13122014 epaper andaman sheekha

VOL: 03 I ISSUE NO: 280 I REG NO: ANDENG/2011/38184 I 13 SATURDAY 2014 I Rs.2.00 I DAILY I PORT BLAIR I www.andamansheekha.com Charter flight services between Chennai-Port Blair-Chennai sector by Air India to commence from 20.12.2014 Port Blair, Dec 12: It has been intimated by Air India that the first charter flight between Chennai-Port Blair-Chennai sector has been planned for 20 th December, 2014 and second flight for 3 rd January, 2015. Nec- essary clearances from the re- spective regulatory Authorities are being obtained for these flights. The procedure for reser- vation of tickets in the charter flight between Chennai-Port Blair-Chennai shall be inti- mated shortly. Further, the confirmation in respect of date of commencement of flight services between Vishakhapatnam-Port Blair- Vishakhapatnam sector is awaited from Alliance Air. DRM of GSSS Sabri arrested for sexually harassing minor Senthil Kumar Sheekha News Service Rangat, Dec 12: The Andaman and Nicobar Police today ar- rested a Daily Rated Mazdoor, working in Sr. Secondary School Sabri Junction for alleg- edly sexually harassing a nine year old girl. Initially the girl was afraid of complaining this ANDAMAN SHEEKHA IMPACT Ganja in Schools: Police convenes meeting with Head of Educational Institutions Port Blair, Dec 12: In connec- tion with the recent incident relating to contraband sub- stances in Port Blair, the A & N Police convened a meeting on 11.12.2014 with the Heads of various Educational Institu- tions in the Conference Hall of Superintendent of Police (Dis- trict), South Andaman Office. The meeting was con- ducted under the chairman- ship of Mr. Shibesh Singh, IPS Tractor overturns killing Tractor Mate at Kalsi Village Rangat, Dec 12: In a tragic inci- dent today a Tractor Mate of Agriculture Department was killed when the tractor, over- turned at Kalsi Village of Middle Andaman. According to reports available here the Tractor of Urmilapur Panchayat, Bakultala was sent to plough the fields of a farmer. The Trac- tor Mate, Mr. Tara Singh was sitting on the Tractor with the driver, when suddenly the Senthil Kumar Sheekha News Service Youth picked up for questioning, goes missing from Police Station Sarthak Kanjilal Sheekha News Service Port Blair, Dec 12: A 23 year old youth of Prothrapur, who was picked up by a police team of PS Aberdeen on Thursday, went missing from the Police Station. According to reports a police team picked up the youth, Rajesh Mandal, 23 years, from his resident at 6.00 AM to question him in con- nection with a theft case. As per reports, Rajesh Mandal was arrested by police seven years back in a theft case and was in jail for a while. Police was suspecting his involve- ment in this fresh theft case. (See page 7) (See page 2) (See page 2) (See page 2) Ophthalmic Assistant remains missing from Billyground PHC, CMO extends full support Trinath Sheekha News Service (See page 7) Billyground, Dec 12: Villagers of Billyground alleged that the Ophthalmic Assistant of Billyground PHC, who made news earlier too for all wrong reasons, usually remains missing from the PHC. As per the patient the Ophthalmic Assistant comes to PHC as per his own wish, forcing public to stand in queue for hours and hours. On public com- plaint, when the Correspon- Dr. Shashi Kumar transferred to Arunachal Pradesh on Promotion Sarthak Kanjilal Sheekha News Service Port Blair, Dec 12: Dr. Shashi Kumar, the Prin- cipal Chief Conservator of Forest (PCCF) has been transferred to Arunachal Pradesh on Pro- motion in the apex scale. Talking to Andaman Sheekha, Dr (See page 8)

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Page 1: 13122014 ePaper Andaman Sheekha

VOL: 03 I ISSUE NO: 280 I REG NO: ANDENG/2011/38184 I 13 SATURDAY 2014 I Rs.2.00 I DAILY I PORT BLAIR I www.andamansheekha.com

Charter flight services betweenChennai-Port Blair-Chennai sector by Air

India to commence from 20.12.2014Port Blair, Dec 12: It has beenintimated by Air India that thefirst charter flight betweenChennai-Port Blair-Chennaisector has been planned for 20th

December, 2014 and secondflight for 3rd January, 2015. Nec-

essary clearances from the re-spective regulatory Authoritiesare being obtained for theseflights. The procedure for reser-vation of tickets in the charterflight between Chennai-PortBlair-Chennai shall be inti-

mated shortly. Further, theconfirmation in respect of dateof commencement of flightservices betweenVishakhapatnam-Port Blair-Vishakhapatnam sector isawaited from Alliance Air.

