2004 ewb rwanda technical report


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1.1 Background 1.2 Contacts 1.3 Assessment Budget / Funding 1.4 Engineering Components Considered


2.1 History 2.2 Local Leaders 2.3 Geographical / Environmental Description / Maps 2.4 Community Needs


4.1 Overview 4.2 System Assessment

4.2.1 Infrastructure / Schematics 4.2.2 Geography / Maps 4.2.3 Quantity 4.2.4 Quality 4.2.5 Project Phasing

5.0 IMPLEMENTATION SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Source water dams / collection / boxes / improved piping

5.1.1 Component Description 5.1.2 Materials and Logistics 5.1.3 Materials Cost 5.1.4 Plan for Village Participation and Sustainability 5.1.5 Operation and Maintenance Procedures (O&M)

5.2 Taps / Faucets / Toilets maintenance 5.2.1 Component Description 5.2.2 Materials and Logistics 5.2.3 Estimated Budget 5.2.4 Plan for Village Participation and Sustainability

5.3 Future improvements

5.4 Potters for Peace

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6.0 OTHER IDENTIFIED PROJECTS 6.1 Rain water catchments 6.2 Lighting 6.3 Drip Irrigation 6.4 Digital Divide 6.5 Vocational School 6.6 Orphan Assistance 6.7 AIDS Testing


7.1 Rotary International / Kigali / Denver 7.2 Kigali Institute of Science, Technology and Management (KIST) 7.3 Community and Government Leaders 7.4 Gates Foundation 7.5 USAID


8.1 Possible Additional Water Source Rough Location 8.2 Materials Costs 8.3 Contacts


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1.0 PROJECT DESCRIPTION 1.1 Background The community of Muramba lies near the border of the Congo in the Rwandan province of Gisenyi. The area of this province referred to as “Muramba” is in fact not a specific town or village. It is instead a geographical area defined by the influence of the Muramba Deanery, through four parish churches. EWB-USA focused its efforts on the Muramba Parish, the seat of the Deanery, and the people who live near this Parish, which straddles several villages and counties.

Almost eighty years ago Catholic missionaries developed the Parish, and installed a water system that has since been expanded to serve other buildings in the area. All told, the existing water system serves the Muramba Parish, a semi-private Catholic school the Muramba College, the attached Convent, the Goretti School, Primary School B, and the Muramba Vocational School. Additionally, there are several public taps available for villagers to use. It is estimated that 1,500 people use this system everyday for their water needs, at a minimum of 25 liters per person per day. All of these facilities line one mountain ridge at approximately 6000 feet. The existing water system is a spider web of pipes and tanks that converge to two interconnected source pipes that lead down into a western valley at a base of 5750 feet, and then climb up the opposing mountain side to the water sources at 7000 feet. The entire system is gravity-fed, and the source areas all appear to be surface water, running through the mountains into gullies. The water is collected in five different areas by small 1.25 inch PVC pipes resting in small streams. EWB-USA sent a team of three engineers, four students and one nurse to Muramba in March, 2004 to assess engineering solutions for this community. 1.2 Contacts Contacts were made with the community by Denver Nurse Frances Feeney. In Rwanda, additional relationships were established with local and national leaders. Contact information Appendix 8.3. 1.3 Assessment Budget / Funding The assessment trip was paid for through grants from the University of Colorado at Boulder Outreach Committee, EWB-USA, and private donations totaling approximately $13,000. These funds supported travel and equipment for most of the team. 1.4 Engineering Components Considered

The EWB-USA assessment team considered primarily the existing water system, and also looked at expanding the system. Additionally, Drip Irrigation systems and Solar LED Lighting systems were installed.

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In 1994, genocide overwhelmed the people of Rwanda. In 1997, the defeated Interhamwe made incursions from the Congo into Rwanda, partially through the area known as Muramba. Government forces attempted to contain these incursions, and as a result 1997 is referred to by the people of Muramba as “The Time of the Running”, where the people were forced to run between two warring groups. As a result of these times in Muramba, the water system serving the Muramba Parish and associated buildings was both intentionally damaged by the warring forces and looters, and unintentionally through neglect as the buildings were abandoned. Now, the community leaders EWB-USA worked with in Muramba were often at a loss to explain maintenance concerns and the system history, since many of them simply came into the community after the war. Likewise, almost all documents that would have explained when the system was installed, improved and maintained were destroyed.

The community leaders associated with the Muramba Parish as well as the villagers leaders living near the water system are working everyday towards improving the quality of life for all of their neighbors. President Paul Kagame, when he met with the EWB-USA team privately for an hour in his office, offered his full support for EWB efforts in Muramba. He said, “I wish to thank you for finding the time to come to our country, and your interest to help our country in Muramba. As you have found out, we are not short of things to do. Everything here is about engineering—how to engineer reconstruction. We are always happy when people find time to come and help with things affecting peoples’ daily lives. … We have been trying to find ways to help when you are around. The road is one way, and I’m sure we can do something about it. … We are in full recognition that what you are going to do is going to be very helpful. We will be talking to people about Engineers Without Borders, and we will ask other to help.” Similarly, the Muramba community leaders have continually offered their full support and assistance as we undertake these ongoing projects together. In a broad and open meeting between religious and village leaders and EWB-USA, the EWB team presented a package of hybrid seeds for planting. The community leaders embraced the token, and said that likewise EWB-USA can provide the seeds for development, but it is up to the community to lay the ground, nurture the growth, and ensure the prosperity of the projects.

2.2 Local Leaders

Father Bosco Associated with the Catholic Church, Father Bosco housed the five men in the parish complex. He is the most visible, English-speaking figure of the Muramba Parish. Moving from Uganda has allowed Father Bosco to remain separate, while still

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maintaining his ability to interact and serve the local community. The local community respects him greatly and recognizes him and Sister Donata as figureheads for the Muramba Parish area. He has contacts throughout the region, including the Goretti School, the Muramba College and School, and has founded a nearby vocational school. Confined to occasional e-mails and a cellular phone with limited reception, he lacks a dependable means of communication with EWB-USA, the University of Colorado, and the University of Wisconsin. Father Bosco is an unparalleled asset to the EWB Muramba Project and is willing to assist us in any way possible. He is a warm, caring person with a broad understanding of the local people and terrain. Sister Donata Also associated with the Catholic Church, Sister Donata housed the four women in the convent. She is head of Muramba College and one of the most prominent, English-speaking figures of the Muramba area. In addition, Sister Donata has access to existing records of the Muramba Water System. She is both a religious and educational leader of the surrounding community who provided unimaginable information. She is a kind, humble person with knowledge of the local area. She also has internet access. Village Leaders These people are responsible for the villages surrounding Muramba Parish. They provide the foundation for the work force in Muramba. Without the support of the local leaders, it will be quite difficult to accomplish EWB’s goals. These local leaders will be able to incorporate and motivate the people of Muramba to aid in the construction and maintenance of the entire system. EWB has been assured that the local community fully supports the Muramba, Rwanda Project. Kabande Innocent The local technician for Muramba Parish, he has extensive knowledge of the Parish water system. Pastor Dusabe Prote He serves as the primary religious leader for the Muramba area. He is an amiable and friendly individual who is somewhat hesitant to use English, though he understands it completely. Mayor Evariste In charge of the Muramba region, Mayor Evariste has offered his help when and where it is needed. Currently, he and the Minister of Infrastructure are working to improve the road leading to Muramba.

2.3 Geographical / Environmental Description / Maps

Rwanda is located in Eastern Africa and bordered on the west by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, on the north by Uganda, on the east by Tanzania, and on the south by Burundi. The overall size is approximately 26,000 square kilometers, roughly

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the size of Maryland. Muramba is located in the Gisenyi Province situated north west of Kigali, Rwanda’s capital. There are two rainy seasons, with the first between late February and April, and the second lasting from November to early January. Snow can occur in the higher regions, but rarely accumulates. There are mostly grassy uplands and hills. Muramba fits the description of a “Land of a thousand hills.” More accurately, these hills are mountains, some with elevations over 7,000 feet. Light terracing and gardens cover the landscape. The figure below roughly depicts the area of Muramba that the EWB-USA team is currently focused on.

