yu-gi-oh gx the beginning of destiny

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: The Beginning of Destiny Dicas q vao fazer vc zerar o jogo e ser mestre nesse game DICAS Destravar Booster Noon Star (Midday Constellation) para comprá-lo ( 5.700 DP ) Na tela do Shop, onde aparecem os boosters para comprar, faça a sequência: Cima, Cima, Baixo, Baixo, Esquerda, Direita, Esquerda, Direita, X e O Get 10000 DP & 3 New Cards Connect your PSP using USB to your PS2 and then follow these steps : 1.using PSP : Run the Yu-Gi-Oh! Gx Tag Force 2 load your game then select (Database) then (USB connect) 2. using PS2 : Run the Yu-Gi-Oh! Gx : Tag Force Evolution also load the game select (Database) then (USB connect) **remember you can only use this once per save** Jogue com a Dark Magicianl Girl como sua parceira no Torneio! Quando você consegue ver a Dark Magician Girl do outro lado da floresta, só que tem um rio na frente , você pode chegar até ela por uma passagem para aquele lugar meio que secreta pelas árvores, é só procurar que você acha. Quando você encontrar ela ela vai falar q queria muito um golden egg sandwich, ai é so você dar um Golden Egg sandwich para ela que ela vira sua parceira para a segunda parte do jogo. Ter Sadie e Dorothy como parceiras no Torneio Para ter Sadie como parceira você tem que fechar o jogo com no minimo 5 personagens principais e quando ja tiver passado das 8 da noite você vai la e duela com ela e era vira sua parceira. A Doroth precisa fechar com 5 também e quando tiver um evento que você duela contra a dark magician girl você escolhe duelar contra a dark magician doroth. Ter a Blair como parceira no Torneio Para ser parceiro com a Blair você precisa ter 4 coraçãozinhos com Syrus, Alexis e Zane ai cada um dos 3 te da um item e ai se da pra ela os 3 itens e ela desaparece e você só encontra ela nos horarios de aula (8 da manha ate 4 da tarde) (para matar aula eh soh vc passar o tempo ate 8 horas e todo mundo ta na classe menos vc xD:) ai ela vai estar de cabelo comprido no slifer red. Ter a Fonda Fontaine como parceira no torneio Precisa conseguir uma assinatura, essa assinatura é do Attycus Rhodes, irmão da Alexis e ele só aparece as 6 horas da manhã em ponto na praia, pra conseguir a assinatura dele é só ganhar 10 vezes dele e pegá-la. Ter como parceiro Mimicry Ele se veste como um professor e aparece depois que você fecha o jogo com os 7 personagens da página 1, no escritorio do chanceler. é só duelar com ele que ele vira seu parceiro. Personagens Extras para Duelar Para jogar com eles, você tem que terminar o jogo pelo menos com 3 da primeira página, e então eles aparecem em um determinado lugar, de manhã somente: - Sanzyudai Yuki ( Possível pai do Jaden ) : Aparece no refeitorio do Slifer Red; - Senjome : Aparece no dormitório dos Obelisk Blue Boys; - Ironos ( Dr. Crowler etesado ) : Aparece na classe; - Emperor Umiuma ( Parece ser o Kaiba ) : Aparece no Vulcão; - Inoso : Aparece no dormitório Abandonado; - Mokuma : Aparece na salinha da Loja (Store); - Irmãos Princeton : Aparecem no Harbor;

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Post on 05-Apr-2015




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Page 1: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: The Beginning of Destiny

Dicas q vao fazer vc zerar o jogo e ser mestre nesse game


Destravar Booster Noon Star (Midday Constellation) para comprá-lo ( 5.700 DP ) Na tela do Shop, onde aparecem os boosters para comprar, faça a sequência:Cima, Cima, Baixo, Baixo, Esquerda, Direita, Esquerda, Direita, X e O

Get 10000 DP & 3 New CardsConnect your PSP using USB to your PS2 and then follow these steps :1.using PSP : Run the Yu-Gi-Oh! Gx Tag Force 2 load your game then select (Database) then (USB connect)2. using PS2 : Run the Yu-Gi-Oh! Gx : Tag Force Evolution also load the game select (Database) then (USB connect)**remember you can only use this once per save**

Jogue com a Dark Magicianl Girl como sua parceira no Torneio!Quando você consegue ver a Dark Magician Girl do outro lado da floresta, só que tem um rio na frente , você pode chegar até ela por uma passagem para aquele lugar meio que secreta pelas árvores, é só procurar que você acha. Quando você encontrar ela ela vai falar q queria muito um golden egg sandwich, ai é so você dar um Golden Egg sandwich para ela que ela vira sua parceira para a segunda parte do jogo.

Ter Sadie e Dorothy como parceiras no TorneioPara ter Sadie como parceira você tem que fechar o jogo com no minimo 5 personagens principais e quando ja tiver passado das 8 da noite você vai la e duela com ela e era vira sua parceira.

A Doroth precisa fechar com 5 também e quando tiver um evento que você duela contra a dark magician girl você escolhe duelar contra a dark magician doroth.

Ter a Blair como parceira no TorneioPara ser parceiro com a Blair você precisa ter 4 coraçãozinhos com Syrus, Alexis e Zane ai cada um dos 3 te da um item e ai se da pra ela os 3 itens e ela desaparece e você só encontra ela nos horarios de aula (8 da manha ate 4 da tarde) (para matar aula eh soh vc passar o tempo ate 8 horas e todo mundo ta na classe menos vc xD:) ai ela vai estar de cabelo comprido no slifer red.

Ter a Fonda Fontaine como parceira no torneioPrecisa conseguir uma assinatura, essa assinatura é do Attycus Rhodes, irmão da Alexis e ele só aparece as 6 horas da manhã em ponto na praia, pra conseguir a assinatura dele é só ganhar 10 vezes dele e pegá-la.

Ter como parceiro MimicryEle se veste como um professor e aparece depois que você fecha o jogo com os 7 personagensda página 1, no escritorio do chanceler. é só duelar com ele que ele vira seu parceiro.

Personagens Extras para DuelarPara jogar com eles, você tem que terminar o jogo pelo menos com 3 daprimeira página, e então eles aparecem em um determinado lugar, de manhã somente:

- Sanzyudai Yuki ( Possível pai do Jaden ) : Aparece no refeitorio do Slifer Red;- Senjome : Aparece no dormitório dos Obelisk Blue Boys; - Ironos ( Dr. Crowler etesado ) : Aparece na classe;- Emperor Umiuma ( Parece ser o Kaiba ) : Aparece no Vulcão;- Inoso : Aparece no dormitório Abandonado;- Mokuma : Aparece na salinha da Loja (Store);- Irmãos Princeton : Aparecem no Harbor;

Ter o Jinzo como parceiro no TorneioÉ só ir depois das 23:00hs na Floresta, onde ficam as torres de energia, porém para ser seu parceiro,ele não pede um duelo, e sim 60.000 DP =/ , se vocês tiverem isso, beleza então 

Guia do Jogo >>>


Esta parte apenas serve para contar a história, para aprender a duelar e para montar um bom deck.

Page 2: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Você passará 93 dias até o torneio na ilha. Faça amizade com os 7 protagonistas do jogo (Jaden Yuki, Syrus Truesdale, Chumley Hunfington, Alexis Rhodes, Chazz Princeton, Bastion Misawa e Zane Truesdale).

O objetivo é você conseguir 7 corações com eles - para ver quantos corações você possui vá no seu quarto (Slifer Red - Piso Superior - Último Quarto em direção oposta à escada) perto do computador onde aparecerá um livro no balão sobre sua cabeça. Aperte "X" e escolha "DATABASE" e depois "LIST OF DUELISTS". Veja os personagens e os corações na página 1.

Para aumentar os corações você pode fazer três coisas:-> Conversar com eles usado o Gato Paraoh (para recrutá-lo vá ao Dormitório Ra Yelow exatamente as 6:00 AM e escolha uma das três opções. Se vc acertar ele andará junto de você. Se você errar ele permanecerá no lugar, então dê um sanduíche a ele que ele nunca irá recusar sua companhia). Todas as conversas usando Paraoh serão GREAT TALK, desde que você nunca escolha a opção 4: RUMORS.

-> Dê os sanduíches preferidos de cada um ou o Golden Egg Sandwich 

-> Duele muito com eles, perdendo ou ganhando, porque assim aumentará a sua confiança.

Usando o relógio: vá em seu quarto perto da cama e aperte "X" quando um relógio aparecer no balão de sua cabeça. Escolha "Advanced Time".