DRM of GSSS Sabriarrested for sexually

harassing minor

Senthil KumarSheekha News Service

Rangat, Dec 12: The Andamanand Nicobar Police today ar-rested a Daily Rated Mazdoor,

working in Sr. SecondarySchool Sabri Junction for alleg-edly sexually harassing a nineyear old girl. Initially the girlwas afraid of complaining this

ANDAMAN SHEEKHA IMPACTGanja in Schools: Police

convenes meeting with Headof Educational Institutions

Port Blair, Dec 12: In connec-tion with the recent incidentrelating to contraband sub-stances in Port Blair, the A & NPolice convened a meeting on11.12.2014 with the Heads ofvarious Educational Institu-

tions in the Conference Hall ofSuperintendent of Police (Dis-trict), South Andaman Office.

The meeting was con-ducted under the chairman-ship of Mr. Shibesh Singh, IPS

Tractor overturns killingTractor Mate at Kalsi Village

Rangat, Dec 12: In a tragic inci-dent today a Tractor Mate ofAgriculture Department waskilled when the tractor, over-turned at Kalsi Village ofMiddle Andaman.

According to reportsavailable here the Tractor ofUrmilapur Panchayat,Bakultala was sent to ploughthe fields of a farmer. The Trac-tor Mate, Mr. Tara Singh wassitting on the Tractor with thedriver, when suddenly the

Senthil KumarSheekha News Service

Youth picked up forquestioning, goes missing

from Police StationSarthak KanjilalSheekha News Service

Port Blair, Dec 12: A 23 yearold youth of Prothrapur, whowas picked up by a policeteam of PS Aberdeen onThursday, went missing fromthe Police Station.

According to reportsa police team picked up the

youth, Rajesh Mandal, 23years, from his resident at 6.00AM to question him in con-nection with a theft case. Asper reports, Rajesh Mandalwas arrested by police sevenyears back in a theft case andwas in jail for a while. Policewas suspecting his involve-ment in this fresh theft case.

(See page 7)

(See page 2)

(See page 2)

(See page 2)

Ophthalmic Assistant remainsmissing from Billyground PHC,

CMO extends full supportTrinath

Sheekha News Service

(See page 7)

Billyground, Dec 12: Villagersof Billyground alleged that theOphthalmic Assistant ofBillyground PHC, who madenews earlier too for all wrongreasons, usually remainsmissing from the PHC. As perthe patient the OphthalmicAssistant comes to PHC asper his own wish, forcingpublic to stand in queue forhours and hours.

On public com-plaint, when the Correspon-

Dr. Shashi Kumar transferredto Arunachal Pradesh on Promotion

Sarthak KanjilalSheekha News Service

Port Blair, Dec 12: Dr. Shashi Kumar, the Prin-cipal Chief Conservator of Forest (PCCF) hasbeen transferred to Arunachal Pradesh on Pro-motion in the apex scale.

Talking to Andaman Sheekha, Dr (See page 8)

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2 13.12.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair

Sound and Lightshow at Ross Island

Port Blair, Dec 12: The newSound and Light show atRoss Island has been inau-gurated on 07.12.2014 andopened for general publicfrom 08.12.2014 onwards.Initially there will be only oneshow in Hindi and the dura-tion of the show is 45 min-utes. The rates of ticket willbe Rs.100/- for the showplus Rs.100/- for the boatfare plus Rs. 50/ for entry toRoss Island i.e. Total – Rs250/- for adults.

And for Childrenbetween 05-12 years, it willbe Rs.25/- for the show plusRs.100/- for the boat fareplus Rs. 25/ for entry to RossIsland i.e. Total – Rs 150/-

Wednesdays will be weeklyoff for the show.

Boat for ferryingviewers for this show shallstart from Aberdeen Jetty at04:00 p.m. The capacity ofthe boat is 100 persons only.Visitors can spend time forgoing around Ross Island till05:15 p.m. The show will startafter it gets dark i.e. around05:30 p.m. Tickets (compris-ing of tickets for the boat,show as well as entry to RossIsland) will be sold on firstcome first served basis fromthe Reception counter of Di-rectorate of Tourism from8.30 am to 3.00 pm on thesame day. For further detailscontact: 232694/244091.

Superintendent of Police (Dis-trict), South Andaman whichwas also attended by Mr. AtulKumar Thakur, IPS Superin-tendent of Police (CID). Themeeting was held to sensitizeabout the ill effects of contra-band substances, checking ofdeviant behavior in childrenand prevention of suicidesamong children.

Ganja in Schools....They were advised to

keep a close watch, monitor/prevent such incidentsthrough awarenessprogrammes, counsellorgroups and by organizing in-teractive sessions and to alsoadvised to devise a mechanismto share information with theauthorities to prevent any un-toward incident in future.

(From page 1)

But to the utter dis-may of everyone the youthwent missing since 3.00 PMfrom PS Aberdeen, creatinga ripple in the Police Station,which is equipped with

(From page 1)Youth picked...CCTV Cameras.

Soon a massive man-hunt was launched to traceout Rajesh. When informed,the family members allegedthat Rajesh escaped from Po-lice Station just because hewas inhumanly tortured bythe Police team.

However, the youthwas later found after nearly28 hours from Attam Paharby Mr Sanjay Meshack,Convenor, Aam AadmiParty. Talking to AndamanSheekha Mr. Meshack al-leged that the youth was un-necessarily beaten by policeteam and was pressurized toaccept the crime, which hedidn’t commit.

