
GUEST SPEAKER TODAY The guest speaker this morning is Pastor Paul Sweet who has served Grace Bible College as Academic Dean and Professor of Education for the past 11 years and was previously a Sr. Pastor at a Grace Church in Indiana. Our guest speaker for the rest of August will be Henry Hudson. MENS WEDNESDAY MORNING FELLOWSHIP Join others from the church for fellowship, prayer and coffee every Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m. Come when you can and leave when you must! ADULT SUMMER BIBLE STUDY ON WEDNESDAY EVENINGS Harold Kimbel is teaching a course entitled “How To Study the Bible” on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m. at the church. Taken from Ephesians 2:11-18, this course is for anyone interested in getting more out of the Bible. FAMILY FUN AT THE FURBUSH’S! Daniel, Linda and Jessica Furbush have opened up their home and pool for family fun on Friday nights through September 12 for all youth group aged youth and their families and youth sponsors. No need to sign up...just stop by anytime after 5:30. Their address is: 4781 Crestwood Avenue in Holland. Questions, call Daniel at 616-403-7830 or Linda at 616-403-9996. B.R.I.D.G.E. (Building Relationships in Dinner & Games Each Month) All church ladies are invited to join others for a Bingo/Pizza Party this Friday, August 15, at 5:30 p.m. at the church! All will chip in to cover the cost of the pizza while drinks and dessert will be provided. Bring two wrapped white elephant gifts (like new items of any value) to be used for bingo prizes. Please sign up at the Women’s Ministry Counter by Tuesday. CHURCH PICNIC Mark your calendars now for our annual all-church picnic/potluck at Tunnel Park on Sunday, Sept. 7, at 6:00 p.m. Bring a dish to pass, your own drink and table service; hot dogs and burgers will be provided. Besides a potluck with amazing food, this year there will be a devotional lead by an elder and worship songs! PARKSIDE MEMORIAL CLASSIC FOR MISSIONS Our annual golf scramble will be held on Saturday, October 4, at Crestview Golf Course starting at 9:00 a.m. Get a team of 4 together or sign up alone and we’ll find other team-mates! The cost is $49 per person. Registration forms are available at the Youth Counter. Information For Your First Time At Parkside Bible… WE ARE HAPPY TO HAVE YOU WITH US TODAY! PLEASE FILL OUT THE INFORMATION BELOW, TEAR IT OFF AND TAKE IT TO THE WELCOME CENTER LOCATED IN THE FELLOWSHIP HALL TO RECEIVE YOUR GIFT & WELCOME PACKET OR PUT IT IN THE OFFERING PLATE TODAY. Date: _____________________ Name(s) ______________________________________ _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ Address _______________________________________ ______________________________________ City/State/Zip ___________________________________ Phone: ________________________________________ Email Address: __________________________________ Check if this is your first visit to Parkside I/We have been attending since: ____________________ Did someone invite you to Parkside? Yes No Guest of: ______________________________________ Circle all ages or grades for you and your family attending: Preschool: 0 1 2 3 4 5 Children: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 High School 7 8 9 10 11 12 Adults: College-Age/Young Adult 25-35 36-50 51-65 66+ New to the Area? Yes No I would like information about the following: General Church Information Nursery Care Men’s Ministries Women’s Ministries Youth Ministries Music Ministries Volunteer Opportunities How to become a Christian Request call or visit from Pastor Would you like us to pray for you in any special way? List prayer requests on back of this tear-off. BIRTHDAYS 8/11 Trevor DeJong 8/13 Linda Booker 8/14 Ethel Riemersma & Theresa Korneisel 8/15 Al Tennant & Ken Kruis ANNIVERSARIES 8/11 Mark & Katy DeJong 8/12 Dave & Judy Timmer Tues. 5:30 pm Parkside Runners/Walkers at Mt. Pisgah near Dune Dogs on Ottawa Beach Road - Questions, see Tony Van Houten or Rex DeBoer. Tues. 7:00 pm Beach Volleyball-Holland State Park-Meet by the volleyball nets. Questions, contact Kelly DeBoer at 616-566-3941. Wed. 6:30 am Men’s Morning Prayer/Fellowship Group! Wed. 7:00 pm “How to Study the Bible” taught by Harold Kimbel- All are welcome! Fri. 5:30 pm Pool Party for youth & their families at the Furbush’s. Fri. 5:30 pm B.R.I.D.G.E. Bingo/Pizza party at church Aug. 17 Before & After Church Parkside’s L.I.G.H.T.S. Coffeehouse - come early (9:00 am) for your coffee and snacks or stay after church! Aug. 18 7:00 pm Board Meeting Aug. 25 6:30 pm Rally Day for all volunteers of children's ministry! Sept. 7 5:00 pm All Church Picnic/Potluck at Tunnel Park Sept. 14 6:00 pm Women’s Kickoff Event ASSISTING IN WORSHIP THIS MORNING Ushers: Vaughn VandenBrink, Al Walters, Russ Hoek, Larry Rees Sub Jim DeFrell Before Church Greeter: Tammy Grabiel & Doug Reyers Welcome Center: Brian & Linda Booker After Church Greeters: Rick Taylor & Eloy Ramos Library: Fran Harig Infant Nursery: (10:00 am Birth-Age 2): Linda & Jessica Furbush, Lisa Kimbel Children’s Church (Dismissed from Service Age 3-K) Elise Van Kampen, Alison Houtman, Regan Zandstra Financial Team: Jay Riemersma, Jim DeFrell, Craig Dykstra, Daniel Furbush Prayer Partners: Mike Cooke, Ken Koester, Rod Tummel ASSISTING IN WORSHIP NEXT SUNDAY Ushers: Vaughn VandenBrink, Al Walters, Russ Hoek, Larry Rees Sub Jim DeFrell Before Church Greeters: Julie Hapke, Ruthann VanAelst After Church Greeters: Kevin Mason & Barry Dekker Welcome Center: Mike & Amy Cooke Library: Fay Griffin Infant Nursery (10:00 am Birth-Age 2): Judy Timmer, Lila Diemer, Fay Griffin, Becky Taylor Children’s Church (Dismissed from Service Age 3-K) Michelle & Megan Postma, Jill Welch, Emily Tummel Financial Team: Ryan VanderHaar, Eloy Ramos, Brian Hodgson, Scott Miles Prayer Partners: Tom Foulkes, Mark Leidy, Al Tennant Caring and Sharing RALLY DAY - MONDAY, 8/25 6:30-8:00 PM FEATURING AN ICE CREAM SOCIAL All volunteers involved or wanting to be involved in our children’s ministries (from infant to Sr. High) should attend. Contact the Christian Education Committee with questions: Lynn Van Kampen, Connie Bean, Donna Bronsink or Laurie Hoek.

