zone design document for: soul rebellion

1 Zone Design Document for: SOUL REBELLION Will you rebel against your God? All work Copyright '2007 by Oren Marcus Written by Oren Marcus Version 1.00 Monday, June 04, 2007

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Page 1: Zone Design Document for: SOUL REBELLION


Zone Design Document for:


�Will you rebel against your God?�

All work Copyright ©2007 by Oren Marcus

Written by Oren Marcus

Version 1.00

Monday, June 04, 2007

Page 2: Zone Design Document for: SOUL REBELLION


Table of Contents

Subject Page Number Title Page 1 Table of Contents 2 Document Overview/Executive Summary 3 Zone Introduction/Static Vs Dynamic 4 NPC/Player Interactions 5 Region 1: Tharsis Layout 6 Rebel Battlement: Town Information 7 Region 1: Tharsis Zone Descriptions 9 Region 2: Aurorae Layout 19 Cavern Haven: Town Information 20 Region 2: Aurorae Zone Descriptions 22 Region 3: Hellas Layout 28 Artic Keep: Town Information 29 Region 3: Hellas Zone Descriptions 31 Region 4: Eridania Layout 38 Anthra: Town Information 39 Region 4: Eridania Zone Descriptions 41

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Document Overview The purpose of this document is to explain how the zones in the game world work. It explains what a zone is made of, and the rules they go by. When viewing this document, it is strongly recommended to look over the zone rules, and then jump to a zone of interest. This document is designed to be a tool, not a novel. Executive Summary

o The Game world is divided into 4 Regions. o Each Region contains a numerous amount of Zones. o Each Zone in the game world is made up of Static and Dynamic Factors. o Static Factors are factors that always remain the same. o Dynamic Factors are factors that change every time the player creates or joins a new game. o At least 1 Zone in each Region contains a Town safe zone. o NPCs populate Towns. The player has the ability to talk to all NPCs. o Certain NPCs have special abilities the player can take advantage of.

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Zone Design Zones are where the player experiences the game. To understand zones, it is important to understand the key attributes that go into zone creation and zone population. These are Static and Dynamic Factors and NPC/Player Interactions. Static Vs Dynamic Each zone is made up of Static Factors, and Dynamic Factors. Static Factors in a zone are entities that will always be in that zone and affect that zone in the same way. These factors do not change. They are always the same; no matter how many new games a player creates or joins. Dynamic Factors in a zone are entities that change each time the player creates or joins a new game. These factors are chosen through there specific pools.

Factors Definition Connected Zone names listed here are connected to the current zone. Godly Stones The number of godly stones that reside in the zone. Layout The layout of the zone itself. Levels The number of levels or floors this zone has. Monster Types The monster types that fill the zone. NPC In Need Number of NPCs In Need in zone and % of being spawned. Personal Treasure Trove This zone contains the player�s personal treasure trove. Population Density How many monsters populate the zone. Quest # This zone has to do with this certain quest. Random Events Number of possible Random Events in zone and % of being spawned. Special Item An Item that is special to this particular zone. Special Landmark A landmark or place that is special to this particular zone. Special Monsters The number of special monsters in the zone. Special Objective The objective to pass the zone (not just get to the end). Special Shopkeeper Number of possible Special Shopkeepers in zone and % of being spawned. Traps The number of traps in the zone. Treasure Troves The number of treasure troves that are in the zone. Weather Possible weather for zone and its probability. This zone picks the weather for entire region. Zone Ability This zone has a specific ability and is explained here. Zone Size The average size of the zone.

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NPC/Player Interactions In many zones, there are non-player characters (NPC). Each NPC has the ability to talk to the player. However, special NPCs have more to offer. These NPCs abilities are listed and explained below.

NPC Abilities Definition

Commission Mercenary This NPC has mercenaries for hire. The mercenaries listed and there statistics are based on what region the NPC is in, as well as what difficulty the player is in.

Complete Repair This NPC has the ability to repair all items at once to full durability. Co-operative Duel Multiple Players duel NPCs based on average character level.

Duel NPC This NPC has the ability to duel. Player duels NPC based on character level and difficulty. No one can die in this arena. Duel stops when player or NPC health reaches 1. Test new items and spells on a formidable foe in a safe environment.

Duel Players Player/s duel other player/s. Even with no NPCs, it is still a safe environment where no death is possible.


This NPC has the ability to gamble. Pick an unidentified item and buy it blindly. Item types are based on region and difficulty. It is possible to gamble for any special item of an item type, as long as that item type is in the gambling window. Every time you choose to gamble, the items to choose from are new.

Give Give this NPC items. Healing This NPC automatically restores your health and mana whenever you talk to it. Identify This NPC has the ability to identify items in the player�s inventory. Multiplayer Chess Play Chess with other players.

Minion Duel Player�s mercenary and/or summons will fight other player�s mercenary and/or summons. What ever the player has summoned or commissioned when agreeing to a minion duel will go into the arena. This is the only time where death will take place inside the arena.

Patience If you listen to this NPC�s story, you get a reward. Play Rock Roller Play Rock Roller with this NPC. Rock Roller is basically pong with magic rocks. Play Rune Escape Play Rune Escape with this NPC. Rune Escape is basically Tetris mixed with Dr. Mario Play Stone Parchment Knife Play Stone Parchment Knife with this NPC. Stone Parchment Knife is Rock, Paper, Scissors.

Pledge This NPC has the ability to pledge their will and become your mercenary. If you already have a mercenary and choose to pledge this new NPC, your old mercenary is disbanded and the new NPC becomes your mercenary.

Quest Giver This NPC has the ability to give the player quests.

Race Mounts This NPC has the ability to race the livestock. Player�s can bet on which mount they want to win. Could be single and multiplayer.

Single Repair This NPC has the ability to repair one item of choice to full durability.


This NPC has the ability to trade with the player. The player can view the NPC�s inventory and purchase or sell accordingly. The items that are available depend on the specific NPC, as well as the region the NPC is in and the difficulty. New items are available whenever you reenter town.

Trade (Stasher�s Cave Items) This NPC can sell you furniture or decorative items that will go straight to your personal hideout.

Travel Travel to the next Region, or to wherever this NPC can take you.

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Region 1: Tharsis

Region 1: Tharsis Zone Layout

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Rebel Battlement [Town] � Zone 1 The Rebel Battlement is an old run down trader colony converted into a small military outpost with a residential presence. The town is located on a plateau in the heart of an unforgiving desert.

Conceptual Topdown

Town Setup: Structures and Assets

o Sandstone Brick Walls surround the city, protecting it from the harsh desert and its wild inhabitants. It is possible to walk along the wall, traveling to each tower.

o The Barracks connect the wall and its towers to the town. Soldiers bunk here, as well as plan out there attacks against the believers. The town leader, Battlemaster Sekora, is located here.

o An Outhouse is located south of the barracks. This is where the soldiers tackle their inner demons. Also, this is where the Sewer entrance resides.

o The Blacksmith is located north of the barracks. Fine steel and ornate arms are crafted here. o A Training Octagon is located next to the barracks in order for the soldiers to practice. o A Tavern is located near the barracks. This is by far the most popular place in town. o An Inn resides near the Tavern. However, due to the everlasting war, there is not much business. o The Oasis area is the central piece in the battlement. Around the Oasis there is Cisterns to house

water. A Fishery, which is full of fish from the nearby sea. A small Crop Area is also located here. A Shade Area was also created for the crop tenders to rest in.

o The Market is located north of the Oasis. The market is filled with buyers and sellers with their small tent like shops.

o Livestock Pens area located in the northeast corner of the town. o Houses fill the eastern side of the battlement. o A Healer House is located in the housing area. This is where ail or injured defenders are kept. o A Food Storage building is in the southeast. This is where any surplus of food is put.