However, policesources refuted all allega-tions of torture saying thatquestioning all suspects inthe area of theft, is a normalpractice to crack difficultcases.

driver lost control and the Trac-tor overturned and fell on theTractor Mate.

Seriously injured TaraSingh was immediately rushedCHC Rangat, where doctor de-clared him brought dead. Mean-while, the Pradhan and staffsof Urmilapur gram Panchayat,Bakultala have condoled thedeath of Mr. Tara Singh.

(From page 1)Tractor overturns....

Children visitZilla Parishad South Andaman

Port Blair, Dec 12: Miss V.K.Mariyam Bibi, Adhyakshaand Shri. Anand Amrit Raj,Up-Adhyaksh, Zilla Parishad,South Andaman welcomedthe children in the age groupof 12 to 18 who had visitedZilla Parisad to interact withthe Zilla Parishad Memberswhich was organized by theZilla Parisahd, SouthAndaman on 11.12.2014 inthe Conference Hall of ZillaParishad, South Andaman at10.30 AM in collaborationwith Butterflies, NGO as apart of Child Led plan regard-

ing children’s Health and Edu-cation in south Andaman.Smti. Rashmi Krishnan, IAS,Chief Executive Officer ex-press her pleasure in meet-ing the children, Prior to theinteraction, the children vis-ited all the section of ZillaParishad and showed interestin accruing knowledge aboutthe working system of PRIs.They has also raised certainquestions on monitoring ofPlan works and the impor-tance of Gram Sabha.

During the interac-tion, the children raised vari-

ous issues faced by them likeintroduction of various streamsin schools maintenance of ru-ral roads, provision of trans-port facilities and inclusion ofvillagers left out in LittleAndaman in the Panchayatswhich was raised by theyoungest member of thegroup.Adhyaksha and other mem-bers assured the children’sthat necessary steps to fulfilltheir needs will be taken upand wherever the problemcould be solved at her level willlooked into immediately.

Army & Air NCC CadetsParticipate in Swach BharatAbhiyan and Tree Plantation

Port Blair, Dec.12, As partof the Swachh bharatAbhiyan, Army NCC cadetsof GSSS Bakultala partici-pated in the clean IndianMission in and around thepremises of the GSSSbakultala. The cadets ac-tively took part in the clean-liness drive and set an ex-ample by dumping all the gar-bage collected in thedustbins.

Similarly the AirNCC cadets of Kamaraj En-glish Medium School ob-served “Anti-plastic” driveand “Tree Plantation”programmee in the premisesof KEMS, Brookshabad.Under this drive a number ofmedicinal and ornamentalplants were planted. Theywere apprised about the im-portance of “Tree Planta-tion” and the harmful effects

causes by the plastic wasteto the environment includingthe marine life.

Both the activitieswere conducted under theguidance of Principal, ANOsand PI Staff of NCC unit. Thecadets were educated aboutthe importance of cleanlinessand their responsibility in ob-serving the same at their lo-calities to achieve the ‘CleanIndia Mission”.

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13.12.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair 3

Port Blair, Dec 12: As per thedirection of the Prime minis-ter of India, Mr. Bishnu PadaRay, the Member of Parlia-ment has nominated the fivepeople for undertakingSwatch Bharat Mission in dif-ferent five Tehsils of A & NIslands.

The five nomineesare Mr. P.C. Tickait, Rtd.

MP nominates five Islanders to undertakeSwatch Bharat Mission in five Tehsils

Deputy Education officer, forDiglipur Tehsil . His contactNo. 9474219486, Mr. Antobai,Rtd. Sr. Veterinary Com-pounder, Animal Husbandry,Mayabunder Tehsil. His con-tact No. 9474278252, Mr. RajMahajan, Social worker forPort Blair Tehsil. His contactno. 9434288548, Mr. JatanLall Tak, Social worker for

Ferrargunj Tehsil. His contactno. 9474205508 and Mr.Charles Jacok, Captain,Chota Enaka village, Kamortafor Nancowry Tehsil,Nancowry group of Islands.His contact no. 9434267230.

Announcement ofthe name of nominee for theremaining Tehsil will be madeshortly.

Kuldeep urges PCC to openCrocodile and Snake Park in IslandsPort Blair, Dec 12: The PCCPresident Kuldeep RaiSharma has met the Princi-pal Chief Conservator of For-ests today and discussed onvarious important issues ofAN Islands. While discuss-ing,  Kuldeep has stated thatthese islands have 86% re-serve forest cover whereunique flora and fauna areavailable   in  plenty,  the   de-

partment may use these natu-ral resources in scientificway  which will not only bringgood amount of exchequerfrom the visiting tourists butmany unemployed youths willalso get ways of livelihood. Accordingly he has suggestedfor considering CrocodilePark, Snake Park, ecofriendly resorts, wild lifesanctuaries and Botanical

garden at different places ofAN Islands.

