1i i1 eben uoun make money the wo hcjeii jiirving in ...ii 1i 7w eben uoun jiirving + dy...

II 1I 7W EBEN UOUN + Dy JIIRVING DACHELLERC- opyrfQM i 1900 by Lothrop PUWtehtr0 bmpan- yCUAPTrR II nl hoard no more of the voices Uncle EU had brought nn urns fun of wood and HOIIIP water in the teapot while 1 was skiping As soon us the ruin had passed he stood listening awhile and shortly opened his knife and made a little clearing In the coru by cutting a few hills Weve got to do It he said er we cant take any comfort an the iiinn tot me I could have nil the corn I wanted Did you see him Uncle EM I re- member asking Yes ho answered whittling In the dark I saw him when I went out for the water an It was he tol me they were after us Ho took a look at the sky after awhile and remarking that ho guessed they couldnt see hU smoke now be gan to kindle the fire As It burned up he stuck two crotches and liuuj his teapot on a stick that lay In them so It took the heat of the game na I had 1 seen him do lu the morning Our grot ¬ to In tho corn was shortly as cheerful as any room In a palace and our fire sent Us light Into the long aisles that opened opposite and nobody could see the warm glow of It but ourselves Well her our supper said Uncle Eb as he opened a paper and spread out the eggs and bread and butter and crackers Roll Jest hev our supper an by an by when every ones abed well make tracks In the dirt I can tell yeOur supper over Uncle Eb let me look at his tobacco box a shiny thing ot German sliver that always seemed to snap out a quick farewell to me be fore It dived into his pocket lie was very cheerful and communicative and Joked a good deal as we lay there watt ¬ ing In the firelight I got some fur ¬ ther acquaintance with the swift learn- ing among other things that it had no appetite for the pure in heart Why uotr I Inquired Well said Uncle Eb its like this the meaner tho boy the sweeter tho meatHo sang an old song as he sat by the tire with a whistled Interlude between lines and the swing of It even carries me back to that far day In th Holds I lay with my head in his lap while ho was singing I went asleep after awhile In eplt of all right in the middle of n story The droning voice of Uuclo Kh and the feel of his hand upon my forehead call ed me back blinking once or twice hut not for long The tire was gone down to a few embers when Uncle Kb woke me and the grotto was lit only by d sprinkle of moonlight from above Mos 12 oclock ho whispered Hotter be oft The basket was on his back and h was all ready I followed him through the long aisle of corn clinging to the toll of his coat The gqldcn lantern of the moon bung near the zenith mill when we came out in the open we mutt see Into the far fields I climbed Into my basket at the wall and as Uncle Eb carried me over the brooK stopping of a tint rod midway to take a drink I could see the sky In the water and I seemed as It a misstep would have tumbled me into the moon Hear the crickets holler said Uncle Eb as he followed the bank up lot the open pasture What makes cm holler I asked Oh theyre jes hum their saws an thlnkln Mcbbe tcllln o whats hair- penelem Keen a hard day for them little folks Terrible Hood Iii their country Every one on em lied t git up a steeplo quick s lie could or be drownded They hey their troubles an they talk bout cm too What do they file their saws for InquiredI know said he where they timbers thick an they hev haw work clearln t mock a home I was getting too sleepy for further talk He made his way from field to fleW stopping sometimes to look oT at the distant mountains mid thou at the sky or to whack the dry stalks of mul ten with his cane I remember he let down some bars after a long walk and stepped Into a smooth roadway He stood resting a little while his basket on the top bar and then tho moon that I hall been watching went down behind the broad rim of his hat mud I fell into utter forgetfuluess Sly eyes opened on a lovely scene at daylight Uncle Eb had laid me on a mossy knoll in a bit of timber and through an opening right In front of us I could see a broad level of shining water and the great green mountain on the farther ShUN seemed to be up to its belly Jn the sea Hello there said Uncle Eb Hero we are at Lake Chauiplaln I could hear tho lire crackling and smell the odor of steeping too Vo Hopped round Ilko a Ash In thct basket said Uncle Kb Guess ye must a been dreamln o bears Jump ¬ ed so ye scalrt me Didnt know but I had a wllcat on my shoulders Uncle Eb had taken a flab line out of his pocket and was tying It to n rude polo that he had cut and trimmed with his jackknife Ive found some crawflsh lucre ho said an Im goln t try fer a bite on the pJnt o rocks there Gain t sit some fish Uncle Eb I inquired Wouldnt sayt I was er wouldnt sayt I wasnt he answered Jos go In t try- Uncle Eb was always careful not to commit himself on a doubtful point lIe had fix his hook IIIrocky gave a Jerk that brought a groan out of him and then let his hook go down his hands his face 8lfercI thet time He Jerked agalupresently anti thcu T f a I r < Make Money j In