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o Torches are scattered everywhere to light the city from dusk till dawn o Materials such as wood planks, barrels, lumber, and crates are dispersed in town. o Desert Bush and Trees also grow around the city. o A Portway is located near the barracks. These magical grounds allow you to travel to other

portways. o A Main Path runs through the city. It is made of sandstone bricks. o Your Personal Treasure Trove resides in the city near the Blacksmith. o Quest 2 and Quest 7 are completed in town.

Town Population: Non Player Characters

o Battlemaster Sekora is the town leader. A veteran of the war against the believers, he resides inside the barracks.

o Defender Riavak is a defender like yourself. He lives in the barracks and fears the war will never end.

o Defender Ja-oeh is located in one of the towers. He talks about how he wants to look for a battle instead of wait for one.

o Defender Markeye is a defender with a weak stomach. He sits in one of the stalls in the outhouse. o Smith Raiven is the town�s blacksmith. He is very passionate about his job. o Savant Salaam is ready to train anytime. Located in the training octagon, Salaam will try anything

to duel with you. He is known for his verbal taunting ability. o Brewmaster Werb is the bartender in the tavern. His beer belly is the biggest in the region. He

loves to make jokes. o Wench Cariya is the serving wench in the tavern. Her father is Werb. She hates men, and longs for

a female companion. o Jokie sits at a table in the tavern. He loves to speak in riddles, and rhymes. o Briyan sits on a stool at the bartender�s counter. He is horribly drunk, and pukes randomly. If you

give him something he will get pissed. o Deareet runs the local Inn. Because her business is so slow from the wars, she must sell some of

her possessions. o Aslam is the only tenant at the Inn. He is too afraid to venture outside the battlement, thus he is

contemplating residency. o Catchmaster Kinkoa runs the small fishery near the Oasis. He loves to tell stories of weird things

he has found when catching fish in the nearby sea. However, last time he went fishing he lost his fishing pole; had to leave it behind because he was scared away by creatures.

o Waterwatcher Kayren deals with the cisterns and water in the Oasis. She longs for a husband. o Nahdiya tends the small crops next to the Oasis. She complains about her husband Oarin who

never helps her. o Oarin is a very lazy guy who is supposed to help his wife Nahdiya with the crops, but instead sits

in the shaded area. He always complains about how hot it is. o Staio is located in the market. He wants to strike a deal. o Mila has a shop in the market. She is an old woman who is depressed. Her husband died in the war. o Iopus owns a shady shop in the market. What is he really selling anyways? o Penkeeper Tyner owns the stables. He smells like a donkey but he doesn�t know it. You may need

his steeds to travel a long distance. o Garand is an old man who lives in one of the houses. He mumbles to himself o Herood is a young kid who lives in one of the houses. He desires to become a defender. o Ahnknicka lives in one of the houses. She waits for her husband to come back. She is very lonely. o Healer Amee is located in the healer house. She heals the inured soldiers, and longs for the war to

end. o Solus is an injured defender who is recovering in the healer house. He loves to tell his story of

battle to all. o Arb is the head of food storage. He believes that free thinkers will soon run out of food due to the

attacks from the believers. o Tobais roams the streets. He is a bored man who wants to explorer outside the walls.

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Town NPC/Player Interaction All NPCs will be able to speak with the player. However, some NPCs offer services and other opportunities to the player. These are listed below: NPC (Location) Special Abilities Battlemaster Sekora (Barracks) Quest Giver // Identify // Commission Mercenary Brewmaster Werb (Tavern) Trade Briyan (Tavern) Give Catchmaster Kinkoa (Oasis) Give Deareet (Inn) Trade (Stasher�s Cave Items Only) Healer Amee (Healer House) Trade // Healing Iopus (Market) Trade // Gamble Jokie (Tavern) Play Chess // Multiplayer Chess Mila (Market) Trade Penkeeper Tyner (Livestock Pens) Race Mounts // Travel to next Region (Quest 7 required) Savant Salaam (Training Octagon) Duel NPC // Co-operative Duel // Duel Players // Minion Duel Smith Raiven (Blacksmith) Trade // Single Repair // Complete Repair Staio (Market) Trade Dynamic Factors Description Special Shopkeeper 1 possible (.01% chance) Weather Hot (45%), Normal (50%), and Overcast (5%) ������������������������������������������������������������������������ Sewers � Zone 2 The Sewers hold the waste from the Rebel Battlement. The sewers are constructed of crude brick and mud. The waste is led down the sewer levels into the Red Desert. The sewers were designed so that in an event of a believer attack, the town�s folk could escape through them. However, creatures from the sands have managed to break into the sewers from the wilderness. This area is designed to be an introductory dungeon. Static Factors Description Connected Rebel Battlement and Red Desert Population Density Light Quest 1 Eradicate the entire area Zone Size Small to Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 1 � 2 Layout Random Levels 1 � 3 Monster Types Placeholder Special Monsters 1 � 2 Special Treasure Troves 1 � 2 Traps 1 � 5 Treasure Troves 10 � 15

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Red Desert � Zone 3 The Red Desert is a massive open area. Because of the surrounding mountains being made of red sandstone, the sand is literally blood red. The desert is scattered with rocks and small shrubbery with occasional trees. Filled with weird creatures, this desert is known for its harsh winds. Static Factors Description Connected Rebel Battlement, Sewers, Sandwyrm Nest, and Nezbar Outpost. Population Density Heavy

Zone Ability

The Red Desert has harsh winds that gust randomly. When there is a gust, there is a 10% chance that the player will get knocked backward or to the side (depending on the wind direction). If the weather is overcast, there will be no wind.

Zone Size Extremely Large

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Sandwyrm Nest � Zone 4 The Sandwyrm Nest is a narrow cavernous region. Filled with sandwyrms, this nest is slimy and full of wyrm dung.

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 0 � 3 Layout Random Monster Types Placeholder NPC In Need 1 possible (10% chance) Random Events 1 possible (5% chance) Special Monsters 2 � 5 Treasure Troves 7 � 15

Static Factors Description Connected Red Desert Monster Types Placeholder Special Monster Queen of Wyrms Special Treasure Trove 1 (near Queen of Wyrms) Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Levels 1 � 2 Special Monsters 2 � 5 Traps 5 � 10 Treasure Troves 5 � 10

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Nezbar Outpost � Zone 5 The Nezbar Outpost is a place similar to the Rebel Battlement, however it is much bigger. By the time the player reaches the Nezbar Outpost, the believers have attacked it and only ruins remain.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Dunes Of Exile � Zone 6 The Dunes of Exile is a massive open area just like the red desert. However, the surrounding mountains are a more familiar color making the sand its common color. This zone has high dunes, with very little rock formations and plant life.

Static Factors Description Connected Red Desert, and Dunes of Exile NPC In Need Injured Rebel (100% chance) Population Density Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone Quest 3 Involves finding the Rebel Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Monster Types Placeholder Special Monsters 3 � 5 Treasure Troves 5 � 10

Static Factors Description Connected Nezbar Outpost, Carillian Ridge, and the Northern Pass Population Density Heavy Zone Size Extremely Large

Dynamic Factors Description Connected Lost Cavern (1% chance) Godly Stones 0 � 3 Layout Random Monster Types Placeholder NPCs In Need 1 possible (10% chance) Special Monsters 2 � 6 Treasure Troves 10 � 15

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Lost Cavern � Zone 7 The Lost Cavern is a very rare dungeon. It is only in 1% of the games created. The caverns geology is similar to the sandwyrm�s nest.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Carillian Ridge � Zone 8 The Carillian Ridge is a large path that overlooks the Dunes of Exile. The ridge starts at the base of a mountain and elevates slowly. Boulders and rocks of all sizes are commonplace in this area.