“Such considerationwill not only increase in tour-ist inflow but also many un-employed youths will getmode of employment whichis the greatest concern of ourislands,” Kuldeep said. ThePCCF has given a patienthearing and assured to lookinto the matter.

Cleanliness Drive by Youth Parliament of GSSS SchoolLine– Giving New Dimension to Swachch Bharat AbhiyanPort Blair, Dec 12: The YouthParliament of Govt. SeniorSecondary School- SchoolLine will organise a masscleanliness drive on Sundaythe 14th December, 2014.During the day longprogramme, areas compris-ing of School premises andadjacent areas of the schoolwill be cleaned.

The drive is beingorganised with the intensionto generate awareness to-wards need and importanceof cleanliness. With thisevent the Youth parliamentaims to sensitize the com-munity and convey the mes-

sage that it is our duty tomaintain cleanliness andkeep our surroundings dirt aswell as pollution free.

The Government isdoing all possible efforts atits level to achieve the tar-get of Swach Bharat. Butthe same could not beachieved within the stipu-lated time if due support isnot sponsored by the peopleof this country. The drive isschedule to be organised onSunday, so that every par-ticipating individual shouldcontribute towards the goodcause out of any routineduty, responsibility and self-

ishness.The youth parlia-

ment of Govt. Senior Sec-ondary School- School Line,Port Blair request all the stu-dents & staff of the institu-tion, parents of students, Ex-students of the institution,School Management Com-mittee, School Management& Development committee,Mother Teachers Associa-tion, Parent Teachers Asso-ciation, Port Blair MunicipalCouncil and all concerns totake part in the mass cleanli-ness drive to convey our com-mitment towards SwachBharat.

Indigenous production ofsubmarines delayed: Parrikar

NEW DELHI: Indigenousproduction of submarines forthe Indian Navy has beendelayed due to infrastructuralconstraints, problems relatingto absorption of new tech-nologies and import of war-ship-grade steel, Lok Sabhawas informed on Friday.

"The delay in con-struction of Project 75 sub-marines is attributed to teeth-ing problems in absorption ofnew technologues, delay inaugmentation of industrial in-frastructure at MazagonDockyard Limited and delayin procurement" of variousitems, defence ministerManohar Parrikar said in re-ply to a written question onindigenous production of sub-marines.

He replied in thenegative when asked whetherany Indian- made submarine

has been inducted so far.Maintaining that the

progress of Project 75 andother ongoing ship buildingprojects was reviewed peri-odically, Parrikar said majorreasons for delay includedinfrastructure constraints atshipyards, difficulties in im-port of warship- grade steel,delay in indigenous develop-ment of such steel and ab-sorption of new technologies.

These reasons wereattributed to cost escalation indifferent projects, the minis-ter said.

He said the ship-yards have undertaken aug-mentation of manpower, in-frastructure and industrialmeans in a phased manner tomeet the production targets.They have also augmentedproduction capabilities,Parrikar added.

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4 13.12.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair

13.012.2014 Daily Issue::282

EDITORIAL.....People of Karnataka send a messageThe new government must realise that theywill not tolerate corruption and poor gover-nance BJP has found its way to electoraldamnation in Karnataka by shooting itself inthe head, and Congress to a convincing vic-tory. The results throw up a few key lessonsworth exploring; they also underscore the newgovernment’s priorities in terms of good gov-ernance as against just mouthing motherhoodplatitudes, or worse still, squandering tax-payers’ money in motherhood expenditures.First, a deadly combination of visible, almostpublicly touted corruption, discernible mal-administration and infighting drove the nailsinto the incumbent’s coffin. Simply tinker-ing here and there does not remove the stenchof corruption. Sadly for the BJP, taking oncorruption at the highest levels as a prin-cipled stand in favour of clean politics hasbackfired electorally — but it must not readthe results as a signal to abandon principles.What is worth cheering is that the much-ma-ligned Reddy brothers, who brought in un-precedented illegal money power and com-prehensively poisoned politics, have beendrubbed.

Second, historically the voters inKarnataka have always voted differently inthe state and national elections. A case inpoint is 2004 when both elections were heldtogether; the same voter, at the same instant,voted differently. Thus, for winners to gloatand argue that “winner takes all” would be atrifle misplaced.Third, the first priority ofthe new government should be sending astrong signal that it stands firmly for a trulyindependent Lokayukta. This result, amongother things, is a clear mandate against rapa-cious corruption and bad governance of theincumbent. And to not respond to this im-mediately, would be akin to living in denial.

