20. under pressure alexa d

Another way citizens can try to influence governments is to become part of a pressure group.

Upload: davmfoster

Post on 17-Jul-2015




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Page 1: 20. under pressure alexa d

Another way citizens can try to

influence governments is to become

part of a pressure group.

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People who share a common interest join

together to persuade people in power to

support their views.

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The large the group the more impact citizens

are able to make such as by holding protest

and demostrations disruptig parts of the


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Trade unions are associations of workers

interested in protecting their working

conditions and wages.if discontented they

may strike closing down the workplace.

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Groups whose causes are highlighted by the

media may then receive huge support from

the voting public.

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Groups that have plenty of money from

supporters can produce publicity material

known as propaganda and even hire full-time


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Goverments request information from some

groups to make political decisions.these

groups can use the request for information to

their advantage.

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