Static Factors Description Connected Dunes of Exile Population Density Extremely Heavy Special Monster King of Thieves

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Monster Types Placeholder Special Monsters 6 � 10 Special Treasure Troves 3 � 5 Traps 5 � 15 Treasure Troves 10 � 15 Zone Size Random

Static Factors Description Connected Dunes of Exile and Stasher�s Cave Godly Stones 1 Population Density Moderate

Zone Ability Every 1 to 2 minutes a large boulder will of random speed will come across the player. If the boulder hits the player, the player will be knocked backed and take substantial damage.

Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Monster Types Placeholder Random Events 1 (5% chance) Special Monsters 2 � 5 Treasure Troves 6 � 10

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Stasher�s Cave � Zone 9 Stasher�s Cave is a very unique zone. Before you complete Quest 4, it acts as a regular zone. Once you complete Quest 4, Stasher�s cave acts as a personal hideout. You can customize your hideout by buying Stasher Cave items from NPCs. Your Stasher�s cave is only accessible when you create the game. After Quest 4, Stasher�s cave is run like a town; no one can attack each other. By default, Stasher�s cave is very small and has nothing in it besides a cooking pot, a tent with a lantern, and a pile of books. There is a hole in one of the cavern walls; this is the entrance to the Dark Passage.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Dark Passage � Zone 10 The Dark Passage is a long cavernous maze area. It is very dark with lurking shadowy creatures. This is the first zone where a puzzle must be solved in order to exit.

Static Factors Description Connected Carillian Ridge and The Dark Passage Layout Static. This area is not randomly generated. NPC In Need Assa the Rouge Magician (until Quest 4 is completed) Personal Treasure Trove Resides in this zone only when Quest 4 is completed. Portway One will always be present in this zone. Quest 4 Involves Assa the Rouge Magician Zone Ability This zone has the ability to become a customizable town zone. Zone Size Very Small

Dynamic Factors Because of the ability for players to customize their own area, each player�s Stasher�s cave will be unique.

Static Factors Description Connected Stasher�s Cave and Northern Pass Monster Types Placeholder

Special Item A Piece of Parchment can be found alongside a dead traveler at the start of the zone. The parchment can be read by the player, giving a clue about this zone�s puzzle

Population Density Extremely Light

Special Objective

In order to open the special rock door covering the exit of the Dark Passage, the player must light all the unlit torches in the zone. Already burning torches are scattered throughout the zone randomly for the player to pick up. Once the player picks up a burning torch, monsters will run away from the player because they are disgusted by light. The player can then travel the zone, lighting all the unlit torches.

Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Item: Lit Torches 5 � 8 Special Landmark: Unlit Torches 16 � 24 Special Monsters 1 � 3 Special Treasure Troves 0 � 1 Traps 5 � 10 Treasure Troves 3 � 7

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The Northern Pass � Zone 11 The Northern Pass is a long pass over and through arid desert mountains.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Peak Of Burning � Zone 12 The Peak of Burning is a zone at the peak of an arid desert mountain.

Static Factors Description Connected Dunes of Exile, Dark Passage, Peak of Burning and Scorching Horizontal Godly Stones 1 Population Density Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone. Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Monster Types Placeholder NPCs In Need 1 possible (10% chance) Special Monsters 3 � 6 Treasure Troves 10 � 15

Static Factors Description Connected The Northern Pass Godly Stones 1 Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Heavy Special Treasure Trove 1 Zone Size Small to Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 2 � 5 Treasure Troves 7 � 11

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Scorching Horizontal � Zone 13 The Scorching Horizontal is hot with extra sauce. There is no change in elevation throughout the entire area. The whole zone is flat. The zone is littered with sand, tiny rocks, and huge cacti. No other plant life can survive hear beside the cacti, for this area is too harsh. Because of the conditions, the believers thought this would be a perfect place to hold prisoner freethinkers, and try to �persuade� them to see the light.


Slithering Pit � Zone 14 The Slithering Pit is where things that slither like to hang out. This zone is similar to the Sandwyrm Nest, but this time around the residence are snakes.

Static Factors Description Connected The Northern Pass, Slithering Pit, and Great Coast NPC In Need 10 Prisoners (100% chance) Population Density Moderate Quest 5 Involves liberating the imprisoned from the camp.

Special Landmark A Believer Conversion Camp will always be present in this zone. The Believer camp is a prison/concentration camp. The Believers corrupt freethinkers here if they do not cooperate.

Special Monster Believer Lieutenant

Zone Ability

Because the conditions are so harsh, it is possible to loose life by just standing in the sun. If the weather is Hot, and it is Daytime, a player in this zone will loose life continuously while in the sun. Large Cacti create big shadowed areas for players to cool down in. In the shaded areas, players quickly regain their lost life from the sun.

Zone Size Large

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 1 � 3 Layout Random Monster Types Placeholder Random Events 1 possible (5% chance) Special Monsters 3 � 7 Treasure Troves 10 � 16

Static Factors Description Connected Scorching Horizontal Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Moderate Special Monster King Cobra Special Treasure Trove 1 (near King Cobra) Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Levels 1 � 3 Special Monsters 3 � 5 Traps 5 � 10 Treasure Troves 5 � 10

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Great Coast � Zone 15 The Great Coast runs along the sea. It stretches a vast distance. Old ships are washed ashore along with their broken parts.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ The Narthex � Zone 16 The Narthex connects the great coast to the basin of belief. Carved from rock, the Narthex is a believer passage comparable to a labyrinth. Many believers and their minions guard this area, making sure no freethinker can pass through.

Static Factors Description Connected Scorching Horizontal and The Narthex Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Moderate Portway One will always be present in this zone. Special Item: Kinkoa�s Fishing Pole can be found on the ground somewhere in this zone. Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 0 � 2 Layout Random Special Monsters 2 � 5 Treasure Troves 10 � 15

Static Factors Description Connected Great Coast and Basin of Belief Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone. Zone Size Extra Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random NPCs In Need 1 possible (1% chance) Random Events 1 possible (5% chance) Special Monsters 3 � 8 Traps 7 � 12 Treasure Troves 12 � 18

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Basin Of Belief � Zone 17 The Basin Of Belief is believer town central. Many believers live here and are unsuspecting of any kind of rebel attack. This zone is full of houses, shops, farms, and other believer buildings and structures, all which are in one form or another destructible by the player.


Temple Of Purity [Final] � Zone 18 The Temple Of Purity is a glorious place. Inside the temple is the Artifact of Power, a powerful item that can grant normal people powers. Knowing this, the believers have many temple guardians and other fail-safes incase of a rebel attack against the temple.

Static Factors Description Connected The Narthex and Temple Of Purity Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 4 � 8 Traps 5 � 10 Treasure Troves 13 � 20

Static Factors Description Connected Basin of Belief Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone. Quest 6 Involves the Artifact of Power Special Item 1 Bronze Key is always in this zone. Special Item 1 Silver Key is always in this zone. Special Item 1 Golden Key is always in this zone. Special Item The Artifact of Power resides at the end of this zone. Special Landmark 1 Bronze Door is always in this zone. Special Landmark 1 Silver Door is always in this zone. Special Landmark 1 Golden Door is always in this zone. Special Monster The Bronze Guardian is always guarding the Bronze Key. Special Monster Lord Silver is always guarding the Silver Key. Special Monster The Golden Guardian is always guarding the Golden Key. Special Monster The Artifact Protector is always guarding the Artifact of Power.