California If you are industrious and capable you ctn make money there The big ranches are brealting up into small farms that need more workers to care for the increased product The towns and cities are prosperous because the country is prosperous are great valleys of the richest soil is America wailing for you Ifou have a little capital you can own one of these small farms ourself or you cnn rent one on shares and pay for it out of the product in Q few ears Vie will send you descriptive booklets and folders riving full information about tho money making opportunities for every membc of the family You want to see what the country is rnlly like you can go there work n few months enjoy the delightful climate the flowers fruit and scenery and earn enough to pay your expenses both Ways by taing advantage of the I Bargain Rates Every Day March 1 to May 15 I 33 For oneway colonist tickets Correspondingly rduced rates from utmost any point East The trip Is easily and comfortably made via tho Rock Island Two routesono through New Mexico the other through Colorado Through tourist carshours quicker than any other line Double daily tourist service via El Paso triweekly via Colorado Diningcar service and free reclining chair cars both routes The Rock Island has representatives throughout the United States they are travel experts and can save you money You can have their assistance in Arranging the California trip for the asking Consult your homo ticket agent or write to the undersigned for our California book and complete folder Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeper made j Iwe Jump A big fish came thrashing into the air in a minute He tried to ane d the halt got a fresh hold of the water and took the end of tho pole under Uncle Eb gave It a lift then that brought it ashore troll a good bit of 1atcr with it I remember how the fish slapped me with Its wet tall and bea ¬ tween my boots It was a big bass and in n strife while we hind three of them Uncle Eb dressed them and laid 1them over tic lire on a gridiron o green birch salting them as they cook ed I remember they went with a flu a relish and the last of our eggs and bread and butter went with them Our breakfast over Uncle Eb made me promise to stay with Fred and the basket while he went away to Und a roan who could row us across In about an hour I heard a boat coming and tile ot r rocks where we saw Uncle Eb and an other mint heading for us half over tho cove The low bumped the rocks be ¬ strapo ¬ ger dropped his oars and stood storing at me and the dog Say mister said he presently cant go no further Theres n reward offered fur you an that buy Uncle Eb called him aside and was talking to him a long time I never knew what was said but the caino at last and took us into the and the stranger was very friendly When we had come near the landin on the York state wide I remember lie gave us our bearings Keep t1 the woods he sold 1111 youre out o harms way Dont go near the stage road for awhile 1ell find a store a little way up the moun- tain lit yer provisions there an about eighty rod further yell strike the trail Itll take ye over the mountain north vn t Paradise road Then take the White church on ycr right shoulder an 1 straight west- I would not Intro remembered It so well but for the fact that Uncle Eb wrote it all down lu bls account book fluid that humus helped me over many a slippery place In my memory of those event At the store we got sonic crack ore and cheese ten nod coffee dried beef and herring a bit of honey and n loaf of broad that was sliced anti liut terod before It wax dune up We were off in the woods by 0 oclock according to Uncle Ebs diary raid I remember time trill led us Into thick brush where I had to get out and walk it long way It was smooth underfoot however and at noon we canto to a slush In the tutu her full of brier that were all plow with big lilnekberrlw We filled our hats with them mud Uncle Eb until a spring beside which we built a lire and had n memorable meal that made mo glad of my hunger Then wo spread the oilcloth and lay down for another sleep We ioiild see- the glow of thjMWtMng Bintthrough the tree lops when wo woke and begun our lucking Well her t hurry said Uueje Eb er well never gut out o the woods tnlKbt 8 bout six mile er more t Paradine road CM I muck It Cone yer Rlowern n toad In n tar barrel We hurried ofT on the trail anti I re member Kred looked very crestfallen with two big packagx tied to his eolI 10I was a little out of patience that even ¬ bug and I thought he bore down too dogI him ¬ ycr dinner H1 From Chicago 30 Remember the Rock MMH runs more totirUt can to California than any other route Many of them are of rho hated pattern with wide windows end UrMory erd toilet rooms for both men and women unutually luja and completo in their apcicUnenU Cut out tLiadrt60emont Till In spaces below end mail to JOHN SEBASTIAN PaucEztr Traffic Musaeer Rock Ulan j System = CHICAGO Please sendIe rates of foe to California and tIme lesaao your illustrated v California book and full information about your new service I expect to leavo for