Figure 1: Muramba Community Map

2.4 Community Needs

The water system was identified to EWB-USA as having critical quantity issues. During the dry seasons in Rwanda, 150 kilometers south of the equator, there is simply not enough water for everyone to live comfortably. During the assessment, several reasons for these quantity problems were identified. These were primarily the lack of adequate source collection and maintenance at the taps where dozens of leaky joints were found.

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The second most critical aspect to the water system was identified as quality. Those community members with the resources to do so boil their water for drinking and cooking purposes, but the vast majority of the people that use this water system make no effort to sanitize the water. As a result, many people are sick, a critical health problem. The EWB-USA team tested several taps, as well as each of the sources. In every sample, the results showed excessive amounts of E.Coli as well as Coliform. The reason for this contamination is obvious—the sources are all surface water, running through homes and animal grazing areas. A concern raised by the EWB-USA team in-country was that the water system being looked at serves a church community on one mountain ridge. However, the water is being taken from an opposing mountainside where there are villagers not necessarily associated with the church community. EWB-USA will be working through their area, however any fixes to the water system will not directly benefit these people, who will continue to drink the same dirty water. A possible solution was embraced by the EWB-USA team as well as the community leaders whereby the Vocational School students will learn how to manufacture Potters for Peace pots that can sanitize water, and distribute these to villagers near the water sources. This way, everyone in the geographical area that EWB-USA will be working through will eventually receive access to clean water. Other community identified needs include adequate lighting for homes and community buildings including schools. Education in agriculture, sanitation, and vocational skills is also hoped to aid the development of the community. Other broad needs were expressed, such as assistance in closing the digital divide between Muramba and the rest of the world. As EWB-USA has acknowledged, bringing light and computers goes hand-in-hand with clean water, if true development will take place.


A health metrics assessment was conducted by Denver Nurse Frances Feeney, as prescribed by the EWB-USA Technical Advisory Committee. Report available on EWB-USA Muramba, Rwanda website.


4.1 Overview The current system is gravity-fed and initially installed approximately 75 years ago. Upgrades have helped to maintain a working system, but improvements in both quantity and quality are required. There were six areas examined in assessing the water system: source identification, distribution system identification, storage capacity, water quality testing, water pressure testing, and flow testing.

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Source identification consisted of identifying is the source was groundwater or surface water, if there were any wells, pumps, or filters in use, and who maintains the system. Distribution System Identification focused on the overall layout of the system, including elevation and proximity with respect to surrounding homes and farms. The overall condition of the piping, sources, and outlets were noted, as well as the material they were constructed out of. Other problems associated with corrosion and maintenance were examined. Additionally, demand throughout the year was considered along with storage capacity. Storage capacity is essential for any water system with seasonal fluctuations. Prior information relayed in the Project Proposal indicated a lack of safe drinking water especially during the dry season. One possibility for averting this dilemma would be to increase storage of potable water. Roof areas (catchments) and tank capacity were measured. Water Quality Testing gathered samples from around the community to check for a variety of contaminants, including bacteria presence, Coliform, E. Coli, pH, alkalinity, nitrate, and nitrite.

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4.2 System Assessment

4.2.1 Infrastructure / Schematics

The schematic below depicts the existing water system. Numbered boxes indicated GPS data points.

Figure 2: Pipeline Schematic 4.2.2 Geography / Maps

The GPS data and rough map below shows the waypoints gathered by the EWB-USA team during the assessment of the water system.

Muramba College

(6) Primary School B

Vocational School Clinic

(2) Muramba Parish

(7) Goretti School

(4) Water Tower

(4) Goretti Resevoir(5) College Resevoir

(3) Cross Valve

(10) Parish Bleed (9) College Bleed

(12) Valve

Near Valley Source

Hill Source

Nearby Surface

(26) Collection Tank (28) Collection Tank

(29) Mountain Source

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Table 1: GPS Data PT Name GPS Alt

2 Parish S1 45.947 E29 37.101 6255 ft 4 Water Tower / Goretti Res S1 46.013 E20 37.024 6252 ft 5 Muramba College Res S1 45.810 E29 37.052 6271 ft 6 Primary School B S1 45.849 E29 36.863 6215 ft 7 Goretti School S1 45.935 E29 36.800 6252 ft

3 Cross Valve S1 45.889 E29 36.888 6128 ft 9 College Bleed S1 45.890 E29 36.885 6136 ft

10 Parish Bleed S1 45.914 E29 36.826 6163 ft 12 Parish Valve to Goretti S1 45.959 E29 36.771 6165 ft 13 Kickblock S1 45.953 E29 36.747 6149 ft 14 Exposed Piping S1 45.941 E29 36.718 6089 ft 17 Pipe Material Change S1 45.944 E29 36.671 5983 ft 18 Valley River Crossing S1 45.926 E29 36.567 5762 ft 22 Landslide Area S1 45.909 E29 36.234 6216 ft 23 Small Bridge S1 45.877 E29 35.962 6296 ft 26 COLLECTION POINTS S1 45.866 E29 35.759 6460 ft 27 Gully, Possible Source S1 45.794 E29 35.717 6581 ft 28 College Collection Tank S1 45.802 E29 35.646 6701 ft 29 Main College Source S1 45.804 E29 35.608 6743 ft 31 Main Parish Source S1 45.828 E29 35.772 6550 ft 39 Caves Sources S1 45.690 E29 35.499 7153 ft 40 Possible Spring S1 45.660 E29 35.539 7181 ft 41 Source Water S1 45.761 E29 35.530 6933 ft 42 Source Water S1 45.797 E29 35.562 6859 ft 43 Collection Tank S1 45.794 E29 35.560 6851 ft 44 Unused Source S1 45.796 E29 35.620 6761 ft 45 Unused Source S1 46.103 E29 36.685 6038 ft

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4.3.3 Quantity

The P3 Collector has three collection pipes from three surface water sources.

Table 2: P3 Parish Line Source Flow Rates Source: Average Flow (L/min) Average Flow (gal/min) 1 1.1 0.29 2 10.13 2.69 3 6.4 1.70 Total: 17.63 4.68 = 6,745 gal/day

The CM4 Collector has one source entering that comes from three sources further up. An additional source is several hundred feet away, and is not currently being tapped.

Table 2: CM4 College Line Source Flow Rates Source: Average Flow 4 2.4 gal/min = 3,456 gal/day Potential 2.75 gal/min= 3,957 gal/day Potential Total: 10,201 gal/day

If we use 10 gal/person day at the day tested the system will serve 1,020 people. So the system at this time not considering the dry season is providing an inadequate supply of water. Additional water sources: A waterfall located 2.84 miles from the Muramba Parish could supply an additional 1 l/s and the locals say the water is continuous throughout the dry season. This would supply an additional 15.85 gal/min or 22,824 gal/day. If we add in the additional source at CM4 Collector 3,957 gal/day we can add an additional 26,781 gal/day of supply. At 10 gal/person day this would allow an additional 2,678 persons to be served. This would greatly increase the number of people being served but would still be drastically short from the 12,000 persons living in the area. Appendix 8.1 depicts roughly the location of this second source.

4.2.4 Quality

Many of the microorganisms that cause serious disease, such as typhoid fever, cholera, and dysentery, can be traced directly to polluted water. These disease-producing organisms, or pathogens, are discharged along with fecal wastes and are difficult to detect in water supplies. People may contact these pathogens in swimming pools, on bathing beaches, in rivers and streams, and from drinking contaminated water.

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Testing for bacterial pathogens in water is impractical for a number of reasons, such as lengthy and involved test procedures. Most microbiological testing of water measures indicator organisms, not pathogens. Indicator organisms are bacteria that may not be pathogenic but usually are present when pathogens are present, and are more resistant to environmental stresses than pathogens. No organism or group of organisms satisfies all of the criteria for an indicator; however, coliforms satisfy most of the requirements. Total coliform tests are used for potable water supplies. Fecal coliform tests usually are performed on untreated non-potable water, wastewater, bathing water, and swimming water.

For simultaneous detection of total coliforms and Escherichia coli (E. coli), a type of fecal coliform, IDEXX offers Colilert. When total coliforms metabolize Colilert’s nutrient-indicator, ONPG, the sample turns yellow. When E. coli metabolize Colilert’s nutrient-indicator, MUG, the sample fluoresces. Colilert can simultaneously detect these bacteria at 1 cfu/100 ml within 24 hours even with as many as 2 million heterotrophic bacteria per 100 ml present.