-> Advance to designate time: Avança para uma hora escolhida por você. Use está opção para avançar até 7:45 AM e ira à aula (que ocorre as 8:00 AM)

-> End the day: termina o dia. Usado quando você já não tem mais nada útil pra fazer no dia ou já cansou de duelar por hoje. 

IMPORTANTE:- NÃO FALTE AS AULAS!!!!- NÃO PASSE OS DIAS RÁPIDO DEMAIS.- EDITE SEU DECK (em qualquer lugar, aperte "X", vá em PDA, e por fim em "DECK EDIT")- Compre boosters e arrume seu deck

EVENTOS IMPORTANTES:- Aulas que ocorrem todo dia as 8:00 AM.- Aparecimento do "Lab" no mapa (15/Maio)- 1° Teste escolar (17/Maio)- 2º Teste escolar (6/Junho)- Duelo Bastion X Chazz (transferência do Chazz para a Academia do Norte) - 23/Maio- Duelo Jaden X Bastion (eleição do Jaden como o melhor da Academia de Duelos) - 14/Junho- Duelo entre Jaden X Chazz (volta do Chazz à Academia de Duelos) - 23/Junho- 3° Teste escolar (6/Julho)- Festival escolar (Duelo contra a Maga Negra) - 12/Julho- O Dia antes do Torneio "Tag Force" (já tenha 7 corações com alguém) - 31/Julho- Torneio "Tag Force" - 1°/Agosto


Objetivo: ganhar medalhas para entrar numa torre e participar das finais. 

Você começa com 10 medalhas e tem que chegar até 100. Cada duelista vai duelar em duplas (por isso você precisa, na Parte I, de um parceiro) e nessas lutas você vai apostar medalhas que pode ser 1, 2, 3,4 ou 5. Quando você juntar as 100 medalhas você vai para a torre começar a Parte III.


- quanto mais medalhas apostarem, mais difíceis serão os duelos. Exemplo:

Fácil Médio Difícil1 2 3 4 5 medalhas

Então sempre aposte 4 ou menos já que cinco é bem difícil.

- Sempre que você vence alguém, ele e o parceiro somem.

- Sempre salve após ganhar uma medalha, porque se você perder é só carregar o último Save Game.


Objetivo: você vai ter que vencer os 3 duelistas nas finais, e vencer os Shadow Riders

Page 3: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

- Os 3 duelistas são os mesmos que você enfrenta na ilha.

- Os Shadow Riders sempre estão acompanhados com alquem que você conheçe.Então se o Chazz aparecer no mapa, ele está com um Shadow Rider.

- Quando você vencer 5 deles, o "Kagemaru" vai te desafiar. Ele tem um deck que foca a invocaçao das ""Sacred Beasts Cards"" então coloque cartas que ajudem a evitar isso, destruindo muitas cartas mágicas e armadilhas.

- Quando você destruí-lo no primeiro duelo, ele vai sair de uma máquina e pedir para duelar com você. Ele vai usar exatamente o mesmo deck, então e só vencê-lo que assim acaba o jogo!!!


- Em qualquer vitória salve o jogo, porque se você perder terá que recomeçar tudo de novo, pois dará GAME OVER.

Como abrir os paks de cartas que se compram na lojinha Paks Efeito

01. |First Monster| {Já vem desbloqueado}

02. |First Spell-Trap| { Já vem desbloqueado }

03. |First Fusion| {Desbloqueia-se depois do primeiro domingo de Tag Duels}

04. |First Effect Monsters| { Já vem desbloqueado }

05. |Step Up Spell-Trap| { Já vem desbloqueado }

06. |Step Up Fusion| { Desbloqueia-se depois do primeiro domingo de Tag Duels }

07. |Anti Effect| {tenha 80% de cartas nos paquetes 4, 5 e 6}

08. |Life Breaker| { tenha 80% de cartas nos paquetes 4, 5 e 6}

09. |Go Go Direct| { tenha 80% de cartas nos paquetes 4, 5 e 6}

10. |Vistor from the Dark| {Liberado depois da 1º segunda-feira}

11. |Emergent Fire| { Liberado depois de terça-feira}

12. |Water of Life| {Liberado depois de quarta-feira}

13. |Gift of Wind| {Liberado depois de quinta-feira}

14. |Platinum Light| {Liberado depois de sexta-feira}

15. |Earth Dwellers| {Liberado depois de Sábado}

16. |Lucky Economy Pack| {Liberado depois de Domingo mais estará apenas nos Sábados}

17. |Endless Thoughts| {Tenha o nível de duelista 5 (Para se ver o nível entre no PDA, e selecione Status}

18. |Flip the Picture| {Tenha o nível de duelista 10}

19. |Equip Me| { Tenha o nível de duelista 15 }

20. |More Eternal Memories| { Tenha o nível de duelista 20 }

21. |Speed King| { Tenha o nível de duelista 25}

22. |Spice of Duel| { Tenha o nível de duelista 30 }

23. |Fairys Sky| { Tenha o nível de duelista 35 }

24. |Dragon Drive| { Tenha o nível de duelista 40 }

25. |Fiend Night| { Tenha o nível de duelista 45 }

26. |Skillful Spellcaasters| {Termine as três partes do jogo com 5 personagens diferentes como seu parceiro}

Page 4: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

27. |Cold Skin| {50% do Duel Ranking conseguido}

28. |Ritual Dance| {Joqar 20 Horas}

29. |Symbol 50| { Tenha o nível de duelista 50 }

30. |Wave of the Future| {10 vitorias consecutivas (se você perder vai aparecer esgotado ai ganhe mais 10 que estará disponível novamente)}

31. |Good Ol' Days| {10 derrotas consecutivas}

32. |Hero Emerges!| { Ter mais corações com Jaden Yuki (você pode ver seus corações com os personagens no dormitório do Slifer)}

33. |A Machines Soul Never Sleeps| {Ter mais corações com Syrus Truesdale}

34. |Beast Kingdom| { Ter mais corações com Chumley Huffington }

35. |Maidens Heartbeat| { Ter mais corações com Alexis Rhodes }

36. |Never Give Up| { Ter mais corações com Chazz Princeton }

37. |Warriors { Ter mais corações com Bastion Misawa }

38. |Technology Master| {Ter mais corações com Zane Truesdale}

39. |Bit Players| { Acaba as partes 2e 3 com algum personagem da pagina 2 )

40. |Vanilla Gloom| { Acaba as partes 2e 3 com algum personagem da pagina 3}

41. |Tag Survivor| {estará disponível na parte 2 do jogo}

42. |Princeton Power| { Acaba as partes 2 e 3 com os irmãos Princenton (Chazz, Slade y Jagger) (Duelistas Nº 5, 28 y 29)}

43. |Approach the Hotties| {Acaba as partes 2 e 3 com Mindy (Duelista Nº 020)}

44. |Dorothy's Soul| {Acaba as partes 2e 3 com Dorothy (Duelista Nº 027)}

45. |Saidie's Soul| {Acaba as partes 2e 3 com Sadie (Duelista Nº 026)}

(para que Dorothy e Sadie aceitem os desafios, você tem que passar as três partes do jogo com os sete personagens: Jaden, Syrus, Chumley, Alexis, Chazz, Bastion y Zane, depois das 8:00 da noite elas estaram no vestiário da loja Dorothy e Sadie estatam na sala a esquerda ai se so chamalas para ser suas parceiras ai elas pediram um duelo ai e so vencer) 

Em SHOP, quando se compra booster, de vem em quando vem cartas boas e de vez em quando vem ruim, confira na lista abaixo, qual carta vem em cada booster e o seu valor correspondente:

01: First Monster (72 cartas no booster)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Blue-Eyes White DragonDark MagicianRed-Eyes B. DragonSummoned Skull

Super Rare

D.D. TrainerGaia the Fierce KnightGiant Soldier of StoneGogiga GagagigoMillennium ShieldNeo Aqua MatadorOppressed People


Page 5: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Acrobat MonkeyAqua MatadorCurse of DragonEarthbound SpiritInapchiIsland TurtlePeople Running AboutPrevent RatSkull Dog MarronUnited ResistanceUshi Oni