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Page 1: 08-10-14

GUEST SPEAKER TODAY The guest speaker this morning is Pastor Paul Sweet who

has served Grace Bible College as Academic Dean and Professor of Education for the

past 11 years and was previously a Sr. Pastor at a Grace Church in Indiana. Our guest

speaker for the rest of August will be Henry Hudson.

MENS WEDNESDAY MORNING FELLOWSHIP Join others from the church for

fellowship, prayer and coffee every Wednesday morning at 6:30 a.m. Come when you

can and leave when you must!


teaching a course entitled “How To Study the Bible” on Wednesday nights at 7:00 p.m.

at the church. Taken from Ephesians 2:11-18, this course is for anyone interested in

getting more out of the Bible.

FAMILY FUN AT THE FURBUSH’S! Daniel, Linda and Jessica Furbush have opened

up their home and pool for family fun on Friday nights through September 12 for all

youth group aged youth and their families and youth sponsors. No need to sign

up...just stop by anytime after 5:30. Their address is: 4781 Crestwood Avenue in

Holland. Questions, call Daniel at 616-403-7830 or Linda at 616-403-9996.

B.R.I.D.G.E. (Building Relationships in Dinner & Games Each Month) All church ladies are invited

to join others for a Bingo/Pizza Party this Friday, August 15, at 5:30 p.m. at the

church! All will chip in to cover the cost of the pizza while drinks and dessert will be

provided. Bring two wrapped white elephant gifts (like new items of any value) to be

used for bingo prizes. Please sign up at the Women’s Ministry Counter by Tuesday.