The Presence/Absence (P/A) method was used and is a qualitative test that indicates only the presence or absence of organisms, not the number of organisms. The P/A method is fast and suited to spot-checking applications. Only a minimal amount of analytical experience is required to perform the test. Simply combine sample with medium, incubate for 24 hours, and check for a reaction indicating the presence of either total coliforms (yellow color) or E. coli (fluorescence).

The World Health Organization recommends using the P/A method for drinking water to ensure zero total coliforms and zero fecal coliforms or E. coli. The maximum contaminant goal of zero total coliforms eliminates the need to enumerate coliforms.

A Hach Portable Incubator was borrowed from Michigan’s AWWA Water for People organization and brought along to Rwanda. This is a bacterial incubator designed for field use. The Portable Incubator maintains temperatures with ± 0.5 °C and the incubation temperature is adjustable between 30 and 50 °C. Ideally suited for total coliform, fecal coliform, and E. coli testing, the incubator may be used for Presence/Absence (P/A), Membrane Filtration (MF), and the Most Probable Number (MPN) procedures.

The instrument power cord easily plugs into an automobile cigarette lighter. The unit draws substantial power so a solar panel was used to daily recharge the automobile battery.

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The following results were obtained from the testing:

Table 3: Bacterial Testing Results Bottle Location Coliform P/A E. Coli P/A

1 P3 Collector Presence Presence 2 P3 Collector Presence Absence 3 P3 Collector Presence Presence 4 CM3 Collector Presence Presence 5 New Water Source Presence Absence 6 Rain Tank Presence Presence 1 Tap in Parish Kitchen Presence Presence

A second set of water quality analyses were conducted testing for the presence of bacteria. These test were done using HACH chemical kits. A 10 ml sample test tube was filled with the sample water along with a packet of HACH reactant chemicals that turned the solution yellow. After shaking for a few seconds the tubes were left in a cool, dark area for 24 hours. Presence of bacteria was indicated by a black solution. These tests did not involve incubation of bacteria and are less accurate than the test described above. The presence of bacteria was found in all samples taken confirming that the water in Muramba is contaminated.

In addition other basic parameters were tested to assess the overall quality of water in the Muramba area. These parameters include: pH, alkalinity, nitrate, and nitrite. All of these parameters were measured using HACH indicator sticks that were dipped into the water being analyzed. The resulting color was then compared to a color-coded scale and the value was recorded. Again, these tests were not as accurate as laboratory analyses but do provide some information about the water.

The pH values for all the samples taken were lower than expected. The WHO recommends pH values between 6.5-8.5 while the range of pH values in the Muramba samples was from 4.5-6 with the average close to 5. This could be of some concern. Low pH indicates that the water is somewhat acidic. Acidic water could cause corrosion of the pipes, faucets and other components of the water system. This is problematic both in terms of water quantity lost through leaking, corroding pipes, but also in terms of water quality. The corroding pipes may degrade into the water and depending on pipe material could lead to negative human health effects. The other parameters (nitrate, nitrite, alkalinity) all measured close to zero. These results are expected in untreated surface water supply. Nitrate and nitrites, if they are naturally occurring, are primarily found in groundwater. They can be a major concern as they inhibit the body’s ability to metabolize oxygen. Nitrate in concentrations greater than 45 mg/l can cause death to young infants. Alkalinity is a measure of the water’s ability to buffer reagents and is used to control water treatment processes. Again, untreated surface water is not likely to have high values of alkalinity. The complete set of results are found below.

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Table 4: Additional HACH Water Test Results Sample Location pH Nitrate Nitrite Alkalinity Bacteria 1 Teachers Quarters 5.5 1 0 20 Presence 2 Outside Tap at

Muramba College 6 1 0 20 Presence

3 Kitchen, Muramba College

5.5 1 0 20 Presence

4 Goretti Commons Area, Tap 1

5.5 1 0 40 Presence

5 Goretti Commons Area, Tap 2

5 1 0 20 Presence

6 Technical School Workshop Tap

5 .5 0 20 Presence

7 Elementary School Tap 4.5 0 0 20 Presence 8 Parish Kitchen 5 1.5 0 10 Presence

In summary, the water quality testing clearly demonstrates contamination with the presence of Coliform in all water tested. The presence of E. coli in most of the water tested also indicates significant contamination. Clearly the criteria established by the World Health Organization are not being met. Future water supply efforts will need to focus on eliminating this contamination.

4.2.5 Project Phasing

Cattle and other grazing animals are known to carry E.coli in their gut and excrete the organism in their feces. Millions of tons (dry weight) of animal wastes are disposed of onto land around the world. Most of the waste matter and enteric bacteria will be broken down in the top layers of the soil and recycled to plants. However, during episodes of high rainfall, run-off to surface waters may present a threat to untreated water supplies. Such is the case in Muramba. To significantly reduce the presence of E.coli in the water supply, it will be necessary to eliminate surface water collection and instead to collect the water below the ground surface, where the bacteria do not exist.

In addition to improvement of water quality, water quantity will also need to be improved, especially during the dry season. To this end, additional water sources will need to be tapped.

After discussions with the Muramba area village leaders, it was agreed to deal with the Parish and Schools as the first priority, with the surrounding villages and individuals not living in villages as the second and third priorities. The water supply system will eventually support approximately 12,500 individuals. The phasing of this work is estimated to be as follows:

PHASE 1: Improvement of existing water system to provide potable water for

Muramba Church and six nearby schools, directly affecting 1,200 people. This phase will also include improving water conservation by modifying the schools toilets, faucets, and water use. Repairs will also be affected on the piping system, reservoirs, and valves as needed.

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PHASE 2: Expand water system by adding new water source and associated

piping. Some piping and public spigots already exist in the villages which will be assessed during Phase 1. It is anticipated that the new piping will attach into and utilize this existing piping.

PHASE 3: Bring potable water to households not on main system through use

of individual filtration kits. It is anticipated that during Phase 2, the in-country manufacturing operation for these kits will be determined.

Depending on available resources, it is anticipated that these phases will be carried out in the Summers of 2004, 2005, and 2006 respectively.


5.1 Source water dams / collection / boxes / improved piping

The current water supply is being gathered from six surface water locations into collection boxes. Three water sources go into the Parish line and three water sources higher up go into the college line. The two lines are separate water pipes until the water is mixed at a crossover valve system located close to the schools. This crossover valve system is critical to the amount of water each system receives. If too much water is going to the Parish for example and the water tower overfills then the excess water is lost and the schools could be lacking water while the Parish is wasting water. The importance of this crossover valve and the constant need to oversee and adjust this valve will need to be discussed in the maintenance of the system.

There are five major aspects that will need to be addressed in the upcoming design stage with regards to the water system. The first is ways of increasing water quantity. The first step in this process will be to evaluate the existing two lines to see what is their maximum capacity. Once this is known we will be able to determine if the existing lines will be able to provide enough quantity for the 1,200 people now using this system and the projected 2,000 people in the future. Then we can try to ensure that the system is operating towards the maximum flow rate to make optimum use of the existing infrastructure. To increase the supply there are many solutions. Here are some ideas:

• Increase the diameter of pipe at the sources to the collection boxes. • Create small dams at the water collection points to capture most of the water. • Dig deep long trenches close to following a contour line and then fill them with a

gravel material to create trench drains to capture subsurface water into the collection boxes.

• Rainwater catchment from roof runoff. • Run a new water line from an additional source located further away.

The Second major aspect that will need to be addressed is water storage. If the supply is increased will the existing water towers be able make use of this additional supply or will it be wasted? During peak demands and through the dry season when the supply may not

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be providing the maximum amount needed will there be enough reservoir to supply the needs? These questions will need to be evaluated and if the existing system does not supply enough storage capacity alternate storage systems will need to be evaluated and implemented. To increase storage there are several solutions:

• Rebuild and increase volume of the dilapidated tank that is next to the Parish water

tower. • Build underground cisterns for rainwater catchment or overflow of water tower

catchment. • Build larger scale dams at water sources. • Build additional water storage tanks.