Ancient JarAncient Lizard WarriorAncient Tree of EnlightenmentBean SoldierBeaver WarriorBig InsectBlockerBone MouseChange SlimeDark King of AbyssDark PlantDark RabbitDestroyer GolemFiend ScorpionFungi of the MaskGarvasGiant FleaGigobyteGoblin CalligrapherGolgoilGrand Tiki ElderGrifforeHeadless KnightJellyfishKappa AvengerKattapillarKing of YamimakaiKojikocyLaughing FlowerMammoth GraveyardMelchid the Four-Face BeastPale BeastRed Archery GirlSaggi the Dark ClownShadow SpecterSleeping LionSouls of the ForgottenTao the ChanterThe 13th GraveThe Earl of DemiseThe Gross Ghost of Fled DreamsThe Judgement HandThe Portrait's SecretToon AlligatorTorikeTurtle TigerUrabyWater OmoticsWolfYormungarde 

02:First Spell-Trap (68 cartas no booster)(100 DP


Ultra Rare

Nightmare's SteelcageSwords of Revealing Light

Page 6: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny


Super Rare

Adhesion Trap HoleBack to Square OneBackup SoldierSelf-Destruct ButtonShare the PainShield & SwordThreatening Roar


Block AttackCold WaveFiend ComedianGraverobberHuge RevolutionLightforce SwordReverse TrapStop DefenseWindstorm of EtaquaZero Gravity


A Feint PlanAncient TelescopeBubble CrashCastle WallsChosen OneCurse of AgingCurse of FiendDark DesignatorDarkness ApproachesDark-Piercing LightDeal of PhantomDe-Spell Germ WeaponDestruction of DestinyDice Re-RollEnergy DrainExchangeFairy's Hand MirrorFinal DestinyFruits of Kozaky's StudiesGather Your MindGravedigger GhoulHieroglyph LithogramInsect ImitationJade Insect WhistleLife EqualizerMajor RiotMask of WeaknessMesmeric ControlMicro RayMind HaxorzMultiplication of AntsNon Aggression AreaOrder to ChargeOrder to SmashPot of GenerosityReinforcementsSage's StoneSeal of AncientsSimultaneous LossSkull DiceSnake FangSolomon's LawbookSpell ReproductionThe Inexperienced SpyThe Law of the NormalThe Secret of the BanditThousand EnergyTriangle Power

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03:First Fusion (67 cartas no booster)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare


Super Rare

Fusion SageSummoner of Illusions


Flame SwordsmanMonster EyePunished EagleRose Spectre of Dunn


Amphibious BugrothArmaillBaroxBeautiful HeadhuntressBehegonBlue-Winged CrownCharubin the Fire KnightDarkfire DragonDarkworld ThornsDeepsea SharkDefender of the SeaDragoness the Wicked KnightEnchanting MermaidFeral ImpFiregrassFireyarouFlame ManipulatorFlame ViperFlower WolfFusionistGiltia the D. KnightGround Attacker BugrothHercules BeetleHinotama SoulKaminari AttackKarbonala WarriorKuwagata {alpha}Kwager HerculesLesser DragonMan-Eating PlantMarine BeastMavelusMega ThunderballMetal DragonM-Warrior #1Mystic HorsemanMystical Sheep #2NiwatoriOcubeamOne-Eyed Shield DragonPetit AngelPetit DragonPragticalProtector of the ThroneRabid HorsemanRare FishRhaimundos of the Red SwordRyu-KishinSilver FangSkullbirdSonic Maid

Page 8: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Steel Ogre Grotto #1TakuheeTemple of SkullsTongyoTrakadonTyhoneVermillion SparrowWarrior of TraditionWings of Wicked Flame 

04:First Effect Monster(57 cartas no pack)(150 DP)


Ultra Rare

Dark Eradicator WarlockKaibamanSangan

Super Rare

Ancient LampD.D. WarriorDark Magician GirlKuribohTime Wizard


Buster BladerCat's Ear TribeGearfried the Iron KnightHayabusa KnightHyper HammerheadPinch HopperPrickle FairySword HunterWall of IllusionWhite Magical Hat


Archfeond of GilferArsenal BugBlindly Loyal GoblinBoar SoldierByser ShockCeremonial BellCockroach KnightCrass ClownDark ElfDark SageDream ClownDrill BugElectric LizardElement SaurusElement SoldierEmissary of the OasisFamiliar KnightFlash AssailantGreat Phantom ThiefInvitation to a Dark SleepJirai GumoKarate ManKryuelLava BattleguardMind on AirMuka MukaPanther WarriorPenguin KnightRyu-Kishin ClownSteel ScorpionSwamp Battleguard

Page 9: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Swordsman from a Foreign LandTainted WisdomThe Hunter with 7 WeaponsThe Little Swordsman of AileTotal Defense ShogunWodan the Resident of the ForestYado KaruZone Eater 

05:Step Up Spell-Trap(68 cartas no pack)(150 DP)


Ultra Rare

ConfiscationGiant TrunadeLast WillThe Shallow Grave

Super Rare

Compulsory Evacuation DeviceCurse of AnubisFoolish BurialHallowed Life BarrierMonster GateReasoningSoul ReleaseSoul Resurrection


A Feather of PhoenixBig BurnBig Evolution PillBook of TaiyouClone DuplicationCost DownDark Magic CurtainDark Mirror ForceDesert SunlightForced CeasefireMagical HatsMonster ReliefPhoenix Wing Wind BlastPhysical DoubleRiryokuRising EnergyShiftTime MachineTrap DustshootTribute Doll


Abyssal DesignatorChain DisappearanceConscriptionD.D. DesignatorDark CoreDark Magician's Tome of Black MagicDark Spirit of the SilentDelta AttackerDimension DistortionDimensionholeDisappearDust BarrierEarthbound Spirit's InvitationEarthquakeEmblem of Dragon DestroyerFiend's Hand MirrorFrozen SoulHidden Book of Spell

Page 10: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Human-Wave TacticsHunting InstinctInterdimensional Matter TransporterKarma CutLevel Conversion LabMind CrushMiracle DigNext to be LostReversal QuizRope of LifeSpiritualismStaunch DefenderSword of the Soul-EaterTail SwipeTauntThousand KnivesThunder of RulerUltra Evolution Pill 

06:Step Up Fusion. (63 cartas no booster)(150 DP)


Ultra Rare

MetamophosisThe Last Warrior from Another Planet

Super Rare

Centrifugal FieldCrimson SunbirdFusion GateRe-FusionThunder DragonTwin-Headed Thunder Dragon


Beastking of the SwampBranch!Goddess with the Third EyeMaryokutaiMispolymerizationMystical Sheep #1Non-Fusion AreaSupplyVersago the DestroyerZombrya the Dark


Amazon of the SeasAncient BrainAqua DragonBerfometBickuriboxBlackland Fire DragonBracchio-RadiusChimera the Mythical Flying BeastCurtain of the Dark OnesCyber SaurusDragon ZombieEmpress JudgeFairy DragonFaith BirdFlame GhostGazelle the King of Mythical BeastsGreat Mammoth of GoldfineGruesome GooHumanoid SlimeHumanoid Worm DrakeHyosubeInvader from Another Dimension

Page 11: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Kaiser DragonKamionwizardLady of FaithLord of the LampMan-eating Black SharkMemory CrusherMusician KingMystical SandRoaring Ocean SnakeRoboyarouSanwitchSkelgonSkull KnightSkull Red BirdSoul HunterSuccess Probability 0%Super RoboladySuper RoboyarouThe Snake HairTwin-Headed King RexWinged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1Worm DrakeZombie Warrior 

07:Anti Effect. (48 cartas no booster)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Heavy StormJinzoMystical Space TyphoonSkill DrainSkull Discovery Knight

Super Rare

Alkana Knight JokerCalamity of the WickedChiron the MageDark Balter the TerribleDust TornadoFiend Skull DragonRoyal DecreeRyu SenshiSpell CancellerThe End of AnubisTyrant Dragon


AmplifierAnteatereatingantBait DollBig Shield GardnaBlade KnightChaos Command MagicianDouble SnareInvader of DarknessMid Shield GardnaMy Body as a ShieldNobleman of ExterminationRare MetalmorphRoyal CommandSwarm of LocustsTimidity


Arcane Archer of the ForestArmored GlassDe-SpellDriving Snow

Page 12: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Enchanted ArrowFrontier WisemanGemini FiendGora Turtle of IllusionGorgon's EyesGustMagic ReflectorMetal DetectorMystic ProbeRemove TrapSorcerer of Dark MagicThe Emperor's HolidayTwin-Headed Wolf 

08:Life Breaker. (54 cartas no booster)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Dark HoleExiled ForceLightning VortexMacro CosmosTorrential TributeTribe-Infecting Tribe

Super Rare

Acid Trap HoleBottomless Shifting SandBottomless Trap HoleFissureGrand ConvergenceNeedle WallNobleman of CrossoutSakuretsu ArmorSmashing GroundTrap HoleTribute to the DoomedWidespread Ruin