Special Objective

To open the Golden Door that leads to the Artifact chamber you need the Golden Key. However, a Silver Door blocks the path to the Golden Key. In order to open the Silver Door you need the Silver Key. The Silver Key resides through a Bronze Door. In order to open the Bronze Door, you need the Bronze Key.

Zone Ability On any other difficulty than normal; whenever a key is obtained, everything respawns.

Zone Size Extremely Large

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Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 8 � 12 Traps 7 � 15 Treasure Troves 15 � 20

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Region 2: Aurorae

Region 2: Aurorae Zone Layout

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Cavern Haven [Town] � Zone 1 The Cavern Haven is a small secret rebel settlement. The town is inside a mountainside cavern overlooking a dry savanna. The Cavern Haven is a popular place to send rebellion children to keep them safe. Because of the quality concealment, not many defenders guard the town.

Conceptual Topdown

Town Setup: Structures and Assets

o Cavernous Rock encases the city. However there is a small clearing of rock to exit the town. The floor of the cavern is made of moist dirt.

o A Lake resides inside the cavern. This lake was the decisive factor in settling the area. o From the entrance of the city the first structure is a Waterfilter. o Food Storage resides next to the water filter. This is where any surplus of food is put. o A Forge is on the other side of the food storage area. The forge looks very worn and old. o A House made of dry savanna grass resides north of the forge. o A Large House is north of the other house. This house belongs to the town leader, Cleric

Grantersyn. o Another House resides to the west of the Cleric�s. And next to that, another one as well. o A Lumbersmith is south of the last house. This is the only structure made of wood in the entire

town. Many woodworkings surround and fill the Lumbersmith�s building. o A School/Orphanage is to the west of the Lumbersmith. The school is the biggest building by far

in the town. Many learning tools fill this place. This building has many hay beddings for children to sleep.

o A Large Firepit is located in the center of town. o Torch Poles are scattered throughout to light the city from the cavern�s darkness.

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o Materials such as wood planks, barrels, lumber, and things made of grass are dispersed in town. o A Hammock is outside one of the houses. If the player goes into the hammock, a random item will

drop from the player�s inventory (not equipped items). o There is no distinguished path to roam the city since it is so small, and only dirt fills the streets. o A Portway is located near the Lumbersmith. o Your Personal Treasure Trove resides in the city near the Forge. o Quest 7 is completed in town.

Town Population: Non Player Characters

o Cleric Grantersyn is the town leader. He enlisted as a defender but studied healing instead of combat.

o Wife Nausica is the cleric�s wife. She is very attractive. o Forger Nyan is the forger. He complains of having not enough tools, and how the forge is old and

worn. o Waterwatcher Fortin tends to the water needs of the town. The dark cave gives him depression. He

knows about Fishin�. o Walder is the lumbersmith. He used to be a defender but then got injured. Now he can�t run. He

has multiple personalities. He�s got a cycle contraption that might help you somehow. o Teacheress Minda teaches the children. She loves kids but fears that none will ever see their

parents again. o Many kids run abound the city. They are board and they miss their parents. o Son Tensain is an orphan who wants to play a game with you. o Defender Kapalan roams the city, guarding it. He dreams to be assigned to the front lines. o Defender Monor roams the city. He loves this assignment because he knows he will not get killed.

Envious of the Cleric�s wife. o Defender Namala roams the city guarding it. She fantasizes about slitting throats and killing

people. Town NPC/Player Interaction All NPCs will be able to speak with the player. However, some NPCs offer services and other opportunities to the player. These are listed below: NPC (Location) Special Abilities Cleric Grantersyn (Large House) Quest Giver // Healing // Trade Forger Nyan (Forge) Trade // Single Repair // Complete Repair Son Tensain (Orphanage) Play Stone Parchment Knife Teacheress Minda (Orphanage) Identify Walden (Lumbersmith) Trade // Travel to next Region (Quest 7 required) Waterwatcher Fortin (Waterfilter) Trade (only if you learned the fishing ability) Dynamic Factors Description Special Shopkeeper 1 possible (.01% chance)

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Dry Savanna � Zone 2 The Dry Savanna is an extremely large zone. Filled with dried savanna grass and trees, this zone is very flat. A lot of wildlife occupies this zone.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Rediji River � Zone 3 The Rediji River is grand and wide. It�s current flows swiftly toward the dry savanna area.

Static Factors Description Connected Cavern Haven, Rediji River, and Trifa Grasslands Population Density Moderate Quest 1 Involves killing and collecting a certain monster type Zone Size Extra Large

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 1 � 2 Layout Random Monster Types Placeholder Special Monsters 2 � 5 Treasure Troves 4 � 7 Weather Hot (10%), Normal (40%), Overcast (20%), Rain (20%), and Storm (10%)

Static Factors Description Connected Dry Savanna Population Density Moderate Quest 2 Involves destroying the poison foundry Special Landmark A Believer Poison Foundry will always be present in zone Special Monster Alchemist Disciple always resides in the Foundry Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Monster Types Placeholder NPC In Need 1 possible (10% chance) Random Events 1 possible (5% chance) Special Monsters 2 � 5 Treasure Troves 4 � 7

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Trifa Grasslands � Zone 4 The Trifa Grasslands are a fruitful green region. There is much grass, shrubbery, plants, and trees. The area is a mixture of flats and hills. Throughout the zone there are decayed stone ruins of an ancient people, as well as destroyed ruins of freethinker villages.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Spider Hive � Zone 5 The Spider is a narrow cavernous region. Filled with all kinds of eight legged creatures, this hive contains many webs that could easily trap the player.

Static Factors Description Connected Dry Savanna, Spider Hive, and Ror Wetlands Population Density Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone. Quest 3 Involves finding Wife Nausica Zone Size Extra Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Monster Types Placeholder Special Monster Drooling Drake of Flames (5% chance) Special Monster 4 � 7 Treasure Troves 10 � 15

Static Factors Description Connected Trifa Grasslands Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Heavy Special Monster Widowmaker Special Treasure Trove 1 (near Widowmaker) Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Levels 1 � 3 Special Monsters 3 � 5 Traps 8 � 15 Treasure Troves 5 � 10

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Ror Wetlands � Zone 6 The Ror Wetlands are filled with ponds, as well as contain muddy grassy patches. This is a hard zone to pass through.


Apostle�s Castle � Zone 7 The Apostle�s Castle is a huge labyrinth. The Apostle purposely created the castle past the wetlands, knowing travelers will most likely not venture deep into the Ror. Made of brick and stone, this area is filled with many, many traps. The minions of the apostle guard their leader.

Static Factors Description Connected Trifa Grasslands, Apostle�s Castle, and Garanga Highlands Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone. Special Treasure Troves 3 will be scattered in remote areas of this zone.

Zone Ability

Because the wetlands are a muddy and treacherous place, all movement in muddy areas reduce your speed by half. In these areas, if you stand still for 10 seconds, the player will start to sink. If the player sinks completely, they die. Also, if players stand still for 5 seconds near a pond of water in the wetlands, a giant serpent will emerged and swallow them whole.

Zone Size Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random NPC In Need 1 possible (25% chance) Random Events 1 possible (5% chance) Special Monsters 4 � 9 Treasure Troves 3 � 8

Static Factors Description Connected Ror Wetlands Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone. Quest 4 Involves killing the Apostle Special Monster Apostle Soulareus will always be present in the Apostle Antechamber.

Special Objective

There is a huge crystal of light in the center chamber. There are other non-lit crystals in the far reaches of each corner of the labyrinth. Align the light to the other crystals using randomly placed mirrors that are placed throughout the dungeon. If completed, this will open the Apostle Antechamber. Difficulty of this puzzle is random.