The Third major aspect that will need to be addressed is water quality. We know that this is a very highly populated area. All the ground is being farmed regardless of the slope. Animal and human feces are bound to end up into the surface water collected. Also, large amounts of sediment will be washed into the system during rains. Since the system is set up on surface water collection this will be a hard issue to address. Also, we could not come up with any good geological data for the area making it difficult to determine if there are any underground sources than can create the supply and have the quality needed. Some ideas are:

• Building structures at the inlets of the pipes and filling with a gravel material to

filter the water before entering the system. • Drilling horizontally into the hillside and collect the water from beneath the surface

water. • Trench drains to collect subsurface water instead of surface water. • Find a drill rig and crew to do exploratory drilling at the Muramba location and see

if vertical wells with solar pumps would provide a clean water source for drinking water.

• Partnering with Potters for Peace to teach the people how to make these clay pots for filtering the water for drinking and cooking.

The fourth major aspect that will need to be addressed is water conservation. During the site assessment we evaluated the existing water faucets, showers and toilets. The toilets did not have water supplied to them. A few showers had water to them and leaked. Most of the operational faucets leaked loosing precious water. Also, the Parish water tank was overflowing with the excess water being lost in the path while school children were walking to the Parish to fill buckets of water to take back to the schools (crossover valve not being adjusted correctly). Some ideas are: • Replace the faucets and leaking showers. • Bring over washer kits and teach people how to replace the seals and repair leaking

faucets. • Train students and staff in the importance of water conservation and turning off

faucets completely. Set up a procedure for reporting problems so they can be fixed.

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The final major aspect that will need to be addressed is water pressure. The explanation given for the toilets not being attached to the water supply is that when the students come for a restroom break the first person uses the toilet and flushes. The second student comes uses the toilet pulls the cord and the tank has not filled up so it does not flush. Then the third student comes etc. There needs to be a way to increase pressure at the dormitory bathrooms or provide an alternative way for the students to flush the toilets. Some ideas are:

• If additional storage is required build these at a higher elevation to increase pressure. • Add small solar pumps to increase pressure. • Build a tank in each bathroom facility and the students can fill a bucket of water

from the tank before using the bathroom and then flush using the bucket of water. 5.1.1 Component Description

The overall water system is in relatively good shape. The water valve from the Parish water tower that goes to the Parish needs replaced. The P1 bleed valve is not functioning and needs replaced. One support structure that holds the pipes above ground as it crosses the stream needs some foundation work and some slope protection to move the stream away from flowing against this structure and continuing the erosion around the foundation. The Parish water tower overflow pipe inside the tank is rusted off and needs a PVC extension pipe so the entire capacity of the tank can be utilized. There are also some erosion problems along the line. This will become a maintenance issue. There will be no way to stop this type of erosion as long as people farm these steep slopes right next to the line.

The system is quite complex. One interesting addition was a sand filtration system that was added to the schools line that is not being utilized. The reason given for it not being used is that it is to slow and plugs up all of the time. With some training and teaching this system this would help improve the quality of the water going to the schools. It will take some doing to convince the maintenance personnel that the additional work and oversight of this system is critical to the students’ health.

5.1.2 Materials and Logistics

Water system pipes, fittings and faucets can be purchased in Kigali at SONATUBES s.a.r.l. They carry a fairly extensive line of water system related products and pumps. Communications can be made in French at the email address [email protected]. They do not carry toilet fixtures or toilet parts. Sonatubes said these would have to be purchased on the open market.

Cement will need to be purchased at a company called CIMERWA. The phone number give was never answered. We are working on making contact with this company to discuss cost and locations of where the cement could be purchased.

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Transportation of materials will be made easier when the roadway to Muramba Parish is repaired. KIST has said they would be willing to help coordinate the transportation of materials to Muramba Parish. KIST would also be willing to help give us names of suppliers for other items we may need that were not addressed on this trip.

5.1.3 Material Costs Appendix 10.2 shows gathered materials costs. Sand/squeegee is made locally in Muramba. We asked individuals who were constructing a building for the honeybee operation what it cost for the sand. It runs around 600 Franks or approximately $1.25 per two wheelbarrows full. This would be around $6.00 a cubic yard assuming approx. 3 CF per wheelbarrow. Transportation cost were not discussed in detail and would have to be determined through communications with KIST. 5.1.4 Plan for Village Participation and Sustainability Training needs to be provided to ensure proper maintenance. Also, training in the proper use of the crossover valve and the sand filtration system needs to be taught and implemented. As with any system things wear out and deteriorate over time. A maintenance schedule for painting, checking key components, cleaning gravel filters at the inlets and other routine items needs to be set up with the maintenance personnel and then followed up on subsequent visits to assure that these maintenance and funding issues are being addressed. Older students, faculty and staff would have to be utilized to help with the implementation of any projects.

For the community we have meet with the community and government leaders to discuss our plans and their participation in any upcoming projects. These leaders said that they would form a committee to oversee any improvements and tax people using the system to gather the funds necessary to maintain the system. They said that the community would help install a water system that would help supply water to there community.

A suggestion from another agency that helps implement water systems was to make sure this committee, maintenance schedule and taxing was in place at least one year before implementation. Then one can see if they will be able to raise the funds necessary to maintain the system and be able to tell there commitment to the improvements. If they can show this commitment then we can use the local people as a volunteer labor pool and they will know the system well for maintaining it since they were the ones that actually constructed the system. They will also have one year of taxes in reserve for repairs, which will help for any early problems, that arises.

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5.1.5 Operation and Maintenance Procedures

Many of the Operation and Maintenance Procedures for the Parish and schools will need to be discussed and determined on the next trip with those individuals responsible for the system. Setting up a contact for items that need fixed and being able to set aside some funds for these repairs will be necessary. As mentioned above training students in the use of the faucets, training maintenance personnel in the use of the sand filter and crossover valve will be critical to the success of larger improvements in the future. Evaluating success on these smaller issues can be used to determine the overall commitment of the schools and Parish for future larger improvements.

It would be advantageous to have a good grasp on all of the maintenance issues before the next trip so we can guide the discussions with the maintenance personnel. Tasks should be broken up into daily, weekly, monthly, biannually and annual tasks. These tasks should be well thought out among the group so everything is covered.

Additional community meetings are necessary to determine who will provide the oversight of the maintenance. Also, it needs to be determined how the water fees will be established and the account that these funds will be stored. In short get a water district set up and running so when the improvements are implemented the operations of this district will be well established with a reserve of funds.

5.2 Taps / Faucets / Toilets maintenance

5.2.1 Component Description During the assessment visit in March, 2004, the water usage of the Muramba schools was assessed in order to understand the improvements that could be made in water conservation. To that end an inventory was made of the plumbing fixtures and their level of repair. The inventory clearly demonstrated the need for improved maintenance which will in turn reduce the amount of water lost to leaky plumbing fixtures.

5.2.2 Materials and Logistics In general a very low percentage of the plumbing equipment is functioning. Specifically, 0% of the urinals (perhaps due to gender issues), 18% of the faucets, 5 % of the toilets, and 5% of the showers are functioning. The table carries details of what are the greatest sources of problems. In the case of the faucets, of the 214 inventoried, 20 were welded shut (reason unknown), 32 were leaking (perhaps due to problematic faucet washers), and 121 had no handles. Of the 88 toilets, 4 were working, 14 were missing the supply hose, 11 were missing the down pipe, and 3 were missing the tank. Many were clogged and most had not been flushed recently. Of the 57 showers, 3 were functioning. It should be noted

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that some of these facilities may have been turned off in order to conserve water due to the large amount of leakage that might have occurred if left on.

Future plans to improve these conditions require an assessment of the appropriateness of this type of plumbing for the conditions faced in Muramba (low amount of water supply). Certainly in the case of the faucets, water conservation would be greatly improved by supplying needed handles and replacing faulty faucet washers. This should be part of the Summer, 2004 visit. In the case of the showers, similar issues are likely and similar remedies should be followed. However, the toilets seem to require a more long-term solution, not dependent on difficult-to-obtain and expensive hardware. Instead, a large drum (plastic 55-gal or so) should be set up in each bathroom near a faucet and hose. It would be someone’s job to keep the drum filled with water (though this water does not need to be potable and could be rainwater). Near the water drum should be empty buckets. The user of the toilet, upon coming in would fill a bucket from the drum, and take the filled bucket to the toilet. After using the toilet, the person would then pour the water from the bucket down the toilet to “clean” any residue from the surfaces of the toilet. This would mimic a flush of the toilet. The user would then return the empty bucket to the location near the water drum. By using this method, the toilets are still used as appropriate without relying on the plumbing hardware that tends to wear out or get broken fairly easily.