California about and would like Information abou AMlhWTlUS1 Name Addreu cut Mate n IIt was gloaming fast In the thick and Uncle Eb almost row with I rite while the way was plait The lust ringing note of the wool thrush had I diet away and In a little while It was Iso dark I could distinguish nothing but tho looming mass of tree trunks He stopped suddenly and strained his cyoti In the dark Thou lie whistled a slmrpslldlng note nod till sound of It gave me some hint of his trouble 11Olt down Willie wild he an tok my Im frald were lost hero 11 the Mg woods- f We groped about for n minute trying to find the trail Xo use he said presently well hev t stop right here Oughtur known bettern t come through a near su down Guess it wax inoren anybody could do He built a tire and began to lay nut n supper for us then while Fred sot down by me to bo relieved of his bun dies Our supper wax rather dry for we had no water but it wits only two hours sluice we loft the spring so we wore not suffering yet Unele Eb took out of the tore n burning brand of pine and Went away into tho gloomy woods holding it above ills head while Fred nod I sat by the fire 41 S lucky we tllilnt go no further he said as ho came in titter n few min ¬ rates Theres n big precplec over yonder Dunno how deep tis Guess a found out party soon ylie cut some boughs of hemlock grow lug near us and spread them In a little withg sat by the tire Uncle Eb had a serious look and was not Inclined to talk or story telling Before turning In he asked me to kneel and say my prayer as I had dune every evening at the feet of my mother I remember clearly kneeling before my old companion nail hearlug the echo of my small voice there in the dark and lonely woods- I remember too and even more clear ¬ ly how he bent his head mil covered hula eyes in that brief moicit I Und a grew dread of darkness nod iniglned ninth evil of the forest but somehow I hind no fear If he were near me When wo hail fixed the fire and lain down for the night on the fragrant hemlock and It teas a bill bust covered ourselves with tho shawl Uncle Eb lay on one side of me and old Fret on the other so I felt secure In ¬ deed Time night lied many voids there In time deep wood Away In tho ills tanco I could hear a strange wild cry and I asked what it was and Uncle Eb whispered back S a loon DOI1I the side of the mountain a shrill Lark rang iu the timber and that wasa for according to my patient oracle Anon we heard the crash and thunder of a fniiLI tree njwl flnjuriuux that follow V ISt cil In the woke of the last who IIlB tree fallln said Uncle Kb ns he lay gaping It Ins t hrcak a can- t the ground an It must hurt 11 1 notice how time woods tremble I f 130 was up Whore thorn wo could so c hole tbet tree hIll mode Jen Ilk open grave till the other hey fillet It with their tops My cars had soup loot with draws noes when n quick stir In flue body 01 Uncle Kb brought me hack to my senses Hr wax tip on Ids elbow lie toning and tjie firelight had sunk to n Clluiiner Fret lay shivering and growl- ing beside luc I could hear no other Kound lie soil sold Iuele Kb as he nasal the losrt sass llicn he roso foul 1re gnu to stir the fire mid lay on more wood As tho Jlanw leaped and threw Us light Into the tree tops a shrill cry like the scream of a frightened woman only louder and more terrible toliear brought me to my feet crying I knew the source of It was near us and mu to Uncle Kb In a fearful panleI- IUHh boy said he as It tiled away nail went echoing In the fur forosl 111 take core o you Dont be satin lIes more frald nv us than we are o him UCH miikln oil now We hoard then n great crackling ol dual brush on thu mountain above ua It grew fainter nil we listened In II little while the woods were spent Its the ill unarm o the wooIn salt Undo Kb Ka out takln a walk Will 1ehuurt folks I Inquired Tow lie answered Jen1 an harm less us a kitten TOBC CONTINUED Out Oil Cheap lie miiy well think ho Imp pot un chenp who nflcr ltivlnj nonl rnclci nonstfpation or iiidlgeftthin iH Stull nbli tn l urfcolly rnl rn his lieulih Nntli hug will do title litirUr mia NeK- idfa Pill A quick plpnfianl anil cHrinln curn for htiulacht constipation in 25 nl The Jnckfon Drug Go I a ran teed Poultry IolnlcrI- ocwe oatiueal Is one of the Lest ma tcrluls to teed young srowlng chickens It can be fed dry- Conllneincnt used Idleness cause the vice of feather pulllil Water Is ns Iniportnnt as food and should be supplied dean and fresh When fowls arc permitted to roost in foul dump houses It causes drooplsh ness When the hens are laying abundant ly Illno should ho kept before them at nil times It Is a good plan to feed wheat as time grain tool at this time as corn Is too fattening A Dinner Invltnllon After n henrty menl n dose of Knilnl Dyspepsia C ira vill prevent im atlnck uf Indigestion Knilol is a thorough d 11St nil L andn cunnuileccK cure for IniHgemiKii Dyspepsia OUR mi the Stuinnch Sour Hidings llnilItrpnlh nnd all stomnch troiihlpA N WnlUlns lofbn Ky says I can testify lo the efllnucy of Kfitlol In Ille cure of Sloinnuh Trouble I was nflliclnl with rftomnch