Blind DestructionChain DestructionD.D. Trap HoleHammer ShotIcarus AttackJurassic WorldMichizureMystic BoxNewdoriaRope of SpiritRoulette BarrelSoul TakerSwarm of ScarabsThrowstone UnitTragedyVolcanic Eruption


After the StruggleAssault on GHQBreath of LightEarthshakerEatgaboonEradicating AerosolEternal DraughtGeneration ShiftGoblin FanHouse of Adhesive TapeInfinite Dismissal

Page 13: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Medusa WormNeedle CeilingPineapple BlastReturn to the DoomedSkull LairTwo-Pronged AttackViser DesWeed OutWhite Hole 

09:Go Go Direct. (53 cartas no booster)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Airknight ParshathBlast SphereCatapult TurtleMagic Cylinder

Super Rare

Big Bang ShotCannon SoldierDimension WallExarion UniverseOpti-Camouflage ArmorRaging Flame SpriteRancer DragonuteShooting Star -- Ceal


Castle GateEctoplasmerEnraged Battle OxFairy Meteor CrushGaia Soul The Combustible CollectiveGear Golem Moving FortressInaba White RabbitJinzo #7Mad Sword BeastMefist the Infernal GeneralShadowslayerSpear Dragon


Absolute EndAlligator's SwordAlligator's Sword DragonAnti-Aircraft FlowerAstral BarrierAtomic FireflyBaby DragonBitelonBlack TyrannoDark DriceratopsDes Counter BowDestruction RingDrillagoLeghulMan-Thro' Thro'Mass DriverMecha-Dog MarronMeteorainMucus YolkMystic LampNeedle BurrowerOoguchiPiranha ArmyQueen's DoubleRainbow Flower

Page 14: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Rocket JumperSaber BeetleServant of CatabolismSonic Shooter 

10:Visitor from the Dark(54 cartas no pack)(100 DP


Ultra Rare

Crush Card VirusDeck Devastation VirusDon Zaloog

Super Rare

Cliff the Trap RemoverD.D. SurvivorDark Scorpion -- Meanae the ThornDouble CostonFusilier Dragon, the Dual-Mode BeastMystic TomatoPitch-Black WarwolfSwift Gaia the Fierce Knight


8-Claws ScorpionArchfiend SoldierD.D. Scout PlaneDark DreadrouteDark Scorpion -- Chick the YellowDark Scorpion -- Gorg the StrongLaJinn the Mystical Genie of the LampHidden SoldiersMad Dog of DarknessMechanical SpiderStrike NinjaVorse Raider


Ancient SorcererBaron of the Fiend SwordBrave ScizzarChthonian SoldierCyber Soldier of DarkworldD.D. GuideDark Scorpion BurglarsDark Scorpion CombinationDark Titan of TerrorElement DoomFiend SwordGhoul with an AppetiteGil GarthHorn ImpKoumori DragonLord of ZemiaLuminous SoldierMagical GhostMustering of the Dark ScorpionsMystic ClownOpticlopsRyu-Kishin PoweredSorcerer of the DoomedSword of DestructionThe Illusory GentlemanTimeaterTrial of NightmareWhiptail CrowWitty PhantomYaiba RoboYaranzo

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11:Emergent Fire. (51 cartas no booster)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Manticore of DarknessSacred Phoenix of Nephthys

Super Rare

Flame RulerGren Maju Da EizaInfernal Flame EmperorInfernoThestalos the Firestorm MonarchUFO TurtleUltimate Baseball Kid


BackfireBattle FootballerBlast JugglerBlazing HiitaBlazing InpachiCharcoal InpachiFox FireHorus' ServantJigen BakudanLittle ChimeraRigras LeeverSpirit of FlamesThe Thing in the CraterTwinheaded BeastUltimate Obedient Fiend


Burning SpearDarkfire Soldier #1Darkfire Soldier #2DokuroyaibaFire EyeFire KrakenFire SorcererFirebirdFlame CerebrusFlame ChampionFlame DancerGadget SoldierGaroozisGiga-Tech WolfGreat AngusInfernal IncineratorInvasion of FlamesLady Assailant of FlamesLauncher SpiderMolten BehemothMr. VolcanoRobotic KnightRyu-RanSalamandraTwin-Headed Fire DragonTyhone #2Woodborg Inpachi 

12:Water of Life. (54 cartas no booster)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Page 16: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Levia-Dragon -- DaedalusMobius the Frost MonarchTreeborn Frog

Super Rare

A Legendary OceanAbyss SoldierFenrirGora TurtleMaiden of the AquaMother GrizzlyNightmare Penguin


Amphibious Bugroth MK-3Aqua SpiritGagagigoGiga GagagigoLord PoisonOcean Dragon Lord -- Neo-DaedalusOrca Mega-Fortress of DarknessRaging EriaSalvageSerpentine PrincessStar BoyTerrorking SalmonTornado WallUnshaven AnglerYomi Ship


7 Colored FishAmphibian BeastBeelze FrogBig Wave Small WaveCannonball Spear ShellfishCrazy FishCreeping Doom MantaD.3.S. FrogDeepsea WarriorDes CroakingDes FrogDon TurtleFairy of the FountainGrass PhantomHide Tide GyojinJam DefenderKabazaulsLekungaMermaid KnightPoison Draw FrogRevival JamSea Serpent Warrior of DarknessSkull MarinerSteel ShellT.A.D.P.O.L.E.TakriminosThe Legendary FishermanTorpedo FishViolent Rain 

13:Gift of Wind. (51 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Black PteraSlate WarriorThe Tricky

Page 17: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Super Rare

Dreadscythe SlayerFlying Kamakiri #1Hand of NephthysInsect PrincessSilpheedSwift Joe Birdman


Adhesive ExplosiveBladeflyGaruda the Wind SpiritLittle-WinguardRallis the Star BirdSimorgh, Bird of DivinitySonic JammerStorming WynnTricky's Magic 4Whirlwind ProdigyWhirlwind Weasel


4-Starred Ladybug of DoomAir EaterBatBombardment BeetleChaosrider GustaphCrow GoblinDancing ElfDark BatDjinn the Watcher of the WindEagle EyeFiend Reflection #1Flying FishFlying Kamakiri #2Girochin KuwagataGray WingGust FanInsect Soldier of the SkyKuramaMonstrous BirdNin-Ken DogPeacockQueen BirdRoc from the Valley of HazeSky DragonSonic DuckSpirit of the BooksThe All-Seeing TigerWing EagleWinged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #2Winged Sage FalcosYamatano Dragon Scroll 

14:Platinum Light (52 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Elemental Mistress DoriadoGolden HomunculusZaborg the Thunder Monarch

Super Rare

Batteryman AAFreed the Brave WandererHelios Tris MegistusNinja Grandmaster Sasuke

Page 18: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Reflect BounderShining AngelSuper Conductor TyrannoThe Creator


Andro SphinxBattery ChargerEmes the InfinityGilford the LightningHelios Duo MegistusHoshiningenKaiser Sea HorseMystical Knight of JackalSoul of Purity and LightSphinx TeleiaSuper-Electromagnetic Voltech DragonThe Creator IncarnateTheinen the Great Sphinx


Batteryman CBatteryman DBeckoning LightBinding ChainBio-MageBright CastleDark ArtistDoriado's BlessingDreamspriteDunames Dark WitchElement MagicianElement ValkyrieElf's LightFiend Reflection #2Helios - The Primordial SunHomunuclus the Alchemic BeingJack's KnightKing's KnightMaiden of the MoonlightOscillo Hero #2Pyramid of LightQueen's KnightRay & TemperatureRay of HopeShining FriendshipSolar RayTevaWingweaver 

15:Earth Dwellers. (55 carras no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Guardian SphinxMegarock DragonTyranno Infinity

Super Rare

Black StegoDoom DozerGiant RatGigantesMarauding CaptainMaster MonkStone Statue of the AztecsUltimate Tyranno


Page 19: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Avalanching AussaCriosphinxExxod, Master of the GuardGemini ElfGilasaurusGilford the LegendGoblin Attack ForceGolem SentryHieracosphinxHowling InsectInsect KnightLegendary Jujitsu MasterMaximum SixMilus RadiantThe Rock SpiritThe Trojan Horse


Axe RaiderBabycerasaurusBlockmanChu-Ske the Mouse FighterCobraman SukuzyDisc FighterEnraged Muka MukaGhost Knight of JackalGokiponGranmarg the Rock MonarchGrave OhjaGreat SpiritGuardian StatueInvigorationJerry Beans ManKaminote BlowLegacy HunterLegendary Black BeltLost GuardianMillennium ScorpionMine GolemMinefield EruptionMiracle Jurassic EggMonk FighterNeo BugParasitic TickyRock BombardmentSand Moth 

16:Lucky Economy (300 DP)

CONTÉM TODAS AS CARTAS DOS BOOSTERS:Emergent FireWater of Life Gift of WindPlatinum LightEarth DwellersVisitor from the Dark. 