Fourth, the new governmentshould not emulate a neighbour where poli-tics is defined entirely by vindictiveness atthe expense of what is good for the commonweal and turn the clock back on beneficialongoing projects such as the Bangalore metrorail, E-Sugam (comprehensivecomputerisation of sales tax), Sakala (rightto guaranteed services) to name just afew.These are extraordinary projects thatwere non-existent before 2008. They havecome up in daunting circumstances — withthe overall ecosystem and political leader-ship being sadly limited — by dint of theefforts of a handful of committed IAS offic-ers under the leadership of S V Ranganath,the respected chief secretary of the state.None of these projects should be stalled; in-stead they must be strengthened and ex-panded through a full mandate, and the longpending clearances since February 2012 forPhase 2 of Metro rail must be immediatelyprocured. Fifth, what else would constitute‘good governance’ in the Karnataka context?There is growing anger in Bangalore about

poor city administration and a call forgreater accountability in terms of spend-ing more tax revenue resources generatedfrom the city on the city itself. Thus, thenew government must set up a unifiedspecial authority, empowered in law andwith a positive political and executiveauthority, for all aspects of urban admin-istration of the Greater Bangalore area.Decades of underspending of almost 76%on municipal services on a per capita basis,vis-A -vis the Zakaria committee norms,need to be urgently redressed.

Good governance would alsoinclude taking forward the recent Inter-national Crops Research Institute for theSemi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT)-Karnataka government agreement, whichhas helped raise agriculture growth toabout 5.8% over the last four years asagainst the preceding decadal average of2%. And Karnataka’s trailing other stateson the national league table in informa-tion technology and e-governance — ar-eas where it used to lead earlier — alsoneeds urgent correction.It needs to emergeas a preferred investment destination forindustry and IT again with grounding ofexisting Global Investors Meet projects.Mining linked investments, which canbring in over $15-20 billion of new in-vestment, need to be courted and securedby the new government. Further, the on-going downward slide in child mortality(130), infant mortality (35) and remark-able increase in institutional deliveries(over 90%) need to be further improvedand consolidated.

Likewise, the World Bank-funded BRTS corridor in Hubli Dharwadand gas from the Dabhol-Bangalore gaspipeline — 1,000 km completed in arecord time of 2 years and 7 months aftersecuring 400 clearances from the stategovernment — need to reach the end con-sumers. Gas-based power projects needto be set up on a war footing.Lastly,Karnataka has become the first state inIndia to launch a mobile governance pilotto deliver about 140 citizens’ services tocitizens ‘anytime, anyhow, anywhere’.It is an excellent initiative that needs tobe rolled out to ensure that the state’syoung population gets services literallyin the palm of its hand.

Karnataka has spoken loudand clear. It has voted against the clearand present danger of corruption andmaladministration. The new governmentneeds to deliver on good governance ini-tiatives and live up to the mandate that ithas secured. Government must not for-get the Latin proverb ‘Inveniemus ViamAut Faciemus’ (We will find a way or wewill make one), for the citizens are tellingthem just that.

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'Matters like Ram Templeshould not be poll issues'

SRINAGAR: If you dig outdead issues like the RamTemple one, then they be-come political, actor- turned-politician Vinod Khanna onFriday said.

The BJP MP fromGurdaspur was responding toa question about UttarPradesh governor RamNaik's assertion that RamTemple should be built atBabri Masjid site.

"These should notbecome election issues. Ev-eryone has his wishes anddreams. (Likewise) thedreams of the people ofKashmir are that thereshould be a change here,"Khanna told reporters.

On a question of thealleged forced conversions inAgra, the BJP leader said "Ithink it has been responded toin the Parliament". "Therewas a discussion over it inparliament yesterday and ithas been responded to (by thegovernment). But these(along with Ram Temple) is-sues are old. If you dig outdead issues, then they be-come political. The BJP leaderwho is here to garner supportfor his party candidates, saidthe people of Kashmir shouldnot lose the opportunity ofmaking the situation betterhere. "You have enduredmuch pain for long and havegone through very much andthere has been loot and blood-shed and there has been nodevelopment but now youhave an opportunity to changethe situation," Khanna told re-porters here. "My appeal toyou is that you should not losethis opportunity. I am in theparty and I know the qualitiesof the Prime Minister

(Narendra Modi). Look at theway he has done developmentin Gujarat. Our other govern-ments in Madhya Pradesh,Rajasthan, Chattisgarh andGoa and now in Haryana andMaharashtra ? everywherepeople say that Modi has comeand development will takeplace.

"And if you want tochange the situation in Kash-mir, then have a BJP govern-ment here. I assure you thatthe situation here will changevery soon," he said.

Khanna said the im-age of the country under Modihad changed and the focusnow was on development.

"I am here to appealthe people that the whole worldis praising Modi for hisprogrammes and schemes.The image of India haschanged now and everyone issaying that it is a countrywhere the whole focus is ondevelopment. People from theworld over want to invest inIndia and end unemploymenthere. Every developed nationwants to have industries here,"he said. Khanna expressedhope that BJP will be able tofulfill its 'Mission 44+' and formthe government in the state."The issues today are aboutwhat people want and who canwork for you and bring in de-velopment. People here haveunderstood that two families(Abdullah and Mufti) haveruled here and there is corrup-tion, there is no developmentand the state government didnot help the people during thefloods. They have understoodwhat these governments couldhave done. They have to bringin a change for the things toget better," he said.