Trouble fur fifteen years and hove token six bottles of your Kodol DjspPpRlii Cur which entirely cured me The six bolllps were worth 1000 to nil Kodol DpspnpMa Cure will digest nay quantity of all time whole- some ¬ foul you want to eat lthiln your 4tomnch takes a resl reouperale and grows strong Tina wonderful prepa ¬ ration In JtiHiljr entitled In nil of its tummy rcniiirkuble cures Sold br M S Giuin JiiIjY I Y yf RAILROAD TABLES Lexington Eastern R LOOALTIMBTAULB 111lttrtutA c Uct nitji < 1001V Wes t t 1 ound I oI Noid tally navy Ux biinJiy its Sunday w A M- IvJnckfon Ih OiO 225 1 A K Junoto 020 280 llenttj vllle Jtin 720 9211 Torrent 717- Nntnrnl 897 Bridge 801 401 Stnntnn 8 iS 130 limy Oily P87- Vinoliei 430 ter P23 CiO rlexII1KllIn IOIO b L Unst Hound NOII No b 0tIlI hilly f i Nunly llx SunJn IM AM Iv lHxngtttn 225- VlnthestIor 745 310 825 Clay City 3M 013 Stanton I 00 023 Nntnral fridge 4K Ofii Torrent 4IO 1008 llentlyvillp Tun 511 1029 04 K June 011 1126- A r I nek non 015 11 RO- No 3 and 4 make OOFH connrptlni for Gunnel Oily and ponl < on Ohio A Kcntiieky Runway DlvUIon ilnlly cr cppl Sunday Not 1 and 2 connect nt L1 K Juno lion with Cheapenkc k Ohio for Mt Stprllng and local points TreiiiR Nrn I 2 connect nt Itonltj ville Junction wltltL A A fur Hpnttv villa J 15 HABB GenMgr OIIAH SCOTT O IA O ICItYEff- ective C May 2Jud IPOJ Cost found West Hound tI 03 E E = f aIII STATIONS ti M r H L H f4 EH- AM AR IM An ALL IV PM tV fltSO 285 Jncknn 1120 8OC 025 280 O KJuJloll2I1 Zy 843 16S Vllhnrt 118 117 880 152 llninptnn lltfiS 4Sf 750 128 Lee City 171f1 SIp 741 i t22 lleleclmwn 1228 61 715 106 Onnnel Oily I2J5 64 AM IV fM t V IM AR rM AB- VeAtbouiiil rn > pcnger Train connects nt Ott K Junction with trnln whlcl IIMVPJI Lexlnclon nt 7 HO ittn- JvntllniiinJ lu swuuer Trnln cuniiPRl nt UK Junction with traits which arrives at UMnoliP tor 520 and Lex Ingtnnnt C0t ntn M L CONLEV Supt Louisville Atlantic Ry In tjflVot July 18th 1001 NosNo 6 Arrive Leave IM A M Stations 0 If IE K Jrtokwn 025- B 05 lltmtty Ville Jct 7 30 I ro ileeuyt ute 7 45 I 00 lGiieiburg 803 812 IrvtiiH 0 2- Kidnnmul 216 10 A I No 1 No 45 Neal Not I M 1 M A M 1001 M Irvine 2 Oft Al 1155 8 10 Uluhmnuil 3 4ii 000- II SI 7 40 Vnllny VIHVV 1 15 0 II II 00 7 10 NfcihiilnrVillH I 43 0 ol 10 I6 1111ttII11II114 5 Hfi 7 M 740 3 CO UiiUvillo 815 1040 tv lv Ar At II U Simili Q FA PA Ytrtnillca Ky HLUI2 GRASS TRACTION CO Georgetown anti Lexington Trac- tion Company Oars Iore 1Ixlrl lon for Paris every liiiur front 0 n in tr7 p 11111111 nlO p in Iinvt forte every hour from 7 a in to 8p in sad at 10 p in Single ore 10 con ta Leave LexInjICT furOeorBetown ev ¬ cry hour from 7 H r li > I p set except 11 n in III 1118 r m unit 1C p in Leave Georgetown ety hour from G 11111 to 10 p in Ixurpt a in 12 in and 711111 0 p in- V ALKXANDKU President FA KM pmt SAM IfOncre 2 tulles siiilh of I ml Inn Fleldi known nit a purr nf the Indian Old Field A IIOIMI with ironlll cistern nl the dour with nil the other aeerssnryunt liulhllngn une stout hare nue lolinpco hare siitllulent to haW 4 iTnrps of tobacco Cluirehes and scluuil convenient Tim Turin is well watered and fniicpd Tlinni h it mica young druliiiril of tminetliliiK nvur 100 apple trees In bearing nelouiitl fruit call on or address tau ut Intliati Fields Ky O W AUKV S I immure several linnilrptl dPOilM re ¬ corded during my tern of olllce ne Ooiuity Clerk The e are valuable In the owners of the Innd amid I would be glad fur then to cull par tine fees and tike them out 111ieo IIiRins a Yr I1 b r1 r Here Wo Arc The Celelrateda I s HANAN S HCJEii Tho Host on Earth I PRICE SOO PRIQE 4 I Fill Sale Bi DA Y BRC E3 coJae- kgoi i I leQtucly IrL V 4 s2sasNLG1 tP 11tAWi Fonn Vice PreIdont KollT VANAUHMII Asst t UMI m JI1i i jI a Paid lip Capital mill Surplus 2Gf OOOu S 0 Wo solicit the JJanking Jhisinoss and accounts of ID Lumber Manufacturers IiThnbcr DenIers ml IMerchants r Lrn < Within the limits of legitimate business JQ = cc c tI COLLECTIONS A SPEOIAL TVIf 25 S252525252S 525 25ZS25 52S2S25S N > J h f 00 secure the host results m in for limo your ccr 7nonoyf = actuarlfso i 7Jla s l11 y I l to roach all the mountain tracto y 1 orm la 1 f N iN j Justness EDUCATION Is absolntcly llcccssary to tlic I young man or young woman who would win success in life ills being conceded it is of first importance to get your training at the school that stands in the very front rank j The > 1cN Bookkeeping Sliortluuul Telegraphy e u J I Seven experienced loacliors CI1C 1 lone n specialist in his line AVrilo for n heauliful hook trivinjr testimonials from unuhiiilcs oceu nvintf prominont positions all over the United Slates it will bo mail ¬ ed to you FKKK School open a11 time year Students can enter nt ana time E J WRIGHT President At o n UKSrilOTICMNTIIK KKEB MIUS TO mid KKQM GUY DKtOr ARLINGTON HOTEL- S I- r ttoJ S TAULBEE PROP JACKSON KY y GOOD UVKIIY3TAIILB IN FIUSTOLAS3SAMl LB OONNKGTIOtf ROOMS Kodol = byDIGESTS The JI00 btlle frAID E C DftWITT de COMPANY CHICAGO ILL For Sale by M 5 CRAIN Jackson Ky c J i- 11 If t f w > K ttrr j 7 eIO W Ir roil r a Sj