CHURCH PICNIC Mark your calendars now for our annual all-church picnic/potluck at

Tunnel Park on Sunday, Sept. 7, at 6:00 p.m. Bring a dish to pass, your own drink and

table service; hot dogs and burgers will be provided. Besides a potluck with amazing

food, this year there will be a devotional lead by an elder and worship songs!


be held on Saturday, October 4, at Crestview Golf Course starting at 9:00 a.m. Get

a team of 4 together or sign up alone and we’ll find other team-mates! The cost is

$49 per person. Registration forms are available at the Youth Counter.

Information For Your First Time At Parkside Bible…




Date: _____________________ Name(s) ______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________


City/State/Zip ___________________________________

Phone: ________________________________________

Email Address: __________________________________

Check if this is your first visit to Parkside

I/We have been attending since: ____________________

Did someone invite you to Parkside? Yes No

Guest of: ______________________________________

Circle all ages or grades for you and your family attending: Preschool: 0 1 2 3 4 5 Children: K 1 2 3 4 5 6 High School 7 8 9 10 11 12 Adults: College-Age/Young Adult 25-35 36-50 51-65 66+ New to the Area? Yes No

I would like information about the following:

General Church Information Nursery Care

Men’s Ministries Women’s Ministries

Youth Ministries Music Ministries

Volunteer Opportunities

How to become a Christian

Request call or visit from Pastor

Would you like us to pray for you in any special way? List prayer requests on back of this tear-off.

BIRTHDAYS 8/11 Trevor DeJong

8/13 Linda Booker

8/14 Ethel Riemersma &

Theresa Korneisel

8/15 Al Tennant & Ken Kruis

ANNIVERSARIES 8/11 Mark & Katy DeJong

8/12 Dave & Judy Timmer

Tues. 5:30 pm Parkside Runners/Walkers at Mt. Pisgah near Dune Dogs on Ottawa Beach Road - Questions, see Tony Van Houten or Rex DeBoer.

Tues. 7:00 pm Beach Volleyball-Holland State Park-Meet by the volleyball nets. Questions, contact Kelly DeBoer at 616-566-3941.

Wed. 6:30 am Men’s Morning Prayer/Fellowship Group!

Wed. 7:00 pm “How to Study the Bible” taught by Harold Kimbel- All are welcome!

Fri. 5:30 pm Pool Party for youth & their families at the Furbush’s.

Fri. 5:30 pm B.R.I.D.G.E. Bingo/Pizza party at church

Aug. 17 Before & After Church Parkside’s L.I.G.H.T.S. Coffeehouse - come early (9:00 am) for your coffee and snacks or stay after church!

Aug. 18 7:00 pm Board Meeting

Aug. 25 6:30 pm Rally Day for all volunteers of children's ministry!

Sept. 7 5:00 pm All Church Picnic/Potluck at Tunnel Park

Sept. 14 6:00 pm Women’s Kickoff Event


Ushers: Vaughn VandenBrink, Al Walters, Russ Hoek, Larry Rees Sub Jim DeFrell

Before Church Greeter: Tammy Grabiel & Doug Reyers

Welcome Center: Brian & Linda Booker

After Church Greeters: Rick Taylor & Eloy Ramos

Library: Fran Harig

Infant Nursery: (10:00 am Birth-Age 2): Linda & Jessica Furbush, Lisa Kimbel

Children’s Church (Dismissed from Service Age 3-K) Elise Van Kampen, Alison Houtman, Regan Zandstra

Financial Team: Jay Riemersma, Jim DeFrell, Craig Dykstra, Daniel Furbush

Prayer Partners: Mike Cooke, Ken Koester, Rod Tummel

ASSISTING IN WORSHIP NEXT SUNDAY Ushers: Vaughn VandenBrink, Al Walters, Russ Hoek, Larry Rees Sub Jim DeFrell

Before Church Greeters: Julie Hapke, Ruthann VanAelst

After Church Greeters: Kevin Mason & Barry Dekker

Welcome Center: Mike & Amy Cooke Library: Fay Griffin

Infant Nursery (10:00 am Birth-Age 2): Judy Timmer, Lila Diemer, Fay Griffin, Becky Taylor

Children’s Church (Dismissed from Service Age 3-K) Michelle & Megan Postma, Jill Welch,

Emily Tummel

Financial Team: Ryan VanderHaar, Eloy Ramos, Brian Hodgson, Scott Miles

Prayer Partners: Tom Foulkes, Mark Leidy, Al Tennant

Caring and Sharing


All volunteers involved or wanting to be involved in our children’s ministries (from infant to Sr. High) should attend. Contact the

Christian Education Committee with questions: Lynn Van Kampen, Connie Bean, Donna Bronsink or Laurie Hoek.