5.2.3 Estimated Budget

See Appendix 8.2 for component costs.

5.2.4 Plan for Village Participation and Sustainability It is suspected that most of the damage to the plumbing occurred during the war thus once these systems are repaired, it is anticipated the routine maintenance such as faucet washer replacement can be carried out by the local maintenance technicians.

5.3 Future improvements Future implementations may include storage capacity increases, improving and maintaining the existing sand filter, expansion of the water system to capture additional sources, etc.

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5.4 Potters for Peace

In the Muramba area, there are many people that do not live near to the stand-taps associated with the water supply system. Women and children can spend much of their time hauling water that they know is not clean, but there might be no other available nearby source. The sources they do collect from are often surface water based, thus generally contaminated with E. coli. For several years, groups around the world have studied ways to remove pathogens from contaminated water through the use of drinking water treatment systems based in houses. Any successful system must be affordable for some of the world's poorest people, easy to construct and operate, and cheap to maintain. To date, two separate designs have gained the most acclaim: the Potter’s for Peace Filtron system and the MIT Arsenic Biosand Filter (ABF) system.

The Filtron is primarily intended for household use, ideally as part of an overall water delivery network combined with intensive educational efforts aimed at improving water hygiene in marginalized communities throughout the world. The Filtron consists of a porous clay filter unit perched inside a lidded 2-5 gallon clay water jar, 5 gallon plastic bucket or other suitable spigoted catchment container. The filter unit is saturated with colloidal silver as a germicide/disinfectant. The unit has a flow rate of approximately 1-1.75 liters of water per hour. The Filtron has successfully been laboratory tested in over ten countries on four continents. This technology has been proven effective in eliminating coliforms, parasites, amoebae, and vibrio cholera from water.

MIT PFP Assessment The results of their 6-month monitoring program showed that the PFP filter is a valid tool to decrease the contamination level of water consumed by households in the rural areas surrounding San Francisco Libre. An average of 80% of families had filtered water with less than 2.2 CFU/100 mL. Although this performance level does not reach the target of 0 CFU/100 mL recommended for drinking water (WHO, 1996), the PFP filter was successful as an interim solution until a reliable piped system becomes available for the rural populations of Nicaragua. These step-improvements are valid milestones if the ideal target is currently unachievable and are effective to decrease the amount of health risk due to water borne diseases. Nevertheless, results from this study suggest the need of a complementary water treatment, such as chlorination after filtration.

There were no noticeable changes on the filter performance in terms of flow rate and microbiological removal during period. The PFP filter seems to function consistently over the first 6 months after manufacturing, which may imply that when the adequate maintenance recommendations are followed, there are no problems due

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to pore-clogging or colloidal silver wearing out. However, information on older filters is not available, for which further studies on the durability of the PFP filter’s initial performance are recommended.

Despite the potential performance of the PFP filter under adequate maintenance levels, this device is susceptible to several sources of contamination. Filtered water was shown to become re-contaminated when the collection vessels were not cleaned properly. Washing with filtered water was recommended, but in light of the already low capacity of the filter, this requirement may not be practical for the user. Perhaps a sealed intersection between the filtering receptacle and the collection vessel may result in a more robust system. Other possible ways of contamination were observed when animals or children touch the filter faucet with dirty hands, and the contact between the filtering ceramic component’s bottom with contaminated areas, such as the floor or the kitchen table.

In addition, certain user practices created opportunities for contamination. Filters were not always stored in hygienic places, and apparently, water was not transported from the well to the houses in clean vessels, since contamination during this transfer was evident. Similarly, there was a possibility of re-contamination seconds before consumption due to a contaminated glass, which suggests that glassware utensils for food and water should be washed with filtered or chlorinated water. This fact raises the issue of filter capacity, since currently, the PFP filter barely satisfies the drinking needs of an average-sized family.

Features of the PFP filter that must be improved are its relative fragility and its low capacity. Approximately 15% of the initial sample population broke by the end of this study. Taking into account that households participating in this study were continuously monitored, this breakage rate is high, and may be higher in families where no follow up was performed. Users complained mainly of the low capacity of the filter. A higher filtration rate could increase the quantity of water available to users, but constantly re-filling the filter seemed to be inconvenient for most users. Therefore, a larger filter should be designed for better user acceptance. In addition, the material of the collecting receptacle was a source of complaint from the participants of this study. Many users preferred ceramic vessels from plastic buckets, probably because of the cooling effect of the ceramic material. Water temperature seemed to be a factor that could cause rejection of this technology, and thus further research on solving this problem is recommended.

Finally, the marketing strategy and manufacturing system that the PFP cooperative is currently implementing is not sustainable in the long-term. Attention should be paid on establishing solid market niches and decreasing the costs of the filter so that it becomes affordable to end-users. Finally, the manufacturing process should be standardized as much as possible, to decrease variability on the quality of raw materials, which in turn will standardize the quality of the PFP filter.

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MIT Arsenic Biosand Filter (ABF) System The MIT ABF is also primarily intended for household use. The ABF filter shell or container, made of plastic or concrete, stands one meter high and is about 0.3 meters in length and width -- a little taller than a two-drawer filing cabinet. It's filled with gravel, coarse sand, fine sand and iron nails. Pathogens are removed from the water as it seeps through the sand and gravel; arsenic is removed as the iron nails rust, a process that attracts and binds the arsenic. With their World Bank funding, the MIT team and Nepali partners "will set up an ABF technology center for enhanced research, and provide villagers with in-depth training and education about the ABF technology," said Tommy Ngai, a CEE lecturer who has been in Nepal for the last month and will be there another seven months to meet that goal. His teammates are Susan Murcott and Sophie Walewijk, a Ph.D. student at Stanford who joined the MIT Nepal Water Project team a year ago. "People also like the very high flow rates. Other filters usually produce one to five liters of filtered water per hour as the water slowly passes through microscopic pores in clay or other media. The ABF can process 15 to 30 liters per hour," Ngai said. A pilot study with 15 filters in four villages over more than a year has found "that the technical performance is good," said Ngai. "Users like the filter very much because it's durable and offers a permanent solution to their water problem. Unlike other filters, there's nothing to break”. Each village in the program receives two steel molds for making water filters, plus the necessary tools. Residents can then obtain their own ABF through the technicians.

Although capital costs are high by local standards -- $20 to $25 to produce filters in Kathmandu -- there are almost no maintenance costs aside from occasionally replacing the nails. Therefore, the long-term cost of the ABF is comparable to many other filters on the market. "In addition, we expect the manufacturing cost to drop as we train technicians from each village on filter construction," Ngai said.

Depending on the turbidity (sediment content) of the water supply, the ABF filter will clog between once a month and twice a year and need to be cleaned. That simple procedure takes about 15 minutes.

The EWB-USA team did not measure the P/A of arsenic in the water in Muramba however the bio-filter aspects of the MIT filter would likely take care of the pathogens found. If arsenic is present, the iron nails could be added.

6.0 OTHER IDENTIFIED PROJECTS 6.1 Rain water catchments

Sustainable solutions to the water quality and quantity problems in Muramba must include measures to diversify the current “water portfolio”. The area relies almost solely on one network of streams for water. While improving the quality and quantity of this source is important, it is also necessary to begin planning the utilization other sources to ensure water security and village sustainability. Nitin Desai, the Secretary General of the World Summit on Sustainable Development iterates the connection between water and

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sustainability; “The improvement of water use is central for all other dimensions of sustainable development.” The collection of rainwater or rainwater catchment is one means by which to secure an additional source of water at a relatively low cost. The collection and use of rainwater is becoming more prevalent throughout not only Sub-Saharan Africa, but the entire globe. In countries such as Rwanda that receive large amounts of rainfall (>35 in/yr), rainwater catchment can yield significant amounts of water. In Rwanda rainwater catchment systems are found both at the household level and on a larger scale. One system built at Green Hills Academy in Kigali can generate 4.5 million liters of water each year and has enough storage for 220,000 L (KIST, 2003). Therefore, preliminary evaluations were made in Muramba to assess the feasibility as well as the effectiveness of installing rainwater catchment systems. Three main areas were investigated for rainwater catchment in Muramba. These areas were the Muramba Parish, Muramba College and Goretti Secondary School. These areas were chosen because they have large roof areas that would provide significant catchment and they are frequented by hundreds of students and villagers and therefore would allow for visibility and awareness of rainwater catchment. The table below details the buildings and their rainwater catchment potential.

