your questions answered 2014


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Frequently asked questions


Page 1: Your questions answered 2014

Fees Office


Your ques�ons answered

V 2 20140822

• Early payment reward

• Alumnus discount

• Forms to be signed

• Document requests


Tax Cer�ficates

If you require a Tax Cer�ficate, (Available in January and

May) please visit our website and complete a document

request form. This usually takes 3-5 working days.

Excep�ons to the 3-5 day rule: Registra�on period.

Invoices/Bills to Sponsors

Invoices are not sent to sponsors un�l mid November,

there are no excep�ons. One invoice will be sent for each

student. During the year, statements and copy invoices will

be sent to sponsors where there is s�ll money unpaid.

Sponsors are required to pay the fees in full within 30 days

of invoice.

Sponsor not showing

If your sponsor is not showing on LSE for YOU please bring

evidence of your sponsor to a fees drop in session or email

a copy to the Fees Office, we will update your account with-

in 3-5 working days.

* Please note: This is a common problem for students spon-

sored by the UK Student Loans Company as the LSE does

not get this informa�on un�l October.

Document requests con�nued

5. Sponsors

6. Contact us

� e-mail: [email protected]

� Phone: (+44) 020 7955 7765

� Fax: (+44) 020 7404 4185

Website: hBp://

* Please note the Fees Office will not be able to handle phone

calls and e-mails during registra�on as all staff will be located

in the Student Services Centre for registra�on.

All WriBen correspondence should be sent to:

The Fees Office, Room AH300. London School of Economics,

Houghton Street, London, WC2A 2AE

Fees Office Drop-ins

(Located in the Student Services Centre)

2pm to 3pm

Mon to Fri - during term

Mon, Weds, Fri - outside term

Please always remember to state your student ID number

when contac�ng us.

Page 2: Your questions answered 2014

If anything is slightly wrong with the comple�on of your

form they may be rejected.

Forms are usually completed within 3-5 working days, the

excep�on being during the registra�on period. Forms sub-

miBed within this period may not be completed un�l the

registra�on period ends.

You can track the status of your request by visi�ng the

iTracker webpage.

The LSE Fees Office produce a number of documents for

students, core student requests are for:

• Copy receipts

• Tax cer�ficates

Please note the following before submiHng a request to the

Fees Office. If you pay by card online a receipt is sent auto-

ma�cally by the card company. If you pay in advance be-

tween May and 15th September, a receipt is sent by email

to the contact address held by admissions, this process usu-

ally occurs five days aIer receipt at LSE. Payments for regis-

tered students are not sent as they can be seen on LSE for


If you require a copy receipt, send an email to the Fees

Office. Write ‘Copy Receipt’ and your applicant/student

number, a receipt will be sent back to you by email. This

usually takes 3-5 working days.

The LSE offers an early payment reward which is credit-

ed to your sQuid Card (Loyalty Purse). This reward can be

spent in the many LSE catering areas and bars. This is not a

reduc�on in the fees to be paid.

For full details on the Early Payment Reward please visit

the LSE Fees Office website.

1. Early Payment Reward

Early payment reward rules

3. Forms to be signed

Why my form cannot be completed ?

4. Document requests

The Alumnus discount of 10% for any student who studied

and completed their Bachelor degree at LSE and is now

coming back to study for any MSc course. The discount

applies to full or part �me study. The Alumnus discount

can be used in combina�on with the Early Payment Re-


Please note: When you register at LSE, the full fee value

will show on your fee account and not a lower value.

Before or during the week of 1st November the Alumnus

discount will be put on your account as a sponsor called

"Alumnus discount"

Payment Month



Between April

1st and July 31


2% of any money you pay will be

added to your sQuid card

Between August 1st

and October 1st

1 % of any money you pay will be

added to your sQuid card

2. Alumnus discount

If you have a form which needs to be signed by the Fees

Office please put your form in the Fees drop box (located

within the Student Services Centre) or hand it to a Fees

Advisor at the counter for processing.

Please note forms will not be processed at the counter.

All forms for signing have to be checked against your stu-

dent record and logged on the LSE computer systems. All

the informa�on required is not available at the counter.

The Fees Office is not located in this building.

Please ensure you advise your student id number on all

documents you submit

The LSE Fees Office follows set protocol when comple�ng

your requests. Many of the forms you bring for signing are

checked when they reach their des�na�on for authen�city.

If your form is not on file within the LSE Fees Office then it

cannot be confirmed as genuine.

Forms to be signed con�nued

All rewards are expected to be transferred to students

accounts no later Monday 27th October 2014.

Please note:

• There are no cash alterna�ves.

• There are no refunds offered on credits.

• All rewards must be spent by 31st July 2015.

• Alumnus students are en�tled to this reward.

• Sponsor payments are ineligible

• You do not have to claim this reward