Zone Size Extremely Large

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 2 � 4 Layout Random Special Monsters 8 � 12 Traps 15 � 26 Treasure Troves 12 � 16

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Garanga Highlands � Zone 8 The Garanga Highlands is full of thick tall grass and contains many hills, both large and small. Large boulders fill the hills, as ancient stone structures fill the peaks.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Tower Of Lebal � Zone 9 The Tower Of Lebal is a massively tall structure. It contains a lot of levels. Believers use this tower to scout for rebels. At the top of the tower is a catapult device, used for bombarding any rebel attack squad.

Static Factors Description Connected Ror Wetlands, Tower of Lebal, and the Shadowing Forest Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Moderate Portway One will always be present in this zone. Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 0 � 2 Layout Random Random Events 1 possible (25% chance) Special Monsters 3 � 5 Treasure Troves 7 � 12

Static Factors Description Connected Garanga Highlands Layout Static; this area is not randomly generated. Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone. Quest 5 Involves reaching the top of the tower. Special Landmark Catapult (always at the top of tower) Special Monster Master Jez�I (always at the top of tower) Zone Size Small to Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Levels 11 � 31 Special Monster 8 � 11 Special Treasure Troves 1 � 2 Traps 5 � 10 Treasure Troves 1 � 2

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Shadowing Forest � Zone 10 The Shadowing Forest is dark, even when it is daytime. The forest has tall trees that block out the sun. Many interesting creatures thrive in this environment.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Spooky Cavern � Zone 11 The Spooky Cavern; what more do I have to say? The music will sound like your in Nightmare on Elm Street, and at random a snickering mad laugh will come and go.

Static Factors Description Connected Garanga Highlands, Spooky Cavern, and Prairie Meadowlands. Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Moderate Portway One will always be present in this zone.

Zone Ability

The shadowing forest is tricky on the eyes. In this zone, you will see illusions, hallucinations, and other things that are not really there. Random characters will run by, huge monsters will start chasing you, stairwells of death will appear, unique items will fall to the ground, and glittering special treasure troves will appear everywhere. All of these things will fade away when you get too close to them.

Zone Size Large

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 1 � 2 Layout Random NPC In Need 1 possible (10% chance) Special Monsters 2 � 6 Treasure Troves 8 � 15

Static Factors Description Connected Shadowing Forest Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Light Special Monster Englundeaderi Special Treasure Trove 1 (next to Englundeaderi) Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 2 � 6 Traps 5 � 10 Treasure Troves 5 � 10

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Prairie Meadowlands � Zone 12 The Prairie Meadowlands is a small clearing from the trees of the shadowing forest. Low grass and small hills dominate this zone. A few ponds also appear in the area.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Keldorian Encampment [Final] � Zone 13 The Keldorian Encampment is a massive training base for the believer army. Training equipment in all various masteries is present. Tents and wooden structures house the soldiers in their off time.

Static Factors Description Connected Shadowing Forest and Keldorian Encampment Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Light Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 1 � 2 Layout Random Special Monsters 2 � 5 Treasure Troves 5 � 10

Static Factors Description Connected Prairie Meadowlands Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone. Quest 6 Involves this zone. Special Monster General Tomlynsyn

Special Objective Kill everything in this zone. When completed, General Tomlynsyn will come out of his tent.

Zone Size Extra Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 7 � 12 Treasure Troves 10 � 15

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Region 3: Hellas

Region 2: Hellas Zone Layout

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Artic Keep [Town] � Zone 1 The Artic Keep is an establishment on the front lines of the war. The keep lies in the heart of a desolate and cold winter wonderland.

Conceptual Topdown

Town Setup: Structures and Assets

o Wooden Plank Walls surround the city. o 4 Towers in each corner of the keep serve as lookouts. These towers are not connected to the walls

of the city. They reside inside, but are a completely independent structure. o A huge fenced Training Area is the city�s centerpiece. o A large Barracks fills the western side of the keep. o The Legionnaire�s War Room is in the city�s north. This is where the rebels plan their attacks

against the believers. This is where the town leader, Legionnaire Metalsky. o Healing Baths are to the east of the legionnaire�s war room. Soldiers in need of healing soak in the

hot baths. o The Weaponcrafter is located in the south of the city. This is where are the weapons are crafted for

the defenders in town. o The Armor Master is located to the east of the weaponcrafter. Armor for the defenders is crafted

here. o The Alehouse is located in the southeastern corner. This tavern is the most popular place in town. o Inside the Alehouse there is a stage like area with Musical Instruments. These include a set of

primitive drums, two acoustic guitars, and a bass. Utilizing the keyboard, the player can jam out, and in multiplayer, their friends also can jam out.

o A small Food Storage area is next to the southeastern tower. o An Outhouse is located next to the northeastern tower. A huge turd is always present. o Lots of Wooden Crates and stuff of sorts hold valuable things in storage throughout the city. o Torchbowls of various sizes are scattered throughout the city to provide light and warmth.

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o A Portway is located near the barracks. . o Your Personal Treasure Trove resides in the city near the Alehouse. o Quest 2 is completed in town.

Town Population: Non Player Characters

o Legionnaire Metalsky is the town leader. He hates the believers with so much vigor, when he starts going off about them; he almost has a heart attack.

o Defender Sickeriss is in the northwestern tower. He hates the cold, but knows how to warm up in the tavern.

o Defender Morrow is in the southwestern tower. He is intrigued by pain. o Defender Pol is a heavyset guard in the southwestern tower. He complains about going up and

down the ladder of the tower. o Defender Ashkah resides in the northeastern tower. He is asleep. o Defenders train in the training area. All anxious to fight. o Defenders sleep and hang out in the barracks. They all have different views of the war, but they all

mention how nice the Alehouse tender is. o Healer Allma tends to the baths. She heals the injured soldiers. o Defender Masai sits in the baths. He pretends to be injured so he doesn�t have to go out on

missions. o Iron Hand Riddicks is the weaponcrafter. He always talks crap about the armor master. o Master Domai is the armor master. He always talks crap about the weaponcrafter. o Tender Prylta is the ale bartender. She is the village bicycle and she loves it. o Defender Synsam would like to play a game with you. o Veteran Allan is a veteran defender. He is old, but wise. He can still fight well. He is thinking of

going back to his hometown Anthra for a visit. o A Random Named Defender will always be in the back of the alehouse in Prylta�s bed.

Town NPC/Player Interaction All NPCs will be able to speak with the player. However, some NPCs offer services and other opportunities to the player. These are listed below: NPC (Location) Special Abilities Defender Synsam (Alehouse) Play Rock Roller Healer Allma (Healing Baths) Trade // Healing Iron Hand Riddicks (Weaponcrafter) Trade // Single Repair // Complete Repair Legionnaire Metalsky (War Room) Quest Giver // Commission Mercenary Master Domai (Armor Master) Trade // Single Repair // Complete Repair Tender Prylta (Alehouse) Trade // Gamble Veteran Allan (Alehouse) Identify // Travel to next Region (Quest 7 required) Dynamic Factors Description Special Shopkeeper 1 possible (.01% chance) Weather Normal (40%), Fog (20%), Snow (30%), and Blizzard (10%)

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Artic Wasteland � Zone 2 The Artic Wasteland is an extremely large zone. This zone is in the heart of the mountains. Snow blankets everything you see. Hills of all sizes are plentiful in the region.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Mysterious Hole � Zone 3 The Mysterious Hole is a small maze like ice cavern. Interesting creatures reside here.