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6 13.12.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair


British navy apprehendsIndian fishermen

KANYAKUMARI: A fish-ing boat with a crew of 14fishermen from Tamil Naduand Kerala has been appar-ently apprehended by theBritish navy near DiegoGarcia island in the BritishIndian Ocean Territory.

The boat, with theregistration number TN2/FV/01135/10 and ownedby K Tito of Chinnathurai inKanyakumari district ofTamil Nadu, set sail fromKochi on November 21.

The boat -- namedGreeshma -- and the fisher-men were apprehended bythe British navy for violatingthe borders.

Fisheries officials in

Chennai confirmed that thefishermen had been detainedby the British navy and theissue had been taken upwith the central govern-ment.

"The issue is withthe ministry of external af-fairs and efforts are beingtaken to repatriate them," asenior official said.

Among the 14 fish-ermen, eight belonged toChinnathurai hamlet, onewas from Thoothoor village,two were fromRameswaram and threewere from Kerala, said PJustin Antony of TamilNadu Fishermen Develop-ment Trust (TNFIDET).

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PM Modi hails UN decision on YogaNEW DELHI: Prime MinisterNarendra Modi on Thursdayexpressed joy over the UNgeneral assembly adopting anIndia-led resolution declaringJune 21 as 'International Dayof Yoga' and thanked all the177 nations of the global body.

"Elated! Have nowords to describe my joy onthe @UN declaring 21st Juneas 'International Day of Yoga'.I fully welcome the decision,"Modi tweeted soon after theresolution was adopted inNew York.

"I profusely thank all177 nations across the worldwho co-sponsored the reso-lution to declare 21st June as'International Day of Yoga',"he added.

Noting that countlesspeople across the world have

made Yoga an integral part oftheir lives, he said, "Congratsto them! This will inspiremany more people towardsYoga.

"Yoga has the powerto bring the entire humankindtogether! It beautifully com-bines Gyan (knowledge),Karm (work) and Bhakti (de-votion)."

He also put on histwitter account a link of hisspeech last year where hetalked about yoga and its ben-efits.

The resolution on 'In-ternational Day of Yoga' wasintroduced by India's Ambas-sador to UN Asoke Mukerjiand had 177 (rpt 177) nationsjoining as co-sponsors, thehighest number ever for anyGeneral Assembly resolution.

My Islander Identity Card issued in the name ofNARAYAN MALLICK s/o Kalachand Mallick r/oKalighat lost at Kalighat bazar. Finder please call9936589854.


I have lost my Medium Certificate issued by Govt. SecSchool, Dairy Farm, Port Blairin the name of L.Elaya RajaS/o Shri.A.Lakshmanan R/o Dairy Farm, lostbetweenSubhash Gram to R K Gram. Finder please call9531819213.


I, Thulia Xaxa D/o Sadhu Xaxa R/o Laukinallah has lostmy Island Identity Card bearing No.10212701278605 on1/12/2014 in between Laukinallah and Billyground Bazar.Finder may contact at 9531929048.


No Ebola cases reportedin India: Govt tells Parliament

NEW DELHI: No cases of thedeadly Ebola virus diseasehave been reported in thecountry while proper arrange-ments are in place for scan-ning arrivals into India of pas-sengers from the affectedcountries, Parliament was toldon Friday.

Replying to questionsin Lok Sabha, Minister of Statefor Health and Family Welfare,Shripad Yesso Naik, said thata decision has been taken toroute passengers arriving fromthe affected countries in Af-rica to seven international air-ports -- Delhi, Mumbai,Chennai, Kolkata, Bengaluru,Hyderabad and Kochi.

The minister said thatthermal scanners have beeninstalled at the relevant air-ports, he added.

"Rapid ResponseTeams in all states and mastertrainers from 25 states havebeen trained. Personal Protec-tive Equipment has been pro-vided to all the states.

A 24X7 helpline hasbeen made operational in theHealth Ministry," Naik said tounderscore the government'spreparedness.

The minister, mean-while, told the House that nodrugs are available as yet tospecifically combat the dis-ease.

matter to her parents butsomehow she mustered cour-age and told her mother. Soonan FIR was registeredagainst the accused, follow-

ing which the accused wasarrested immediately.

The accused and vic-tim both are from same local-ity in Rangat.

(From page 1)DRM of GSSS...

PM Modi greets UNresolution on Yoga on TwitterNEW DELHI: Barely twomonths after prime ministernarendra Modi asked the UNto consider celebrating an in-ternational day of yoga, theUN general assembly carriedthe proposal with about 170countries as co-sponsors.The proposal, put forward byIndia's permanent represen-tative, Ashoke Mukerji onThursday, was adopted with-out a vote. It was the highestnumber number of co-spon-sors for any UNGA resolu-tion ever.

Justifiably describedas a decisive diplomatic vic-tory for Modi, the decision toname June 21 as the interna-tional day is interesting - it'sthe summer solstice, techni-cally known as the longestday in the year. It's also a bigday for India's soft power,which has seen yoga becomea global Indian export, takinga more body-mind approachto physical wellbeing.