Table 5: Rainwater Catchments Location Building Roof Area (ft2) Water

Catchment (ft3) Parish Parish Center 3,260 8,410 Parish Parish Community Center 6,250 16,130 Parish Catholic Church 7,500 19,350 College Performance Hall 5,600 14,460 College Offices 2,570 6,640 College Cafeteria 5,060 13,04 0 College Classrooms 7,570 19,530 College Chapel 2,530 6,530 College Dorm for Teachers 4,750 12,260 College* Student Dorms (12 total) 40,740 105,110

Notes: *The values for the student dorms are summed (each dorm has a roof area of 3,395 ft2 and catchment of 8,760 ft3). At each location the roof areas were measured with a 100-m measuring tape. In addition, notes were taken on the type of roof, whether or not gutters were already installed and if gutters were not installed the feasibility of attaching gutters to the existing structure. The amount of rainwater each roof could capture was then calculated by multiplying the roof area by the seasonal rainfall amounts (600-mm long rains; March-May, 300-mm short rains; Sept-Dec). All three locations are viable rainwater catchment sites and together have the potential to generate over 6.4 million L of water per year or enough water to serve 701 villagers per year (assuming 25 L/person/day). The implementation of rainwater catchment would involve construction of both collection and storage systems. The collection system could be made from PVC pipe that

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is readily available in Kigali. First, PVC pipe could be cut in half length-wise and attached to roof overhangs. The gutter could be weighted with a spring, so the initial capture of water is discarded on the ground. This would ensure the water stored in the tank is of better quality, free from any contaminants that might be found on the roof. PVC pipes would then needed to transport water collected in the gutters to the storage tanks. This design would allow the water collected to be used both for drinking as well as bathing, irrigation and other water needs. Preliminary studies of water quality in rainwater tanks in 50 villages in Tanzania found that the water was nearly bacteria free with 5 coliform colonies/100 ml filtered or less (Mbwette, Montgomery, Leshale, 2002). Storage tanks can be built either above or below ground. The advantage of underground tanks is the soil counteracts the forces of the water on the tank walls and therefore they can be built larger with less concern for structural failure. In addition, underground tanks are more aesthetically appealing. However, the major disadvantage of underground tanks is that a pump may be needed to transport water to the end user. The use of a pump, however, could be avoided in Muramba where the hilly terrain would allow the tank to be built higher than the end point and the water could flow by gravity. Tanks can also be built above ground. These tanks would have to be smaller, but could be installed with a tap so users could directly access the water. A variety of materials could be used to construct the tanks, many of which are local. In Tanzanian villages in the Mkuranga area, tanks were constructed using a mixture of cement, local sand and local clay (AMREF, 2002). The sand and clay were harvested by the villagers themselves, so the only expense was the cement and chicken wire used to reinforce the tank walls. A similar design and construction could be used in Muramba. Parish Area The Parish area is an attractive initial location because it already has a gutter system in place and therefore only storage tanks would be needed. In total the Parish area could collect 1.2 million L of water a year. A tank could be built between the Parish Center and the Parish Community Center to collect water from both buildings. Muramba College Muramba College has a large roof area that could catch up to 4.2 million L of water a year. It is also the only location in Muramba that currently collects and uses rainwater. Gutters extend over about ¼ the length of the roof of a dormitory. The gutters lead to an elliptical, metal tank with a volume of 9,060 L. The tank was at one time attached to a truck chassis and formerly used by the rebel soldiers for water storage at a nearby camp. After the genocide the rebels abandoned their camp and the school transported the tank for their own use. At the time of the investigation the tank was full of water. One of the maintenance employees at the school stated that water is used from the tank, but it must be rationed because the tank can only supply the school of 600 students for one or two days. However, there is no planned rationing schedule and the tank could be better utilized. For example, the tank was full of water but students were not allowed to take water from the tank. The following day it rained, but water could not be collected by the tank because it was full. If students are allowed to use the water, especially during the

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rainy season, the tank could be refilled nearly every time it rained. This would prevent unnecessary trips by the students to a standpipe more than a kilometer from the school. Tanks could be built in many locations around Muramba College to collect water. Three main locations include near the twelve dormitories located just downhill from the cafeteria, near the assembly/performance hall and near the classrooms and chapel. Rainwater could be especially beneficial near the dormitories for use in the bathrooms that are now seriously under-served. Every toilet was clogged and less than 10% of the showers and faucets were working. It is still uncertain whether these problems are because of a lack of water or poor infrastructure or both, but in any case rainwater could be used to supply bathrooms and meet basic hygiene needs. The Kigali Institute of Science, Technology and Management (KIST) completed a rainwater catchment study at Muramba School in 2003. Their figures are somewhat different than the ones presented in this paper, however the methods of measurement of roofs may be different. KIST has experience throughout Rwanda installing successful rainwater catchment systems and would be an important partner if such a scheme were initiated in Muramba. In conclusion, rainwater catchment has the potential to help solve water quality and quantity problems in Muramba. With proper planning, initial pilot systems and use of local materials and labor the systems could be installed with only a minor investment. Villagers or even a rainwater catchment group endowed with the responsibility to maintain and promote such systems could easily handle the maintenance and operation of such a system. 6.2 Lighting

The goal of this project was to develop three solar powered lighting systems and install them in school and community buildings in Muramba, Rwanda. Elliot Goldman prepared a report available online at the EWB-USA Muramba, Rwanda project website. 6.3 Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation systems are a relatively simple technology that allows irrigation of crops and gardens with minimal manual labor. They have obvious application in developing nations where there are no irrigation systems in place. Often in these countries, people spend hours daily watering the crops they use for subsistence. Bucket irrigation systems include a bucket placed approximately one meter above the group. Two 15-meter hoses are attached to the bottom of the bucket. Each of these hoses has small holes every 20 centimeters. The hoses can either be closed at the end or attached to another hose to create a longer system. The bucket is filled, and water slowly drips out of each hole. The bucket needs to be filled only twice a day.

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In Muramba, Rwanda, people rely solely on produce raised on small, hillside plots for subsistence. However, lack of an irrigation system coupled with poor soil conditions has resulted in meager crops and inadequate food for the community. A current 14-month drought has far worsened the situation. Women and children spend hours daily hauling water to irrigate their crops. In many ways, bucket drip irrigation systems are a possible solution to this problem in Muramba. Engineers Without Borders brought 15 bucket irrigation systems to Muramba, with plans to give 5 each to Kopling Vocational School, Muramba College, and Goretti School. However, almost all of the land is already cultivated, and therefore are few places available to install the irrigation systems. Unplanted plots are important for the success of the system since seeds must be planted where the water drips out of the hose. Most of the irrigation systems will be in storage until there is a place where they can be used. Professor Peter Bosscher led a demonstration for approximately 50 vocational school students on the installation of the bucket irrigation systems. This demonstration was done on uncultivated land being prepared for a house foundation. The demonstration was mostly successful, but due to lack of time, there remained misunderstandings regarding the usage of the system. Peter attempted to clarify these misunderstandings. CU student Laura Richards also led a demonstration of these systems for approximately 20 students at Muramba College. The students readily grasped the idea and actually installed two drip irrigation systems and planted beans on an empty plot of land behind Muramba College. After asking several clarification questions, the students did the work completely independently. Several teachers from the school and the “agricultural expert” were present during the process. The sustainability of this project will be assessed during the return trip to Muramba in July, however several concerns were voiced. The problem of theft is prevalent in Muramba, and Sister Donata expressed her opinion that the buckets and hoses would be quickly stolen. Security measures seem unfeasible. Also, if something gets stolen or broken, replacement materials are only available from the other kits that are in storage. Hoses or tape are not available locally except in Kigali. Future needs for drip irrigation will also be assessed during the return trip. The lack of available space and the concerns voiced make the success of drip irrigation in Muramba unlikely, yet still possible.