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Page 1: 1I I1 EBEN UOUN Make Money The Wo HCJEii JIIRVING In ...II 1I 7W EBEN UOUN JIIRVING + Dy DACHELLERC-i opyrfQM 1900 by Lothrop PUWtehtr0 bmpan-nl yCUAPTrR II hoard no more of the voices



+ Dy



1900 by Lothrop PUWtehtr0bmpan-


nl hoard no more of the voicesUncle EU had brought nn urnsfun of wood and HOIIIP waterin the teapot while 1 was

skiping As soon us the ruin hadpassed he stood listening awhile andshortly opened his knife and made alittle clearing In the coru by cutting afew hills

Weve got to do It he said er wecant take any comfort an the iiinntot me I could have nil the corn I

wantedDid you see him Uncle EM I re-

member askingYes ho answered whittling In the

dark I saw him when I went out forthe water an It was he tol me theywere after us

Ho took a look at the sky afterawhile and remarking that ho guessedthey couldnt see hU smoke now began to kindle the fire As It burned uphe stuck two crotches and liuuj histeapot on a stick that lay In them soIt took the heat of the game na I had


seen him do lu the morning Our grot ¬

to In tho corn was shortly as cheerfulas any room In a palace and our firesent Us light Into the long aisles thatopened opposite and nobody could seethe warm glow of It but ourselves

Well her our supper said UncleEb as he opened a paper and spreadout the eggs and bread and butter andcrackers Roll Jest hev our supperan by an by when every ones abedwell make tracks In the dirt I can tell

yeOur supper over Uncle Eb let melook at his tobacco box a shiny thingot German sliver that always seemedto snap out a quick farewell to me before It dived into his pocket lie wasvery cheerful and communicative andJoked a good deal as we lay there watt ¬

ing In the firelight I got some fur¬

ther acquaintance with the swift learn-ing among other things that it had noappetite for the pure in heart

Why uotr I InquiredWell said Uncle Eb its like this

the meaner tho boy the sweeter tho

meatHosang an old song as he sat by the

tire with a whistled Interlude betweenlines and the swing of It evencarries me back to that far day In thHolds I lay with my head in his lapwhile ho was singing

I went asleep after awhile In eplt

of all right in the middle of n storyThe droning voice of Uuclo Kh and thefeel of his hand upon my forehead called me back blinking once or twice hutnot for long The tire was gone downto a few embers when Uncle Kb wokeme and the grotto was lit only by

d sprinkle of moonlight from aboveMos 12 oclock ho whispered

Hotter be oftThe basket was on his back and h

was all ready I followed him throughthe long aisle of corn clinging to thetoll of his coat The gqldcn lantern ofthe moon bung near the zenith millwhen we came out in the open we muttsee Into the far fields I climbed Intomy basket at the wall and as Uncle Ebcarried me over the brooK stopping ofa tint rod midway to take a drink Icould see the sky In the water and I

seemed as It a misstep would havetumbled me into the moon

Hear the crickets holler said UncleEb as he followed the bank up lotthe open pasture

What makes cm holler I askedOh theyre jes hum their saws an

thlnkln Mcbbe tcllln o whats hair-penelem Keen a hard day for themlittle folks Terrible Hood Iii theircountry Every one on em lied t gitup a steeplo quick s lie could or bedrownded They hey their troubles anthey talk bout cm too

What do they file their saws for

InquiredI know said he where theytimbers thick an they hev

haw work clearln t mock a homeI was getting too sleepy for further

talk He made his way from field tofleW stopping sometimes to look oT atthe distant mountains mid thou at thesky or to whack the dry stalks of multen with his cane I remember he letdown some bars after a long walk andstepped Into a smooth roadway Hestood resting a little while his basket onthe top bar and then tho moon that Ihall been watching went down behindthe broad rim of his hat mud I fell intoutter forgetfuluess Sly eyes openedon a lovely scene at daylight UncleEb had laid me on a mossy knoll in abit of timber and through an openingright In front of us I could see a broadlevel of shining water and the greatgreen mountain on the farther ShUNseemed to be up to its belly Jn the sea

Hello there said Uncle Eb Herowe are at Lake Chauiplaln

I could hear tho lire crackling andsmell the odor of steeping too

Vo Hopped round Ilko a Ash In thctbasket said Uncle Kb Guess yemust a been dreamln o bears Jump ¬

ed so ye scalrt me Didnt know butI had a wllcat on my shoulders

Uncle Eb had taken a flab line out ofhis pocket and was tying It to n rudepolo that he had cut and trimmed withhis jackknife

Ive found some crawflsh lucre hosaid an Im goln t try fer a bite onthe pJnt o rocks there

Gain t sit some fish Uncle Eb Iinquired

Wouldnt sayt I was er wouldntsayt I wasnt he answered Jos goIn t try-

Uncle Eb was always careful not tocommit himself on a doubtful pointlIe had fix his hookIIIrockygave a Jerk that brought a groan outof him and then let his hook go down

his hands his face8lfercIthet timeHe Jerked agalupresently anti thcu






Make Moneyj In California

If you are industrious and capable you ctn make money there The big ranchesare brealting up into small farms that need more workers to care for the increasedproduct The towns and cities are prosperous because the country is prosperous

are great valleys of the richest soil is America wailing for you Ifouhave a little capital you can own one of these small farms ourself or you cnnrent one on shares and pay for it out of the product in Q few ears Vie willsend you descriptive booklets and folders riving full information about tho moneymaking opportunities for every membc of the family