Interestingly, neitherPakistan nor Malaysia sup-ported the resolution, largelybecause Muslim clerics havedeclared yoga to be un-Is-lamic.

Modi's proposal alsoreceived overwhelming sup-

port from important nationswho came forward to co-sponsor the resolution, includ-ing all five permanent mem-bers of the UN SecurityCouncil - China, France, Rus-sia, UK and US. Over 60 percent of Africa sponsored it aswell as key Asian, Europeanand Latin American countriesincluding Afghanistan, Argen-tina, Australia, Bangladesh,Bhutan, Brazil, Canada,Cuba, Egypt, Germany, Iran,Iraq, Israel, Japan, Kenya,Mexico, Myanmar, Nepal,South Korea, South Africa,Spain, Sri Lanka, Syria, Thai-land and the UAE.

Prime ministerNarendra Modi greeted thenew resolution with a tweet."Elated! Have no words todescribe my joy on the @UNdeclaring 21st June as 'Inter-national Day of Yoga.' I fullywelcome the decision." Hewent on, "I have been a prac-ticer of Yoga for years & youcan't believe the positive dif-ference it has made in mylife. Yoga is the anchor of mylife."

"Countless peopleacross the world made Yogaan integral part of their lives.Congrats to them! This will

inspire many more people to-wards Yoga," PM gushed onsocial media.

The president of UNgeneral assembly, SamKutesa said in his welcomestatement, " Today's adoptionof a resolution on the Inter-national Day of Yoga withoverwhelming support, asshown by the more than 170member States that have co-sponsored it, demonstrateshow both the tangible and theunseen benefits of yoga ap-peal to people around theworld.... I congratulate theHonourable Shri NarendraModi, Prime Minister of In-dia, for this initiative wherebythe international communitywill observe the InternationalDay of Yoga on the 21st ofJune each year."

Introducing the reso-lution Mukerji said the prac-tice of yoga would help hu-manity create a better con-sciousness and combat cli-mate change. In his speech on27 September, Modi had said,"Yoga embodies unity of mindand body; thought and action;restraint and fulfilment; har-mony between man and na-ture; a holistic approach tohealth and well being."

Ophthalmic Assistant....

Sailing of Naval NCCcadets on board INSV Mhadei

Port Blair, Dec 12: Ten Na-val NCC cadets of 1(AN)Naval Unit NCC, Port Blairalong with 01 ANO and 01PI Staff embarked the oceangoing sailing yalcht INSVMhadei on 10 Dec 14. Theysailed from the Navel jetty at0900 hrs and returned at 1230hrs. It was a rare opportunity

for the Senior Division NavalNCC Cadets. The once in alife-time experience for thecadets was not only exhila-rating but also motivating toopt for the Defense Servicesas a career. The opportunitywas extended & facilitated tothe Naval NCC cadets by HQANC.

Apart from learningthe nuances of ocean sailingon a yacht the cadets werethrilled to have sailed with theskipper, Commander DilipDonde, the first Indian to solo-circumnavigate the world. Onreturn from the sailing, thecadets were very excitedabout their unique experience.

(From page 1)dent of Andaman Sheekhareached the PHC at 9.00 amfor taking photographs, theChief Medical Officer of PHCBillyground started targetingmedia instead of taking ac-tion against the OphthalmicAssistant, whose room wasstill locked at 9. 20 am andnearly 10 patients were wait-ing for him.When the CMO

started questioning mediafor taking up this issue, theOphthalmic Assistant en-tered the Hospital. To the ut-ter surprise of every patientstanding in the queue in-stead of questioning the Oph-thalmic Assistant for delayhe asked the OphthalmicAssistant to pose for theCamera.“Let media take pho-

tographs. Give your bestpose. Take photos and showto anyone you want, I don’tcare, I want to see what me-dia can do,” said the CMO.

However, the CMOdid not reply whenAndaman Sheekha asked herthe reason for giving suchopen protection to the Oph-thalmic Assistant.

BJP to organize “Membership launching programme”Port Blair, Dec 12: TheBharthiya Janta Party will beorganizing a “membership

launching programme” on13.12.2014 at 10:00am inBengali Club Hall. This

programme will be launchedby Dr. Sambit Patra, NationalSpokesperson, BJP.

Page 8: 13122014 ePaper Andaman Sheekha

Address: Roy Villa, INS Utkrosh Road, New Pahargaon, Garacharma Post Office- 744105, South Andaman. Ph: 09932082892. [email protected], [email protected]

City Office: Andaman Sheekha, D & K City Building, Ground Floor, RGT Road, Port Blair. A & N Islands.

Edited, Published, Printed and Owned by Shri Sanjib Kumar Roy and Published from Roy Villa, INS Utkrosh Road, New Pahargaon,Garacharma Post Office- 744105,South Andaman, A & N Islands. Printed at Royal Printers, Bargat Line, South Andaman. Editor: Shri Sanjib Kumar Roy.

