zouk thermal power plant emissions

Zouk Power Plant Air Emissions Ministry of Energy & Water, Friday 15 th May 2015 إﻧﺒﻌﺎﺛﺎت ﻣﻌﻤﻞ اﻟﺬوق وزارة اﻟﻄﺎﻗﺔ واﻟﻤﯿﺎه،15 أﯾﺎر2015

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Page 1: Zouk Thermal Power Plant Emissions

Zouk Power Plant Air Emissions

Ministry of Energy & Water, Friday 15th May 2015

إنبعاثات معمل الذوق2015أیار 15وزارة الطاقة والمیاه،

Page 2: Zouk Thermal Power Plant Emissions

Zouk Thermal Power Plant (607 MW)

• Largest Generation Plant in Lebanon• Provides stability & security of supply

for Mount Lebanon & the whole country

• If Rehabilitated & well maintained, it could last 10-15 more years providing reliable, clean and dependable energy

هو أكبر معمل إنتاج في لبنان•يؤّمن اإلستقرار في توريد الطاقة إلى جبل لبنان وكل البلد•رة أو في حال تأهيله، يمكنه أن يستمر في تأمين الطاقة النظيفة والمستمرة لعش•

خمسة عشر سنة إضافية

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Rehabilitation of ZoukService & Energy

70 %

100 %

- 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

No Rehab Rehab

Capacity (%)

55 %

100 %






No Rehab Rehab

Energy (MWh)

121 %

100 %







No Rehab Rehab

Cost of Production (USC/kWh)

Savings 67 Million $ per Year assuming same Mwh as current

More than 1.5 hrs. per day improvement in service

Consumption: 271 g/kwh 220 g/kwh ( - 51 g/kwh)Yearly Consumption : 800,000 to 1,000,000 Ton

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ما ھي اإلنبعاثات ؟

What are Emissions ?

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Particulate Matter – الغبار الصلبةSolid Particulate Matter - PM : Is mainly constituted of Ashes & Unburned Carbon Particles. Contributes to haze, acid smut fallout damaging buildings, vehicles, fabrics and finishing etc and impacting sensitive individuals such as asthmatics. Issue is not just about quantity reduction but also particle size reduction as affects fallout dynamics versus transport / dispersion in air stream.

هي مكّونة بشكل أساسي من الرماد وجزئيات الكربون : الغبار الصلبة في الضبابية، وتساقط السخام الحمضية التي تضرّ تساهم . الغير محترقة

وتؤثّر على األشخاص الحساسين ... بالمباني، والسيارات، واألقمشة إلخً . الذين يعانون من الربو الموضوع ليس فقط في تخفيض الكمية بل أيضا

ابل في تخفيض حجم حبيبات الغبار الذي يؤثّر على ديناميكية تساقطها مقإمكانية تشتتها في تيار الهواء

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CO – أكسيد الكربونCO : is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is slightly lighter than air. It is toxic to humans and animals when encountered in higher concentrations. It Affects human health via oxygen transport in blood stream with particular impact on cardiovascular problems, and affects all organs - especially heart and brain. Decreases with complete combustion and is an indicator of the same.

لون ، أو رائحة ، أو طعم وهو أخّف له هو غاز ليس : أكسيد الكربون يؤثّر. يكون ساماً لإلنسان والحيوان إذا كان مرّكزاً . من الهواء بقليل

على الصحة من خالل دخوله في الدم وتأثيره على القلب، والدماغ .ينخفض مع إكتمال عملية اإلحتراق وهو مؤّشر لها. وكافة األعضاء

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NOx – أكسيد النتروزNOx: Mixture of nitric oxide NO and nitrogen dioxide NO2 - affects health (respiratory tract) and environment (foliage and crops) and also is a critical component of photochemical smog (the yellow-brown component). NO is highly corrosive and attacks surface coatings.

يؤثّر على. خليط من أكسيد النتروز وثاني أكسيد النتروز: أكسيد النتروزالصحة والجهاز التنفسي وعلى النبات والبيئة وهو جزء أساسي من

أكسيد النتروز يأكل ). الجزء البني واألصفر(الضباب الدخاني الضوئي .بالطالءالمعادن ويضر

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SO3 – ثالث أكسيد الكبريتSO3: Bad odors - formation of sulfuric acid on reaction with water -more reactive SO3 component - affects respiratory system especially affecting asthma sufferers, chronic bronchitis. Attaches to solid particles and hence can be inhaled (thereby it is much improved also with the reduction of solid emissions PM).