Static Factors Description Connected Artic Keep, Mysterious Hole, and Frozen Desert Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Heavy Quest 1 Involves killing the Guardian King Special Landmark Small settlement at the end of the zone. Special Monster Guardian King Zone Size Extremely Large

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 2 � 4 Layout Random NPC In Need 2 possible (20% chance) Special Monsters 2 � 6 Treasure Troves 8 � 15

Static Factors Description Connected Artic Wasteland Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Light Special Monster Reanimated Snowman Special Treasure Trove 1 (near Reanimated Snowman) Zone Size Small to Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 2 � 3 Traps 3 � 5 Treasure Troves 5 � 10

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Frozen Desert � Zone 4 The Frozen Desert is a large flat plane of snow and ice. However, not all the ice is on land. The desert resides on the coast. Traveling on the ice above water is risky for it could break.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Thermal Enclosure � Zone 5 The Thermal Enclosure is an underground area full of passages that is roofed by a dome of dried lava that cooled long ago. The deeper the player travels into the enclosure, the hotter it gets.

Static Factors Description Connected Artic Wasteland, Thermal Enclosure, and Chilling Passage Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Moderate Portway One will always be present in this zone. Quest 3 Involves this zone Special Landmark Blockade Of Ice blocks the zone at the end.

Special Objective The player must find the weak point in the blockade, and hit it with the Convecting Horn to open the Chilling Passage.

Zone Ability If the player is walking over ice that is frozen above water, that ice has a 15% chance of breaking, making the player fall through and die.

Zone Size Extremely Large

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 1 � 2 Layout Random Random Events 1 possible (10% chance) Special Monsters 2 � 6 Treasure Troves 5 � 15

Static Factors Description Connected Frozen Desert Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Moderate Quest 3 Involves this zone Special Item Convecting Horn Special Monster Burning Frost Monarch Beatle (drops the Convecting Horn) Special Treasure Trove 1 placed randomly Zone Size Medium to Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Levels 2 � 5 NPC In Need 1 possible (5% chance) Special Monsters 2 � 6 Traps 10 � 15 Treasure Troves 5 � 13

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Chilling Passage � Zone 6 The chilling passage is a confusing frozen labyrinth. Icy reflective canals and tunnels make this zone a headache of perplexion.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Badlands � Zone 7 The Badlands start off as snow, but then move to a mixture of dark thick dirt, and solid volcanic lava with open some open lava flows. Lots of rocks and scattered trees, both dead and alive fill the zone. These lands are starting to descend downward.

Static Factors Description Connected Frozen Desert and Badlands Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone. Special Landmark/Item 1 Small Snowball will always be present deep in the zone.

Special Objective

In the chilling passage, there is no exit. In order to exit the zone without going backwards, the player must create an exit. There will be a small snowball somewhere in the zone. The player must push the small snowball around so it gains momentum and gains more snow. Once the player gets the ball rolling fast, the ball will takeoff on its own, going through the canals and tunnels of the passage. Once the ball gets big enough, it will start ripping through the zone. When the ball hits the outside wall, it will blow through and create a hole for the player to exit.

Zone Size Extremely Large

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 1 � 2 Layout Random Special Monsters 5 � 8 Special Treasure Troves 1 � 2 Traps 5 � 13 Treasure Troves 5 � 15

Static Factors Description Connected Chilling Passage, Geyer Ridge, and Conjecting Lands Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Moderate Portway One will always be present in this zone. Quest 4 Involves this area Special Item Emrylon Root Zone Size Large

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 1 � 2 Layout Random Random Events 1 possible (10% chance) Special Monsters 3 � 7 Treasure Troves 5 � 15

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Geyser Ridge � Zone 8 Geyser Ridge is a small zone with many sulfur geysers in a volcanic setting. The entire ridge is made of rock running with lava flows.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Conjecting Lands � Zone 9 The Conjecting Lands is made entirely of solid volcanic rock and open lava flows. Lava Geysers are present as well. However, they are small in number but large in size.

Static Factors Description Connected Badlands Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Light Quest 4 Involves this area Special Item Solid Sulfur

Zone Ability

This zone contains Sulfur Geysers. These geysers shoot out pieces of Solid Sulfur. These pieces can hurt the player when they are shot out of the geyser, but not when they land and solidify. The player needs to collect pieces of solid sulfur in order to complete quest 4.

Zone Size Small

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random NPC In Need 1 possible (15% chance) Special Monsters 1 � 2 Treasure Troves 2 � 5

Static Factors Description Connected Badlands, High Cliffs, and the Border Of Belief Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone.

Zone Ability Lava Geysers randomly blow massive amounts of lava onto the ground. The player can easily die if the geyser�s spew hits the player.

Zone Size Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Random Events 1 possible (25% chance) Special Monsters 3 � 7 Traps 6 � 9 Treasure Troves 5 � 12

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High Cliffs � Zone 10 The High Cliffs oversee the Border of Belief. The High Cliffs are made of solid lava with an alarming amount of open lava flows. At the top of the cliffs, there is a volcanic fissure.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Border Of Belief � Zone 11 The Border Of Belief is a zone full of believers. The terrain is rocky and muddy, with just a hint of volcanic activity. A great wall is erect blocking the zone. Many believers with different magical abilities and ranged weaponry fire down their thunder from there positions. However, if Quest 5 is complete, there is a massive lava flow burning the zone, as well as a gaping hole in the believer�s wall. Encased in the wall are a massive number of believers in a large encampment. After the encampment there is a huge building blocking your path. It is the Apostolorum.

Static Factors Description Connected Conjecting Lands Godly Stones 1 Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Light Quest 5 Involves tossing an exploding potion into a Volcanic Fissure Special Landmark A Volcanic Fissure will always be at the top of the cliffs Special Monster Reizarfg the Unanswerer will always come out of the Volcanic Fissure.

Zone Ability

Once the potion is dropped into the fissure, the entire zone will start to shake. A countdown on the screen will appear. The player has 15 seconds to exit the zone. Once the clock reaches 0, the high cliffs will burst into one huge lava flow, flowing down to the Border of Belief. If the player is still in the zone when the timer reaches 0, the player will die. If the player uses a town portal to exit the zone, in town, the player�s town portal will start to ooze lava. The portal will start turning red, and then collapse into itself and disappear.

Zone Size Small

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 1 � 2

Static Factors Description Connected Conjecting Lands, Secret Passage, and Apostolorum Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone. Zone Ability This zone will look different if Quest 5 is complete Zone Size Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 4 � 9 Special Treasure Troves 1 � 2 Traps 5 � 13 Treasure Troves 5 � 15

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Secret Passage � Zone 12 The Secret Passage is an underground passage made by the believers for quick access to the outside from the Apostolorum. Using the secret passage, there is no need to disable the shield that protects the Apostolorum since the traveler goes under it.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Cesspools � Zone 13 The Cesspools are the sewer canals and pools of the Apostolorum. Heinous green vapor arises from the pools of sludge while the corpses of poor degenerate believers and sacrificial offerings reek ramped among the rats and filth.

Static Factors Description Connected Border Of Belief and Cesspools Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Heavy Zone Size Small

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 1 � 3 Traps 7 � 15 Treasure Troves 4 � 9

Static Factors Description Connected Secret Passage Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Moderate Portway One will always be present in this zone. Quest 6 Involves destroying the Shield Crystal Special Landmark A Shield Crystal will always be in the lowest level of the cesspools in a chamber. Special Monster Stench Master the Blood Burner

Special Objective Every level of the cesspools is flooded with sludge. In order to get to the stairs to go down a level in the pools, you need to pull a switch and let the sewage drain. When it drains, it opens up a lot of the unexplored area, including the stairs.