8 13.12.2014 Rs. 2.00 Andaman Sheekha Daily Port Blair

DATE -12-12-2014


Dr. Shashi Kumar....Shashi Kumar said that this was hissecond tenure in Andaman andNicobar Islands. “I had worked hereearlier in the year 2001-2004 in theForest Corporation in the capacity ofGeneral Manager and this time Icame in 2012 as PCCF Wildlife andin short period of time about 8months we have stream lined manythings like making the managementplan for wildlife sanctuary and Na-tional Park, in another issue of Croco-dile, we have tried to make the peopleaware about the Dos and DONTsand it has worked to mitigate the mananimal conflict, even the compensa-tion for the attacks of Crocodile wasrevised,” he said.

Further he said that in thecapacity of Principal Secretary, En-vironment the issues like extensionof coastal zone management plan, re-classification of some of the islandslike Neil and Havlock and extractionof sea sand were also taken up to thelogical conclusion.

Further he added that its al-most 2 years in the capacity of PCCF,ANI and Principal Secretary, Forestthe important issues of managementand protection of the Forest was takendue care, working plan of SouthAndaman as well as Mayabunder di-vision had expired which would havedetrimental to the supply of timber tomeet the local requirements of thepeople, so these issues were taken upwith GOI and centrally empoweredcommittee and both of this working

plans have being extended and basedon that the department has alreadystarted working in these divisions.

“ In addition to this furtherworking plans are also being revisedso as to manage the forests technicallyand scientifically, both of the sawmills of the department are being runto their full capacity and taking thecare of treating the timber before sup-plying it to the people so as to increasethe longitivity of timber and reducingthe pressure on the forests,”. Dr Shashisaid.

The Protection of the foresthas also being given top most impor-tance and no encroachments were al-lowed to take place in the recent days.

Mobility of the front line staff(Rangers, Foresters etc) was taken careoff and same was the case with recruit-ment, promotions and trainings so asto take care of the overall human re-source development of the department,Dr Shashi added.

“In general it was a happy,fruitful tenure and the credit goes toall the employees of the department,the stake holders, including adminis-tration with special reference to theChief Secretary and the Lt Governorwho gave the right directions and in-structions from time to time. It was ahappy innings over here and thepeople of Andaman & Nicobar Is-lands are very close to my heart and Ilove the islands, the people and givena chance I will again be back overhere,” Dr. Shashi Kumar said.

BJMM organized SwachaBharat Abhiyan at Bhathubasti

Port Blair, Dec 12: The BharthiyaJanta Mahila Morcha, A&N Islandshad organized Swacha BharatAbhiyan on 11.12.2014 at Bhathubastifrom 8:00 am onwards in the leader-ship of Mr Vishal Jolly, State Presi-dent, Mahila Morcha, A&N Islands inpresence of Mrs Anusia Devi, StatePresident, Mahila Morcha, A&N Is-lands, Mr R. Mohan, National Coun-cil Member, BJP, Mrs Janet Mewa,State Vice- President, BJP, A&N Is-lands, Mr L. Moorthy, State Secretary,BJP, A&N Islands, Mrs Laxmi Lall,EX- State President, Mrs K. VarLaxmi, District President, Port BlairDistrict, Mahila Morcha, Mrs Rupa

Ray, State Vice- President, BJP, MrsMeena Choudhary, State Secretary,BJP, Mrs Saraswati Narayan, NationalCouncil Member, Mahila Morcha, MrsDurgawati, State General Secretary,Mrs Amudha, State Secretary, MrsShyama Halder, South Andaman Dis-trict President, Mahila Morcha.

Apart from this Mr K.Paramasivam, State Secretary,BJP,A&N Islands, Mr Abdul Kalam, StatePresident I/C, Yuva Morcha, A&N Is-lands and many senior leaders fromBhathubasti area.

The Swacha Bharat Adhiyanprogramme organized by Mr Armugam,Pradhan, Garacharma Panchayat.

Madan Mitra had directhand in Saradha scam: Left Front

KOLKATA: Alleging that WestBengal transport minister MadanMitra directly contributed in thetainted Saradha group duping lakhsof investors, the Left Front on Fri-day expressed confidence all thoseinvolved in the multi-crore-rupeescam will be punished.

Left Front chairman BimanBose said Mitra, grilled by the Cen-tral Bureau of Investigation (CBI)during the day, had directly contrib-uted getting the people cheated bypraising scam kingpin and Saradhapromoter Sudipta Sen.

"The minister, who is beinggrilled now, had declared — whileaddressing a programme in whichpeople involved in chit funds par-ticipated — that Sudipta Sen canbe relied upon because he hasshown how to make an ocean fromdroplets," Bose said, referring toMitra's presence in events orga-nized by Saradha.

"The state minister has di-rectly helped in cheating the peopleof Bengal and, therefore, all thosewho have contributed in cheating the

people deserve to be punished andthey will be punished," the veteranCommunist party of India-Marxistleader added.

Mitra, who is also the statesports minister, was questioned bythe CBI after being summoned bythe agency for the second time.

The 57-year-old was sum-moned by the CBI first on Novem-ber 18 but he could not appear onhealth grounds.

(From page 1)