You want to see what the country is rnlly like you can go there work nfew months enjoy the delightful climate the flowers fruit and scenery and earnenough to pay your expenses both Ways by taing advantage of the

I Bargain RatesEvery Day March 1 to May 15

I 33For oneway colonist tickets Correspondingly rduced rates from utmost any point EastThe trip Is easily and comfortably made via tho Rock Island Two routesono through New

Mexico the other through ColoradoThrough tourist carshours quicker than any other line Double daily tourist service via El Paso

triweekly via Colorado Diningcar service and free reclining chair cars both routesThe Rock Island has representatives throughout the United States they are travel experts and

can save you money You can have their assistance in Arranging the California trip for the askingConsult your homo ticket agent or write to the undersigned for our California book and completefolder Across the Continent in a Tourist Sleeper

made j

Iwe Jump A big fish came thrashinginto the air in a minute He tried toanedthe halt got a fresh hold of the waterand took the end of tho pole underUncle Eb gave It a lift then thatbrought it ashore troll a good bit of

1atcr with it I remember how thefish slapped me with Its wet tall andbea ¬

tween my boots It was a big bassand in n strife while we hind three ofthem Uncle Eb dressed them and laid

1them over tic lire on a gridiron o

green birch salting them as they cooked I remember they went with a flu arelish and the last of our eggs andbread and butter went with them

Our breakfast over Uncle Eb mademe promise to stay with Fred and thebasket while he went away to Und aroan who could row us across In aboutan hour I heard a boat coming and tileot r

rocks where we saw Uncle Eb and another mint heading for us half over thocove The low bumped the rocks be¬strapo ¬

ger dropped his oars and stood storingat me and the dog

Say mister said he presentlycant go no further Theres n reward

offered fur you an that buyUncle Eb called him aside and was

talking to him a long timeI never knew what was said but the

caino at last and took us into theand the stranger was very friendly

When we had come near the landinon the York state wide I rememberlie gave us our bearings

Keep t1 the woods he sold 1111

youre out o harms way Dont gonear the stage road for awhile 1ellfind a store a little way up the moun-

tain lit yer provisions there an abouteighty rod further yell strike the trailItll take ye over the mountain northvn t Paradise road Then take theWhite church on ycr right shoulder an1 straight west-

I would not Intro remembered It so

well but for the fact that Uncle Ebwrote it all down lu bls account bookfluid that humus helped me over many aslippery place In my memory of thoseevent At the store we got sonic crackore and cheese ten nod coffee driedbeef and herring a bit of honey and nloaf of broad that was sliced anti liutterod before It wax dune up We wereoff in the woods by 0 oclock accordingto Uncle Ebs diary raid I remembertime trill led us Into thick brush whereI had to get out and walk it long wayIt was smooth underfoot however andat noon we canto to a slush In the tutuher full of brier that were all plowwith big lilnekberrlw We filled ourhats with them mud Uncle Eb until aspring beside which we built a lire andhad n memorable meal that made moglad of my hunger

Then wo spread the oilcloth and laydown for another sleep We ioiild see-the glow of thjMWtMng Bintthrough thetree lops when wo woke and begunour lucking

Well her t hurry said Uueje Eber well never gut out o the woods

tnlKbt 8 bout six mile er more tParadine road CM I muck It Cone yerRlowern n toad In n tar barrel

We hurried ofT on the trail anti I remember Kred looked very crestfallenwith two big packagx tied to his eolI10Iwas a little out of patience that even ¬

bug and I thought he bore down toodogIhim¬

ycr dinner


FromChicago 30

Remember the Rock MMH runs more totirUt can to California than any otherroute Many of them are of rho hated pattern with wide windows end UrMory erdtoilet rooms for both men and women unutually luja and completo in their apcicUnenU

Cut out tLiadrt60emont Till In spaces below end mail to

JOHN SEBASTIANPaucEztr Traffic Musaeer Rock Ulan j System =

CHICAGOPlease sendIe rates of foe to California and tIme lesaao your illustrated

v California book and full information about your new service

I expect to leavo for California about

and would like Information abouAMlhWTlUS1



cut Mate


IIt was gloaming fast In the thickand Uncle Eb almost row with

Irite while the way was plait The lustringing note of the wool thrush had

I diet away and In a little while It wasIso dark I could distinguish nothing but

tho looming mass of tree trunksHe stopped suddenly and strained his

cyoti In the dark Thou lie whistled aslmrpslldlng note nod till sound of Itgave me some hint of his trouble

11Olt down Willie wild he an tokmy Im frald were lost hero 11

the Mg woods-f We groped about for n minute trying

to find the trailXo use he said presently well

hev t stop right here Oughtur knownbettern t come through a near sudown Guess it wax inoren anybodycould do

He built a tire and began to lay nutn supper for us then while Fred sotdown by me to bo relieved of his bundies Our supper wax rather dry forwe had no water but it wits only twohours sluice we loft the spring so wewore not suffering yet Unele Eb tookout of the tore n burning brand of pineand Went away into tho gloomy woodsholding it above ills head while Frednod I sat by the fire