6.4 Digital Divide

At the Muramba College, the headmistress Sister Donata expressed interest in expanding their existing computer education program to include access to the Internet. After discussions with President Paul Kagame and the Minister of Infrastructure Ntawukuliryayo, EWB-USA Digital Divide Project Coordinator Evan Thomas has begun to develop Digital Divide projects in the Muramba area.

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6.5 Vocational School

The Muramba Vocational school has tremendous potential in assisting future EWB-USA projects. The students are eager to be taught skills to maintain their water system, as well as help develop their community in other ways. 6.6 Orphan Assistance

EWB-UW student Andrea Khosropour documented over 300 orphans of the more than 3,000 in the area. She and Denver Nurse Frances Feeney are developing a sponsorship program for these children. Fr. John Bosco provided the following information. The costs to start/keep an orphan in school, including school fees, costs of uniforms and school materials, is $5/month, $60/year. The costs to have a single mother prepare a daily meal for an orphan or orphan family and tend the orphan’s garden so the child/children can all go to school is $10/month, $120/year. This will provide work for a single mother and money for food for her children.

The team discussed the idea of setting up a web site including photographs and brief information about 300 orphans from Muramba. The idea was that people interested in helping one or more orphans could consult the web site and pick a child/children to support.

Fr. Bosco already has an account set up for the orphans in Muramba. If we decide to proceed with the plan originally discussed the following logistics will have to be well defined:

1. How will the program and web site be publicized? 2. Who will develop the web site? 3. Who will manage and coordinate the program including collecting money from

interested parties, communicating with Bosco to insure that money is used for specified orphans and transmitting donations to Bosco?

4. Who will maintain accounting records?

On the basis of the above listed questions, it seems that this is far too complicated a system for us to realistically set up. Perhaps it would make more sense to set up a web site about the EWB-USA-Muramba Project as we have discussed. This would be one of the best ways to publicize the Muramba Project. There could be a link on the EWB-USA web page to the Muramba Project page and a link on the project page to a page with information about the orphans in Muramba. The group photo that Peter developed could be used as well as individual pictures with the personal information that Andrea collected about the children photographed. The options for supporting one or more orphans could be explained and a mailing address given for sending donations of any amount directly to Bosco or to the Orphan fund that he has set up. In that case, we would only have to get the mailing information from Bosco.

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A further complication is that mailing checks or anything to Rwanda is a very risky business. Perhaps there is a way to set up an account in the U.S. from which funds collected could be transferred to Bosco’s fund.

There is much to work out about this but linking the orphans with the EWB-USA-Muramba Project is, for now, the greatest opportunity for publicizing the children’s plight and raising money for them.

Many of the orphans Andrea photographed were already in school. Fr. Bosco explained that school fees for those children are being paid from the orphan fund or with other donated money. He said that as the children photographed receive sponsors, fund money will be freed up to help other orphans. He stressed that older children who are responsible for siblings cannot go to school because they have to work the family garden to raise food. That is why he suggested the idea of having single mothers do the garden work. Orphans and single parent families both benefit under the second plan.

6.7 AIDS Testing

During the reception for President Kagame at the University of Denver on April 14, 2004, we met with the Minister of Health/HIV/AIDS and the Columbia University Country Director, who is assisting the Rwanda Ministry of Health in developing a country-wide HIV/AIDS program. She is also responsible for the distribution of World Bank and of Bush administration AIDS funding for Rwanda. Amazingly the area that she will work with directly is Gisenyi Province. We briefly discussed the increasing number of orphans in the area and the need for HIV testing and counseling. The Minister of Infrastructure assured her that the road to Muramba will be repaired by July 2004. She then committed to establish the first HIV/AIDS testing and counseling program in Muramba during the summer of 2004. David Bosscher, M.D. and I will be communicating with the Columbia Director and with the newly appointed regional medical officer for Gisenyi Province to make sure the testing and counseling is set up.

Fr. Bosco and Msgr. Kevin Randall were informed about this opportunity. Bosco fully supports the program being set up in Muramba.

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7.0 PARTNERS 7.1 Rotary International / Kigali / Denver

Rotary Clubs in the Denver area as well as Kigali are actively participating in the EWB-USA Muramba Project. Partnerships are being coordinated by CU Professor Bernard Amadei.

7.2 Kigali Institute of Science, Technology and Management (KIST)

A partnership with locally trained engineers and students offers invaluable assistance to the EWB Rwanda project. A partnership offers the possibility of design, maintenance, and sustainability assistance. Such a partnership also will help with finding local engineering information, materials, and ideas. Kigali Institute of Science, Technology and Management (KIST) has agreed to a partnership with EWB in Muramba. The EWB Rwanda project team met with several leaders from KIST on 28 March 2004. KIST was enthusiastic to join EWB in their endeavor. KIST has done a lot of work designing water systems and energy sources for local use. KIST also offers a “Community Attachment” program for its students. Students involved in this program spend 4 weeks in a Rwandan community applying the engineering knowledge they have learned in the classroom. There is interest in collaboration between EWB and KIST’s Community Attachment program. It would be invaluable, for both parties, for students from KIST to work with EWB in Muramba. The students could not only share their engineering ideas, but also help with translation and other cultural issues. Many of the students and officials at KIST speak English. Communication between EWB and KIST will continue as the project further develops. KIST has agreed to read and contribute to the Assessment Report created. Plans have been made to determine a specific role for KIST once EWB’s plans have solidified.

7.3 Community and Government Leaders

Communication and partnership with local and national leaders in Rwanda are also crucial to the success of this project. Close relationships were developed with local leaders Father Bosco and Sister Donata, and members of the EWB Rwanda team met with national leaders Mayor Evariste, Minister Ntawukuliryayo, and President Kagame. Father Bosco and Sister Donata are local leaders in Muramba. Father Bosco hosted the men from the EWB team in the Parish where he lives. Most meals were eaten with Father Bosco in the Parish. He has started many programs for the people and children in Muramba, and has high hopes for a very positive future. Sister Donata hosted the women in the convent at Muramba College, and is a religious and educational leader. Both of these people and our relationships formed with them are described in more detail in Section 2.2 of this report.

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Peter Bosscher and Evan Thomas met with Mayor Evariste, who is the mayor of the district around Muramba. He offered his support for the EWB project and said that EWB can work with him in the future. The entire EWB Rwanda team met with Minister Ntawukuliryayo, who is the Minister of Infrastructure in Rwanda. He previously was the Minister of Education. He also offered support for the project. Upon requesting assistance with the very poor road quality, Ntawukuliryay gave us a commitment that the road would be fixed in the near future. The EWB Rwanda team also met with Rwanda’s President Paul Kagame. He was quite supportive of EWB’s endeavors and offered any kind of support needed. He offered government Land Cruisers or a helicopter to assist with transportation needs. He stated that the road to Muramba will get fixed, and told Minister Ntawukuliryay to begin that project. Kagame also asked that the EWB team serve as Rwandan ambassadors in the United States in order to give positive representation of his country.

7.4 Gates Foundation

A Letter of Interest has been sent to the Bill and Mellinda Gates Foundation (see Appendix X). This letter primarily described the anticipated improvement of health that would result from EWB efforts in Muramba. The letter elicited a response from the Gates Foundation requesting a follow-up budget. This budget with a new revised Letter of Interest (based on this report) will be forwarded to the Foundation as soon as this report is complete. The main thrust of the new Letter of Interest will again be health, though this will include as a minimum water quality/quantity, orphan assistance, AIDS testing, family planning and hygiene, nutrition, and medical services/supplies/equipment.


United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is an independent federal agency committed to helping developing democratic countries or countries recovering from disaster. In Rwanda, USAID is committed to: “Strengthen those institutions that form the foundation of a sound political and judicial system and to assist Rwanda in its transition to a full democracy in which ethnic tolerance, respect for human rights and the rule of law are instituted.” The organization is also working to improving Rwanda’s agricultural production. USAID in Rwanda is run by a staff of 69 Americans and Rwandans.