Zone Size Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Levels 4 � 6 NPC In Need 1 possible (5% chance) Special Monsters 3 � 6 Traps 6 � 12 Treasure Troves 5 � 15

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The Apostolorum [Final] � Zone 14 Once the player completes Quest 6, the magical shield is lifted and the player can go into the Apostolorum. The Apostolorum is the main School of Apostles. The zone is very big and full of rookie Apostle disciples looking to test their powers, as well as veteran teachers. The Apostolorum is made of brick and is set up like a monastery. There is a courtyard, disciple rooms, teaching areas, altars etc.

Static Factors Description Connected Border Of Belief Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone. Quest 7 Involves getting the Map Special Item Map to the Temple Of Creation (dropped by the Keeper Of God) Special Monster Keeper Of Truth (resides in it�s own special chamber) Special Monster Keeper Of Lies (resides in it�s own special chamber) Special Monster Keeper Of Will (resides in it�s own special chamber) Special Monster Keeper Of God (resides in the final chamber)

Special Objective

In order to reach the final chamber, the player must defeat three Keepers in their own special chambers. After each keeper is killed, their souls fly to a symbol of God�s eye on the floor before the chamber door. Once the third keeper is dead, God�s eye fires a beam of light at the chamber door, creating a hole for the player to enter.

Zone Size Extra Large

Dynamic Factors DescriptionLayout Random Special Monsters 10 � 14 Traps 11 � 20 Treasure Troves 10 � 20

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Region 4: Eridania

Region 3: Eridania Zone Layout

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Anthra [Town] � Zone 1 Anthra is a flourishing seaside village community in a mediterranean desert type climate.

Conceptual Topdown

Town Setup: Structures and Assets

o Wooden Walls surround the city, protecting it from the desert and unwanted visitors. Part of the wall extends out to sea.

o The Market is located in the central part of town right near the entrance of the city. The market is filled with buyers and sellers in their small tent like shops.

o The Steelsmith is also in the central part of town and right next to the town�s entrance. o The Pier extends out to the ocean and is a popular fishing spot. o The Port also extends out to the ocean. Freethinker boats are parked here. o Food Storage is north of the blacksmith. o Small Crops occupy the southwestern part of town. o Houses of many types fill the west side of the city. o A Townhall is the largest of the houses. It is located in the northwestern area of the town. The

founder of the city resides there. o Tied up Livestock is to the east of the town hall. o A Lonely House is in the southeast corner of the city. o Wooden Planks blanket the ground on the eastern side of the city. o Materials such as lonely wood planks, barrels, lumber, and crates are dispersed in town. o Desert Bush and Trees grow around the city. o A Portway is located near the port. o Your Personal Treasure Trove resides in the city near the market. o Quest 1 is completed in town.

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Town Population: Non Player Characters o Founder Goodman is the town leader. He manages and oversees every aspect of the city. He

resides in the townhall. o Smith Odnet�Nin supplies the town with steel items. He is interested in innovations with steel. o Shepard Ivan tends to the towns livestock. He may be too enthusiastic when it comes taking care

of animals. o Farmer Jon tends to the crops. He loves the weather. o Trader Ozzo sets up shop in the marketplace. He means business. o Seller Uriel owns a shop in the marketplace. She is a tired woman. o Riokar is a shady salesman in the marketplace. Do you dare ask him for the special? o Portmaster Leeks owns the port. He loves the sea, but hates the rain. o Sirys the Boatmaker works at the port. He went to find materials to make a new boat, but never

returned. o Fisherman Warf fishes off the pier. He is an excellent fisherman. o Myria is known throughout the town as the sea lady. She is an expert at healing but a little crazy in

the head. o Kraid wants to show off a new invention he made at his house. o Kid Chamel is an annoying child who wants you to give him something. o Old Man Jack wants to tell you a story about Samuel Mcguee.

Town NPC/Player Interaction All NPCs will be able to speak with the player. However, some NPCs offer services and other opportunities to the player. These are listed below: NPC (Location) Special Abilities Fisherman Warf (Pier) Trade (only if you learned the fishing ability) Founder Goodman (Townhall) Quest Giver Kid Chamel (House) Give Kraid (House) Play Rune Escape Myria (House) Trade // Healing Old Man Jack (House) Identify // Patience Riokar (Market) Gamble Seller Uriel (Market) Trade Sirys the Boatmaker (Port) Quest Giver // Travel to Isle Of God Smith Odnet�Nin (Steelsmith) Trade // Single Repair // Complete Repair Trader Ozzo (Market) Trade Dynamic Factors Description Special Shopkeeper 1 possible (.01% chance) Weather Hot (45%), Normal (50%), and Overcast (5%)

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Searing Sands � Zone 2 The Searing Sands is a large desert area. . The desert is scattered with rocks and small shrubbery with occasional trees. Sandstone mounds are also commonplace.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Sandstone Cave � Zone 3 The Sandstone cave is a small cavernous region.

Static Factors Description Connected Anthra, Sandstone Cave, and Arid Wildern Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Moderate Zone Size Large

Dynamic Factors Description Godly Stones 0 � 2 Layout Random Random Events 1 possible (5% chance) Special Monsters 3 � 7 Treasure Troves 7 � 15

Static Factors Description Connected Searing Sands NPC In Need Sirys the Boatmaker (only if Quest 2 is not complete) Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Moderate Quest 2 Involves this area Special Monster Venom (end of the zone) Special Treasure Trove 1 (near Venom) Zone Size Small to Medium

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 2 � 5 Traps 5 � 10 Treasure Troves 7 � 15

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Arid Wildern � Zone 4 The Arid Wildern is a large zone filled with desert plant life. Many small oasis areas also populate the zone.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Sandman�s Cave � Zone 5 The Sandman�s cave is a mysterious place. It is very small cave made of sandstone and rock. Do you dare disturb the sandman?

Static Factors Description Connected Searing Sands and Sandman�s Cave Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone. Quest 3 Involves this zone Special Item Papyrus is found in the oasis areas Special Item Wood is dropped from destroying Strong Desert Trees Zone Size Extra Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 3 � 7 Traps 5 � 10 Treasure Troves 7 � 15

Static Factors Description Connected Arid Wildern Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Light Special Monster Mister Sandman (always at end of zone) Special Treasure Trove 1 (next to Mister Sandman) Zone Size Small

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 2 � 4 Traps 5 � 10 Treasure Troves 3 � 8

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Slandering Tides � Zone 6 The Slandering Tides is a large tide pool area that can only be accessed by boat. In this zone, the player has no control of where the boat is going, for the boatmaker is the captain of the ship. However, many things try to attack the ship as well as board it.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Sea Of Shadows � Zone 7 The Sea Of Shadows is a dangerous sea to pass. The creatures of god guard the waters with their lives.

Static Factors Description Connected Anthra, and Sea Of Shadows Layout Static, this area is not randomly generated Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Moderate

Zone Ability The player is on a boat. While it is sailing to its destination, the player has no control of the ship.

Zone Size Medium to Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 2 � 4

Static Factors Description Connected Slandering Tides, and Isle�s Coast Layout Static, this area is not randomly generated Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy

Zone Ability The player is on a boat. While it is sailing to its destination, the player has no control of the ship.

Zone Size Extremely Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 6 � 10

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Isle�s Coast � Zone 8 The Isle of God looks beautiful. When the player first steps on to the coast, enriched white sands cover the land and stern palms grow freely.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Godly Court � Zone 9 Stone statues, marble floors, fountains, baths, tables filled with an untouched feast, and gardens; The Godly Court is breathtaking.

Static Factors Description Connected Sea Of Shadows, and Godly Court Layout Static, this area is not randomly generated Population Density None* Quest 4 Involves getting to this zone Weather Normal (100% chance, from this zone on) Zone Size Medium *Angels Of God Beautiful Naked Women lie on the beach. They ignore the player.