17:Endless Thoughts. (55 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Call of the HauntedGravity BindSpell Economics

Super Rare

Chain EnergyConvulsion of NatureKunai with Chains

Page 20: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Mask of DispelShadow SpellSpirit BarrierThe Eye of Truth


Anti-Spell FragranceArchfiend's OathBlast with ChainBurning LandChorus of SanctuaryDNA TransplantGraverobber's RetributionSkull InvitationStumblingSwords of Concealing LightTollVengeful Bog Spirit


Aqua ChorusBanner of CourageCard ShuffleD.D. BorderlineEnervating MistForestImpenetrable FormationInfinite CardsInsect BarrierInspectionJam Breeding MachineKishido SpiritLabyrinth of NightmareMountainNinjitsu Art of DecoyNinjitsu Art of TransformationPrepare to Strike BackRecycleRespect PlayRobbin' ZombieSenri EyeShattered AxeShifting ShadowsSogenSpellbinding CircleThe Regulation of TribeTwo-Man Cell BattleType Zero Magic CrusherUmiWastelandWorld SuppressionYamiYellow Luster Shield 

18:Flip the Picture. (51 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Cyber JarMask of DarknessMorphing Jar

Super Rare

Magical MerchantMagician of FaithMorphing Jar #2Night AssailantPenguin SoldierSpear Cretin

Page 21: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny


Des Feral ImpDice JarElectromagnetic BagwormGreen KappaHiro's Shadow ScoutJowels of Dark DemiseMan-Eater BugMysterious GuardNeedle WormNobleman-Eater BugOld Vindictive MagicianSearchlightmanSkelengel


Armed NinjaBig EyeBite ShoesBrain JackerCobra JarCrimson NinjaDark Cat with White TailDarke-Eyes IllusionistDimension JarDummy GolemGale LizardGuard DogHade-HaneHane-HaneInvader of the ThroneNeedle BallParasite ParacidePoison MummyPrincess of TsurugiRafflesia SeductionReaper of the CardsSpirit CallerThe Immortal of ThunderThe Stern MysticTornado BirdTrap MasterWeather ReportWhite NinjaWitch Doctor of Chaos 

19:Equip Me. (59 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Axe of DespairMegamorphPremature Burial

Super Rare

Armed Samurai - Ben KeiGravity Axe - GarlIron Blacksmith KotetsuMaha VailoTwin Swords of Flashing Light - TryceWicked-Breaking Flamberge - Baou


Autonomous Action UnitBlack PendantCollected PowerDemotion

Page 22: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Ekibyo DrakmordFairy of the SpringFlintFuhma ShurikenHeart of Clear WaterMalevolent NuzzlerMask of BrutalityMistobodyRaregold ArmorRing of MagnetismScroll of Bewitchment


Arsenal RobberArsenal SummonerBallista of Rampart SmashingBuster RancherCyber RaiderDisarmamentElectro-WhipEternal RestFollow WindGerm InfectionGuardian BaouGuardian CealGuardian GrarlGuardian Kay'estGuardian TryceGuardian ElmaHorn of LightHorn of the UnicornInsect Armor with Laser CannonLaser Cannon ArmorMystical MoonNitro UnitParalyzing PotionPower of KaishinRaise Body HeatReally Eternal RestRod of Silence - Kay'estRod of the Mind's EyeSmoke Grenade of the ThiefStim-PackSword of Deep-SeatedSymbol of HeritageTailor of the FickleVile GermsWoodland Sprite 

20:More Eternal Memories(56 cartas no pack)(100 DP


Ultra Rare

Cathedral of NoblesDestiny BoardLevel Limit - Area B

Super Rare

Ground CollapseMessenger of PeaceMetal Reflect SlimeOrdeal of a TravelerSkull ZomaSpatial CollapseUltimate OfferingWall of Revealing Light


Dangerous Machine TYPE-6

Page 23: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

DNA SurgeryEmbodiment of ApophisFairy BoxFinal Attack OrdersLevel Limit - Area ALight of InterventionMask of RestrictMirror WallNon-Spellcasting AreaRobbin' GoblinSecond Coin TossSilent InsectTerraforming


Array of Revealing LightCanyonChain BurstCurse of DarknessDifferent Dimension GateDimensional FissureElemental AbsorberFatal AbacusForced RequisitionGaia PowerGravekeeper's ServantLighten the LoadLuminous SparkMagical ThornMalice DispersionMalice Doll of DemiseMinor Goblin OfficialMolten DestructionMystic Plasma ZoneNubian GuardProhibitionRising Air CurrentSeismic ShockwaveSpell PurificationSpirit Message 'A'Spirit Message 'I'Spirit Message 'L'Spirit Message 'N'Tower of BabelUmiirukaXing Zhen Hu

21:Speed King. (41 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Book of MoonSolemn Judgement

Super Rare

Cursed Seal of the Forbidden SpellDark Ruler VandalgyonDivine WrathJudgement of AnubisSeven Tools of the BanditVoltanis the Adjudicator


Barrel Behind the DoorBountiful ArtemisForced BackMagic JammerShrink

Page 24: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Spell Shield Type-8Trap JammerTriage


Armor BreakCurse of RoyalDedication through Light and DarknessGoblin Out of the Frying PanGraceful DiceHorn of HeavenLayard the LiberatorMagic DrainMalfunctionMultiplyNegate AttackPigeonholing Books of SpellPyramid EnergyRiryoku FieldRoyal SurrenderRusk RecklesslySerial SpellSoul ReversalSpell of PainSpell VanishingSpell-Stopping StatueSynthetic SeraphimThe Reliable GuardianTrap of Board EraserTutan Mask 

22:Spice of Duel. (58 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Toon Cannon SoldierTsukuyomiVWXYZ - Dragon Catapult Cannon

Super Rare

Asura PriestCorpse of Yata-GarasuHeavy Mech Support PlatformHino-Kagu-TsuchiToon Summoned SkullToon Table of ContentsToon WorldXYZ - Dragon Cannon


Dark Dust SpiritGiant OrcIndomitable Fighter Lei LeiRoll Out!Toon Dark Magician GirlToon Gemini ElfToon Goblin Attack ForceX - Head Head CannonXY - Dragon CannonXZ - Tank CannonYamata DragonY - Dragon HeadYZ - Tank DragonZ - Metal Tank


Blue-Eyes Toon White DragonBurning Blast

Page 25: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Combination AttackDark BladeDark Blade the Dragon KnightDecayed CommanderDes DendleFengsheng MirrorFormation UnionFreezing BeastFrontline BaseFushi No ToriGreat Long NoseKiryuMaharaghiManga Ryu-RanMetallizing Parasite - LunatiteOtohimePitch-Dark DragonProtective Soul AilinSecond GoblinSpirit's InvitationSpiritual Energy Settle MachineSusa SoldierToon DefenseToon Masked SorcererToon MermaidUnion RiderVampire OrchisV - Tiger JetVW - Tiger CatapultW - Wing CatapultZombie Tiger 

23:Fairy's Sky. (48 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Banisher of RadianceMarshmallonThe Sanctuary in the Sky

Super Rare

Archlord ZeratoBanisher of the LightBegone, Knave!Celestial TransformationKelbekMajestic Mech -- GoryuThe Agent of Judgement -- Saturn


Cestus of DaglaHerald of Green LightHerald of Purple LightKotodamaMajestic Mech -- OhkaMiraculous DescentMoisture CreatureMystical Beast SerketMudoraWatapon


AgidoDark WitchGoddess of WhimHappy LoverHourglass of CourageHourglass of LifeKeldo

Page 26: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Key MaceLight of JudgementMajestic Mech -- SenkuMarshmallon GlassesMokey MokeyMokey Mokey KingMokey Mokey SmackdownMuse-AMystical Shining BallShining AbyssSilver Bow and ArrowSpirit of the HarpSt. JoanTendernessThe Agent of Creation -- VenusThe Agent of Force -- MarsThe Agent of Wisdom -- MercuryThe Forgiving MaidenWarrior of ZeraWing Egg ElfWinged Egg of New Life 

24:Dragon Drive (46 cartas no pack)(100 DP)

Ultra Rare

Dragon's MirrorF.G.D.White Horns D.