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8.0 Appendices 8.1 Possible Additional Water Source Rough Location

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8.2 Materials Costs

DESCRIPTION PRICE/ea PRICE/ea franks dollars @ 500f/$ 3/4" faucet 4,700.00 $ 9.40 PIPE PN 16 6 METER LENGTH 90 mm 33,751.00 $ 67.50 75mm 23,536.00 $ 47.07 63 mm 16,682.00 $ 33.36 50 mm 10,462.00 $ 20.92 40 mm 6,789.00 $ 13.58 32 mm 4,423.00 $ 8.85 25 mm 2,742.00 $ 5.48 20 mm 1,772.00 $ 3.54 90 degree bend 90 mm 5,540.00 $ 11.08 75mm 3,830.00 $ 7.66 63 mm 2,050.00 $ 4.10 50 mm 1,030.00 $ 2.06 40 mm 1,020.00 $ 2.04 32 mm 660.00 $ 1.32 25 mm 570.00 $ 1.14 20 mm 490.00 $ 0.98 45 degree bend 90 mm 8,200.00 $ 16.40 75mm 5,290.00 $ 10.58 63 mm 2,660.00 $ 5.32 50 mm 1,960.00 $ 3.92 40 mm 1,770.00 $ 3.54 32 mm 760.00 $ 1.52 25 mm 670.00 $ 1.34 20 mm 650.00 $ 1.30 Coupling 90 mm 3,580.00 $ 7.16 75mm 2,610.00 $ 5.22 63 mm 1,379.00 $ 2.76 50 mm 780.00 $ 1.56 40 mm 720.00 $ 1.44 32 mm 470.00 $ 0.94

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25 mm 450.00 $ 0.90 20 mm 430.00 $ 0.86 Union 90 mm 17,260.00 $ 34.52 75mm 14,010.00 $ 28.02 63 mm 4,280.00 $ 8.56 50 mm 2,980.00 $ 5.96 40 mm 2,179.00 $ 4.36 32 mm 2,080.00 $ 4.16 25 mm 1,720.00 $ 3.44 20 mm 1,690.00 $ 3.38 Valve 90 mm 94,970.00 $ 189.94 75mm 37,450.00 $ 74.90 63 mm 14,810.00 $ 29.62 50 mm 11,096.00 $ 22.19 40 mm 9,230.00 $ 18.46 32 mm 7,810.00 $ 15.62 25 mm 5,814.00 $ 11.63 20 mm 4,250.00 $ 8.50 Check Valve 63 mm 73,370.00 $ 146.74 50 mm 59,940.00 $ 119.88 40 mm 52,510.00 $ 105.02 32 mm 42,560.00 $ 85.12 Pressure reducing valve 1" 46,921.00 $ 93.84 3/4" 21,721.00 $ 43.44

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8.3 Contact List


President Paul Kagame Davinah Milenge, Private Secretary Private Cell: 011 250 08303526 E-mail: [email protected]

Minister of Infrastructure Jean Damascene Ntawukuliryayo, Ph.D. P.O. Box 24 KIGALI-RWANDA Tel: 011 250 585505 Fax: 011 250 585755 Cell: 011 250 08301612 E-mail: [email protected]

Minister of Health/HIV/AIDS Dr. Innocent Nyaruhirira P.O. Box 84 Kigali Tel: 011 250 502585 Fax: 011 250 502584 Cell: 011 250 08300408 E-mail: [email protected] Celina Schocken, MPP, JD (Assistant to Minister of Health/HIV/AIDS) Columbia University Country Director The Center for Global Health and Economic Development Mailman School of Public Health and The Earth Institute at Columbia University Tel: 011 250 08306286 E-mail: [email protected]

Mayor of Kigali Theoneste Mutsindashyaka P.O. Box 3527 Kigali, Rwanda Tel: 011 250 572225 Fax: 011 250 573684 E-mail: [email protected]

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U.S. Embassy Margaret K. McMillion U.S. Ambassador 2210 Kigali Place Dulles, VA 20189-2210 Main telephone: 011-250-505601 E-mail: [email protected] James David Kay Vice Consul, Second Secretary Tel: 011 250 505601 Fax: 011 250 572128 Cell: 011 250 0830 0538 E-mail: [email protected] Bryan Bachmann Embassy Regional Security Officer Robert Karpowski, Deputy RSO Phone: 250-505601/2/3 E-mails: [email protected] [email protected] Rena Brescia U.S. Embassy Health Clinic Kigali, Rwanda Ofc: 011-250-505601 (ext. 3219) Fax: 011-250-576551 Home: 011-250-519068 Cell: 011-250-0830-5128

Jack Faircloth USAID Cell: 011-250-08300361 Peter (Driver for EWB team) Peter Bosscher can supply his contact information

Kigali Institute of Science, Technology and Management

Eng. Albert Butare Vice-Rector (Academic) Kigali Institute of Science, Technology and Management Avenue de l'Armée B.P. 3900 Emails: [email protected] [email protected]

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[email protected] Tel: 011 250 574696 / 25 Fax: 011 250 571924 / 25 website: www.kist.ac.rw Dr. Nelson Lujara Director of the Centre for Continuing Studies tel: 011 250 08305717, E-mail: [email protected]. Ainea Kimaro Director, Community Innovation and Technology Transfer (CITT) Tel: 011 250 08562165 Thomas NIYONZIMA Transport Officer Mobile: 011 250 08522559 E-mail: [email protected]

Apostolic Nunciature Rev. Anselmo Pecorari Papal Nuncio

Monseignor Kevin Randall Apostolic Nunciature Avenue Paul VI, 49 Kigali, Rwanda Ofc: 011-250-575293 Fax: 011-250-575181 Cell: 011-250-08513265 [email protected]

Centre Christus Jesuit Retreat Center Fr. Augustin P. Karekezi, S.J. Tel: 011-250-08410496 E-mail: [email protected]

Maison de la Trinite Fr. Steve Yavorsky, S.J. Phone: 011-250-520650 Mobile: 011-250-0841 2581 E-mail: [email protected] Bernadette D’Souza Director

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COR UNUM Office: 011 250 515017 Community tel: 011 250 516642 Fax/Second tel: 011 250 501375 Cell: 011 250 08458629 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] ADAR Project Anne D. Turney, Ph.D. (Horticultural Specialist) Cell: 011 250 0830 5177 E-mail: [email protected]

Jumelage Rhenanie-Palatinat/Rwanda

Natalie Vanneste Coordinatrice Bureau de partenariat 39, bd de la Revolution B.P. 821 Kigali-Rwanda Tel: 011 250 573618 Fax: 011 250 572475 E-mail: [email protected]

Rotary Club of Kigali Virunga (District 9150) Edson Mpyisi (Contact for EWB-USA-Muramba Project) FEWS NET, Rwanda Country Representative P.O. Box 2848 Kigali, Rwanda Tel: 011 250 517832/84044 Mobile: 011 250 08302101 Fax: 011 250 84044 E-mail: [email protected] Sonja Hoekstra-Foss President 2003-2004 Tel/Fax: 011 250 518360 Mobile: 011 250 0830 6464 E-mail: [email protected] Raj (Chartered Engineer) UTEXRWAS.A. Tel: 011 250 0830 1107 E-mail: [email protected]

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Equipment/Supply Companies SONATUBES s.a.r.l. B.P. 600 KIGALI Republique du RWANDA Tel: 5 856 07 -5 860 37 Fax: 820 83 E-mail: [email protected] Cimerwa (Concrete) E-mail: [email protected]

Gisenyi Province Monseignor Alexis Habiyambere Bishop, Diocese of Nyundo, Gisenyi Province; Dean of Bishops, Rwanda (Bosco’s Bishop) Caleb K. King, M.D. Shiryia Hospital E-mail: [email protected]

Muramba Fr. Musinguzi John Bosco Muramba Deanery Cell: 011-250-0841 3404 E-mail: [email protected] Sr. Marie Speciose Donata Uwimanimpaye Headmistress Muramba College E-mail: [email protected] Ecole Secondaire Communale (ESECOM) Tunezerwe Frederic Headmaster Cell: 011 250 0842 5559 E-mail: [email protected] Mujawamariya Dancille Diciplin Perfect E-mail: [email protected]

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African Medical Research and Education Foundation (AMREF). 2002. Mkuranga Sanitation and Health Project Quarterly Report. October, 2002. Kigali Institute of Science and Technology (KIST). 2003. Collection and Storage of Rainwater Green Hills Academy, Kigali. Mbwette, T., Montgomery, M., Leshale, B. 2002. Maintenance, Operation, and Health Effects of Mkuranga Well Project. Tanzanian Journal of Engineering. Fall 2003.