حامض الكبريت عند كّون ي. رائحة كريهةعنه ينتج : ثالث أكسيد الكبريت الجزء األكثر تفاعالً هو ثالث أكسيد الكبريت الذي يؤثّر. مع المياهتفاعله

يلتصق بالغبار. على جهاز التنفّس عند مرضى الربو، والبرونشيت الدائمغبار كثيراً مع تخفيض البالتالي يتحّسن ( الصلبة وبذلك يمكن إستنشاقه


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SO2 – ثاني أكسيد الكبريت

SO2 is linked with a number of adverse effects on the respiratory system. Sulfur dioxide can cause acid rain that seriously affects ecosystems. Is closely related to the Sulfur content in the HFO.

ب مسب. مرتبط بعدد من المشاكل في الجهاز التنفسي: الكبريت ثاني أكسيد .يؤثّر على البيئةالذي للشتاء الحمضي

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Emissions Standards

• The ELV are the Emissions Limit Values allowable at the Plant Stack outlet• Heavy Metals (As+Pb+Cd+Cr+Co+Ni) are bound to the dust, as solid components

(oxides) & are reduced within the limit of 15 mg/Nm3 when the dust is reduced.• Halogens (HCL and HF) are negligible in the case of Fuel Oil Fired Power Plants


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Ambient Air Quality Standards

*These charts indicate what levels of exposure to pollution are generally safe for people


(24 h Averaging Period)

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Sources of Air Emissions in Lebanon

*MoE - National GHG Inventory 2000


الصناعة واإلنشاءات

إنتاج الطاقة من الفيول أويل


إنتاج ديزيل


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Dispersion of Air Emissions in Lebanon

23%145 m

25%15 - 20 m 22% 9%

2 - 3 m



Private Generation

Industrial Processes Manufacturing & Construction

Higher Stack means better Dispersion of Contaminants

Lower Point of Emissions means a poor dispersion of


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Technology & Emissions: Natural Gas / Heavy Fuel Oil

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Natural Gas / Heavy Fuel Oil in the Policy PaperThe fuel sourcing policy is based on diversity and security where 2/3 of the fuel mix is based on Natural Gas (NG) with multiple sources of supply; more than 12% are Renewable Energies; and the remaining from other sources of fuel while selecting technologies that work on both Natural Gas (NG) and Fuel Oil (HFO).


1,500 MW CC on NG

HFO Plants with Low Efficiency are gradually


3 Years

3 Years

واألمن ترتكز سياسة مصادر الطاقة على التنوع بحيث يشكل استعمال الغاز الثلثين مع تنويع وتعدد

للطاقة المتجددة؛ ويتوزع % 12مصادره؛ وأكثر من الباقي على مصادر مختلفة مع اعتماد تقنيات تسمح

.بالتبديل بين الغاز والفويل أويل

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• Dust was measured after a preliminary MgO treatment that limited the rust emissions• SO2 emissions are calculated. SO3 measurements recorded 4.81 mg/Nm3.


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Combustion Optimization إكتمال عملية الحرق

PM > 60%SO3 > 90%CO > 80%Nox > 10%

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Bidding 2011 / Award 2012 / Completion 2014

نظام تكييف الفيول الثقيلالمناقصة 2011 / العقد 2012 / إنتهاء التنفيذ 2014

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• SO2 measurements are calculated. SO3 measurements recorded 0.481 mg/Nm3.


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Zouk Thermal Power Plant : EIA & Studies OutcomeDust reduction after the Rehabilitation will be within the World Bank limits. Dust reduction can be further improved through the use of Electrostatic Precipitators –ESP (99% Dust Reduction - Size 30 x 15 x 15 m per Unit – Cost 15-20 M.$ per Unit) or Wet Scrubbers (95% Dust Reduction - Size 20 x 10 x 25 m per Unit – Cost 20-30 M.$ per Unit). Both solutions face a problem of size in terms of available space.

Sox is composed of SO3 & SO2. SO3 reduction has been achieved 90% with the HFO Conditioning solution. SO2 is already within the World Bank allowable limits as we are using 1% Sulfur HFO. In case further reduction is required Wet Scrubbers can achieve 90% SO2 reduction. The problem of size remains as above.

CO reduction has already been achieved 80% with the HFO Conditioning solution. This is an indication that the Combustion process has been significantly improved.