Super Rare

Des VolstgalphKaiser GliderMasked DragonMaster of Dragon SoldierMeteor B. DragonMirage DragonStamping Destruction


Axe DragonuteBlue-Eyes Shining DragonCrush D. GandraDragon's RageRed-Eyes B. ChickRed-Eyes Darkness DragonSpirit RyuThe Dragon Dwelling in the CaveTroop DragonTwin-Headed Behemoth


A Wingbeat of Giant DragonB. Dragon Jungle KingB. Skull DragonBurst BreathCave DragonCrawling DragonD. TribeDivine Dragon -- ExcelionDragon Capture JarDragon ManipulatorDragon PiperDragon SeekerDragon TreasureDragonic AttackDragon's GunfireElement DragonGaia the Dragon ChampionLizard SoldierMeteor DragonParrot Dragon

Page 27: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Rare Metal DragonSuper RejuvenationThe Dragon's BeadThousand DragonWarrior Dai GrepherWicked Dragon with the Ersatz Head 

25:Fiend Night (52 cartas no pack)(100 DP)

Ultra Rare

Dark Ruler Ha DesGreat Maju GarzettSkull Archfiend of Lightning

Super Rare

Dark NecrofearDark Word LightningGoblin KingGoldd, Wu-Lord of Dark WorldLegendary FiendPandemoniumTerrorking Archfiend


Brron, Mad King of Dark WorldEmissary of the AfterlifeFalling DownGateway to Dark WorldGoblin Elite Attack ForceInfernalqueen ArchfiendLesser FiendMazera DeVillePossessed Dark SoulSillva, Warlord of Dark World


Archfiend's RoarAswan ApparititionBark of Dark RulerBattle-ScarredBeiige, Vanguard of Dark WorldBroww, Huntsman of Dark WorldCheckmateDark DealDark EnergyDarkbishop ArchfiendDesrock ArchfiendExile of the WickedGiant KozakyGoblin of GreedGrave ProtectorHelpoemerInferno HammerKozakyMaju GarzettPandemonium WatchbearPuppet MasterScarr, Scout of Dark WorldShadowknight ArchfiendSkull Knight #2Soul DemolitionThe Cheerful CoffinThe Forces of DarknessThe Puppet Magic of Dark RulerTheban NightmareVilepawn ArchfiendWinged MinionZure, Knight of Dark World 

26:Skillful Spellcasters(49 cartas no pack)(100DP)

Page 28: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Ultra Rare

Chaos SorcererDark Magician of ChaosJowgen the Spiritualist

Super Rare

Apprentice MagicianGravekeeper's SpyMagical DimensionMagician's CircleNecrovalleySkilled Dark MagicianSummon Priest


A Cat of Ill OmenBlast MagicianD.D.M. -- Different Dimension MasterDiffusion Wave-MotionGravekeeper's ChiefGravekeeper's Spear SoldierKycoo the Ghost DestroyerMagical MarionetteMagician's ValkyriaRoyal Tribute


A Man with WdjatAn Owl of LuckAnti-SpellArmor ExeBook of Secret ArtsCharm of ShabtiDryadExhausting SpellGravekeeper's AssailantGravekeeper's CannonholderGravekeeper's CurseGravekeeper's GuardGravekeeper's VassalGravekeeper's WatcherHannibal NecromancerLast Day of WitchMagical BlastMagical Plant MandragolaMagician's UniteMega Ton Magical CannonMiracle RestoringMythical Beast CerberusPeten the Dark ClownPitch-Black Power StonePixie KnightRite of SpiritSand GamblerSkilled White MagicianToy Magician 

27:Cold Skin (50 cartas no pack)(100 DP)

Ultra Rare

Book of LifePyramid TurtleVampire Lord

Super Rare

Berserk DragonDes LacoodaKing of the Skull ServantsOverpowering Eye

Page 29: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Ryu KokkiSoul-Absorbing Bone TowerSpirit Reaper


Call of the MummyFear from the DarkFushioh RichieGreat DezardPatrician of DarknessReaper on the NightmareRoyal KeeperSpirit of the PharaohThe First SarcpohagusVampire Genesis


A Deal with Dark RulerBlood SuckerCastle of Dark IllusionsChopman the Desperate OutlawClown ZombieDespair from the DarkFiend's HandFire ReaperGerniaGiant Axe MummyGoblin ZombieMalice AscendantMech Mole ZombieNightmare HorsePhantom GhostPharaoh's ServantPumpking the King of GhostsReborn ZombieRed-Moon BabyRegenerating MummyReturn ZombieShadow GhoulSkull ServantThe Kick ManThe Second SarcophagusThe Third SarcophagusThe Wandering DoomedVampire LadyViolet CrystalWandering Mummy 

28:Ritual Dance (47 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Dark Master -- ZorcDemise, King of ArmageddonShinato, King of a Higher Plane

Super Rare

Contract with the AbyssEarthchantLegendary Flame LordManju of the Ten Thousand HandsReshef the Dark BeingRuin, Queen of OblivionThe Masked Beast


Contract with the Dark Master

Page 30: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Curse of the Masked BeastEnd of the WorldFinal Ritual of the AncientsFulfillment of the ContractIncandescent OrdealPaladin of White DragonSenju of the Thousand HandsShinato's ArkSonic Bird


Beastly Mirror RitualChakraCommencement DanceCrab TurtleDokuroriderFiend's MirrorFortress WhaleFortress Whale's OathGarma SwordGarma Sword OathHamburger RecipeHungry HamburgerJavelin BeetleJavelin Beetle PactNovox's PrayerPerformance of SwordRssurrection of ChakraRevival of DokuroriderRitual WeaponSamsaraSkull GuardianSuper War-LionTurtle OathWar-Lion RitualWhite Dragon RitualZera RitualZera the Mant 

29: Symbol 50 (300 DP)Este pack contém todas as cartas dos packs:17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 e 25


30:Wave of the Future (52 cartas no pack)(300 DP)


Ultra Rare

Chimeratech OverdragonDandylionDestiny Hero -- DasherOverload FusionPhantom Beast Rock Lizard

Super Rare

Clock Tower PrisonDestiny Hero -- Diamond DudeDestiny Hero -- Double DudeElemental Hero Shining Phoenix EnforcerMausoleum of the EmperorPhantom Beast Cross-WingPhantom Beast Thunder-PegasusPhantom Beast Wild-Horn


Alien MotherCosmic Horror Gangi'elCrop Circles

Page 31: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

D -- ShieldDark CityDestiny Hero -- DogmaDestiny Hero -- DreadmasterDestiny Hero -- Fear MongerDestiny SignalElemental Hero Aqua NeosElemental Hero Flare NeosElemental Hero Phoenix EnforcerNeo SpaceNeo-Spacian Aqua DolphinSabersaurus


Alien GreyAlien HunterAlien SkullAlien WarriorBrainwashing BeamChrysalis DolphinCommon SoulContactCyclone BladeD -- ChainD -- SpiritD -- TimeDestiny Hero -- Blade MasterDestiny Hero -- Captain TenaciousDestiny Hero -- DefenderDestiny Hero -- Doom LordDestiny MirageElemental Hero NeosFake HeroFying Saucer Muusik'iMisfortuneNeo-Spacian Flare ScarabOrbital BombardmentSpell Calling 

31:Good Ol Days (49 cartas no pack)(300DP)


Ultra Rare

Exodia NecrossExodia the Forbidden OneMirror Force

Super Rare

Chaos Emperor Dragon -- Envoy of the EndFiber JarLeft Arm of the Forbidden OneLeft Leg of the Forbidden OneMirage of NightmareRight Arm of the Forbidden OneRight Leg of the Forbidden OneYata-Garasu


Black Luster Soldier -- Envoy of the BeginningButterfly Dagger -- ElmaChange of HeartDelinquent DuoHarpie's Feather DusterImperial OrderMagical ScientistMakyura the DestructorPainful ChoiceRaigekiRing of Destruction

Page 32: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Sinister SerpentSixth SenseThe Forceful SentryWitch of the Black Forest


Anti-RaigekiCall of the DarkCall of the GraveCocoon of EvolutionContract with ExodiaGale DograGate GuardianGreat MothGryphon WingKazejinLabyrinth WallLarvae MothMagical LabyrinthMetalmorphMetalzoaPerfectly Ultimate Great MothPetit MothPrimal SeedRed-Eyes Black Metal DragonSanga of the ThunderSuijinWall ShadowZoa 