41 S lucky we tllilnt go no furtherhe said as ho came in titter n few min ¬

rates Theres n big precplec overyonder Dunno how deep tis Guess

a found out party soonylie cut some boughs of hemlock growlug near us and spread them In a littlewithgsatby the tire Uncle Eb had a seriouslook and was not Inclined to talk orstory telling Before turning In heasked me to kneel and say my prayeras I had dune every evening at the feetof my mother I remember clearlykneeling before my old companion nailhearlug the echo of my small voicethere in the dark and lonely woods-

I remember too and even more clear ¬

ly how he bent his head mil coveredhula eyes in that brief moicit I Und agrew dread of darkness nod iniglnedninth evil of the forest but somehowI hind no fear If he were near me Whenwo hail fixed the fire and lain down forthe night on the fragrant hemlock and

It teas a bill bustcovered ourselves with tho shawlUncle Eb lay on one side of me and oldFret on the other so I felt secure In ¬

deed Time night lied many voids thereIn time deep wood Away In tho illstanco I could hear a strange wild cryand I asked what it was and UncleEb whispered back S a loon DOI1Ithe side of the mountain a shrill Larkrang iu the timber and that wasa foraccording to my patient oracle Anonwe heard the crash and thunder of afniiLI tree njwl flnjuriuux that follow



cil In the woke of the last whoIIlB tree fallln said Uncle Kb ns

he lay gaping It Ins t hrcak a can-

t the ground an It must hurt 11 1

notice how time woods tremble I f

130 was up Whore thorn wo could sochole tbet tree hIll mode Jen Ilk

open grave till the other hey filletIt with their tops

My cars had soup loot with drawsnoes when n quick stir In flue body 01

Uncle Kb brought me hack to mysenses Hr wax tip on Ids elbow lietoning and tjie firelight had sunk to n

Clluiiner Fret lay shivering and growl-ing beside luc I could hear no otherKound

lie soil sold Iuele Kb as he nasalthe losrt sass llicn he roso foul 1re

gnu to stir the fire mid lay on morewood As tho Jlanw leaped and threwUs light Into the tree tops a shrill crylike the scream of a frightened womanonly louder and more terrible toliearbrought me to my feet crying I knewthe source of It was near us and mu toUncle Kb In a fearful panleI-

IUHh boy said he as It tiled awaynail went echoing In the fur forosl

111 take core o you Dont be satinlIes more frald nv us than we are ohim UCH miikln oil now

We hoard then n great crackling ol

dual brush on thu mountain above uaIt grew fainter nil we listened In II

little while the woods were spentIts the ill unarm o the wooIn salt

Undo Kb Ka out takln a walkWill 1ehuurt folks I InquiredTow lie answered Jen1 an harm

less us a kitten


Out Oil Cheaplie miiy well think ho Imp pot un

chenp who nflcr ltivlnj nonlrnclcinonstfpation or iiidlgeftthin iH Stull nblitn l urfcolly rnl rn his lieulih Nntlihug will do title litirUr mia NeK-

idfa Pill A quick plpnfianl anil

cHrinln curn for htiulacht constipationin 25 nl The Jnckfon Drug Go

I a ran teed

Poultry IolnlcrI-ocwe oatiueal Is one of the Lest ma

tcrluls to teed young srowlng chickensIt can be fed dry-

Conllneincnt used Idleness cause thevice of feather pulllil

Water Is ns Iniportnnt as food andshould be supplied dean and fresh

When fowls arc permitted to roost infoul dump houses It causes drooplshness

When the hens are laying abundantly Illno should ho kept before them atnil times

It Is a good plan to feed wheat as time

grain tool at this time as corn Is toofattening

A Dinner InvltnllonAfter n henrty menl n dose of Knilnl

Dyspepsia C ira vill prevent im atlnckuf Indigestion Knilol is a thoroughd 11St nil L andn cunnuileccK cure forIniHgemiKii Dyspepsia OUR mi theStuinnch Sour Hidings llnilItrpnlhnnd all stomnch troiihlpA N WnlUlnslofbn Ky says I can testify lothe efllnucy of Kfitlol In Ille cure ofSloinnuh Trouble I was nflliclnl withrftomnch Trouble fur fifteen years andhove token six bottles of your KodolDjspPpRlii Cur which entirely curedme The six bolllps were worth 1000to nil Kodol DpspnpMa Cure willdigest nay quantity of all time whole-some


foul you want to eat lthiln your4tomnch takes a resl reouperale andgrows strong Tina wonderful prepa ¬

ration In JtiHiljr entitled In nil of itstummy rcniiirkuble cures Sold br MS Giuin



Y yf

RAILROAD TABLESLexington Eastern R


111lttrtutA c Uct nitji<


Wes t t 1ound

IoI Noidtally navy

Ux biinJiy its Sundayw A M-


OiO 2251 A K Junoto 020 280llenttj vllle Jtin 720 9211

Torrent 717-Nntnrnl

897Bridge 801 401

Stnntnn 8 iS 130limy Oily P87-


ter P23 CiOrlexII1KllIn IOIO bLUnst Hound

NOII No b0tIlI hillyf i Nunly llx SunJn


Iv lHxngtttn 225-VlnthestIor

745310 825

Clay City 3M 013Stanton I 00 023Nntnral fridge 4K OfiiTorrent 4IO 1008llentlyvillp Tun 511 102904 K June 011 1126-