Nox reduction can be achieved to become within the World Bank limits through the use of Low Nox Burners & Staged Combustion by Over Fired Air (OFA). Both measures are included in the Rehabilitation bid & Nox emissions are expected to drop 50% at least.

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The Bag Filter is less usable in oil fired plants because of the elevated risk of fire that exists with the flue gases from HFO fired power (high unburned residues in the ashes). Also dust from oil firing can be quite sticky which is detrimental for fabric filters.

إن الفلتر غير مناسب للمحطات التي تعمل على الفيول بسبب

مخاطر الحريق نتيجة جزئيات كما أن . الكربون الغير محترق

الغبار الناتج عن حرق الفيول هو من النوع الالصق ويتسبب

.بإنسداد الفلتر

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Zouk Thermal Power Plant Emissions After Rehabilitationmg/Nm3

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Zouk Reciprocating Engines Plant (194 MW)• Uses MAN DIESEL 4-Stroke

Reciprocating Engines in Combined Cycle

• This technology has a high efficiency 47.35% on HFO, high availability 91.30% & is Environmentally compliant with the World Bank limits

• The Preliminary EIA study showed that the standard stack height of 20 m is not sufficient for a residential area

• The Final Stack height shall be determined by an Air Dispersion Study

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Cumulative Air Dispersion Study

Was done by BWSC-MAN in October 2013 under the supervision of the International Consultant MVV Decon

Has been made for the Cumulative effects of both the existing stacks of the Zouk Thermal Power Plant & the new stacks of the Zouk Reciprocating Engines Plant

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Cumulative Air Dispersion Study Used the US-EPA Screen 3 Simulation software for modelling the

Air Dispersion Has been done with the assumption that the Zouk Thermal

Power Plant emissions are those reached after the HFO Conditioning solution implementation

Concluded that for a Stack Height of 42 m under typical meteorological conditions, it is predicted that the maximum Ground Level Concentration – GLC of PM, NO2 & SO2 will be below the World Bank limits

Under very unfavorable meteorological conditions, which are unlikely to occur at the Zouk site owing to its coastal location, worst case GLC impact may exceed WB guide lines for SO2 only not more than 5% of the time during the year, while NO2 and PM remain below limit even under such condition.

The SO2 occurrence is mainly due to the old plant stacks, cannot be rectified by higher new stacks & becomes irrelevant with NG.

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Final EIA for Zouk Reciprocating Engines Plant Preparation of a Scoping & EIA Report (as per Decree No 8633

requirements) Air Quality Impact Assessment including: Baseline air quality characterization Detailed air dispersion modelling and operational impact

assessment Stack emissions monitoring for: Oxides of nitrogen (NOx, NO2) Sulphur dioxide (SO2, dependant on the fuel) Particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5) Carbon monoxide Non-methane hydrocarbons (including benzene)

A detailed Air Quality assessment using an advanced air dispersion model such as the USEPA CALPUFF model

Monitoring of Environmental compliance for 36 months of Operation & reporting with Environmental management plan

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Further Reduction Complementary Options

1- Procure a Cleaner HFO quality: HFO with lower Ash content Reduce PM HFO with lower Sulfur content Reduce SO2

Problematic : HFO Price is Higher 85 to 150 $ per Ton

2- Centrifugal Mechanical treatment of the existing HFO before Combustion can reduce the Ash, Sediments & Catalytic fines contents

Problematic : Produces significant quantities of Sludge for which an Environmentally compliant solution is under study

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ConclusionsThe Ministry of Energy & Water has been doing during the last 5 years all possible efforts to solve the Environmental issues related to the Electricity sector

The Electricity Policy Paper has provided a comprehensive road map for making Lebanon an Environmentally friendly country by switching its base generation to Natural Gas & using the latest technologies for energy production

Lobbying against the new plants implementation is like shooting one self in the foot, as these are going to be the most Environmental friendly facilities in Lebanon & create new job opportunities

The Rehabilitation of the existing Zouk Thermal Power Plant is a necessary step to make it compliant with the World Bank Environmental standards as a first step, while waiting for the NG to be available

The Electricity Policy Paper is made of various initiatives that complement each other & fit in a timely manner. We thereby call for all parties to assist the MoEW in completing the execution of this policy as the Whole is More than the Sum of the Parts especially when these are scattered with time in bits & pieces

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Thank You For Your Kind Attention