Page 2: 08-10-14

PRAYER REQUESTS… We welcome your prayer requests! Please

list requests below, tear off this sheet

and put it in the offering plate today.

For Bulletin & Prayer Chain (prefer requests be for family & friends)

Keep request confidential-to be shared with prayer partners, staff and board only

Your Name: __________________________ Request: ____________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

General comments or special needs: ____________ __________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


*Youth Pastor: Matt Amundsen - 796-8756 ([email protected]) Worship Arts Director: Chad Lippincott - 251-554-9955 ([email protected])

Church Secretary: Judy Timmer - 399-4410 ([email protected]) Elder of the Week: Jay Riemersma - 616-217-6630 Deacon of the Week: A.J. Van Kampen - 886-4876


14461 James Street, Holland, MI 49424


[email protected] (e-mail)

www.parksidebiblechurch.com (website)

Our Mission:

Learning from God’s Word…

Growing in God’s Grace…

Reaching with God’s Love!

August 10, 2014 Pastor Paul Sweet

10:00 a.m. “His Part and Ours”

Part 2 John 20:19-31

Please pray...

t for healing for Linda Furbush’s mom who

has congestive heart failure and pneumonia;

t for guidance and wisdom for our church

leaders and Pastoral Search Committee;

t for the homebound in our church: Barb

Kroll, Mary Carmichael, Judy Blauwkamp &

Kay Everett;

t for continued healing for those who have

had recent illnesses, surgeries & medical


t for our Prayer Families of the Week:

Mark, Katy, Brittney & Trevor De Jong,

Don & Deb De Jonge, Barry, Lisa, Nick,

Noah & Luke Dekker, Doug & Marti Dibkey,

Lila Diemer, Craig, MaryAnn, Josh & Sarah

Dykstra, Kami, Katlin & Jacob Eshenaur;

t for our GGF Sister Church: Grace Bible

Fellowship in Jenison, Pastor Caleb Befus;

t for our Grace Missionaries Andrew &

Jeneane Hollier from Australia.

t PTL for great PET Scan results for

Dave Timmer!


ORANGE LEAF FROZEN YOGURT YOUTH FUNDRAISER!!! Sunday, August 24 - All day! 184 South River Avenue

Stop by and purchase an item and a percentage will be given to our youth group! Tons of flavors & toppings plus fruit smoothies and juices! (Dairy-free & sugar-free items are available.)

Wednesday, September 10 6:30 pm - Jr. High Youth Group Kickoff Sunday, September 14 6:00 pm - Sr. High Youth Group Kickoff

Summer Church Office Hours through 8/15:

Monday-Thursday 9:00 a.m.-Noon & 1:00-4:00 p.m.

Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

If you need access to the church outside these hours, special arrangements can be made.

L.I.G.H.T.S. Coffee House open every Sunday

before and after church in the Youth Room!

If you picked up an index card from the table located near the

Youth Counter listing an item that a student desired to take to

college, please bring it to the church by this Thursday so the

students can pick up their baskets next Sunday.

SUNDAY SCHOOL REGISTRATION! Please pick up a Sunday School registration form (one per family)

from the Children’s Ministry Counter to get your child registered

for Sunday School which will start up with a kickoff event on 9/7.

Registration info is needed ASAP so curriculum can be ordered.

Questions... talk to Lynn Van Kampen or Linda Furbush.



If you’d be interested in helping the youth group in their fundraising efforts, bring your returnable cans and bottles to the church. Just put them outside the secretary’s door and we’ll save you a trip to the store to return them plus

you’ll be helping support our youth ministries!

Dear Parkside Family,

It was such a blessing to be with you at church last Sunday! The worship service,

music, message and seeing many friends meant so much to us. Thank you for your

encouragement to our family and your partnership with our ministry in Bolivia.

Dan, Mary Sue and Tasha Reed