A r I nek non 015 11 RO-

No 3 and 4 make OOFH connrptlnifor Gunnel Oily and ponl < on Ohio A

Kcntiieky Runway DlvUIon ilnlly crcppl Sunday

Not 1 and 2 connect nt L1 K Junolion with Cheapenkc k Ohio for MtStprllng and local points

TreiiiR Nrn I 2 connect nt Itonltjville Junction wltltL A A fur Hpnttvvilla




May 2Jud IPOJ

Cost found West HoundtI 03E E= f aIII STATIONS ti M

r H L H f4 EH-AM AR IM An ALL IV PM tVfltSO 285 Jncknn 1120 8OC025 280 O KJuJloll2I1 Zy843 16S Vllhnrt 118 117880 152 llninptnn lltfiS 4Sf750 128 Lee City 171f1 SIp741 i t22 lleleclmwn 1228 61715 106 Onnnel Oily I2J5 64AM IV fM t V IM AR rM AB-

VeAtbouiiil rn > pcnger Train connectsnt Ott K Junction with trnln whlclIIMVPJI Lexlnclon nt 7 HO ittn-

JvntllniiinJ lu swuuer Trnln cuniiPRlnt UK Junction with traits whicharrives at UMnoliP tor 520 and LexIngtnnnt C0t ntn


Louisville Atlantic RyIn tjflVot July 18th 1001NosNo 6

Arrive LeaveIM A M

Stations0 If IE K Jrtokwn 025-B 05 lltmtty Ville Jct 7 30I ro ileeuyt ute 7 45I 00 lGiieiburg 803812 IrvtiiH 0 2-

Kidnnmul216 10 A I

No 1 No 45 Neal NotI M 1 M A M

1001 M Irvine 2 Oft

Al1155 8 10 Uluhmnuil 3 4ii 000-II SI 7 40 Vnllny VIHVV 1 15 0 IIII 00 7 10 NfcihiilnrVillH I 43 0 ol10 I6 1111ttII11II114 5 Hfi 7 M740 3 CO UiiUvillo 815 1040tv lv Ar At

II U Simili Q FA P AYtrtnillca Ky


Georgetown anti Lexington Trac-tion Company

Oars Iore 1Ixlrl lon for Paris everyliiiur front 0 n in tr7 p 11111111 nlOp in Iinvt forte every hour from 7a in to 8 p in sad at 10 p in Singleore 10 con ta

Leave LexInjICT furOeorBetown ev ¬

cry hour from 7 H r li > I p set except11 n in III 1118 r m unit 1C p inLeave Georgetown ety hour from G

11111 to 10 p in Ixurpt a in 12 in

and 711111 0 p in-


FA KM pmt SAMIfOncre 2 tulles siiilh of I ml Inn

Fleldi known nit a purr nf the IndianOld Field A IIOIMI with ironlllcistern nl the dour with nil the otheraeerssnryunt liulhllngn une stouthare nue lolinpco hare siitllulent tohaW 4 iTnrps of tobacco Cluirehes andscluuil convenient Tim Turin is wellwatered and fniicpd Tlinni h it mica

young druliiiril of tminetliliiK nvur 100

apple trees In bearing nelouiitl fruitcall on or address tau ut Intliati FieldsKy


I immure several linnilrptl dPOilM re¬corded during my tern of olllce neOoiuity Clerk The e are valuable Inthe owners of the Innd amid I wouldbe glad fur then to cull par tine feesand tike them out

111ieo IIiRins

a YrI1 b r1r Here Wo Arc

The CelelratedaI sHANAN SHCJEiiTho Host on Earth I


I Fill SaleBiDAY BRCE3 coJae-kgoi



IrLV 4s2sasNLG1tP 11tAWiFonn Vice PreIdont KollT VANAUHMII Asst


UMI mJI1i ijI a

Paid lip Capital mill Surplus 2Gf OOOu S


Wo solicit the JJanking Jhisinoss and accounts of

ID Lumber ManufacturersIiThnbcr DenIersml IMerchants


Lrn <

Within the limits of legitimate business JQ

= cc c

tI COLLECTIONS A SPEOIAL TVIf25S252525252S 525 25ZS2552S2S25S

N> J

h f

00 secure the host results







i7Jla s

l11 y I

l to roach all the mountaintracto y 1orm la



N iNj Justness EDUCATION

Is absolntcly llcccssary to tlic Iyoung man or young woman who would win success in lifeills being conceded it is of first importance to get yourtraining at the school that stands in the very front rank jThe >1cNBookkeeping Sliortluuul Telegraphy



Seven experienced loacliors CI1C 1lone n specialist in his lineAVrilo for n heauliful hook trivinjr testimonials from unuhiiilcs oceunvintf prominont positions all over the United Slates it will bo mail¬

ed to you FKKKSchool open a11 time year Students can enter nt ana time

E J WRIGHT President At on









For Sale by M 5 CRAIN Jackson Ky

c Ji-


tf w >

K ttrr j 7

eIO W Irroil r