32:Hero Emerges! (60 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Elemental Hero Shining Flame WingmanElemental Hero WildheartKing of the SwampMiracle Fusion

Super Rare

E - Emergency CallElemental Hero BladedgeElemental Hero Flame WingmanElemental Hero Thunder GiantElemental Hero Wild WingmanElemental Hero WildedgeThe Flute of Summoning KuribohWinged Kuriboh


A Hero EmergesCyclone BoomerangDark Factory of Mass ProductionElemental Hero BubblemanElemental Hero ErikshielerElemental Hero MarinerElemental Hero Necroid ShamanElemental Hero NecroshadeElemental Hero TempestFusion RecoveryHero SignalMonster ReincarnationR - Righteous JusticeSkyscraperWinged Kuriboh LV 10


Bubble Blaster

Page 33: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Bubble IllusionBubble ShuffleBurst ReturnClay ChargeDark CatapulterElemental BurstElemental Hero AvianElemental Hero BurstinatrixElemental Hero ClaymanElemental Hero MadballmanElemental Hero Neo BubblemanElemental Hero Rampart BlasterElemental Hero SparkmanElemental Hero Steam HealerElemental RechargeFeather ShotFeather WindH - Heated HeartHero BarrierHERO Flash!!Hero HeartHero KidHero RingHero SpiritMiracle KidsO - OversoulOscillo HeroSpark BlasterSpecial HurricaneThe Warrior Returning AliveTranscendant WingsWroughtweiler

33:A Machine's Soul Never Sleeps(40 CARTAS)(100DP)


Ultra Rare

Limiter RemovalShield CrashSuper Vehicroid Jumbo Drill

Super Rare

AmbulanceroidDecoyroidDrillroidStreamroidSudmarineroidUFOroid Fighter


Ambulance RescueroidCyber Summon BlasterDark JeroidGyroidPerfect Machine KingRescueroidSteam GyroidSuperchargeUFOroidVehicroid Connection Zone


7 CompletedAcid RainBokoichi the Freightening CarCommander CovingtonCycroidDekoichi the Battlechanted LocomotiveJetroid

Page 34: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Machine KingMachine King PrototypeMachiners DefenderMachiners ForceMachiners SniperMachiners SoldierOni Tank T-34OverdrivePatroidPatrol RoboRocket WarriorThunder Nyan NyanWeapon ChangeWonder Garage 

34:Beast Kingdom (40 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Des KoalaForest Guard Green BaboonScapegoat

Super Rare

Gyaku-Gire PandaKing Tiger WanghuSilent FiendStray LambsThe Earth -- Hex-Sealed FusionWild Nature's Release


Bazoo the Soul-EaterBehemoth the King of All AnimalsBerserk GorillaBig KoalaBubonic VerminCross CounterDes WombatDian Keto the Cure MasterMaji-Gire PandaMaster of Oz


3-Hump LacoodaBeast FangsBeast Soul SwapBig-Tusked MammothBlade RabbitContinuous Destruction PunchD.D.Crazy BeastDark ZebraDes KangarooDesertapirDestruction PunchFrenzied PandaHyenaKangaroo ChampLeogunMaster & ExpertPoison FangsThe Big March of AnimalsThe Wicked Worm BeastThousand NeedlesTwo Thousand Needles 

35:Maiden's Heartbeat (39 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Page 35: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny


Ultra Rare

Cyber BladerD.D. AssailantD.D. Warrior Lady

Super Rare

Command KnightCyber PrimaReady for InterceptingReinforcement of the ArmyShadow of EyesThe A. Forces


BirdfaceCyber GymnastDivine Sword -- Phoenix BladeElegant EgotistFusion Sword Murasame BladeHarpie Lady SistersHarpies' Hunting GroundHarpie's Pet Baby DragonHysteric Part


Blade SkaterCrimson SentryCyber Harpie LadyCyber ShieldCyber TutuEtoile CyberFusion WeaponHarpie GirlHarpie LadyHarpie Lady 1Harpie Lady 2Harpie Lady 3Harpie's Pet DragonLegendary SwordLightning BladePenumbral Soldier LadyShadow TamerSword of Dragon's SoulThe Unfriendly AmazonWarrior EliminationWarrior Lady of the Wasteland 

36: Never Give Up (40 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Dimension FusionOjama TrioThousand-Eyes Restrict

Super Rare

Fiend's SanctuaryInferno Reckless SummonMagical MalletRelinquishedReturn from the Different DimensionThe Dark Door

Page 36: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny


Black Illusion RitualChaos NecromancerCopycatInferno TempestOjama KingOjamagicRescue CatRoyal Magical LibrarySatellite CannonSoul Tiger


Armed ChangerCatnipped KittyChaos EndChthonian AllianceChthonian BlastChthonian PolymerEnchanting Fitting RoomOjama BlackOjama Delta Hurricane !!Ojama GreenOjama YellowOjamuscleOutstanding Dog MarronRing of DefenseThe Grave of EnkindlingThe League of Uniform NomenclatureThe Unhappy GirlThe Unhappy MaidenThousand-Eyes IdolThuder CrashTreasure Map 

37:Warrior's Pyramid (40 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Amazoness Swords WomanHeart of the UnderdogWater Dragon

Super Rare

Amazoness ArchersHydrogeddonPikeru's Circle of EnchantmentSpiritual Earth Art -- KuroganeSpiritual Fire Art -- KurenaiValkyrion the Magna Warrior


Alpha the Magnet WarriorBeta the Magnet WarriorEbon Magician CurranFamiliar Possessed -- AussaFamiliar Possessed -- EriaFamiliar Possessed -- HiitaFamiliar Possessed -- WynnFuh-Rin-Ka-ZanGamma the Magnet WarriorWhite Magician Pikeru


A Rival Appears!Amazon ArcherAmazoness Blowpiper

Page 37: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Amazoness Chain MasterAmazoness FighterAmazoness PaladinAmazoness SpellcasterAmazoness TigerAussa the Earth CharmerBonding - H2ODramatic RescueEria the Water CharmerHiita the Fire CharmerOxygeddonPikeru's Second SightPrincess CurranPrincess PikeruSpiritual Water Art -- AoiSpiritual Wind Art -- MiyabiTrial of the PrincessesWynn the Wind Charmer 

38:Technology Master (40 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Cyber DragonFuture FusionPower Bond

Super Rare

Blowback DragonCyber End DragonCyber Twin DragonDe-FusionPhoto-Cyber DragonThe Light -- Hex-Sealed Fusion


Barrel DragonCyber Laser DragonCyber PhoenixDifferent Dimension CapsuleGatling DragonKinetic SoldierMachine DuplicationMechanical HoundMechanicalchaserThe Fiend Megacyber


Attack Reflector UnitCyber ArchfiendCyber Barrier DragonCyber FalconCyber KirinCybernetic CyclopeanCyber-Tech AlligatorDisk MagicianGiant Mech-SoldierGuardian of the Throne RoomLabyrinth TankMachine Conversion FactoryMech BassMegasonic EyeMighty GuardPendulum MachinePhoton Generator UnitRoyal GuardSlot MachineSteel Ogre Grotto #2System Down 

Page 38: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

39:Bit Players Pack (300 DP)Contém todas as cartas raras regulares de todos os outros pacotes. 