Dynamic Factors Description None There are no dynamic factors in this zone.

Static Factors Description Connected Isle�s Coast, Parallel Existence, Lunar Surface, Netherworld, and Temple�s Path Layout Static, this area is not randomly generated Personal Treasure Trove Your trove resides in this zone Population Density None* Portway One will always be present in this zone. Quest 5 Involves breaking the Godly Barrier Special Landmark The book �Final Choice� resides in the center of the zone Special Landmark Portal Of Dream (Parallel Existence) will always reside next to the �Final Choice� Special Landmark Portal Of Stars (Lunar Surface) will always reside next to the �Final Choice� Special Landmark Portal Of Horrors (Netherworld) will always reside next to the �Final Choice� Special Landmark A Godly Barrier is blocking the door to the Temple�s Path Zone Ability Once the book �Final Choice� has been read, the Portals appear Zone Size Small *Angels Of God Beautiful Naked Women sit in and around baths. They ignore the player.

Dynamic Factors Description None There are no dynamic factors in this zone.

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Parallel Existence � Zone 10 A forest of purple trees, with rivers of green, and the sky above blood red; this zone is a dreamland. Bubbles randomly fly around as floating pieces of land hover unnaturally. Who knows what kind of strange things dreams bring.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Shifting Realms � Zone 11 The player enters the floating door and is placed in a zone that looks like you are in an underwater wonderland, and then it immediately switches to a zone that is inside a building similar to the Apostolorum.

Static Factors Description Connected Godly Court and Shifting Realms Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Special Landmark A Floating Door with nothing behind it, is the exit of the zone Special Objective Utilizing the bubbles, the player must find a way to the floating door

Zone Ability Bubbles can carry the player to floating lands that are not connected to the main land. Also, Town Portals created in this zone will not take you to town. They will take you back to the Godly Court.

Zone Size Extremely Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 9 � 13 Traps 5 � 10

Static Factors Description Connected Parallel Existence and Castle In The Clouds Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone. Special Landmark A Vortex found randomly in the zone, is the exit Special Objective The Player must navigate their way to the Vortex

Zone Ability

The zone changes from an underwater wonderland, to an interior labyrinth every 1 � 10 seconds. Also, Town Portals created in this zone will not take you to town. They will take you back to the Godly Court.

Zone Size Extremely Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 9 � 13 Traps 5 � 10

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Castle In The Clouds � Zone 12 When the player enters the vortex, they are dropped in a cloudy mystical plane. They arrive at a huge floating castle, only grounded by clouds.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Lunar Surface � Zone 13 When the player steps into the Portal of Stars, they are transported to the lunar surface. The surface is colored gray and is filled with rocks and craters. In the end of the zone, a massive starship is present, having crash-landed on the moon.

Static Factors Description Connected Shifting Realms Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Portway One will always be present at the beginning of this zone Special Item The Dream Crystal is dropped when the Dream Master dies Special Monster The Dream Master will always reside in the throne room

Zone Ability Town Portals created in this zone will not take you to town. They will take you back to the Godly Court.

Zone Size Extremely Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 9 � 13 Traps 5 � 10

Static Factors Description Connected Godly Court and Omega Hyperstar Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Portway One will always be present at the end of this zone

Zone Ability Town Portals created in this zone will not take you to town. They will take you back to the Godly Court.

Zone Size Extremely Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 9 � 13 Traps 5 � 10

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Omega Hyperstar � Zone 14 The Omega Hyperstar is a starship that has recently crashed on the lunar surface. The player gets to go through the levels of the spaceship.


Zodar Prime Military Center � Zone 15 Zodar Prime Military Center is an installation on planet Zodar. The player gets transported here after using the transport beacon. The hallways of the installation become a labyrinth for the player.

Static Factors Description Connected Lunar Surface and Zodar Prime Military Center Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Special Landmark A Transport Beacon will always be in the zone

Special Objective The player must navigate their way to the Transport Beacon in order to exit

Zone Ability Town Portals created in this zone will not take you to town. They will take you back to the Godly Court.

Zone Size Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 9 � 13 Traps 5 � 10

Static Factors Description Connected Omega Hyperstar Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Special Item The Artifact Of Light will be in a laboratory somewhere in this zone Special Monster Master Admiral (guarding the Artifact Of Light)

Zone Ability Town Portals created in this zone will not take you to town. They will take you back to the Godly Court.

Zone Size Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 9 � 13 Traps 5 � 10

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Netherworld � Zone 16 When entering the Portal of Horrors, the player enters the netherworld. This netherworld is hell.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Plane Of Pain � Zone 17 The plain of pain continues the hell like images, but in more gruesome attire. In this zone, it rains blood.

Static Factors Description Connected Godly Court and Plane Of Pain Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy

Zone Ability Town Portals created in this zone will not take you to town. They will take you back to the Godly Court.

Zone Size Extremely Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 9 � 13 Traps 5 � 10

Static Factors Description Connected Netherworld and Synagogue Of Misery Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Portway One will always be present in this zone

Zone Ability Town Portals created in this zone will not take you to town. They will take you back to the Godly Court.

Zone Size Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 9 � 13 Traps 5 � 10

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Synagogue Of Misery � Zone 18 The Synagogue Of Misery is a place where extreme punishment is giving to the unfortunate ones.

������������������������������������������������������������������������ Temple�s Path � Zone 19 Once the player breaks the godly barrier, they can enter the Temple�s Path. The Temple path looks like grid paper. There are many exits to this area, but only one is true.

Static Factors Description Connected Plane Of Pain Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Special Item The Blade Of Hate drops from the Afflicter Of Affliction Special Monster Afflicter Of Affliction (Final Chamber) Special Objective To open the Final Chamber, the entire zone must be empty

Zone Ability Town Portals created in this zone will not take you to town. They will take you back to the Godly Court.

Zone Size Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 9 � 13 Traps 5 � 10

Static Factors Description Connected Godly Court, Oasis Of The Damned, and The Temple Of Creation Layout Static, this zone is not randomly generated Population Density None Quest 6 Involves navigating your way successfully through this zone Special Objective In order to get to the Temple, you have to travel the right path Zone Size Small to Medium

Dynamic Factors Description None There are no dynamic factors in this zone.

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Oasis Of The Damned � Zone 20 If the player fails to journey through the Temple�s Path correctly, they end up in the Oasis of the damned. There is no escaping the oasis, except by a town portal.


Temple Of Creation � Zone 21 What would a Temple of Creation look like? The primary color is not white like the Godly Court. In this zone you shouldn�t feel bad for making things messy.

Static Factors Description Connected None Layout Static, this zone is not randomly generated Population Density None

Zone Ability It is impossible to leave this zone. A town portal or exiting the game is the only option.

Zone Size Small

Dynamic Factors Description None There are no dynamic factors in this zone.

Static Factors Description Connected Temple�s Path and Atrium Of God Monster Types Placeholder Population Density Extremely Heavy Portway One will always be present in the beginning of this zone Special Objective Placeholder

Zone Ability Town Portals created in this zone will not take you to town. They will take you back to the Godly Court.

Zone Size Large

Dynamic Factors Description Layout Random Special Monsters 11 � 17 Traps 12 � 15 Treasure Troves 15 � 20

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Atrium Of God � Zone 22 The Throne Room Of God.

Static Factors Description Connected Temple Of Creation Layout Static, this area is not randomly generated Monster Types God Population Density 1 Quest 7 Kill God Special Monster God Special Objective / Quest Kill God to beat the game Zone Size Small

Dynamic Factors Description None There are no dynamic factors in this zone.