40:Vanilla Gloom (170 cartas no pack)(100 DP)CARTA DA FRENTE:SWODSMAN OF LANDSTAR


30,000-Year Old White TurtleAcid CrawlerAkakieisuAkihironAncient One of the Deep ForestAcient ToolAqua SnakeArchfiend Marmot of NefariousnessArlownayArma KnibghtArmored RatArmored StarfishArmored ZombieBasic InsectBeautiful Beast TamerBio PlantBlue-Eyed Silver ZombieBolt EscargotBolt PenguinBonehebimerBoo KooBoulder TortoiseBurglarCandle of FateClaw ReacherCorroding SharkCyber CommanderCyber SoldierD. HumanDark AbssailantDark ChimeraDark GrayDark PrisonerDark ArmadilloDig BeakDokuroizo the Grim ReaperDoma the Angel of SilenceDragon StatueDrooling LizardEldebbenEmbryonic BeastEmperor of the Land and SeaEyearmorFiend KrakenFrog the JamGanigumoGate DeegGatekeeperGiant Scorpion of the TundraGianbt Turtle Who Feeds on FlamesGigantoGokiboreGorgon EggGrapplerGraveyard and the Hand InvitationGreat BillGyakutenno MegamiHaniwaHard ArmorHitotsu-Me GiantHolographHunter SpiderHyboIce WaterIll Witch

Page 39: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Illusionist Faceless MageJob-Change MirrorKagemusha of the Blue FlameKageingenKey Mace #2King FogKorogashiLaMoonLeo WizardLightning CongerLiquid BeastLisarkLiving VaseLucky Trinket MabarrelMachine AttackerMadjinn GunnMasked ClownMechaleonMechanical SnailMeda BatMegirus LightMeotokoMetal FishMetal GuardianMidnight FiendMinomushi WarriorMisairuzameMon LarvasMonster TamerMonsturtleMorinphenMushroom ManMystery HandNeck HunterNecrolancer the TimelordNekogal #1NemurikoNight LizardNightmare ScorpionObese Marmot of NefariousnessOgre of the Black ShadowOne Who Hunts SoulsOrion the Battle KingPhantom DewanPot the TrickPrismanPsychic KappaRainbow Marine MermaidRock Ogre #1Rock Ogre #2Rock SpiritSaber SlasherSand StoneScience SoldierSectarian of SecretsShapesnatchShovel CrusherSkull StalkerSolitudeSouleaterSpike SeadraSpikebot Spiked SnailSpirit of the MountainStone GhostStone Ogre GrottoSuccubus KnightSwordsman of LandstarSycharTatsunootoshigoTentacle PlantTerra the TerribleThat Which Feeds on Life The Bewitching Phantom Thief

Page 40: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

The DrdekThe Shadow Who Controls the DarkThe Thing That Hides in the MudThree-Headed GeedoTiger AxeTogexTomozaurusTripwire BeastTurtle BirdTurtle RaccoonTuru-PurunTwin Long Rods #1Twin Long Rods #2Unknown Warrior of FiendVishwar RandiWater GirlWater ElementWeather ControlWhite DolphinWicked MirrorWilmeeWinged CleaverWood ClownWood RemainsWow WarriorWretched Ghost of the AtticZankiZarigun

41:Tag Survivor (52 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Exchange of the SpiritInjection Fairy LilyMage PowerSnatch StealUnited We Stand

Super Rare

Ancient Gear CastleAncient Gear GolemArmed Dragon LV 7Brain ControlCreature SwapCyber-SteinHorus the Black Dragon LV 6Horus the Black Dragon LV 8Raigeki BreakUltimate Insect LV 7


Ancient Gear BeastArmed Dragon LV 3Armed Dragon LV 5Armed Dragon LV 10Enemy ControllerFinal CountdownHorus the Black Dragon LV 4Level ModulationLevel Up!Magical Arm ShieldSilent Magician LV 4Silent Magician LV 8Soul ExchangeUltimate Insect LV 3Ultimate Insect LV 5


Page 41: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Ancient GearAncient Gear CommonAncient Gear DrillAncient Gear FactoryAncient Gear SoldierCovering FireDamage CondenserDark CoffinDark Mimic LV 1Dark Mimic LV 3Double AttackGift of MartyrJudement of PharaohMagnet Circle LV 2Mind ControlOwner's SealStatue of WickedThe Graveyard in the Fourth DimensionUltimate Insect LV 1Union AttackUnityYu - Jo Friendship 

42:Princeton Power (38 cartas no pack)(50 DP)

Ultra Rare

Green GadgetKing DragunRed GadgetYellow Gadget

Super Rare

Blue-Eyes Ultimate DragonBurst Stream of DestructionDark Magic AttackInferno Fire BlastLord of D.StrongholdThe Dark -- Hex-Sealed Fusion


Dark Flare KnightDivine Dragon RagnarokLuster DragonLuster Dragon #2MakiuMirage KnightRelease RestraintSpiral Spear StrikeThe Future of Summoning DragonTriangle Ecstasy Spark


Beast of TalwarCosmo QueenDharma CannonFairy's GiftFirewing PegasusFlying PenguinGarnecia ElefantisHyozanryuKanan the SwordmistressMan-Eating Treasure ChestMikazukinoyaibaSeiyaryuSerpent Night DragonStuffed AnimalThree-Legged ZombiesTri-Horned DragonYamadron 

Page 42: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

43:Approach the Hotties(35 cartas no pack)(100DP)

Ultra Rare

Breaker the Magical WarriorDark PaladinSilent Swordsman LV 5

Super Rare

Curse of VampireFreed the Matchless GeneralMataza the ZapperMystic Swordsman LV 6Silent Swordsman LV 3Tenkabito Shien


Black Luster SoldierCybernetic MagicianDisciple of the Forbidden SpellHoly Knight IshzarkMagician of Black ChaosMystic Swordsman LV 4Obnoxious Celtic GuardRapid-Fire MagicianSilent Swordsman LV 7


Black Luster RitualCeltic GuardianChain ThrasherDark Magic RitualDark Magician KnightFairy King TruesdaleGearfried the SwordmasterGreen Phantom KingHarpie's BrotherKnight's TitleMoon EnvoyMystic Swordsman LV 2Neo the Magic SwordsmanSealmaster MeiseiShien's SpyTalisman of Spell SealingTalisman of Trap Sealing 

44:Dorothy's Soul (43 cartas no pack)(50 DP)

Ultra Rare

Emergency ProvisionsFire PrincessSolemn Wishes

Super Rare

Bad Reaction to SimochiDraining ShieldGuardian Angel JoanNimble MomongaSoul AbsorptionSpell Absorption


Cure MermaidGranadoraKiseitaiMystic WokNuminous HealerPoison of the Old Man

Page 43: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Sebek's BlessingSurvival InstinctThe Spell Absorbing LifeZolga


Absorbing Kid from the SkyAltar for TributeBlessing of the NileBlue MedicineBurning AlgaeElephant Statue of BlessingEnchanted JavelinGift of the Mystical ElfGoblin ThiefGoblin's Secret RemedyGriggleGryphon's Feather DusterHysteric FairyLife Absorbing MachineMooyan CurryMysterious PuppeteerNutrient ZRain of MercyRed MedicineRoyal KnightSkull-Mark LadybugSoul of the PureSpring of RebirthToken Thanksgiving 

45:Sadie's Soul (43 cartas no pack)(50 DP)

Ultra Rare

CeasefireLava GolemWave-Motion Cannon

Super Rare

Dark Room of NightmareGiant GermNightmare WheelSecret BarrelSolar Flare DragonStealth Bird


Attack and ReceiveBlast Held by TributeBowganianCoffin SellerJust DessertsMask of the AccursedMeteor of DestructionOminous FortunetellingRestructer RevolutionTremendous Fire


Abare UshioniAmebaAnteBalloon LizardBlasting the RuinsCemetary BombD.D. DynamiteDark Snake SyndromeDora or FateElephant Statue of Disaster

Page 44: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Final FlameFire DartsFull SalvoHinotamaKA-2 ScissorsKozaky's Self Destruct ButtonMagical ExplosionMinarMushroom Man #2OozakiRaimeiSparksThe Path of DestinyToken Feastevil 

46:Midday Constellation (Noon Star)(27 cartas no pack)(5730 DP)


Ultra Rare

Sasuke SamuraiVictory Viper XX03

Super Rare

B.E.S. Crystal CoreB.E.S. TetranSasuke Samurai #2Sasuke Samurai #4


A-Team: Trap Disposal UnitB.E.S. Covered CoreFossil ExcavationLady Ninja YaePower CapsuleSasuke Samurai #3


AitsuBig CoreBoss RushCyclon LaserDoitsuGetsu FuhmaGradiusGradius' OptionKoitsuMoai Interceptor CannonNanobreakerOption HunterSoitsuSpace MamboTactical Espionage Expert 

Destiny Draw(39 cartas no pack)(100 DP)


Ultra Rare

Card DestructionPot of GreedReckless Greed

Super Rare

Disturbance StrategyGood Goblin HousekeepingPot of Avarice

Page 45: Yu-Gi-Oh GX the Beginning of Destiny

Protector of the SanctuaryTime SealUpstart Goblin


AppropriateCard of Safe ReturnChainsaw InsectDrop OffHeavy SlumpJar of GreedOffering to the DoomedReloadThe Bistro ButcherDragged Down into the Grave


Avatar of The PotCard of SanctityChaos GreedCoach GoblinElectric SnakeGambleGreedGuard PenaltyHelping Robo for CombatJar RobberMasked SorcererMind WipeMolten ZombieMonster RecoveryNecklace of CommandPenalty Game!Precious Cards from BeyondSacred CraneSpirit of the Pot of Greed